1 1 young folks rheumatism mystery the baby hear there was much excitement in the lumber camp the day that roger went here with his uncle henry it had been a long triyi through the woods and they were cold when they reached the eamp but there was a roaring cre at which to warm themselves and as they stood round it they heard the men who had come in from their woik in the woods for dinner talking about a bear that they had killed in her winter den yf am sorry for the little bear said one man he was roughlooking but he spoke in a kindly tone that made roger like him at once what became of it asked the other man i brought it to the camp in my pocket it is over in that box an swered the first man pointing to a corner of the camp lying in the box on some rags was the baby bear a helpless little creature no larger than a kitten whimpering softly and feeling round blindly with its nose how little it is exclaimed roger who had half expected to be afraid of a baby bear yes said the man i have heard that compared with its size when it is full grown a baby bear is the smallest of all animals this fellow weighs less than a pound i dont know what we can do with it oh let me have it cant i take it home burst out roger speaking to the lumberman and to his uncle at the same time the lumberman was much more willing to part with the helpless crea ture than uncle henry was to have roger adopt such a pet at last how ever uncle henry gave in and when they rode home in the afternoon the little bear went with them carefully wrapped up from the cold and nest ling in a small basket under the heavy robes aunt mattie was indeed surprised when roger opened the basket in the kitchen but her heart was quickly touched by the helplessness of the little creature of the forest that had lost its mother what can- we do with it how can we feed it she asked they soon settled the food question they took an old nursing bottle that aunt mattie found where it had been laid away many years before filling it with warm m of the rubber tube into mouth and it took its a hungry baby would t at first the little h of the time between its not grow half fast en 4 k5yes opened and roger who had been studying a book on animals knew that it was then five weeks old after that it soon began to be playful and in a few weeks as it sat up and peered round with its shining beadlike eyes it looked for all the world like a live black teddybear it was full of mis chief and spent much of its time tumbling across the floor after the clumsy fashion of a puppy and look ing for something to upset or for a morsel to eat they named it ursus which roger found is the latin word for bear as spring came on ursus then several months old became more and more active and intelligent usually he was full of goodnatured fun and even when his temper was bad he did noth ing worse than to sulk a little no boy ever had a better time with a pet than roger had with ursus during that spring and summer youths companion saves many wounded canal barges used as french army ambulances twelve barges on the french canals are being used to carry many wound ed men from the trenches to hospit als in the rear with great success so quiet is the operation of the barges which are tewed along the waterways that many critically wounded men have been saved by the restful method of transportation the barges originally french transport boats are about 150 feet long by 20 j feet wide the interiors havo been altered to suit the requirements of the ambulance service thirty cots are placed in two long rows with a broad i passageway between affording as airy and sanitary a ward as in any hospital or sick bay aboard a ship there is also a kitchen and a dy namo room where current for the lighting system is generated here too there arc accommodations for twelve privates and petty officers in the forward part of the barge are quarters for four sisters who act an nurses and a fully equipped dispen sary the barges move from one dress- inf station to another taking on fjdard thp more serious cases nnd then arc towed back to the base the success of the barges has been so marked that more are being con structed a message of his love kirjjlrndicithat was a bad cut oirgavo that old man while shav ing him second barber 01 theres a reason for that im courting his maid nnd the cut will let her know ill meet her this evening inless rooted out of the system it grows worse and worse some diseases give immunity from another attack but rheumatism works just jhe other way every attack of rheumatism invites another worse than that it reduces the bodys power io that each attack is worse than the one before if any disease needs cur ing early it is rheumatism but there are few diseases physicians find more difficult to treat successfully wet weather does not cause rheumatism as was once thought though weather con ditions may start the aches and pains rheumatism is now known to be de pendent upon the blood condition