tac2g 7r u wm local items wjfs- homing ol waukchaw i jiitlbg a robt mjlier mrs warrincr misa helen v-riri- mrs henry and mr- manning were at greenwood tis week- private alex- jiarrls of the 48th highlanders and miss m preston epeni me wcetena with sir and mis h j malloy an entertaaiumcnt will be given ander the uusoices of the womer ialriotis league 0 friday evening fccb 18th please remember t he daf a iiilan wholesale tnd nijil dealer in produce and poultry pays the highest prics for art kiod of yoaltry apply to albert davis the annual congregational mevtirg of the trcsbytcrun church va held n wednesday evening a succeuul pcaar was reported y vetch will conduct ioniccs at the church o christ west end or iioids bay morning at eleven o clock subject ueaven and hill vall are welcome rr- the stoancna institute will meet in the liberal club udu on svidncs flay jan ivtb at asi p- in a gcoo program is being provided you are unvittd to jtlcud ilurkcy on friday jin 14th on maple iiaf slink otoulfville between the irihgwcod and lcmonvivie teams puck faced at 815 p m admission lgc everybody come- uxbiidgc township oabtatl school iassociation will hold their annual ctnfercnce at goodwood on friday man- 21st rev mr- mutch and the pjincipal ol ihi miruico industrial tscbpol- will civ addressed on thursday the melville church sixth licemarkhaui arc holding their pliuiual congregational meeting jtjfc ladies are serving tea at 7 pclock a short program is being pro ided i cehepicfeciingilownjbip oabbiih school association are holding their all day lb the speakers from toronto and whittle will te heard on friday iost mr- jacob 6 grove had a very bad fall on the ice break ing a rib and otherwise bruisng thc soft parts- our elderly friend will te confined to beu for a few days but expect that his wonderful vitality wiil soon have him fully ri- ibtorett ajjuiu the stoufjeville branch of the uu- ited farmers of ontario mejt in the council cham cejs on saturday jan- ooth inst for the purpose of elect ing of ficers lor 1016- the fjpia for discussion at tbu meeting will be v best methods of exterminat ing the jsow thistle margaiet lhe two year old daugh ter of mr jesse brilliuger on mou- aay night last caused nuite a flury in her houshoid by taking 3 cjink vt piano polish as o many of thcc lacpaialloos contain wood alchcl the young lady had to have her stom och pumped out however we are gfad to report that she is now com pletely well and wholly out ollldarger our milkmen were arraigned be fore magistrates sander gouhon and reaman on monday jan- sid charged by mr d- ft- daggar uom- ton government food inspector vith lielling mil below the standard- in itho evidence given it was shown that according to statute milk which net comply with the government standard is adulterated anu injuri u8 to health- judgmeuc was rescu ed for one week a- fine of twerty- five dollars and cost was imposed market mr- clayton stoufter and sister rem the west are viuting riccds who says that ne slippery ide of ixt ice is not 00 fbefc doyl markham township savoach school asociation vill uiet in mirliam- village on jan- 26 and 27 the annual uicelig of the a a w f- will be held at the queens ho tel here on sturdiiy jan- la at two oclock in the cfternoon mr s- rcesor toronto mrs- j button welland mrs- jesse grove seventh line mrrkhain and m jj orove mount albert were visitors at mr 1 reunans a public ea will uc given it the home of mr- and mrs jarvis stcrry ou tuesday evening jan- lath un der the auipicci of eloomington mcth odibt ladijs aid tea will be served from 6 to s admission adufts loc niwrcr loc afterwards a short pro gramme- everybody welcom2 mr- philip davis brought to the tiibunc office this morning an egg vnicb consists sf jee oss within 311- other the inner one being of mu1r1l size but the outer one measuics 0 inches in circumference from end to end tnd jeyon inches around the middle this hen is still living ultbridge local option advocates hove laid before the ontario license heard charges against kobt- t- john prcprietor of the mansion house in in thit town according to gecige watson an uxbridge horse buyci- and local option advocate a man na med s f anderson while doing bus- ircsi in the hotel was salle 1 a bad name and told he would have his nose broken if he entered the prem ises again- y- ii smith an implei jnent agent also a tocal option sup porter it is said was grabbed by st johr and choked until he oled he efso was ejected by the proprietor and drastic threats made ti to hat would happen if 62 again tnteiea the sljcc 21 stonffville j lirilliogcr hpoitec w armstrong h w sodert skip i ruunell a c burkholder geo brrjuharfe s arnntroug ek 17 38 clare mont v shirk w ormerod d hopfer r bene skip 13 w leaper a m smith yv wallace u forsythsk 10 23 claremont curlen visited stouffviue tnesday afternoon and evening with lull score stouffviue claremont h brillioger v shirk w h clark y g ormrod ay armstrong d hopper h yv sanderssk 14 v wallace k 11 h ivionool m mvitrric spent wceki n toronto mr allan wide and mr- david iuiiiajhrmic6pent a few lays la miss bushnet jess briunger j l baker g urquhart h perry sk j rue a h lawson m innes k l button sk 1 1 n loriyih w k adams ay j mather t birkett j bundy a m smith k forsyth ak t birkett j bundy r forsyth a m smith sk p shirk w wallaco d hopper 17 s armstronnsk 16 w otmerod 5 whitcliurcli council members elect met at vandorf hal monday jan- loth and after sub scribing to declarations of quailiea- ion and ollice resumed business as council forvthe year 1015 with reeve spaulding in the chair the minutes of last mecliug were read and confirmed applications were presented from j a clarke for assessorhiy and frank steckley for coirectorship for 11016 refunds of dog tax were claimcq by john moukmau for sec om dog destroyed before