blockade runner caught with cargo of raw rubber markets of the world brcadstuffs toronto april 11 manitoba wheat no 1 northern 116 no 2 do shio from brazil with 120 tons on board seized ii4 no 3 do iuw in store wi i wi ij fort william olf the orkney lsiahds a despatch from london says the braziltian steamer saldanha de gama which sailed from para brazil feb for new york with a cargo of 120 tons f raw rubber has been seized off the orkney islands by a british patrol boat the ship and her cargo have been placed in the prize court this is believed to be a deliberate case of attempted blockade running the officials here contending that a steamer fromk para for new yor could never have gotten so far off manitoba oats no 2 cw 43c i no 3 do 41c extra no 1 feed 41c no 1 feed 40c in store fort william american corn no 3 yellow 83c track toronto canadian corn feed 08 to 70c on track toronto ontario oats no 3 white 44 to her course this is the first seizure 45 commercial 43 to 44c according madt by the admiralty of a complete cargo of rubber 44 until june 1919 prohibition o be effective september 1c 1916 a despatch from toronto allies masters in asr fighting 10 german planes brought down during month of march to freights outside ontario wheat no 2 winter per car lot 102 to 104 no 1 com mercial 9pe to 101 no 2 do 97 to j 99c no 3 do 94 to 95c feed wheat i 80 to 88c according to freights out side peas no 2 150 according to sample 1 to 130 according to freights outside bailey malting 02 to 03c feed 59 to g2c according to freights out- i side buckwheat 09 to 70c according to freights outside rye no 1 commercial 88 to 89c i a despatch from london says prohibition will be put into force fri french and british aviators brought ontario on september 1g next the lown 42 g pteneis on the west rejected according to sample 81 to n n v iohibition will be front ik march it was stated on sce according to freights outside thursday in reply to the official ger- manitoba flour first patents in man claim issued wednesday that only jute bags 050 second patents in 14 german aeroplanes were lost jt bags 0 strong bakers in jute bags 580 toronto max the good samaritan taken on the first monday in june 1919 this means the province will be dry until that date the liquor license act now in force in the pro vince will be repealed when the on tario temperance act prohibition goes into effect if when the referen dum is taken the people vote against prohibition present licenscholders will probably get their licenses back but districts where local option is now in force will remain dry in other two good stories of a most intelli gent dog a wonderfully intelligent ontario flour winter according to sample 415 to 425 track toronto 425 to 435 bull seaboard prompt shipment millfeed car lots delivered mont- per ton 25 i middlings per j ton 27 good feed flour per bag 160 to 170 lovable and wellbred collie was max the hero real freights bran of mrs t p oconnors book dog shorts per ton 20 stars he was different from all other dogs words the situation will be just as it j tttites mrs oconnor his eyes deep brown thoughtful kind intelligent and above all reasonable were un- forgetable he was dumb but ho spoke continually with those true honest eyes one night after he had been with is at present the government is considering the case of licenseholders who have long leases on their hands si 0000000 subscribed to the patriotic fund sufficient to last till after 1910 it 13 estimated a despatch from ottawa says moro than 10000000 has been sub scribed by the people of canada to the patriotic fund this sum is esti mated t0 last till the end of the first few months in 1917 the great num ber of enlistments during the past few months has added a greater bur den to the fund and now each month is being dispensed a sum far in ex cess of that anticipated a year ago in february 1910 the total paid to dependents was in the neighborhood of 525000 which is the largest months disbursement since the war began for the first time it exceeded the halfmillion mark the amount country produce butter fresh dairy choice 29 to 32c inferior 25 to 20c creamery prints 35 to 37c solids 33 to 34c eggs newlaid 23 to 24c do in us a few months he went out at seven cartons 24 to 25c oclock and did not come back it was another british victory in the tigris campaign one division operates on each bank of river and during day five lines of trenches were taken a dspajch from london says the am had drven the enemy out of his fok licial statement was issued fourth and fifth lines on thursday general lake reports that the ti- aeroplane reconnaissances then re ported that the enemy was strongly reinforcing his entrenchments at fe- i from sunset coast what the western are doing people progress of the great west in a few pointed paragraphs told lieutgeneral sir george f gor- and 12000 yards respectively from rinpe who succeeded genera aylmer i fte fr trenches at ummelhenna fox farming is becoming a popu lar business in alberta k corps r the command of lahie andsnnayyi p ition 6 t city schools at trail were recent closed for two