Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 9, 1904, p. 3

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ouropatkin despatches a force of 14000 men ussian movement will give the nucleus or railway corn- on despatch says tho talk munication which will be available again of an important itussiau s soon ns the reconstruction of the- lino is complete largo quantities e- ve southward from liaoyang an unofficial telegram from headquarters at mukden says it is understood that the kussian commanderinchief is now in a position to begin offen- sivo operations on an important scale it is true that tho japanese are in possession of liaoyang pro montory that port arthur is prac tically besieged and that the enemy have advanced to the russian main positions by the shortest lines of communication but their further op erations seem likely to be confined to a restricted area owing to the danger attending the exposure of their communications in northern corea reports received regarding tho achievements of the cossacks show that the russians are already adopting aggressive tactics south j of haichcng moreover tho garri son at port arthur is stated to bo liarrassing the japanese the siege of tho fortress is expected to bo protracted the foregoing obviously embodies what the russian censor wishes to bo announced and it may or may not enclose the truth but it is to a great extent consistent with other reports according to which the re cent lively skirmish at wafangkau was the opening action by tho force sent by gen kouropatkin to relieve port arthur or create a diversion in favor of its garrison this force t ccord iifg to the newchwang corres- pcnlitsltof the london daily wail consistsoti4000 artillery cavalry and infantry- under gen stalkcu- berg who left liitpynng withyaf- angtien as his immediotetibjectivc for the purpose of attacking gen okus rear those critics here and in paris who consider the story probable con cur in tho opinion that the danger ous manoeuvre is likely to end in disaster forgen stalkenberg while greatly weakening gen kouropatkin according to advices from ticn- tsin from where this russian move ment is also reported the japanese arc not concerned over it feeling certain that the russians are unable to bring down a sufficient force to prove eftective nnd especially as it would lejiihtliempento an attack on tn5nank from tho sea y tcanwhilo the japanese operations between kinchau and port arthur are screened with the customary se crecy such few reports as come in referenco to their doings since the rattle of nnnshan hill are based on rumor or supposition tho tokio correspondent of tho london daily telegraph discussing the tremendous task involved in the capturo of port arthur says that he ajviullhessticrs not doubt that the unique feat will- be accomplished nnd that it will constitute a mortal wound which even successful stands by gen kouropatkin at mukden kirin or harbin will be unable to staunch or heal it is assumed from unofficial re ports of the stream of troops that japan is still sending out that ccn oku will bo given an overwhelming force to enable hiki to net indepen dently of genkuroki who is also believed to1ie receiving a consider able proportion of the reinforcements gen kurokis operations continue to pmplctely hidden of railway plant have been arriving from japan for some time past as soon ns the bay is practicable a japanese siege train will land and it may bo presumed that then tho second army corps will quietly in vest port arthur while the third corps and a specially organized flyin column will cooperntc with the first corps in an advance on mukden the correspondent says regarding the damage at dalny that it was thirty hours after the fight before the japanese were in a position to occupy the town during tho inter val anarchy prevailed such eur- opean noncombatants as wero able to get passages lied in junks to chcfoor the local chinese officials allowed the jail which contained about 200 cutthroats to be forced and utitil the japanese arrived and restored order the jail birds had tho freo run of tho town to fortify harbin a despatch to the ijoxwton times from moscow says it is stated that harbin will bo fortified against tho contingency of a siego irrespective of expense tho heavy siego guns already sent to the far east arc really destined for this purpose and a further considerably number will be removed for the same purpose from cronstadt and other firstclass fortresses gen kouropatkins in sistence a month ago that it proba bly would be necessary to refrain from directly attempting to save port artbir ajj liaotung pro mo ntfjs jpensciy pain- jjl is said in front of mukden the st petersburg correspondent of petit parisicn says that the ja- have withdrawn their attack- pines