Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 17, 1916, p. 4

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i f chapter hi i he isnt that either but hurry i i up here they come and the two i ladies whisked round the corner and j ite you men up mist wreathes of early morn the sec of their cabin to the very last of them were slow ly the ast finishing touches ing away like frswgkg i a minute later they were congratu- jfes from the ho low below j cmbe anstl upon a i and the top half wjwu f buck which the two slung in the fcwing through the timber wnicn n 0wned rokead was pro- j who shot it jim you of course fcboye question fire though mrs rolfs fringe was but no one answered her ine lire vl i f but no one answereu stim a trifle damp and straight had been made up and the mens anstruther killed him blankets were hung on th etatf fi a j ha1 to do wwl u the corral but there was no oiner anstruther sign of life if you except a grey bird j added iaruther who was making a care combe found his tracks i went right away from them i after a day out doors you can prevent champed hands and lips by using vaseline trade hark camphorated gream it allay all irritations of the 6 kin sold in clean handy tin tubes at chemists department and general stores everywhere refuse substitutes hwtroed bactkt free oa rwuert chesebrough mfaco coasoudite i860 chaboi are montreal theres a subtle cfearm about the delicious flavour of b this flavour is unique and never found in cheap ordinary teas let us mail you a sample black mixed or green like a jay wno was ma h walked all over the country until ful inspection of relics i was beginning to grow tired he told here kitty mt me to get my rifle ready at the foot of what im going to say but theres no i mean to camp alongside those fel- e no one inn now is nog bac1 an as we peeped over help for it weve got to j our chance to make our toilet ana oi sad that is all j knew 0 shoot aml r0 back we course that dear old jim has every- anstruther looked and jim watch- 1 cd him i v no not thare he said irritably i lord a man could count the rings on a rattler that far away beyond on the next big bench towards the river 1 near those umps of pine i anstruther could not see the pines he saw a dark line but that it meant pines was not obvious to him as itj seemed to jims naked eye mrs rot took the glasses from him let me try she said i know what to look for that is half thei battle and then after a short scru- tiny she said yes i believe that there is a col- j umn of smoke or mist just to the right of the pines i it aint mist theres no swamp j up there ill bet my socks thats their camp tell you what mrs rolt if a temptation to continue milking a 23 10 a total income youve a mind to come along ive al- cow that will give milk until a few j whole flock of 13328 114 most a mind to takeyou they might weeks of the time of freshening says the feed consisted principally ir of p j not suspicion anything if they w farmers advocate while the pre- wheat and oats supplemented with nut you my 1 ladies along and so give me a show sen gain may be a few cents the buckwheat cracked corn ground bone hjg government i to see moren i would if i went by my future loss both in strength of calf beef scraps rolled oats oil cake corn j back for j lonely and the quantity of milk during the meal bran shorts oyster shell expk in return i kitty clasped her hands and let her following lactation period may be chick feed mangels and a consider- jj es ante horse go counted in the dollars the dairy cow j able amount of green feed from the j ggar vntn q i hold on cried jim youll want j a machine and a profitable cow j garden and also all the table scraps ot some blankets wont you we shant wor harder seven days of the week we could conveniently get total cost njsjfjr make it back to the runthe tonight f a period varying from eight to for feed 5091 added to this 250 vj j sb at the- vhethj spealaw certainly contradid i scious nd diemsed from the 0ne he the rtrwt race in horse a good horseman likes to rest for the hens we lost leaves a net pro- tv bsr thing fixed for us basin and water him piqued for you and towels makes me feel quite to t girl home as hed say j jim i picketted to his feed how do you know that it jim how do i know you ungrateful time in the morning girl hasnt jim done these things j it a trick you will owe your steak ever since we came to the country to more than to my rifle retorted you dont suppose that your new j anstruther generously and then be was i miss kitty taint much of a trick to hated to give it up i know where a buck would be thi chum would ever have thought of it tween them they set about prepara- j singlehanded months than the average for five settin give up our lows have to he turned calling anstruther to fol- jis horse so a good dairyman knows fit of 7537 round up those cattle thieves right low him and rode after pretty dicks that by giving his cow a rest of six away j wagon from which they returned with m eight weeks and feeding her well kittys face fell she had looked all the blankets they could carry j between lactation periods she will forward to her shooting picnic and you arid me will have to rough it p more milk annually that if j tonight but it wont hurt us any if deprived of this rest because the what should vou do if we were not we kec un a k fir cow is not giving milk during the with you jim she asked the otner malie n0 ob ln tlie rest period is no reason why she p n ti 1 1 warm sunlight the prospect of a cold s no have the best of care and follow tnem rignt away sleepless night does not seem very fee1 straw and roots alone do not but you couldnt take