Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 2, 1916, p. 6

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a tenderfoots wooing by clive phillipps wouley author of gold gold in cariboo etc stole which i tvtttttv i they left their horses and cha1 1k iv quietly on to some tall trees it was a glorious and memorable j fring a small lake a blue torquoise ride for all of them four perfect j set in the red gou 0 the reeds and horsemen in a horsemans country isan am0 the grey green of such a taste of paradise as in this the brush weary old world generally precedes for the i fifty yards the boy and trouble 8 thc were uttte more crept how much of this belongs to the the hands and knees and when they risky ranch mrs rolt asked an- their neads above the reeds struther there was a sudden splashing and all of it as far as you can see j scu as a bunch of mallards sprang none of it corrected jim except j quackim from the water in quick a few meadows and some water front succe four reports followed one on the frnser as you cant see i another and two of the ducks tum- how annoying you arc jim you headlong into the lake tor know what i mean perfectly well a moment the rest of the birds looked only you dont say it and he as uiey wcre going straight away doesnt know well if it isnt yours persisted the puzzled anstruthcr looking from one to the other why should not anyone run their cattle over it but some foolish prompting of curi osity brought them back swinging in a high circle overhead stand still miss clifford thcy heard the englishman say now let keep little cuts and scratches clean with vaseline tidu3i carbokted petroleum jelty a mild and effective antiseptic keeps the sore spots clean heals quickly som in handy glass bottles and in tin tubes at chemists and general stores everywhere refuse substitutes illustrated booklet fiee on request chesebrough mfg co 1880 chabot ave montreal nice evening he said isnt it i dont happen to speak your lingo but hope i see you well ever had your pictures taken t still the four remained motionless not in a conversational mood eh well perhaps that is better mustnt talk whilst the operation is being per formed put your head a little on one side sir no savvy eh well think of er old chappie and he pointed to emma with a grin and kneeling down adjusted his camera aiming it right into the faces of the silent group as he did so emma disappeared into the tent i whoop gone to ground he shouted with a laugh and the four rising with a growi turned their backs upon him to be continued officially killed instances of people who have bead their own death notices war always brings out curious situ- j ations in more ways than one waysj which most folk would declare utter- only fine jflavoury teas are used to produce the famous n marveisat british army french blends every leaf is fresh fragrant full of its natural deliciousness sold in sealed packets only b 107 writer finds much to praise mt- ight it tney uu 100 have ny anu agam h as soon a privat soldier i hay these two harrison i f flas but even to jhe onlookers seethe w up t guess relations delirious ill ride on ahead it was almost impossible to distin guish mor than two reports they might if they did not need j im have k and again water or 1 boys are trying it now what jim means mr anstruther i is that we have corralled oh i beg your pardon kitty secured the ex clusive right to all the water and all the hay meadows in the district and without these the run would not be worth anything stock must have water and in winter must sometimes have hay i see but how do you keep your cattle i dont see any fences we dont keep them they keep themselves in summer and in win- that aint no owl what is it then chilcoten telling his pals that there were there are white men coming the farm beef raising in canada sg tells of his impressions skill of the canadians in scouting in the smmcr of the past year m maurice barres made a tour of in spection of the british army and has set down primarly for a paris daily paper his impressions the result conducted by the commission of con- published under the title of line servation 15 per cent employ male visitc a larmce anglaisc is an ex- help by the year 11 per cent by the tremely interesting human document month 31 per cent by the day the describing visits to various sections balance employing it in various ways j of our army and ends with summing sixtyfour per cent employ canadian up the writers impressions of lef- born help 13 per cent british born f orb anglais help while two per cent employ help this chapter opens up with the of alien birth a large majority re- 1 words i hope i may have succeeded while four in communicating to you my renders hich i port the labor satisfactory port uie muui muoiuvwj in dealing with the finished steer p cent repor labor unsatisfactory the emotion the pleasure which t p per cent em married experienced as i saw for myself tho ivion lint nnlv ten oer cent have a wealth the beautiful orderliness and ly impossible were they included in it is rightly remarked that to sue any romance by a novelist says lon- ceed the requirements of the pur don answers chaser must be complied with quite recently there arrived at his standard of the beef market has unfortunately many men but only ten per cent have t house on tho farm for the hired man the seriousness of the british forces of those youll mothers house in richmond surrey changed greatly in recent years the have houses are employing single men ate soldier who simply