and medical authorities agree that the blood becomes thin with alarming rapi dity as rheumatism develops main taining the quality of the blood is therefore a reasonable way of pre venting and curing rheumatism that it works out in fact is shown by the beneficial results which follow a fair use of dr williams pink pills these pills actually make new rich blood which drives out the rheumatic poison and while the blood is kept in this condition there is no danger of the trouble returning mr w t pell palermo ont says i was attacked with a trouble which was ultimately pronounced rheumatism often i was barely able to crawl into bed and sel dom able to do a full days work in this condition i doctored for a year absolutely getting no better then i consulted another doctor whose chief consolation was that unless i could get rid of the trouble i would be a cripple for life he prescribed diet ing and i doctored with him for at least six months but instead of get ting relief i became weaker and less able to get around then i decided to try a doctor in toronto and was under his treatment for about four months with no better results i gave up the doctors and tried other reme dies which were equally futile then one day our store keeper sent me a box of dr williams pink pills saying that if they did not help me 1 need not pay for them i took them and then got some more and found they were helping me i probably used 10 00 worth before i felt fully cured but they did cure me and were cheap as compared with the other treatments which did not help me the cure was fears ago and i have of rheumatism since nd strong and i be- dr williams pink pilh through any cine aai pa at 50 cents a box m s250 from the drl mellcme co brockville onti drinlc w very few people rfialize the health- ministering power off waterdrinking and it is fairly safe to state thnt not half the population otj like the quantity theyisk it is a common ml and nurses to curtail tnf st to drink water wheneve der the impression that too much water is bad for it in every way this is only correct if the child is very hot simply because the sudden chill on an overheated frame is very liable to set up ill effects and applies equally to anything cold apart from this there is really no need to limit the quantity consumed by a child and the average amount that an adult should drink daily should be roughly three pints it is necessary as a cleanser for all the internal organs as much as a bath is for tho exterior of the body and yet there are people who consider the fact that they never drink water un adulterated something to be proud of j cross fretful babies the cross fretful baby is a sickly baby the well child is always happy and smiling mothers if your baby is cross and cries a great deal something is wrong his little stomach and bowels may be out or order his teeth troubling him or he may be bothered with worms the mother should im mediately give him babys own tab lets they never fail to relieve the baby concerning them mrs ronald hurley gilks nb writes i know of nothing so good for cross fretful babies as babys own tablets and i am pleased to recommend them to other mothers the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont demands on railways what the railway train employes are asking the demands being made by or ganizations of railway train service employes on western railways for a 25 per cent increase in wages a de mand which affects canadian as well as united states railways would mean the disbursement of no less than 100000000 a year in order to ac quaint the public with some of the facts of the ase the executive com mittee of the association of western railways has issued the following in teresting statement mr farmer once upon a time like i the bread problem is not a problem in the home where shredded wheat is known the whole wheat grain is the real staff cf life and you have it in shredded wheat- biscuit prepared in a digestible form it con tains more real bodybuild ing material than meat or eggs is more easily digested and costs much less the food for the upandcoming r man who does things with the railways you paid your employes hand or brain for the kid- a fixed monthly wage they worked till their work was done no matter how many hours your farm hand followed a plow be hind a yoke of oxen perhaps from sun j up till sun down then did his chores and was contented suppose that when you invested j more of your capital in a good team of i horses to replace the oxen your em- i ploye had said these horses turn more furrows in a day than the oxen and hereafter i want to be paid by the furrow or the distance the plow travels but in case anything stops the plow you must pay me for a full day if i work 10 hours or less if that plan j would give more money than the plow mileage amounts to suppose that when you invested more money in a wheel plow on which your employe could ride at case instead of being required to walk in a