them all j terrible it is when the slow hours con sufficient nutriment to nour- ofeggs aid 450 jgj eves how rudyard kipling sees situation wsm when the war ends jl paris ihtfi rfif no more germany from i think that you are very hard on tions for breakfast my new chum said the girl showing j before that meal was over the in- a delightfully rosy face in a mist of ii pretty dick came up with the disordered hair horses and i think that you are hard on plenty man track in the swamp your old friend retorted mrs rolt he said i give you time to think of your discomj grow calf and allow t in an article written itudyard kipling says the idea is beginning t p trate the teutons head that tj i not a war of victories but no nor dont want to but i could fort that the pinch comes cow to gain in flesh in order to en see who they were for sure and may- j then you vow that you will for the sure a heavy flow of milk the cow- be get proofs against them future leave your grub rather than must be in good con at time of why could we not go with you your blankets behind j freshening and with a cow in a jim suggested kitty it would be to be continued i thrifty condition there is less trouble she had almost said more than she faircloighs boys been hunting i detective better fun than hunting im a born had intended to but caught herself expect said jim though its a long j up in time and buried her face health- wa f them to come for deer meat ily in the basin to hide her confusion t saw their tracks didnt you notice wlt the girls bright face was all alive j2k5 ily polly i them going up that first rise to our well blowing the soapsuds out right anstruther of her eyes and shaking the water j no i saw nothing i was looking from her wet hair for a deer what an object you do look dear j not fairclaw crowd jim milka its lucky your fringe is natural turn turn chilcotins put in pretty i is that all you wanted to say dick miss i am all natural and so were what does he say asked anstru- you before you went back to england ther now you must needs wear that says he thinks they were chilco thing and she pointed indignantly tin indians why do you think so to a portion of kittys looks which dick excitement the thought of fear had never yet entered her head to tell the truth there are in british columbia no terrible legends of in dian warfare to shake any ones nerves there the ordinary siwash is a peaceable creature unless he is drunk and then it is the white mans fault for making him so yes it would be better fun miss extermination for his species britain are better informed point than we were a year arj when a whole nation gtf the trenches there can be tories there can only be kilj at least three nations flesirej that the teuton be killed in calving a liberal quantity of clover or alfalfa hay along with al he cannot uo kmed i i mixture of corn silage and straw sale with two or three pounds of concenl the german cannot trates daily is a suitable ration for from his present lines he il a cow due to freshen in a few weeks j because he would have tq if the cow due to calve is stabled j n to ll own p she should have exercise but not must imself up gradua chased by dogs or allowed to goj advancing and winning v ax- i or by staying whero he is where it is slippery a few days pre- he used uler0 wi vious to the time of freshening she littie or tne german problem j should be put in a comfortable well- that is the end whereto tj feeding value of roofs and silage the relative value of roots and sil age in the stock dietary is a question bedded box stall and watched closely i are forcing us despite kitty but not so safe i think we had which is often discussed and about i so that assistance may be given better all of us go back to the ranche wlich there is much difference of r i and get the boys out unless you think opinion among practical farmers if that charming maiden carried in her me see old camp see plenty little mrs rolt that you could find the way j we compare the two on the amount hand i sticks go this way pointing south i ack without me of nutrients they contain we find i enclose a report of the results oblv where is the ranche that slia is preferable lained from a flock of 24 barred ply- necessary profits from poultry if j we have made to the quest germany ha force of fa pointing south you must wear a toupee in eng- j you come along jim i show you i could try land how would you keep your head the two went away together and from here smart without one i after a short absence returned when mrs rolt held up her hands with a they did so even kitty could see that something had gone wrong is it m ttnit of horror lie- spare me that word kitty beiore what sjwh rolv distance near which a depression sug- e lover in his hand a ducks ear ne a said in the tone of a squire who had ranche by five found a rabbit wire the beggars yes but there jjm i iiketrt3irs breakfast at any rate smart that roll is your gospel nowadays who said j chileans khelownas bavfd i that you must be smart i loathe think smart people i that doesnirmaftcivdoes it old you prefer jim jkhelowna is all right they wont yes infinitely jim is a man j bother us and mr anstruther is not i suppose not no of course they i did not say so i dont know he wont old khelowna is as tame as a may be one in embryo but hell take j we hen but i dont like that and he a lot of making held out for inspection a small piece bluffs crop up would you not rather that jim had 0 f hide see the r some of your pet aversions making anstruther took it and turned it nine o clock now- in the english language for instance 0v in his hand a bucks ear he then we could be in or is it necessary to talk