disarm everyman in ireland is the nationalist demand lord derbys name mentioned in connection with impending changes in the government of ireland sir george cave j sir c a cripps its then occupant j waftptc nf flip wff m i was raised to the peerage as lord j mal ftcld iiuiiu i qtfbfiktf amd c a ftls iarmoor in this capacity his duty j dllujivb ill umltj to kive legal advice as required in breadtuiia with the princes duchy n may manitoba wheat iwall and in fact to rivte j great britains new solicit orgeneral i connect of cornw his roya client whenever legal tea is necessary and if required to i he is a splendid debater and has been a tower of strength to i the unionist party a despatch from london says the retary for ireland following the ex- j wa3 once sa by sir john simon nationalists according to the daily i ample of his superior augustine bir- at the h was solicitorgeneral tige on itshoiderl rell sir robert chalmers former t the occupant of that post was mail will press the government at an j covernor of ceylon will succeed him ren t office boy of the govern- j present be thankful things die boy of notable dignity and remarkable rack hay porta ad- at no 2 ctt- mi- reed sic mi hack hay ports appear for him in court in any littgi- lr 3 -eiio- sic ous matter the duties of this office j canadian jous imiuti iuis uuiics ui u yanaman cornfeed 75 to 77 iioml- j are not very onerous nor does it bring track toronto j much financial grist to the mill but j cjclcomnstj j ln n it confers a good deal of social pres- freights outside early date to disarm every man in ire- temporarily i ment if that be so the land the paper adds that the na- j parliamentary representatives asso- j government have an offio tiomiliuto are tiuite willing that they j ciate lord derby the recruiting min- vory should be disarmed provided that the ister with the impending changes in ability as well as of somewhat mature the government does likewise with the the government of ireland ulster volunteers the demand the daily express says that sir says the daily mail is likely to raise roger casement has expressed a wish a difficult issue in irish politics that sir edward carson defend him sir mathew nathan has resigned it is not likely that sir edward the as undersecretary to the chief sec- j leader of loyal ulster will accept last message of townsffend everything humanly possible was done to hold out a despatch from london says in the house of lords on thursday field marshal earl kitchener the secretary for war warmly euolgized general townshend and hie defenders of kut- clamara and rend general towns- hends last despatch which is as fol lows we are pieased to know that we have done our duty and recognize that our situation is one of the for tunes gorringe relief army and all ranks of the years for the rt hon sir george cave unionist mp for the kingston division of surrey is one of the strongest and sanest members of the house of commons and one of the very soundest lawyers at the english jbar rt i he is just sixty years oldsixteen v raqmlijt years older than his senior fellow- 1 hjrijivlll 1 officer of the crown sir f e smith al d has 1cen in parliament for ten ci8k i rseiltl vears only from the moment ha vna j entered the house he made his mark thus constituting himself a tangible i refutation of the generallyheld doc- likcly to be death insanity tat neithev mi man theory not taken j nor a man who enters the house i an article about the housefly codfish and the rotifer if everything born in a single hour even were allowed to multiply un i i no 2 ilo 101 t 1 03- i 3 to i00 f wheat to ssc according to iit outslck- itarley maltliib barley 61 lo cs- to we accordlni to for eveiy sport antl recreation worn liy ever member of the family feed barley co freights outside huekwheat c freights outside tjnk enmerelal no ti nr re jecled according to sample sj jjg to 70c according science has saved man germans typhoid driven out chol era almost banished bacteriologists and hygicnisls guard troops from menacing plagues how the application of modern scientific methods to army sanitation has reduced the deaths from contag ious diseases and lockjaw practically to zero among the kaisers troops is even were allowed to multiply un- ijeeted according to sample ss to ssc cmnryah nnnrt jnf nvairoc i described in detail in an address de- checked by death there would soon be xnholraoms i j ttlvcrod recently in bochum an im- no foothold on all the earth for man woltpsl ft i w portunt centre of the iron ami steel let us take the rotifer one of the jg i baers n iux industry of prussia by professor smallest of created things so tiny that it can scarcely be seen by ontario accordti the totjv lrack unaided eye if all the progeny of