some distance beyond liao- they iiayo moved further to ntelvetfcviden for tho pur- of overlapping the russian left ving gen kouropatkin states that everything appears to be going well but he asks for large reinforcements as soon as possible nearly the wholo russian army is concentrated in front of mukden thus preventing any sudden attack on that place gen okus army tho london daily telegraph prints a st petersburg despatch saying that gen nodzu is now busily super vising tho landing of a third japan ese army at takushan two divisions arc going to reinforce gen oku mak ing his army 120000 and tho re mainder will relnforco gen kuroki bringing his army up to 140000 men the military authorities in st petersburg believe that tlio largo and ever increasing japanese army on tho rands around mukden and hnl- cheng makes it clear that tlx jap anese plnn of campaign is directed ngohist both of gen kouroiatkins hanks meanwhile it is known that tlic japanese are paying extraordin ary attention to fortifying their po sitions in tho rear of kwanghing ful effect tpm hove the cxpcdiirffllitrcon- fession of russias military impo tence and it was only after detailed explanations from gen kouropatkin that the emperor would agece to ac cept the situation tins painful im pression has been intensified by gen kouropatkins further insistence up on the necessity for providing be times for a retreat north even so far as harbin prisoners in siberta advices received at st petersburg by mail from tomsk western siber ia report the arrival there of a de tachment of japanese prisoners con sisting of twentysix officers and 180 men the majority of whom are sail ors all were in good health tho officers were sent to the officers club while the men were quartered in the riding school food allow ance has been granted the officers of s25 to 0250 monthly while the cnlisted men receive eight cents daily workmen have readied lake baikal to construct wireless tele graph stations for communication across that foody of water the woelfs markets reports fkofll the leading trade centres prices of cattle grain cheese and other dairy produc at home and abroad toronto juno 7 wheat no 2 white and red winter quoted at 93 to 94c outside spring wheat is nominal at 89c cast and goose at 81 to 82c oast manitoba wheat is unchanged no 1 northern 93c georgian bay ports no 2 northern at 90c and no a northern 88c no 1 hard is nominal at 94c grind ing in transit prices are gc above those quoted oats no 2 white quoted at 31jc west and at 32jc low freights to now york no 1 white 33c east and no 2 at 32c east barley no 2 quoted at 42c mid dle freights no 3 extra 40 to 405c and no 3 at 33 to 39c mid dle freights peas the market is dull at un changed prices with no 2 shipping peas quoted at 01 to 62c west or cast corn no 3 american yellow quot ed at 59 1 c on track toronto no 3 mixed at 5sjc canadian corn nominal at 44 to 43c west for sound grain ry the market is quiet with prices nominal at 57 to 58c outside buckwheat no 2 quoted at 43c outside flour ninety per cent patents un changed at 5370 to 375 middle freights for domestic use but are not worth over s3 60 for export straight rollers of special braiwls for domestic trade quoted at 425 to 450 in bbls manitoba flours are steady no 1 patents 480 no 2 patents 450 and strong bak ers 440 on track toronto millfced bran is dull at 17 and shorts at 16 hero at outsldo points bran is quoted at 1550 and shorts at 1650 manitoba bran in sacks 18 and shorts at 20 here courtmarshalled a despatch to tho london dally mail from odessa says that seven infantrymen at poltava and five at icreincntchug were courtmartalled and shot for leading a mutinous de monstration against sending their regiments to the far enst shortly before the czars recent tour of in spection the affair was of a serious nature v japanese siege train a despatch to tho london times the czars orders tho paris petit journal lias a des patch from st petersburg stating that the czar has issued an order in structing gen stoessel in the event of the capture of tlio fortress by the japanese to blow up the fortifica tions the banks and tho most im portant buildings the fleet tho czar orders must make tlic greatest effort even- to tho extent of risking partial destruction to cut its way out to reach vladivostock it must on no account be surrendered according to the reports of tho chief naval constructor at port ar thur the repairs on the rotlvlzan will bo completed in a week or two tho czarevitch will be ready for ser vice in a few days the work on tho pullada has been completed and she has been reinstated in service it is believed that the coal reserves at port arthur arc exhausted unrest in russia thousands of political arrests are reported a london despatch says the