fashion talk belts and c1iidles there kis seldom been a season when tho belt has been such on im portant x of a womans toilette t it is this year llclts and gir dles ait shown in infinite variety wj instead of one or two my lady frels it necessary to have half a dozen ranging in price from 50 cents to f5 a they do the financial item is by no means inconsiderable so health rob gibis dr williams pink pills make strong healthy rosycheeked lasses i was attacked with appendici tis says hiss fabiota orammout daughter of air charles grammont a prosperous farmer of champlaln que and while tho doctor who attended me cured mo of this trou ble it left behind after effects irom which it seemed almost impossible to recover i grow weak and very pole my appetite was poor i suf fered at times from sevcro head aches and the least exertion left mo completely worn out i tried sev eral remedies but instead of gett ing better i was gradually growing worse any work about the house left liie weak and dispirited and i felt almost like giving up at this many ingenious girls are making time a friend who had used dr their own nid really put together j williams rink pills with much ben- some very tasteful cinctures a belt jofit strongly urged me to give them is of coursr comparatively simple j a trial 1 got- a box and as i did but a girdle is not thrown together carelessly it must i them 1 would have given them up bo properly made or it has neither but for the fact that my friend urg- fit nor style john chrism watson new pbe2ueb op austral ian commonwealth ec was a newspaper compositor in sydney only a pew years ago australia is a land of surprises es pecially in political affairs only a few years ago john christian wat son was a journeyman compositor in a sydney newspaper office today he is prime minister of the austra lian commonwealth such a man must possess excep tional force of character and wr watson is no exception to tho rule ho is tho son of british parents re siding at valparaiso chile where he was born somo 37 years ago while- yet a child he accom panied his parents from south amer ica to new zealand where he rcceiv- cd his elementary education and served his apprenticeship as a com- his only one out of scores i s avl x yu i uiing to be not feel any better when i had used positor in due course ho left new zealand there are to fce obtained canvas foundations already boned for the small sum of 10 cents if these foundations happen to fit the figuro tho work of building a girdle is greatly simplified otherwise a rucdel should be carefully ntted ani a prttern at of it from which oth ers may he cut on occasion the foundation must he boned every two inches to insure shapeliness most of the girdles are nearly straight n the lower edge and pointed at the upper other modes ore pointed rt the bottom but nev er as deeply as above a properly shaped girdle is becoming to a long- watsted woman the shortwaist cut one should stick to belts the favorite girdle is wide in tlie back and graduated to about an inch in width at the front and there are many forms of it a pretty modo is about four inches wide in the back the silk being shirred three times on the centre back and again on each side fastening in front with a pointed end slipped through a crocheted silk ring under which is a hook and eye for fastening the silk is as often laid in pleats when the silk ring i in front is supplemented with smaller ones set along the hones tint taffeta or crocheted buttons are set quite close together down the middle back and side bon ing on some belts end make a pret ty fnish cue pietty belt bad a high pointed back laid in pleats tnkring from about four inches in the centre to half that width on the sides where it was met by pointed and stitched straps coming from the front and set on with small but tons still another requires five bands of inch and a half ribbon set at the back through crocheted rings and tapering to a- single width in front made of- dresden ribbon such a gir dle is a great addition to a summer gown liberty satin ribbon makes charming girdles or belts it ia so soft and pliable a dainty girdle of nnrrow velvet ribbon consisted of four strops of half inch velvet separated by their own width tlie upper straps were gradually drawn down into the low er which followed the curve of the waist line to conceal the centre hack honing tiny bows were set on between the straps the open spac es between the straps disclosed the waist below the secret of making a stylish girdle consists in making it take the curve in the back which draws it in to fit the figure this can usu ally be effected by stretching the ma terial a very little tighter just at the waist line ed that one box was not a fail trial 1 then decided to continue tho use of tho pills and by the time i had taken three boxes 1 found my condition was improving i used eight boxes in all and by tho time i had taken them all uiy old time health had returned my