jtvli no 15 m tribune is published every thursday afternoon at the of ce grubins block stouffville 0st trms 31 in advanc paid in advance job fort frailly alteom to stouffville ontario thursday june ajfirjjisas james gr 104 ye g00de olde summer time is with us once more and with seasonable weather you will always find our store full of whole number 849 standard bank of canada established 1872 assets over thirteen million dollars a general xjanltirigr business transacted j sollottor fe c jrhssell fitch pb barrister solicitor notary publi conveyancer 4c- office daleys block stoi lennox lennox button karri ter- solicitor of am k i ms all the uptodate lines of ladies summer dress and blouse materials and trimmings shirt waists wrappers fancy collars and belts and evprytw that goes to make up a stylish toilet m specialists in mens summer ssuii all kinds of straw and felt mats summer weight un derwear print shirts neckwear c keep cool and call on us chhuffi fetes stouffville ont savings bank- eposixs of one dollar and upward received on which in terest is allowed from date of deposit at the highest bank rate accrued interest i added to accounts every six mouths and becomes principal married women and minors may make and withdraw deposits without the intervention of any person field seeds loans made to farmers on note at lowest rate sale notes cashed collected or may be eft for safekeeping only for which no charge is made your business will receiye our careful and courteous attention mangolds jcmnfeum turnips ssjrjveyan c e r s stotrvilla oflice spottords block auroru uffi over ontario banl markham cnce opposite franklinllufi r herbert lennox john f lennox r lvu 8 ittan lunial jjfltr lds dds graduate of the royal college of dental surgeons honor graduate of toronto university post graduate chicago collets office over spoffords store residence rupert ave west end appointments may be rjade for evenings m sjafier lds dds luffville ont a ot royal college ot dental tlqnor graduate ot unlver- ttorosto fvrit to 12 am 22 to 6 p m fioe ip iiuibin8 block next or east of tribune office ittporotnieuimiay be made tor eve nings markham every monday and tue xlay offloo over u whites store shankss barbkr shop and cigar store we k ep no amateurs or apprentices first u workmen a call will convince it tbat our barber shop is up to date sanlf sceptic our cigar store i headquarters or 1 ist brands ol ciuakx anl tobaccos and w shank el prop 121 c o o nt college writes a jfre- na artiolo in the iale review io of the issues in the present which he points out tbat fsu p is hi the van of modern progress jjiu civilization struggling for exis tence against a power that is anti- modern and retrogressive he shows that che expansion ot bia country is une of che necessities of its existence during me past thirty year the pop ulation of japan has advanced from ju millions to 4070uuuo exclusive of formosa or 7 per cent about sjooouo arc now added every year jthe tillable land of japan docs not faiid cannot support t largo atpopu l lation and the deficit ofr homegrown food increases with tne pcpaiatioiu xess than 13 per cent of che land is under cultivation and not more than 15 per cent- is capable of cultivation intensive methods arc already in use and production cannot be increased in that way when ad the land shall have been brought under tillage the per capita share will be lesa than one- half an acre in this situation the jap anese have turned to manufactures last year 84 i per cent of thq ex ports of japan were whollj or partly manufactured articles while her im ports are largely food andcrow mater ials to a nation thus placed uuaolo to produce its food and materials in- preasing rapidly in numbers advanc ing with equal oil greater rapidity in varied industry laborious energetic ingenious endowed moreover with the maritime instincts and gifts of an island race trade becomes the very breath of their nostrils they simply cannot live without it and the natur al field for their nearest and most use ful trade is the fpninula cf corea and the mainland of northeastern cuina within the last thirteen years the commcicc of japan with east asia has grown 503 per cent that is to jiay it is more tbai six times greater than in 18b0 and it constitutes near ly onehalf of her entire foreign trade frofin thif source come the bulk of her food and materials in lysu sho bought from east asia an insignifi cant amount of cotton audi rice lasy year she imported from that region 35 million dollars in cotton and near ly 10 millions in various foods with five millions in oil cake used as man ure the enlightened mind of he japa nese perceives that the futuro of the country depends on trado and on trade as free as possible it is tho in- fltinet of selfpreservation that has induced them to proclaim tho open door wborovor thoir arms or their in fluence can prevail tho same in stinct prompts them to scokltho inde pendence and development of corca nnd the progressive development nn- dor chinese rule of manchnno and northern china generally no insists that tho japanese seek neither annex ation on the mainland nor oxclusivo privileges believing that these would fgree across the ono path to this future so imperatively needed so ardently desired fprecast and pursued jyith such extraordinary enlightenment islands russia not only barring tho advance of japan but threatening rer with industrial and political de