the stouffviile tbibune thtjbsday june 9 1904 o owopenon jern rivers n v iter drltr mid tfster safely down cour how tl men uy -rfwork- courage euurant and j fbjitcil strength an ne cos vary i tho loffdrlving season has opened again and according to all the pre- ont indications it promisee to prova a notable ono an unusually largo number of logs starting fur tip on tho northern rivers will iw iloatcd down stream to the towns whero tho wood will bo used or the nmnufac- turo of pulp or turned into lumber at tho savmills during the protracted winter with i its steady cold raid fiequit snow- jfalls the iogtnc roans r mnincd in excellent condition for the passago of tho heavilyladen sledges and all jtho winters cut of logs although bald to be one of the largest on rc- cord was taken out of tho woods uccessfully tlio work in the logging camps ftds each year when the entire cut ttinbeen hauled from the forest and lis placed on tho frozen ourfaco of tho rivers or stacked in piles along tho banks to await the future opening of the waterways when the first warm days of the year arrive the s ice in tho rivers soon disappears and the crews of river drivers spring ing to their posts start tho logs down the swollen streams from that time forward ouen far into tho summer months the men lead a unceasing activity as they follow and guide the drives on their turbulent journey to the mills cmito mill location of tliv jam the logs arc often arrested in their course and many of them becorao firmly stranded on shallow spots or halfcovered rocks others drifting against the piers of one of the num erous bridges effectually block a portion of tho channel until as tho drivo presses down stream the logs are piled up on every side in almost inextricable confusion a jam con taining thousands of logs is often formed in a few hours yet days of labor are required of tho river driv ers beforo the channel is free again the difficulties greatly increase when the weather conditions are un favorable and extended drought or violent storms seriously impede tho progress of the drives and render them unusually late in reaching tho unills last year a heavy los3 result ed from such an experience on ono of the rivers the stream had been kept remarkably clear by a system of booms outlining the channel and guiding the logs down tho current suddenly in the midst of a violent i rainstorm a cloudburst occurred among the mountains brooks and icrps werrtotnttilhco iorroets fsmall bridges and culverts were car- iriod away and with almost incred- jiblo rapidity tho river rose and j swept over its banks logs which had been stranded in preceding dry weather woro torn from tho rocks and shallows and flung by tho force of tho raging wa- against overy obstacle that bar- ired tho way the lowlying islands were heaped with logs which wero tossed far up abovc tho lovel of the water at one of tho largest bridges tho booms were swept asldo like straws and a doublo jam was form ed at tho piers mounting fully 12 feet in height and containing 1000- 000 feet of logs this formation com pletely dammed tho river which ris ing eight feet in less than an hour flooded the intervales on either side breaking through a portion of the 5am at last the river subsided with equal rapidity leaving masses of logs high and dry in every direction the storm took place in the middle of the night and the rlvormcn re turning to work the next morning were amazed to find their easy task transformed into ono of exceeding difflcultv apj weeks of strenuous yspejrfsla us cured by drpierces golden medical discovery it wsskes weak stomachs 5tr0hc wador were necessary nctore tne cam- age could be undone tool itned by tho ltl me tho rivermans tools are few in number but well adapted to their especial purpose most of the work is done with canthook or peavey a stout wooden pole shod at the end with an iron spike a movable arm la added which adjusting itself to the shape of the logs grasps them so firmly that even the heaviest are managed with comparative ease a long slender pikepole is also used in guiding the floating logs with these two implements and an ordinary axe the most obstinate jam is gen erally conquered dynamite is em ployed on raro occasions but only as a last resort its use in the im mediate vicinity of bridges is forbid den and the logs which gather against tho piers no matter how tightly they may bo wedged must bo dislodged with tho canthook the logdrivers task is one of much danger tho footing is often insecure even for