appetite had improved i had gained in weight and the glow of health had returned to my face i cannot too strongly recommend dr williams fink pills to all pale and weak girls cood blood is on absolute ncces- nnd came to sydney where he took an active part in labor politics in 1901 ho was elected a member of tho commonwealth parliament where ho speedily came to tho front and despite his comparative youth- fulness and lack of experience found himself leading tho labor members who instinctively recognized him as their chief mr watson rose to the occasion and proved himself the man of the hour he recognized at once the pli ability of sir edmund bartons min istry he saw tho supremo impor tance of his support to the life of sity and the only way to have a constant supply of rich red health- government and soon began to gimg blood is t take dr williams barlcr that support on terms most every dose helps to advantageous to his party the task was not easy he presided over a party which while it was united in us main arm pink pills make new blood and to drive from the system such troubles as anaemia languidness neuralgia dyspepsia rheumatism etc you can get these pills from any medicine dealer or aifferca widely concerning tho degree to which it should go but the in- by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 by writing tho dr williams medicine co brcckvjlle ont 4 japanese nurses women who play a prominent part in the war the bed cross nurse is one of tho redeeming features of war tlie jap anese bed cross nurse is a particu- lniy redeeming feature most women arc b3rn nurses a smuii womnn of five years old is a more intelligent nurse than a full- grown man but the japanese wo man is peculiarly fitted for the trade with her soft hands and her wnrk- womanlikc ways she con look after a sick or wounded man in a most mi raculous manner sick or injured say travellers in the cast wo would rather bo nursed by an english woman than any oth er woman but if no english woman were there send for a japanise wo man but dodds kidney pills made him a new han richard quirk doctored for a dozen years and thought his case incurable dodds kidney pills cured him fortune harbor nfld june 13 special scores of people in this neighborhood aro living proofs that dodds kidney pills cure all kidney ailments from backache to brlghts disease among the most remark able cures is that of mr richard quirk and ho gives the story of it to the public as follows i suffered for over twenty years from lumbago and kidney disease and at intervals was totally unablo to work after ten or twelve years of doctors treatment i had made up my mind that my complaint was in curable reading of cures by- dodds kidney pills tempted mo to try them i did so with littlo faith but to my great surprise 1 had not taken moro than half a box before i felt relief and after tho use of seven or eight boxes i was fully cured and a new man yes dodds kidney pills cured my lumbago and kidney disease and tho best of it is 1 have stayed cured unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best jmk cor the ocusn car the kings boots the and so fiuence of mr watson assisted bringing tho whole of the party into lino with his views his policy was to avoid the respon sibilities of office and be contont with piping the tune to which the federal ministry had to dance sir edmund barton did not sharo tho semisocialist views of mr watson but he had not the courage to dis avow them ami was unwilling to sacrifice the honors and emoluments of his position his utter subservience to the labor party prepared the way for increased demands which culminated in the demand by mr watson on behalf of his followers for the introduction of the federal arbitration bill with provisions giving tho federal arbi tration court tho power of fixing the rate of wages and conditions of la- royal bootmaker talks oi royal footwear tho king wears an 81 boot his foot is well proportioned says mr leo thomas of st james street london the royal bootmaker in an interesting interview on tho kings boots which appears in tho current number of footwear his majesty has practically a pair of boots for every uniform ho wears besides walking boots walking shoes evening shoos- and shooting boots it is a popular delusion that the king orders his boots in large quan tities this is not the case he orders as a rule only one pair at a time although occasionally several pairs are required for specific pur poses and which differ from each other arc included in one order the king said mr thomas knows precisely what he wants and insists upon having it ho is one true course of narrative lawyors who are used to examlcr iug witnesses know well that some times they must let a man tell tho story in his own way or ho may not talk at all a county court judgo tells in the cornhill magazine some of his odd experiences with eccentric and stupid witnesses one man was brought up for not paying his rent