selected recipes water to clear syrup then iay in the apple snowone pint appe cef lay on dishes to cool when the forced through stiainer one cup wat er onehalf cup sugar juice of one i n u svrup has cooked thick return tne lemon white of one egg well beaten- 7f mix place on ice and serve cold or fruit and simmer 20 minutes more pack in freezer and freeze enough damsons are put upm the same w a itt r household hints bpamsh roasl sear mediumsiz ed round steak in tablespoon butter when washing whito woodwork put roll in flour and put in roaster cov- a little turpentine in the water cred with thick slices of potatoes salt a tiny pinch added to the throe or four large onions sliced whites of eggs makes them froth and three green sweet peppers cut more quickly in dices sprinkle all with hour salt thrown on the fire once a day nnd dot with pieces of butter add prevents the accumulation of soot in pint of water and bake one hour in the flues covered roaster thicken gravy and dingy overshoes can be made to serve with roast i shine if wiped off with a cloth wrung corn bread two cups corn meal out of ammonia water onehalf cup sifted bread flour one an old piano stool will be found teaspoon salt two teaspoons baking very useful in the kitchen as it can powder one tablespoon sugar two i be adjusted to different heights eggs one and onehalf cups water or j potatoes peelirgs should be dried in water and milk two tablespoon melt- j the oven and used for lighting fires ed lard and butter mix dry ingredi- less wood will be required ents beat eggs well and add to a rag of sulphur hung up in the liquid add dry ingredients then bird cage keeps the birds healthy and melted shortening bake in flat pans also keeps away parasites about two inches deep grease pans to make an excellent dishcloth wtll and after butter is poured in dip tike a piece of mosquito netting a little milk over top to make bet- double it and sew round the edges ter crust when serving cut in rub the fiatirons over waxed paper squares in pan and take up with fiat before setting them away and they will knife keep bright and smooth vegetable soup onehalf cup lima before cleaning copper kettles fill beans onehalf cup dried peas two them with boiling water they will tablespoons barley two tablespoons then be found to polish more quickly rice two tablespoons brown beans two i a little vaseline applied to the hinges potatoes two onions one small tur- 1 of a door which creaks will stop all nip one carrot one cup canned toma- noise it is far more satisfactory toes seasoning of salt and pepper one than oil stalk celery one ham bone wash 1 if the hands are thoroughly greased peas barley and rice and soak for with vaseline before using dyes it will an hour and half in sufficient cold wat prevent the stain penetrating deeply or to cover bring to boiling point into the skin add vegetables cut in little pieces and when cleaning windows in cold cook slowly until tender about one- 1 weather add a dessertspoonful of salt half hour previous to serving add ham to the water this prevents the bene and season with salt and pepper i glass from freezing and cracking stir frequently and add boiling water when pouring hot jelly or fruit into as it cooks down serve quite thick glass jars set the jars first on a damp and also very hot cheap delicious cloth this goes a long way towards and nourishing preventing their breaking scalloped finnan haddie two crushed and faded artificial flowers rmc commandant the sunday school hi x international lesson may 7 lesson vi the missionaries of an tioch acts 11 1930 12 25 to 13 12 golden text matt 28 19 verse 19 this takes us back to acts 8 4 the narrative being resum ed at that point the disciples had acts 11 20 manaen menahem and herod the tetrarch the bap tists murderer were an illassorted pair and the grace of god had a signal triumph over environment 2 ministered the word suggests a time of retreat in which they waited on the lord to win a revela tion of his will at such a time fast ing was instinctive for an oriental to interrupt meditation and prayer by taking food seemed sacrilege fast ing however is never prescribed in the truei text of the new testament to the western temperament it would generally be a hindrance rather than a help jesus only says it must b genuine and unostentatious when it is obeyed the lords command matt 10 observed the holy spirit said 23 travelle the verb is regular- p through one of the prop- ly used of travelling preachers in spntp ii this ly used of travelling preachers tn het separate paul recalls this a if s memorable in his experi ence in gal 1 15 plain to which tyre and sidon belong- ed antioch of syria not the pi- sidian antioch oi acts 13 14 it was a large and important city 20 men of syprus and gyrene were countrymen respectively of bar nabas and tho simon father of alex ander and rufus who carried tho lords cross perhaps it is not fanci- 3 laid their hands see lesson text studies for february 27 