standard prints further statements concerning tho grave unrest and ag itation throughout russia the writ er claims to havo the authority of a police official for stating that thero were 1000 political arrests during the last ten weeks in the provinces or kieff podolla and volhynla all the accused were dealt with under the administrative police law they are not arraigned iwfore the regular tribunals but disappear absolutely from the ken of their friends a despatch to the morning post from warsaw declares that it is al- solutcly untrue as was recently stated that hundreds of persons were executed in warsaw as the re sult of the recent rioting there pro bably not moro than fifty persons were arrested the rioting was a tamo affair tho despatch admits that the physical force party is strong nnd undoubtedly dangerous but says its hour has not arrived i socialism is being propagated rapid- iv 1 a new steel process expected to greatly ecduce cost of manufacture country produce dried apples trade is very dull and prices are unchanged at 3 to 3jc p erlb evaporated apples gjc per lb beans prime beans are quoted at 150 to 160 and hand picked at 1g5 to 170 hops tho market is unchanged at 28 to 32c according to quality honey the markot is quiot at g to 7c per lb- comb quiet at 150 to 175 hay timothy quoted at 950 to 1025 a ton on track toronto straw the market is quiot with prices unchanged at 500 to g or track toronto maple syrup the market is quiet at 1 per imperial gallon potatoes car lots arc quoted 75 to 90c per bag on track here cording to quality poultry chickens 12 to 13c lb turkeys 15 to 17c per lb fresh killed sample 40 to 59c corn no 3 50 to 52c july 49j to 59jc asked cattle market toronto juno 7 export the de mand for export cattle is just now very good and it is said is likely to bo so from this out right through tho season tho class of export cat tle offering today was said to bo not quite up to the recent offerings but for all that tho prices realized were fully as high as the best thct have been so far this season quite a few loads sold at 330 to 535 some of the buyers said they were not able to get all tho cattle they wanted and would havo to look to chicago as they could not stand tho high prices which cattle aro commanding in the home market butchers the demand for butchers cattlo was particularly active with buyers complaining they were pay ing moro for cattle than they were worth as high as 170 was paid today for cattlo that u week ago could have been bought 25c to 30c per cwt less so keen is tho de mand for butcher cattle just now that there are the usual complaints around the market of some buyers being allowed to get into the market as early as three oclock in the morning ono buyer said today that he was in tho market at 330 this morning and found that the par ticular kind of cattle he was looking for had all been picked up it is said that some of the cattle are bought up thus early by speculators who sell them off again toahe local wholesale men who must have the cattle at any cost 0 stockers and feeders there is a good steady market for good stock- er cattle and shortkeep feeders prices are firm slicep and lambs there were no changes in the quotations today hogs there was an unusually heavy run of hogs today amounting to between 3500 and 4000 the market however was steady at the advance of the early part of the week selects arc quoted firm at lights and fats at 3 the mi toee supply the one great sanitaey requisite of 325 postal notes nt per for a despnlcli from new york kays 1 steel nnd iron men throughout the world will be interested to learn nccordliir to tlio hernld that james from clicfoo says it will toko the jo- inv vlcerresiderl of the united panose sonic liltlo liicc to make states steel corporation after n dalny nnd tallcnwnn practicable ns long scries of experiment has prnc- h base because tlic snushnntno is- ifenlly perfected a new process for inmls hvo been connected very skil- nimnk sice vbich he beliccs will fully with tlc main land by both isrntly reduce tho cost of mnimfoc- atacrvallon aril blcckndo mines uitj briefly stated tho oayley which ikmb over a lurgc field 1jt prqssa is a modification of the hos tile demolition of the itucsinn works wirjf profess which revolutionized ashore was lnslknlficgnt nnd the an an stc i ndiist ry the rolihig fctock captured together with vroccrwin applied in the mnnu- i to totc old jtiiy vac hid four locomotives taken t fulaixllcn fact lire of pig iron as well as stcol xo 1 774c barley no i the daiitymaltlcrto butter wo quote finest 1lb rolls 14 to 15c ordinary to good largo rolls 12 to 14c medium and lower grades 10 to lie creamery prints 17 to isc solids 1g to 17c eggs case lots are selling at 15c per dozen cheese old quoted at l9jc per