fegzms3gab the slotfwlle ttujtms mvvsday may 11 1916 v i j new goods low prices bought before the raise enable him to sell at leading prices fust arrived hoys and mens suits felt hats and uajrs big assortment of straw hats common and uncommon muslins prints ginghams crepes orgaiidys a well assort ed stook suitable for the spring iwule headquarter oilcloths linoleums rugs lace curtains bunjj art muslins great bargains in our boot anl hoe dept special bargains in all lines of groceries full stock oi tadies and gents furnishings buy now warriner will save you the advanced price in most all lines of goods has he secured a big stock before the raise highest cash price paid for good butter and fresh eggs or net ami the leader for bargains in good goods lehman says cmfrubie failiion marts the toe hht toes the foot wear mv dajs am what from the tribune of j8s9 the law firm of dickson tay lor and mcgalloujjh whose office in this village is in charge of mr f h sangster has been dissol ved mr r a dickson retiring j business will be carried on at the old office bv messrs taylor j j w mccuilough and s v j burns the fjese commission for south ontario met on tuesday j last and granted licenses whitby j town received six hotel and one i shop licenses oshawa five hotels 1 1 t ort ierry four hotels and one rjryiuskwniuu wouwii i uy i ro worth aliil leathor tlwir feet j go a in much the binio mumor ivs mil l i tha purpose t who i shon pickering townshipliotels jnrado ktaiatin ih peoples sec main stbei4t stotjffville ordon p v harvey a m gerovvf p gleason r f i seeker motel licenses were re- 7x4 il a iiumyv dross fused to a hastings k derusha ftufinto ttio poh andjas pyplien licenses will be issued as soon as the repeal j procamation is published in the canada gazette eggs mr w b sanders on puv monday last sold twelve huridr- ed dozen of eggs- to mr i v curts of port perry most of these were purchased at our mar ket during the past week the stpuffviile cornet band will give an open air concert to morrow evening prodnce msrs ar hi stouffville esue- hkb advanced 5c n rod snico-vt- botight our carload we are giving our customers the advantage of the price we have fence for very purpose field fence hog fence poultry fence portable fence lawn fence and gates to f match all kinds jwt 7 jld i s h 1 1u ri john ramerofvdcer park farn north markham ciid at vv- w t- s i i tua aui nu a 1 i o i tie home of his daughter mrs mmvvfeijmf j wesley recsor on easter ilonda- gmu fcmm night april 24th at the aee o ak a 1 1 hda mil i si oet onr prices fflieyre i2it ajj kinds of dressed matched luniber a in one of our ia i t i es roofing by the carload tliis is why we quote such very low prices wool the base of good hoofing is advancing ue cannot replace our stock at old prices therefore it will pay you to et your requirements early wall board building papers o in grepj variety is die cypress trim okk it lefore placing your orders else where it will plciise you can be finished in natural lln isii without painting win ihone 3p2 boynton mvtf vivsi- i ilik uxiviisartai jpoil sale jjlack raspberry ilai- s st regus red raspberry plants and some cedar posts r c cliappel stouffille ftmice it gredilors int- the matter op flle estate of ohn mckufin jate of the township of wjiltchurch in the cou nty of york farmer- dec eased notice is hereby given pursu ant to- sec 28 cap ilo r s o that all persons having claims eighty live years and three days mr rairisr was born april i 1831 on the old homestead ivherc- hc had lived all his life with the exception pi the last seven wcks when he and mrs rimer had liv ed with their daughter tie was the youngest son of peter ranter who came to markham irom pennsylvania in 180 and sett led on the above farm which iie purchased fromtlie crown the deceased was married oi ivlarch 21 ispl to may hoovji of milnesville who survives him by this union therewere ten chil- dren five daughters and livesons all of whom are living and all ith the exception of mrs bcni hoover of swift current sask were at the funeral mr ramer was well and favor ably known and esteemed by all who knew him he was familiarly known to the younger generation as uncle john his genial dis position and hospitality were known far and wide to friend stranger or beggar he was a de voted husband and a k ind and indulgent father who believed in te fatherhood of god and the brotherhood of man the funeral on thursday last- to the wideman cemetery was very largely attended in spite of the very bad condition of the roads the rev l burkholder dfliciating mr ramer was a life long member of the mennonite church despite fis advanced years mr ramer was hale and hearty up to fortc pc 3 ip befits f w t0 r afwwcckswonvkisideaui an ph1 vlllg kuenjatccrf he township of icmj though not xmexoec thp ffird nrlr i 7 r came as a sock to his fm