verse c f french soldiers warned an appeal to them to leave alcohol alone the tragedy of brussels it was a rich gay city of 900000 i before the war before the war brussels had the reputation of being the gayest the liveliest capital in europe writes dr charles sarolea in the sunday pictorial it was a little paris where you could buy enjoyment at a lower cost than anywhere else a city of plea sure and a city of leisure attracting residents from all parts of the world today the city of pleasure is turned into a city of gloom not only was brussels before the war the most cheerful capital of the continent it was also the most pros perous providing employment for its 900000 inhabitants but most of the trades were concerned with the super fluities rather than the necessities of existence there were carriage bulld- rs and manufacturers of lace arti ficial flower makers and jewellersdeal- ers in fashions and milliners and dressmakers all those luxury trades have come i to a complete standstill even were from erins green isle irr news by mail from lands shores happenings in the emerald isle interest to irish- j the newry strike of seamen shore- men etc has now come to an endv the men have gone back on the owners terms at a meeting of the members of the new ross agricultural show society it was decided to continue the an- nual show this year four police officers were seriously injured as the result of a shooting affair at a meeting of sinn felners in the sinn fein hall tullamore at omagh rural district council a resolution was moved to reduce the laborers rents in the district from 80 cents to 24 cents per week but was postponed the congested districts board are now dividing tho lands of knock- the french soldier his been speci- there any money left for luxuries tho j ncar roscommon amongst rincn soiaier mis oetn speci j i the uneconomictenants in the vicin- ilrtvo ful to see a fitness in such mens tak- ing up the wider mission greeks- fically warned against alcohol by the moneyspending aristocracy the bear attested reading is hellen- academy of medicine in paris which emigrated the belgian government ists grecian jews the difficulty has drawn up an appeal to the army arc at the havre the printing works twenty head of fowl perished about greeks that is gentiles is and is circulating it by means of leaf- newspaper offices are closed disastrous fire that occurred that cornelius was the first gentile i lets the following translation was ranway traffic is still going on but farm bu ilding of a farmer ity of the farm ten cows valued at 180 and in tho named lietjtcol c x perkeau who lias been nppolntea commandant of the royal military college at kingston with the rank of colonel hitherto he lias been only acting commandant peters visit to csesarea and the in i ference from acts 14 27 is not es- i sential the difficulty of the mur- ginal grecian jews is obvious and i lias never been adequately explained i perhaps a very early copyist intro- duced it just because he felt the dif- i ficulty about cornelius 21 the hand of the lord as an i i old testament phrase naturally re- fers to jehovah but the lord at the false p short iunit end of tho verse is jesus so inevitably and unconscious ment and garrison life it is therefore well that you should know what use you may make of alcohol without impairing your health certain errors about alcohol are widespread it is onlv used for the transport of james mecrory glenhordial troops and supplies at a meeting of the londonderry only the churches are filled with s guardrails it was reported athers and widows who are praying j nre j for the absent and the dead fever and there ha been ono death s a k this paralysis of trade which has at the annual meet of the royal tn i lasted now for nearly 18 months has victoria eye and ear hospital dub- resulted in appalling poverty worse lin it was announced that- 20 beds even than the poverty of the poor is had been set apart for tho use of sol- the silent unobtrusive genteel poverty diers at the request of the war offico of the welltodo for the benefit of jeremiah lane a member of convert as is clearly implied in acts maje j the british medical journal 15 17 it also seems strange that it i irom which we quote it i antioch had already witnessed such those who like you are exposed inn extension of the faith to gentiles o exhaustng labor to perilous enter- mothers and widowswho are piayint j m institutions sufferi from scarlet we should have in acts 14 27 what prises and to strong emotions looks like the report of a novel fact ever inclined to look to alcohol as a but there is no necessity to make acts s nd a comforter and to 11 20 fall earlier than the time of seek for m the tavern as a distrae- tion from the monotony of canton- uk wealthy chap ma are o in ncison z pounds finnan haddie one tablespoon be made to look fresh and new each of butter and flour four hard- 1 again if held over the steam from a boiled eggs onehalf teaspoon salt i