young folks alfonso gives interview spanish monarch sees no hope of permanent peace the argentine historian roberto sir charles munro thinks things out in advance and is never flustered yuan shifi kai it is generally agreed that no sol- levnier now in switzerland has dier has won greater distinction dur- j given an account of a recent conver- ing the past twelve months than gen- sation with the king of spain which era sir charles monro who succeed- j took place at madrid king alfonso ed sir ian hamilton as commander of who discussed several questions con- the dardanelles forces j neeted with the war with great free- we knew monro would come out j dom said on top army men said when he was long before hostilities began it mentioned in despatches by sir john was easy to foresee the inevitability french after the battle of the aisne of the war but it is impossible to and created a knight commanuer of form any opinion regarding its termi- the order of the bath for his great nation do not imagine that there services as a wellknown military s wili be anything like disarmament af- critic remarked the other day if a worlds great powers are ter the war on the contrary when there is a way out of this dardan- mvo in war tne announcement this war js over preparations for an- elles muddle sir charles will find cjlma bat great sleeping giant other war will be carried on more it j a ation comprising onequarter of actively than ever born fiftyfive years ago sir i world population had reverted i do not think that the socialists charles entered the army at the age the monarchical system of govcrn- and the working classes of the differ- of nineteen becoming- a captain in m would have caused a great sen- cut countries will bring such pressure ten years major in 1898 and colonel f announcement past five years deliberate in speech with a large apparent tolerance a tre mendous task at any other time than the present ii forgetful freddy littlo freddie was a most forgetful boy his mother told him that he was not to go out of the yard and that if he did she would have to punish him in some way he must learn not to forget for a long time he did remember and stayed in the yard he didnt even open the gate to look out one day he was sitting on the step won dering what he should do next when ho heard music and looking up he saw an organgrinder and the clever est monkey he had ever seen coming toward the yard down to the gate he ran the man stopped and letting out the string to r v j vv which the monkey was tied began to to bear on their governments that twelve years ago on the northwest llla jiai president of the play while the monkey danced as th iter will be unable to create frontier of india and in south africa republic has been elected hard as he could j new armaments my opinion is that he proved himself a born leader while i im was given only inside page freddie laughed to see him and socialists of all countries will be- as chief instructor at the hythe p in the daily papers and lit- when he pulled off his cap and held it com more and more friendly with school of musketry he rendered in- i u was said concerning the remark- out to freddie he gave him one of th governments and that there calculable service to the home forces able chinaman who is now ruler of the pennies his father had given him legitimate aspirations will be satisfied it was during the manoeuvres of more p than any other monarch that morning the man began to walk i as a matter of good business policy 1913 that general monro showed j savo king george i away playing as lie did and the mon- j they will also develop and they will what a magnificent strategist he is what kind of a man is this who key hopped along with him freddie r oalizo that some of their leaders for with a small force he outman- took advantage of the revolution of forgot opened the gate and ran j who have preached universal peace oeuvred heavy divisions in the most 1910 which overthrew the old manj along too as they walked along have deluded and misled them after i skilful manner ehu dynasty almost in a night to cs- quito n number of children followed j the events of this war the socialists i his most marked characteristic is tablish himself first as the first pre- and soon they were a long way from of all countries will bo obliged to un- the sympathetic attitude he always sident of china and now as its em freddies home and had turned soderstand that so long as human be- adopts towards tommy but as the pcror yuan was imperial prime many times that he was not sure j ings retain their human instincts j latter says he is a terror for train- which way to go back he turned and j their can be no better protection for ing- drill drill and more drill is ran as fast ns he could and after a country than the creation of arma- motto losing himself a good many times at ments which enable it to use organ- 1 one who knows general monro in- last he was home in his yard j ized force in selfdefence and that timately remarks that his most pro- then he remembered that he had i organized forco must be always ready niinent quality is his soundness he knows his mind right through he has always thought out every possi bility beforehand he is never hur ried never flustered never taken by surprise he has prepared for as are his i a fivecent breakfast inf t prussian guards t chinas emperor as two shredded wheat bis- 1 rnik hratpd in thr own tn e mor reproduces