weeks on account of attacked the enemys entrenched posi- as th l wuld only be ap- measies 1 i proached over very open ground gen- tion at ummelhenna on wednesday cral goiringe ordered a further at- i our trenches bad been pushed forward j tack deferred until evening by means of saps to within 100 yards j in the meantime on the right of the enemys position and the lead- j ban the 3rd division under general i ing battalions of the 13th division j keary captured the enemys trenches j then rushed the enemys first and j opposite the felnhie positon dur- second lines in quick succession ing the afternoon the enemy on this the third line was captured by 6 j bank made a strong counterattack oclock in the morning under the with infantry and cavalry supported sunport of artillery and machine gun by guns this counterattack wis fire the 13th division continued successfully repulsed and the position their victorious advance and by 7 j won was consolidated from the middle west 6 people 1 between ontario and bri- tish columbia items from provinces where many ontario boys and girls arc living recruits a splendid exhibit of products from the sidney experimental farm was j held recently in victoria point gray is to have an honor roll for those residents who havo erilisti for overseas service a ferry service is being asked for from barnston island to a point on the mainland near port mann a chinaman was captured in van- i couver while trying to escape with j 3500 worth of stolen diamond rings an honor roll of twenty members i who have enlisted was unveiled at 1 trinity methodist church vancou ver b c the body of a baby girl about nine fill as q a qv affitftm months old who had been smothered imcml imulffilllwjj was found in a sack on a doorstep in farm animals also shot down and buildings sot on fire a tfmiwireh from saskatoon sask the oldest pioneer captain and pilot in british columbia died last week in vancouver in the person of captain thomas pamphlet deschamps mill and logging camp at kinnaird which has been running steadily for the past 12 months has prince george of england kings fourth son who at tho ago of 13 will join tho navy in septem ber winnipeg secured 1575 during eight days recently nearly 12000 men have been re cruited in calgary for the various corps and recruiting is still going ioned for march isg although his collar bore this inscrip tion max t p oconnors friend 38 grosvenor road s w that would surely bring him back if only for the reward i felt disappoin ted in him he seemed so wise and it was positively stupid to get lost i slept badly and asked annie the moment she fetched my tea if there was any news of max she said no and i dressed wrote out a description 1050 calves good to choice 900 says a whole family of six was wip- c down for the present etiotn tno vtakaw district on wed- 1 three vancouver boys in short nesday night when prokop manchure trousers were said to have held up a his wife a brotherinlaw and three chinaman who was carrying home cluldren were murdered the house laundry and robbed him of 10 burned over their dying bodies and twentvfivc per cent of the resi- on their animals shot down and left to dents of the igtsumkalum valley in it is unlikely that winnipeg s new p in the burning buildings the northern british columbia are said city hall will be bmlt thsummer crime was discovered when neighbor lo have enlisted for service overseas at st pauls presbyterian church vancouver chief of police mclen nan unveiled a list of 42 names of church members who have enlisted chinese merchants of vancouver operating in conjunction with tho jto 1000 do medium 725 to 850 dr m b steei left lethbridge used with terrible effect no trace of chinese board of trade contributed 19c fed and watered 1095 do ia week for england haying ob- the murderer has been discovered their first instalment of 100 to the gallon weighed off ears 1140 to 1150 do a utenants commission in j b c aviation school freaky missiles is to 19c ducks 20 to 22c geese 18 t0 to 20c turkeys 25c cheese large 19c twins maple syrup 110 per 8 tin fob 1005 7- j the imperial army potatoes car lots of ontario 180 montreal april u butcher steeds it is said tnat a troops will to 185 and new brunswicks at 190 best 8io 825 good 700 to 8 so again to calgary camp and that queer shells that this to 195 per bag on track r125 to 750 medium 7 to preparations are being made to acj produced x2gkrtyim to 725 butcher commodate 20000 men v-isb- 610 to 720 medium mrs george fox of rapid city i the tremendous shells which the bacon lonr 7 sfi in to kfirtor common ssfin- ran i man was burned beyond recogni- huge cannon of the germans and al war lo 16 to 17c per 610 to 660 common 560 canl man was burned beyond recogni- ge cannon of the of him slipped on my waterproof f or jk cmeiots hamsmedium 21 ners 4 to 5 hogsselects tion and her bones reduced to ashes j send through the air are not only t raining rvnustom for l 17 to 20c rolls 1125 to 51175 roughs and mixed when her clothing caught fire missiles sent forth by the great guns apply card system to meat in germany third of a pound per capita