boiling kettle for a few minutes oneeighth teaspoon pepper one table- 1 to save tea put a lump of sugar in spoon chopped chives threefourths j the teapot when making the tea and cup plain or diluted evaporated milk j then the spoonful usually put in for wash fish cover with boiling water j the pot can be dispensed with and simmer for ten minutes make leaves of ahead of lettuce for the egg sauce of butter flour salt pepper and milk and add chives skin and flake fish butter baking dish put in lay er of fish then of sauce and one chopped egg repeat until dish is full sprinkle with bread crumbs wet with melted butter and bake until brown on top about twentyfive min utes bolied salad dressing mix toge ther one teaspoon salt one teaspoon sugar one level teaspoon mustard and ltaves of a head of lettuce for the egg salad while the hearts are kept for the tomato fruit and other salads if potatoes are kept in a place where the light strikes them they will turn green if they must be in a light place cover them with news papers save all the tisue papper that comes save all the tissue paper that comes into the house it is excellent for drying and polishing lamp chimneys dash of caytnne pepper melt two and mirrors when they are washed tablespoons butter stir in two table- to stop the squeaking of new boots spoons flour and seasonings add take a small oil can and put a few onehalf cup vinegar and cook in drops of oil all round the boots be- double boiler until mixture thickens tween the upper leather and the soles remove from fire and cool mix two- when the kettle lid has lost the thirds cup evaporated milk with one- 1 knob push a cork half through the third cup water beat two egg yolks j little hole and secure it by driving a slightly add to evaporated milk and nail horizontally it will last a long cook until thick cool and stir into time and save burning the fingers vinegar mixture this salad dress- never put away for any length of ing will keep some time if put in time linen that has been starched it cool place closely covered is apt to crack and even to rot rince savage german surgery deliberate lack of attention wounded french soldiers to public kitchens for twopence or three- i peace on account of an utterance at pence and 10000 rich people are tak- a recent meeting of the town council ing advantage of them public bodies all over the county there have been repeated attempts roscommon are advocating the need 1 it is said to give strength this i on the part of the germans to rebuild for an increased production of home- is not exact the truth is it gives a i the shattered fabric of trade and in- 1 grown foodstuffs amongst the people false spurt of short duration but a dustry but as the germans divert gggg the tenant faimin almost certainly b iminution of strength never j a the traffic of the ordinary rail- a ainfu disc was made m i fails to follow this excitement- thus i ways for the transport of troops as the tj club belfast when col alcohol takes away more strength they have torn up hundreds of miles tle hon arthur hill trevor was ly do these new ttesament writers of light railways to be transported fpuncfdead in bed with a revolver trained to a horror at compromising 2 it is als i warmth this is true for a few min- s but the feeling of warmth metal useful for military purposes as 1 he archbishops and bishops of a f1v w tnt- thousands of machine m church of ireland at their last 2 it is also said that alcohol irivea mto poland and russia as they have wound in his head and a revolver ly the unique godhead of jehovah ap- t b f ttj 11 lifted all the available copper and ing beside him ply his special titles to jesus as matter of course 22 the church notice how this universal term denoting the whole body of those who love the lord utes which spreads over the limbs after they have taken thousands of machine there is no longer any doubt in jesus christ in sincerity and truth my mind said the chief surgeon is qualifiod by the local designation it has been done on purpose look it may be further narrowed to at this he stripped the bedclothes from the pallid and shrunken body of a lad and showed me his thigh shattered by a projectile the thighbone had church meeting in someones house and the plural churches thus be comes possible it is a later exten sion but perfectly natural by which we speak of an organized union of been allowed to set itself the such units bound together by com- strong muscles exercising pressure on the surounding tissues had grown together without any kind of artificial direction forming a huge misshapen mon order or doctrine as the metho dist church the roman church etc only we must be careful to al low no narrower definition of the conglomerate lump extending from church than that which depends on just below the hip to the knee with the result that the leg was bent rigid ly inwards at an angle of nearly 45 degrees and could never be made straight again the patient was one of a batch of