Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 2, 1916, p. 15

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fire notice rennies seeds wo delre to advise our customers that although we have suffered a very large loss in sundays feby 20th flrr we have sufficient stocks stored at ourware- liouse at long branch and other warehouses in the city to enable us to ill orders complete and to tako care of the coinlnj seasons trade we commenced ship ping monday 2lst at noon and orders win be- handled in our usual prompt manner hick yet delicate r clean and full of aroma rennies seeds head office toronto canada been supplied with their all our branches have seasons requirements a tenderfoots wooing by clive phillipps wolley author of gold gold in cariboo etc not help the poor beast now and his first duty was to look after his bosss wife and that dear curly little head under the blue robe after this the grey dawn began to come a sad weird i light sifting through the pine tree whilst the fires died down and the tink chickadees began to call among j the doughs warning their woodmates j that those silent footed things who use the firestick were moving again in j their lairs and would soon be creeping j up towards the high places whither the fullfed stags were already saunt- j ering for a days siesta after a long nights feed i with the first hint of light u busy stir began in the indians camp even before that the women must have been moving in their leanto for emma bent and old began to put out strange- ly compounded packs blankets rolled and corded and bloody parcels of meat then the leantos came down and they too were dissolved into packs and before the dawn had come the in dian camp was completely dismantled the packhorses loaded with hides and jf meat and everything ready for a msmmsmssfm start the indians were apparently not go- woklds champion cow why not women cooks for army bio is blended from selected hillgrown teas famed for their fine flavoury qualities imitated yet never equalled spk3k3sa svmmmimmmxr ais of interest to fanners in a test gave more than 16 quarts j of milk a day by producing 7214 pounds of milk containing 35536 pounds of butter i fat in seven days ormsby jane segis being seriously considered aaggie a purebred holsteinfrcsian j has surpassed the worlds best dairy i x lmland record and become the champion j the idy with the ponderous name is owned by pine grove farm in elm belter food for the men jyouid be centre ny she is 6 years old and j y desirable the test was officially made under the j direction of the new york state agri- i result cultural college vbyhould not women be allowed the rules observed were a large t of men as c00ks j roomy box stall light blanketing vmy hospitals and in citrips this thorough grooming cows exercised qucstion has been rased repcatedlyx every day water always before them or in eng but so far thi fed four times each day milked four chapter iv contd crept nearer to the fire listening until for a moment ho was nonplussed i their back leaves were tipped with fo chilcotens and every living but the devil of island insolence had re light wallowed him up and for thm in cam except the braves car- possession of him and he knew that a full minute the droning ceased ric p of course the braves kitty was watching him still on his the silence which followed was more wou neither pack any thing nor al- knees he reached for a long stick from ominous even than that incessant mut- iow telr sadc horses to packed so the ire and bending forward tossed tering the intent scrutiny of those onb as tnere was a tottering old wo- it so the hot end of it fell upon the watching eyts made itself felt at man a cii1 or a og in camp which nearest indians bare foot j last the hief spoke could possibly be made to stagger un- quick as thought the chilcoten the white dog dreams in his sleep der anoth pound turned and for a moment the women said but his eyes are shut and when the procession had wound drew their breath and feared for what at once the figure returned and took awa tne woods the toothless the man who did it he never will win out he cant if he should dig nuggets of gombut plements i remarked onour tour of inspection of the buildings i had the most of them when you v authorities it has however quietness of the stables ucim taken up bv a number of infiu- that the official figures may be u who have the advan- readily understood by the reader it is t of a practical knowledge of the well to explain that 7214 pounds of problem and who do not mean to rest milk is equivalent to over 326 quarts j unt fhey have attained their object of milk therefore the sevenday yield ing to stay to cook breakfast it had been a successful hunt even of his potato hills and raise a hundred j were here 10 years ago was the bushels a year he never could pay for j astounding reply there is nothing that farm its so steep he would new on them but the paint i cal- break his leg if he should fall otr j dilate to keep the implements lookin so they said and went away shak- new h you want to get comfortably ing their heads as if they had figured wealthy on a farm you must do it j it all out and yet he did pay for the h economizing the best wav to place and bought another fifty off the