sent his bullock that commands the highest and on a few cases were found a compact well finished ani- w the farmer employing no tliic hmhpr oriens un again i guess relations aenrious with joy by that price is a uyuiinut as this timber opens upa he homecoming for omy a day m weighing not more than 1500 ricd m had a house for him to live iwiiiiuuie vy t w a callop lor two previously he had been an- ib on foot and if he weighs oniy again two birds came down not all put tas horse nto a gauop nounce t war office authorities 120 lbs he will fetch the top figure it is the general opinion among the aslant on struggling wings but with lavlt7t lb a eumpsens killed in action provided he has the form quality farmers who have little oi no trouble their heads undor them air killed instantly as thats a fine performance clifford very few girls at could beat that they heard anstru- you were too quick for lead in mid i expect he wants to get a glimpse iiijs if by lightning of their camp before they have had s kiuea in action proviueu n o vi tvnf tho but what made this case even more and f even the thousand pound in sec satisfactory help that trie miss time to cache anything replied mrs astounding was that this very same beef is looked for by the best solution f the farm help problem is killed dur- ther say me what didnt you shoot no he lied gallantly see home rolt jim is looking for things not soldier was posted as slthenhse veactd the in- ssergeant kerr ofnge is greatly to the advant dinn camp they found jim combe sit- the royal field artillery who was age of the producer as other thngs dian camp tney iou t bridle mentioned for special gallantry in being equal the younger the animal buyers on this side of the atlantic fa farmers own hands in but such cattle are not shipped abroad wage treatment and horns how to corn beef use the cheaper cuts of meat from who in the nord it is a master work a miracle of will and method and the saying of lord kitchener the world will be astonished has been justi fied in a town in france he began his tour in a little french- town of which he says that wcre it not for our thoughts of sorrow would be a scene of comic ppera the firsti sign of the british army he saw was two kilted scots talking fc a servant in an inn which does in fact suggest the opening of an operatta ae he walks he wonders gun is loaded still and he threw tcr- she broke off abruptly and the breach showing the two cart- j to a grey i in his saddle the bridle mentioned for special gallantry in being equal tne youn use the cheaper cuts oi nni- operana y mvhrown carelessly on his horses neck one of sir john frenchs despatches goes to market the less s the cost of t of the body cut into it the quiet demeanor of the bnts y is rith the utmost good temper can boast of a very strange experience food a the greater the profit to the ient chunks 0 about equal so and he notes tot the shru opentolkmg with the utmost ouh f durine- the south to secure delicate flavor p the meat first in salt an monotonous melody of tte di urn rith rhp utmost jtoou temper can ooast ui vexj awib ioou unu mc fei convenieiib viiuua v v haired old mummy as if he in a similar fashion during the south producer to secure delicate flavor thickness- pack the meat first in salt and monotonous melody of the diup aying a gosdhn his native african war he was officially re- tenderness a certam proportion us ht pounds of f it for each fifes seem to enctant m more dying a fc v ported killed whereas he was never of fat j necessary and this should be wq ds of meat afte the meat than is reasonable he is deep y im pointed to where a number of slow- ridgcs w he had slipped in with were enjoying moving beasts were strung out in tne rapidity of an old hand almost as tongue i ported k line of march towards the river i soo says that the tribe is hungry that even seriously wounded i incorporated with the flesh or lean do you see that band those are then i killed those two myself the wolves have grown numerous and when the dead man came back mea rather than appear only as a nil mne back away off said from south africa all alive his own cover to the muscles the great the first of our beasts coming in for i the next fortnight you will see them wandering in by hundreds thcy know the seasons as well or better j than we do do you mean that they have been unless they died for love of you the deer all gone back away off s nu i up mimicking j memorial tablet was there staring him secret j producing a carcass of beef with it during the and who killed the others i suppose that you did oh nonsense im not going to be lieve that well well take one each then if out all the summer and are coming in j can get them give me you hand mi now of their own accord please for a moment and under the just that in all sorts of beautiful transparent pretext of wanting sup hi lo narks islanded in that bhtira-ctoivyitraivevgi-u- himself upoj pounds has remained eight to twelve hours in the salt pack add a brine compos ed of four pounds sugar two ounces to treat an animal in such a way soda four ounces saltpetre rii i n dissolved in four gallons of water this should be enough to cover the covering he as the others came up mimicking memorial tablet wr hm i the old womans manner seems like in the face much to it doesnt it and he pointed to a friends amusement that the fat grows nnnrv stock of fresh hides lfewe indeed can claim the per of its life time it great square stock ot iresn i fsmque disti of p0ss a the too common prac theres another