the stouffville tribune thursday marchj2 1916 ojl 5peciai r w s m warriners clearing out all winter goods at very low prices mens and boys heavy coats robes furs mantles blankets mens and boys heavy rubber felt boots clearing them at greatly reduced prices during the month of march we will sacrifice all goods to iftiike this a big bargain sale and bring the customers from far and near to secure their wants at lowest prices yourfeet have fowd ithe right t place now my dear jses pnest feminine botweap lehman says we pay cash get cheap bij discounts and can afford to sell mta the leader for bargains in good goods in studying the beautiful contour of milady face vou ishould nit overlook the needs ot her feet and what lehmau says ii su there is a place to lay douu some of tli tiiianciul devotion you promised her in a fitting mamer eicorther tn this bo ikery an 1 let her grace her feet- with some ci the femiuin j foot wear that is stepping its way into pop uar facr a g lehman the peoplfs shoe store main street stouffville ont studebaker auto no other firm offers you a 40 horse power 7 passen ger car at within 30000 of the price no other firm has a longer manufacturing record or more honorable reputation than studebaker no other firm gives you equalor better service stude baker keeps your car in peifect order for six months free of charge the new fcrssl in automotsntconstruution you will find the same i ignition the same electric equipment the same long strokc motor the same high grade bearings the same fall floating rear axle the same perfect oiling system the same efficient cooling system the same steering equipment the same solid best grade leather upholster the same beautiful exterior finish that you will find on cars selling for 3000 and more we invite comparison look thoroughly over otker cars first then come and examine our studebaker you wi i be surprised at the differencer theonly thing small or cheap about it is the price sifuegfer ureg foe sale 75 or 8 loads ot first class manure c w hewitt phone 1102 stouilville for sale stock in trado ot duncans carriage works will rent the workshop and paint shop also two second buggies for salf cheap foe saie two pure bred holstein hulls 12and is months old 3 grade holsteins due march 1st p ii raymeu phone 2801 for sale solid brick house all modern conveniences a good stable and drivini house lieu pen o oo church st north also a now and compietcbunvalo all modern convenen ces st stouqtnlle all on easy leans a quantity of xxxx ontario cedar shingles at cost price and about sc00ftv2 inch hemlock 12and 14 feet long 8 and 10 in wide surfaced and jointed and about 30 square asbestos shingles the bjst roof on the market apply to n forsyth notice to creditors in the matter of the es tate of jacob b grove late of the township of markham in the county of york retired farmer deceased notice is hereby given pursu ant to sec 55 of the trustees act r sp 1914 c 121 that gll persons having any claims against the late jacob b grove who died on or about the 19th day of february a d 1916 at the township of markham in the county of york are required on or before the 18th day of march 1916 to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the executors the ir names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the sec urity if any held by them and take further notice that after the said 18th day of march 1916 the said executors will pro ceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the per sons entitled thereto having re gard only to the claims of which he shall then mia ve received not ice and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per sons- of whose claim they shalf not then havcreceived notice dated at stbuffvillei this 26th day of february a d 1916 levi grove and jacob grove executors mcoujlough button stouffville ontario solicitors for the administrators claremont the standard bank of canada magnus morgan spent the week the 41st annual meeting of the shareholder of the standard bank of cnd tne c canada was held at the head office of the bank 15 king st west b i love v s has left out toronto on wednesday the 23rd of february 1916 a lage number 1 7 t j of shareholders jvere present the president mr w f cowan took the town to take charge of a large stock farm in the western sta tes we wish him every success mr john gerow we are pleas ed to state is improving nicely sgt major g h forsyth is still in the fight in france alth ough his unit met with serious loss recently r e and mrs forsyth spent the week end in the city mr andrew johnston is in quebec visiting a sick brother- mr d b taylor was in tor onto on business this week our curlers seem to be playing in hard luck this winter getting close to the district cup by win ning second place the patriotic concert held by the school was a great success the programme was good and a good financial return made on monday evening the young people of the village gave miss bessie mcnab a shower at the home of her father mr p mcnab of sandbank mr and mrs s f robins are in peterboro attending the fun eral of the litters niece chair and tne secretary read the following report the directors beg to submit to the shareholders the fortybret annual report and statements of the bank as of the 31st of january 1916 together with the balance shee of front and loss account showing the results of the years operations it will be observed that deposits have increased by the sum of 5058 944 and now amount to j43099050 the circulation by 574560 and now amounting to 3271763 the cash assets amount to j12s93147 ct assets show an increase of j254s651 and now stand at loans to the public 33942914 as against j31426114 a year ago the fcet profits after making