economize in implements i have man adjoining him on the north how found is to spend a little more on why it was a big mystery to the paint neighbors who had prophesied his ut- j almost unbelievingly i examined was to come but the camera clicked its place in the muttering circle good ol1 p leading bending under a i fai jvhen he first came on the a f that machinery there was no and the fire still divided the aggressor hunter as khelowna was he made a moun of rugs followed by bundles j d jj he migh h from his victim mistake his forest training should under which tiny bare legs tottered of this remarkable cow averages more than fortysix quarts each day and furthermore 35536 pounds of butter fat when churned will make over fortyfour pounds of commercial but ter at 35 cents per pound the seven- day butter yield of this very profitable cow would be worth about 1550 while ormsby jane segis aaggics breeding is not remarkable in ultra- fashionable lines she traces to some splendid individuals of the great black and white breed she weighs 1500 pounds has a at the present moment a large number of soldiers are being cm- ployed upon tasks which are not strictly military and which could be carried out by women the precise number of those soldiers is not known but it must be considerable if we allow on the average only 10 men employed in cooking to each of the 2000 hospitals in britain and if also reckon those those en gaged in similar work at the numcr- got you my beauty said the un- have taught him that the hunted feign and do u backs elavcre scions artisi with quite your most often if he had remembered that p and p b the e there still rf md utteriv care j combe might not have recognized fe btle of c 4 the young buck who had thrown the conscious engaging smile on less of the dumb wrath in the mans in the fifth figure davies murderer an yyes he put his camera into its case indian who had been wanted by the and walked back laughing to his police for that last three years as it friends i was jim combe knew what kind of a mrs rolt and jim who had return- gang was travelling the risky run cd too late to interfere did not join in that fall and the hand which was be- his laugh but the sullen faces of the neath the blankets closed quitely ous camps depots messes and other straight back line and is well shaped j military institutions it becomes ob- enough to please the most exacting vious that the total force might be re- critic as to fulfilling the requirements i leased for combatant service would of the ideal holstein type naturally be by no means negligible she is a great feeder consuming large again it is notorious that the v j quantities with apparent relish her cooking in army hospitals and camps eyes open knew this was not so they at the time of my visit the spring ration consisted of bran ground oats rmill toll ih lave checks in the wooden parts no rust had a windfall from some unknown on the raetai parts every place source wife may have had some there had been paint when the iml nionev fall to her but those who pigment left the factory paint had had iived near him and kept their been applied ever since as needed pine billet came round kicking the te you just how jt was a d plowing was charred sticks and peering amongst y ha1 watched and they had stored in the implement shed i the young pines stripped of their fea- w0 and they had become more fou them all carefully cleaned the thery frondage and growing giants more asnamed of themselves the bright parts greased to prevent rust brutally gashed and wounded so that m0r they watcfced and the more they a a daub of paint applied here and their lifeblood would ooze slowlv t or what the nover had there as need on the plow handles done thiq nniat m 11 n ult- tva mf- j nnl rh 1 l o siuuuu uais is generally speaking of an inferior outraged four and the sight of em- round the lock of his winchester i away from them leaving them dry s qulet man had accomplished the average life of an implement ma the beautifui peeping out to see but he did not stir in his place he and fit for the cam flre but though as fa off a log listen on the farm i am told by implement if all was safe again were too much wanted that mans life as everycow- he turned over the brush bedding and ms ls thfi s tijf ap k t for kitty who laughed till the tears j boy in the district did who had ever looked at every extemporized peg on ran down her cheeks j heard of poor old lofty hart shot which anything could have been left oh surely mrs rolt protested through his cabin window as he read han8in anstruther between his peals of his home letters by lamplight but hejmhamp was empty nothing had laughter there is notmng to look so was not prepared to risk thesafneen left behind then his eye fell serious about one would think that of the women for the chanj- upon the bundle of cedar matting it you have been photographed i didnt a murderer bottanmg ii i aiimi hurt the sulky brutes and if thevi so he laj didnt like being li iili li i ajhtfj crviijf watched his this is the secret of that mans win- dealers is about five vears i should mng out y j estimate that on a 100acre farm- simi- he found out what his farm was al to that run by my cousin the in- good for and tbiwmade it do it he vestment in