llh jt oil u pi ht york fanner deceased are to as a oev lunu m ramo has been reduced fa 20 since war began the immence ford cash purchasing- power lias made it possible to overcome in many ways the serious obstacles met with by other car makers because of the scarcity and advance in prices of raw materias the high ford quality is srieuy niaiulained and the osfc exacting government iests have shown that finn con structive material even excels that used in most liigii grade cars this year the ford car ft lljynys ihe niost feojioniical til reeoitls or ecootnv jar to buy and to operate beats ilfts button lroeal fgenf ord ilunahonssso ord tourit 330 ord coupo 730 ord se0nn 1 800 ord town j v 780 fo b ford 3nt ali cars completely cquiipii including tilcctrio lieitdliiihtw iijn pniiiiii itura iipt iiciuu sjfecdmiyclir jta mrwcr- subscribe for this paper now end by registered letter or dcl- ier to t herbert- lennox solic itor for the executor of the said estate ol the said deceased on or before the first day of june 1916 their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly verified and the nature of the securities if any held by them and that after the said first day of june 1070 the exec utor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto hav ing regard only to the claims of vjiich lib shall then have notice and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof so distribu te any person or prsons of who- sc claim notice has not been rec eived by him at the time of such distribution dated at aurora this fourth day of may a p 1910 t herbert lennox solicitor for executor atirora george mckufv executor lcmomillc onl was famed all over ontario and up to his 81st year he never missed going to the woods the members of his family are his widow daughters mrs b hoover swift current sask mrs a n lehman delhi out mrs a g ieaman ringwood mrs wesley recsor markham mrs j s lehman toronto sons tilmaii oshawa peter h prince albert freeman mar kham ambrose london and enos if toront- bba s5w ays stoitpfvillk for sale strawberry plants senator dunlop per 100 75 cents per 1000 400 a s collins fj safdc or to let blacksmith shop and tools at lemon ville apply to phone ss05 a h raymcr the empire needs food if you are not in the fight ing line you may be in tee producing line labour is united all the more reason to do more than ever before grow food for the men who are fighting for you the allies need all the food that you can produce every little helps you ore responsible for your own work if you cannot produce as much as you would like produce all you can work with the right spirit put fighting energy into your effort and produce now when it counts the more you produce the more you can save producing and saving are warservice i pti 1 v j l pr j itiae i ob laaopr m possible help in producing someth needs it all if possible help to feet cultivate it with a will make you ime do not waste time and energy on unim- and unprofitable work economize labour unproductive work till after the war and if d rcw let us not waste iubour canada iv e your backyard a productive garden las much as possible n hoc a our homes ever production the today because of thrift in time o only doing but arc lenrnine to und of food saved fr jior ex nation to save there should tic no waste in wartime canada could pay the annual interest on her war expenditure out waste on our farms in our factories in aste is as good as a pound of increased very individual to save france is strong of great britain are not nnanee tiie war s better investment your money for the practise economy in the home by eliminating luxur ies wasting our dolters here weakensour strength at your sayings will help canada to dominion war issue there can be no thse gove the department of agpicjlti v3kii i f cafvada the department finance k he pl w- i wb ii- 3 og w- p ft p u u m i i your friends phone 804 stouffville rss 0rm 3f s- iirifcftfvtrriyr rry rwra hbwmwbbb youir floors need paint paint preserves the wood paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful painted floors males the rooms bright and cheery painted floors are easily cleaned a damp cloth keeps them free o dust and germs paint your floors and thus have them always spic and span enonrs k jtzzcj-3l- iljjsl lbqi fan kde in canada is all ready to brush on anyone can apply it evenly and smoothly and it gives a hard durable lustrous finish that stays fresh and bright and wears and wears and vjears it costs less to use than other floor paint because it covers more surface and wears longer we have senours floor paint in 14 beautiful colors suitable for every floor in the housefrom kitchen to garret come in for a color card and a copy of our entertaining book the house that jack built written for children but grown tips get a lot of fun out of it free to our friends 64 i