the stoupfvicile tbibcjne tlu dsda may 11 1916 y is in potato culture about forty experiments with potatoes have been conducted in field plots at the ontario agri cultural college each of these experiments has extended over a period varying from five to twen tysix years as supplementary to the work at the college an average of about 1000 fanners have conducted annually coop erative tests with potatoes on their own farms potatoes can be grown succ essfully on almost any fertile and friable soil which is either naturally or artificially under- drained good soils whether loams or friabe clay loams might be mentioned as particu larly well suited for the potato crop rich sandy loams are specially favorable for the pro duction of potatoes for earlyuse on light sands heavy clays and black muck soils the growing ol potatoes is usually more difficult although good results are some times obtained from even these soils the most of the soils of ontario are very well suited tor potato production providing they are properly undcrdraincd cither naturally or artifically some sections are particularly well adapted to potato growing on a large commercial basis potatoes do exceptionally well after sod and especially if it is clover when potatoes are plan ted after sod it is a frequent practice to plow the land in the latter part of may to a depth ol about fear inches the potato sets arc dropped in every third furrow the land is harrowed a few times before the potato plants reach the surface the young growth of the grass and the roots of the plants keep the soil in a friable condition and if the soil is properly handled ex cellent results are sometimes ob tained from this method another plan is to plow the land deeply in the early part ot the autumn and at a later date tojiujijirtftcejiirtkigt ver h a dressing of manure after which it can be put into ridges thirty inches wide with a double mould- board plow this protects the manure and the mellow soil in the ridges and enables the air and the frost to come into dir ect contact with the subsoil in the furrows it is the practice of some potato growers to place the manure on the sod in the summer autumn winter or spr ing and to plow the sod with its top dressing of manure belorc planting time if potatoes foll ow corn or roots the fresh man ure is often used to advantage with the latter instead of the former when potatoes come after a grain crop ihe stubble land is frequently worked on the surface as soon as possible after harvest in order to conserve the soil moisture and to induce the weed seeds to germinate with this preparation the land is in excellent condition to be plowed to a good depth in the autumn even though the weather is com paratively dry if manure is applied to the land in the spring for the potato crop it should be well rotted and mixed through out the soil instead of being pla ced with seed potatoes in the rows as the manure has a ten dency of increasing the scab the cultivation of the soil for potatoes should be deep and tho rough there arc but few crops which respond more readily than potatoes to the careful prepara tion of the seed bed soon after planting the field should be lightly harrowed to smooth the surface to check the germinating weed seeds and to conserve the soil moisture this process can be repeated just as the young plants are appearing through the ground as soon as the plants are up the soil be tween the rows should be culti vated deeply other cultivations should follow every week or ten days according to weather condi tions should become more shall ow as the season advances and should lu continued until the i- an quality first i made up my mind to give you people the biggest possible automobile value for your money i studied the situation from every angle when i decided to hang the chalmers monogram over my door i did so for salient rockribbed reasons i am convinced that chalmers cars combine big value and sensible price hugh chalmers does ndt make them merely to sell but to stay sold some automobile factories build their own frames but buy their engines elsewhere in job lots they are not factories at all just big assembly plants but the chalmers car is built entirely in the chalmers plant from rough casting to final assembly the great chalmers plant comprises twentytwo great clean sunny buildings if you ever get into detroit visit the chalmers factory in the chassis assembly room you will hear a din like the rivet hammers of twenty skyscrapers crashing in concert the compressedair hammer squad riveting chalmers chassis in the physical testing laboratory you will see up-to- date instruments of torture ingeniously designed to crush twist stretch and bend iron and steel here all raw material that goes into the chalmers car must first receive unqualified o k samples of every shipment of steel iron bronze and aluminum must be found perfect by chalmers chemists their laboratory is the best equipped in the whole motor industry youll see the great forge and foundry there are more drop forgings remember in the chalmers car than in any other car in its price class the enormous fender press which cost 90000 turns out a graceful chalmers molded fender with every 175ton blow automatic milling machines bore and grind chalmers cylinders accurate to 11000 of an inch in the chalmers heattreat inferno the roar and smoke of thirty furnaces suggest vesuvius at bat batting 1000 per cent everywhere youll see inspectors alert all eyes fingers measurement insisting on deadly accuracy armed with micrometer with scleroscope 226 in spectors all told and inspection alone costs the chalmers company over 300000 every year every chalmers car i sell ties up with the great chalmers organization year after year by virtue of the highly developed chalmers service there is nothing vague about chalmers service its universal coupon system provides for 100 half- hours of free inspection service every year negotiable at any chalmers dealer in the country thats the reason why i paid cold cash for a generous quota of these magnificent cars v local- acejjxrt j a brillinger stouffville tops come together in the rows thorough cultivation mellows the soil conserves the moisture kills the weeds and greatly assists in the production of large yields of well formed tubers numerous experiments have been conducted with fertilizers and manures with potatoes at the college and throughout ont ario it has been found that on the average economical returns have been produced by an appli cation of 320 640 or 960 pounds of commercial fertilizer per acre the i fertilizers used contained nitrogen phosphoric acid and potash in about hc proportions of 3 7 and 4 respectively the highest average yield of potatoes per acre was made from twenty tons of farmyard manure i the second highest from ten tons of manure and 320 pounds of fertil izer and the third highest from 060 pounds of fertilizer per acre according to the results of the definite experiments which cr have conducted in the depart ment of field husbandry at our college we have found that spray ing the crop with bordeaux mix ture and with paris green or lead arsenate or both guards against blight protects against insects stimulates and prolongs growth and increases both the vicld per acre and the percentage of marketable potatoes it is an excellent practice to go through the potato field in the summer and to dig up gather and destroy all weak and unheal thy plants this also gives an opportunity for removing plants which are not true to the variety and for marking with stakes a few of the hills having vigorous plants with the best foliage and the least amount pf blight and other diseases these specially can be dug later and the potat oes from the best plants will furnish seed of superior quality in growing potatoes in ontario farmers majf work indepenenuy of each other or they may co operate with some organization which is working in a definite and systematic way some of the organizeh agencies in opera tion arc the experimental union the canadian seed growers association the acre profit con tests the field crop competit ions and the potato growers cooperative associations the work of these agencies will likely be increased inthe near future serving the roast 1 tho ixjt feature ot lh dinner too ofun that source liat bnwyjftt emhctr rasemeot upon hot and cuet tluoagjli the fiaull of the matte t heat or fowl bought iron u un alwaf n be relied upon von dont hav to tell us ike quality you want we eeh job urn wit there i otir pti 1 1 1 a u low m ia coneiitmit wilt uotuee meats will alio purchase sheep skins hone and oahle hide6 of all kinds high est market price paid stouffville phone 9701 j a alsop uxbridge and stoufmlle rod and gun bonnycastle dale contributes the opening article to the may ssue of rod and gun magazine published at woodstock ont by w j taylor limited tales of the trappers and hunters of 19141915 is the title of the article by this well known wri ter who can always be depended upon to know what he is talking about when he writes of the cre atures of the wild frank yeigh another well known canadian writer contributes one eye bunny and tho tenderfoot the tail of a trail a story that depicts some of the idiosyncrac- ies of the sturdy little pack pon ies of the mt robson region there arc a dozen or so other articles of interest before the regular departments which arc uptodate and full of interest to the lover o outofdoor sports whose equipment includes rod gun dog or tra f w silymde8 co licensed auctioneers for the counties ot york and ontario selei promptly attended to and termi reasonable phone 1302 stoufffflle iw4dwaw- kltr ntohb stouffville to rent a lirge new eight roomed house every convenience apply at tribune offiee