daily is allowed outside berlin a despatcli from berlin says meat cards will be introduced in bavaria and saxony on april 15 per mitting consumption of 150 grammes it was still rainin the mrer f some souvcwakfast bacon 21 to lots 103 xaret pure lard tierces 15 vi to fed 7 to 9 house and there vn the doorstep fer max wet and bedraggled beside a sick dog who stretched at his feet was breathing heavily max stooped bis noble head and licked him lift ing it ho saw me and gave a success ion of joyful explanatory barks he knew that help had come and be told me why be had been out all night tegll common 1025 the manufacture of sewer pipe that have no parallels in history the to 03heep 6c tbvill be commenced within a short gas shell the weeping shell the de- calves milk time at medicine hat in the plant of 15c and pails 1591 pound 13 to 14c to 10c- corn- winnipeg grain winnipeg april 11 cash quota tions wheat no 1 northern 110 no 2 northern 114 no i got a policeman to carry the dog 3 northern 110 no 4 108v4 to tho dogs home and max followed no 5 9994c no 6 9194c feed 8694c onelirdpoundtner canits- iwnd saw the stra safel she- oatsno 2 cw 42c no 3 cw excent on u 0 meatless lv each tore t back t0 grosveor he extra no 1 feed 40c no 1 except on t o meatless days eacn road he t fatlquod to v 38 2 feed 3794 c barley week bavarm has forbidden sale of but lrani thirstl aild s t allno 3 02u n 4 57c- reject canned meats whole hams whole sauj the rest of the day fe tt frau flnvino 1 sage etc to individuals to prevcnjfc the policeman on night duty said s c r s7 k- ifc 9 rv s1 siw the accumulation of stocks in advance j that at nine oclock he had seen max jn tf 1n0 c individual meat cards probably will seat himself by the helpless stray not be issued in berlin regulation spaniel and every hour when he of distribution will be effected by i passed max was still keeping faithful limiting the supply for each retailer what cares germany how ships were sunk a despatch from amsterdam says hungry in an hour after their meals food scarcity in gcrmany more serious grows watch and occasionally stooping ills head to give the sick dog a lick of encouragement and cheer there never was such a softener of obdurate hetirts as he never any dog and few human beings possessed of such boundless tact wo were togoth- commenting on the american en- er one evening traveling in the undor- feed 68 to 71c malting 75 to 77c nuirica regarding the torpedoing of 1 ground a pale worried dyspeptic flour manitoba spring wheat pat- the steamers sussex and englishman looking man got in at kensington stn- 1 onts firsts 660 seconds 010 the hamburg nachdichtcn says tion seated himself opposite us push- strong bakers 590 winter patents who in germany cares whether these ed l hat wearily back from his fore- choice 000 straight rollers 530 to montreal markets montreal april 11 corn ameri can no 2 yellow 85 to 86c oats- canadian western no 2 52v to 53c no 3 50 to 51c extra no 1 feed 50 to 51c no 2 local white 50c no 8 local white 49c no 4 local white 48c barley manitoba a despatch from copenhagen says a dane returned from berlin states dity on marginal deals that the weekly bread allowance for brokerage offices the alberta clay products company there is something of an oil boom in the cardston district as a result of the exploration work planned for the big dome of thab section every lease is taken calgary speculators are beginning to take a great interest in pork many are buying and selling that commo- at the local during the past few weeks there i have been several cases in which has dynamite has been found lying j around in vancouver apparently left by careless workmen a mob of 100 japs nettled over what they regarded as lack of inter est in their military activities at tacked japanese newspaper premises in vancouver and wrecked the plant raiding what is claimed to have been the largest blind pig in the annals of western canada detectives in vancouver seized 5000 worth of saki or japanese liquor one day last week each person is only sufficient for three days on the remaining days they eat potato cakes there is how ever an increasing shortage of pota toes the price of a small cake is eight cents a dollar meal at a res the executive of the calgary local council of women will take some action to endeavor to prevent the rebuilding of the recently burned in cinerator beside mewata park if the recommendation of the en- tauiant is so small that people are tertainment committee of the cal- hungry again an hour later a glass gary council is adopted the city of beer of poor quality costs ten will make a grant of 1000 to the cents a small cup of coffee is twenty- five cents the greatest shortage is in soap marconi invention for use of allies perfected board of trade to be included in the estimates for publicity purposes there is report of the establish ment in calgary of a plant for the handling of the iron ores which lie to the southwest of calgary the report is to the effect that eastern a resourceful prisoner pression shell the sneezing shell and the musical shell are all new with this war and so