court of revision and t- w stephens ovr- eharge on account of error in assessment titles teacher on tuesday last after spending her holidays at omemec- mr- david smales has engaged with mr levi grove for an other term one of mr- jas itennies hoises ran away on saturday while iei turning home from locust hill creamery- it freed itself from ihc cutter and ran home and trid to jimp over a wire fence but caught its front feet in the mire throwing it ovfr on its head killing it ol- mots instantly 1 mr- and mjs john lehman and fa mily moved ti stouffviue en wedres- day- we are sorry to lose them from our midst- miss apuie wideman pent a week with her cousin miss wide- jiiar ol the itb line the man j vmo bellevev in keeping- gf bills were presented fromvt j his heapcooc w and- accident ins co pren 1200 um on treas bond- butter eggs chickens ducks geese fowl r turkeys potfttoes 29 to 30 40 to 45 16 to 17 16 to 17 17 to id 12t5 13 m to 30 1 to lio tuesday feb latli it one p 31 at lot 4 con 1 uxbridge ono mile east ol stouffviue farm block implements ise belonging to w l storry silvcrsldes cook aucts saturday jan 22nd nt one p m sharp at lot 12 con 0 whitchurch farm stock implements c rlso a matched span fillies roe the pioperty of jas cooney silvcstor cook aucts saturday february oth tt one p m at lot 26 con 9 markham the farm siock implements o belonging to ross barkey j h prentice auot fov sale a quantity of soft wood mostly piao suitable for threshing or summer woo also a quantity of lumber for building purposes ciias hvkleu phone 6909 box 6 good wood the treasurer was ijjfrursled to 4ps to rfiud to john monkmanthe sum of two dollars dog lax and to t ste phens one doiiar doge tax and to order ms copies of the municipal world it16 for use or courcil jnl clerk the reeve was authorized to pro cure stationery for the use of the lcouncil and officers uv resolution was passed authoriz ing the piyment by the 3tandprd rank of cheques drawn by the treasurer as instructed by reso lution or bylaw of council or stat utc ot the province- reeve spaulding was appointed commissioner cor eagle st and t ii n west of the 5th con- deputy reeve moorhead for ti jj n east of 5th con councillor icgec cor 1ongc st and t l ivwesuof 4tb con councillor rusnell fir t l s east of 4th con and councillor ba jei for marsh bridge by were passed appoint- ing the following officers j a m vaunostrand rnd j m grove auditors j a clarke assessor frank stn collector- dr- 3- l freel m 0 h- 11 p smith v s member of the board of health t o a b haines and e lames ibanitary inspectors councir ndjournea to meet at bali- lantrac at 10 a- in on feb loih ctjttbi fir saajet pric7jl00 aprir at d 1yjrioyhjiia skating carnival on thurs day jan 20th maple leaf rink stouffviue admission loc band in attendance now selling regardless of cost childrens hats from 5c up nice line of new years woods at all paces see our dolls selling at the old prices berlin wools nice line of handkerchiefs mrs f wilson thank you we wish to thank our many customers for the business entrusted to onr care during the sea son which has just passed we will endeavor to serve you even better for the next year of 1916 send your name and address and we will put you on our regular mailing list and keep you fully informed as to everything in building haterial a happy new year to you all 29- a happy new year to all d m heise phonesrtf stouf fville i fsilm5 licensed auctioneers you cant limo up to the breastworks of big busiuess aud demand whats coming to you youve got to march up ooldly us if yov belonged a vol untecr finds excuses for shabby shoes but the regular musv be rady to stand iuopec tion dout mirk time hup hep for ward march a g lehman the peoples shoe store main street stouffville on stouffville carriage works nothing nicer for a xmu gift than a piece of furni ture come in and see our good display of furniture in in all classes electric vaceums for sale or to rent no need to shake ruses or carpetsperfectly clean ed with a electric vaccum picture framing uphol dtering done by ub agent for standard sewing machine also for heintmnan go pianos wj mather stouffviue t t market changed starting on january 19th stouffviue market will be held on wednesday in stead of thursday hereafter hitch your wagon to a star that moans have high ideals high aspira tioos high desires in other words always get the best that can be had in any direc tion wo believe we aro the best carriage repairers in town and we offer you ou services in this line get tho best oar ria3e work done ry coming to us jfenft k watfon j a alsop butcher wishes to notify his patrons the public that they can purchase wholesale frnt and hind quarters from his shop satisfaction guaranteed will also purchase sheep skins horse and cattle hides of all kinds high est maiket price paid stouffviue phone 9701 j a alsop uxbridge and stouffviue the store of quality has to offer you in all depart ments genuine- values please note our different lines ladies wear mens furnishings boots and shoes groceries chmaware special values in fresh fruits nuts confectionery many thanks for your generous patronage may it continue j iutlly or haiti ami mill ts stouflfviiie agbs -j- 5 il r r j stocktaking our stock op dry goo lis h clothinci i groceries at reduced prices w h 5haw phone 95 if sfcouftvill e store closes monday wednesday and friday at 630 made in canada ford touring cafj price 530 a bumper crop of pleasures and profits as reaped by the farmer who owns a on he has broken down the barrier of distance for himself and his entire family now after the harvest arent 5 you going to buy that ford ford touring oar 8530 ford runabout 8480 ah prices are fo b ford ont all cars com- pletcly equipped including electric headlights cars on salo e a button local dealer i a i hi fs i vi hi at cam v