i rrotttte vol xx 711 nq 48 whole number 1449 am tribune is published every thursday afternoon at the office smiths block stouffville 0t terms 1 in advanoa 125 tf not paid in adyance job ffti promplly attended lo f c madill b a kdixok and proprietor h s debates during the past week the mem bers of the faf f and the students of the school had the pleasure of lica lint two wry intcrcstinj debate i i iriu the topic debatd was besolyed that plants are more use ful to mankind than animals bertha stouffer and eldon fairies ou the affirmative side j mjcnough button harristrs solicitor conveyancers 4c a j9 jikrs block stouffville li xov to ijoan ilhjinia1 dr smith lds dds dentist nl graduate of toronto and chicago university ujiw over huntley store aiuie main st near office at oii3 every day except tuesday the speaker debated skillfully but geo hyres and helen monkhousc- who support ed the negative sideypul up such a ttrong fight that the judges kath- le frcel and ev- smith save jhe decision to the negative -j- in form 3 the subject was bes- plvcd that more crime is due to wea lth than poverty the afiirmatwe was bandied by c k coupon piul boadway and leo wagg while the negative was aofy supported by toil byer harold gray and gujvi honey- tul of the debaters delved deeply into the subject and proved to- be very interesting and olever speakers but the judges walterruss ieli and o dean kester decided in favor of the negative debating and public speakings arc being given much prominence in the ischool an invitation was sent to cla reuiont continuation school to meet representatives oi stouffvihe school in a debate but it was declined since 1832 this institution has suc cessfully carried on busi- nessanditiswellequipped to handle all the details of a modern banking service its reserve fund is now nearly double the amount of its paidup capital these facts should in fluence you to select as your bank m the bank of nova scotia paidup capital 6500000 reserve foot 11000000 total resources orer 90000000 stouffville branch v r adams manager installation ffhe stouffvihe- lodge l o o il no 384 held their semianuuil in stallation of officers on monday eve ning january 24tbv this was goal ie less installation however and the bre thren invited their wives and a few friends most of whom were present the work was cpuducted in a very highly eificient nfcnnor by both the installing team an4 the officers elect after the installation a splendid program was listened to several elections were played by the stou ffvihe orchestra wnicn were wen received two very- excellent duets sang by messrs e forsjtn and e w y chamberlain of iharemout a piano solo was live u by miss good win and a rocai soto by mrs morden the standard mm of canada head office toronto efficient and prompt service in every department 213 estd 1873 savings bank at all branches stouffville branch manager 3 j 1 the good things that will be going we think every progressive and patriotic man in town snoultf join the board- of tirade and help dont forget the meeting tomorrow night eiday at eight oclock in the coun cil chambers r ml backer lmjj1 duintist steaffvfcte onl v jisurgeons and of the university toronto offiee houra9 to 12 am 2 lo 5 p m offioe in grubina blook over jewelry residence main at east end telephone no 3806 mrkham every tuesday offlco over m whites store 1 llll ffcaman issuer of msriage licenses w j jttathef under akek h bufft f imme lesiience main street two doors east presbyterian church phone tfos 9801 or 9812 da if and niiht calls promptly attended to school board the first meeting of the stouff ville school board was held at 7 oclock on wed january 20 th the new members messrs a stou ffer j- a hfcise ana g collard took their scats fasthe fiction ovvs keise sec by iv stouffw drd o sau elected chairman of the board- dr smith- has always taken a greit interest in our school and has had considerable experience as a teacher himself so we can look forward lo another progressive year- the following ncconnfs were passed j avis 8250 walter momulien iputttng on storm vinaovs loo fred johnosn putting on storm windows ifloo a grubin repairing clook 100 j urquhart teachers advertising and telephoning 323 on the motion of g- collard and t holden f- c madill was made n member of the library board for three years money o loan the undersigned is prepared to loan any amount of prl- vate funds at u per cent per annnra on farm or vlll io property ko coramia- atcp iwance effected as usual- jsuheity stoullville i ssurance hclark kir pf at glass acciomt asd run ixsbtuucs itlva 1 farm property and pastor land hjft sale or rent r if cjl 4rfi 8touffvill board of trade on friday evening jan 28th our board of trade will hold their ann