vd i sci j if a l 1 8 lribune jfursdax february l7 1916 mbmbmbrsmmbsm hal see umjj agag mens jlnnkels ng them march f bargain near to rd to sell qhuresi cry for fletchers mk goods lider car tdr iviilg per deb fift een t ikers the all cot liijicai ci r tchid tcoz have always bought aavj vhieh haj been in iisc re ovci cl years has borno iho sijpiatiiro of and has ri rtado hiicic his per- 7- v gonal supervision riaco ii3 iiifaney si 4f alloiv no one id cceiye you fci this itcrfcits xinitetions and justas good are but cl that ti3 vifli nirt endanger the health of asid children experience against experiment is castor i a joria 1y a harmless substitute for castoi oii pprc- frrie lirops ahd soothing syrups it is pleasant 16 etivlajj neither opium morphine nor other narcotio wsbataiiee ita 030 is its guarantee it destroys ayoruis ril alia- feycrishiioss it cures diarrhoea and wind colic is relieves xeclhing troubles ctres constipation rvl ijaticiey xb assimilates the pood regulates tbo i 1 uacli uoivels giving healthy ana natural slcei ilia cliiiilrezia panacea the mothers priend fa y be ie kind foil have always bought in use for over 30 years vms czntaut company 77 murray ctncet h city credit sale of valuable farm st ck on wednesday fllaroh 1st sir it eaeloson of hillviow stoolc farm mark ham will offer for sale by public auction 40 heal of pure bred and high grade holstein cattle stock bull a grandson of pontiao kdrndykesomo choice hei sired by a half brother to m ii haleys canadian champion cov keg clydes dale hjises fine brood mares in foal to a boh of barons piide young atalliod rising 2 yrs old some good geldings and fillies 7 pnrii bred berkshire brood sows due to farrow in mareh and april stock a 1st mo yfpjjftf jjan ir- lehman says a alan cant be on brains and his feet are and vlmr lr1 bylaw no 346 milk bylaw for regulating milk produced for sale offered for sale or sold within the municipality of the village of stouffville passed in accordance with the provisions of section three of the ontario milk act the council of the corporation of the village of stouffville en act as follows 1 no milk will be allowed to be sold in the village of stouff ville unless such such milk has been produced handled and dis tributed in compliance with the regulations set out in this by law 2 as to the production of milk and as to dairy farms care of milch cows 1 milch cows must be kept and must not be abused in any way health of cows 2 no milk shall be sent for ward or sold from any milch cow that has any ailment that would affect the quality or whblesomc- ness of the milk and any cow subject to such ailment shall be removed and kept from the milk ing herd food of cows 3 only clean wholesome food shall be given to milch cows no strong flavored food which will affect the odor or taste of the milk shall be fed to the cows at any time all water supplied or available to milch cows for drinking and all water used in cleaning uten sils must be clean pure and pro tected from any danger of pollu tion sanitary condition of stables 5 the stable in which milch cows are kept or in which they are milked must be kept clean and in a sanitary condition it must be well lighted well ventil- j atcd and so constructed as to j be free f diist prqyj renheitand kept at or below that temperature until used or sold dairies in stouffville 1 there must be a separate room for washing cans bottles and utensils if this washing room is connected with the bott ling room the doors must be closed tight automatically the room for bottling milk must be well lighted and well ventilated separate entirely from any room in which engine boiler and wash vats are located and must not be used for any manufacturing of cheese butter or other pro ducts these rooms for bott ling and receiving the mik must be kept cool and sanitary milk vats 2 all receiving weighing and storage vats for handling milk must be made of smoothly tinn ed metal they must have all joints soldered smooth and flush with the surface they must be kept in good repair thoroughly cleaned and sterilized after us ing these vats must be provid ed with tin covers so construc ted that they will not interfere with the handling of milk aod be kept covered as much as is practicable when in use milk cans and bottles 3 all cans and bottles after using or after beiig emptid o milk must be thoroughly clean sed and sterilized and must be protected from contamination any can used for returning skim milk whey or food of any kind must not be used for milk all milk cans must be cleansed and thoroughly sterilized before being returned cooling tanks 4 tanks in which milk is cool ed must be constructed of some nonabsorbant material and be kept water tight all tanks must be supplied with clean fresh water and with sufficient ice to cool the milk and maintain it at a tomnrrg tiire of not mof i of health is or may be injur ious to the public health handlers of milk 6 all persons engaged in or a- bout the dairy or in the hand ling or delivery of milk must be clean and free from any disease any case of a contagious disease of a person employed about or in connection with a dairy or in the family of such person or in any family receiving milk and known to the dealer to be suffering from such disease must be reported at onco to the medical health offi cer by the dealer glass bottles 7 all milk sold in the village of stouffville must be delivered in sealed cans or in glass bottles tightly stoppered or other re ceptacle approved by the medi cal health officer except in the case of dairies which only sell milk crca and butter and no other commodities licenses 8 every person selling milk in the village of stouffville shall register and give full particulars as to his ability to carry out the provisions of this bylaw as may be required when they may re ceive a license to sell milk in this municipality on the payment of a fee of 1- any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this bylaw shall forfeit and and pay at the discretion of the convicting magistrate a penalty not exceeding exclusive cf coasts- the sum of fifty dollars and not less than one dollar for each of fence and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith the said penalty and costs forthwith the said penalty and costs or costs only may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offend er and in case of there being no distress found out of which such penalty can be levied the con victing magistrate may commit