fry replaces parts of faces destroyed by wounds in war mouths jaws and even eyelids maje to move naturally by british sculptor a despatch from london says blown away below the bridge his derwent wood the distinguished i addition which he prepared of elcc- british sculptor who enlisted as a j trically treated metal is so perfect private in the army medical corps at that where it is joined is absolutely the beginning of the war is now turn- j imperccptibe and the patient has re- ing his talent to a unique use all gained his sense of smell his leisure time is at present employ- 1 wood is now giving up most of his eil in replacing the parts of mens time to this work and is able to faces destroyed by wounds in battle treat ten cases daily surgeons who these include mouths jaws and even never thought fhat a sculptors art eyelids all of which he has made to could be adapted to this work are now move naturally i absolutely amazed at the remarkable lie has just finished remaking a j results wood has obtained nose for a soldier whose nose was j j northern 120 no 2 northern 175 no 3 northern 115 no 4 jlll no 5 10394 no 0 97e ifeed 91 c oats no 2 cw 42c no 3 cw 40c extra no 1 feed 40c no 1 feed 38c no 2 feed 37e barlcv no 3 g5c no 4 59c feed 54c flax no 1 nwc markets of the breadstuff s toronto feb 29 manitoba wheat new crop no 1 northern 120 no 2 do 118 no 3 do 115 in store fort william manitoba oats no 2 cw 42c 20071 no 2 cw 203 no 3 do 40se extra no 1 feed 40tc no 1 feed 39c in store united states markets fort william j minneapolis feb 29 wheat american corn no 3 yellow 82 vic may 121 to 121 july 120 track toronto to 120 no x hard 126 no canadian eon feed 74 to 75c 1 northern 122 to 124 no 2 track toronto j northern 118 to 122 corn ontario oats no 3 white 43 to no 3 yellow 7g to 77c oats no 44c commercial 42 to 43c according 3 white 43 to 43c flour fancy to freight outside patents 20c lower 070 first clears ontario wheat no 2 winter car 20c lower 500 other grades un- lot 108 to 110 wheat slightly changed shipments 64357 barrels sprouted and tough according to bran 1900 to 2100 sample 103 to 105 wheat sprout- duluth feb 29 wheat no 1 ed smutty and tough according to hard 123 no 1 northern 121 gtfggffff jlllssll m plsi liliifi tflebijkfcit vx wgs f jkjj 5i spilsilyl 111 mb sses33eft m si isw lm j dash from km ex pected any day london naval expert looks for an early battle in the north sea a london cable to the new york tribune says a high naval authority told the tribune correspondent of a belief widely held in admiralty circles that the german fleet may make a dash for the open sea at any time now giving as a reason for this not only the pressure of political opinion in germany but the innumerable re cent reports all pointing to the pre paration of a combined german naval aerial and military offensive with the objjet of forcing peace and impressing neutrals viceadmiral rcinhardt scheer has been appointed command er of the german battle fleet in suc cession to admiral von pohl who af ter holding the position for a year is retiring on account of illhealth itsdood forhittle everybody young and old loves the rich delicious flavoi of greatest war brain bred since nelson london tapers demand that fisher resume naval command a despatch from london says the british weekly which recently sug gested lord northcliffe as air de fence minister now cries for lord jacky fisher to resume the naval command lacking whom says the weekly england will lack the great est war brain she has bred since nel- j son the greatest war ever waged has produced very few war brains only i one man has beaten the germans in j brain power and that man is lord ebmudsbbug it is a daily treat the perfect sweet just what the children should have on bread costs far less than butter or preserves delicious with hot biscuits and batter cakes gives a new delight to baked apples blancmange and puddings makes the best candy you ever tasted 3 lily white is a pure white corn syrup not as pronounced in flavor as crown brand your grocer has both brands in z 5 io and 20 pound tins or can easily gel them for you the canada starch co limited montreal a plucky russian nurse one of the party of russian nurses who reached lngland recently on their way home to russia from nish 1 fisher serbia where they had been nursing in the serbian hospitals they had j economy campaign many narrow escapes and it took them seventyfive days to get to london from serbia sample 98 to 102 feed wheat 85 to 123 no 2 northern 118 to 90c according to freights outside to 120 linseed 231 may 233 peas no 2 170 according to july 233 sample 125 to 150 according to i freights outside live stock markets barley malting 04 to 60c feed j toronto feb 29 choice heavy 57 to 00c according to freight out- steers 765 to 775 butcher steers side choice 