stack justly must ticket for thfeif f yet canadian beef raisers to pro- that under tho flfty deer how such was the case with otirlate-am- iuie fat that an animal ear- n j bassador to china sir claude mac- the course of a few months j t vesse a cool place and i until tfn pressed by the expression of bonnic volonte on all the faces and a bri tish sentinel outside the headquarters of sir john french strikes him as a perfect embodiment of lo sentiment du devoir these were his first im- lrtle parks islanded in that black tinvrtytay udiwfgeirv nimseii upop ber- in groves s seen struther managed to rete- his little stzeat- awav their summer game fflrarsniroed and now they are coming perhaps he held the little warm home with their calves behind them hand a trifle longer than the circum- our income stances warranted but the girls rosy it seems easy where does the face registered no serious protest work come in i hes a very fluent liar muttered mrs rolt turned laughingly in her mrs rolt half to herself as they rode saddle to jim up isnt any work is there jim j bags his game very neatly an- jira who was riding in his shirt- swered jim sleeves with his coat in a roll at the she a little fool said the back of his saddle looked meditative- lady viciously but anstruther neither ly at his own bare corded arms heard the criticism nor the praise any might be some in the meadows more than d kitty in skeeter time he suggested in their veins the young blood was rounding up the strays keeps a beating so that their ears were deaf- man in the saddle quite a while and ened to everything except the meas- theres some dont hanker after too ure of one old song which once truly camp here emma much branding and such like but its learned becomes the music of a life- anstruther smiled at kitty combes all in a lifetime if it is work it is time j seemed a somewhat informal manner better than any play i ever heard tell for them the scent of the sage j of addressing a princess of guess if i was the boss of the brush the hurry and roar of rising much wood gr risky i wouldnt change places with wings and the blue of lonely upland crone anyone j lakes would be as the keys of para- j oh the woods all right its a thats pretty of you jim j dise as long as they both should live warm night and we shant want he looked at her smiling no ways bringing back dreams with which much abashed j duckshooting should have little water very bad makes men sick how have kjjjng have you been hunting ffe asked turning again to the squaw ten suns showing the number on her bent claws and how many men stop here my son his fader and two more who is your son what you call him kineeshaw whined the old hag in a curious singsong oh cultus jack eh nawitka white mans name cultus jack then his father is khelowna you khelownas wife emma nawitka me emma you dont mean to say that awful old woman is the chiefs wife whis pered mrs rolt yes shes the princess nice prin cess isnt she well were going to meat but if not add more water put i pressions and each hour confirmed dght on the meat to keep it be- assral yet ti of canadian beef raisers to pro- j brine as any exposed parts such was the case with our lateam ries in the course ui donald who smilingly one night at a much of the fat put on in this way is j meat in a brine untl you public meeting in england told how de sited 0 the outside of the car- j tq uge it if the brine ap- both he and dr morrison had had the it is largetywasted as it is ropy or thick p0u it off wash cass the grumbled the i guess the boss agrees with me enough to do j that is why you have camped by and he knows england as well as he unfortunately that song is a duet it- all right old loveliness im on kpows bc and has sampled the best and gives pleasure to two only so that to your curves doesnt seem to hank- there is to be had pretty nigh all though the pools seemed innumerable i or much after our society does she over land the glory of the day unstinted an i mrs rolt he said haughtily as he yes but he had his fill of england end came to jims loquacity he was took the horses and let them away first jim and he is older lall eyes but his tongue had failed him i returning in a little while his axe her eyes followed the laughing cou- 1 suddenly as jim and the bosss wife chopped out the roots at which an- plc which preceded them as her followed soberly behind the younger j struther had been vainly tugging cut thoughts followed combes and the couple an owl called from the timber down a dozen trees and stripped them pain in his honest grey eyes was re- which they were now skirting whilst he whistled so that the beds fleeted in hers she was sorry for her the two in front had pulled up and old friend and knew that it was use- were waiting for mrs rolt to join less to explain the old woild had them when they came alongside an- called its own and both knew that struther asked kitty had listened to its call did you hear that owl combe meanwhile the others had ridden isnt it early in the day for him to be ahead and were now holding up their calling there do you hear him he hands to keep the stragglers back must be quite close to us rheumatism 5 gg how is rheumatism recognized sonic have said w fl rheumatism is a dull pain q m rheumatism is a sharp pain m rheumatism is sore muscles jfl x rheumatism is stiff joints b ft rheumatism is a shifting pain x 2 all have declared rheumatism is pain m sloans liniment applied tg m m m m ft ft ft ft b the blood begins to flow freely the bodys warmth is renewedthe