Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 10, 1916, p. 6

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k si rf a tenderfoots wooing by cl1ve phillipps wolley author of gold gold in cariboo etc chapter i a poet anstru- i am afraid that you are miss clifford what do you mean mr ther to be polite to a young lady with an imagination did you not tell me the farm a- jr j jjst fresh and refreshing hind the folds of her hood spoke only to the horses get up mare kep close to jim he can see through anything kitty looked a question but mrs rolfs face was so innocent of any arriere pensee that the girl aid noth ing but just cuddled down into her when wasjn larkshire that it never dure as well as might be rained in british columbia dont the anddrearyyrivefover skies htnlron nrairie into and out of un- ra- broken prairie into and out vines which by daylight would have seemed to english people quite im- possible for any wheeled vehicle however ranche horses and ranche rigs are used to such work and the rolfs pair scrambled safely through you remember how blue your were when you were six thousand miles away from them may i be permitted to ask if this is a fair sam ple of your eden the speaker a tall slight man of not more than twentythree stood be side an upcountry cart the collar of thrwttuisukhue cart swayed his waterproof coat turned over his t crilous les somet and the ears a wet cigarette drooping from wa sloppei about on the floor of his lips and an icy sleet storm dm- 1 th cart m t to kcep ng into the back of his neck in soite tne j j of his endeavors to keep it out j aftcr an of this the horses be every line of his thin wellbred i t b lk badl and th in face expressed discomfort and dis- fv i vj iit i of his get- eased so that what had been sleet from th t of the bank became hail stinging like the lash ofl 0 light showed ahead in petroleum ztuy sold in glass bottles and sanitary tin tubes at chem ists and general stores everywhere refuse substitutes free booklet on request b76 is composed of clean whole yotmg leaves picked right blended right and packed right it brings the fragrance of an eastern garden to your table biuck 3mex3z3e5x2 ok gexfeesjezb liquid excrement compacted and moist to prevent for and keep tightly told germans plain truth chesebrough mfg co corfoltdlted 1880 chabot are montrel horses going with her where no whip could have driven them tiny the said eat gust whilst the smartness up emphasized the roughness of nis j w j driven gloom surroundings the ladies he was ad- rc think that it is any jim has camped i think dressing in spite of the disadvantage d to mrs eo as an- just in time to save my me of sex seemed infinitely more m their spe for the first time a desolate voice from the box element than he did since hi spar w combe he was i sa mary does it never rain in england wet to the bone by this time had i mr anstruther all confidence in an aqua scutum and let mr anstruther down eabii yes but we admit it though 1 ad been down two or three times his i you were pretty hard on him at not half as hard on him as he was on poor 3ess snapped the other i know dear but he is m a strange country and things are not going well for him he isnt a muff really xvrong improved methods of feeding the man who had the forethought to provide plenty of good carrots and mangles is exceedingly well fixed for bringing the farm animals through the winter in good condition a good many dairymen are feeding skim milk to their cows the animals seem to relish it and as it is not a fattening food it does them no harm if skim milk is added to the ration fed to young chickens it will increase ihe consumption of other foods given feed which has been allowed to get wet will ferment or sour readily and cause intestinal disorders dont feed it to your stock during the years when corn brought a very low price cattle feeding could be conducted on very loose principles and still pay fair profits but condi tions have since changed and methods must be varied to meet the new con- the pasture the barn should be thorj f new york on a business matter ditions in beef production we are forced to adopt more economical meth ods of production our whole system of cattle feeding has been largely built up upon cheap grain foods and we have been making but little use of forage and hay in the there is no more import- traveller spoke plainly in a berlin mentation ant problem at this time of year than the conservation of stable manure farm and dairy cafe oh yes said the man the never saw anything like this in that j t muchmaligned country i suppose bl hu bel a much ti v i sea in this country as its rider this is what you call a blizzard and he dug his heel irritably into his horses ribs to turn that animals quarters more emphatically upon the slanting deluge i at this moment a man rode up on a raggedlooking cayuse plain headed and not too straight in the shoulder but quick and handy as a cat this man looked at the speaker with j his do you think hai it is any good to stop here mr anstruther the figure only half visible in the vviess ahead reined in his horse an yet everything has gon and waited he was too far in front for him so far to have heard and yet mrs rolt wasi what polly rolt answered only the afraid jims hearing like all his winds know but her face cleared as faculties was keen as that of a wild s drew up at the little log cabin oe thing side which stood two dripping horses i dont believe