the stqvwfmllk trtbvmwkursvay apkil 20 1916 local items warriner gives tiic biggest for the dollar in ton ooo miss bent ley is spcniling easter holidays in toronto ot the mrs a b willmot is visiting her sister mrs ii v i sanders and other friends ooo how about making a town park of the vacant lot at the corner of main and obrien ave ooo notice womens raincoats guaranteed waterproof priceg and sg50 at a g lehmans ooo hopkixsat i stoufivillc on sunday april 16th to mr and mrs v c hopkins a son ooo hejse at stouftville out on sundayy april 10th to mr and mrs d mheise a daughter ooc a number of our boys went on a fishing trip to the rouge river on monday afternoon they re port a good catch ooo rev mr hairier is sending a number of books to dr grcnfell of labrador the public library is also making a contribution ooo- stouffville 000 harry lee bugler of the 81st battalion toronto paid his un cle w t boynton a flying visit on wednesday previous to going overseas ooo mrs phillips who is visiting her brother mr w a sifvcster fell and sprained her wrist badly while going down the steps of the latters house 000 mr norman 31 mclean is mak ing a twoweeks trip to north bay cochrane and other north ern points in the interests of the tofftfeajprj a t i ngjinfli ing co ooo mr and mrs warren sutton of welland were visiting his sis ter mrs jesse grove of the sev enth line markham and at mr i reamans of stouffville ooo wilmot kcster of the 81st batt alion was in town this week his battalion leaves shortly for the front mr kester won his stripes in south africa but prefers to go as a private ooo our special irish cobbler seed potatoes have arriv ed government inspection tags attached to each bag here is a chance to get good j se ratcliff co 000 makket go direct to warriners for best bargains ooo earl byer has enlisted with the 220th york rangers ooo dont fail to read the dollar day advertisements ooo mr as ratcliff has been ill with a very bad cold ooo eggs for hatching black minorca 100 per sett ing of fifteen e jdavey 000 special easter services at the presbyterian church on sunday april 23 ooo to krcyr a seven roomed house f d nighswander ooo mrs daniel vake who has been visiting in stouffville during the winter leaves for cappon aka on monday evening ooo messrs j cook d stoufler deaths chase at whitchurch town ship on wednesday april 19th barbara chase aged ooyears 2 months and 22 days v the funeral will leave her -son- inlaws residence lot 10 con 9 whitchurch friday xvpril 21st at 8 oclock a m and proceed to greenbahk cemetery for inter ment service at the house thursday evening april 20th at 730 p m ooo brodie at hie residence of her daughter mrs h g pooler 15 chicora ave toronto on april 18th 1916 matilda a brodie widow of the late james brodie of markham aged 80 years and llmonths the funeral will be held at st andrews cemetery markham on the arrival of the g t r train leaving toronto at 750 a m friday the 21st inst service at mrs poolers address on thu rsday at 8 p in thomas iieopold avillson w pipher h baker and c tiak- i t ft c canadian scientist was the discov- ei went on a fishing trip on sat- ercr ot cheap acetylene gas uiday and caught 12o0 suckers tho death of mr wjllson at the ooo somewhat untimely limit of fiftyfive ft appears that mr herb it r of our eminent cana- c dian scientists from the arena of re- mmtli lias taken objection to mi search and discovery he was born item in our issue of last week at princeton ontario and was edu- if we caused mr smith itiv c at the hamilton collegiate in- u t tiused mi mmtn any stitute where ho displayed the bias worry or rendered him liable to toward original research that became ridicule among his fellow citizens stron developed throughout an ac- v live life his most interesting dis- we regret it very much and apol- covery was a method of producing ogize to mr smith the item acetylene gas both cheaply and abun- was intended purely as a joke and uti illum mating purposes this discovery was and was not intended to liisinu- in some measure accidental but only ate that mr smith had committ- a trained scientific intelligence could f i i have discerned the practical import- ed any moral or legal crimes and ance of the outc an accidental we arc sure that none of his fell- combination of circumstances oiv citizens put the above mean- acetylene gas had been known as a laboratory product long before mr ing on it willsons discovery but when it was ooo analytically produced the compound mr trios johnson who has us j con with water j potassium carbide or sodium carbide been working for monkhouse and was too limited in quantity to en- co for tiie last three years able the gas to degenerated in- sum- wear to the hospital szmm to undergo opcrair ruse and calcium- fdf some cm- t other jltethrimr will aavva spring millinery we have now in stock a full line in all the iiatest designs in millinery also ribbons flowers crapes satins nice line of childrens hats mr f wilson u red or buff pressed brick made at milton gefr our priees delivered to any station quality guaranteed prices lowest they have been r fop years phone 303 stouff ville ont mxffottxo butter kgp chickens fowl potatoes hogs 30 to 31 20 to 2 l 10 to 17 15 to 15 185 to 1100 000 muc favorable comment is be ing heard concerning the clean condition of main street the council is to be congratulated on its energy in cleaning up they have set a good example and stouffville now has a street to be proud of ooo last week our village was vis ited by a tracl1ing spectacle peddler these men who call ing themselves optciansgo from house to house and wittr a smoo th sounding taleleadtheir vic tims into spending several doll ars for cheap glasses not long ago one of these man operating in a nearby town removed the lenses from i a womans glasses will prove successful ooc- empire day will- be celebrated may 23rd stouffville school and the surrounding schools will participate inspector jordan and others will be present and give addresses at the raising of the valuable