wounded french prisoners hopeless ly infirm who had just ben repatri ated from germany the most we can do for him is to amputate above the fracture he will be better off without a withered limb fixed in that position in this case the shorten ing of the leg amounts to six inches to give you a further idea of the a nip of brandy is delusive and is soon followed by a lessening of warmth and strength men who take nips are j- i- s u meeting passed a resolution asking tools for their own factories a they he governnlent to cnforc are still extorting hundreds of mil- tm i t regulations lions of francs from a starving popu- for restr the sale of intoxicat- far more subject to chills and to lis- iafcion their attempts to revive bel- li eases to which men at the front are gian trade have totally failed a public indignation personal loyalty to christ 23 the grace to barnabas the one impression made by this mass movement was that of the amazing wealth of gods bounty which had been poured on so many unlikely peo ple in india where these notes are written we have today many op portunities of entering into this good may be drunk subject to two condi- mans joy exhorted his own tions they must be consumed in name was son of exhortation acts i great moderation which as regards men liable 3 it is further asserted that in the form of a pickmeup alcohol stimu lates the appetite this is quite wrong it would be difficult to produce any man whose appetite had ever been really stimulated by a pickmeup these aperitifs habitually taken lead without fail to disease of the stomach liver and mind 4 lastly it is maintained that al cohol taken during meals as wine beer or cider aids digestion an im portant distinction must be drawn be tween distilled liquors like brandy and fermented liquors such as wine cider and beer alcohol is altogether noxious the petit verre after meals should only be taken on rare occasions fermented liquors on the other hand meeting of the patriotic belgian workers the citizens of dublin was held to have hitherto resisted all the bribes protest against the action of the city corporation and tho public boards of dublin in demanding 8250000 more from the ratepayers in the current year at a iseth5stefffratf garvey dl tunty controller dis cussing the lord lieutenants new recruiting scheme said that there were still 20000 men of military age in mayo available and who could be spared there is general satisfaction amongst the members of the general public in belfast at the action of the 4 36 it was his preeminent gift the next verse shows us why ex hortation or encouragement went so far when it came from him he was incredible brutality with which some j not a mig genius like paul but he of the german surgeons conducted their had that vrmsome kindliness and that butterscotch pic one cup butter two cups dark brown sugar four eggs four tablerpoons flour one cup milk seveneighths cup granulated sugar few grains salt onehalf teaspoon le mon extract flaky pastry melt sug ar add butter and flour blended to gether and then milk cook three the articles quite free from starch dry and fold up in blue paper as thi keeps them from turning yellow cane bottomed chairs that have gone slack can be mended and tightened up by sponging both side with hot suds in which a handful of salt has been dissolved drying must be done out minutes remove from heat add egg of doors when nearly dry cover the yolks slightly beaten and salt eat with a cloth and iron it it will strain if necessary and cool fill clean and tight after this treat- individual shells of flaky pastry bak- men ed over inverted tins cover with i meringue made from egg whiter and granulated sugar beat whites un- enemy tired of war until stiff gradually add twothirds of sugar and continue beating until letter to new york man declares meringue will hold its shape fold tcut0 want peacc in balance of sugar and flavor wtfh lemon extract brown in slow oven i an interesting letter from buda- operation here is another case with a fouivinch shortening in which in order tio extend tho fractured leg an iron rod has actually been run through the patients flesh between the tendon and the bone and then adjusted to a rough kind of pulley transparent faith and spirituality which made his words a tonic pur pose note the stress laid on the will our wills are ours wo know not how when they are surrendered i god will do the rest j 24 added unto the lord the t t00 i at phrase suggests that the lord thus hospital 39 at poitiers the chief surj j his wealth by the one trea- geon being dr malapert one of the he covets t0 obtain best known operators in the french midlands 25 from the rst the christian missionaries had been used to work- in pairs as jesus sent out the twelve a humble man who knew and re joiced in pauls superior gifts barnn- outwitting a bore wine should never exceed one liter a pint and threequarters intwenty- four hours and only at meals sees germany eliminated but runciman says