aj rtimnllt u s pt single rotifer were allowed to multiply rr jsrowmh unchecked for a year only its deton 2g middllns icr ton s2o to st rood feed hour per ban ico to i7o scendants would represent a solid sphere of closelypacked animalcula millions of times larger than our earth i utlliz 2 3 31c country produce fresn dairy cliotct- 30 to 3h again take the greenfly the pest k nylatd 23 to of the rosegrower in a day ton- 21 to one beans 1 hand picked 1c do in the iatte seriously a despatvh from london says an article in the express of thursday declares on good authority that the trial of sir roger casement now im prisoned on the charge of high treason mil si man iio uuuo nv- i can nrodiieo 5 others- the nandplcked a with a great reputation gained out- f cheese iar 104 to is- twin- side it has much chance of becoming da j tcoc i lole r now kheesa a firstrate house of commons sue- on the third day log20 and so fa s to j i j on until at the end of ten days the eriai rallwi cess sir george cave happy in his opportunities i last generation alone would have however was when he siown to thousands of quadrillions a ered parliament the unionist i um expressed in 29 figures and for inciting revolt in ireland has been part- was at very low ebb and i definitely let within the next fort- man of really great debating pxffistffikd nighf it will be held in london the such as he possesses was bound to a smgte house t tnenu i article continues to the effect that sir i come to the fore moreover the sub- l jects which came forward for p than the combined popula tion of scotland and ireland 10 no 00lb tins 275 to 3 industry of prussia by professor gave life to save warship martin kirchrer one of the highest medical officials in the german gov- attempted to warn torpedo boat of eminent and reported in the german press as follows approaching enemy ihe assignment of bacteriologists since the beginning of the war the and hygienists to the army and the russian aland islands have been cut installation of apparatjs for steriliz- off almost entirely from communica- ing the water and tlisinfectiig wag- tion with the outside world and one ons as well as the use of the modern of the islander- who has reached iield kitchen accounts for the fact stockholm after an adventurous voy- that although we have been menaced age in a small boat gives an interest- with plagues on every sitle our mill ing account of war experiences tary and civil population has remain- german torpedo boats and submar- cd practically exempt nes often enter the numerous straits when the war broke out there was and channels between the islands he a dangerous type of dysentery in bel- id early in the war a german gium typhoid fever was widespread torpedo boat ran on a rock arid sank in france cholera raged in russia especially in podolia and volhynia ur suuauon is one oi ue xv- s fate wi be by a jects which came of war ve thank you general j consisti of jury and a liamentary discuss go commander of the british commission of eit three or five he was preeminei iscussion were such nently well versed in four years later its offspring would bej irto 27c bonelevs ballon honey prices in 13j to lie combs- no 2 220 to 210 dressed poultry chickens 21 to 2gc keysv2so 2 u tur a german warship which did not come otatoes car lots of ontario 1s0 within sight landed men from a boat and there was talk of an outbreak of to jo per bag on track on an uninhabitedisland near eckero the plague is it not in view of these provialons i the most western of the larges islands dangers a brilliant achievement when macon lone clear is to lsjc per lb in the alanders believing the strang- we can truthfully affirm that so far case lots hiaios medium 23 t ic- i i j r and do heavy 20 to 2ic rolls is to i9c ers wer0 shipwrecked manners went in tins war only six germans have breakfast bacon 21 to 2cc baeks ylaln in boats to relieve them the gcr- died from smallpox that is the re- judges tigris force for the great efforts you that tho penalty wi be opinion here i pract ca he z tot been mng in tho house county in 37 figures there would upimon ntlt is piniuviiji nntnallv ho tnillinns of millions of backs have made to save us lord kitchener said he was glad of seriousiv the opportunity to pay tribute to gen- j townshend and his troops death the insanity theory is not eral whose dogged determination and splendid courage had earned for them so honorable a record extortion in germany rise in prices of necessaries of life brings bitter attack a despatch from berlin says eu gene zimmerman general director german officers fat while brussels j of the lokal anzieger publishes in food scarce in belgium actually be millions of millions of millions of flies for every square foot and