fl w the st0xjjffv1iie 1 bjetjke tbtjfsdav june 16 1904 paperhaning painting decorating i will be read y for spring work after march 1st 1904 sat- ufactlnn guaranteed charge meditate fd nighswander stonffville i elevator flour we handle the beat manitoba flour to be had in town if you wnncthe bast ask for praire rose people is- is the name of our pan try flour it k the best trade we can buy made of the best win ter wheat bran shorts chop and salt always kept in stock all kinds of grain kept oo hand fcr chicken feed grain and seeds bought and sold office 1st door east ot ry track step bro your i m dont spend spare time thlnklnc whatyou niteht bo if your lalary wore doubled fettxnotthinktaicwillmakft your wish a reality our free booklet are your haodi tied telli you what to do and how todo it thousands havo already doubled or largely increased their salaries by fouowinar our plan under our guidance you can do the same act today i c 8 text- ooolcs make it easy for those already at work to learn by mail m mtulul iium zlmtritavl civil ktauff t- ul tisni kafurlii skvp ul fmrj fnimn lulul nlr arahl tri rubui iutau drmftufl cbmihlrjl oruauul omlfa lrtteruf j bk hit bub- j kllk brush tuk lati inut kaualac eitrvtbrafatts s2rma spaaukl vrhih ctfcuuf stile obct thi utumu you iitemutioiul cmrespohoekce schools a box 780 sckaxtok pa the sovereign i ca hlcsslsl stov canadian office j 413 temple bidg toronto i of canada one hollar will open a savings accounts interest allowed from day of deposit special attention given to farmers business mo trouble no red tape no delay w j stark majawer r 0 ainsworth albert st stouffville jst st west rf railway deaikr is- spag ion and jtfetalj we pay the highest cash price far 55inc babbit socdkr brass hubbubs 3qrse hair lead pig tin antimony copper peatrjeks wool wool wool wool toronto price in cash or 2c per lb more in trade paid for wool at almira woollen mills we have a good atock of blankets slieetmc flannel yarn socks etc if we have not got what you want leave your or der andit will b done according to order better get you woollen goods when you have the wool carding kpmninp weaving manufactur ing done as usual s ble hman son diseased men cured ballantrae mrs c ronnie of newmarket is visitiue friends in towo the funeral of the late samuel mc- mutlen took place to churchill cem etery on sunday june 12th deceased was cj years of age and lifelonj resident of this place hci leaved a widow five eons and three daugh ters to mourn their loss the five sons anda iicreir wtre the pallbeanrs tho funeral procession was a very firgc one rc geo washington con ducted the services- deceased was a ttaunch conservative and a iner- ter ot the masonic fraternity glasgow spinney founder of dr spinney co wo mate no mlelaedtne statements or unbusi nesslike propositions to the affllctad in order toss- cure their patronage we cure to stay cured stricture varicocele nervous debility blood diseases weakness kidney and urinary diseases and all diseases due to inheritance habits excesses or the results of specific dis eases the many years of our successful practice in detroit proves that our special treatment for men is safe and certain you do not want to be mutilated and maimed for life in trying to be curedof varicocele stricture and kindred troubles by surgical procedures we guarantee a safe and positive curb in the shortest possible time without injurious aftereffects our charges will be as low as possible for conscientious skill ful and successful services consultation free spsciat homk treatment for patients who cannot call question blank sent free consultation free cures guaranteed i dr spinney co picttlo and beer bottles highest prices paid for sheepskins hides i tallow sreen anddky bones c ainsworth always look t0 tbei south when you come to stouffville ae there li where the jotl right boots and shots are sold if yon want a nice dressy boot von can find them good taatsy and np to date at lboitins shoe store ladies 8tylsh up to date boots snd shoes an not lost bat can be found at lbe same place boys and qirlt and little foils footwear also remember onr bargain table will surprise you in prices and quality lehmans shoe storo is the place for a i joit rlf ht boot and