that that fellow i made it you see mr anstru- i knows a bit where he is muttered ther she called in the slang of jhe a scarcely concealed sneer upon weatherstained face i anstruther angriiy j west so i will forgive you its no good staying here mrs j dont suppose that he does exact- come and help us out of the cart rolt he said to the girl s companion but he wfll find his way i we let kitty j3 too wate logged to move this wont let up before dark and none of us could do that without assistance its going to turn cold shouldntwon- ms darkncss anstruther hurried to the cart and you trust him wonderfully mrs putting his waterproof over the wheel now yes oh yes said the man who had just returned from germany i 7 told them kaiserkulturcd ones when houseueaning for the cow l war wou cnd jmd they landed before the dairy cow is taken from 0 me you see i went over there ew york on a business matte oughly and systematically cleaned all j that let me get by and in berlin i cobwebs should be brushed down and dl out of diplomatic and dis- the walls and ceiling should be white- tinguished circles and drifted around washed or painted some light color am0 the middle classes and corn- either whitewash or paint will give a mon herd to find out at first hand clean surface and make the whole w the proletariat thought of the production better methods of produc- ng their beef and not go out of busi ness for the reason that grain foods are high stable look lighter and brighter it might be well too to put in a few- killing business i could jabber german well enough so i didnt have to risk anything by al- extra windows the dairy cow has had the freedom us english and the question j of the pasture and the fresh air of ways handed out was when would the pork production returns to the soil the fields for the last five months shej war end t kept hearing it until i the grain food elements that are con- 1 has practically maintained herself got tired and in one cafe where sumed by the hogs but cattle and j and produced milk upon succulent abou a dozen or more gathered sheep feeding make possible the use of feed she will soon be returned to thej around me i blew out and told them ity of the soil the men who are most interested are the ones who raise their own feed ers and make a practice of taking the der if we got the blizzard that gentle man talks about how far is it to browns jim cant say exactly pretty dick says we are off the trail i guess hes right what is this then that we have been following a watering trail seemingly ive not been this way myself for years but the tracks all break up different ways a bit farther on the month was early october and in october the weather may be per fect upon the northern cattle lands or it may not there is a whisper al ways sometimes a threat of winter in the air even in summer in spite xf fly jfrrirtha airat rolt we have known him a long time havent we kitty but the girl had nothing to say helped mrs rolt daintily to the ground as if her skirt had not been one half alkali mud already but she tried not to laugh and perhaps her sympathy and her exper- pretty kitty her face flushed with the ience were not at one anstruther weather made amends leaning a growled something under his breath trifle more than was perhaps abso- and the procession moved on again at lutely necessary on the supporting a foots pace i arm an whispering well your horses seem to havej never mind polly she doesnt quite forget that winter reigns here at least half the year that morning the long undulating uplands hadbeen stretches of sunlit purple royal in coloring boundless in extent with fair broideries of pure gold where the cottonwoods shed their leaves in the little wet gullies now in the grey of coming night had enoush of it if you have not mrs rolt he said at last as the pair balked resolutely at the foot of an exceptionally steep pitch get up you brutes and the angry man laid his whip savagely the quarters of the n nurse it winced out stood still mean it but the boss himself dare not flog the horses when she is near chapter ii when anstruther had taken the ladies baggage into the cabin a miser- th jas w a mud roof adorned clover alfalfa and corn fodder and re- barn wnere s will spend the greater turn them to the soil in a manner that part of eacil dav i should be the aim will encourage the growth in the crop every keeper to sec to it that his rotations and thus preserve the f crtil- 1 cows are housed as comfortably as possible and provided with a goodly quantity and variety of palatable feed that will nourish her abundantly and help her produce an even flow of very best care of their animals no m mar can go out and buy the class of j tbe kind of a cow will repay young feeders that are demanded m interest every cent invested for the production of baby beef her comfort for warmth light ven- the advocate of baby beef has as tilation and feed if she is not com- his chief argument that young and fortably housed her returns will be growing animals make cheaper gains eut down p to her dis- than older ones or that le cost of comfort a pound of gain increases with thej age of the animal this law is well established and is primarily due to the fact that growth and lean meat requires less food for its production than does fat for lean meat is a watery tissue compared with fat and is a less concentrated product fat is the most concentrated animal pro duct we have for generations english farmers have made