hac nt-pv- r i clux nea m e oven to a spcech delivered by the emperor tf has been dictator for the restore cnspness and served the 2nd division of tho prussian with hot milk make a com- guards in the course of which his plete perfect meal supplying m r the prussian guard tho choice all the strength needed for a troops of frederick the great fought halfdays work at a cost of down its enemies cast and west and four or five cents the rich- our e1 have been obliged to re- pt man in amprirji ran hnv c0 what it means when the king est man m america can buy of prussia puts m guard into th nothing better contains fight wherever the guard is put into more real nutriment than th ght splinters are flying and the meat or eggs and is morei is fou down from the easily digested made in canada forgotten again and had gone out of j facts are facts and this earth will the yard his mother had not missed j never become utopia him and if he didnt tell she would never know and she had told him the next time she must punish him oh dear he wished now he hadnt gone but he supposed he must tell so he went into the house very slowly and when he saw his mother he told her all about his going out and how he had nearly been lost she said freddie i knew that you minister under the old regime and when dr sun yat sen and his fellow- revolutionists wanted a provisional- president they called on him to hold widespread acquaintances that serve him well he works early and late trouble ahead the real and impending trouble will come from his actual abolition of representative government it is roundly asserted that without it no government in china can endure sober elderly men say that not merely harebrained youngsters fresh from high school it was one thing to trip up to ob- i beskids to the baltic from the pripet morasses to champagne german arms have been victorious with gods help it was allotted to in napoleons timej at one time napoleon had nearly the wholo continent of europe array ed against england ho absolutely- controlled spain italy holland den- the regiments during 70 days of fight- mark and sweden had dismembered ing to storm 29 enemy positions and prussia and was in alliance with aus- to assist in bringing to an end a cam- 1 tria and russia england stood pat paign which cost the enemy all his however defeated his fleets at sea in- frontier fortresses besides countless cited coalitions against him and jn tho end brought about the final defeat at waterloo the thorn in the flesh of tho germans is tho british calm assertion we got napoleon event ually and we will get you booty war material and prisoners after this accomplished work your kings command calls you to new work throw away your eyeq lasses a free prescription you can havo hhea ana ve at homo discussing tho effects of the war king alfonso said very bad times will come for south america there will be a rush man sorts of failure as there of russians italians french and ger- j chances of success and with mans now living in south america precise knowledge he estimates the back to their home lands to help j i strain on tho weak links of his ma- building up what the war has de strayed there will be no emigration from europe for some time to come had been out of the yard and i was u k b ura come waiting for you to tell me i am sv smy m glad that even if i have a forgetful i jsjf f s ame find little boy i have a truthful one per- en france and italy haps this will be a lesson to youv and it was never again did fred die forget to do what his mother told him help the other fellow help the other fellow with a smile or word of cheer try to sing his praises while hes toiling with us here try to smooth his pathway as he plods his journey through for hestriving utwhavn that t mnrchmg to big sense he is a brother to the big and to the small he is going my way your way on this old terrestrial ball hes a fellow traveller with us and his goal is our goal too and hes not a rank outsider any more than i or you help the other fellow try to make your kinship known dont think that you can travel any path on earth alone try to make his burdens lighter for its what you ought to do and some day when you are troubled he will do the same for you illiterate genius some great men who had very little education george tinworth the famous sculp tor whose work adorns the great min- killed in action number of casualties in worlds great wars it is possible that the present war will be one of the most destructive in history the war in the balkans resulted in a great loss of life out of 1000000 soldiers in the field no fewer than 3200 were killed 200000 being in which the conteri3ingarmies nuriv bered 400000 24000 turks and 20- 000 bulgarians were killed and wounded it is interesting to know that dur ing the war between russia and ja pan 60000 russians were killed and wounded and 40000 japanese out of 600000 engaged at the battle of mukden the spanish losses in cuba during the spanishamerican war totalled 23500 out of 131200 men sent there of these 9500 were killed in action 1000 died from wounds 10000 from yellow fever and 3000 from various diseases lack of money terial it is a curious fact that this noted soldier comes of a race of famous edinburgh doctors three of his an cestors having held in succession the office of professor of anatomy and surgery at edinburgh university for considerably over a hundred years general monro bears a striking