jnst right re pairing a lehman the peoples seoe store ie leaf insurance co wm birkett agent from bal sam will be at levi hoovers stouffville every thursday to oblige those who want insurance in one of the best farmers insurance company in can ada carrying over 3000- 000 in a very small territory see him and get rates be fore insuring elsewhere tfj sirsetf agent balsam north west lands or sale at davidson assa nwf these lands t about 6 to 18 miles from tho thriving yillano of davidson on tho branch of the opr midway between iwina and princo albert for further particulars apply to h l vanzant jlye stoiiflfville 290 wood ward ave detroit mioh largest established most successful reliable spedatista in diseases of men stock sale 25 of registered yorkshire swine 20 qrade dairy cows 5 young store cattle under tho supervision of tho live stock iii10d im port perry on thursday june 16 for particulars see largo cards j h b30wn scy port perry stallion jegiter lord roberts three years old canadian bred registered clydesdale siaiium luu propurty 01 jas wauu will stand for service at hs own aw ue j0l ii con 10 whitchurch terms to insure a foal ijs8uij deacon i7380 chu famous vstamlard bred stallion tho proper ty or john a coates stouitville wui aiuud at his own stable ijueoiis ho vol atoullvillo mr coawelia luc b luth lino maikhuni jlucust hiil troruia kca- standard bred warea iuj uthera isll payable jan 1st 1ju3 lvon malruken 3uj c cvb bred by and uie property of joepu fitilaid altona will atand at joha eootla lo tai cpn 8 1iukoring tho ueena lloici istouilville ju burn- itis buonjiugion t paisleys ls land lako and forsyths uoteigood wood teims to insure a foali ljj layabiu feb 1st 1uu0 a taitx01t pttanager axpneelv ivoia record 4 1j iiui il16 tho property of j fishea dtuigwouu will stand at tho ontario iiouse kiiigavoodi oormaus juotci mount albert jacksons nowinar- km h wells hotel aurora j and iuiup liotel ivan juy torms to nsuro u loal x- payubleou jan lstv lju5 mares from a uistanoo pastur ed and aittnued to at reuonjlble ratoa mvltiijio of lowali tho xash- touabiy bieu imported clydesdale staj jiuu mar of cowal 4iil7 the pro- porty 01 ajnbrso lewis jtingwood wul stand ui the ontario a wood s hoods batiantrao isaac otlx concession whitchurch ixlansion house stouffyilloj levi jroyes dth concession markham ana aunor bakors tiih con whir faurui turnis to insure u coui14 payable jan 1st 1u05- muction sale tho real state chattels bees and beo supplies pho- turgraph outfit etc bolongiug to tbq ostatc of the late x j dougall will be offered for sale by public auction at 1 p in 011 wednesday juno 15tb on tho promises stouffville terms 9 n chattels four months credit on all sums vlo on real estate 10 icr cash outlay of sale and uu lai6o in thirty days thoroafter n e smith auotioneor gradfl troflibailway system north ontario farmers womens institutes excursion to guelph tuesday june 21st 1904 4 trains 4 time table and rates train no 1 time rate uptergrovc 7 00 2 05 schepltr 7 10 2 c5 brechin 7 15 2 05 gamebridg 7 25 2 ot beaverton 7 35 2 00 lorneville 7 00 175 woodville 7 55 175 cannineton i 07 1 60 sunderland 8 22 140 train no 2 jacksons point s155 sutton 0 60 145 baldwin 7 00 135 brownhill 7 10 135 zephyr crossing 7 20 1 35 mount aloort 7 45 1 25 vivian 7 55 1 25 bailantrae 8 02 1 25 train no 3 goodwood 725 125 stouffville 7 40 120 markham 7 65 120 train no 4 blackwater 7 10 1 35 uxbridiro 7 40 1 25 children half price tickets good going oo one train only valid to return the following day this ifl the most instructive and cheapest excursion of the year thos feasby president f i joseph e gould secretary f i m- widdifield president wi mrs c goodrich score tary v i bouse to let possession on may 1st now ooouplad by mrs mui- duli m ply to 8 c fleury 17 aet sve brtb hamilton strayed from mongolia on moa idny last a email brlndlod cow part joraoy having onn horn a littlej high or thou tho other in full f iqw ot milk information wbioh will iond to her jeoovory will ba thankfully received 8 dqrley mongolla how its done ita from the itomach the blood it fed and the nerree controlled undigested food ferment for lack of gattrlc juice the fermentation and putie- factlon la the stomach and allmenury