heavy furrow and wrestle with a heavy plow he said here after i want yxiu to pay me for a full i day if iwork 8hours or less with timeandahalf pay for over time j cither on a time or distance basis which ever will give me the i money the prince of wales ait incident which shows his kind ness of heart the prince of wales is making him self beloved as well as respected at the front endless stores of his kind liness are told the latest was re lated to me by a very old friend who has lost four sons on the battlefield the only surviving one is an army chaplain and he was chatting to a group of men somewhere in france about the loss of his last surviving brother and the loneliness and sadness of his old mother suddenly a young officer stepped forward with outstretched hand and remarked i heard what you said sir about your brothers and i am extremely sorry to hear it i hope you will accept this expression of my pi 3s tri si baking p0wdehbs contains fo alum g 1n i tho onty well known medium priced gfiswh baking powder mado in canadx iwf jt aa j i j t c trf j trail aiwnjj rvwwr iniuv ii van that coos not contain atum and which has ell its ingredients plainly etzited on tho lab 1 v ewg1llett company limited ip toronto ont sntaim h winn1pco uonthca1 jsfc2 ffiiffl postal employees enlist dies that need a wellbal anced food for study or play forthe housewife who must j profound sympathy but he said i save herself from kitchen i d wisl y would give this card to drudgery delicious for ytmr colone and ask himt0 give y breakfast or any meal with milk or cream made in canada from erins green isle news by mail from irelands green shores happenings in the emerald isle- of interest to all true irish- at leinste assizes dubin geo bell was found guilty but insane on a charge of the murder of his father in county meath and was committed most to an asylum i news has reached stewartstown suppose further mr farmer that that a farmer named geo rankin your leave of absence for ten days so that you may go and see your mother in london and console her on her loss j ho took out his card and wrote a few words on it and handed it over it was the prince of wales are worth their weight in gold what mrs brown says of dodds kidney pills new brunswick lady feels it her duty to tell women that dodds kidney pills arc the best remedy she ever used j miscou harbor gloucester co nb mar 13th special i think their j is it anything seriouj doctor i asked a youth of a doctor iter the over 50000 at the front with british i latter had examined him no no forces not at all replied the medical man nothing serious just a little stiff- over 50000 post office cmloyecs are r i ness in tha back of your necx my lad with the colors at present 1620 m v but vou must keep an eye en it have lost their lives and there are on the books of the relief fund 1300 j orphans in the majority of cases the iotatoks delaware orphans in tne majority oi cases me kko government pension is or will be supj bit- delaware wjj plemented by the fund the maximum dor at o assistance of five shillings week be- -i- j jr rob saiib hush cob- carman or- wiito for iranipton ing given to widows uhucr 35 years of age with four opmore children parcels offorauare sent weekly to post yjfffiotprisoncrs of war of whom therfc are now over 570 uhe sun life of canada pediguked mipplcu for sale ai ne of 191i life ove for fo hlan kilt lorj quebec newfoundl- a n d alio few ler- glllcsnle amow- rob exchange from w0i to 1014you had increased residing in 3 chsfds k f the wages of your farm hand from langorsaged 35 years dropped dead weight n gold this is the state 90209 a year to 125337 a year outside his home ment of mrs james brown well would you feel like granting his last i at fflmw a governors of j known and highly respected here demand for more wnecs for doimr ex- royal irish academy of music a i think it would be ungrateful on tmvthlliorkinthlvme letter was read from the cretary my part if i did not tell what a bless- siv same stating that the treasury grant of in dodds kidney pills have been to 1500 is to be discontinued i m n rnntinued i was that is precisely the question that the dublin port and docks board and the railway managers of this country lis taking steps to have the provisions n b th tt t are now called on to answer the men of the emergency act suspending 5ie back men l began to use employed in railway train service are elections in connection with local dodd s kidney pills and 1 lound tliem asking a 25 per cent increase in pay government bodies applied to itself j the best remedy i have ever used records have been created by this company ie sun life assurance company lanada achieved records during that are new in the canadian i assurance field assurances of i r 34000000 were issued and paid in cash total assurances now in tee over 250000000 total pay- me to policyholders since organ ization more than 52000000 assets in excess 0 74000000 a cash in- of nearly 1c000000 