congestion disap pearsthe pain is gone sloans liniment kills pain guaranteed rheumatism and allied pains yield to the penetrat ing qualities of this warming liniment ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftb j were heaped high with sweet smelling hemlock the fly was tightened and set firmly between its guy and the fire made to leap and glow like a merry heart in the gloom it is not a bad thing for other peo ple to have one man amongst them who knows how to help himself and now as the afternoon waned an indian appeared dragging the first deer into camp in the course of the next hour he and four others returned at one time bringing with them seven deer in all enough meat to last them with ordin ary care for a month or six weeks i wonder if it is too dark to take a photograph asked anstruther who had grown tired of doing nothing just think what a ripping picture all those solemnlooking beggars would make squatting by the fire with the princess grubbing in the ashes its much too dark and besides i dont think that they would like it replied mrs rolt like it it cant hurt them they ought to feel flattered that any one cares to preserve their awful faces and so saying he strolled nonchalant ly over to the neighboring camp i wish he would not do it mut tered mrs rolt undecidedly oh what nonsense mary replied the girl you really are too absurd about those indians ive photograph ed them before and they did not mind a bit but ho will come back if you call him unfortunately mrs rolt wavered nd neglected her opportunity with perfect assurance anstruther strange experience of reading their use f little else tharttalfew own obituary notices in the times in connection with the siege of legations at pekipand the alleged thriean ussutcommands the highest massacre there during the boxer rej t only way to be sure of bellion some years back m is to mainta the ani- but said sir claude i can go a fa d condition b a system of bit farther than my friend the doctor ubera feeding from birth to matur- for i received in due course a ticket ft then the finis period is com- of admission to my own funeral ser- short and the cal pro- vice held m st pauls cathedral duces the highly desirable marbled how extremely difficult it may be i- i i i beef i the meat and repack in new brine carcass that dresses out sliswmg j the brine qr corne beef must be the specks and streaks of fat throughdlitl closely as the slightest taint i 1 tln lioosft of tne br resu in souhk price xne oniy way to ue sure ot fr jvij spoiling than pork g for a living man to prove that he was not dead in certain cases may well be seen from the experience of john partridge the famous astrologer of bygone days partridge was making a big in come from the sale of his almanac with its thrilling prophecies year the great dean swift was an noyed at this and at the gullibility of the public so he determined to stop it one year therefore he himself is sued a rival almanac prophesying therein that partridge would die on tural bulletin says march 22nd of the coming year when i the unusual conditions existing this day arrived there appeared in m the fertilizer trade it is important several papers due notice of the as- that all fertilizing materials on the trologers death writh a few lines f al especially those containing pot- about his career dean swift even asnj should be conserved information on this subject is con tained in a new edition of bulletin no 13 of the live stock branch ot tawa beef raising in canada it is available on application to the publications branch of the depart- everv ment agriculture there are up- wards of one hundred pages and near- ly as many halftone illustrations conserve fertilizer elements j a recent united states agricul- the fertil- more ly than pork g e morton rado agricultural college wise widow but blank married a rich widow they dont get along very well whats the trouble her disposi tion yes her disposition to handle all her money herself wrote and published far and wide an ingredients already existing elegy on the death of mr john partridge this fairly put the lid on in vain did the deceased write to this paper and that and publish pam phlets declaring that he had never died at all nobody believed him poor partridge at last gave up the the soil should be utilized and de velopcd to the fullest extent a great deal can be accomplished in this direction by deep ploughing con stant cultivation and thorough till age there should be a proper sys tem of rotation especially where one crop has been grown for several years even fish can be drowned if they consume all the oxygen in closed vessel the fish is coldblooded that is its temperture is very high slightly above that of the water in which it lives and is therefore needs but little oxygen to keep the blood warm enough to sustain its life this oxygen sup plied to the blood by the gills in respiration is not obtained by decom posing the water but by separating the air from it it is therefore necessary that the vajor in which fish live should be supplied with air and this is one of the direct benefits of the agitation of oceans and lake winds fishes con fined in aquariums often die for this very reason because the water is not aerated thcy consume all the oxy gen in the closed vessel in which they arc placed and no more being supplied they die and may be said to be drown ed because thoy perish from the same cause that occasions death by drown ing in lungbreathing animals that is want of air struggle to convince people he