struction- russia aims to seize north eastern asia including corca to the exclusion politically and commerci ally of all other powers so lar as pos sible ami of japan absolutely this aim ol itussia appears to her-states- men imperative and essential they regard access to the pacific througn ports open all the year as a need to bo satisfied at any cost and such ports pan be found only in corea oven rorl arthur and dalny being but partly free from ice commercially ihey seek markets for russian ex ports and traffic for thuf vast railway system they have slowly anqjat enor mous cost extended acrossi northern i asia and they think that in open mar s itussia would bo at a hopeless diu advantage- whether a fallacy on not that is the conviction that has hap ed their policy tho united coast and geodetic sur vey ia now malting a survey of the coastline and harbors of the philip pine islands the extent of it is shown by the statement that the coastline of the islands is over 11400 railesof double that of the unitect states the largest hand sale of the season was closed on may 28th when 40j000 tho largest wine cask over toade is acres m eastern assimboia were pur oxotmted in the agricultural build- chased by chicago capitalists it is pj n intention of the now proprietors ing at the worlds fair it will hold 44000 gallons and is made 0 oaft staves five inches thick french coop ers had to be sent for to build it a number of counterfeit one dollar t of canada bills have recent ly been put m circulation in toronto they aie easily detected by an expert but many of them are amongst our currency and people should he on the lookout for them general news the liorlin court of appeal has de cided that spectators in iei man thea tres have a right to hiss when mad ame da rah bernhardt appeared nt the klberfield theatre a iuai hissed md was nrosecutcd by the police for doing sbthe court held that thq po- lico were acting illegally mr t- heibort lennox of aurora has been transferred from tho llith york hangers to tlie governor genor- aiv llody jujrd it is expected chat he will obtain command of the jaia rid ges squadron and wjl lako a full com plcmeni to canp as the ranks are lining up in nagasaki japan there is afire- work maker who manufactures pyr otechnic birds of great sizo that when exploded sail in a lifcliko man ner through tho air and perform ma ny movements like thos of living birds the secret of making theso won dcnul things is said to have been in the possession of tlie eldest child of each generation for more than uk years russell sage is eightythree years old and still aj vork adding to his mil lions if e vd he hasi nover onco takfii cation regarding it na jtimo jsl to a busy man thq doctors he says may recommend a cbangiof hir for a sick man but why is hesickf sickness is an irreparable loss oi time all which suggests that if the old man has never gone off on vaca tion ho may wander a littlp in his mind now that it has been decided that a board of health is not a corporate body and thorefore cannot be sued it then becomes a question whet tier the regulations of an irresponsible bo- dy can be legally rflfrced ia no doubt that they ivonld be individu ally responsible for uuwarrantarjfe acts in connection with thoir office about two weeks ago a large num ber of automoniles from toronto itook a spin to newmarket and it is alleged that some of them went fas- ter than the law allows the result is that two of the manipulators have oeen called upon to answer forj their rapid speed along vonge street the rato at which autos aro lowed to go on tho roads n y c 1 tyis fifteen miles an hour the has come to enforce the law against such racing on public roads and those running motors snouid be obliged to assist the driving public to pass thoir machines to put the whole tract under cultiva tion at onco and they say the land will be under crop by a year from this spring and that is but the start of a scriea of such gigantic farms the highest market price was paid the total outlay involving an outlay in the neighborhood of half a million mo liars the work will be carried thru on a scale qever before attempted in canada f h gray agent the annual excursion of east york farmers institute to guelph will take place on friday june 24th via the g t it train leaves stouffville at 730 a m fare 120 fob sale a quantity of piping mil lira wi v intermediate r jumbo suttons champion halls westbury defiance simmers champion market drue store g coilard xsaje- a quantity of piping i selentflc optician ar4 dru and iron wire lor ienoin purposes halmaged by fire writo r- n- the end sealer in the open trolley fear is to be suppressed the now york city authorities have adopted an orh dinance providing tbat an end seat passenger must move along when an- athcr passenger boards the oar and seeks a seat beside ouch end neater if there is a vacancy in the inner aide of the oar tho transgressor is liable to a heavy fine or imprisonment 5ome new orkera aro wondering why if they want an end soat badr enough they cant get otf pay tther fnre ind niuke anybody in the car ahovq hiong r uuu ivutllu brin vexatious conflicts of interest with other powers and entail ondlcai responsibilities they seek andv seek only an open field for tbooxorocof that inlelligenc ii andi and 4lso enterprisu which they have jirotcd that they poeis inrrara dei the ujii for a meeting of tho stock- liolders of tho toronto street