a i young folks the princess and the daisies of all the flowers in the princesss garden the six daisies that grew near the rose bush considered themselves the most important the roses are womans health needs constant care worlds wool stores are short work and worry leaves her a increased demand through victim of many distressing ailments the war 1 sir george palsh british economist states supply con ditions the latest issue of the london to it that their feet are always dry and varm the younger soldiers over look this habitually with the officers the older soldier is the favorite not only does he give less trouble to the sanitary depart- nunt but his riper mind understands more readily the purposes and neces- sity of military discipline an aus trian colonel with whom this subject was discussed said that older troops needed little application of discipline because their natural conduct as grown men was discipline in itself he had seen no difference in the fighu ing qualities of young and older troops he said but he himself would had to have my own clipped every- one has assoon as he got a chance to slip ex- kvery womans health is peculiarly j dependent upon the condition of herj prottier than we are and the lillies wood how many women suffer with more graceful but we are much wiser headache pain in the back poor ap- for we answer questions that human petite weak digestion a constant feel- jr gefrgel said tint uvlool beings bring us said the smallest k of weariness palpitation of the requirements of the world today are l prefer to lead men over the daisy 1 dont know how we do it heart shortness of breath pallor and fu on top of 8upu aud no one a m 35 but we can for my mother told me j nervousness if you have any of need be surprised it the war coutlnues so the other flowers did not the pride of the daisies for it was a u i iteration or commands and orders was i a nice sort of pride but the daisies l nervous energy of the body is re- wherever we turn the report con lot of the officcr who commanded i cooked it is so easy to pre- themsleves were very angry with one tho blood becomes red and m are verv busy tremen- bloods while the officer in pare a warm nourishing of their number who called herself p the entire system is n h dmrge of older troops could count on meal with shredded wheat queen because i j strengthened to meet every demand s f ta nt sffl or in havin orders carried out as soon as s she said you pon it they nourish every part of ffi they were given the old men off to school full of vim and pep dont cram their little tummies j a word the sergeant major with greasy meats starchy l was an a potatoes or other indigestible foods one or two shredded wheat biscuits with hot milk make a warm nourish ing meal that supplies all the material needed for their growing bodies the perfect food to study on to grow on i i of very young troops the colonel j these symptoms you should begin to- another 12 months to see a still more had a poor opinion in trench warfare develops soutld teeth and had object toy to build up your blood with dr pronounced shoriage of raw mater- j their value was not high constant re- j hoalthv nim rpino- rpflrtv- it was a williams pink pills under their use lal iterat of commands and orders was i ft tt i a dian and so on but why the adjutant demand ed so i explained that the theory was that it was only fair to leave the enemy a scalp as a trophy in case you could not- get his i was taken round to the barber and he was strictly ordered to leave my hair alone and when the inspection was held later by the lieutenant the ad- to play on the crispness jutant stopped in front of me and ex- 6f the shreds encourages plained the whole tory to the lieu- u u tenant who seemed deeply interested thorough chewing which in the fact that an american indian come over to fight for france yeast mmes kom the best yeast in the world makes perfect bread made in canada the queen i am have the most petals she said you u all have only seven and i have eight i daresay i could never answer ques tions much better than you therefore i am queen too u met w ln europe outside the war fought with more sense said the eye and color to the cheeks and lips area both in the netherlands and mrs jas s francis oakwood ont scandinavia in particular being very says i should have written long ago keen to buy everything of a niauufac- she then became very rude and tyj what dr williams pink pills turing nature t many sheep depastured in a few moments- kitchen worry or work no adds subtracts and multiplies designed to meet the requirements of bookkeepers and clerical workers a comparatively inexpensive rapid calculating device has been intro- i ewglllen company limited torontoont winnipeg unnecessary exertion pullman porter next stop is yo duced which is capable of adding stntion sah shall i brush yo off rannical taking more than her fair f me but i suppose it is better share of dew and persuading the west late than never in june m3 j h wind to make the other five daisies to s to an hospital for an operation r bow to her female weakness i was in the j hon raised the other day as to tho percentage of sick among the older i dont see how it is better to have hospital for a month before i was number of sheep being depastured in troops counterbalances wholly what eight petas than seven they comj the writer has been led to take in hand this subject because of a ques- colonel they did not shout so much but dealt oub heavier blows except ing bone fractures and very serious internal wounds the old soldier gives no more trouble than the young one j to the medical service