exp jyjifibeof dwarf es- k food this plant brave country priest in the environs of sl2v ri l0 nl wetmustbe madetogo and ds desolate as a stormy sea void and j punting he proceeded to make them without shelter it was a dreary outlook for the two women in an open rig drawn by two utterly worn out horses but it was i 111 ixux mr anstruther who resented it fitj sf tw do you mean to say combe that as firmly by those know where we are he by a few antlers he turned to unhar ness the horses his fingers were numbed with cold and none of the buckles were where his english experience had taught him that they should be beside which as i a matter of fact he had generally i left the unharnessing to his groom not that strap mr anstruther see this is the way i but before mrs rolt could show but he was hardly on his feet soon- the silent figure which had just tv1i 1 n taken the siddles off the riding again the whip fell and the horses backed so that the cart nearly turned over stop that mr anstruther there was an angry ring in the ladys voice but he was too savage to notice it pardon me miss kitty and your self cannot stay here all night the belk not conquered km priest has fun at germans expense the germans in belgium says a correspondent are continually being reminded that though they have in vaded the country they have not con quered it for a good many months a sex ma at head the seed is sown like rutabaga j prussians he does not like tnem turnips and cultivated without thin- but being gifted with a sense of hu- ning mor and philosophy he puts up with experiment at the kansas and in- them and exercises his wit at their diana stations show that the continued i expense he has a reply to every- fceding of moldy corn to horses thing and although the germans do t ii i oiwnvs enjoy his repartee they leuuuib of moldy causes nervous and intestinal troubles not always of a serious nature forgive him for relieving their dull tjfhe other day a little pig you dont asked impatiently we aint in england mr anstru ther and we forgot to order mile stones when we heard you were com ing retorted the other his color rising no were not in england mrs rolt put in hastily we are in jim own country and if we are oft the trail for a moment it does not mat ter a little bit which way jim like a er than mrs rolt was out of the cart and as his hand rose with the whip in wrist a held as firmly by those thin white fingers as if it had been a man who held him you forget yourself mr anstru ther these are my horses and ill manage them myself go on and ask jim to wait for us kitty and i can do without your help thank you anstruther raised his hat with a muttered apology and did as he was bid wishing himself back in england and pretty mrs rolt at the devil what he asked himself did women i want in such a country however iuv tiitfijiws he was very much mistaken would be obliged to call him back to those horses before he had gone least touch of the curb but the light hands of his bosss wife could do what they liked with jim combe the foreman of the risky ranche im afraid we cant make camp to night where we meant to i got fool ed by the weather myself didnt calculate on a rainstorm before morn ing but i know you wont whine ifibwshc loved them and understood you do get wet you can t hunt and t understood them because she horses took charge the wet straps yielded as if by magic to the cow boys fingers and the beasts were led off by the indian to some unseen cor ral where have you put ruddygore anstruther asked combe in the corral with the others why do you want him inside on such a night anstruther might have been forgiven for thinking that the hut was none too good for his wellbred hunter it certainly was not as good as the loose box to which that valuable beast had been accus tomed but anstruther saw that there was no help for it ruddygore would have to take his chance with the rest well what can i do to help you dont have to do anything forgive a hn ivmsistinsr of two thirds moments good results a feed of roots especially carrots cure keep dry all the time if you let the indian drive and follow me ill get you to rileys cow camp in no time its rough shelter and bad going but its better than this and he shook his bridle and moved on ahead of the cart do you mind very much kitty mrs rolt asked her friend not a bit dear if you can keep the peace between those two theyre just spoiling for a row what a vile i temper jim has developed since i i went back to the old country its not like him mrs rolt smiled mysteriously be- very far such illbred brutes could 1 not be made to understand anything f ma y pleasant to the but the whip but mr frank an- la p be through in a minute struthcr was very much mistaken y s t- h polly rolt was not only a superb anstruther called kitty from horsewomanas good with cattle her thc ov- i should love a great husband boasted as any cow-boy- iag fire i am just perished arent you mary anstruther picked up the axe a lit tle doubtfully and looked hopelessly around for something to chop there are some pines in that last gully we passed through suggested mrs rolt through the dark and not quite certain of his direction the unhapp is greatly relished by the colt they are cut up a little oil meal scattered over them good protein hay from clover or cow tion peas combined with some nice corn j stover stover is simply the stalk without the ear and may be used whole or shredded will make it satis factory roughage