neutrals will contest for british trade sir walter runciman mp in an interview in the london chronicle predicts that the allies will win the war and says that germany can never hope to regain her place as one of the leading mercantile powers of the world at the same time he says the neutrals are advancing rapidly and all the attempts at compulsion which if successful would transform belgium into a huge munition fac tory for the conqueror more poignant even than the vis ible suffering of unemployment and poverty is the invisible moral tragedy there is the moral suffering of a proud freedomloving easygoing peo ple groaning under the heel of the hun to the intolerable oppression of martial law we must add the anguish admiralty in requisitioning the of isolation there are not many steamers of the belfast steamship co families in brusssels who have not a and it is felt it will relieve the awk- soldier at the front or a refugee in j ward situation caused by the stop- exile and as brussels is cut off p of the sailings jrom belfast to from the rest of the world they have no news of their dear ones and there is the harrowing uncer tainty of the future what will to morrow bring forth the people of brussels still believe in the triumph of the allied armjes but they are living in daily terror that when victory docs come it may have to be paid for by the final des truction of their beautiful and beloved city few women stammer defect is due to nervousness or self- consciousness how lord roscbery got even with lm fee that hc h i 20 the suggestion is that barna- il i has had difficulty in finding him al have you ever met a woman who stammers if you have you are a coicherce abroad and they will be in i man in a thousand for stammering a strong position after the war ls extremely rare among the fair sex there is no doubt declared sir most cases the reason why a man walter that wc are winning the stutters over his vonjs is due to sheer war and when we have won we must nervousness or sclfconseiousness hefcrent kinds books of regulations see to it that germany is no longer thinks he isgoiag to stammer and 135 varieties and sixty different sorts of writing paper ten of enve lopes twentyone of pencils and no english ports soldiers stationery 700 different kinds of army forms are supplied a shrewd observer once remarked that an army marches not on its stomach but on its army forms this in a great measure is true for the army would be powerless without its army stationery tho stationery or ganization of the army comprises a score of officers and some 2g0 men according to a special correspondent at tho general headquarters who deal daily with millions of forms and pa pers for the administrative purposes of the army in the field says london titbits the stationery service supplies an unending variety of army books 106 types army forms about 700 dif- a menace from a navul military or that makes him do so teaspoon acid jelly may be spread pestwas received by a business man over filling before meringue is added new york it was delivered to i him by a civil engineer who had tra- marmalade and jam velea through austria and germany i the writer of this letter an ob- grapefruit marmalade one grape- servant gentleman speaks of tho fruit one orange one lemon slice high price of food prevailing evory- in wafers or put through food chopper where and of real suffering among using all but tho teeds measure the people in consequence coffee and add three times the quantity of which the germans and austrians cold water let all stand 24 hours like so much no longer graces the the carriage for her i beg of you to boil 10 minutes allow to stand 24 table except in the homos of the in hours add to the fruity and juice wealthy residents in austria tho i delighted at the idea of driving an equal quantity of sugar boil 2 price of coffee when this letter was with such a famous man the old lady hours or until it will jelly when chill- written two weeks ago was sixteen j immediately jumped into the vehicle cl and pour off into jars or glosses kronen a pound which represents fi but his lordship gently closed tjie as preferred j united states money meat is cherry jam stone and stem tart really out of the question for the worries saving all the juice to poorer classes every pound of fruit allow a pound of j milk eggs and other necessities rugar put sugar and juico in tho have become luxuries and there is preserving kettle over the fire and much complaint the people says when the sugar is entirely dissolved the writer of the letter have lost add the cherries cook until the their enthusiasm and optimism for syrup is thick put into glars jars and thoy feel now that despite the suc cesses of the teutonic armies they cannot win and the best that is to be expected is a draw in the conflict commercial point of view butwhen j women suffer far less from self- the allies have proved triumphant consciousness than men and that is like most celebrities lord rose