military rule declared throughout ireland majorqeneral sir john maxwell sent from london to take charge a raemaekers war poster a despatch from london says further announced was convinced that martial law has been declared through out ireland and majorgeneral sir john maxwell who until recently commanded the troops in egypt has gone over to take charge the irish executive officials having placed them selves under his instructions he has been given full disciplinary powers for the extension of the operations and the suppression of the rebellion the revolt which broke out in dub lin has spread to other parts of ire land chiefly to the west and south this information together with the fact that the rebels are still in pos session of parts of the city of dublin was given to the nation by the minist ers in parliament on thursday the forces now in ireland and those proceeding there were adequate to deal with the situation restore order first replying to a question whether the government had been warned of a dangerous growti cf sedition premier asquith said the first and paramount duty of the government is to restore order and to stamp out rebellion with all possiblevigor and promptitude that we are doing behind that there is undoubtedly j an obligation which rests upon the government of making a searching investigation into the causes of and i the responsibility for these events there had been a small rising at that obligation we fully recognize and ardee and louth and a rather more intend to discharge our allies already have been made aware by sir edward carson and mr redmond the premier added that the movement is sectional only and has no sympathy from the repres entatives of the irish leaders mr asquith said that for olnious serious one in swords and lusk close to dublin troops are adequate premier asquith who on wednes day had given reassuring news re specting the situation in ireland caused something of a flutter of anxi- reasons he did net like to name the ety by his statement on thursday in other places to which the trouble had the house of commons when he an- j spread but there had been in the vest nounced a spread of the movement to and south but particularly in the other parts of ireland the retention j west places where there was a de- by the revolutionalists of certain i velopment of the movement very parts of dublin and the fact that fight- stringent precautions were being jng was still going on in the streets taken by the military authorities to the government the prime minister deal with these places no more farm hands from united states only poor class of men can be secured now a despatch from toronto says the ontario department of colonization and immigration has recalled its spo- j cia officers from michigan where liey have been drumming up farm hands to relievo the scarcity of help in ontario the venture proved a suc cess close to live hundred men having been secured but- tho floating supply of ood men has beer exhausted and those available now are not considered of proper quality there are lots of good farm hands in the stato but the special officers when they went after them found that the farmers had most of them tied up under contract tho scheme to get farm hands has helped more than the farmers some of the men secured after landing in ontario and getting within the sound of the bugles have promptly enlisted for overseas service the department of agriculture is now satisfied that with the men secured and the help of retir ed farmers and high school boys re leased for farm work the situation this summer will be well met austria puts down i american corn track toronto riots in hungary ulrlvronv ontario oats no commercial 44 of prominent citizens british eaiploy 3 battle ships 18 destroyers and 10 minesweepers the rotterdam correspondent of the london daily mail telegraphing thursday says a british squadron resumed the bombardment of the belgian coast at 4 oclock on thursday morning minesweepers have cleared the coast waters of mines and nets have been ottei confess louis ltncmaekers the famous dutch cartoonist has drawn for tho national committee for helief in belgium one of the most remarkable of all the war posters it is reproduced above tho misery of the millions now in belgium whom the germans refuse to feed has in- spired this notable artist to his finest effort the poster has this lacon ic heading in belgium underneath appears tho one word help from sunset coast germans in custody in new york to testify againsc others a despatch from new york says complete confessions