re semblance to sir john french seen from behind he might easily be mis taken for the field marshal who is one of his greatest admirers mothers of little ones no mother of young children should be without a box of babys own tab lets the tablets are nsthers best ftjfifrffl are asgood as aid wurgcr ingersoil ont writes 1 have used babys own tablets for the past eight years and would not be without them i can highly recom mend them to all mothers of young children the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont down the job until parliament should fusca an h m decide on a permanent president par- neophvtes under sen and the lament met debated quarrelled and pariiament th ey made it wiu be showed such incapacity that yuan quite anothfil to d as ft prcsi with the aid of a few police dissolved dent now d sharj it and became the virtual master of government to the p of china china such he has been ever since j were a pjty he should be here is an interesting description purblind on this vital matter china of the man written by an american owes him much already the aboli- j i c clarke who was recently in tion of the use of opium throughout china the empire a colossal achievement yuan shi kai puts on no style should be his monument for all time ho dresses plainly except at official k is no halfway measure only the receptions when he wears a marshals otler day it was reported from ying- uniform he mav however have k that the remaining opium smok- generals in gold lace around him the ers ar morphine fiends there were parliament after long somewhat silly to be arrested and sentenced to penal debate abolished the queue and the se kneeling and crawling of the olden he finding a way for present drop one btfmngs mtnarflb rintment cure dutcmper anticipating a fall young mrs flubdud vows that flubdud is an ideal husband homo early no drinking and so on and what do the fellows at tha club say to that oh nothing theyre just wait ing and making bets u wear glasses aro you a ictim or pyestraln or other cyo-wcak- nesses if so you will be slaa to know that there is real hops for you many n hose eyes wero falling say they have i restored throueh tho principle of this wonderful free pro scription one man says after trying i x was almost blind could not sen to read at all now i can read every thing without any glasses and my eyes do not water any more at night they would pain dreadfully now they feel fine all the time it was like a miraclo to me a lady who usod it says tho f wellknown noh atmosphere seemed hazy with or with- wcilknown people out glasses but after using this pre- 1 rrom all over america they testify scrlptlon for fifteen days everything to the merits of minards lini- seems clear i can even read fino print ment th host v without glasses it is believed that tn best of thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable tlmo und multitudes more will be ablo to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever gettlrg glasses eye troubles of many descrip tions may be wonderfully benefited bv following the simple rules here is the prescription go to any active drug store and get a bottle of honopto fill two ounce bottle with warm water take notice we publish simple straight testi monials not press agents interviews household re- medics minards liniment co ltd court cermonial the bow and rais- financing of the situation he is fill ing the hat have taken their place in thedistant governorships with and it is fimny to sec it circumstan- men of his choice he is charged with tiallv put down in the ceremonial or- he reactmnary to tho extent of defs ladies it may be mentioned winkng at official squeezes in the out- lying provinces but this i doubt his reckless and improvident german method of raising money adversely criticized lord inchcape in an address an address be fore the institute of bankers in lon don england said the financial policy of germany bore the marks of reck- lessness and improvidence none of was a godsend in this case ra0 required for the war had it is not always that a lack of been raised by increased taxation and money is a benefit each successive loan meant fresh in- this lady owes her health to the j nation of the currency which showed fact that she could not pay in ad- 1 itself in a steady rise in prices r fi experience with the salt monopoly has opened liis eyes in the old imperial times 2500000 was the utmost tax brought to the imperial treasury last year under foreign manage ment it yielded 34000000 such an object lesson will not be thrown away on yuaii ince priice bismarck en greater but he has nerve and knowledge proof positive the logic of mrs murphy is not to dissolve wlththis itqutitatliethe lightly to be disputed as she stood atna 1 it- rt v itm- intl v i i eyes two to four should notice your ceptlbly right from the btart and in flammation will quickly disappear if your eyes are bothering you even a little take steps to savo them now be fore it is too late many hopelessly blind rnlkht have been saved if they had cared for their eyes in time if your own drukgist cannot fill tills prescrlp tion send 1 to the valmas toronto for a complete bbriqfl treatment outfit tablets and all ecietr iz gloomily in the back door a friend of her sleeping husband leaned over the fence and hailed her loudly good r ir nri you cant freeze paw popper well what is it son wherega they keep the mornin mrs murphy artdis pat