union jack purch ased by the school board fur- thef particulars later mr las martin an old stou ffville boy came to town this week and has been engaged by mr jno monkhouse jimmics ability as a coatmaker is well known and mr monkhouse- is to be congratulated in securing the services of such a competent tai lor ooo womens institute the womens institute will mectin the liberal club hall on wednesday april 26th at 230 p m a good program is being provided consisting of solos choruses recitations etc come and bring others boo and sold them to her for 150 she thinking she avas getting a superior make df lenses eye sight is something that should not be tampered with there are plenty of opticians of good repute without dealing with un known men often impostors it is high time a law was pass ed to prevent this sort of fraud spn w result which proved to be not what he ex pected helhrew the hotifused mass into cold water to cool it arid noticed that gas with the familiar garlic odor of acetylene began to pass off into- the air this was the necessary hint to the trained thinker and practised experimenter he discovered that the calcium and carbon separated in con tact with water and that the carbon of the carbide united with the hydro- gen of the water to form acetylene while thercajcium of the carbide unit- ed with the oxygene of the water to form lime by one of the curious coincidences in the history of research the same discovery was made almost contem poraneously by moissan in france a fact which obscured somewhat the prestige due to mr willson the lat ter devoted himself for some time to inventing and perfecting mechanical devices for the practical use of acety lene as an illuminator both prussic acid and sugar have been made from acetylene and so has alcohol so pure as to cause a surmise whether it might not be produced in sufficient quanaitites to displace the more or less toxic alcohol of commerce to ronto globe bargains i bargains vlist end shoe store arrfl 29th ladies wiphout attractive footwear your new easter attire will not be complete oult spring footwear is now in and is very new and up to the minute be sure to see them v whfln looking for good goods you are saving steps to eome direct to the big store on the corner watch for our big add next week for the 1 day sale j oeneral merchant stowflrille tley cases i j 5f ladies shoes fori j ladies boots for boys boots for 1 j childrens boots for childrens shoes xor1 1 1 bargains bargains goods that made q famous day april 29h see ad on back page sffcft ji vv w h shaw phone 9512 stoufiville stoire oloses monday wednesday and faiday at 680 jfcrturbed diner what on eartn is tho matter with you this evening wait er first you give me the fish and now you give mo thd soup waiter confidentially well to tell the truth sir it was igh time you ad that fish after the soup itd ha been too late xondon mail lieut wait is now in stouff ville recruiting for the 220th york rangers the boys expect to be quartered in stouffville all summer the war auxiliary is doing all in its power to keep the boys in town till the battalion is mobilized each recruit will be stationed here until mobilizn- tiorij i quito satisfied in old age boswell said to johnson apropos the dictionary you did hot know what you wcro undertaking yes sir was tho answer i knew very well what i was undertaking and very well how to do it and have dona it very well london standard open to any offer young man so miss ethel is your- eldest sister who comes after her small brother nobody aint como yet but pa says the first fellow that comes can have her london stray stories lalbs fancy bibcuits is i- lopkgs jei l-o- jelly powders 1 c 0 seeded raisins sunkist is 9j f seedless kaisinb sunkiss 1 14 pure gold salad dressing 1 latins spickandspan household oleanser 1 25bars comfort soap 1 12 bottles pickles 1 8prs ladies hose sizes 8 to 10 1 linen table covers ooloredtamask samples 1 4 large size turkish bath towels samples 1 wall paper largest and finest itook li newest design price kljjltt jjrae pioneer turtle eggs turtle eggs nre- an acquired tasta with most people although they ariy not so with bears they have a rough yellow yolk and a white like any other egg but you can cook them for a year and tho white part will remain liquid noticon curious dimple in the side of each one if you squeeze- it out the dimple appears on the othtr side and you can never get bold of a turtle egg which hasnt got a dimple in it fot sale seven fresh miljec cows lot 5 con 8 wtitcfruixn- r wilson ririgwood phone 213 eggs for hatching from an excellent laying strain of large purebred white rock hens also english penciled indian runner ducks 100 per setting c collard stouffville distribution the question of distribution is one of tho most serious of our time- re- marked the ponderous man it ist replied miss cayenne there is no telling what may happen to the simplest statement of innocent fact- after it has been passed around by the cossipr- eggs barred plymouth rock eggs o a c itrain fifty cents per thirteen i cecil sanderson bcthcsda ont to xjjet house orchard barn and four and a half acres of land s l freel for sale marques spring wheat no 720 a c oats no 21 0 a c barley phone 8805 a h raymer lemonville to rent a lrge new eight roomed house evory convenience apply at tribune office n baker son 1 can baking powder i lb tea 35o 1 lb coffee 40o p okage raisins packace cream of tartar can peas corn tomatoes bo corn s art h hand- ammonia k 0 d cleanser pk rolled oats corn flakos 3 oansofl gillets lye j u 3 cans corn syrup i can salmon 8 lbs ued ifosetea ii tins spick and span 25 bars comfort soap b lbs eaisins 6 tins giliers lye 0 tins dutch oleanser 6 cakes oatmeal soap 7 bars coronation soap 1 ioo 100 100 100 25o 100 hsr baker sons phoarjg loo hq chocolates -try- chopping owing to scarcity of labor i will grind on wednesdays and saturdays after the 20th of apr- eli lehman athp our new store one dook east o c the old store rowbotham bros bakers grocers confectioners