his past record was looked into and it was found that one week in four years was marked with cross indicating that the rent for that week had not been paid how did that week come to be missed the lawyer asked ill never pay that week said the man shaking his head stubborn ly- but i am afraid you will have to you seo you admit its owing woll ill just tell yer ow it was you see wo were aving rabbit for supper and my wife he seemed to bo settling down for a long yarn and tho lawyer inter rupted him never mind about the rabbit tell me about the rent im telling yer ye see we were aving rabbit for supper and my wife ad get a new kettle and we dont avo rabbit every oh come come just tell me about the rent he regarded tlie lawyer rather contemptuously and began at the beginning im telling you if youll only lis ten we were aving rabbit for sup per an my wifo ad got a new ket tle and we dont avc rabbit every night for supper and my wife ad just put the kettle the new kettle oh never mind about the kettle do get to the rent im going to aint 1 he quired angrily and my wire got a new kettle and we dont potatoes poultry eggs butter apples let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will get you good prices the dawson commission co umltod cor west market and colborno sts toronto of tho greatest students of detail i know and i have como in contact rabbit every night for supper with a great number of people as f1 you can well imagine there is not an ornament a button or a parti cular style but what he remembers oven after the lapse of a long period bor of everv individual including sincc werc orlgnally made picture of tho japanese j stuff than sir edmund barton about archibald lu ties a diplomatists tempting things little sunbonnets of gaylyfigured nushnwuh an interlining pleated fullnround tho face and strings of the material me well fitted to pro tect the youthful face and neck from the sun although okii to the ob jection of being very warm and con fining howover s they are pie- twesque and fashionable they will be worn the ordinary style costs 50 cents shirt waist patterns of white lin en with inot mexican embroidery cost 5 the trimming consists of a strip down the front with n ctrrv- ing pattern at each side reaclung to the shoulder seam two pieces for culi a and a tricornered piece for the back ns well as curved backpieces which continue the embroidery side pieces up the front as white linen is virtually new every time it is lnunrirird these waists are not un profitable the banquet lamp still reigns in nil us glory and rivals other means of lighting very handsome examples may le had for from c to 12 without the globe having n glass hand of good design with these when the colored silk or paper slade is not urctl the ground glcf globe outftting a softened glow is the moat suitable and the pvico is s3 the burners arc of nn english make of heavy brats that may bo taken aprrt to allow of thorough cleaning and tliey fit into a corklined socket instead of srrewing into the lnnr so preventing nil escape of oil fireproof french cliiuc comes two shodes n term cottn and very pretty green as the name h dlcates they will strnd the fire a1 in conccqyoiice only such dir lies s are likely- to he put to the test are made tea find coffeepots arc muangtheni tho smallest si of tho tea pot being 71 cents the coffee pot having handle nt tho side nearest- the spout instead of on the opposite fide ami costing 5121 dihcsfor deep game pies nre to bo had in two sizes of tills ware anil aio snall in1uiuni entree dishes loth ensuring the food piping hot here nurse from mrs charming book wire in japan- my first japanese train d nurse 1 shall never forget tlio day when she firi loomed on my auunlihel vision sho was barely four feci high her complexion was dark in the extreme her feet were encased in white linen socks with divided toes and shod with dainty straw sandals with green velvet strops her figure the shape of n very soft feather pillow which has been hung up by one end for days was draped in a tightfitting white apron with a large bib and she was kept inside her buttonless and stringlcss clothes by a cruelly tight and wide leather belt put on over apron and all into this belt holding her breath for a long time sho could with a great effort push her fat silver watch her clinical thermometer two or three yards of a lapaneso letter which sho would read a foot at a time when she thought i was asleep her carefully folded podket-handker- chief and tlie relentless little regis ter in winch she noted down from right to left strange members of the naval military and police forces employed by the feder al and state governments but mr deaken tho australian prime minister was made of sterner nrit atfst lovfu x jfupt crny over shnko- o he her uit is lie whcred th meet html signs with which she and the doctor conjured every morning till they hnew nil the signs my pulso and tempera ture had been committing