canal are the main came of dtteue itupmuthenerre it polaom tho ijitem br leonhardts anupfd lncreatestha necettary sup ply of gastric juice n quan tity and quality to insure perfect stomach action it has similar action on tile formation anyone can prore this for himself by adsstnf wiliovttlb co hiafar tall ont for trmttsipu mrs i miller is visiting friends in hxntsvilte wo are pleased t olearn that mr aimos stover is recovering from a sprained leg miss mary forsyth is suffering from a sprained anklo mr and mrs hiram kester visit ed mr hiram forsyths on the rth of uxbridgo on saturday last mr bighorn of stouffville is on- fecajjod building an addition tomrf forsyths house miss eva latcham has secureil a jpobhioit in toronto we wish her sue coss lealonvillh f messrs i p steele frank jordan lintl i lemon have gone on a pros pecting tour to tho xorthvest boa voyage mr x c la ugh ton spent a fowl days at midland last week mr hid mrs hecknor of seott ire visiting at mr j p wiiitorsteinv mrs si- sprott and children of to ronto arc visiting her parents mr nnif mrs a- mauon dr t j matiieon was in town on sunday last quitoa number from this vicinity attended the funeral of ihef late sam uel mcmuien at bailantrae on sun day litst the grain crops arc growing rap idly since the advent of warmer and drier weather avonqolia mr m timbers and his two chil dren attended the free methodist barnp meeting near uxbridge on un- day last mrs henry myor and child called at lior brothers mr j hoover on sat urday afternoon miss ethel jfowdor attended tlio mfennonite camp meeting in toron to on sunday last mr and mrs s dorloy attended the xunoral of the late samuel me mul len of bailantrae at churchill on sun day last wo aro glad to report that mr j it fburkliuldbi is able to bc again af tor his recent severe illness messrs r and k g tarr called on their brother mr j tarr of union- viullo on thursday aftornoon mr s brownsbergor and daughter of riogwood visited at mr j- hoo- vors on tuesday last grand trunk railway and metrop6litan street railway the east york farmers and womens institutes excursion to guelph on friday june 24th o4 time tahle and fares g t r time fnro stouffville 730am 8120 markham 745 120 unionville 752 115 milliken 767 115 apincourt 805 115 scarboro jet 8 15 110 york 820 105 toronto 8 45 100 met uy gambles hill 045 40c elgin mills 050 10c richmond hill fi55 35c thornhill 710 25c finchs corners 7 jo 20o york mills 7 25 15o c p r crossing 800 returning special leaves the c p k cros ing t 0 p in cliildren under 12 years half price metropolitan cara will stop at other jpofnts lor convenience ot passengers going and returning special cars will ioave c 1 it crossing in tho evening returning ai 0 pjn grand trunk railway tiokels must bo purobasod at tho station 5j ininu- tcs before the train is due toronto tickocs good only for tho day nnd going by epcciai only other tickets fgood for return by any regular train on of befoio saturday tho 25th 6 hours at guelph 0 o t apcolal due to leava at 5 30 jaa t stewart presidont e y fi a j reynolds seoretary eyfi i mra r fortar prosldent ey wx iffllu reynolds secretary e y wi jnrcll and gladstone a short tlmo beforo bis death dla- rncllaat for his portrait to mlllals in his studio hung n proof engraving of gladstone with his hands hanging down beforo him lightly clasped nnd an almost boatllle expression on i1i9 face mlllals observed that disrnciih eyes were frequently bent upon tho portrait at length he asked blm if ho would accept a copy i was rather shy of offering it to you he apologet ically added i should be delighted to havo it said disraeli with what for blm was nn almost eager manner teoplo think that more or less through our political lives i havo disliked mr gladstone to tell tho truth my only dilllciilly in respect to him has becd that studying him from day to day ana year to year i could never understand blm castor i a for infanta and children the kind you have always bought boars the signature of india rulers high pay 9kk tmtrrctebrcz3kz5g british oihtlu lu tktt kat receive iu wnjtt anil are ltuni avllit great cmc the civil service of india and other british provinces in tho east is a matter ol national pride and no one j can study