at home sure sure where are your eyes dennii drutco i din isnt that his shirt iornjsf pto home ye hangin on the loine c tt mlnardk unimont cumejf i customvji werent cs what ao they feed it on oh currants i how tocook roman meal porridge- j invariably use double boiter or set boiler in bssin of boiling water have water boiling in both vessels that in inner one salted to taste slowly stir in one cup roman meal to each two cups water cover set in outer ves- sel and never stir again even while serving for early breakfast cook at evening meal and warm in morning using a little less roman meal its dark nutbrown granular rich por- ridge it nourishes better than meat prevents indigestion and positively i relieves constipation or money back j julian you gojf fntottey mlnards unlment cares colds etc his fatal mistake too slow poor jack he never could 3pell a certain blacksmith although an and it ruined him expert at his trade was quite ignorant how of surgical methods when he sprain- he wrote a poem to an heiress he ed his wrist one afternoon he hurried was in love with and called her boncy to a doctors office the doctor examined the wrist and then took a small bottle from a shelf but found it empty james said he turning to an yuan shih kai new emperor of china i assistant go upstairs and bring me lrsoali grocvtlvets dwmi couple of those phials and scents whats that exclaimed the pa- made by roman meal co toronto tient suddenly showing signs of london irish exploit i ster at york the guards chapel in vance the fee demanded by a specialist the mire this procedure was per- a excepted from raising electricitv mnk from german i the hat this is all quite to the mind man like prosperous trader lines used for lighting it is related of the london irish rifles that on one occasion their tele- london and the cathedral at truro to treat her for stomach trouble in sisted in said lord inchcape the more was an illiterate genius he probably s telling of her case she says would prices rise and all official at- had not more than a years schooling i had been treated by four differ- tempts to fix minimum prices though j in the whole of his life says london sent physicians during 10 years of they might be successful for a time v the president is in mufti phone lineman happened to find two answers stomach trouble lately i call- on egard to individual commodities k a short jacket he gives now- ii ca on the ground in the rear his handwriting which appears on j another who told me he coud not would be powerless to meet the situa- 1 adavs t impression at first glance of 0 their trenches no one knew to some of the best known works is a cure me that i had neuralgia of the tion the task of redeeming the sej prosperous chinese trader he is w they belonged or whence they mere scrawl and he could not spell j stomach then i went to a specialist curities and retiring the notes would ilot big about 5 feet c inches high camc but rumor had it that the gen- yet he won the unstinted praise of j who told me i had catarrh of the be left for an exhausted and defeated j 3nd c rather than obese of build era tation was somewhere in the ruskin stomach and said he could cure me to face after the conclusion of si white hair is crooded short german lines i grinling gibbon whose lovely al- j in four months but would have to have peace an he wears a thick white old the j promptly fitted wires most superhuman woodcarving is the his money down i could not raise thtj as certain as the sun will rise to- moustache and a little tuft un- ami earr them to the battalion chief glory of chatsworth and many necessary sum and in my extremity i morrow he concluded germany and a his lower lip although he is only headquarter the dressing station ether ducal mansions as well as of j was led to quit coffee and try postum her militarism will be crushed and the 5g ye old he does his daily stint 0 dugout etc lamps were windsor castle was picked up by the the results have been magical i j peace of the world so far as anything of j a rather small chinese found the averted houses of a vil famous diarist john evelyn in the now sleep well at night something i s can do to prevent it will be sei j a single storey building at j emotion i merely asked my assistant to bring me down a couple of phials from upstairs answered the doctor i files cried the blacksmith no you dont if that hand has got to come off use an axe or a saw how he described it the newlyarrived citizen from italy was trying his best to buy a colander but could not make the clerk under stand what he wanted the clerk showed him several kinds of pans but at each he shook his head finally he got an idea geva me disa kind he said ze water go ahead ze macaroni stop instead of bonny remember the ointment you put on your childs skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child cats dont let impure fats and mineral coloring matter such as many pi the cheap ointments contain get into your childs blood i zam- buk is purely herbal no pois onous coloring use it always 50c box al all draggut and slora mfmm can ch lltpr ks 8 f3 f raam1 fob sals belgium and the geltmans direst poverty and introduced to the had not done for a long time the pain f cured for another hundred years king i in my stomach is gone and i am a j j j here is a letter he wrote to evelyn different woman which speaks for itself every time i had tried to stop cof- honred sr 1 wold beg the faver