the 8tox7ffville tbibtix fflrsday maf 4 me y it sho- grower of uni- disease k seed potatoes a man who grows good potat oes when potatoes are needed is a public benefactor according to present producti on and consumption in ontario from twentyfive to thirty people or from five to six families are supplied with potatoes for one year from each average acre of land which the farmer plants with this crop an increase- of fifty per cent in yield would mean an increase in the amount of pot atoes produced on each average acre of land sufficient to supply about one dozen people for twel ve months in most years ont ario imports potatoes from the maritime provinces and at the present time a part of our supply is coming from the provinces of alberta and british columbia ontario is well adapted to the production of potatoes of excell ent quality and should supply at least her own demands the potato crop of ontario co uld be decidedly and economically improved by a more general use of pure well bred seed of a few of the best varieties by the adopt ion of better method sof culture and by a more complete control of insects and diseases uld be the aim of every to produce large yields form potatoes free from and of high table quality var ieties of potatoes grown under uniform conditions at the ontar io agricultural college varied in yield per acre from t 3 to 366 busnels in amount of rot from less than one to over seventy per cent and in table quality from 36 to 83 out of a maximum of 100 points some kinds are found to be very susceptible to rol and others to bcjalmost imm une the table quality of pot atoes varies far more than many people realize when mealiness n of different varieties are taken into consider ation and are carefully determin ed in each of four years an exper iment has been conducted at the agricultural college in testing under similar conditions potato es obtained from different sour ces for instance eighteen lots of empire state potatoes were seejred from eight different sour ces five in the province of new- brunswick and three in ontario seed potatoes grown about one hundred and forty miles north of guelph in muskoka district near the muskoka lakes have given a higher yield per acre than those obtained from any other source in each of the four years of this experiment seed potatoes grown in a cool moist climate which prevents maturity are often sup erior to those which have ripened in a hot dry climate immat ure seed potatoes are usually in ferior for table use but furnish excellent seed potatoes grown in ontario in a comparatively cold wet season like that of 1915 are likely to be of good quality for planting providing they are free from disease tubers show ing discoloration or signs of rot on the outer surface or when cut should not be used for planting there are far too many variet ies of potatoes grown on the farms of ontario this is one of the greatest weaknesses in the potato industry of the province it is a defect that should be rem edied as soon as possible if ont ario would confine herself to a few of the best varieties of pot atoes the annual crop would be increased in yield in quality and in commercial value there are over one thousand named varieties of potatoes in north america and fully four hundred have been grown under experiment at the ontario agri cultural college many of these arc quite inferior even though they have been extravagantly ad vertised some are old varieties under new names and comparati vely few arc- worthy of general cultivation by the farmers of ontario if these few were grown to the exclusion of fully eighty per cent of the kinds now under cultivation better results would be obtained- whether the potatoes were produced for home use or for commercial purposes some of the varieties of potat oes which have been prominent in the experiments at the ontario agricultural college and in the cooperative experiments through out ontario are the empire sta te the davies warrior the rural new yorker no 2 the green mountain and the carman no 1 of the late and the extra early eureka the early ohio and the stray beauty or bliss triumph of the early varieties in appear ance there is a similarity be tween the extra early hureka and the delewarc varieties and also between the extra early eureka and the irish cobbler varieties in the experiments at guelph however the green mou ntain and the extra early eur eka gave the best results in yield per acre in table quality and in freedom from rot the three varieties of potatoes which have made particularly good records in the cooperative experiments throughout ontario in producti veness table quality and popul arity with the experimenters arc the davies warrior and the em pire state of the late and the extra early eureka of the early varieties in the average results of all varieties grown in the years 05 06 10 and 15 in which there was more or less rot in the potato crops at the college the davies warrior the extra ear ly eureka and the stray beauty produced the smallest and the early rose the beauty of heb ron and the early ohio the lar gest percentages of rotten potat oes of all the varieties grown un der uniform conditions it has been found to be good practice to use smooth well sha ped sound tubers of good size and of the best varieties these can be cut by hand into sets from one to two ounces in wei- ght each setj containing two three or even better four eyes it is an advantage to throw the freshly cut potato sets into fin ely ground land plaster and to plant them immediately after be ing cut good results have been obtained by dropping the pieces separately from twelve to fifteen inches apart in the rows and by having the rows twentyeight or thirty inches apart tile pot ato sets can be planted i from three to five inches deep depend ing upon the character and con dition of the soil level cultiva tion frequently gives the best results on a light soil and rid ged cultivation on a soil of a heavier nature it is often an advantage to ex pose whole seed potatoes in a subdued light in a warm room about three weeks before plant ing especially is this true if the potatoes are to be grown for early use the production of short thick green sprouts before planting helps to hasten the growth anh to increase the yield c a zavitz is tho ke fwluia o the diuai too often tmt souroe ta bxmoh miliar rassmsjit upon boit and through the fault of the mmtftt heat or fowl bought from us oan aliruyn be relied uion you dont have to tell u llie quality you want we sell you hie bcit llwc u oar piee are t low a is conaistuht wim- fanujeas meats will also purchase sheep kins horse and cntfcle hides of all kinds high est market prioe paid stouffnlle phone 9t01 j a alsop uxbridge and srtouffwlle 1 quality first shes active lacks nerves and very modern the 3400 r p m chalmers shes active full of life lacks nerves and de livers a terrific wallop with only the slightest effort i mean by that a powerwallop because she turns up 3400 revolutions per minute her crank shaft speed surpasses that of any other american car though there are three built in the u s a that get a bit beyond 3100 r p m its like an electric fan which turns up 4000 r p m or a turbine which does around 4300 of course the chalmers engine doesnt hit 3400 all the time 3400 is the maximum when the car is running 5 miles an hour she turns up 250 r p m at 10 miles an hour she does 500 r p m at 15 she does 750 at 20 1000 at 30 1500 so you see the engine isnt hitting the highest speed at the slower car speeds those speeds you drive 90 per cent of the time r in a way its like horsepower you say the horsepower of your car is 40 you mean by that the maximum is 40 yet at 10 miles an hour you are using probably less than 10 h p while at 20 miles an hour you are using about 17 or 18 h p and so on i- 3400 r p m is just another way of stating horse power its the modern way because it shows power through supreme engine speed and not through large bore and stroke which means a brute of an engine and hence a vehicle of great weight the day of such a car has gone by you and i want a light spunky beast that responds to the slightest touch of the accelerator that pulverizes hills that drives straight as a sunbeam that has the lure in her lines and obeys thats the 3400 r p m chalmers ive never had any person buy one and tell me she wasnt there for she is 100 per cent run in and i will show you a car that has doubled my business ask me about our service inspection coupons they are negotiable with all chalmers dealers everywhere this system is a most important con- sideration in buying your car touriiifr cur or roadster 1475 tliiecpasscnger cabriolet 1900 colors touring car and hondstcr oriford nmrooii with hood to niilrh or meteor blue with black hood cabriolet oriford maroon or valentino green with hoods to mutch or meteor blue with black hood j a brillinger stouffville i 1 11