the skilful troad of the riv erman who is shod in boots that are heavily spiked on the poles as the logs are twisted and rent from their places tho mass of lumber moves and settles at most unex pected moments tho men are extra ordinarily quick in retreating over the rolling logs but occasionally a sorious accident happens when as some key log la chopped in two a portion of tho jam is suddenly re leased and carries the rivermen with it in its fall when the men are working in dangerous positions tho long and pointed riverdrivers boat is usually kept in waiting and is ready to lend its aid in any emerg ency it is also frequently used in transporting tho logdrivers one of tho favorite feats of the rivermen is to use some floating log as a boat and balancing them selves with the pikepole they often travel down stream with the cur rent poling themselves to the shore when they wish to land tho men show a pardonable pride in their ability to ride the plunging logs the most expert are nhl in a steadv current to slowly change to a sitting posltloa or even to ho at full length on tho log a performance which many an acrobat might dread with so unstable a medium beneath his feet a number of horses accompany the riverdrivers and by moans of a pe culiar hook and chain they drag the stranded logs from the islands or river banks where the us of the canthook would involve too much time and trouble portions of the drive drift far up the creeks and these also are brought back to the river by horsepower the drivers riding the logs all the way how tho men iivo and work tho crows of riverdrivers generally consist of 50 or 60 men they are directed by a working boss as he is called who always accompanies tho crow a walking boss some what higher in authority exercises a more general oversight the life is one of constant exposure but the men are well cared for in their camps and the wages aro good ranging from 2 to 250 per day courage endurance and physical strength are necessary qualities in their occupation tho men are often kneodeep in water for many hours throughout the day and a careless step or a rolling log may often re sult in still deeper immersion yet no attention is paid to damp cloth ing and many a timo tho tired log- driver throws himself down at night without change the camp is composed of a number of tents and is moved along tho banks of tho river as tho men ad vance in their work ah the cum brous and varied oqulpment bed ding cooking utensils and food supplies arc easily transported lathe wangan wsgon and the frequent changes of camping ground are made with wonderful rapidity at one end of tho little settlement the sleeping tents are erected each one accommodating about 24 men the kitchen tent is of prime import ance for an immense amount of cooking is necessary to supply the men with their four dally meals the fireplace stands before the tent and kettles of coffee soup and potatoes aro hung over the blazing are bread is baked in a tin kitchen and the tables in the tent show a tempting array f nicelybrowned loaves cook ies and pies the cook is an import ant personage in the camp and much of its comfort is due to his skill and the authority ho exercises over tho men breakfast is eervod at daybreak af ter which the work on the rlvor be gins at 0 oclock and again at 3 tho men aro furnished with sub stantial meals which are carried to them by wagon if their work has taken them far from the camp at 7 oclock a steaming supper awaits them on their return tho rivermen therefore are not without comforts in spite of some what primitive surroundings and seem content with their lot un daunted by tho constant and exhaust ing toll they apparently find a strong fascination in the wild free llfocn the rlvor and year after l year at tho opening of spring they return to follow tho drives fleam urn a atrrean mr vexoll angrily bats a woman who always contradicts everything a man says if i dont im an idiot mrs vexnll sweetly well dear ill turn over a now leaf and commence right rfbw by not contradicting you a hntr neiurtr you promised me she said coldly to return the lock of hair 1 gave you and gee wbl7r he interrupted do you take mo for a hair restorer the snftit way of not being very mlsenime is not to expect to be very hoppv iiopenhuuor the kind you havo always bought aud which lias been in use for over 30 years has homo tho sigrnatnro of and has beeu made under his per 72i- sonal supervision slnco its infancy cctcu allow no one to deceive you in tli is all