lb nnd new at 9 to ojc tho latter for twins hog products we quote bacon long clear 8 to sjc per lb in case lots mess pork 17 do short cut 1850 smoked meats hams light to me dium 12 jc do heavy 11 to 3 2c rolls 9 to 9c shoulders 10c backs 12j to 14c breakfast bacon 3 33c lard the demand is fair with prices unchanged wo quote tier ces 7jc tubs 8c pails 8jc business at montreal montreal june 7 cable bids on manitoba spring wheat were lower today offers of considerable quan tities of no 3 oats wero mado at 37c and of no 2 nt 38c stores peter boroughs aro quoted at 35jc in store peas were about steady at 71c afloat montreal no 2 barley fioc no 3 extra 49c no 2 rye g2c flour trade is rather dull and many regard the following prices as above the market wo quote wanitobn patents s490 to 495 strong bakers 400 to 1- 65 winter wheat patents 180 to 5 straight rollers 150 to s4g5 straight rollers in bugs 215 to 225 feed tho market was quiet manitoba bran in bags 19 shorts 21 per ton ontario bran in bulk 1850 to 19 shorts 1950 to 20 mouillie 20 to 28 per ton rolled oats- the market is firm dealers are asking 232 for bogs and s90 in barrels on track provisions heavy canadian short cut pork 1750 to 18 light short cut f 17 to 1750 american fnt backs 1750 compound lard 0 to 7c cnnndlnn lard gj to 75c kettle reitdored 8j to 9jc hams 11 to 33c bacon 13 to 134c fresh kill ed abattoir hogs 735 to 750 live hogs 540 to 500 eggs- new laid 15 to 15c hutter full grass 17 to 174c western dairy 13 to 14c cheese ontario 8j to 8fc best quebec se united states markets ruffalo june 7- flour firm wheat nothing doing coiiv unset tled no 2 yellow 59jc no 3 corn 5gjc oatssteady no 2 white 17c liarley western 53 to 55c osced in store ilyt no 2 ofsrrcd nt 80c through billed minneapolis minn june 7 wheat duly 84jc sept 82c on track no 1 hard 901c no 2 northern 9gxc no 2 northern 03jc flour first patents 510 to 520 sec ond patents 5 to 510 rtrt clears 33g0 second clears 205 uran in bulk 17 to 1750 milwaukee june 7 wheat no 1 northern 98c no 2 northern 9i rye- tf3c united states authorities issue instructions an ottawa dcspatclisays the postoffice department has received a copy of the instructions issued by tho postal authorities at washington which affect canadians it says postfhnstcrs at money order of fices in the- united states may pay canadian postal notes if properly drawn for payment at their respec tive offices provided the notes arc regular in cvory particular show no evidence of alteration of correc tion bear logiblo impressions of the date stamps of the issuing offices and are presented for payment with in twelve months from the date of issue- rabies threatens town mad dogs bite 200 cows in setu- bal portugal tests show that the majority wells to be little better than cesspools some rather startling facts la re gard to the water supply of our farms cheese factories and creameries wero brought out at the conference ol dairy instructors and experts heldi in ottawa lait fall the official report of which is now being distributed by mr j a ruddiek chief of the dairy division ottawa in discus sing the sanitation of the cheese fac tories and creameries dr council bacteriologist nt the kingston dairy school pointed out that one great sanitary requisite is good water most of our factories obtain their water from shallow wells only a few using water from deep wells springs crcos or rivers good water can 1 o secured from shallow or surface wells yet such water is always clas sified as suspicious by sanitarians when it is used for drinking purposes the reason for this simply is that such water is ground water derived by scpago through soil of the rain i or snow water shallow wells are j vsually placed quite close to the houses or factories which they are to supply and thus tlio soil in their neighborhood is apt to become con taminated and this contamination is sooner or later carried by seepage in to the well fortunately the soil is an excellent filtering nnd cleansing agent but it is only ablo to dispose of a certain amount of contaminating material such disposal takes time so that if there is a particularly heavy rain the contaminating mat ter may be carried far into the oartli below the purifying layer and thus soak unchanged 1n7t the wells if a large amount of this contamin ating material finds its way into tho soil the earth becomes soured and can no longer dispose of or purify the wasto which tends to soak into and mix with tho ground water some surface wells arc so construct ed as to bo mere surface drainage pits that is tlioy are not raised above tho surrounding earth and hence receive the surface washing di rect farmers and makers ought to realie that a surface well does not get its water from some hidden sourco below but is simply a