given in return for immunity have been made by two of the eight germans recently arrest ed in the alleged conspiracy to place fire bombs aboard munitions ships and they were on wednesday after noon telling their story to the federal grand jury this was made known what the western- are doing people progress of the great west in a few pointed paragraphs told animal swimmers a young squirrel proved to be one tria of the swiftest execution of prominent prague and other cities a despatch from new york says fresh revolts have broken out in prague pilsen tabor and other bohemian cities and many members of prominent bohemian families in cluding miss alice mazaryk well known in america for her social set tlement work have been executed by the government according to advices said to have been received here on wednesday by the bohemian national alliance from secret sources in aus- from he ocean shore bits of news from thb maritime provinces items of interest from places lapped by waves or th atlantic at carbonea five tons of dr boyle have enlisted or are connected with war work it is estimated that 20 wildcats have been killed along tho st john river near wostfield during the past 1 winter i a native new brunswicker john william campbell by name died re- cently in california leaving a fortune 1 estimated at 37000 i it is estimated the cost of repairing the damage to the streets of dart- il l f il 1 1 i mouth occasioned by the recent rain llislkpls ft p wftllh storm will approximate about 1000 micu licw ul uc vf ui iu the old government house will it is expected soon become the chief convalescent home in tho maritimo provinces for soldiers returning from of the newfoundland seat the samuel blandford took ung seals in one day recently sglc which brings her reported catch up to 20100 the catch of seals by the halifax owned steamer sable i which recent ly reached st johns nfld is valued at g3c0i09 nett the crew of 182 men got 11060 apiece roy rowley of westfield nb was attacked by a wildcat which would have killed him had not his only weapon a jackknife been efficacious itlng t3 to 64c feed 9 to after a fierce fight he drove the ani- soid by all goo shoe dealers wobs by everv mcmhgr of the famlffl breadstuff 74 to 76o uoiiitu- fretehts onturi outside wheat xo 1 ih l 1m no 2 do 3 vliite 45 to 4ce 45c according t commercial 99c to si oi wheat so l f outside lc jim si vn accordink to sam- jl to n according to freights pi outside barley 62c according to freights outside to 70c accordink man away at yarmouth miss maggie viets o nearly all animals are better swim mers than man and take to the water naturally whereas man must learn to keep afloat and propel himself ham pers weekly tells of tho feats of rhino- j the russian troops which arrived here ceres elk and deer but of all swim- mers of all climes the best although russ troops reviewed in marseilles streets a despatch from marseilles says not the swiftest is the polar bear who passes half his tiie in the water swimming and diving his swimming power is wonderful and it is to bo remembered that the on tuesday held a dress parade on wednesday morning in the presence of a vast crowd which cheered them wildly the troops were reviewed by col verstakosky their commander general menassier governor of mar- laid to guard against submarines i by assistant united states district month q swiftogt of swimming hie germansanticipate a severe at- i patriot attorney wood in charge ot work on the new shipyard site at an j the squirrel tack j investigation of alleged gorman in thursdays bombardment thejplots- the two men are capt chas british force consisted of threo bat tleships 18 destroyers and between 30 and 40 minesweep and mine layers two of theattleships bom- barded the coast betweenzeebrugge and knocke including heysfc and blankenborg the fire was answered by the german batteries the third battleship concentrated its fire on three german torpedo boats which left the harbor immediately after the attack began one of these was hit several times and returned to the harbor seriously damaged supported by consorts thorough preparations were made by the british before the bombard ment dutch territorial waters being marker by colored buoys british trawler sinks foe sub a despatch from london says tho destruction of a german sub marine by a british trawler off the north coast of scotland is described by dutch newspapers recieved here according to the accounts the sub marine had halted two dutch steam ers when a trawler appeared and killed with its first shot four men who were standing