authorities are of the opinion that the smaller made in canada an amusing war story how this i started for a trip to the pacific i gaged in the struggle and on turning coast in the hope that my health t0 tue latest snee returns we find plained i am sure she will not an swer questions any better for it i r that the following are the numbers of at last the time for answering ques- wouli a w o i sheep in the countries named tions arrived the princess had said i stopped to visit a sister in southern sheep goodbye to her lover who had de- 1 alberta ami on arriving at her home united kingdom 28500000 parted on a journey he had been a mlic dll x j was russia 45500000 gone half an hour and naturally she p donc l sls pnce v wanted know whether he still loved n her baby having been born the italy hffissi her she came out and leant over the be a there was no one turkey h nno first sevenpetalled daisy she m ooooou not pull the petals she was to kind and do the household work and bulgaria gggffioo for that but she touched each in turn the th wee p before i rbia smmoo saying he loves me he loves me ft s took e j was 1 montenegro 400000 not till has she touched the last it l wo and a nearly 1 ha3 nad at her con came to he loves me she gave a f my westward j mand a arge part ot the su of cry of joy you dear dear little tr and declded to stop off at banff australia new zealand and south daisy she said not seem to help me and i resumed of last year that the embargo was my journey on the train i took sick i lifted and america italy and continen- and could nob eat and as i was alone j tal neutrals were allowed to lie my condition was pitiable finally the themselves to wool supplies porter wired ahead to north bend for requirements of the armies at a doctor to see me the doctor want- dr confronting each other are m fi ajaagah an as months pass these eu me t leave rmvaln mi i t i hii i i ilnl hospital but i determined to continue wama brow ui ppfiwsiari my journey to vancouver the medi i the w eu of such count- cine the doctor gave me did not h as france austria and i was getting worse ll be nored altogether be- a a paisley man aril so glad you have told me that to morrow i will come and ask another of you this question tomorrow she came to get the same pleasant answer and every day till the fifth daisy was fully asked and had answered did the princess ap pear now came the time for the sixth daisy that had the eight petals none of the daisies could count very well so that they did not thing what dodds pain in his back mr jas a bryce tells why he recommends dodds kidney pills to all who suffer from kidney di- a special coi new york sun who is serving in the french foreign legion tells amusing ly how he escaped obeying an order from headquarters no doubt he was the only man in the army who did so i must tell you of one thing i put over on my superiors yesterday an order was issued that all the men kidney pills cured musb have their hair clipped close by machine i went over to the bu reau to see the captain about being exempted what do you want asked the sergeant major i explained but he declared it was impossible no excuse here look i had to have my own cub and he showed me his clipped head thats all right for you i an subtracting and multiplying quickly now and accurately the instrument is about 10 h inches long two and a quarter inches wide and halfinch thick it is provided with a series of seven dials which are revolved by a styles when making calcula tions a single turn of one of the i wheels adds a figure to previous re- j tx gister and simultaneously shows a rrespondent of the tifoi soldier saved his the enemy scalp for morton morose no it is not ne cessary when the train stops ill step off kicarda xinlmont coxes dandruff for me and getting worse all the t h jjii- ri cause the weight grown in these in dodds almanac le would happen only the eight petal- 1 v f man nad i countries would be no more than sufithat my trouble came from my kid- led daisy was quite sure that the i steuerth asked me if i would flcient to supply their own armies neys so i sent and got a box of dodds i ii a i try dr williams pink pills and gav paisley ont feby 28th special i can highly recommend dodds j sweredbuttot for mt itcontrarv to my religion to cut off all my hair when i go to war what are you an american but americans have no religion ah but i am an indian an american indian and so i am in kidney pills to anyone suffering from pain in the back says mr jas a bryce well known and highly re spected in this neighborhood i had been troubled with a pain in my back reading examination page use any house hold recipe with dr jacksonn itonian jlcnl and bake anything from it if you like eat hot from the oven it wont ferment it makes most delicious baking prevents indigestion is very nutritious relieves constipation or money back thats why a leading physician says its a god- kend to humanity especially try it in porridge pancakes and gems but care fully follow directions on package for making porridge for an early break fast cook the night before ln a doublo boiler without stirring and sarm ln the morning by setting in boiling water while dressing at grocers 10c and 25 cents made by the roman meal co toronto 1 5000000 in cheese a 5000000 contract has been placed in new zealand by great brit ain for cheese for the army this is a fifth of the cheese product of the island ling i believe a miin should be master of his own housea there can only be one head in a family and i mean to be it wingjthats a very good ide indeed havojjyou spokj en to your wife about it sued potatoes potatoes