for the last twentyfour hours wenty years ago tlie professional nurso was unknown in jnpnn and tho idea of a japanese lady acting as a professional nurse would have horrified the japanese ideas of pro priety today japan has a red cross society as highly organized and efficient as is the japanese army tho society was founded in 1887 largely by the late count snno pri vy councillor to the mikado who had studied the bed cross organiza tions the west tho japanese women whom our correspondent has snapped will do work for their emperor as noble ns that done by the japanese fighting men 4 the ills of childhood every child in the country needs at some time or other a medicine to correct tho ills incident to child hood jf bnbys own tablets are kept fn the house nml occasionally vgicen to tho little ores they will prevent illness and make tho little ines rugged strong nnd cheerful others should insist on having this tdfclre because it contains no opi ate or harmful drug and children tako tho tablets ns readily ns they the snmo age as mr watson and like him formerly a compositor in a newspaper office he declined to be drivon into what he regarded as a gross violation of state rights for the provisions demanded by mr wat son virtually amounted to tho com monwealths seeking to deprive the state governments and parliaments of the control of the public expendi ture and handing it over to nn in dependent and irresponsible tribunal mr dcakcn in rosisting the demands of mr watson was supported by mr reid leader of the opposition but toe obnoxious clauses were carried by a majority of nine which would have been a minority of three or four had not several of 3ir rcids followers voted with mr watson for the express purpose of bringing ubout the downfall of tho deaken ministry he will havo nil his work cut out for him when ho meets parliament at the head of the labor ministry he will find himself confronted by a solid coalition of ministerialists nnd members of tho opposition headed by mr bold protectionists nnd free cabalistic traders allowing the fiscal question to remain in abeyance for the time being finding himsolf at the mercy of a hostile majority mr watson may induce his fallowers to accept a moderate and conciliatory policy should he fall in this his defeat if inevitable personally he is equal to the situation but the trouble is with the extreme members of his party mr rcids accession to the office of prime minister with mr deaken sir george turner and sir john forrest included in his ministry would be speedily followed by the abolition of the regulation prohibit ing the employment of colored labor in oversea mall contracts nnd a gen eral revision of tho inbor legislation of tho inst three years none is hotter acquainted with the probable friend of a coalition policy than is mr watson and to prevent its possibility will naturally bo his main object for him as for material tlie king never browns and blues in browns deafloaf and tortoise- shell shades aro fayorirts nnd moi- drc a light golden brown is beau tiful one shade of brown verges on burnt orange blues have always been more popu lar than browns presumably because more women can wear them and be cause there aro more blueeyed wo men then any other coloredeye va riety brofwne have to bo selected with care there is a popular no tion that browns look well on every one wherees blue is far more likely to look bolter on most people the woman who looks her best iu light golden browns should beware of the red bpgvtns nnd vice versa the deadleaf browns ore jist the thing for certain brownhaired browneyed women who cant venture on any other shade without losing their col or charm browns arc best suited to brown and hazeleyed women and to the brown hair nnd also to tlio creamy skin which should go with the hazel or brown eyes and hair the shade of brown to be worn de- ponds largely on the shade of brown in the hair a wise man does a great deal of silent thinking and a fool man does greot deal of thoughtless talking turn over time in- ad avo and my wifo ad just put tho ecttle tho new kettle with the rabbit on to tho fire when down coom chimley and aw into tho middle o room was i going to pay rent for that week not loikely eewaro of ointments for caiarrh tliat contain mercury as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of kinesl and completely tlornngo the wholo system when entering it through tho mucous mirf aces buch nrticlus should never ho used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians as the damage- thoy will do s ten fold to tlio good you can possibly dcrlv from them hulls catarrh cure man ufactured by 1 j cheney co to ledo o contains no mercury and is taken internally acting directly upon the mood and mucous urfacesi of f by item in buying halls catarrh cure ha bura ret tho genuine it is tak en internally and mado in toledo ohio by v j cheney co teati- monlals free sold by druggists price 7cc per bottlo v