on the deck of the submarine tho trawler then sank the submersible with a second shot tho entire action lasted less than ten minutes tho papers say the sub marine was of the latest and largest type and carried a crew of sixty all of whom wero lost chinese rebiels plan advance on pekin von kleist and ernest becker an elec trician aboard the interned german steamship friedrich der grosse where the bombs alleged to have been placed on various ships were partly manu factured the others arrested in the case include capt eno bode capt- otto wolpert and frederick garbode employes of tho hamburgamerican line a ninth alleged conspirator dr walter t scheele is yet to be ap prehended details ok charges of inhuman treatment three cases of soldiers at moose jaw cited a despatch from ottawa says de- black cod is growing to be a popu lar fish in vancouver city h v w a n i water in the regions he frequents is j seiucs and m schramech prefect of bu of bish t v columbia are to he chanecd in color prainariiy very aistoura 10 a progress bands on franch warships uiumoia are xo oe cnangea in coior- swjmm there are bears that can a cranbrook is looking for a new thirty miles or more without played the russian and french na- chief of police at a salary of 100 per espc effort tional anthems the russian troops i then p through the city pre ceded by little girls who strewed flow ers in their paths swiss frontier buckwheat co freights outside jecfciorjintrospvesgro at- i i thc da nuite a long cording to freights outside i illness aged 71 years she was bag v i ba first patents in jute sister of the late e m w tco patents in jute ontario flour winter accordlnc to bisftil rack toronto in nn 435 bulk seaboard i lote delivered montr tails as to the alleged inhuman treat ment of soldiers at mooso jaw by hanging them up by the arms for comparatively trivial offences were furnished to the commons on wed nesday afternoon by w e knowles following up his demand of tuesday j of the prairies for an investigation by the acting minister of militia sir robert bor- 1 den mr knowles cited threo cases one soldier who fainted under tho or- 1 deal was hung up for being off duty another for insubordination and a third for neglect to carry out orders j ii sinclair of guysbor- ough declared that charges of sim ilar brutal punishment of soldiers had appeared in some of the nova scotia papers premier borden promised that a strict enquiry would be made forthwith and any officer guilty of cruel or unjust treatment of his men would be brought to book britain will tighten commercial blockade an army several hundred thousand has been organized a despatch from san francisco says a rebel advance on pekin the j a despatch from london says the capital of china has been ordered by j report that great britain intends to the chinese revolutionists according tighten the commercial blockade is to a shanghai despatch to thc chinese reiterated in a despatch from tho republic association here on wed- copenhagen correspondent of tho ex- nesday an army of several hundred j cn telegraph company who says thousand under luy ungting for- tnere m persistent rumors to that merly commander of yuan shikais cn in circulation there it is stat- forces in kwang si province and j ed lle a that great britain desires gen lung chi kwang formerly with d merchants to pay in ad- tbe government troops in kwang vanco through london for goods pur- tung will begin the march upon pe- c j america with the object of port moody is expected to commence at once trail schools are closed for two weeks on account of the prevalence of measles the cpr is again opening a daily train between cranbrook and kim- berley n work has begun on the great nor thern depot on the false creek fill vancouver there are now 245 telephones in use in rossland there were 235 on jan uary last in vancouver chinese peddlers are buying potatoes instead of selling them a sure sign of a local shortage a campaign for fostering walnut growing in victoria and throughout the southern part of vancouver island has been started five years imprisonment was the sentence meted out to charlie chew a chinaman who was convicted in vancouvef of a diamond robbery vancouver city council will petition the dominion government to allow the soldiers in camp in vancouver to re main there until they leave for over seas there continues to be a grent de mand for cement among the farmers many are concreting their barnyards and building concrete silos the delta riding which includes surrey and langlcy districts is down in the estimates for a