725 to 750 do good 700 buckwheat 74 to 75c according to to c do medium 060 to 710 freights outside common 550 to 560 heifers rye no 1 commercial 90 to 91c goo to choice 725 to 750 do rejected according to sample 83 to medium 050 to 675 butcher cows 85c according to freights outside choice 050 to 685 do good 575 manitoba flour first patents in to 675 butcher bulls choice600 to jute bags 7 second patents 650 700 do good bulls 550 to 600 strong bakers in jute bags 630 do medium 500 to 550 do rough toronto bologna 440 to 450 feeders 900 ontario flour winter according to 1000 lbs 040 to 080 do bulls to sample 400 to 470 track tor- 450 to 550 stackers 700 to 800 onto 400 to 470 bulk seaboard lbs 600 to 650 do med 650 to 5 segregate more than 2000000 prompt shipment 750 lbs 575 to 600 do4trrouot than 90 cheques are made cheques made out more than a third of soldiers assign part of their pay a despatch from ottawa saystine monthly payments of assigned pay or i separation allowances to relatives or dependentsaf the men under arms out each month by thebranch dealing with this part of the work over onethird of the soldiers who have enlisted are now giving part of their veal choice 900 to 1100 do medi to friends or dependents at home rum 700 to 800dol comn6n 550 5 ab on- of the total l- 600 lambs yearnings 700 to forcc representing approximately the 800 culled lambs 700 to 725 married men are on the list for sepa- millfeed car lots delivered mont- to 650 lbs p70 550 canners real freights bran per ton 25 350 to jsxuttcrs 425 to 450 shorts per ton 26 middlings per mjjterirchoice each 6000 to 8500 ton 27 good feed flouiperfeagtspringers 6000 to 8500 calves 175 to 185 country produce tter fresh dairy 27 to 30 ferior 23 to 25c creamery prints 34 spring iambs 1000 to 1250 ew to 36c- solids 32 to 31c light 750 to 900 sheep heavy to note that the pioporlion of the eggsstorage 25 to 26c per dozjand bucks 050 to 800 hogs mli selects 27 to 28c newlaid 30 to 31c and watered 975 do fob 940 case lots weighed at plant 1015 honey price in 10 to 60lb tins i montreal feb 29 butcher steers 12 to 13c comb no 1 275 to est 7 to 750 good 650 to 7 3 no 2 225 to 240 jfair 6 to 650 medium 575 to 6 b 420 to 440 i butcher bulls best 575 to 625 med j ration allowance it is interesting a despatch from london says the italians have so fortified them as to make them stand any attack great heroism wounded in head and blinded by blood he brings dead com rades down a despatch from rome says de- a despatch from rome says the starts in britain j commander of the italian troops at tails now made public concerning the avlona in albania has declared that recent italian air raid on laibach re- his positions are now so fortified as veal the heroism of capt salomone national organizing committee on to be ready to stand any attack and pilot of one of the italian aeroplanes war savings on wednesday issued an he is even able to take the offensive if on his return journey capt salo- appeal to all employers of domestic necessary his second in command mones machine was attacked by five servants in large houses to drastically nas undertaken to instruct the al- austrian fokkers he was severely reduce their staffs and close part of banian troops according to the italian wounded in the head and temporarily their houses the committee also urged that simpler meals be served and that garden luxuries especially from hothouses be sacrificed in order to save money and release domestic labor for more useful purjjoses- berlin offers prizes for new name of city a despatch from berlin ont says canadians will have an opportunity of offering suggestions for the new name of this city a public subscrip tion is being raised and liberal prizes will be offered for first second and 1 ar third choices suggestions will have to be accompanieflfcreasoriss whyvihe name should be chosen and the com petition will be dominionwide the judges will be named by the city council 1 system of warfare j turks despise germans a mahometan is disgusted at their cruelty i resent imphatieally the constant imputation that the turks and the germans are alike we are above the germans the civilized world ought to recognize this fact and our culture is superior to the german blinded by blood while two other officers aboard the aeroplane one of whom was lieutcol barbieri were killed outright despite the difficulty of steering the bodies of his dead comrades having fallen over the levers salomone refused to surrender he succeeded in returning and landed at talmanova salomone is now recov ering in a hospital a medal has been awarded to him for valor v kultur writes kadjiiinoullah mah- i pm di bey in the new armenia pub- yarns made 1rom i aper i ulp lished in new york he calls the will not use natives in african campaign poultryspring chickens 17 to 20c ium 