though pauls father as a roman i s d isllfsrfoustly sjsliiy ihrit bery has had to suffer a good deal citizen was a wellknown man but there is no need for any serious re- l blushing and not by halting in from the attentions of utter strang- a jew who sent his brilliant son away gard to be paid to the strength qf their speech ers at one time he was often an- to jerusalem to study under the the german mercantile fleet germany j of course there are cases of stnm- noyed by an old lady who called upon greatest of the rabbis was sure to can never become one of the leading mering which simply cannot be cur him almost lordship always her when hc was seal plum jam wipe plums carefully and extract the stones from slits in the sides taking care not to waste the people pray for peace they want the juice weigh the fruit and to it now whatever the issue of the war every pound allow one pound of sugar may be and if they had their way and a pint vi water x cook sugar and they would have peace at onco she happened was about to enter his carriage my lord she called out i must see you on a very important matter very well madam raid lord rosebery holding open tho door of door on her before she could remon strntc she heard hm say to the coach man take this lady wherever she wishes to go james and then home looking out of the window the now- irate old lady saw her victim stopping into n cab after that she did not worry lord roscbery again mercantile service lucky kriss what did you get out of your aunts estate kross after settling things up the lawyer blew me to a good dinner and loaned me 5 only just back from arabia gal 11 reestablish their 17 christiansa nickname to be- will be futile gin with like methodist herod what is really giving concern to agrippa uses it in a light sneer acts the british shipowners is that the 26 28 peter speaks i pet 4 16 of i neutral countries are reaping such a a mans suffering as a christian harvest just now that the force of nnd glorifying god in this name thclv competitive power w it was of course conferred by outsid- tinclly an excellent help too is to read aloud to oneself ers and these heathens christ is a greek rendering of a hebrew word anointed and the termination ianus is latin so that we see the three great languages of the roman world combined to name the world- religion 13 i prophets preachers we should call them but we must re be felt in the days to come there are still good grounds for anxiety as to brit ish mercantile supremacy worlds largest teapot the largest teapot in the world was made at shigaraki 200 miles from tokio japan the teapot was made for exhibition in a japanase tea house at the san francisco exposition it member that preaching includes both measures three nnd onequarter feeb these functions that of speaking as gods mouthpiece and that of instruct ing those whom the prophet has aroused note how the two fam ous men are named among those who arc otherwise unknown though one was of royal upbringing lucius of cyrcne was presumably one of the evangelists who preached to gentiles in diameter and without the handle is three and onehalf feet high when the wicker handle is raised the tea pot is five anil onehalf feet high silly -a- billies wl at is your favorite tune old chap fortune dear boy worship ok crocodiles what extraordinary pathological state can the told egyptian civiliza tion have becntif which treated cro codiles as divinities worshipping them alive and embalming their hideous carcasses after death was all that world made together and was it the germ of a spiritual sense which nourished itself on such appalling fancies and by the transfiguring of things so abominable life vs existence where do you live now bill no place still boarding at the same house if a millionaire tells you that he was far happier when he earned a dollar a day remind him of what david said in his ha tc fewer than twentysix descriptions of inks in powder form black blue red green and violet waterproof ink drawing ink etc figures speak they say up to last june the stationery service had 000000 field service nted in english hin- urmukhi tjie last different races among the indian troops nearly 100000000 army message forms 7000000 mes sage envelopes 20000000 war diaries and intelligence summary of events for army record purposes and 50- 000000 and 35000000 respectively of two different types of army form there are several hundred differ ent kinds of labels for goods etc in use the stock usually stands at somewhere about 2000000 and it will probably come as a surprise to people who have visions of army commanders pencilling despatches in tents at dead of night to know that there are considerably more than 1000 typewriters in special travelling cases in use- in the fieldat the pre sent time and these arc kept in order and repaired by travelling mechanics in the stationery service always visible henn did wifes will ivclyes of my 1fe you ever witness your i witness it every jay i f ii i m 4