total expendi ture of 40000 of which 22500 is for roads in fort langley on electric power and telephone line is to bo erected from carter drive down bartlett avc and across the salmon river to deep creek farm emil webster a south westmin ster indian was in tho city police court given the maximum penalty of two years in the penitentiary for un- loosening and taking cables attached j to log booms a sportsman on one occasion having a young squir rel that had never seen water wanted to see if it could swim and took it with him in a rowboat to the centre of the lake when the squirrel was put into the ejser it turned toward the bank head and paws above tho water back and tail underneath it and began to swim so rapidly that the man had hard work to recover it when it reached the shallow water near the land it is said that even noaquatic birds will swim like ducks if anyone attempts to drown them a speedy bird naturalists aver that the frigate bird performs most of the business of its life on the wing feeding the collection of nesting material and even sleeping the spread of its mighty pinions is immense and it can fly at a speed of ninetysix miles an hour without seeming to move its wings to any great degree a man may do many things well but by concentration he wil probably be able to do some one thing better than anybody else can do it and that is his duty as well as his privilege closed by germany a despatch from paris says the germanswiss frontier has been closed since monday afternoon even to mails says a despatch to the matin from berne foreigners now in germany have been informed that none will be allowed to leave tho country before twenty days have elapsed the des patch adds german officer must stand trial petition for a writ of habeas corpus was denied boston april 27 werner horn who attempted to destroy the inter national bridge at venceboro maine on february 2 1015 must stand trial on a charge of illegal transportation of dynamite tho federal circuit court of appeals ordered on thurs day t t0 horts par ton 26 middlings per ton 26 to 27 good leed flour per bag j1c0 to 170 country iroauco butter fresh dairy eholco 2s to 30c inferior 24c creamery prints 33 to 3oc inferior 31 to 32c eggs newlaid 23 to 24e do in car tons 24 to 25c honey prices in 10 to 60lb tins 131 to 14c comcs no 1 275 to 3 no 2 225 to 240 beans 4 to 440 the latter for handpicked cheese large 195c twins 19jc maple syrup 150 per imperial gal- ion poultry chickens 21 to 22c fowls 18 to 20c ducks 24 to 25c turkeys 25c potatoes car lots of ontarios si 65 to 170 and new brunswlcks at 180 to 1s5 per bag on track viets for so many years one oi yarmouths lead ing merchants the first organization in this part of canada for returned soldiers from i the war is to be formed infreaeric- provioions bacon iog clear 161 to 17c per lb in case lots hams medium 21 to 22e do heavy 17 to 20c rolls 171 to 18c breakfast bacon 21 to 24c backs 25 to 26c boneless backs 28 to 29c iard pure lord tierces 161 to 15jc and palls 163 to 16c compound 133 to 14ic wlnnrpog grain winnipeg may 2 cash prices wheat no 1 northern 1163 no 2 do 1131 no 3 do 1091 no 4 107 no 6 993c no 6 91ic feed 86ic oats no 2 cw 463c no 3 do 44c extra no 1 feed 141c no 1 feed 43o no 2 do 42c barley no 3 64c no 4 59o rejected 56c feed 56o flax no 1 nwc s1s51 no 2 cw 1813 ton the veterans who have- been in valided home are to form a protective association tho death of capt edward c mor ris of gloucester one of the high line mariners of his day occurred recent ly at the age of 72 years 11 months his steamer gerring was at one time famous in internation correspond ence there is a sort of police system organized among the boys at the con solidated school florenceville carle- ton county nb for the purpose of keeping things orderly around the building which seems to be working very well so far in preparation for construction work on the extension of the st john valley railway being soon commenced the st john quebec railway com pany are organizing two field parties who will soon be sent out on thc pro posed routes south of gagetown the king of fumban british meet him and hundred wives his six m by men who witnessed it message brought by seaplane sent scurrying homeward germans the lowestoft correspondent of the i his five groat cruisers and many de- london daily mail says the scream of shells and their de- kin soon it was stated no nfgotiationos with bulgaria gaining thorough control over the commercial connections of neutrals five sons in khaki two are injured a despatch from brantford says in