525 to 575 canners 4 to 5 i fowls 15 to 16c ducks 17 to 20c butcher cows best 625 good 6 frttbvsta geese 15 to 19c turkevs 23 to 27c j fair 675 rough 125 to 530 can- art a en fft m 1 r h mil co tlprinntji cheese large 19c tvins19vic 1 ners 3 to 350 sheep oc to 7 potatoes gar lots of ontario quot- lambs 8c to 9 hogs selects 10 ed at 170 to 175 and new brunsto 1050 roughs and mixed lots 925 wicks at s180 to 190 per bag on to 950 common 9 cows 750 considerably larger among the re cruits of the past few months than was the case with the men who went overseas at first this is accounted for on the ground that a considerably larger proportion of the later re- 1 cruits are canadianborn and have natives of zululand and basutoland r relatives in canada be permitted to volunteerjor the cam the jenebet polluter ger mans he continues people call us the tools of the germans but it is the germans who are our tools we needed a power ful european ally for the triumph of our moslem religion and germany was anxious to serve our purpose they have served us in every capac- factory spins threads for gas mantles or shinscables london has no dptted nu new industries to itidc since fil war began but few perhaps of great er importance and fascinating inter est than that of paper spinning and weaving i have had the opportunity of see- a despatch from london says a suggestion was made in the house of commons on thursday that african money ammunition aeroplanes sub marines battleships but neverthe less we despise them track montreal markets montreal fob 29 corn- to 775 calves milkfed 8c to 9c grassfed 4c to 5c ioe banks in trouble amer ican no 2 yellow 80 to 87c oats- canadian western no 2 53 c do no 3 51 c no 2 local white 48c no 3 do 47c no 4 do 46c barley man feed 62 to 03c malting 70 to 78c buckwheat no 2 80 to 82c flour man spring wheat pat ents firsts 710 seconds 660 strong bakers 640 straight rollers 590 to 600 straight rollers bags i e 280 to 290 roller oats barrels i n a d 535 do bags 90 lbs 255 to 260 i l f financial dffcultes t coo n i co 1 n cm i ml and some big crashes may be expect- bran 23o0 to 24 00 shorts m i ed within three months middlings 28 to 30 mouule 31 the invowd wi to 33 hay no 2 per ton car lots ah nnnonn tbn iiw niii 20 to 2050 cheese finest west- 184 to 19c finest easterns financial pinch is affecting some big german institutions i a despatch from the london daily express correspondent in geneva i says a banker who has just return- j ed here after spending several months i in germany tells me that the prin cipal banks in the chief towns on the em 18 vi to 18 c butter choicest creamery 33 to 34c seconds 31 to 32 vic eggs fresh 30 to 32c se lected 20 to 27c no 1 stock 24 to 25c no 2 stock 21 to 22c potatoes per bag car lots 180 to 185 winnipeg grain winnipeg feb 29 cash no 1 if the war continued another nine months germany would be ruined fin ancially germany loses thirty zepps a despatch rom copenhagen to the exchange telegram company lon don asserts that germany has lost thirty zeppelins since the war began and that she now has sixty british ministers salaries to be partly paid in bonds premier asquith declines to move that members receive no salfes a despatch from london says in rcsponso to strong agitation by the newspapers to set the country an ex ample of economy preferably by ac cepting reductions in their salaries it is announced that the ministers have agreed for the future to accept one- qutrter of their salaries in the form of five per cent exchequer bonds it is considered extremely probable that the whole body of the civil servants will be invited to accept a portion of their salnries in a similar form of exchequer or war loan bonds in reply to an interrogation in ihc house of commons premier asquith declined to move thut the members of parliament should receive no salaries trade of dominion takes a big jump ton months show an increase of nearly 300000000 a despatch from ottawa says the total trade of canada for the ten months ending with january was 0s9359000 compared with 714- 465000 in the same ten months of the preceding year imports totalled 391094000 anil exports 595265000 tennant parliamentary under-secre- 1 to murder the children of the bel tary for war who said he considered gians and the french to dishonor the enlistment of natives as undesir able and impracticable airmen bombard station at mctz a despatch from paris says a squadron of french aeroplanes on wednesday bombarded a railway sta tion on the outskirts of metzand a gas tank a great fire was observed the war office reports the announce ment follows one of our airship squadrons bombarded with 45 projec tiles some of which were of large calibre the metz railway station at sablon on the southern outskirts of metz and a gas tank in the region of which a great fire was