the cjtjufifvillb uelbune thoiisday january 13 1916 bargain fok the- new year come and we will help yon make a selection we are having a sfjeoill sale for the mext three weeks all goods at leading prices the leader for bargains in good goods let any wood to cut select a fiistclass axe or xcut saw from our bier stock of these and make the job easy x mittf t j4ittf r we still have very complete range of f working and driving mil ts dont your hands get cold and rough from 25c lo 175 why not equip your stabes with water bowls experts say they soon pay forthemsejves and think of the saving of our time andlabpr consider the great ad tageof your stock always having ii water before them phone 0601 iluegfer the t one ollar year job work of all kinds promptly attended to sblehman isons mmirk ont manufacturers of lre woolan goods bbnlcets flah- ou seehi yaw chott qaflt bfttti etc hfafrart priete paid in ctwfc or trade for wool dealers iu rett grades manitoba flour pas toy flour flour exehau- gd for wheat or wool mail orders will have our prompt attention miuphopa 607 rem lfi o hilar en ory for fletchers qafjq b i a i d w dalton stouppville funkral director aud embalmer a it kind of koine fnrnitaro window sido curiam polos and picture framing ajo furniture repaired a oftxt fr firtetav ranos organs and sawing machines any enai- wa wlrtwsd lo mo will be carcfutw nunnsd charges moderate m ftmae no 3804 day or night midwi t e shaws 9 ville ont x y this will be a splendid chance to secure some splendid values as the markets in all lines are advancing and by another winter woollen goods will be out of sight this is a cash sale and remember the date sale starts and lasts until all lines on sale are cleared out below are some of the values we are offering mens and ladies knitted wool and silk m jfe n neck scarfs mall flice mens allwool underwear in plain and c iisi tfls ribbed reg si 00 bale pflce jvq mens heavy overcoats in heavy tweeds t k reg 15 13 50 12 and 10 sie price poo9 ladies tweed coats teg 15 12 and 10 mj 0 sale price ip u5 ladies fur collared coats half price ladies woollen underwear ci- fimita fq reg 135 and 125 bale itlce vsc mens heavy wool pants reg 225 sale price allwool blankets at special prices mens heavy woollen caps uuavy vvoouen uaps c a r v reg 125 and i oo ale frice79c union blanket cloth 2 yds wide sale price 69c yd mens ueivy woollen caps zl r m teg 75c ale price 59c ladies and mens heavy sweater coats c n i qo keg 350 300 and l50 odlc pntc 1 70 slll sale price 193 and many other lines that are not on this list come early and remember the date mondayjan 17th 1916 phone 9512 stouffvibl1 3sfa tf fra m wl m 1