and an un- lbuted net surplus of over 7- 10 all these figures are high- marks in the annals of can- life assurance on another i will be found a comparative mt of the business done for ijain siiakk huack cross mvfd foxes trade for used car ltuld bros hothwell ont hwssekv stock higflclash nltskry stock buy and save middlemans nroflts write for catalogue dominion nurseries smith heed co st cnthirlnc ont agents wahted lady or young man leet in their locality worltg toronto to col- domlnion we tob saie and job cancer tumors lumps bto internal and external cured wits out rain by our home treatment writ iu u also a statementi cs before too late dr bellman medical companys growth f rom f coiumrwcod i all of which show a re- i and jter mrs brown is just one of the many doing and under the same conditions in vvatenora ivir keamona maae a women in new brunswick who are except as to pay as with the farm fisj- i for exactly the work they have been i speaking at a recruiting meeting in waterf ord mr redmond made a women in new brunswick hand the working conditions of rail kjj ll i stored by the great canadian kid- i talions to inake good the wastage in way train service men have been con- j j f stantly improved at the expense of j the death took place recently of the employers government statistics i mr william tully j p proprietor prove that the hazard of their occu- j and editor of the roscommon jour- pation has steadily decreased this nal- he was a justice of the peace is the result of millions spent by the j for the co roscommon for the past twentyfive years at a meeting of the clonmel cor poration it was proposed that otying tv trie very depressed state the posi tion of mayor of clonmel during tie war by one of honor without emolu ments the proposals was defeated at cork winter assizes john staf ford dunne manager of the macroom branch of the national bank pleaded railroads for better roadbeds heavier rails double tracks block signals automatic couplers air brakes mech anical stokers oil burning engines and many other safety and laborsav ing devices for which the employes made no investment and assumed no financial risk the men who are now asking for 25 ney remedy dodds kidney pills are suffering womens best friend because they act directly on the kidneys they tone up the kidneys and put them in condition to do their fulb work of straining all the impurities out of the blood ninetenths of womens troubles come from diseased or disor dered kidneys there is abund evidence on every hand th kidney pills cure all kidi come distr 500 water adian colum statenv 1914 aiftd 1915 showingb the 1872 to mi915 markablem increase and ulso reflec the greatlst credit on the manage ment of the sun life foe havck leatherless shoe a new type ot leatherless shoe is being widely advqrtised in the german newspapers thewtuppers are made of grey or black wa linen sail cloth while the sjare built of thin layers of wnmhfcurethiir with water profitmaking news office for sale in rood ontarlc towns tho most useful and interesting ef all businesses full information oa application to wilson publishing com pany 73 west adelaide st toronto j taricas pioneer do ramsuiss book on dog diseases and how to feed mslicd tree to my tddress by the author h clay glover vs 118 west 3btslrcet new york t about machini the different kinds t armies at every day in thencvl crop up incidehts deal per cent higher pay are and always guilty to embezzling 7500 the have been the best paidof all railway monies of the bank and was son- employcsjrheirhvages range from j tenced to twelve months imprison men c i chief inspector murpliy inspector effect of machinegun men to nearly 4000 a year for en- sergeant halley and other i enormous number of tr gmcers on the best runs the aver- memders of the detective division are doing their deadly wl age wages of the 300000 employes j e-siimsmsiir5iics- hirfttrfrlosk r the shop of messrs lawlergun is the maxim the frenc year an increase of 40 in forom street and took possession per cent since 1904 the 1400000 of a large quantity of firearms am- other railway employes average munition etc 08478 an increase of 252 per cent since 1904 these are the facts mr farmer will you think them over and then while presiding at a public meet ing in kilkenny mr john a davis agent for the marquis of ormonde and secretary of the kilkenny gas say if you think the railway train ffiffiggsfc st5l be service employes are justified in summoned threatening the prosperity of every in- 1 a local government board inquiry j tngi it is interesting to note that in dustry in this country of even the was held in the board room of the a te fortytwo british firstclass the hotchkiss or puteaux aus employ the schwarzlose and ger the maxim in all cases machine- are attached to the infantry fori usually at the proportion of two gu per battalion or 1000 men these guns fire rifle cartridges at immense speed by mechanical means and usually the kick