wasnt dead i a different one should be planted this year green manures and cover crops should be used as much as pos sible in their proper rotation of the organic substances manure both solid and liquid is the most im portant and should be utilized where ever possible all material of an or ganic nature such as leaves and bed ding of carious sorts should be com posted and the compost applied to the soil special attention should be given also lo the conservation of wood ashes depending on the character of the wood they contain potash in quantities varying ordinarily from 3 to 10 per cent all tree trimmings brush cuttings etc should be burned and the ashes derived therefrom utilized the application of lime to many soils is of undoubted benefit though the availability of the fertilizer ele ments in the soil may not be greatly increased by its use the resulting improvements in physical and bacter ial conditions may increase consider ably the productiveness of the soil judgo to actor who has been found guilty of murder is there anything you would like to say be- fore i pronounce sentence of death strolled up to the four sullen figures i actor yos i would like to say that who glowered at him as he came he this wiil bo positively my last ap- did not move a muscle ipearancc f i farm labor conditions of tho 400 farmers visited last sum mer in connection with the survey squelched him i gave up smoking for you said he what did you give up for me seven of the finest fellows in the world said she and then silence reigned for indigestion and biliousness indigestion biliousness head aches flatulence pains after eating constipation are all com mon symptoms of stomach and liver tioubles and the more you neglect them the more you suffer take mother scigels syrup if your stomach liver or bowels are slightly deranged or mother syrup have lost tone mother seigels syrup is made from the curative extracts of certain roots barks and leaves which have a re markable tonic and strengthen ing effect on all the organs of digestion the distressing symp toms of indigestion or liver troubles soon disappear under its beneficial action buy a bottle today but be sure you get the genuine mother scigels syrup there are many imita- tions but not one that gives the same health benefits 1015 is the best remedy sow roji in two sizes okiv full sizspric 100 trial size price 60c worms- wormy thats whats the matter of em stomach ana intestinal forms nearly as bad c distemper cost you loo much to feed em look bad are bad dont phyalo em to death flpohns compound will remove the worms improve the appetite and tone em up all round and dont physio acts on lands and blood full directions with each bottle and sold by bck kii1cai co all druggists ohtmlstii ooshea ind u8jl- them good will and sense of duty ar0 the essential characteristics of the british soldier m barres spoke to sir john french who said to him by the victory of the marne general joffre has placed himself in the ranks of the greatest soldiers the world has seen this ho mentions incidentally abruptly in the middle of a talk on other things- just as it is reported here aryan brother what fired his imagination most was tho extraordinary variety of na tionalities fighting under tiffi union jack the first indian he gaw was j from the punjab and walked like a rural postman but looked like a prince of romance the silfince and immobility of the easfcern fascinates him and he tells how when one of them explained the mysteries of tho kukri the only sign of life in tho whole company was in their byes and one of them said pauvres jbpches with a significant gesture he con cludes with greetings to bur aryan- brothers robed like the kings of thi magi he wonders why tlrgy fight ho is told it is because the great rai has summoned them and be cause they know that the boche is an unclean thing the canadian were less strange to him but interested him more because of the ties of blood hts speaks of their unexampled skill in scouting and tells how once they sent a mes sage to the german trenches it is no use sending another patrol id is the canadians who are iri this trench the london soldier m barres praises the cheerfulness the seriousness and the efficiency oi the londonborn soldier particular ly does he praise the care the offi cers take of their men and the re gard of the men for their officers he admires the spirit which makes every british officer act as if ho were on trial before a tribunal of his men over and over again he speaks of the completeness of our equipment and of the excellence of our food he recounts with respectful amazement of a general who took a pergonal in- tcrest in the fact that a company had had jam of the same kind to often tho generals explanation was that after all the government had con tracted to sec the soldiers well fed something new a man entered a famous restaur ant and asked for coffee after ha had finished his repast he called tho waiter and said waiter this coffee has itfl good points and its bad points its good points is this it haia chicory in it yes sir replied the waiter quite gratified visions of a handsome tip floated before his minds ejre and ho rubbed his hands gleefully but resumed the customer its bad point is this it has no coffco in it very much wcn sandy i want too buy ajieoktie shopman showing some fashionable specimens here is a tlo ifcat is very much worn sandy i dfnna want ane thats very mocklo worn i ive plenty o them at hsmc i i

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