freaky in their ac tions that civilization would never have dreamed of them in former years j tho gas shell explodes and scat- j ters poisonous gases about among the soldiers and a breath of it is enough to kill a man the weeping shells or how he managed to escape from lachrymatory shells as the germans j j germans call them are fired with the object of blurring the eyesight of the oppon- i a certain british soldier is now tho ents when the shell bursts it makes p of his regiment in consequence the tears of those about flow in great of the ski and daring with which he quantities and prevents them from extricated himself from a very tight seeing the sights of their rifles it corner just where the adventure contains ammonia in high degree and happened matters not the man was causes intense pain to the suffered sent out on patrol duty with another the sneezing shell is much similar the were surprised by a party of the to it and gives off a bluish vapor on enemy in considerably stronger force bursting which causes the soldiers and calle1 u to surrender they near by to go into paroxysms of replied by firing and killed a german sneezing and of course prevents aftcr which his companion bolted them from using their weapons i the unnamed hero coming to the con- tho air depression shell produces many deaths troops exposed to the violent change in the atmospheric at tho moment on the other knee still there was no response he then jumped lightly on the seat beside the gentleman and i leaned against his shoulder tho man read on max leaned more and moro trustingly toward him but the man ter of bulgaria has been arested at completely ignored him the minutes tx tfr l s 1 were slipping by- wo were to get out ff ntrgu at sloano squarewhen quite gently j and softly max dropped his silky paw- on the mans opened newspaper internal troubles rife in bulgaria a despatch from athens says m ghenadieff former foreign minis- ing against the government ly on his knee the man took no ml tn hv no mr notice of him he tried the other paw m f hayno per ton car lots 2000 to 2050 cheese finest westerns 18 to 1894c fin est easterns 18 to 184c butter choicest creamery 33 to 34c seconds 30 to 31 ac eggs fresh 20 to 27c potatoes per bag car lots 175 to 180 clocks in germany united states markets minneapolis april 11 wheal tho may 119 to 11994 july 1029s set ahead one hour turned to mul 1 smiling no 1 hard 12494 no 1 northern j amiably in his very face a despatch from berlin saysthe j re german federal council has passed a sai1 bhnkln iiamls with him measure providing that on may 1 all dont llko l0s3 but if ho were clocks shall be set ahead one hour the llke yo rd bess the rilc measure was proposed for hygienic and economic reasons as lengthening spain demands explanation f vi-lj- inr limn r1ntnni 1k1l 1 1 working time during daylight and de creasing the necessity for artificial light allied warships sink enemy sub hounccd thursday night the of the submarine was captured from germany a despatch from madrid says the spanish cabinet has decided to instruct the ambassador at berlin to request from tho german government an explanation of the sinking of the a despatch from paris says a ger- spanish stenmer vigo and a definition man submarine was sunk on thursday 0 its policy with regard to the rights by a squadron of french and british 0 neutrals on the seas warships the ministry of marine an- germany to seize all cocoa tea and coffee 12094 to 123 4 no 2 northern lie 11694 to 12094 corn no 3 yel- low 75 to 76c oats no 3 white 42 all to 42c flour unchanged bran 1825 to 1900 duluth april 11 wheat no 1 hard 122 no 1 northern 119 to j 20 14 no 2 northern 115 to 118 linseed cash 213 to 213 may 213 july 214 the remedy i told your father i loved you more than any girl ive ever met and what did father say he said to try to meet some more girls a despatch from copenhagen says the cologne gazette a copy of which has been received here says it ex pects tho german government to ap ply the ticket system and seize all stocks of cocoa tea and coffee live stock markets toronto april 11 choice heavy steers 835 to 875 butchers cat- tic choico 800 to 825 do good 775 to 785 do medium 725 to 760 do common 660 to 675 butchers bulls choice 725 to 750 do good bulls 085 to 700 do rough bulls 165 to 515 butchers cows choice 075 to 725 do good 625 to 650 do medium 585 to 010 do common 525 to 575 stockors 700 to 850 lbs 000 to 725 choice feeders dehorned 950 to 1000 lbs 715 to 750 canncrs and cutters 375 to 150 milkers choice each 7500 to 10000 do com and wizard of wireless has improvements a despatch from paris says gugli- clmo marconi has invented a special j apparatus based on a new principle legacy of 75000 left to fiancee by canadian and english money bo used in the enterprise chorus girl soldiers heir will pressure brought about by this ex clusion that a live man is very much better than a dead one permitted himself to be taken he was there upon disarmed and searched but his which is destined to make a sensation al change in the operation of aero planes and dirigibles this announce- officcr killed