provision for cost of management accrued interest on deposits rebate of bills discounted and providing for bad and doubtful debts amount to j563401 being equal to 1878 per cent on the t per cent on ca a rest this amount added to the baance or ja3l4063 brought forward from last year makes the sum of j616 5440 which has been appropriated as follows four quarterly dividends at the rate of 13 per cent per annum amounting to 390 000 00 contributed to officers pension fund 15 contributed to patriotic and other funds 20 900 00 government tax on circulation 2s reserved for depreciation in the value of securities held by bank 10000000 balance carried forward 6164689 branches of the bank have been opened during the year at eston sask lomond alta wooler ont sub to trenton and in toronto bathurst st opposite arthur st egllnton no 2451 tonge st and closed at consecon out crescent heights sub to calgary alta dunsford sub to lindsay hamilton mountain sub branch locust hill ont sub to markham malvern ont suh to markham the number of branches now open is 121 during the year the bank subscribed to the dominion war loan for 1000000 and was allotted js57s00 on account of its subscription the usual inspection of the branches has been carefully made during the year and it affords me pleasure to record the zeal and efficiency of the staff the auditor mr geoffrey t clarkson of the firm of clarkson gordon dilworth toronto whoso report is appended is eligible for reelection as auditor for the ensuing year w f cowan president general statement liabilities notes of the bank in circulation 327176300 deposits bearing interest including interest accrued 3398661605 to date deposits not bearing interest 911243472 1916 dividend no 101 payable 1st february balances due to other banks in canada acceptances under letters of credit capital paid up reserve fund balance of profit and loss account carried forward 4309905077 9750000 26956230 2359815 360000000 400000000 6164689 photos ew new new plalura photos ire the newest brightest and most iile like photos ever produced we make nothing else vs 11 san0ebs stum0 subscribe for the tribune 1 a year our phone no is 804 notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of nancy sider late of the town ship of whitchurch in the county of york widow deceased notice is hereby given pursua nt to sec 55 of the trustees act r s o 1914 c 121 that all persons having any claims against the late nancy sider who died on or about the 24th day of october 1915 at the tow nship of whitchurch in the coun ty of york are required on or beforethe 4 th day of march 1916 to send by post prepaid or to deliver to tne undersigned sol icitors for the executors their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the security if any held by them and take further not ice that after the said 4th day of march 1916 the said execut ors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased among the persons entitled there to having regard only to the claim of which they shall have had notice and the said exccut- tors will not be liable for the caid assets or any part there of to any persons of whose claim notice dated at stouffville this 12th day of february a d 1916 joseph stcckley john w heise executors mccullough and button sol icitors for the executors stouffville ont notice to creditors in the matteii of the es tate of mary marshall late ot the city of toronto in the county of york widow deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to sec 55 of the trustees act r s o 1914 c 121 that all persons having any claim again st the- estate of the late mary marshall who died on or about the 1st day of february a d 1916 at the city of toronto in the county of york are required on or before the 15th day of mar ch 1916 to send by post pre paid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors for the execu tor their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the security if any held by them and take further not ice that after the said 15th day of march 1916 the said ex ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate of the eaid deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and the said executor will not be li able for the said assets or any part thereof to any persons of whose claim he shall not then have received notice dated at stouffville this 29th day of february 1916 absalom joyce executor scoufiville ont mccullough and button solicitors for executor stouffville ont current coin held by the bank dominion notes held assets 154923993 665219200 reserves 820143193 50000000 23171900 deposit in the central gold notss of other banks cheques on other banks 136733572 balances due by banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in canada yv 259266064 dominion and provincial government securities not exceeding market value rv r riiist7otr canadian municipal securities and britlsta fortten and colonial public securities other than canadian 134352727 railway and other bonds debentures and stocks not exceeding market value 54102407 1841481927 and short- not exceeding thirty days loans in canada on bonds debentures and stocks 232524274 other current loans and discounts in canada less rebate of interest 3374933935 liabilities of customers under letters of credit as per contra 2259815 real estate other than bank premises 2000000 overdue debts estimated loss provided for 19357599 bank premises at not more than cost less amounts written off 117126875 deposit with the minister for the purpose of circulation fund 15000000 other assets not included in the foregoing 10051960 5382212111 w f cowan president george p scholfield general manager auditors report to the shareholders i have compared the above balance