col lecting reservoir for the ground wa ter derived from rain and enow wa ter and further that if the soil in the noigtiborhood of such a i well is saturated witli slop water and house or factory drainlngs that soonr er or later these will mako their way into the well prof shutts chemical analysis of farm well water have shown the ma jority of the wells to be little bet ter than cesspools from 100 to 200 samples a year are analyzed at tho chemical laboratory of the central ticks fboithe wbe ha3pekxngs fk03x axl ovem the globe telegraphic briefs from our owa and other countries ot becenfc events canada a canadian survey party left van- couvcr on saturday to begin tho al aska boundary survey winnipeg has fixed the annual lic ense fee for cigarette dealers at 50 tho hamilton drill hall is about to bo extended at a cost of 150000 corp thomas walsh of wolselcy barracks london has fallen heir to a fortune of 50000 in ireland a lawyer will be appointed on tho staff of queens university kingston to give lectures on medical jurispru dence t do schyoynor of auckland new zealand stated in montreal that his mission in this country was to estab lish a direct steamship lino between now zealand and canada dominion taf notes of proceedings or o t pacific the house of commons final sea of approval 1 transcont mental hallway bill halfpast five oclock on frld morning after an all night by a majority of 4g votes the third reading having been disposed of the measure now goes up to the snato for the favorable consideration ol that body farmers bank mr guthrie applied for leavo to present a petition asking for an act incorporating the farmers bank of canada tho petition was allowed great britain the theatrical season la london was the worst in years the report of the royal commis sion on the volunteer and militia forces practically recommends con scription tho oxford university athletic on behalf of oxford and cam- read a first time the following bills were read a first time respecting the montreal terminal club bridge universities has sent a chal lenge to harvard and yale to hold an athletic meeting in london this summer a t sbondesn inr1 experimental pei uiguescvown of setubal which hasfiih otttucay- farm and not one- a-w- sate 30000 inhabitants is threatened and wholesome by far tlic greater with an epidemic of hydrophobia number arc utterly condemned 1 while recently a mad dog bit thirteen others are reported as suspicious other cannies and these in turn went putting them in hie category of mad and bit 200 goats and cows those that are unsafe to use tlio which supply the town with milk all bacteriological examinations of dr connell and prof harrison of the tho animals wero killed and goo cheese destroyed but tho precautions wore not taken till two days after the incident the authorities fear quantities of the contaminated milk and cheese have been consumed nnd aro looking in trepidation for some signs of the dread affect tan lost xn the flood ontario agricultural college show similar results dr connell men tioned that out of a dozen factory waters sont him last summer not ono was found fit for use all were bad ly contaminated and for drinking purposes would be immediately con demned later dr connell had nn united states col m s quay senior senator for pennsylvania died at butler pa on saturday a patient in a new york hospital who was shot in the left lung and the heart is recovering it is claimed that a leper has been cured at the new orleans lazaretto and that five moro aro on tho way to complete recovery at the trial of david mcswecney for manslaughter of edward news at bath ny the dead mans heart and section of the chest where tho knife had penetrated were set up as exhibits mr james j hill says that ho has built two great ships and dees not propose to build more because tho cost of doing so in american yards is far greater than in euro pean g rover moreland aged 18 of eureka 111 took poison and hang ed himself on the same tree as did his young friend claudo van al- stinc some days previously both are members of a suicide club by forcing a switch and extingu ishing a signal light train wreckers ditched a heavy coal train on the manor valley branch of the pennsyl vania railroad killing one of the crew and seriously injuring another chao chu son of wu ting fang formor chinese minister to the uni ted states and now vicepresident of the foreign board at pckin has been graduated at the head of his class in the atlantic city n j highschool northwest mounted poace post supplies swept aiay a despatch from ottata says tho hood this spring nuythabnsea landing swept away a qjnntlty of supplies intended for tho northwest polico post at tho mouth f tho mac kenzie river and the authorities have arranged to have afresh con signment