like broncho buster to be a man polly rolt hesitated she did not have been shooting our deer but you want to lie indeed downright truth- cant prevent them can you theres fulness was one of her occasionally i game law in this free country painful characteristics but she did j no we cant stop them shooting not like to admit any blemishes in her deer and dont want to theres plenty favorite for all but thats not a bucks ear oh well fine english is as easy to the risky ranch dont mark deer put on for a man like jim as your anstruther saw then that the ear toupee is for you a man must speak j had been cut in a peculiar fashion so as to make it swallowtailed why that is our mark jim cried the bosss wife thats what im thinking mrs rolt thats our mark sure the boss will have to keep an eye on those fellows theres been a lot of stock missing lately the boss wont like that no nor im afraid you wont like thus 100 lbs of silage has on the i mouth rock fowl kept on a city lot come to the top of the rise and average about 4 lb of protein and a small yard 14x20 ft part ill show you i 8 lbs of starch or its equivalent which was separated for small cl together they rode to the edge of 10 lbs of mangels medium size the house is 8 x 12 ft iatau-jiwr- which thev could nave 1 lb of protein and about g lbs i boarded covered with ready ilnch upon bench of grey cattle of starckorits equtvalentr 100 makes quite a land bounded by low hills in the far of swede temps have 3 lbs of pro- house wx j ra tein and 75 lbs of starch or its adian farm the flock consisted one year iore war fviieh is nowwaglnglj because she is engaged on all possible he is in factvl she can defend and conjolt- happygolucky mjl gested the bed of an unseen rider j equivalent thats the fraser and these are the ext feedin r the ground hog mountains jim t shown by its chemical composi- which were laying in december 1014 j consohdatioii when she perpetually he indulges his love of ease ani said pointing to the hills beyond it tion is borne out in feeding experi- f each month they laid as fol- will take you eight hours riding to ments an average of the results ob- i jan 171 feb 300 march fire burning all around her work greeks to act as bankers je get to the river where those big red tnined at the ohio pennsylvania and 437 april 409 may 339 june 260 allah has decreed that she shall arn ns merchantwhil you know them you vermont experiment stations in the ju 2 aug 248 sept 204 oct perish by her own act from the con- i f skirn thetnrofiu for liison ex- can see the ranche from there its states show that about three perl i nov 70 dec 73 a total of sequences of the law tlia she profess- he skims their pronts lor ns own ex j cent more milk was produced byiomlgdoz five of the hens we set us ai13 throu ow temperament theq uer w 1 feeding oiur thin lv fpohin- m t t 1 1 i no germany will remain this may his laws are a model to other na- sight of the feeding silage than b feeding man- m mav three died and five l extra but all that will tions but he only makes them to i we killed early 111 the summer only w b a few people living on break them he plans wonderful no place where an interesting experiment was car- leaving 10 by the 1st of aug which u eternal defensive in moral social i sc for the good of his country lied on at macdonald college quej them a better average than at and political trenches raising large sums of money for such bee which also shows the advantage first appears reckoning the eggs those who till the soil will be rich d t j extension after the i and education but all that tiappens is you could camp once we saw the the language of a country if he wants to be understood in it you used to understand jim well enough before you went home and now i dont he seems to me to have changed in some way he does not seem to be natural any more i thought your complaint was that he was not sufficiently artificial kmart i mean wfiy bear those pains m a single boiftiewill convince yov liniment arrests inflammation prevents severe compli cations just put a few drops on the painful spot and the pain ais- appcars at a fair market price in november and early in de- he would drag the swaying girlish maximum result was obtained when ure from the saddle ihalf roots and half silage were fed if added to the ration the comber averaged 105 or a total of name good digestion when your dizcxtion is faulty weaknets aatl pain oro certain tad disease is invited for 40years the standard remedy nhmmjmmnmhhmm ranche shouldnt want to camp j of silage over roots where milch cows we consumed at the same price uo theres no telling it looks fine are concerned but the benefit of feed- those we sold they averaged a frac- enough now the storm of the day ing a mixture of half silage and half tion over 35 cents per dozen total before had cleared the air so that it r0 rather than using either alone j amount for eggs 8918 prom was more brilliantly lucid than usual when threequarters of the silage ra- those we set we raised 30 chickens 14 and the long sloping lands radiant in tion was replaced by an equal weight pu which we value at 21 and 22 the morning sunshine and sweet with of roots the milk produced fell from co which 1 the strong scent of the sage brush 100 lbs to 97 lbs when half the sil- were eminently provocative of a gal- age ration was replaced by roots the lop milk production rose to 108 lbs when kittys horse not entirely innocent onequarter of the silage ration was perhaps of his riders heel began to replaced by roots the milk production dance about and pull at his bridle as was increased to 105 lbs rm it if figure iv w i jims eyes dwelt on her hungrily more roots