at front through the death in action at plosion suffer exactly as do aeronauts captors failed to observed that with who descend too rapidly or workmen sleight of hand skill he was conceal- who suddenly come into the open air in a grenade in his capacious fist after long inclosure in compressed tms hc dexterously returned to his air chambers the effect being to re- pocket when the bodies had finished lease the air and carbonic acid sus- rummaging his tunic the discoiwo- pended in the blood and transforming them into bubbles of gas these bub- neuve chapellc of lieut edward ross bles are driven by the action of the ment has just been made according to mu of the gordon highlanders heart into the capillary vessels stop- a rome despatch to the journal des m pa pec a chorus gh who hag the circulalion and caugl jn marconi has at the samo bcen earn a weekhas inherited stant dcahi a fortune of 75000 tho romance has just come to light turks in the dardanelles and consist debats marconi has at the timo carried on important wireless telegraphy researches with great suc cess his inventions will be imme diately employed by the italian army latelooking tommy was borne in triumph to the german lines for some reason he appears to have bcen left in charge of a solitary sentinel whilst the rest of the party moved away quietly withdrawing the bomb the musical shell was used by the j frol his pocket but without slipping irks in the dardanelles and consist- out hc safetypin he suddenly broke dispositionof italys allies through miss peel tendering her resig- c of an ordinary shell with a small from his posture of cowed subjection nation from the revue keep to the j ball nttached to it bv a chain rough t the object down wilb a tremendous whack upon the skull 03 after which they will be placed at the 1 r in which she was playing at this appendage causing a curl not the dangerous aliens only destitute ones may work on farms to be reasonably paid a despatch from ottawa says the suggestion that interned alien enemies should bo released to help in canadian farming operations does not propose to include those interned for offensive reasons but only thoso taken in chargo because of destitution farm ers would have to pay them reason ably for their work some such have already been released for service 32119 interned in great britain a despatch from london says her bert samuel the homo secretary in reply to a question in the house of commons on wednesday said the number of civilians in british intern ment camps at present was 32149 the number released from thoso camps between october and april 1 ho said was 834 the grand theatr tion london m she is a cousin of sir robert peel ex plains that she met lieut muloch at brighton before the war and that he fell in love with her subject to a life intcrast he made her sole residu ary legatee under his will all the legal formalities have been complied with and probate has bcen granted i received my first intimation of lieut mulochs death she said from reading it in tho official casualty lists then i remembered the will he had shown it to me when he was over in england on leave this is how it ran in tho event of my death i give all my possessions and effects lo mary pa tricia steer that you know is my real name the witness who attested the will was also killed at the front so the validity of the document hnd to be established in the courts that didnt take twenty minutes ous sing- re clapham june j no to be made as it flew through ms sard the german dropped 1 tiss peel who says the air a 0 lllh v lmi hayonefc ckituiri o- ti- r r i to the ground tonimv then took t what is your objection to him papa why the fellow cant make enough money to support you hut neither can you monopoly in bread in new south wales a despatch from sydney nsw says tho legislature has passed a bill which established a monopoly in breadmaking and tho selling of bread in nov- south wales whats the use a couple of little boys were discus sing matters personal to themselves one of them asked t do you say your prayers in tho morning or at night at night of course said the oth er anybody can take caro of him self in the daytimo the surest sign the greens are going to have party tonight how do vou know been invit cd no mrs green was over to bor row our silverwaro to the ground tommy then iviok to his heels in the direction of the brit ish lines but had not gone far whin he came upon another german patrol challenged to surrender he stood till and allowed the enemy ti approach him close then suddenly poising the grenade he hurled it right into ihe midst of the little group there vai an immediate explosion followed ly cries and groans and the gallant o- dier continued his sprint returning safely to tell the story to his chsoringo comrades some ananias i want to be excused said tho worriedlooking juryman addressing the judge i owe a 5 that i borrowed and as he is leaving- town for some years i want to catch him ajboforo ho gets to the train and pay him the money you are excused replied tho judge in icy tones i dont wnnb anybody on the jury who caii lie liko thnt