counterfeits imitations and justasgood aro but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and children experience against experiment what is castoria castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil pare goric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other karcotie substance its ago is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays feverishness it cures diarrhoea and avind colic it relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency it assimilates tho food regulates tho stomach and bowels giving healthy aud natural sleey tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend genuine always the kind you toe always bought in use for over so years for sale a good milch cow due to calve p- ril 14tb also a young sow with sevw len pig 5 months old at lot viid fconccbtion of uxbridgo wm coluktt bo yearc experience trade mark 3 designs copyrights a anyone neridlng a bkctfb and description may quickly ascertain our opinion frco wlietftcr ui invention in jroubiy patentable coniuiuiilm uynsstrtctlyconudonila handbook on patent at free oldmt necnev for otirhitf rixnii tpecial notice without charge in tbo scientific jfmerican a handsomely illustrated weekly inrgest clr dilation of any nclcntlqc journal terms 3 a year four raontba tl solu by all newsdealers go new york branch offloo 25 f su achiust0ii pp have you an idea kso write foraeopy of our boot the invrntora help ii pas which will nil jou it about patents bow to procure ilcit our charge and icrtna etc wo hate ta years eipcilrnra hi trsnwtlnir patent bajdnem by comliwi comuiuuic- tloas strictly confidential chr tpectal ttohc withoit ciiaivo lit over 1w onpabrsfuslrfbw t hrou out the dominion representative clients ps references t tb frost and wood co ild nitli tnllivont wtow a urncr ma ok m moutrrti thacanadalhnlirrocv komnml thadapiewdjslioemchfiit ryio mt rfyarlntbo jp iiw worth of vri k since inoocue we have a fully equipped umnch ofuco in washington marion marion registered patent attorneys engineers end pntcrt lixperts new york lire build montreal v long distance telephone i u iiwi i mmii in m f trcet ni w crk cltv fo sale ouo good milch cow part jersey duo to calve about the last of april also a quantity of good olean eed out sensation variety at lot 3 con 8 whilcburch baker hill a e gilmouei ifiiouk shorts bran a mixed ear of ogllvlea hungarian flour bran and bhorta for safe at lowest prle 8 b lehman j30ns altnlra hi ajent for highcrade mclauoriilin carriage- and cotters also agent fqh tije sieihgt yvagons and shjhs peerijjg hakveter binders mowers rakes see drills seeders and disk i harrows tollon hros guelpli on pea harvesters puipers harness company ont all kinds of silver and brass mouned harness kept m hand w rvtonm in onjhe mailc mmiobnimijimaura the pant fe m mm m wd kaap in stosk all the bast brands of tais cotfees sugars aud other staples canned goods of every description always fresh fruits of all kinds in season wee keep everything to be found in a well appointed gbogkby and at reasonableprices ratcliff co be bbibe general repairs promptly a tended prices modeuite special inducements reappcaranc of wild figa there seems to be no longer uiy doubt that the wild piyeons which were once so abundant as to be nuisance and which disappeared mysteriously all of a sudden from the inhabited parts of the united states and canada axe reappearing in some of their old haunts it is not like ly that they will bo ever witnessed again in the vast numbers of former years many of our citizens who are still on tho bright aide of half century will readily rocauwhgbt they were so plentifulinjjyaasjpkfict that they sohjsjbjl hshicts as low as 3wst4swbjsajshilwhilo others whose momoiios carry them baelc still further v ill member when their flights ucic so great as to al most darken the sky and when tho divine intercession was frequently implored to save the growing crops from their destructivencss on all sides they wero shot and trapped without niorcy being exceedingly famp as well as toothsome birds- fgeon hunting was a favorite sport all over the country and contributed largely to the food supply of the people but their numbers did not seem to very greatly diminish until almost suddenly in the latter sixties or early seventies they disappeared altpgther from the settled parts of the united states apd canada what became of them ah sorts at more or less colorable theories havo been ima gined to account for that disappear ance but it has never yet been