machinery runs about sent a tnuepackage of the soil of 9800 at that rate the young fellow i x his farm to the experiment station has already saved himself 80p on 1 1 a for analysis the report came back implement bills by using paint and oil meal hominy meal cotton seed quality and is conducted upon most meal salt powdered charcoal beets j extravagant lines economy as the ensilage and alfalfa word is understood by women does there are now seven holstein cows not appear to exist much has been that have produced over 40 pounds of heard already concerning this aspect butter in sevenday tests and their of the subject and more will average is 4096 the suredly be heard unless steps are taken towards improvement the women believe and their view will could save the nation a very largo telling the tale scarcely be questioned that they old soldier was telling his sum the sum is put as high as half entures on the field of a million pounds a year in food ex- a party of young fellows penditurc were they allowed to tako matter you afraid of indians jyou but we dont want enemies at any rate for goodness sake stop laughing you can see how they hate it it is a curious trait of the indians at any rate of the far west that they i grow potatoes now he never had grease judiciously perhaps this ex- tw0 oi whom were very scept- j control of the feeding arrangements weighed nothing so that he might made a speciaity of potato growing plains in some measure 4 he t as to his veracity then he they would also cook better and fur- have tied it on behind his saddle it he was not ssiefilarlw struck with rid of his mort s0 rapi1 b su took me up and nsh a greater variety of dishes there- he was not particularly struck with out for sleep and i worth nothing so that he might the outook bu the wise men had his half closed lids heavy as lead i have le ll whei i but hls eye said potatoes were the thing so po- just before the grey dawn came wa around to find some one on tatoes j shoum b and he went at u a house for th f farm butchering i me carefully in the ammunition by increasing the health and efficiency wagon and look here in- j of the troops farmers hoe- inr t 7 i terrupted on of the doubtful listen- at cambridge this view was and into the sky he saw khelowna hand whom lay worthless burden fell he learned the tato husness to the sumption is not usuali w fe issi mea the ammunition beldso strongly that steps hye sohnghistbn uohtonti wb rfttv h sss more about potatoes than the everjdone out of doors tnurfqfenttyh away nauntil wagon you mean the ambulance beendefimfe vgri iesxeessioniiii- amkssmsi fiitewme these proposal ffo much one of the dogs which had lain all n dead but vowcrn to escape no- t0 raise on p cod raw and snowsqually tice nfrwl nrvnwer jus 1 v if the messa had come to happens that the day appointed is full of bullets that they decided i j credit to their originators and mark in bad ought to go in the ammunition wag- the beginning of what will no donht become a national movement a form of economy the central fact that we are at this moment holding back from ac- mght just outside the edge of the fire- t wheat it would have been he would j weather butchering out of doors is on themselves seldom or never laugh light rose and attempted to follow ki fol j q th rio rn ha mastered the wheat business very disagreeable work causing whilst the merest hint that you are him it was his own dog probably for v th vji jj but how those hills did ro11 out p people to catch cold making butch- laughing even in the mildest way at though it cowered at the chiefs low k t t s tatoes no need that the fields should ering day dreaded i am of the them puts their backs up immediately j growl it took no other notice of his lne t h- fiv 3sss turn out nuggets of gold they did opinion that on every farm where like the vast plains and dumb for- command stealthily one of the at the first jerk the dog howled with are by nature sombre and a laugh i3 wood and hurled it with so sure an as much of an outrage to them as a thrushs song would be to the forest silence v v vx niish n mr trlr wlmo pi- yield p and potatoes bring the i there is much butchering to be done csts through which they roam they younger bucks reached for a billet of gold and gold was what he needed there should be a building on pur- i tjj to pay for the farm pose for it says a writer in michigan ci wartftu siijsiiab about him weie buyine the cure and a kick and then screaming things the at every movement the poor brute was f about it once or twice that it jerked along the ground its broken be fine if th had a machlne bones rinding together as it went i too pay for the farm flrst in its agony it tried to bite its tor- bovs he insistedi and that was the mentor and in a moment a club was end of it they kne that the ow fol even on the coldest day at in ms lianil again wagon and harness would be the thing one end there was a chimney a big oh wont someone stop the brute untii fte last t was do ni fl and cran that w hol i the mortgage two big kettles for heating water then too he held a steady man on one end of a large scalding barrel his job he did not make a great j was let down through the floor to the chapter v if anstruther had not been young and reckless and the ladies