for feeding young heifers a limited amount of silage may be fed with satisfaction to sheep say about ten pounds per head each day but it should be fed in connection with some dry roughage such as clover or alfalfa hay or even mixed hay and straw in very cold weather the sheep should have plenty of clover hay or corn fodder or such other roughness togethci- ah monsieur said one of the invaders say f when something funny about this little am is mal the priest assuming the tone of an apostle gave them this quota- he came to his brethren and his brethren received him not when it would end says i right from thc shoulder and meaning every word i said it will end when you mutts over here wake up to the fact that this is the twentieth century and the people are the state and not a lot of autocrats who drive you around like cattle it will end when you learn that you are being killed off by the thousands every day in order for the autocrats to live and snap the whip over whats left of you it will end when you break away from the old fashioned notion that the state makes you in stead of you making the state it will end when you tumble to the fact that germany isnt the whole world and never can be it will end when you have the backbone to butt into mili tarism and tell bill what more information of avalu- able nature i would have handed out i dont know because i was hot and getting hotter but just at that mo ment a hand was laid on my shoulder and i disappeared from view i didnt ask any questions but i knev t was in the power of the autocrats and it vvastifuis propef fivirgiimeht ox free speech they put me away in a safe place and after about a week of inspection and investigation i was told that germany was not the coun try for me and the quicker i got out of it maybe it would be the uciui lot me in the circumstances i got but say if i could deliver carttoil speeches through the kultured land by gravy id start the war on its way to the end before three months from sunset 0ast what the western peoplh are doing progress of the great vest told in a few pointco paragraphs moose are very plentiful at long i lake alberta new denver has been importing t horses from the cast i trains are now running between vancouver and clinton the chinamen at lelhbiidge have given s95 to the patriotic ciml the snowfall on the coaht is heaviest known in many years greenwood council is buying tho citys wood supply at 174 a rick last month ripe raspberries were picked in a garden at chilliwaik the skin of a silver fox was re cently sold at fort eraser fur 200 more than five feet of snow has fallen in rossland since november 8th staples lumber co at wycliffe have 150 men working in the bush this winter the vegetable evaporating plant is now oparating at grand forks em ploying 50 men the depth of snow at glacier is rapidly increasing with almost con- tihuous snowfalls customs house business is so heavy at traill that another clerk has been added to the staff cougars are causing trouble to the deer near penticton and coyotes are also a nuisunce six thousand dollars s in sight for kaslcs contribution to the can adian patriotic fund mr roux a fernie hunter week brought in two deer as a suit of a six hour hunt sawmills in various parts of thy fraser valley are closed owing to the severity of the winter the police in fernie arc rounding up the hoboes the other night about 20 around the coke ovens were taken in at prince george h yewdall of winnipeg was fined 20 for attempt ing to ship furs out of the province without a permit the dredge king edward is at pre sent busy removing sand bars and deepening the river channel between lulu and sea islands acres of ice are now floating on the river at frasfir river impeding traffic conditions they have been for sok over at okanagan fall plenty of coyotes and chasi last re- than cheap enough i think ill snend a month in paris how the deuce can you afford it in these hard limes i cant but i can afford to think about it loved them so she stood there in the deep mud and driving hail pass ing her fine soft hands over the weal ed flanks until some thrill of her gentle nature had soothed the poor beasts then she stroked their drooping tih aenderfootj splashedhis cars and took the mares muzzle into and on in the gul pul his her arms putting her face down be- l ito the work it was not his side the beasts and talking tender f th t the axe nevel hi twice in nonsense which beasts understand h a it was lo cl drop the reins altogether dick fc h k t on hammering until at she commanded now old boy come t ine sevcn or cigh a0 1 m ther p i inches in diameter yielded to his and with her hand on the mares neck she led tho way up thc steep bank the lhree vital questions otot full of tacrtr tiui lorc and ieaertl food health do too know ihat iood diiotlon fa tho foqpdada of qgd health paloa o4 op- preuion lo itomoch and chett after eating with corutipatlon headache ditxincii ere sure iltfni of indiicitloa mother seltfelt syrup the reat herbal remedy and tonic will cure you after meals take oil mother 58 1 i3ibb syrup and banish stomach troubles per severance with infinite toil he trimmed it cut it into lengths and then packed it back in three trips to the cabin jim had been waiting for the last two trips and as soon as anstruthcr put his axe down he took it up and disappeared for five minutes bringing back a huge burnt stick on his shoulder there was rather more wood in that burnt stick than