talc units family pills for consti pation when nature hints food running a battleship in the british parliament tho other day the admiralty was asked what when theres no relish to any foe nnd all that one eats doesnt see- to do any good then is the time to mnko a turn over in the diet for thats natures way of dropping a hint that the food isnt the liind re quire for ft number of years i followed railroad work much of it being of fice wor of a trying muuro meal times were our busiest and eating too much and too quickly of food such as is commonly served in hotels and restaurants these together with tho sedentary habits were not lone in giving me dyspepsia and stomach trouble which reduced my weight from 105 to 1g0 pounds there was little relish in any food and none of it seemed to do mo any good it seemed the more i ale tho poorer i got and was always hungry before another meal no matter liow much i had eaten then i commenced a fair trial of when i was n boy said the grayhaired physician who happened to he in a reminiscent mood z j wanted to be a soldier but my par ents persuaded mo to study medi cine oh well rejoined tho sympathetic druggist such is life many a man with wholesale aspir ations has to content himself with a retail business minafds linlrasot cures daridtulf doctor well mrs muggeridge liow are you getting on taken tho medi cine mrs myos doctor ive tak en all tho tabloids you sent and now i want a new persecution about tho ovfil tor wabash i to tho great worlds fair st louis mo everything is now wide open round trip tickets on sale until december 3st at lowest firstclass oneway fare good fifteen days faro nnd a third good sixty days now is tho time to sec this tho greatest of all expositions in the history of the world tlie great wabash is tho banner line tho shortest and quick est route from canada to st louis tho through trains on- the wabash nro tho admiration of all travelers going to st louis j for time tnblcs nd descriptive fol der address j a bichardson dis trict passenger agent northeast corner king nnd yonge streets to ronto the fifty million dollar worlds fair st louis district passenger agent mcdonald of tho grand trunk railway who recently returned from st louis states that it is hard to find suit able language to describe the magni tude and beauty of the greatest ex position ever held the site or 1240 acres being two miles long and one mile wide is covered wit beautiful buildings broken with lagoons canals grand courts monuments statuary park etc all forming a picture that must be seen to be realized an electrical railway called the intramural makes it easy to get from one part of the grounds to another and follow out the daily programme enjoying an hour listen ing to vsousas or other famous bands or taking in a lecture or ad dress or art gallery when you consider the immensity of tho buildings one alone having over 20 acres of floor space and re flect that thoy are filled with thi choicest of exhibits from all over the world one exhibitor vying with another to obtain the coveted gold medal it seems to suggest the thought of what a grand opportun ity and an education it will be to tho young men and women of our land to spend a week or two at st louis tips year really no in telligent man woman or child can afford to miss this great worlds treat tho beautiful electric lighting of the pan american exposition which few thought would over be approach ed is entirely eclipsed by this mon ster fair one of the features of tho fair ia the inside inn a hotel accommo dating 0000 splendidly run and at reasonable rates the total expenses of a trip to st louis based on half railway rates is within the reach of all and per mits stop over at chicago and other points and the trip is mado quickly and comfortably it is the intention of the grand trunk to run through cars from montreal and toronto to st ilouis commencing june loth and possibly before tlio canadian press assoc tlion were unanimous in their praise of tho grand trunk and illinois central route and with the exposition 2s04 a great run of luck always begins for the man who doesnt get mar ried a young irishman going out as a missionary to china told his audi enco that in that country a man con demned to die could for a few ccnta purchase a substitute indeed i understand that a number of poor fellows in china actually make their living by acting as substitutes mincnfs liniment cures burns etc wfjumhwjlw jmt1 cleaning ladies walkiha or outiwo suits caa b oat perfectly b eor preach proce try u 13iti8ii aue dy3ik0 co costeear toronto ottawa 1 quesso fads liniment for sale everywhere wifey do you recollect that once when wo had a tiff i said you were just as mean ns you could be hub by yes darling wifey oh jameo how little did i know you then use lovers dry soap a powder to wash woolens and flannels youll like it no ih table lamp nickel plated motm ump poraoln shade imd chimney complete tluj iob toronto if your