forwarded by willing stea mer from son fiunclvco it has been found however thnlhc hud- opportunity of seeing two of tho wells from which the samples wero tavenj both were subject to direct gross contamination from drainage water lying under the factory floors and streams of dirty slime could bo seen opening into tlic wells about four foot below the surface both these waters wero very foul so foul tliat animals would not touch them such a well is generally termed a mineral ono in the section prob ably because tlio sulphuretted hydro on bay company will l able to jbcnof decomposition causes an odor convey tho necessary supples to the j somewhat like that of natural sulphur north although their boap will not general australia is considering the advis ability of bonuslng iron works dr cnstellani a bacteriologist of colombo ceylon lias discovered the bacillus of dysentery as a result of the depression raus- ed by the war thousands of russian workingnien are idle tho french government is inform ed that turkish troops burned 43 armenian villages and killed tho iu liabitants scholars in the secondary schools of russia aro to be carefully in structed as to tho causes and signifi cance of the war will fly like a bird ture respecting the central life insur ance co mr morrison respecting the ottawa firo insur ance co mr rosamond to incorporate the kingston and dominion central railway co mr harty mr guthries bill to amend the criminal code was dropped sir richard cartwrights bill to amend tho general inspection act was given a first reading he ex plained that its principal object was to reduce some of the excessive fines under tho old act sale of seeds the following resolution was given a second reading that it is expedient to pass a act restricting the sale of seeds of cereals grasses clovers or forage plants sold for the purpose of seed ing containing the seeds of certain weeds establishing a standard of timothy red clover and alsiko seeds marked no 1 or otherwise desig nated as being of first quality pro viding for tho examination of suck seeds and providing penalties for contraventions of the act mr fisher said that the bill when introduced would not attempt to de- fino the egrades of seeds but merely to define the minimum grade that could be sold the act would be come law on july 1 1905 the bill laid before tho house last year had been somewhat modified at the re quest of a deputation of scedmen and as a result of a large amount of correspondence which he had received from farmers both for and against the bill it was tho intention of the government to put tho bill through this session he would present the correspondence referred to to tho house some 30000 copies of tho old bill had been distributed among the farmers and farmers institutes mr fisher then introduced a bill agsjofesrrsssluttea form savs j r leave athabasca landinglmtil hit middle of july i the mission boat whic was used to take tho police from frsehol is land to the mainland nt 10 mouth of tlio mackcnie has befi wrecked nnd tho bishop of that strict has filed n demand for compilation no action will be taken unl a report lias been received from i police in the mallei organized cak 2ves admission of tho wifof the pro- prietor of a big tore a despatch from chief o says tn the arrest of micll donovan the police iwhovd thev iwgun the disruption 01 1111 iviied band of car thieves whoso depredations in recent veers have cjt he rail roads nearly i0000 the police snv that tlio mans j told them flint her husband whis considered wealthy by his neighb was selling only stolen goods a lug storo which he hdli been omp for a number of years amieii donovan was arrested tho pce say that ho confessed to haviiijceivol stolen goods from tlic caiheves during tho last fiffcfn yen disease in mi and beast consumption afr both alike from sai sources a despatch tfa lon1nn says tio iioq pionianvuoi imnih rinding of tr uw water improvement necessary a factory well cannot be kept un- contatniuatcd so long as the drain age and whey disposal system of tho factory is not carefully looked after so that tlic first essential for a puro water supply from tlio ordinary well is good drainage next is tho proper construction of the well including h covering so as not to permit sur- faco washings flowing in as prof shult pointed out this drainage matter apart from its actually pois onous character is tho very material upon which microbes nnd germs live and water polluted from tlic barn yard privy etc is always loaded with countless millions of bacteria it impossible to turn out firstclass dairy products where such water is used so even from the dollars-and- cenls standpoint improvement in this respect is imperative it is not the smell or appearance of water that denotes its condition many