were that was how he loved to see her the flow of milk decreased had he not taught her to ride when it is interesting to compare she was but the tenyearold darling amount of food produced from an acre of the ranche anil was not the hand- of roots and from an acre of silage some beast who carried her now the at the central experiment farm at colt on which he had expended such ottawa in the season of 1913 the yield endless trouble whilst she was away of roots and mangels was 17 tons per ill england j acre and that of silage 12 tons per it was hard to give up this holiday acre but for feeding purposes these and harder to leave her to spend it crops must be compared not on the with that hawhaw young fool from bulk of product but on the amount of the old country j food nutrients produced per acre by i dont half like letting you go back comparing the mangels and silage in by yourself mrs rolt he said nor j this way on the amount of starch or i dont like spoiling your pleasure its equivalent produced per acre as but those fellows will be out of the 100 lbs of mangels only contain 0 lbs country before we can get on to their of starch equivalent while silage con trail if i dont get a move on tains 80 lbs of starch equivalent we dont worry about us jim we can find that in the case of mangels 2010 get home all right only we must not lbs of starch or jts equivalent was j stand here talking any longer what produced per acre and 2004 lbs in are you going to do with pretty i the case of the silage that is about dick i the same amount of starch was pro- send him along with you withduced in each case if we compare the your iclas i dont want him too near be poor but there will be no more go fmg way into tle germany i poc of countless beys and pashas i and although his country in spite of shipmen of halifax complain of a wealt is always drjft- shortage of lif ng bankruptcy ne never iliows the knowledge to give him a moments worry so long as his own purse is comfortably lined and this which is allthat matters he sees to the forger appreciates a geed m 4 ihi all mother scijtele syrup corrects and stimulates the digestive organs and banishes the many aliments which arise from indigestion for stomach and liver trouble 7015 a dream which has vanished the aristocratic caste in germany entered the war expecting as easy a victory as they obtained oyer prance in 1870 they thought that their pre paredness exceeded that of the other countries as much as their prepared- 1 ness in 1870 exceeded that of prance reasoning from that basis they would have had france subjugated england humiliated russia on her 1 knees and belgium annexed all in- side a year now this dream has vanished and the only hope that stilu i sustains the aristocrats is that there you can prevent this loatlisomo dlscnso from runnlns w be some breach of the allies through your stabio and euro all the colta suffering wltk it ci them to retire from when jou begin the treatment no matter how younp which will at ail druggists or direct on receipt of price 50c and 100 the farce bottle contains three times as much as the smaller a j willi e co limited craic street west montreal sposns is safe to use on any colt it is wondorful how it the war with credit every evidence- prevents oil distempers no matter how colts or horses at i f am the latter is against any nso are exposed all good drukklsts and tur goods of tempei uiiuib iiir houses and manufacturers sell sfohits by the bottle lor this hope it does not seem likely to- spohhs medioai co cheiulbts and baottrl- n allies will consent to a i invoiv the evacu- ation and compensation of belgiun dozen olofflstff me he is a chilcotin himself if he is half civilized but hold on a min ute lie stood shading his eyes and look- iig far away to the west yoiiv havent got that pair of glasses with you have you anstru ther yes helsc they are jim fumbiw with them for some time like mssvjy outdoor men in the west ho was nocsvery familiar with the use of binoculai they aint no gootlo me guess i dont savvy them nrpcrly you take a look through thcm for me aint that smoke there to tlnv west two on the basis of protein the evi dence is decidedly in favor of tho sil age the cost of growing the man gels was 3035 per acre or 2 14 per ton the cost of growing the silage was 2203 per acre or 184 per ton that is it cost about thirty cents less to produce a ton of silage than a ton of mangels canadian countryman feeding the farrow cow some cows are persistent milkers while others cease giving milk at the end of seven or eight months the former arc the more profitable class to keep but many dairymen do not give them a fair deal anxious to se cure as much milk as possible it is galvanized steel pan ki galvanized pans for sap boiling are clean and sanitary made up of heavy steel ln any size desired wo also supply- wagon tanks and special barrels for hauling sap ask your hardware or implement dealer about tho wayne or wtlto us direct our catalogue no t will give you full in formation and prices on woyno galvanized tanks for every purpose wayne oil tank and pump company limited 500 tecum8eh street woodstock ontario nd serbia and at least for alsacelorraine mm autonomy big success mabc your bazaar a success g indeed th6 minister will have cause to be grateful mabel how much were the pro- gladys nothing j he were more than the recti of usatcjisafrfihe mr is in for a good thing i wci fees improving all the time before we were married you used to send around a dosen roses week said she roses are easy every he r tins week tm going to s aroun tva tons of coal aid a no fast vj

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