its records and its mo- 1 thods without admitting its success and superiority to thv ordinary olh- ciul aduiiiisiration of other oovyru- ments the reason for tho character and eiliciency of tho ollicinl staff in kgypt india burma ceylon tho straits so tt lenient s the malay federation hong kong- und other british provinces in the kast is easily found tho cover mi lent ts good men because it oilers suitably inducemauts permaucut positions 11 large salaries rapid promotion tor morit with liberal leaves o absence and pensions upon retirement at the termination ol certain periods of ser vice lieutenantgo vernors in india re ceivo 38800 a year and secretar ies or hoads of bureaus in the pro vinces are paid 512500 members of the boards of kevenuu in india re ceive 15000 a year all magis trates of tho first class throughout tho empire are paid 10000 a year which is tho minimum of the judi ciary district und session judges receive from that amount lo vl- 000 a year according to their length of service and importance of the circuit over which they preside in burma where official respon sibilities and duties are us light as in any other country of the world and where tho population is only 7- 005560 tho governor receives 38- 000 a year tho cheif secretary 1- 500 four under secretaries 8000 a year each tho finance officer or treasurer 14500 disbursing officer 11500 commissioners who are local executives in charge of dtt- tricts 12500 each and a commis sioner of agriculture 11500 all of tho gentlemen now occupy ing theso positions and drawing these salaries excepting tho judges began at tho bottom of the ladder they entered tho public service in the indian colonics before they wore 25 years old after parsing two ex aminations the second occuring af ter ono year of probation in which their administrative qualities and adaptability had been fairly tested and the record they made during that first year counted so many num bers in their total standing they havo been compelled to submit to similar examinations at every pro motion since and have worked their way up by merit without political influence although as is always the case the personal equation entered into overy calculation a good many weak ones drop out by tho wayside the civil service in tho kast indies is a survival of the fittest and you may bo sure that a man who survives all of tho tests and conditions incident to advance ment is mado of good stuff at the same time when ho enters the ser vice ho knows that nobody but a bettor man can get ahead of him ho is sure that lie will not bo displaced by the favorite of soma member of parliament and that every time a vacancy occurs he stands nn equal chance of promotion with everybody elso of his rank he knows too that his employment is permanent upon good behavior and that after twentyfour years of service ho will be entitled to a pension if he desires to retire theso pensions vary from 5300 to 1080 a year according to tho rank of the official and they have tho privilege of commuting them and receiving a rtnted amount of cash which is calculated by an actuary on tho same basis as is a life insurance premium tho british government gives pen sions to both its civil nnd military officers upon retirement for age or disability but requires both to provide for their wives and children alter death by a form of compulsory insurance tho details may be found at length in tho army regula tions similar regulations prevail in nil tho european countries every officer who enters the military ser vice if lie ho married must as a condil ion of his appointment pay into the treasury n staled sum for his wife and for each of his children this sum varies according to his age and is based upon the same risks as life insurance premiums every time h is promoted and upon the birth of every child his premiuin or contribution as it is called is increased and each officer both mar ried or unmarried must submit to a monthly deduction from his pay for insurance purposes vrf found on i ioiko the villa ge burglar j krlconcr arretted 14 jlvucuind j william foster a welldressed youth who declined to give any oo count of himself was charged at bo street police court with burglary says lloyds weekly news a coin