i a tenderfoots wooing by clive philupp8 wolley author of gold gold in cariboo etc chapter ii contd plates for hasnt jim left any vou we asked i it was all so simple and so quickly fiftythree mrs rolt thats the done when you knew how to do it but trouble ive not had pluck enough to it was annoying to have worked for half an hour to no purpose i dont seem to be much good said mr anstruther mrs rolt laughed and shook her head at the cowboy jim she said you are an old bear why didnt you tell mr an struther what kind of sticks to cut jim grinned i guessed hed havel known that much how should he he has not had to chop wood before you dont say is it all coal over there mrs rolt ignored the question you play fair jim youve got to show mr anstruther how to do things if you dont ill go home right away yes right away stop and have its dinner first he said with impudent coaxing and handed her a dish of bacon the rash ers cut as thin and as daintily toasted as if they had been prepared by a professional cook wont you have some miss clif ford to the younger woman his manner tackle them yet come and ill show you and he took us to a pile as high as that all dirty on both sides jim had had a clean side for one hundred and six meals after that he let the house and the crockery here pretty dick wash these things please and make them good and clean when the laugh against jim had died out and the indian had carried off the crockery mrs rolt drew them all round the fire the hail had stop ped for a little while and no wind touched them under the fly which jim had rigged up on the lea side of the hut with a good bed of pine brush on in capsicum ptrottum jcif j breaks up colds in throat and chest better than a mustard plaster for rheu matism gout sprains cramps etc wil not blister the skin sold in sanitary tin tubes at chem ists and general stores every where refuse substitutes you would learn to i oh ride i thank you i thought that was j the one thing i could do i on schooled horses you havent i tried a buck jumper yet yes he has though put in combe looking up from the plug he was whittling and you did not give us a chance of seeing the show that was mean jim there wasnt much of a show well im not sure- that you would do much better yourself over a post and rails said the girl hotly it all depends on what you are used to i suppose you put him on job that brute would throw anyone but a bron cho buster didnt throw mr anstruther any way what did not job get aim off the girls whole face lit up with plea sure and pride in her friend wasnt to be done unless that cayuse had shed his hide said jim quietly your friend can ride and if jim put a littlo too much stress upon your friend the admission that he could ride was very hearty and generous for a cowboy who was jeal ous the girl knew it knew too that the virtue of the is perfectly preservec packet young tendei grown with utmost c flavour as the prime ob to produce the famous s the farm value of grain screenings during the fall and winter there will be cleaned out of westerngrown grain at the terminal elevators at horsemanship was jim combes great fort william and port arthur ma- all right jim its onlv mr an- the ground and a great fire of logs tfhbwfsinoke tabc mhilf aflvlikfrltreurtonfcatehes ba11 sa hevmy law but must gift and tor a moment her eyes dwelt terial amounting to probably 10000c i j ggg fh sold ii the go three larg at calgai toon and arthur lating at t ter will 1 whole kcr weed seed ing of brd weed seed wild buck and sold ir you a lead and without wait- i seriously on mac dig loose ngure in ions these cleanings consist of e all the light and heat and yet it gives t i fa m 4q tq 60 per cnt of you all the benelit of the sweet nesn gwanee r in a heh con her so much and borne with her so shrunken kernels of wheat oats bar- is manufac ci- 1 voice which gave to the words long- if only he could speak english ley and flax the rest is made up of i f gi that mteror made a p etty cont ast f on was t canadian 25 or 30 kinds of western wced 3eeds to the drear and lonesome uplands i j h n th i ta w hmf i p in which there were nothing but grey shadows and silence the ruddy glow of the firelight throwing out the pretty figures of the women and the in that homeless waste by a camp fire a song must have a chorus without it the gregarious in- would he not be the better man of the i wild buckwheat lambs quarters and j a two i wild oats occur in largest numbeis j a year ago before she had been among the mustards are wild mus stinct of man is unsatisfied perhaps j dazzled by the glamor and luxury of tard hares ear mustard ball mus man sin ruses roaring u 1 sniffed j go and dash of the sportswoman its too greasy