an effort to build up small ranch- tonation as they burst inland wa3 ing around victoria commissioner r i ii nnla rf cuthbert of tho victoria and island i the frst lntimafcion tho p development association has started j lowe6toft had that for the second issuing information on the manage- time german dreadnoughts were off me jt their shores the people sprang from oukkcwat sua haf f been prevalent in tho const cities of looming through the mist late took place recently in vancouver i could bo seen great gray shapes here when several armed chinamen at- and there picked out with flashes of tacked tho store of a fellow-country- flame as another shell camo inshore m r i o i the inhabitants scrambled into the provincial government csti- mates include 3500 for the installa- r c and catch ng hold of tion and operation of a ferry botween tneir little ones hurried out not in barnston island and tho surrey shore panic but out of curiosity to tho shore of the fraser river connecting near to watch and count the german shells the hjorth road and the service vill be a boon to tho settlers there least blindness the bol- a despatch from london says lord robert cecil minister of war trade denied in the house of com- mom on thursday afternoon that- the live sons of mrs j harrington i snxon jinew zealand 47 west- great britain was carrying on semi- no walnut street are official negotiations with bulgaria mrs harrington recciv the twelve countries having fewest blindness are as follows gium leforc the war had 13 blind persons to every 100000 of the popu lation canada 41 netherlands 40 enow in llwi i orn australia 50 hongkong 61 e now in khaki prussill 52 denmark 52 germany civcu word that i go- new south wales go- and tho jje reminded his questioner that great her son fred had been wounded and i united states fl gritain was precluded by tho spirit of admitted to hospital later word was j lut the agreement with her allies from received in a letter that another son i the bible tells u- we should lovo entertaining any peace negotiations with any of their common enemies vithout the knowledge and consent of the other parties to the agreemen ptc earl whp has been in hospital our neighbors said thc good deacon for a year had indergono another yes but th bible was written be- operntlon which improved his condl- fore our imf icl dose re- tion very much pled th nvr seaplanes chased back the enemy djd not havo his own way for long the watchers eaw ger man seaplanes which a ew rnlnutes before had left the vessels come hur rying back the reason was soon apparent from the south camo little clouds of smoko drawing nearer every mornent a rousing cheer was given as it was seen that tlio bnyoke was coming from british cruisers and destroyers the big german ships loosed stream of shells at the approaohldff ships and then swung to th 4flt buf the german admiral again dianafid his course when ijfl fovma tliftl ifte british force was not nearly equal to etroyers every moment wo expected to see our ships blown out of the water said one of our watchers our com paratively small vessels were seoking to get at closo quarters to tho ger man giants and a perfect storm of shells screamed aross tho water to ward them but whoever commanded our ships had great courage raiders hit frequently the german shells were falling all around our craft but they did not reply until well wthin range then time and again they hit tho german monsters pneo wo saw a volume of flame leap from a funnel of ono of the great warships another suddenly staggered but in a second righted it self though we could seo steam and smoko coming from unusua places our ships wore hit they could hardly escape so thickly did tho ger mans plaster the water with shells the sea was so churned by the fast jnoylng ships and the explodipg sliojls that t jipokctj jfee foam gudtjenly w0 ww p aeropjano cojplng from the north ot a terrific rate whatever montreal markets montreal may 2 corn american no 2 yellow 87 to 88c oats canadian western no 2 541c canadian western no 3 53o extra no 1 feed 53c no 2 local white 51 to 51io no 3 local white 50 to 50ic no 4 local white 19 to 4le barley man feed 6s to 72c maltlnft 75 to 77c flour man bnrinar wheat pat ents firsts 660 seconds 5610 strong bakers 500 winter patents choice 6 straight rollers 1530 to 640 do bagk 24f to 250 rolled oato bar rels 510 to 520 hafts no lbs 240 to 245 bran 24 shorts 26 mid dlings 28 to 30 moulllie 30 to 35 hay no 2 per ton car lots 2050 to 21 cheese finest western is to 18io finest easterns 174 to 171c buttor choicest