mlssiouairo found him underneath ai tablo in the diningroom of a flat ati 14 buckingham street strand hfli said ho had seen ono of tho windows open and had entered it from tho garden at tho back of tho flat he was out of work nnd thought ha would seo what ho could get tha commissionaire aroused professor huntingdon of kings college who occupied tho hat nnd tho prisoner was given into custody a rcmondl for inquiries was ordered when searched the prisoner was found to be in possession of a glaz icrs diamond and the following lines entitled the village burglar writ ten on a scrap of paper in pencil under the sprijaalnk koosebory buia the rlllnge hurclar lies ttir- burglar is a crafty man with whiskers on fals eyes and the muscles ef bis brawny anni keep off the little flics he cocs on sunday to the church to hoar the parson shout lie puts a shilling in the baff and takes a sovereign out a and when h reaches home ncala ho smiles without a doubt anil coins home one winter night j he sees an open door an overcoat bancs in the hall and he creeps alonjj the floor j j a moment later out he comes and then the deed is oer lie proudly gazes on his prize and holds it out a stretch he hurries down the llehtcd btrcer and ahl the crafty wretch- he takes it to the pawnshop to seo what it will fetch 8 h noweer a policeman passing ionjr with measured beat and slow has seehthe burbirs little game and quietly lets blm knorr and he takes blm to the prison cell when tho evening sun is low hoozlng borrowing burglarlns nave told an awful tale and now at leisure he repents with many a mournful wall somethlnjr attempt something done has earned six months in jail mr g 1 walts ita mr george frederick watts ra tho famous english artist became an exhibitor at tho royal academy ia tho reign of william iv and is tho only artist who can now make that at any rate physiological boast ito wns just in time for that was tho exhibition of 1337 and beforo it was closed tho king was dead and tho tories were appealing to tho elec torate in tho name of the young queen and tho old constitution other unique experiences nro mr watts he is not perhaps tho only man who has refused high honors aj peerage went begging to mr chap lin nnd there is a tradition that mr henntker hcaton usually tho most goodnatured of men steeled himself io say no to a proposal not often rejected mr wnttn however is tha only painter who ban tho distinction of hoi ing refused a baronetcy tho order of merit which ho is tho only academician to hold has been doubly won by the artist and the man ho was born at london in orlfisn of knlvea the first knives according to the con clusions of a scientist who baa mado a study of the subject were fractured stones that happened to have a sharp cutting edge but the vegetable king dom also furnishes very keen cutting edges in tho leaves nnd stalks of cer tain plants which might have been availed of before artificial knives were made the fractured stone knife easily suggested the shaping of flaked stones like hint into the form of blades among tho serl indians on tiburon island in the gulf of california tho primitive custom of utilizing fractured snd water worn stones for knives still exists enjrlnndrt inrreal ho one the proud distinction of being tho largest house in england is generally accorded to lord fitzwllllnma york shire seat wentworth woodhouso of this house it is said that tho three prin cipal entrances are so far distant from each other thattvlsitors are advised to bring three hats with them one to bo kent at each point of egress a houso which is coo feet long has a hall in which two average suburban villas could ho comfortably placed and boasts a room for every two days oc tho year is certainly large enough to satisfy any reasonable ambition to be sure you arc growing old but why let everybody see it in your gray hair keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age if you will only use ayers hair vigor your gray hair will soon have all the deep rich color of youth sold for 60 years i m notr ner o yean om and i bar ihfckoiy hffad or lone hair vmch is a wofrter to eterjr ono h ices it am net a srj liiir in ltuitjetaayr unuvleor ir ii k ncatis ucctdn ulna i boie jo ateitco 1 for i i man air m