what george cave does not oi the earths surface sea as well as land if plants were permitted to multiply on similar lines the entire land-sur- face of the earth would soon be before the campbellbannerman government brought in its licensing bill know on the subject of licensing is not worth knowing he regularly riddled the bill before it met its final end at the hand of the pers at that 0 to 30c lard pure lard tierces li to 16c and palls itj to 17c compound 133 to winnipeg grain winnipeg may 9 cash wheat no 1 northern s11s1 no 2 do silos no 3 do s111b no 1 s10sj no 51001 no u 933c oats no 2 cw 47c no 3 do 15c extra no 1 feed 15c no 1 feed 13ic no 2 do 43e barley is starving a despatch from paris says the brussels population is almost starv ing that the german officers may feed abundantly says le journal ties de- bats brussels correspondent ela borately uniformed monocled officers stroll the streets and flood the re staurants from noon to late in the evening where their gastronomic fejiureu4nsljp the misery around the establishments they pre fer commandeer for their benefit thousands of kilos of flour meat fruit and vegetables which causes a yet more abnormal rise in prices for the public the small bourgeoisie- and working classes suffer terribly po tatoes cannot be bought and meat butter and fats are far too dear for them the worst sufferers are wo men and children who fill the hospit als exhausted by privations light yield of straw there is nothing serious in the seed ing situation a despatch from guelph says prof znvitz head of the field husbandry department at the ontario agricul tural college is not of the opinion that anything that could be termed a serious situation has yet been created by the wet weather interfer ing with the seeding operations re ports show that there has been little seeding done yet in the college plots we have not yet put in spring wheat barley or mixed grains although a start has been made in the last twenty years i can remember only one season like this stated mr za- vitz and i suppose we can look for similar results this year we shall probably have a light yield of straw although there should be an average crop of grain of good quality pro fessor zavitz added that fall wheat hay and clover were in splendid condi tion and growing very rapidly expect that the war will end this year a despatch from london says in dicating a strong belief that the war is beginning to draw to a close lloyds on thursday posted new in surance rates wagering only 1 to 3 that the war will not end before de cember 31 1916 for several weeks the rate of insurance to guarantee against loss if the war is over by the ond of the year has been steadily ad vancing until it is now almost pro hibitive his paper a strong attack on extor tionists in provisions he declares that they are conducting the dirtiest business ever done and criticizes sharply the incomplete measures of i the states organization herr zim mermans article follows a number of similar attacks in the last few days in which the unjustifiable and shock ing increased prices of the necessaries of life were pointed out as well as the material damage they do to ger mans and the false ideas of starvation and of economic weakness they awake abroad place prohibition on illinois stock foot and mouth disease outbreak necessitates restrictions a despatch from ottawa says fol lowing an outbreak of the foot and mouth disease in illinois the depart ment of agriculture has prohibited the importation of cattle sheep swine and goats from that state horses may be brought in under special per mits and regulations are provided governing imports of aniriial products and poultry healthy cattle from illinois may be transported through canada subject to specified conditions as to cars etc how the crown prince hates french people a despatch from paris says henri dc regnier one of the forty immortals of the french academy on wednes day told the following incident as an example of germans hatred for france the army of the crown prince fighting around verdun re cently sent a cradle to the crown princess bearing the inscription the wood with which this cradle is made is stained with french blood dense tangle of growth if all theil way between the aland is seeds produced by the red compion nwc 1792 no 2 cw per and the finnish mamlo produced by the red comp in a single year were allowed to grow the resulting vegetation would at the end of ten years cover the whole earth to a depth of many miles mans offered a considerable sum if suit of tho vaccination of all the sol a skilled aland pilot was placed at diers before they go to the front i their disposition the islander re fused and the germans fearing their presence would be reported