the stouffville tribune teludsday ma7 18 1916 i warriner takes the lead l-t-l- new goods low prices bought before the raise will enable him to sell at leading prices fust arrived boys and mens suits felt hats and i ears big assortment of straw hats common and uncommon muslins prints ginghams crepes organdys a well assort ed stock suitable for the spring trade headquarters for oilcloths linoleums rugs lace curtains bunglo net and art muslins great bargains in our boot and shoe dept special bargains in all lines of groceries full stock of ladies and gents furnishings buy now warriner will save you the advanced price in most all lines of goods has he secured a big stock before the raise highest cash price paid for good butter and fresh eggs mwm the leader for bargains in good soods jfrom the tribune of 1889 mr s l cooper the other day shot a large loon weighing about fourteen pounds on the pond near goodwood it was a fine specimen and he sent it to the city to be stuffed lehman says if a mail refuses tj dress up lii feet he shoild tie crepe on his ankles its his fuaeral anl what says is so well meaning man doesnt neglect his feet unless his brain vets drow sy when kip van winkle look vd in at a neighbors ball ho won dercd why in the name of all that is tango ho could not get in on ir fitt ing footwear moans tireless toes a g lehman the peoples shoe store main strkkt stouffville ont m fence hab advanced 5e a rod since we bought our carload we are giving our customers the advantage of the lowest price we have fence for every purpose field fence hog fence poultry fence portable fence lawn fence and gates match all kinds oet our prices they are itijjit to stouffville market only a narrow pass ageway existed between the two rows of rigs tied all along main street on thursday morning last the marketers began to arrive before s oclock and by 9 every available tying place was occupi ed stouffville market has come to stay and is growing weekly in the favor of both buyers and sell ers of produce ooo we are credibly informed that in the township of whitchurch after the first day of june bakers loaves will have to be two pounds and four pounds respectively as the council will appoint a bread inspector at their next meeting 000 wm story of bloomington has quite a curiosity in the shape of a colt witli five feet three in front and two behind the fifth foot projects a little above the fetlock joint and is perfectly for med mr story is in a stuuy whether to have the foot ampul atccl or not therell be no farms if we dont win the war we should thank god we can settle this war out side the limits of our country the essence of democracy is eq uality the present system of recruiting is undemocratic be cause it discrimingtes against the nian who is willing to fight in favor of the shirker it is ab surd to have to coax men to de fend the greatest heritage there is their own heritage canada men are a crying need italy- has never declared war on germany and may withdraw from the war any day if germany wins she could win easily satisfy italys demands such listlesness on the part of canadians is an encour agement to italy to accept terms of peace cead languages dead languages are ones that once were in common use but are now no longer spoken unless by scholars who have studied them the ancient san scrit greek and latin have been dead many centuries as commou speech al though still used to some extent for religious scicntillc and literary pur poses coming down to more recent times most of the indian tongues of which there were many when the white man cam- are now dead all languages hav ieir periods of growth maturity nni decadence followed by death srp children cry for fletchers the kind you llavo always bought ami wliicn has been in use for over so years 1ms borno tho signattiro of and isns beep made under his pcr- sonal supervision shico its infancy v f allow no one io deceive you i tills all counterfeits initiations and fjustasjdid io but experiments tbilt trifle vitli and endanger tho health of infants and children experience against experiment hat is cast castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil pprc- jforie drops and fjootiuujr syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium 3iorjhino nor other xareotics substance its apro is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays ieverishncss it cures diarrhoea and wind colic it relieves teething troubles euros constipation aiid flatulency it assimilates tho food regulates tlio stpniaeh and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend b planing mill all kinds of dressed matched lumber and ui j roofirfg by the carload this is why we quote such very low prices wool the base of good hoofing is advancing we cannot replace our stock at old prices therefore it will pay you to get your requirements early wall board building tapers c in great variety one of our specialties is the cypress trirn see it before placing your orders else where it wild please you can be finished in natural finish without painting win phone 312 t boynton egfav urcdg the univkrsal car automobile prices are being raisedbut the ford price has been reduced 120 since war began the immence ford cash purchasing power has made it possible to overcome in many ways the serious obstacles jnet with by other car makers because of the scarcity and advance in prices of raw materials the high ford quality is strictly maintained and the most exacting government rests have shown that ford con structive material even excels that used in most high grade cars this year the ford car always the most economical car to buy and to