observed nd second contingents p against german east africa as long as the germans are prcsum- a large percentage was composed of this plan was rejected by harold j 1 ably christians they have no right unmarried men who were born in great britain and who had no family ties or dependents in this country great britain admires french gallantry lord mayor of london sends coun trys recognition to president a despatch from london says the lord mayor of london on wednesday presented to the french ambassador for conveyance to president poincare an album containing an illuminated address and the seals of more than 450 municipalities in the united king dom the address offered the respect and gratitude of the signatories to the french nation sympathy for france in her sufferings and profound admiration of the gallantry of the french troops lord derby in chaitge of air service board a despatch from london says lord derbys acceptance of the chair manship of a joint naval and military board of control of the british air service was announced in the house of commons on thursday afternoon by premier asquith the position is not a salaried one essen bank quits krupp workers lose an english fighting lord rescued from the sea colonei lord montague of beau- lieu who is slowly recovering from the injuries and shock caused vhcn the persia was torpedoed and sunk despatch from zurich says the by an enemy submarine in the mcdi- rhcinischc bank at essen has liqui- j tcrranean has arrived back in eng- dated according to reports received j land he was in the water for 32 here hundreds of workmen in the hours when picked up by a british krupp works have lost their savings steamer ity they have furnished us with somc won uf things in the way of yarns and textiles manufactured from paper pulp and also of seeing a demonstration plant at work spinning another mark of inferiority of the threads of paper into twine fine enough germans to us is manifested in their f gas mantes and strong cnoug to cruelty towar theird coreligionists hold a ship writes a lon corre spondent this wonderland is to be found in southwark and at the works of the textilite engineering company which is now supplying britishmade machinery made according to its pat ents for the manufacture of every kind of thing imaginable which for merly was made of hemp and jute and flax the things you see around you said mr george seaton mills the managing director of the company are new and yet they are not new what i mean is that the people of china in the days of confucius prob ably twisted a strip of paper in the ringers absentmindedly and found it had remarkable tensile strength but what we have done is to make that idea into a practical proposition the germans with the faculty for imitation have spun paper for years but they never could spin it fast enough to make it pay we now have found means of spinning the paper four or five times faster than the ger mans and of producing the goods 4 per cent cheaper mr mills then showed me around the works and demonstrated all the processes from the raw material which in this case is a reel of fine canadian wood pulp to the highly fin ished fancy wall coverings in pattern and colcv the paper is first cut into strips according to the width of yarn or rope strand required then twisted on frames very similar to those used in cotton or woolen manufacture and afterward by means of spools of weft and warp the material is transferred to looms which will weave anything plain or fancy ribbed or patterned their women or to bombard their cathedrals no mahometan would ever dishonor a mohamctan woman or intentionally destroy a mosque our koran enjoins us to wage eternal war against giaours who say that j god is christ but germany has no right to act as though she were ma- hometan we must keep our alliance with germany until our aims are attained i accompany the devil until you have crossed the bridge when this war is over and islam triumphs woe to the jenebet germans then ger many will appreciate the meaning of the prayer that every pious moslem has to repeat daily oh allah destroy the giaurs thine enemies the enemies of true religion oh allah make their children orphans and defile their abodes cause their feet to slip give them and their women their children and relatives their brothers and their friends their possessions and their race as booty to the moslems situation critical in turk capital london feb 24 an athens de spatch to the morning post says news from constantinople repre sents the situation there as the most critical since the news of the fall of erzerum has leaked out the always latent dissatisfaction of the people with their young turk rulers is now assuming hourly more threatening proportions both in the capital and the provinces especially at smyrna where the populace is in almost