jim i wonder if i pered by a few years of happy mar- yoii would toast some of it a little ried life it was no wonder that the h anything else in the world more for me mr anstruther j mens eyes passed her pure profile to fort willia i ings in part because he is a tie old country she would have been tard stinkweed tumbling mustard -i- i ii- i- nl orvou- tid sm at thoir feet m sl little afraid of natures silence and of able to answer now she hesitated i wormseed mustard western and f d was deferential if not neivous and relief all choruses those frenchcanadian after combes testimonial which roundseeded false flax common pep- t minfr seeing her advantage mnlke handsome as polly rolt was in a cho roari rouickmg boating i appreciate do you think i shall ever j pergrass and the wallflowers some miss kitty looked at the bacn and halfboyish halfmatronly way the ww h e or two make a cowboy persisted anstru- of these are recognized as among our i have done more to hunt the blue dev- tner most tioublesomc weeds i ils from the rivers of lower canada riding is not all it may make a the elevators reclaim as much of j cowboy i was thinking rather of a the domestic grain as possible to mix ii cv -ir- full ii i f i if i western man with their feed grades the larger frank hurried to obey her but the dwell on bonny kitty c hfford e less y daifne lox nd jim samr ilcal of a westc man proportion of the remainder is ship- fire had been knocked together to the chinaman who cooked for the h of an ow timl is a hi pd to the united states but much of make a blaze and the little flames j ranche worshipped her she had been j f i h your best west- it finds its way into eastern canada 1 bv cvcrv 5ma is the best thnt ci be ade where it is mixed ynth grain and uvas noticeable in jim that though out be english material tern- 1 ground up as chop feed his english was apt to stumble and wander into all sorts of byways of slang his french was good enough and his english vocabulary at least as ample as an englishmans it was which shot out burned his fingers and worshipped by everyone all her small smoked the bacon but would not spoilt life toast half a shake partner let me fix that fire for you now go ahead a couple of touches in the right place from jims toe had created from the crimson tarn oshanter which she had unearthed from her saddle bags to her gleaming gum j boots she was as dainty a little ap ple of discord as ever fell between glowing hollow over which the bacon i t m as to minin ing noxious samples taining vit amined charge by t j r dyr ottawa cost the cost viously dep milking cap comparison glowing hollow over wnicn tne uacon l only the constantly recurring phrases m oougns oi young pines i should not however encourage the curled and sizzled merrily but again on anyone else gum boots would i of evc life that he and those wmcn lle waved one at a time through feeding of screenings in eastern can- pered by such a life as man ought to j much of the material constituting lead the screenings is of excellent feeding they were getting into deep water value as shown by the results of and mrs rolt was not sorry to see feeding experiments at the central j i j combe reappear carrying a huge load experimental farm last winter we of brush boughs of young pines i should not however encourage the it was jims doing and not franks have been a horror shapeless huge o iig mon the smoke of the camp fire until most ada if it is going to mean the spread so that kittys pretty brow was bent mudbespattered on her they only wag wc fw mme scnolav of the rain drops had left them i of the western weeds whose seeds are and though she laughed there was a made you wonder where gum boots so j strut 0 ner that he did not fol- 1 with tllesc e val into the ca- contained in it 1 i f ocfrtmlinrynf email anl cma nnlfl j l n1 tj- 1 t il danger of spreading weeds the danger of spreading weeds through the use of feeding stuffs containing vital weed seeds is not sufficiently realized a farmer in alberta who has kept his strong undercurrent of annoyance in astoundingly small and smart could j ow hj owl j f i bin and after a long absence returned i her laugh when mrs rolt began inno- have been made besides they sug- t0 instead he sane them the announce bed time ladies im i cently to hum that popular air gested an apology if one were needed h f me f t j afraid that your bed isnt what it j for the extreme brevity of kittys ing hat pfcnl frank ff bc m m fakers over i skirts i i l i that brush and your blankets it will anstruther placed himself and was an ontario that there l per cow of yielding cowi fit of 3721 returned a p head the l valued at 1 the differenc been very mu ing been the mals on profi