ual meeting for election of officers financial rejjort etc members arc specially requestea to be presyit all others are invited to attend all meetings are open the change of our market day will be discussed at this meeting be on hand to give- your opinion on this important quos- tipn thile the board of trade has not accomplished all they hoped for yet c think they lave sufficient to th eir credr to iistify their existence and merit the support of every x-ner- fetie and progressive citizen cthc have provided our town with an ex cellent park and tporting grounds cairiea on our oiristmas fair for several years and gotten up a sport ing and field ddny a number of times on july 1st these events jert- sinly help to keep us before the out- and nl pr 3egur1 u ak for ojr inven u 5riicittu i- jeat free i f viion a stuuox in our town while the wax has to some extent rvcrsnadowed and put a damper on their endeavours we arc assured that an the restoration of peace they rill be a very busy body of citizens who intend to gete us a share of i continuation school report british history ii ehooyor 80 k mfreel 77 g 72- g vighswander 71 we smith 69 iihoidth-6s- rv gpgz 3 mccri9htajr e cadieux 60 ha sanders 60 31 lehman 59 efuirless 58 b rcesor 58 bstonffr5s mtarr 47 e nighswandor 45 a lehman 41 h monkhouee 44 a lehman 42 e e barkey 41 g barkey 41 r mcpherson 39 do wardj2 k barkey ab literature iii n paisley 79 p boadway 62 hgray 61 l wapg 60 0 k coulson 49 s biownberger 4s e byer 43 g honey ab composition ii k freel 6s ii moakhouse 67 l holden 60 15 stouffer 57 a lehman 36 j mccreichl 56 m lehman 55 m tarr 54 a lchmau 53 ii mcpherson s3 ecodicux 53 e hoover 52- g nighnvander 50 e fairies 50 e nighswandcr50 h barkey 49 e barkey 49 f barkey 48 b reesor 47 v ward 41 g barkey 0 french i bpaiauy s9 m cartu 89 g smith 87 l bruce 82 a sangster 80 f wideman 64 n dales 72 l sanders 71 fbrillinger 74 m sanders 62 m hoover 54 w bvrkholder 45 bphiilips 40 n jones 31 s martin 32 shocey 28 g hoaey ab oliildrxi cry for fletchers castor a reading and shevnd mrs morden sang a very preyyduel all of the numbers hcrc biihly appreciated the program was interspersed by speeches by g v williamson nf a c burkholder death of bert perry considerable surprise was -of- pressed in loen on saturday mori- jng last when it was iearheu tba mr bert perry was in a dangerous icbndiiibti- in the lady minto v hospital suffering from an attack of pneumonia but news announcing fjis death auring the earlj hours of tbd afternoon caused a distinct shock to his many friends in the community- it appears that the deceased who had a farm in one of thei northern townships had gone out to the lot to do some lumbering intending to spend some weeks at this work while out there he con tracted a severe cold anc not f he became reafly- ill did hi ru- to town his condition was oneumonia having sac- hieh it was m ii mm id d i i m who colpii- ircnted the lodgaan it s remarkable grewtb and prosverity and urged xact of the menilrs to pc- f to oin eno mr- h vilty as vell as i cddlellows he i the work of the but they ale mi to practical use- xrohbition moveni otdfciiows had trat fjcf rpm thejlj light ret rshmcj the close qtirlica areseffiv a jr lirybyabie seveffl j tudiowand nc- ieljfyifitns and all iett feciink that the oddfc j three small children to mourn the tows are goodfelloivs as well the officers elected are institute meeting the farmers and womens institutes of east york will hold their supplementary meeting in the council chambers stouffvihe on friday february ii th the farmers institute will meet in the council chamber at 2 v m the womens institute will meet in the liberal club roons at 2 im uv joint meeting will be held in the liberal club rooms at 8 oclock in the evening the delegates are a 11 smith new hamburg and mrs ii w varsons cochrane- mr j c steckley district tiepre- jscntativc and his assistant will contribute go the program a local talent we have it or we will get lit it will pay you to como here for any thing in tho dru lino becauso wo stook all worthy romedies and toilet prapara ttona as soon as they are placed oh th market of coureo you may havo occasions wanta which wo cannot supply but in such cases wo are always glad to make special orders for what is wanted it is a ploasure to favor our customer in tins way and no extra chargo is madu for tho special servico pleaso remember that our froo deliv ery system is at your servico just phone 1003 marketdrug store g collard chemist druggist stoufffille- w3l j s hufltley x g w r adims iim m c baiker v g y r sanders kecseo john rttcliff fio see a c burkholder treas j f mudill warden stanley hastings con d m heise chaplain oliver thomrsoo r 3 n g hugh alsop ls n g w k