operate- beats all records for economy r j button iioa jkgent r ford runabout 480 ford touring 030 ford coupolet 730 ford sedan 890 ford town 0r 780 fo b fori ont all cars completely equipped inoluding electric lieadliuiils equipment does not include speedometer subscribe for this paper now- for sale black raspberry plan s st regus red raspberry plants and some cedar posts r c chappel stouffville notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of john mckuen late of the township i of whitchurch in the cou nty of york farmer dec eased notice is hereby given pursu ant to sec 28 cap 129 r s o that all persons having claims against the estate of john mc- kuen late of the township of whitchurch in the county of york farmer deceased are to send by registered letter or del iver to t herbert lennox solic itor for the executor of the said estate ol the said deceased on or before the first day of june 1916 their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly verified and the nature of the securities if any held by them and that after the said first day of june 19ic the exec utor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amonjj the parties entitled thereto hav ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof so distribu te any person or persons of who se claim notice has not been rec eived by him at the time of such distribution dated at aurora this fourth day of may a d 191c t herbert lennox solicitor for executor aurora george mckuen executor lemonville ont recruiting an enthusiastic patriotic meet ing was held at richmond hillon wednesday evening lt col trooper muloy made a stirr ing appeal he said he was not calling the men who had not don ned khaki cowards because he felt sure they had not been con vinced yet that they should en list they had never gripped the reaiities of the situation poiand once had a greater future than that of canada but it is now in slavery because the peo ple were too selfish and too en grossed in business to take up arms canada is the richest prize that germany is aiming at the second largest gold field in the world is in porcupine and in ontario alone there is 85 per cent of the nickel of the entire world your right to your farm your bank account or what not is but a scrap of paper which if germany wins will be worthless right must be supported by might defence is the first bus iness of the state to the ob jector who wants his boy to stay at home and farm he would say notice to creditors in the matter of the est ate of david mover late of the township of markham in the countf of york retired farmer deceased notice is hereby given pursu ant to sec 55 of the trustees act r s o 1914 c 121 that all persons having any claim ag ainst the late david moyer who died on or about the 25th day of april a d 191c at the town ship of markham in the county of york are required on or before the 10th day of june 1916 to send by post prepaid or to del iver to the undersigned solicitors for- the executor their names and addresses and full particulars in writingi of their claims and the nature of the security if any held by them and take further notice that after the said 10th day of june 1916 the said executor will pro ceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the per sons entitled thereto having re gard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and the said executor will not be li able for the said assets or any part thereof to any persons of whose claim he shall not then have received notice dated a stouffville this 22nd day of may a d 1916 louis hoover executor mark ham ont mcoullougb button solicitors for the executor quielt change critical ii usbaml this beef isnt lit toenl wife- well i told lie butcher that if ii wasnt g would send you around to bis shop to give hiui a turasbins aud i hope youll lake some one with you for he looked prettv fleree mid i didnt like the way ho handled bis iii knife husband ilnnipb oh well i must say ive seen worse meat thu this- o bears the signature of always only tho truth poor ilnudl she thought shed cap turcd a rich stock dealer what gave her the idea why she beard unit be helped to send wheat up last week and did be tes he works in a grain elevator lie ike yon in use for over m ways 30 imwut sigsgjee sfgi years czntaun com pah 7t muihav strcct kcw york city wanted a sleepy one mother must fred and i havo a chaperon for tonight v asked the sweet young thing certainly dear replied the mother well mother please dont send aunt helen as n chaporon because shes got insomnia c utter pare neatly printed at the trffinfflr best belgian paper you wouldnt pay the regular price for sugar that analyzed 10 of sand you wouldnt pay all wool prices for cottonandwool clothing why should you pay your good money for impure paint when you can get martinsenour 100 pure paint we guarantee martinsenour 100 pure paint except aew dark shades that cannot be prepared from pure lead and zinc alone to be 100 pure white lead pure oxide of zinc pure linseed oil pure colors and turpentine dryer and to be entirely free from adulteration or substitution and sold subject to chemical analysis every experienced painter knows that the above formula is right it is the standard of the paint world you get absolute purity extreme fineness uniform quality when you insist on 100 pure paint senours floor paint the old reliable red school bouse paint for the bam and shed martinsenour wagon and implement paint for wagons tools etc write direct to the martinsenour co limited montreal for their 1916 booklet townand country homes showing many new color schemes and giving valuable paint information 75r a