sat isfactorily explained the fact how- over that they are now reappearing is much more important at present and will be hailed with much joy both by canadian antt american sportsmen quebec telegraph r h got ft fail the following atory about james j hill the canadianborn railroad president i told in the northweit i states mr hill was talking to some i friends in a hotel lobby when a young man bustled up to him and robes and alir coats atreouc jadmr hill you claimed a year ago that up one ned be out of 4 job in this part of the country i did- admitted mr hill the guea torontil rubber ed prices stock bods different kinds and made harness on hand to order repairs promptly attended to j m furniture well your statement is incor rect declared the young man x have been hustling for a job for the past six months and cant get any jvprk at anything i can dp- thata just it observed mr hill what can you dp have had several years experi ence as a stenographer am on ax- port bookkeeper have been a ship ping clerk and know the business am an al advertising man also a flrstclass book agent said the young man in one breath it ended with mr hill giving him a letter to the great northern offices in st paul be was going to try out thp young man and sea what was in pirn- thank you mr hill- he ejacu lated as he hurried away but in a moment he was back again say mr hill he asked do i take thp breakbeam o st foul he got a pass st jouis bepubll- coco of cite beaata ce la india a correspondent ot the london flel writing on the pursuit of the in the malacca strait describes thel genlous csstsod of catching thti adopted by the natives of tbe keaan river he aays a small bam ratt ucteo at run 7 ut llnef- to this 1 brass i of un- he flue some two feet square is consfl and on it is erected a nag post mounted by a red flag while from the underside of the raft or float run twenty or thirty yards of stout unei ending in a few feet of chain to i chain the barbed hoolof hard metal is attached by three feet twisted fiber in order that the ligaments may get between the croco- diles teeth and thus prevent bis snap ping off the bait on the shank ot the hook a live fowl is made fast together with a short length of bamboo to give it flotation and then the raft line and bait are dropped into the river loudly squawks the unfortunate fowl for a few minutes but its sorrows are abort lived a splash a swirl the bait has disappeared and then the men return to their homes leaving a boy to mark the progress of the floating flag next day or the day after half a dozen men paddle down stream until they sight s the raft then taking the line asboro they haul away and as by this time the hook is firmly entangled in the crocodiles intestines be shows but lit- tie flgbt and is easily dispatched p tjgi the halifax gibbet i the majority of meo have varicocele in the lint moji or tblra stare in tho earltiaee it may came rnanj ymptomt which theitleat mar not near olio aiarulnr jromthldltejm in fact vo hare have had oneiamlnatlos lsi varicocele present in hundred of caiei whero the patlentld not know he had m it at all intlmoltwlllprodochymptomssathefol nervouintm jm wealrnei lathe back anjteady llrnbe tired and mtabkeaellbf pains la the loine irritation of the bladder ana kldneri edlment and loin nrineemlalon at night with lewd dreami aeiual weaknetj i and decile ojunlr powertheie tmrltoms rrradaallv develop into nervous debilityhd impotkjar tjew bthob tkeitment wili positiveitors tooand it is guaranteed to curb vou without opkftiov threnga lie vltaliilnir inflnenc tho wormy veins return to uitlr norlj caliber the clr culatlon of blood improvee ao tho organ ar properly nonrlehrand aro reetored to treotrth and vigor the nervea becom stroor ambition a energy replace laeiltodiauddeepondeney all drain ccaae the ye becomrlrhtrth brain active and you f eel a njan ought to f el la perfect sexnai arneaul condltloa we guarantee to cure gr i pay allcatee w accept for treatment ara taien sader a poltiarintee that thev are curable or no pay w refer yon to eeveral bank e our financial reiponilbllity eo yoa may know we an good for aay contract wke ammam are you a victim bav yon loot hope arayontemplatlnr if eaoe mania ha your btood ben dueamd havanaowyei neee our new method treatment will cure yon whatlthaadoforotherslt wuldoforyon consumpation atreac ho matter ho bn ysu writ for a honut opinio fre of charge charge teanaac books rrelvtht golden wooltor untnted c duwaw otmel t everything coo84wual qneeuoa ust and