samples of water which to the smse of smell or sight or taste ore perfect yet simply roec with filth the bacteria which we cannot detect by our senses arc far moro dnngerous than those which w can detect teacher has invented new of airship a st catharines despatcli a st catharines man named dalmeida one of tho teachers at ridr loy college claims to kayo invented a practical airship mr dalmeida lias now completed his machine nnd hopes in the courso of a few days to mako liis first flight by its aid it is constructed of llght but tough and strong bamboo nnd is built to re semble as closely as possiblo tho shnpo of a bird the wings con structed of bamboo anil silk canvas of beautifully fine and durable texture are fashioned of the exact model of a birds wing each wing has an area of 84 feet they are worked by a most ingenious but strikingly sim ple system of levers which pro mov ed by pressure of the operators feet tho invent 01 expects to have a trial trip in a few days and if everything goes satisfactorily he will tlien cross to toronto after which lie will start en a trip to st louis to tho world fair where a prize of 100000 is offered for a machine that will en able a man to fly cheese curing stations a return brought down gives tlio cost of constructing and operating cliecso cool fairing rooms under gov ernment auspices tho buildings at cowansvillo cost 58819 and the ma chinery 54219 the cost of tho cheese purchased was 6915 and tho revenue from its sale 6gs0 at st hyacintho tlio buildings cost 7409 tho machinery si 293 tho cost of tlie cheese purchased in 3 903 was 5257 and the revenue 281 this year tho cost of cheese was 3- 540 and tho revenue 1115 but all tho cheeso is not yet sold at woodstock ont tho buildings coat 7507 and tho machinery 5191 tlio cost of cheese was 3255 and tho revenue 3337 at brockvillo tho buildings cost 7447 machinery 12gg cost of cheosc 4g20 rev enue 476g bills read a third time tlio following bills were read the third timo and passed respecting the nicola kamloops nnd similknmcen coal and railway co mr calliher respecting tho tillsonburg lake erie nnd pacific railway co- mr cahcrt respecting tlie toronto and hamil ton railway co mr calvert respecting tlio tcmagumi railway co mrmccooi respecting tho hamilton grimsby nnd bcnmsvillc electric railway co mr german respecting tlic lake eric nnd de troit river railway co mr suth erland essex to protect timber against conscription government will not carry out recommendations police for hudson bay ten men to loavo regina for that district this week a despatch from reglim nayn on jimo 9 u coritingnt of ten mem- hers of the northwest mounted pol 4ce will leave hero for hudsons bay the tivsues the finding as it shows tho possf- up tlere tho men en gage for two years service inspcc- xoc itjlcmo will command a london despatch says wat sec retary arnoldforstcr answering a question in thollouse of commons on thursday said tho government had na intention of proposing to parlia ment the introduction of a system of conscription as recommended by tho royal commission of tho volunteer and militia force heavy sentence imposed upon two ezconvicts for pursesnatching a new york despatch says record er goff has sentenced john crane nnd artluu- nnglo to nine years and six months in prison for stealing thirty cents the men are excon victs it is said trtd were found guil ty of holding up n woman in thirty- third street tho fact that her purse wliidi they snatched was al- iiut empty did not leiwen their crime in the eyes of tho court mr lancaster was informed by mr slfton that on tho recommendation of tho canadian forestry associa tion when tho now transcontinental railway was under construction nn efficient service would be organized to protect timber on dominion lands from fire and similar arrangements would be mado with tho provinces whero protection to timber land owned by the provinces was required the question of examining the water scfurccs of canada was under tho consideration of tho forestry branch canada and france mr casgrain was told by the min ister of trade that negotiations nro in progress with the armstrong firm of shipbuilders of nowcastleontyno for establishing a lfno of steamers between canada and france arrest of minors mr lancasters amendment to tho criminal code was taken up to pro- si t jopun snccau uaqw ir opja arrested his parents or guardians shall bo given an opportunity to bo present before tho accused be requir ed to elect how to bo tried if thero nro no parents or guardians present tho householders where tho person charged resided should he notified mr fitzpatrlck thought 21 too old a limit and suggested that the ago should be 10 many hardened csfta nau were under 21

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