made oil j the alander was a witness of the german warships attack on the for tified icland of uto which lies half lands land losses in 1870 in the war in southwest africa vaccination against typhoid was tried for the fiist time and although the re sults were satisfying they were not pro- so favoruble as to render the vaccina- ho tion of the civil population advisable a single industrious codfish will layj j i montreal markets montreal may 9 corn american no 2 yellow ss to s9o oatu canadian etttorn no 2 5 4o canadian western no 3 53c oxtra no 1 feed 53c no 2 61sc no 3 local white from 8000000 to 9000000 eggs at a man feed esttfrsc milting 71 torlc time of which happily but few sur- jjf onlltilltri- vive if howeverevery egg produc- 590 winter patents choice 600 ed a fish every fish were allowed to i ivl r mm 5 b i js 52 itolled oats barrels live and breed at the normal rate the ol0 to s520 do bass 90 lbs s 10 family of the original parent would sriddhnsi 2so at the end of three years number 35 iay no 2 per 2050 to 2100 cheese asserts that during the attack the now we have used no less than 29000 germans lost a large transport which quarts of antityphoid vaccine and struck a mine whether the ship ihe result contained troops or only stores he does in the war of 1870 we lost no fewer not know than 8000 men through typhoid fever the heroine of aland was a certain when the present war began many of signe ollsen a girl from the main- our soldiers fell ill from typhoid but land who wan stopping with rela- 1 as soon as the general vaccination was tives at maricnham when the war carried out the number of those affect- began she remained on the island ed began to drop with remarkable as a member of the nurses corps rapidity and since last january we t reat ln caso 0i a battle have had hardly a case of typhoid se finest west- j while walking alone on the cliffs with this experience as a base it is isi to 19c finest easterns is to she was tho first ems to 30c seconds 2sito29c bgksireab i proaching a cruiser which she guess- have the civil population s5o selected 27c- no 2 stock 23 to 24c i e to ho n revmnn potatoes per b- tto i ty oe a vierman 1721 butter choicest creamery 295 bag- car lots 170 to halted states markets minneapolis may 9 wheat stay intended with the arrival of peace to generally accinated against typhoid pedo boat was lying in a creek in an cholera was brought from russia island a mile away in a position from in- austria and things did not look which the enemy could not be seen very cheerful in the austrian hospit- person to see ap- a russian tor- have a progeny of one thousand bil lions counting the last generation only a number sufficient to stretch a solid pall of birds over the whole of time with their veto unimpaired sub- j the united kingdom 1000 feet in sequent his speeches in criticism thickness of the famous lloyd george budget made a tleep impression on the house today sir george cave is a distinct power in parliament a greater power than his official posi tion of solicitorgeneral would seem to indicate v a great lawyer as solicitorgeneral sir george cave draws a salary of 30000 a year with the additional emolument of something like 45000 a year in fees but he probably made a finan cial sacrifice when he accepted office even an office carrying with it re muneration on so generous a scale for he was doing literally an cnor roughly a million times the population of the united kingdom and would in crease at such a rate that before many years had passed the sea would be a solid mass of codfish a pair of birds may produce in a year as many as twenty or more young ones modest av allow the breed and keep their young in fif- 1 teen years the parent birds would j nusrn li zlfto fc u n l t t0ward the island cho era comparatively few cases of have a moeenv of one thousand bil- ko 2 northern 1183 to 1195 hardly had rhe got round the cape cholera developed among the german stnr nark t w hid the torpedo boat from sight forces in the field the civil popula- toronto mav 9 heavy cloice steers when her boat ra on a rock and ajion has remained almost exempt as s00 to 916 handy choice steers s60 heavy wave capsized it a russian on fortyone cases of cholera have donedium connnmv at 0ncc set out but i- too been discovered in all germany 700 to 790 butchers cows choice i ate the girl was dead 075 to 775 do good 850 to 076 do modfum 600 to t50 do common 650 to 600 butchers bulls choice 725 to 780 do good 660 to 725 the control of cancer do bologna 525 to 600 feeders u0o to 1000 lbs 760 to 850 do bulls i 550 to 600 stookers choice 800 to english city benefits from precau- 725 to 800 do good 700 to i jt ct 0 to 725 do medium 660 ton at ear s a recent number of the medical dropped 