dealer does hot kop them sand to n toronto for a sample lamp beautiful light cne lamp gives light equal to four ordinary cas jei8 three styles table pantlant ard sraojtot illustrated cztaloju fiinyftia to deaten oa applltfoa sco also our lino of oil stores and heaters for summer us r wholesale oxhy the quees city oil cot ltd toronto entail to keep her in commission the expenditure of almost half a million dollars a year tho figures given wcro for a flrtcltss battleshlp of take candy tf you have a neighbor 13000 tons the wages of officers who has used the tablets nsk hcr c would amount turning nnd she will tell you what splendid pounds into dollars at tho rough satisfaction they give here is whatralo of 5 a pound to 201815 one mother mrs win sinclair victualling would cost 73020 coal 47 27- wns tho cost of running n flrstelaps jorapenuu and was surprised how a battleship the reply showed that saucer of it would carry mo in the british navy such a shir would i along strong and with satisfied aoo- first student i get all my exer cise running to chapel in tho morn ing second student ah i see a sort of religious exercise por over sixty year m winsiowusootiuxosvrur ha been osalbj inltlloof of met iter for lhe children while leaibenjf itroothe the ciiiij f often the 3111m llja pain cure 1 trinlcoleoie3uea thenomach and ttofrok tid it urn best remedy for imrrh ttroatylwft wtj a holds sold ljdrofkiiu throughout the world ue sure- en1 kformiuwisilowsootitixusrtop 2291 hes a despicable hypocrito so yes sir why t wouldnt pump tho same nlr he breathes into my bicycle tyres naval nnd ordnance stores total of 4cftl05 hebron n it says i have used 1sj18000 stores nnd repairs mabys own tablets with so much 740 naval nnd ordnance stores satisfaction that i do not feel safe 1 500 when i have not got a box iri the j house i am suro that other moth- ers will be quite ns well pleased with them you enn get the tablets through your druggist or by mall nt him tlte until tho next meal with sensations of hunger weakness distress as before i have been following this diet now for several months and my im provement has been io groat all tho others in my family have taken- up the use of grapenuts with complete satisfaction and much improvement in health and bruin power american ieople undoubtedly cat hurriedly have lots of worry thus no man need hope to pass through the pearly gates on the strength or tiio epitaph on itls tombstone miiiards liniment relieves tealgk ixcuiasint rowin or cures tlie destructive power of naval guns no becomes every year more teirible the latest typo of gun introduced in tho british navy is remarkable for its great length over nv tect combined with its relatively small diameter ijg inches at the breech and 18 inches at the muzzle and its comparative iigiitur 28 tons its bore is 02 indies itn projectile weighs iso pfyndi nnd at 3000 yards this mis sile can lie driven through 1 1 inches of kripp steel the barrel in made i believe minahds iliukn will cure everv enso ot oiphlieria lilverdalo mrs heubetf jiatckr j believe minaiuvs mm i all nt will produce growth of hair mrs ohas anbkrs0n stanley itct i bellevo mixabos lr is tlio best household remedy on earth tiattltais f0u5y oil city ont hlnderm- digestion nnd therefore need up of an inner tube enclosed in a food that is predlgested and connacct of wovnd mefl wire this gun visitor what do you do when centrnted in nourishment karbc gftvjls reckoned erpml in destructive i off- fohnnlo is naughty mamma put jen by tofinra co uottle ciw w t the isjil lore guns that him to bed without nnv supper- plfch pmvdel it which have mora than n hy writi tho dr visitor well what then papa look in each packag for the fim- double its weight the muvzle velo- fhu i medicino co erockvilu jio cries and he carries it up to oca little booi tho itovl to wclmcuy of the is 2900 feet ihlm on a tray vlw rcr cciomf ont mrs muggins my husband is a perfect crank mrs bugginv all husboiiils are my dear mrs mug gins but fancy a man who com plains that my mustard plasters are not ns strong ns those his mother used to make j cou j cuw coughing is an outward sign of inward disease cure tho disease with pure the lung tonic and the cough will stop try it tonight if it doesnt bencgt you well give your money back pucm 8 cwsua ft co 7 i sasm l 1 123 automobile underwriters the winton touring car ia appre ciated by the beat informed because built on correct mechanical princi ples of highest grade materials as a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not in full justice to your self take chances on an inferior car by presenting a car of such imperial merit as is tho 1904 winton we become automobile underwriters insuring you against risk or loss have you seen our new catalog x tho winton motor carrlcjc co cleveland o u s a reprcsenlad n lb dominion of canada by tub automobile supply co 70 kind si e toronto onl sn aatncls in cblt dominion clllc issue ho 21 01