iuish biers deltwave carman dor at once supply limited wrlts quotations h w dawson bramptq seed bl agents wanted princess would be much more pleased with her than with the others at last the princess came out to count again as it happened she felt rathe sad b for the first time j send her a ad failed s a matter of fi ier carrying the letter liad been de layed but she did not know this he loves me he loves me notf she re peated till it came to the eighth petal he loves me not the daisy says so she cried and bursting into tears ran back to the palace now the five daisies were very angry with the sixth she had no right to say that even if she thought it the queen daisy was very angry in return she did not want the poor princess to be unhappy yet she could not help hoping that she herself would be proved right she waited in im patience therefore till there was a great noise of rejoicing and feet hurrying up and down the path be cause the prince had returned then the prince and princess came out to tho garden radiantly happy there aie the five good daisies that told the truth said the princess and there is the one bad daisy that toid a false hood that is what comes of having eight petals said the prince smil ing down at her before he turned away now you see the mischief of your eighth petal that you were so proud of jeered the other daisies and the poor queen hung her head pretend ing to sleep early next morning she awoke a robin was hopping near her robin she said will you pull off one of my petals it will hurt said the robin never mind it is better to be hurt and to have only seven petals than to be untruthful so the robin obeyed and when the princess came again to the garden she a to her surprise that with one suit of clothes hence we me a box he had i used these and the j say that the nations at war must porter got me two more boxes and by ok for their supplies in the outside the time i reached my journeys end i was feeling some better i stayed two months on the coast and co taking dr williams pink eiiijrtt gaintswrrtpeight and ap pearance and when i started for homo i felt better than i had done for years now i always keep dr williams pink world there being only south amer ica outside the control of the british war office avallabje supplies plies naturallycome kidney pills before they were done i was feeling as well as ever dodds kidney pills were certainly a greab boon to me dodds kidney pills act directly on the kidneys by putting them in con dition to do their proper work they from australasia south africa and a so regularly re- i rtfol vtoolfiiir irinanc iyioita io south america and in the table be low the production of the british isles being of 28000000 sheep can- pills in the house and both my hus- no be ignored the following is band and my young daughter have fairly reliable estimate of the quantity been benefited by their use i bless of wool being grown annually in tho the day that young man on the train gave me his box of pills otherwise i might never have tried them and would have still been an invalid you can get dr williams pink pills from any medicine dealer or by mail ported healthy kidneys make pure blood and the man or woman who has pure blood coursing through their veins can laugh at ninetenths of the ills of life food cost abroad soars at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont foes own much in britain germans holdings officially esti mated at 515000000 as the war proceeds the demand for the confiscation of german and aus trian owned property in britain on the ground that ib is much greater than british owned property in those countries grows in insistence so far the government has declin- i ed to take up the matter but members of parliament have at last obtained from mr runciman president of the board of trade official details on the subject mr runciman estimates the value of property in germany be- longing to british subjects as approxi- matoly 300000000 while the pro- j perty in this country owned by gcr- j mans is put at 515000000 the public trustee is registrar of j enemy property in britain and is cus- 1 todian of money due to enemy sub countries named pounds australasia 767041914 south africa 174650000 1 b berlin and vienna report a argentina 268976200 1 large increase in prices urguay 14760000 pimta arenas and pat according to statistics published by gon 52000000 the british board of trade the retail british isles 12oo0oo00 prices of food in the united kingdom j advanced on the average of about 1 total 1397431114 per cent in january flour and bread practically speaking a british sol- increased in price about 6 per cent dicr is consuming 12 pounds of pure j taking the nation as a whole and wool in his complete outfit and the making allowance f or the relative im- statement is justined tha the french stance of various articles in the belgian ana german soldiers use the same amount it is estimated that j workingclass household expenditure onethird of the soldiers outfit is com average increase in retail prices posed of shoddy i f food since the beginning of the war roughly estimated the whole of j has been 47 per cent the armies of europe are absorbing the board of trade states that in something like 10 pounds per head a berlin the general level of prices of man on the firing line and ln the more important articles of trenches will easily get through three food was 034 per cent above that of suits per year if not more it means j 1914 ttvto pounrol clearwooll invienna it is declared the general per annum if wo multiply 36 by 15- w food prices was 112 s per 000000 it gives us 540000000 pounds j