accustom- cd for years to look upon all indians had thrown the billet jind rising went as inoffensive there would have been aim that the beast rolled over scream ing with pain with a well feigned start jim combe sat up in his blankets but he was too late davies murderer had vanished j cutlus dog said the imlian who and other expensive water supply as possible and if not young folks spoke to j built in a conspicutas place may be a plain cheap structure my father built such a one in j which we could scald dress and cut i up our hogs and be warm and com after the beast which was crawling away on its belly dragging its hind leg after it and howling at every movement the dumb beast is not allowed to tervof the chiicotensjatjound their wmplain jnan jtadhm camp and as wa3 amost wthin striking distance of the chilcoten but little sleep in the white peoples camp that night the indians did not sleep through all that long night the hun elder woman white with rage said nothing with her riding crop in her hand and her fine nostrils wide and fire smoking and muttering among this one would not cease howling the themslves casting now and again bigger brute clubbed it over the head evil glances toward the spot where with a great tent peg clubbed it until the white people lay it lay very still constant contact with men armed that is the indian method of mak- with weaponss of precision has taken ing a sleigh dog obedient and one the courage out of the grizzly it has reason perhaps why no indian dog had the same effect upon a tribe which ever shows any sign of affection for nrtwenttu is naturally one of the boldest and its master when the beast lay still fircrxd mto tl e b ig inl fiercest in western canada but the the indian passed a rope round its sroshimlia noe xecl ox- instincts of the savage remain and neck and tied it up to a tree the hm like a poleaxed ox anyone with half an eye would have dog was not dead yet and as it might kisheenew for it was the cl recognized that dull glow in the forest possibly be made to work again he son struggled to his feet want i did not want to lose it but it was too c y drawled the english voice you think it was this that helped him nearly dead to bite so he took one now and steady and again the to win out that he forgot to sit up of its hind legs and moved it side- 1 fellow went down and anstruther nights worrying there were those ways the leg moved easily from the stood over him heady to repeat the who sometimes went around with thigh in a ghastly unnatural fashion dose as of as the man should re- their under lips hanging down mourn- and the indian laughed 1 i ing because everything was going to when a strong hand caught her and i swung her unceremoniously out of the way i you swine she heard as she was pushed on one side and though it was not pretty english for anstruther her splurge this year and next year drop j ground in order to make it stand down to two or three acres just be- firmly with the top leaning against cause the price was low the year ie- the platform on which tho hogs were fore every year he had just about dressed there was a rope and pul- the same acreage and the long run les attached to a rafter overhead for found him with a profit on the right hanging up the hogs that could be side when the neighbors said they used for handling large hogs in the were sick of raising potatoes to give scalding barrel the building was away he smiled and said lets stick also used for cutting up the hogs to it boys well come out all right trying out the lard as well as wash- it we do and when they followed ing clothes making soap boiling po- his lead they found him to be a true tatoes and pumpkins for hogs and prophet cider for apples butter and mince pics the finest part of it was and dont for chapped hands and lips and all irritations of the skin all the virtues of vaseline camphor ice in the form of a cream for sale at chemists and general stores everywhere in clean handy tin tubes refuse sub stitutes booklet mailed free on request chesebrough mfg co consolidated 1s80 chobot ave montreal gloom as a storm centre an hour or two passed by the night deepened the drone of growling voices went on and then a figure detached itself from the gloom and slipped without a sound into the firelit circle j just then jim combe stirred in his j sleep and throwing one arm rest- lessly from his blankets turning over j on his side towards the indians fire muttering in his sleep as he did so the figure glided back into the shadows j the bushes which seemed to have leg broke he said his shot with the pine billet had been a good one under that grey blanket by the white mans fire a lover of dogs felt his flesh creep and his hands clench but jim combe having been trained in a hard school had learned when to interfere and when to bide his time he could thpee vital questions are ton full of eneriy vital force nnd aenenl food health do you bow thai good dllcttloa ta the foundation of good heallh l pflioa and op- after meals take mi mother syrup preatton in ttosuch nnd elicit or eat in with con ti pat ion headache diuineaa ere sure ilcm of led ideation- mother seiiha synip the f rcat herbal remedy and tonic will cure you and banish stomach troubles at ji drnfilati much at or direct on