dougherty r s v g geo coppin l s v g s footc r s s t h johnson l s s jos mertens i g john ii madill 0 g death of mrs huntley expressions of sororw were heard on every hand upon the arrival of the news of the death of mrs har- jand huntley formerly miss gert rude mitchell of itingwood ajjout ten days previous to her death she gave birth to a daughter she progressed favorably until wed jan loth when convulsions set in she grew rapidly worse until tbii livening wnen she pasaea away mrs huntley was a daughter of mr wm- mitchell of jungwood where she resided until her marri- iagc a yeai ago fast september to mr earland huntley a cousin of mr j s huntle7 of stouffvihe cincc her marriage she has resided near cutt6n wncrc shcj won a jiost of friends she was a faithful worker in the presbyterian church of which she was a member- her cheerful disposition made her- a genera favorite among the young people of the neighborhood the bod- was brought to stouff vihe for burial on the monday morn- ng train from sutton and was taken to dixbna hill cemetery for burial much sympathy is felt jor the bereaved husband and relatives in their sad bereavement- untimely death of her husband bert as he was commonly known among his friends was of sofendid physitjue and was one of the very last persons who woaid be expected to be carried off at the ace of thirty years he was a sportsman having been connected with the local gun club and local hunting clubs and in his early days in- temiscaniing he jie was an active member of the lecal foot ball club as weli as a member of the town fire brigade he was also a memben of the local l ol ftbe funeral services were com ducted at the homci iafce shore bload on monday afternoon ifter which the body was taken to stou- ffville for interment that being the family home- mr cbas perry lathei ol the deceased came up on oosaturday morning on receipt of ihc news of the serious illness of his son and accompanied the bereaved wife and children on their jour- yit to otouriville tin above is a iiuotation from nthe new iiskeard speaker christian churches bloomington ringwood allonn l john crosby emerson minister bloomixotos sundav school 10 am preachioe service 11 a m c e prayer meeting vednesda3s 8 pm rixcwood suiday school 10 0 m preaching each sunday hours alt 230 and 7 pm c e prayer meeting mondays 8 pm aitoxa union sunday school 1030 am preaching every other sunday 7 p in sunday jan30th theme the preach ing as usual special music with 5 minutes talk lo child ren each sunday s everybody welcome presbyterian church 1in canada special if 8 iiilii cd 1 the leading nmrt t st james rimrcli stouffvihe death of dr lewis dr joseph lewis who practised medicine many years in the state pf new york while on a prolonged visit to his sister mri pfiilip ramar of rinjgwood suddenly fell dead on friday afterpoon fast- mrs lewis who was in buffalo at the time of his death came at once tc claim the body she arrived at hcise qui cemetery where th funeral was beingheld just a the body was about 0 bo buried and at once arranged to have it taken to ber home near buffalo for burial the body was taken- there on sat jjesides his wife dr- lewis is surviv ed by his daughter rev john mutch mabd sunjay jan sotli 1030a m tho fouith beautitude 7 p m the vineyard of the lord j30s s and bible class wed feb 2 young pecples society seats free everybody welcome cjyjrofl of england in canada olirist church stouffvihe kev canon morley l th in charge morning prayer 11 am evening prayer 7 p m baptism and holy communion on the first sunday in month at morning service all seats free everybody welcome ruit packages 50080 now ready 11 qfc baskets 3c each 6 qt baskets 3c each covers lc each i qt berry boxes 40c per 100 js 24 27 qt crates i2jc each every packago guaranteed these haslc ets can he procured at sulvksigrsffs bros stouffvihe andat green kifars w g ttarnes green river 58 chopping and oat rolling every day 13 m teeth 8 dr patterson dentist markham visits stouffvihe thursdays electric wiring small jobs and repairing done after 4 oclock and on saturday work not passing government inspection rewired frek cf cost j if ratcliff photos new new new platura photos are the newest brighesl and roosi life like photos ever produced ve make nothing else w k smdehs studio tickets anywhere via canadian pacific riilway ft t connecting lines foldtis etc berths reserved ocean tickets can pac steamships o n r steamships allan line steamships to and from great britain and europe dont v inion exprcas money orders issued and paid call on phone800i h w sanders t wat lliiife x wash days all goods must he in by lo a m on monday wed nesday 01 friday laundry reads on tuesday thursday and saturday evenings terms gash mah wat