fee i suffered from severe headaches i -ii- i i is1 i iv t ythe xime leehng at time of water- vvcr you see sr joseti williams again so i continued to drink it although i you wold be pleased to speack to him had reason to believe it was injurious 0 as o- that heic wold get me to carve his to me tea also is harmful because j belgiums dislike of th ladis sons hous my lord kildare for it contains caffeine the same poison- no new thing for the gallant little her advice always i onderstands it will be vcrry consid- ous drug found in coffee but when country has had a taste of their me- ceedin the palace not far from where he lives in the winter palace once the home of that extraordinarily vigorous old lady the late empress dowager whom in the times of his remarkable j upward rise he was wont to ap proach on his knees to receive her or- prussians rf or to venture at intervals to give just behind and for many weeks a firstclass electric installation was in full working order with power sup plied by germany when the platoons charged the ger man trenches at loos some bright spi rits took a football with them if we never made mistakes how your druggiit granalafed eyelids fcs irfianed by expe- s to sea dnsfand wind quickly rrlieved b7 ttttba j e stmtiy no smarts juit eye comfort at 50c per botile mcrtoseje f arms all sizes stock grain dairy or fruit wntn you roant to buy write h w dawion cra ont- gewspapebs qe sais ppofitmakina news and joe onicc for ale in booj ontario town the roost ozexoi and laurnnlaic- pcrioun pro- jj some people know we were misceltmeous etc i had postum to shift to it was difjthod before southey travelled in j he is deliberate in speech with a belgium within a few weeks of wa- apparent tolerance which is terloo and has left on record the really a selfimposed patience for he local opinion of the armies which were has generally made up his mind long eraleil patrick nasmyth whose pictures ferent nay be seen in the national gallery to my surprise i did not miss cof v not only illiterate but his right fee when i began to drink postum hand being incapacitated he painted coffee had been steadily and sure- engaged at that historic fight before arguments are over often be- vith his left and he was also very i ft killing and i didnt fully reaj at ghent he wrote the hanover- fore they have begun in his own deaf yet he had made his name by iue what was doing it until i quit and ians are not liked here but the prus- 1 time he acts quickly and sternly at tha time he was twenty j changed to postum name given by j sians are abominated we hear of need bloodily he sees few besides george morland was another mister- canadian postum co windsor ont j nothing but their insolence and bruhis ministers he is closely guarded ate genius thi mere prints of whose postum comes in two forms tality j since the attempt to assassinate him pictures are worth big sums today t postum cereal the original form brussels was equally emphatic in but to foreigners and indeed in gen- doing anything tuiloits- lumps he dictated his own epitaph here- must be well boiled lee and 23c lies a drunken dog hf seldom took packages a meal with his wife cooked his own j instant postum a soluble powder- food ate it cff a chair by the side of j dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wappiaioa expressed elsewhere his easel in pigeoni hew but pigs ltmon there the prussians were eral intercourse he holds himself at jas much detested as the british were perfect ease ami with a courteous j popular and he found the n his studio where not only ter and ith cream and sugar makes sv but pigs ran aboat a delicious beverage instantly 30c same 1 pleasant manner at any rate yuan does proj the behavior of the prussians totong such interviews beyond the usual land 50c tins tt- things are essential to haiv two strata of cloud tectrkal vcics and two kind i both kinds are equally delicious with opposing j and cost about the same per cup wo currents of j theres a reason for postum i sold by grocers wards the inhabitants is represented j enquiries in the east t as abominable nothing but insolence and violence the experiences of the past few weeks show that their char acter has not altered during the past century your first and how do you like pekinj at present he is busy appointing local provincial governors he is a keen judge of men and has through his long and varied official life made ed internal an external cured wits- etit caln by car home treatment wrlu htha too iate dr bellman uetllcal co limited calling ni- etct wlt writ sehsntub h full drczzuu orhariocjeeaeeiycocak230 to vsurbn umlblnr com- t ijny 13 wet adelaide st toronto a careful dealer i a dejected sallow friendless-look- ling lowspirited man walked into the grocery store i i want some clothesline he said i whateher want it for asked the mzn behind the counter to hang clothes on the old ladys i washing today she is eh said the shopkeeper giving his customer the once over from head to foot well you go back and tell her to come down here and get it herself the only way fellow looking like you do can boyj rope frora me is on a prescription f tewfeji ccok otf dog diseases and how ia feed mioai bit to nj jii it h cut glover v s 113 r7tst3itrie issue 3 is he knew it theres lots of money te stocks quite right thats where mine went shaarda fcifaae cares uiiuzji here is t zvrs mm s t5 sxa n rwp st- itfkzi ircrj sr w pat aa jcrasol