11000 feet french officer tells of escape from drifting balloon spotted fever almost wiped out considerable anxiety was caused at the beginning of the war by the ap pearance of spotted fever in several prison camps where russians were quartered but as a result of the measures adopted this epidemic for merly regarded as beyond control to move clock ahead in great britain a despatch from london says the daily mail learns that the cabinet has beon converted to the proposition of moving the clock ahead in order to save daylight the adoption of the measure is considered practically cer tain and will become a fact on may 13th you are getting very bald sir said the barber you yourself re torted the customer are not free from a number of defects that i could mention if i cared to become person al of significance about it as regards the magnitude of the fees which the lucky special receives in fact he swept all before him at the bar just as he had tlone at oxford and he is recognized as perhaps the most eru dite and profound lawyer in the pre sent house of commons sir george cave is an admirable speaker concise cogent and con vincing and though a counsel very 900 lbs i soo lbs 6 i to 700 lbs 000 to 650 do common one of the thrilling adventures of g ts milkers times refers to the gratifying result uk 77 v the verdun fighting was the escape choice each 7500 to 10500 do med- of measures undertaken in portsmouth almost completely wiped from capture or death of a young se seioo i t i lieutenant whose captive balloon was choice 800 to 1000 do medium ilc ln the control of cancer among lne ol great disinfecting sta- set adrift when a shell severed thes- to j jf 9 these the imnera necessity of sus- j lions in which 9fj000 men can be i li u i lir 1a pecting every growth or tumor as mal- cleansed and clad in new clothing in iambs oacii tenant and obtaining immediate opln- four hours constructed by our mili- bucknvo ph l on the eastern fron- o 5 ho- j pniouth has demo themselves of es- stratcd the practical value of this t j precautionary measure the annual lt should ais0 be mentioned that report of dr frascr the medical ofil- because of our sanitary arrangements ce cat- cer of health for the year 1914 stales the number of persons affected bv in- biades 675 butchers cows ssjitto tilat there were only 17 deaths from flammation of the lungs and tuber- s00 bulls from 700 tojs25 jiejcwt i cancer in portsmouth in that year as culosis is no larger than in time of earth tho young lieutenant thus to looo shoe e describes his experience i to 1050 do heavy and b the first intimation that somjned vcl uito 1200 do to 1105 do jdo measure mous business at the chancery bar that the other balloons were growing v and since 1913 had been what is called smaller and i grasped the fact that uter madeatsvrs i to a special which term has a world j was alnft a s at m baro wiyi vnv r weighed off cars 1190 to thing had gone wrong was when i fed and watered 1145 to felt a slight shock i became awardj svls8s meter told me i was already five selected lots of hobs 1200 to 1225 per and refused to work i tried to climb to it but failed then i feared i was lost my first thought wais to destroy my pa pers then i thought of blowing out my brains to avoid falling into tho hands of the germans then how- i was now 11000 feet up the cord soldiers shot down people in the streets of budapest thousands of socialists and women paraded shouting give us peace give us bread learned in the law he does not ever came inspiration why not try bring to parliament the style of the j the parachute i had to be quick for law courts as do all too many of his hon and learned friends on the benches around him you never seem to hear the rustling of his silk gown as it were when he is up addressing the speaker he takes a very prominent part in the life of the county of surrey at richmond in which county is situate his delightful country sent humor ously named wardrobe court he has been a county councillor and county alderman for surrey as well as chairman of the surrey quarter sessions he is also a magistrate for that county and is recorder of guild ford which is its capital he has edited legal compared with 230 n 1913 despite tho peace fact that the population has been rj n spn lambs from 500 to greatly creased when the educa i because of the aseptic treatment s to size and duality tlonal measures were put in force in of the wounded the rate of recovery 1 1313 the cancer death rate of the city amon them has been remarkably thousand feet up i tried to pull the ojru weighed oft icnr t g fv that the population has been cord working the hydrogen automatic cic per lb control but it had become jammed i soo each to be interned until the war is over