coat of trejfflmaiijjen t atm treatment s drskennedyzrgn 14s shelby st detroit mich whfetllnrc women its a peculiar fact remarked the observing youth that only one wo man in a thousand can wlilstle nothing peculiar about that re joined the mnn with the absent hair as long as a woman can talk she doesnt carp to whistle genuine cotton feltmatresses good assortment lron beds large collection of parlor suit tes andjbedroom suites deliv ered inj your hemes at city pricey fine lineoi rockers and gentschairs suitable for fine presents persona starting house keeping ahoul call and get our prioes before purchas ng elaewhero 8burkholder financial abjlhr so young smith has come into a fop tune do you think ho has tho making of a ananclcr undoubted several of them and id llko to he ono of tho bunch ileaerve force blllyuns young roan you seem to lack energy mopely you are mistak en sir i am a veritable reservoir of energy awaiting a crisis prosperity is a grest teacher adver sity is a greater possession pampers the mind privation trains and strength ens it a snarareetion miss snappe why dont yoa propose to her by telephone then mr hoam- ley tlmmld maybe sbe wouldnt know who i was miss snsppc kxactly that might help your cbnnccx phlia- ddphla ledger a r he rat r the ordinary house rat will not flghj if be can find bis way into a hole iq closed in the pit with no chance of ei cape the case is different the rat w not only fight its enemy but will tui on those of its kind with which itji bunched the trained rat dog mt jump backward and forward ofjgfm- tlmes entirely over the rat in avoid its bite and watching its opportulf will catch the rat by the hack give crubcland break its spina pjjj thct f throws he rat flcd flr j aside and ike a flash leaps into for seizing and killing the tioxti w rneelan choral slnfclngj love of music cultivated nnt en larged by the fine rendering of the tin thems and chants of the services of he churches is ft trait of the ltiisslan peasant the choral singing of men and boys in some of the smaller ham lets is indeed so rich and finished in style as to be a constant source of wonder to all travelers medical advice what prompted- you to rob this mans till asked the judge of the prisoner my family physician sir was the reply he told me it was absolutely necessary that i should hare a little change i a sort ot galllatln that wm one ueed in knrrland an ancient law ot hardwlck forest a tract coextensive with halifax par ish is sung by taylor the waterpoett at halifax the law so thwps doth deaie that whopo more thanttetrteen pence doth h steale 4- theyhav a jln treat wondrous quick and well send thieve all headleaa into heaven or belle this jin resembled the guillotine in construction and stood on a stone scaffold unearthed when gibbet hill was leveled the ax la preserved this the only guillotine used in eng land whh the forerunner of the maid en introduced into scotland by re gent morton and now in the edinburgh antiquarian museum tb halifax gibbet was last used in j650 and thp maiden for lord argyll in 1881 and his son in 1885whospoks0t it aa the awteteetr maiden he ever klsiettk dr guillotine did not invent the chine pr louis constructed one in 1791 the louison but thp name gpjilptinp became general from thp burst of surgical enthusiasm in which pr guillotine in 1789 after deploring te tedious torture of hanging ex claimed with my machine i strike off your bead in tip twinkling of an eye and you never feel ui london globe second wind it com wham all tha lunar cells ara in poll play the following is a popular explana tion of what is known as second wind in ordinary breathing we use only a portion of our lungs the cells at the extremity not belsg brought into play this is the reason why those who are not if tranng whenthe tvy fun for any fjlstjhpe soon begin to gasp and unless they are resolute enough to persevere in spite of this choking sation are forced to stop but if tfi persevere se choking goes off 1 they acquire what is known a seci wind when thr- second wind is fully tabllshed tbp runner does not lose his breath but canran1 as rougaifbls legs will carry him th fact is that on starting the farthest portions of the lungs are choked with air and the remainder do not supply enough to meet the increased circula tion induced by exercise by degrees however tho neglected cells come into play so that when the entroung js j fulj working order the circulation andtesplraiflqtj again balance eacl other and secqnd wind is the result j h i