anstruther had brought in his three trips with half a dozen deft strokes the her own handiwork wife angrily i think youre the meanest man that ever was hub thats hard on yourself my dear according to your mother you as is available on the farm the ewes have been the making of me should be kept in a good thrifty con- dition in order that the offspring may be healthy and vigorous a word in season barnyard manure has a value on the farm aside from that as a fertilizer it improves the physical conditions of the soil and makes it easier to handle its decay produces heat and its presence aids chemical and bac terial processes moreover it ab sorbs and holds a large amount of wa ter and helps to aerate the soil the benefits of these indirect aids to plant growth arc in some cases worth as much as thc fertilizing power- of the manure when it is added that barnyard manure is worth at least 250 a ton and that each farm animal produces from five to seven tons per 1000 pounds of live weight ench year it is casv to see that as a fertilizer the material should not be wasted and yet it is on the average can adian farm only fifty per cent of thc fertilizing value of manure ever reaches the soil the other fifty per sur akm stump grafted on eon supplies wounded officer with movable bone a new arm stump has just been grafted upon the body of a british of ficer who lost both arms in action and came back recently with a group of exchanged prisoners from ger many his arms were amputated so has already gathered in over the bounty is lower this year itlsestiinbieutliatdurinxiutsiw four months creston valley ranchers have received 10000 for cattle hogs and poultry in additions to the fruit industry this will round out a good year for the valley lamb in the midst of wolves hcmarkable that britain has done so well in the war the last few days have yielded at least two more to the already sub stantial heap of reasons that combine to demonstrate how innocent tho allies were of the desire to go to war with the central powers says the ayrshire scotland post not till the other day was there the slightest coordination of the chief military staffs of the four entente armies even yet their union for a common end cannot be said to be fully con summated and not till monday was it announced that the ministry of tmmmwmm londons surgeons has now built out a new stump to which an artificial arm may be attached ho did this by taking out a piece of bone from the patients body muscles were at tached to the bone so the stump can be guided influenza catarrhal ravar pink by bmpplne ravar bpliootte and all dlmaaaj of the horse aftictlnc his throat speedily cured colt and horaea in nn stable kept from having them by using- osenaa dlatampar compound 3 to t doses often oure one bottle guaranteed to ouro one case safe for brood mares baby colts stallions all aces and con ditions most snlkul scientific compound largest sel ling vatarlaary spaolflo any druggist or delivered by raanufaoturara btonn xm10a co ooshen xnd dry log hung the billy on an impro vised gallows and began to cut tho bacon to be continued a small tumbler is responsible for many of the slips attributed to the cup to waste thc manure produced on the farm and then turn around and buy commercial fertilizer to make good the drain on their soil the best practice is to haul the stuff directly to the fields from thc stable where this practice is not followed provision should be made to preserve u the does pain interfere there is a remedy sloans liniment read this unsolicited grateful testimony not iong ago my left knee be came lame and sore it pained me many restlcis nights so se rious did it become that i was forced to consider giving up my work when i chanced to think of sloans liniment lei mc say less than one bottle fixed mc up chat c camjmi florence iffc-i- board of the war office clung tenaciously to its own independ ent existence two months back it grudgingly gave up woolwich arsenal and the enfield factory to mr lloyd george one of the many anomalies that existed was that there were two inventions boards where there should only have been one the miracle is that with separate independence for each higher command and with dual ism at home where there should have been fusion we have done so well as we have done the results may reas onably be expected to make good in the field what strikes the lookeron however is that it should havo tak en fifteen months to bring them about germany had not to grope about a3 the allies have had to do she mado short work of the independence pi her own allies in turn austria had to fall into line so had turkey and bulgaria and their joint campaign had worked like machinery but then she had taken five and twenty years to perfect her plans of campaign be cause she meant to fight whereas thc entente powers had to be roused to bellicosity by a cataclysm that shook thc world and forced into method by circumstances with which they had never laid their account and yet ccrmnny declares that she vnahe lamb in the midst of the wolves that kunny bone tickle thc tickling tingling sensation that follows bumping the sharp comer of the elbow is the result of striking on of the large trunk nerves that run through the arm to th wrist at the point of the elbow this ncrvo lies over the bone the sensation is painful rather than funny but because it tickles the bone w spoken of as the funny bone 1

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