cent higher than that of july 1914 of clean wool which will be required part so i was taken befothe adjut ant and before the sergeantrajjor could explain he too burst out ef citedly not cut your hair look i female help wanted in large hosiery underwear and sweater factories vacancies in all departments with openings for experienced or inexperienced help highest wages and mod erate priced board apply im mediately penmans limited paris otjf mlnarda liniment cure burns etc what is he now tho recruiting sergeant with a shrewd sense of humor has been everywhere these men have of ten- timesi all their wits said one such to a picjsing recruit why dont you join the army- xr itffiuid adorn the kings uniform its a fine profession is tho army and promo tion for all who ask for it look at the number of lieutenants and theres lord kitchener a fieldmar shal and at head of the war office why lord kitchener was only your age once and see what he is now ady or gentleman wanted 4 ln every town attractive prop osltion bis money wrlto jarvis 344 x kunnymede road toronto q per day salary and com- o mission for ladv representative in her home district work pleasant edu- cative experience unnecessary nich ols limited publishers toronto bewspapee3 fob saks irofitmakinq news and job offices tor ale in rood ontario town the most useful and interesting of all businesses full information on application to wilson puhllsliinc com pany 78 west adelaide st toronto loan wanted mbn year loan of 30000 on one jl of the best equipped wheat stock ranches in southern alberta will- ibk to blve mortfraeo back for 33000 at s pc interest paid the flrst year after that onetenth of principal t m huff alberta block lethbrldge alta ss book on ifip dog diseases fp and how to feed americas pioneer da remedies mailed free to any address by the author h clay glover v s 118 weit3iatslreet new york the reader can thus see that there is not a very big quantity ot wool left from the sources already named to supply the requirements of the whole fo the civilian population of the out side world consequently stocks of raw material have been pretty well exhausted ut the advent of the present murine is pre- pared by our phy sicians as used for ju many years in their bj practice now dedicat- jt sbjffvii 47 t0 tho public and ehl h 1 1t1 i v v sold byyouidrurklbt uuk eli ilotrymurinctoliofrcsh cleanse and strengthen eyes after exposure to cold cutting winds and dust and to restore healthful tone to eyes kcddencd and made sore learn music at home notice to stallion owners the inspection of stallions under the ontario stallion enrolment act will commence marcli 28rd 1916 stallion owners will notice thathorses inspected in the fall of 1914 do not require to be inspected at this time but all other horses inspected previous to the fall of 1914 which were not then eight years old must be inspect ed in order to be enrolled for 1916 application should be made at onco to the secretary of the ontario stal lion enrolment board r w wade parliament buildings toronto lessons wow method learn to play by note piano orfran violin farms fob saie improved quarter section half mile from town of raymore saskatchewan clay loam well located 122 per acre part cash balance half crjji payments or 20 all cash j r bootftvheyden sault sto marie ont tajgsarattaio wanted farm abotj improved or relinquishment ofl acres or more in ontario must be bl frain stato price location address box 54 fort william ont eeip wanted woolen mill help carders spinners and weavers we will pay inexperienced help white learning weaving good wages paid in all these departments and steady work for months to come for further particu lars apply to the slitjgsby manufactur ing co ltd brantford ont machiweky engines marine and station- ary new and secondhand bargains get list guarantee motor co hamil ton canada fob baxe pedigreed puppies for sian kittens r ford quebec newfound and sale also few per- a gillespie abbots- sowing and reaping to sow bad habits and reap peace corvcl han raind is impossible to sow earth or to sing special and reap heaven is impossible to sow fre selfindulgence and reap joy is im you pay only for possible seedtime and harvest are which kmal cause and effect youth is om sow extras beginners ingtime we prepare our own sheav- everything rus- cs sian and womanhood will trntcd plain simpio 1 work no miracles of change 18 success i musfc sow g001 in y if we would miscellaneous tares each course 18 year start at once write for free booklet tntlav now ts school or music box 252 22s fifth ave how yor city jarden she i todian of money duo to enemy sub- n f australasia south africa healthful tone to eyes itdk the sixth jjects in dividends and interest in j and soutn america szsjsu5s daisy had repented and would never eceive her any more twas a famous battle king george was once enjoying the hospitality of a prominent peer at his j country seat near the scene of one of cromwells historic battles strolling out one day by himself the king met the village blacksmith returning from y wi vmi l the p trustce irew u mi gives the following his report he figures property held on behalf of britains enemies 270000000 enemy capital in busi ness etc 8000000 enemy capital in com panies 145000000 mr runcimans statement shows that the extent of german property in britain was evidently not fully known ts j 1 when the public trustee drew up his a shoeing expedition i sav my good fellow siid his ioport for mr runciman s figures are w 1 j 1 l imorc than 100000000 in excess majesty genially i understand there hb was a big battle fought somewhere about here