open revolt the popular anger is aug mented by the great dearth of neces saries due to the blockade and the stoppage of trade and industry the leaders of the disaffection aic osman pasha abdi pasha and suwat pasha a woman sniffs every time she thinks- of her dnughterinlaws meth od of rearing bnbies school teacher why is a certain part of the church called the altar willie because it is where people change their names from sunset coast what the western people are doing progress of the great west told in a few pointed paragraphs potatoes are very scarce and dear in vancouver vancouver police are waging a vigorous campaign against undesir ables school board estimates for van couver last year amounted to 153- 78216 point grey is trying to have man ual training introduced into its schools triplets all boys arrived at the home of j a pallott a vancouver druggist a ship building plant and dry dock to cost over 5000000 will be built at north vancouver 7 last year over 900 unowned dogs were killed in vancouver by the van couver pound keepers out of 3979s telephones in tho pro vince of britsh columbia on jan 1 last 8750 were in victoria new westminsters new market site comprises five acres near tho water front and will cost nearly 40- 000 the cold weather is driving the wild animals nearer into vancouver than has been the case for many years four new post offices were lately opened in vancouver province they are at fawn 100mile house penny and seton lake another improvement in the vic toria harbor is now being effected through the removal of practically all of platform rock counterfeit 20 gold pieces have been circulating in vancouver re cently some victims innocently of fering the pieces at the banks between 20 and 30 japanees from camps back of port coquitlam came into vancouver recently to join tho jap military company an order has ben received in van couver for another 150 men to bo sent to ottawa for duty with the canadian engineers at the front because of heavy snowfalls heavy freshlet3 this spring on the fraser and other rivers of british columbia are predicted by railwaymen and oldtimers the death rate in victoria last year according to the annual report of tho medical health officer dr c a b hall was but 780 per thousand j percentage slightly higher than in 1914 the dominion government taxi dermist mr c l petch recently ecirnens ofsea the vwt coast they will be consigned to the victoria memorial museum ottawa v bomb is like a woman you can never tell what it will do next a bomb is like a woman you can i never tell what it is going to do next writes an irish officer from the british front in flanders he has been engaged for several weeks in experimenting with bombs and vari ous newfangled bombthrowing de vices the more one has to do with bombs the more afraid one becomes of them he continues for one can not slay with explosive all day with out going aloft some time and tho toll of good men who have been blown to pieces by their own bombs is both long and sad bomb throwing as an art is still in its infancy changing almost from day to day and what state of develop ment or perfection it will have reach ed before the end of the war cannot be guessed at the best it is a fiend ish way of fighting for its injuries are ever of the ghastliest yet bombing like most other aspects of war has its humorous side and i have seen a whole trench help less with laughter at the sight of two men running opposite ways to avoid a sausage bomb they had spotted sail ing over from a german trench mor tar they collided and sat down fac ing each other like vaudeville come dians the bomb dropped in the mid dle almost touching them both and then completely failed to explode one morning twenty or more mem bers of the general staff came around to our trench to witness a test of a new catapault arrangement for throw ing bombs to the considerable distance of 250 yards with great interest they watched the screwing down of the great arm and the placing and securing of the bomb in position then upward and forward swung the arm but the missile instead of hurt ling in the direction of the enemy rose gently a few feet in the air not having been properly secured and then prepared to descend again to earth such 1 rapid and complete selfeffacement of staff officers had never before been seen they lied like rabbits and as they rounded the cor ner of the trench the bomb went off a few feet from the ground completely destroying tho new catapault i i some girls imagine that every un married man they meet is looking for brown they say green has beena wife srartlivgcvclopments itis assorted wandering in his mind lately black while waiting for a dead mans maybe confidently expected very well hes safe cnough he cant shoes you could probably earn a beb- i far i tcr pair shortly igo far hmfffhn j