or recoil of the gun is used for the purpose of reload- very existence of individuals depend ent for food supply on uninterrupted railroad service children in war j south dublin union into an applica- 1 shots engaged against a machine- tion of the south dublin rural coun- j gun each firing at the same target get quite accustomed to shells and bullets those who were in ladysmith dur ing the siege have told us that thei-p- children soon got used to the state of for p progerman litera affairs and it has been the same else cil for a loan of 50000 to complete a scheme of laborers cottages there was no objection the dublin police recently raided a number of homes unaer the de fence of the realm act amongst which was that of the countess mar- kevie rathmines where a printing press was seized which was being i the habits of old ago arc gener ally the habits of youth matured and confirmed at the last meeting of the belfast board of guardians it was reported that there were 127 cases of scar- letina in the hospital turc stopped short where during the siege of lucknow the un fortunate children used to get tired of stopping in the stifling rooms and occassionally as a treat were allow ed to play in the least exposed places outside on one occasion a swing was demolished by a shell while bullets would frequently fall close to them j b on socalled tonics but they soon got used to it new material from- which when madame modjeska was a l m gj tissue ce ig what child she and her little brother wire taking tonics and built up on right food the mistake is frequently made of trying to build up a wornout nervous to re- wrine- granulated eyelids ifl eyes inflamed by exposure to cold winds and dust la iijfkcocklyrcliovcdbymurlno loufttlytjeyo kemedy no smart ing juat eye comfort at yonr druggists 60c p or bottle murlnoeyo salvo intubcs 25c for boole of tho eye pros write murino eye remedy company chicago the best of friends wo often find aro those we have taken good caro never to offend in cracow when it was bombarded by the auslrians their mother re tired to the cellar and called to the children to follow but the small boy cried i will not go to the cellar i want to see madame modjeska stayed with him and almost at once a shell carried away part of the house and tho bul lets began to fall her brother picked them up and ran from room to room finally pushing her into the corner of room most exposed hide in that corner there will be movo bullets he cried and thcro were so picking them up he told hel lo hold out her apron nnd dropped them in then looking out of tho window she saw a man shot which frightened her nnd so both ran to tho cellar speaking of educated snakes the adders in a class by himself further meetings aro being held in belfast dealing with tho questions of house rent increases nnd advanc ing coal prices and resolutions have been passed calling upoa tho gov ernment to tako steps to curtail tho extortionate prices for coal for one minte the gun discharged 228 rounds and made sixtynine hits the fortytwo marksmen discharged 408 rounds and made sixtytwo hits -v- oood for cluldron mothers physicians asxco that flavor and the body building ele ments of grains lie in the dark parts usually thrown away so also do tho lime salts which your child needs to harden bones and teeth children fed upon coarse dark cereals develop greater resistance witness tho bulbars and serbs roman soldiers who conquered tlie world fed upon two bauds of entire grain food a day dr jacksons roman meal is scientifically balanced ration made from several entire grains its delicious easily prepared in a variety of ways and nourishes better than meat its a natural laxative most groetj sell it mado by roman meal co canada selfl shows verse sri edge minnrds teacher battle of j pupil- its sin learn ha mory add hal eightecj 1800 add them should be supplied and this can bo obtained only from proper food i found myself on the verge of a nervous collapse due to overwork and study and to illness in the fam ily writes a young mother my friends became alarmed be- causo i grew pale and thin and could not sleep nights i took various tonics but their effects wore off shortly after i stopped taking them my food did not seem to nourish me reading of grapenuts i deter mined to stop the tonics and see what a change of diet would do i a grapenuts four times a day wit cream and drank milk also went to bed early after a dish of grapenuts in about two weeks i was sleep ing soundly in a short time gained weight and felt liiie a different wo man grapenuts iftid fresh air were tho only agents uscifcjo accomplish tho happy rebultsjiuvheros a rcas on namo jjfi by canada if all the vv postum co windsor ont each of us to conw evr rd th ftfcovo letter a new one appeora frora time to time they ere iretrajne tiro ona full of human llnlinont cares dana the neigh if he is vm church he if he i the roa if sumn fordj iff iii buj flin ikill fit stit vnore ecoi pr