creamery 31 to 311c seconds 30 to 30jc eggs fresh 25c potatoes per bag aar lots 170 to 172i a reception and dance was given to tho british force by the king of fumban after the capture of- tho cameroons from tho german forces tho function was featured by a speech from the throne and the tak ing of a photograph of the king and his six hundred wives and 140 chil dren writes an associated press cor respondent soon after the last of the fighting in the province the conquerors accept ed an invitation from the king to call at thc palace grounds which open on the market place here they were met by the king dressed in a now flowing robo of blue with a blue muf fler tied round his neck after tho soldiers were lined up at seats on either side of tho market place tho king made a short speech first in his native tongue and then in pidgin eng lish admonishing his subjects to bo kind and courteous to the new con querors then the dance began the orches tra was made up chiefly of drums made of hollow trees and stretched skins- the only other instrument was a species of rattle with which most of the natives wero armod and with which they kept remarkable time six or seven men started the ball with a native shuffle varied by a few moro energetic motions some were dress ed in what looked like blue overalls and others were in red the garments reaching from the heels to tho tip of the noso each man carried on his head carved mask heads all white and about two feet high around tho neck of each mask was a large collar ot ruff made of some wood fibre a foot thick around tho tinkles they woro similar ruffs the men advanced to tho king rub bed their masks in tho dust and then started tho double shufflo after do ing this for some time tho orchestra and tho native audience getting more and moro excited six of tho kings ladies appeared on tho scene they were covered much llko tho men ox t m cent tnat on tn0r heads they wore 025 to is i curious masses of wood fibre topped por 100 lbs by large bunches of black feathers tsnltad states markets minneapolis may 2 wheat may 1194 july 119 to 1194 no 1 hard 1254 no l northern 120 to 1224 no 2 northern 1174 to 1214- corn no 3 yellow 764 to 774c oats no 3 white 423 to 43c flour fancy patents gc higher quoted at 640 first clears unchanged second clears 20o lowor quoted at 3 shipments 62400 barrels bran 1850 to 19 duluth may 2 whoat no 1 hard 120b no 1 northern 1199 to 1208 no 2 northern 116 j to 1178 tln- secd cash and may 208j july 210 imivo stock markets toronto may 2 clioiuo heavy steers 890 to 320 butchers cattle choice 860 to 800 do good 826 to 850 do medium 8 to 825 do conimon 725 to 760 butchers bulls choice 726 to 776 do good bulls 686 to 7 do rough bulls 465 to 516 butohern cows choice 7 to 750 do food 636 to 675 do medium 16 to 626 do common 625 to 575 blockers 700 to 850 lbs 875 to 776 oholce feeders dehorned 950 to 1000 lbs 750 to 8 canners nnd cutters 350 to 440 milkers choice each 75 to 100 do common and medium each 40 to 60 springers 60 to 100 light owes 860 to 10 sheep heuv 6 to 760 yenrllngs 10 to 1386 bucks and culls 150 to 450 lambs choice 11 to 1360 calves good to choice 6 to 12 do meatum 725 to 850 hoge fed and watered 1150 do wolghed off cars 1186 do fob 1112 montreal may 8 fair steers at 675 to 8 butchers cows from and bulls from 7 to 860 gdvatov ibprllm lambs tl fw b n from 4 to s each yearling lambs and as the men for nearly an hour boforo old sheep scarce and nrm selected hogs i making way for tho kings photo- 12 to 1215 per 100 lbs weighed 0t i grapher j tlie king keops his own private operator for photographing his hun- lisbon arsenal dreds of wives and many children fired by germans after they formed a semicircular group and were taken the king ox a despatch from paris says a re- pressed a desire to be photographjvj port that two germans had beon arfwith his soldiers his throne mod rested on the charge of setting lire i m p nd- placed i in front of to the naval arsenal at lisbon is con- 1 jp- w j j iut i roue is u very cruue clumsy firmed by newspapers of that ciby i affaitf thfl soat be 0 covn says a hnvas despatch from tho por- j shel tn0 b and footstool oj troyr phcjl after them and wor- eluding naval charts and the govern riw piera ffi ihoy disappeared thcmont immediately instituted an in- qpund pi th tiring growing fainter vcstlgatlon which indicnted that it and feint i wnb o incendiary origin ing seven feet six inches with bowl that would easily hold pounds of tobacco and which hrctirvht to mo by the royal pipe bea cv ths pipe was of brass twd woj ear-