reeerot o price 50c and 1 00 the arte boale contain three ttao i thoanslier a j wlllt co lthlted oral street weal montreal watch your colts for coufiri cmi and distemper anil nt lh first symp toms of any sue pimcnt clvr- small doses of that wonder ful remedy now the most uol in existence spohws distemper compound hold by any ihiptbi harness dealer or jellvered by spohn mxdicai co cbeailatn and bacterfoloirutl ooihan xna uaa but a womans voice cried to him the dogs might as well give up the rifle frank the rifle and he farming the more glum they looked was only just in time to put his foot the more he smiled no boys it upon it before the figure at his feet never paid to find fault and give up hod got possession of it sticking is what wins might be a at that moment a man who had great deal worse with us than it is come running back from tending his this is a pretty good old world lets horses stepped whitelipped and stern make it a little bit better we can do in front of kitty clifford so that she it saw neither kineeshaw nor the other j that kind of talk is catching and indians who had returned at the sound before they knew it the folks round of the fighting but she heard a rifle about were just as cheery as the new shot ring out and if she could have man they were beginning to see seen from where she stood she might have seen jim square his shoulders and put his head back like a man who prepares to take a shock but neither anstruther nor tim fell khelowna though he had fired point blank into the group had not dared as much as that yet it was only the wretched dog which with a strange instinct had crawled for preservation to mrs rolt that turned over under her very feet and stretched itself in death the blood of it splashed her skirt then jim jumped forward drop them guns you dogs he roared anstruther cover those men and stand still if they stir shoot xow khelownn drop that gun or and his rifle said the vest to be continued that that sort of a thing gets a grip on success they went over and made inquiries into the simple art of get ting there now was the time when we might suppose that a man would turn on his neighbors and say things but he did not he only smiled the more and told them all about it the very best he could that is the way he did it edgar h vincent in canadian countryman a lesson in economy two years ago i visited a young farmer in the northern part of on tario county a cousin of mine by the way my first visit had been made nine or ton years previously writes c c l in farm nnd dairy you have a fine line of new im- boss pih laterfere there is a remedy read this unsolicited grateful testimony kv no long ago my loft knee bc- came lame and sore it pained sfc me many restless nights so se- rioua did jt become ihct i was forced tocbaslder giving up my j work wherti chanced to think of sloans liniment let mc say i less than one bottle fixed mc up v cfuu 0 campbtll florence ttx tive service a body of men not very much smaller than the expeditionary force with which sir john french faced the german advance at mons must be kept in mind we can have these men provided they are medi- i cally fit at any time and without thl slightest difficulty in taking them we shall certainly study economy and tho comfort of our soldiers which again in a form of economy the i women who have taken this matter j in hand have indeed done a great i service both to the army and the na tion and the objection that their in- troduction to camps and hospitals would not make for good discipline is hardly one that can be maintained in the light of recet experience wo men are already jn the hospitals they are not likely to prove less ca pable less selfsacrificing or less r businesslike in tho camps f britains critics rebuked italian editor pays tribute to eng lands efforts in war continuing his series of impression ists on his recent sojourn in england dr mario borsa editor of the milan italy secolo writes the english like tho italian peo ple are doing their duty so far tho price britain has paid is five times greater than ours in eighteen months a england got together a vast voluntar army four million citizens dn from every class enrolled of their accord sixty per cent of tho poj hon capable of beajjjarma ri ed to the appeal of the country surely a country that has givetf such a spectacle unique perhaps in the worlds history is entitled at any rate to a certain respect yet strangely enough what is most t1- mlrable in the british army from tho moral point of view namely its com position of volunteers instead of con scripts is precisely the aspect that leaves tho italian public most diffi dent and indifferent do wo not our selves feel a livelier admiration and gratitude toward the italians fifty years old who at the outbreak of war though without military tlons enlisted spontaneously a youth of 20 who turned up gaily summoned jiuci obliged wealthy man just rescued from drowning well mister im much obliged to ye for hauling me out of the water and heres halfacrown for ye all the change ive got qboufmb now rescuer oh no keep your money i wouldnt think of robbing you wealthy man not at all not at all twould have been lost any how if ye hadnt rcscied mel a

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