sheet with the books and accounts at the chief office of the standard bank of canada and with the certified returns received from its branches and after checking the cash and verifying the securi ties at the chief office and certain of the principal branches on jan 31st 1916 i certify that in mv opinion such balance sheet exhibits a true and correct view of the state of the banks affairs according to the best of my information the explanations given to me and as shown by the books of the bank in addition to the examination mentioned the oash and securities at the chief office and certain of the principal branohes were checked and verified by me at another time during the year and found to be in accord with the books of the bank all information and explanations required have been given to me and all transactions of the bank which have come under my notice have in my opinion been within the powers of the bank g t cjarksojj chartered accountant toronto february 12th 1916 of clarkson gordon dilworth toronto canada the usual motions were passed and the scrutineers appointed reported the following gentlemen elected as directors for the ensuing year mr w f cowan mr wellington francis kcv mr w f allen mr f w cowan mr h langlols mr t h mcmillan mr g p scholflcld and mr t h wood at a subsequent meeting of the directors mr w f cowan was reelected president and mr wellington francis kc vice president toronto february 23rd 1916 g p scholfield general manager farmers milk lost between stouffville and mon golia a lddys gold bracelet wat ch with name engraved on back finder will kindly leave at the tribune office and receive reward property for sale house and large garden with a nice barn 1830 keil lirick liouac 2000 lovely home at 4000 red brick 2000 faris oxbridge towoslnp 50 and 100 acre make offei whitchurch township 25 3 50 60 112 markham townjhiji 50 36 and 100 acres bijsiness blacksmith shop acre bkery with buinings god brick house acre dargebarn store and house large barn 2 acres land j yake jeweibr and real estate stouffvfyle producers no need to worry about the help problem if you have a hin man milker the milker that is a complete success and pur chased by the shrewdest buyers amoj our recent sales mention ed buow is one in your vicinity mr w c grubbe thistlctown dr irwin weston mr arthur farr woodbridge mr w j curry newmarket mr franklin baker stouffvilfc mr jas pet ers ravcnshoe w ackrow wes ton mr john ackrow smith- field and others go and see the hinman at ac tual work see how easy it is to look after a herd of ten twenty or thirty cows then let us tell you how much less than 200 we can equip your stable for you need a hinman and you need it now 18 glen ave deer park toronto david m curry dist sales mgr made in canada castor i a for infants and children rfte kind you have always bought 6th line whitmcurch wedding bells are ringing loud- ly mrs e hisey of newmarket visited at mr e ratcliffs on monday afternoon mr wm leathers is attending the cattle sale at guelph this week miss m vanostrand of vandorf visited at mr d clarkes for a pie of days last week mrs e lageer and miss g la- geer are visiting friends in stay- ner for a couple of weeks miss mary timbers of siloam spent sunday with her parents here miss bertha harmon of gorm- ley visited at mr f steckleys over sunday rev j mutch of stouffville made a few calls on this line on thursday last miss flossie timbers visited with miss nellie talbot over sunday air thos ratcliff of toronto visited at mr robt ratcliffs over sunday miss n macklem is visiting friends near gait for a couple of weeks mr walter talbot has engaged with mr jas oliver of vandorf for the summer g ringwood mr percy douglferty of alberta who is at present in toronto tr aining for overseas service call ed on friends here on tuesday 5382i2iii percy is looking hale and hearty and his many friends were pleas ed to see him after many years absence the hockey tournament at st ouffville last week was well att ended by the people of this neigh borhood mftanamt lemon of sask atchewan have bcelrisitinaaits mr wm ratcliffs for a few days miss hoover of gormley visit ed for a few days at mr issac schells mr dawson davis of dixbns hill has moved to markham- revival meetings have been held in the christian church for the past two weeks the pastor was assisted by the rev mr hai- ncr of stouffville mr gordon pipher who is in training in toronto is off on lea ve of absence for a couple of weeks on account of sickness mr l dunn who has been em ployed by mr h spang for some time has gone to work at mark- hani mr clayton stouffer and sis ter mrs patterson of greenshiel- ds alta were recent visitors at mr d l stouffcrs mrs wm pipher spent a few days visiting relatives at oshawa mr chas fisrer of ft fran cis was a recent visitor at his mothers here who has been very ill but we are pleased to learn that she is improving mr wm brownsberger has been confined to the house thro ugh sickness for the past three weekshe is improving but is stifl under the doctors care bloomington mr whetter and friend of ori- llia were guests at mr win s lo rrys mrs salthouse of toronto sp ent a couple of days with friends mrs mahon is visiting relati ves in pickering mr and mrs bovair who have been spending the winter with relatives started for their home in the west on saturday her mother mrs connor accom- panicd them as far as toronto the young mens bible class held a social at the home of mr n claughton on friday evening an interesting feature of the ev ening was a debate resolved that we should have total prohi- bition tha contestants dealt with the subject in a very able manner tho affirmative winning by several points children cry for fletchers ca3toria