well or stammered the black smith recognizing and saluting the king i did avc a round or two with bill the potman but i didnt know your majesty had heard of it carry three guns some of the german aeroplanes carry as many as throe guns the british take men of 1724 years of age as pilots and pay them five pounds sterling for a twohour flight and ten shillings for each additional hour after hat the french and british have more machines than the germans now guard the baby against of colds to guard the baby against colds nothing can equal babys own tab lets tho tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little ones stomach and bowels working regularly it is a recognized fact that where tho stomach and bowels are in good or der that colds will not exist that tho health of tho little ones will be good and that he will thrive and be happy and goodnatured the tablets aro sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the williams medicine co brockville ont austrias older soldiers men over 50 make better soldiers than younger men the calling to the colors of men between the ages of 50 and 55 has caused the discussion in the austro- hungarian press of what the older men have done in this war the view had been generally held that the man at 50 had passed into old age but the war is said to have prov ed that this position is untenable it is admitted that in trades and occu pations requiring physical dexterity the man over 50 is apt to be a failure seme broadmindod physicians use and recom mend murine while others perhaps jealous of its success talk and rush into print in opposition thoso whoso eyes need caro can guess why na there is no prescription fee in murine just hand your druggist 50c and you have n complete pkg eye book murine dropper and cork screw rcadyforuse try itfn your eyes and in baby6 eyes for eve troubles no smarting ju it eye comfort writo for book of tho eye free iviurino eyo remedy company chicago wild extravagance mr pester have you spent the whole day shopping mrs pester not the whole day i still have tho chango out of an hour boforo plac ing your order for seeds seo our 1910 goli u jnbllco catalogue it in free reed coin per bus bags free 70 lbs on cob wisconsin no 7 1s0 bailey learning white cap golden clow 176 longfellow north dakota comptons j 00 wo pay railway freight ln on tario and quebec on all orders over 325co mm reap the fruits of joy later judge you arc charged with as sault and battery what have you to say prisoner not a word yer- onner it wassayin too much got though the wellpreserved worker of me into this scrape that ago is generally still capable of j great endurance gossipy wife when my husband the experience in the army is that marrlc1 me hc said he would lay down men up to 30 arc generally less hardy than men up to 50 in addition to be ing as yet far from physically set that is entirely beyond the growing stage the younger men often reduce their endurance and physical vigor generally by incorrect eating older men arc not in the habit of doing this it is asserted but the young men sin also in other respects often they arc indifferent to hardship when they should not be while the older men sec his life for me second g w so did mine but now i cant oven get him to lay down tho stair carpet father has that young man pro posed yet gladys daughter blush- in yes how did you come to sus pect dndtlie father oh he comes around here as if hc owned the place menards idnlmcnt fielioves neuralgia l notice to 5tal lion owners tho inspection of stallion unrtor the ontario stallion snrolniont act will commonco march 23rd 1910 all applications for en rolment and inspootlon accom panied by tho proper foo ninst ha in tho socrotarys office parlia ment building toronto by march 13th in caso of applications re ceived after march 13th inspec tion will only bo made at increased expense to ownors address all communications to b w wade secretary ontario stallion enrol ment board parliament buildings toronto mlnards liniment co limited gentlemen my daughter 13 yrs old was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it re mained stiff and very painful for three years four bottles of minauds liniment completely cured her and she has not been troubled for two years yours truly j a livksque st joseph v o 18th aug 100 cancer tumors lumps etc internal and external cured with out pain by our home treatment writs us before too late dr bellman medical co limited colllnrwcod ont v ij a slight mistake mrs de troop who is shortsight ed good morning mrs simkins your husband must be very fond of gardening i- saw him the first thing this morning down in the bottom of the garden and how well he looks to be sure mrs simkins turned her back and slammed tho door in her neighbors face tho latter aghast went to tell her daughter and you told her the thing in the onion patch was her husband of course i did well thats not her husband thats a scarecrow mlntivdn liniment for ale everywhor the modern child can be relied upon to put his parents in their place wit ness tho following genuine extract from a recent essay at home the important person at home is mother another important person is father he helps to keep its the ideal winter resort beautiful drives saddle riding golf tannin yachting flshlns and sea bathing prosent gar rison of the ottawa 3sth kegl- ment the princess hotel is open from december to mat situated on tho harbor of hamilton accommodates 400 rates 25 per week and upward howe tworoger zttunaffors hamilton bermuda bermuda la reached by the steam- t crs of the quebec s s co- i 35 broadway new york j ei 6 issue 10 10 t