a despatch from london says your j correspondent was given to under- stand by an authoritative source on thursday that most of the irish rebel i prisoners except the ringleaders will riot be tried by courtmartial but will danish had for a long time been increasing j high ninety of every hundred the statistics for 1914 are therefore wounded men return to the front com- tho first indicating a decrease of pletely cured deaths from cancer in the history of early in the war a great number that city germany is starving which was lied around my body was be interned for the remainder of the sixtyfive feet long so i had to jump war that distance into the void before the box containing the parachute could open and set it free for a few reconds i held on to the car by my hands then i let go i must have dropped more than a hundred feet before the parachute un furled and it was hot an agreeable sensation but after that i did not mind i was able to look about me and felt the sensation of complete security when i was about 2500 feet from the ground i began to see that the wind was carrying me to- two of the most widelyrend j wards the german lines then i treatises sweets convcranc- seemed to lose concciousncss when pastor predicts revolution in the kaisers empire i germany facing starvation is staking her all on the battle of verdun i of young men perished from lockjaw i so we arc using vaccine against that discaso although the effects of the antitentanus serum discovered by behring arc not so striking as in the i case of the diphtheria serum of the same scientist as its use will not save those already stricken the dis- timely ng and gale on easements is a line horseman a good oar a despatch from london serious rioting took place says and women assembled in front of the in buda- i burgomasters house shouting make r i- peace give us food fifteen of pest on sunday according to a cen the crowd were killed when the hon- tral news despatch from the hague vc1 garrison fired two hundred ar il is said that a thousand socialists rests were made votee of golf and a man of consider able social gifts with a fund of dry humor the solicitorgeneral is also at torneygeneral to the prince of j wales to which office he was ap- j dc pointed a couple of years ago when it he i finally landed i was only three hun- de- dred yards from the german line i had been twenty minutes falling thi officer refused to allow his name to be published prisoners of war j failure to win it will mean revolt on case cnn be prevented by it to be exchanged o art of the pepple and the ending application of the war no matter what the cost therefore tho blood of teutonic brazilian pests legions is being poured out like water i cer parts of hrazli rats are ivtn lm ea o v sreat nuisance the common cat hill and other critical points while the i not thrive for some unaccount- people behind remain in ignorance of nbo re but is replaced bv a spec- ho losses and fee tho victory is near- 0i snmli boaconstrictor tho ing this is tho view of the rev giboi- the snakc3 nro 1ot venomous anton hast pastor of the jerusalem they sleep in tho house generally tak church at copenhagen donmark and ing up t position at the foctfth editor of the lighthouse who is in chicago the danish people fool a great sor row for tho german masses because of conditions in the emplro ho said re cently reports have reached me for instance that the average weight of a despatch from london says an agreement has been reached between germany and great britain for the transfer to switzerland of wounded prisoners on both sides according to an official announcement made on tuesday 1- denies attempts are made to secure peace a despatch from berlin says a semiofficial telegram from sofia characterizes as untrue the reports recently circulated that bulgaria was i ho school children has fallen off four nttemptmg peace to arrange a separate or five i becauso of underfeeding germany has maintained horsolf large ly by imports from neutral countries principally donmark and sweden snap well al tho fools are not our idea of true faith i- that of a x tliolr surplus is virtually all gone ad vet mrs snap i ghid of man who advertises for the return of and their own inhabitants are subsist- i never did look well in black a lost umbrella ing on imports from america thi stairs when nightfall approact they begin to wake up and during tlieynifehi they glide swiftly about tho premises looking for rats it is claimed that they aro so easily domesticated that if moved from one house to another they invariably return to the hotiso whonce they have been taken mother you disobedient boy ive a good mind to whip you willie well ma theres nothing so easy to chnngo as a womans mind yom know jlr s