ruil- oytty co to considor the taking over of the metropolitan and olerh elcc- trio radial lines running out ot tho ci ty marks tho probable amalgamation na control of all these lines by tho btrcet railway as u pronpectivo ev ent iu the near future it moans alsq tho early construction of the aletron politaii north to the summer resorts on tho shores of lake gfmooej at least uoh is tho prevailing imprestiou silk culture is now a canadian- oi tpcrimcnl andrea yluani hasestab lished a colony of hifioiiowcountry raon at villanivillo labcllo county on the slope of tho laurentide mount ains among other industries is a ruul ibcrry plantation last year mr vil- lani sowed 00000 mulborry plantai iand a week ago ho- sowed onouglrsced to grow a million plants he expects in a couplo of years to establish an in dustry that will givo employment to a couplo of thousand of his fellow wi bo oarrid cross the louutrxmon bealdes furnifbr- p whore thot banks arq new industry to tho country hq i m c montreal with an exhibit of canadian silk mado by canadianbred worms he is taking hisoxhibit to thostloo is exposition the silk is encased in a beautifully workod hardwood box ibearlngor tho cover a bcaverwlth the maple leaf and on the inside tho atahan arms and blorj i the case aro 158 cocoons and ovcral thons ind yard of silk he sent ample- ot hi first crop to the italian govern ment silk expert and reoelved a r 4ort ot the anly t italian offio ial wya that the canadian illkl ffn more durable and mora ebiullent fh i 0ood in mo ther are th latest and most improved 7v j mote eitent i d wor d try pmkai7 all uhan tbecblnem orjpanew trie ooio pg all i vj collkkd sole apat tho death of mrs henry lunau pf union ville wfiich occurred at her late residence on sunday morning removes a wellknown and estimable lady she was predeceased by her hus- band some two tears aid is surviv ed by two sons and two daughters j j ofmarkham and henry albert of unionville the daughters are mrs ttgeorge sboults of the 7th conces sion ofmarkham and mrs arthur ellston ofldollar mrs lunau wasa devoted member of the methodist church and the funeral took place to bethel methodist cemetery on tues day services being conducted by rev sir lee on feb 20th mr robert hayes a mount albert cattlebuyer was set upon in a lone near simeoe st toron to and robbed of 700 rodney mor rison wro mulcahy and arthur mor ris were arrested for the crime and were tried recently beforo a juryafc itftronto the crown put im a num- ber of witnesses who swore that the accused had changed a n umber of 150 bills in hamilton bills of that do nomination wore also found on them when they were arrested but the pro scoution failed toprove that this mon ey had onco been the proporty of the cattledealer the counsel for the de fence did not call any witnesses and the judge charged strongly against the prisoners after being sent out a fsecond timo the jury brought in a vcrdiol of not guilty tho huge onespan arohed steci tiridgo which i to oarry the cape to cairo railroad across the water tf the zambesi river just below tho via toria foils will shortly bo swung in to position this bridgo will bo the highest in the world wltu a main fspan of 500 feet tho materials used jn tho construction of the bridge are to be transported from one bankj to the other across the gorge by an in- genious method devised by the engi neers of the cobomo sir douglas fox and partners about 40000 tons of plant will bo carried across the river over luet apart and tins will bo effec ted by an electric cabloway there there will be little manual labor re quired merely a taw men for driv4 ing the electric machinery which will do all the hauling the plant was built at darlington in england and after a thorough test at tho makerfa works was shipped to south afrioa jlalmaged by fire write lor prices to jas p scott co 187 duchess st toronto the right rev a sweatman d fj p c l anglican bishop bf toronto will be n stouffville d v on mpn- day june 13th next when the apos tolic rite of confirmation will bead- ministered in christ church service will be held at 8 p n rev fred l hainer b a pastor of the christian church who has la- so faithfully and with so much accep tance during the past yaar will deliv er his farewell sermon next sabbath filing mr hainer handed fri his res jgnation some months ago on ac count of illhealth but it was not ac cepted until acoiipla of weeks ago it 13 his intention to taken a trip for his health to the eastern states mark bam sun a radium clock which will keep time indefinitely has been oonstruct ed by mr harrison martindale of england the principle of this appara tus is simplicity itself the registra tion of time being made in twomin ute beats while its function in to ex hibit tlie dissipation of negatively charged alpha and beta rays by radi um the olock comprises 3 small tubs in which is placed a fauwite quantity of radium supported in an exhausted fglass vessel by a quarts rod to thq lower eud of ihfl tube which is coloiv vd violet by the action of thq radium an electroscope fornjurtof two long loaves or strips bf sllvei is attached a charge pf eletrlcity in whiih there are no beta rays is transmitted thru the activity of tho radium into th leaves and tan latter thereby expand until they touch the sides of the vesr sel connected to earth by wires whioh instantly conduct tho electric charge and the leaves fall together this simple operation is repeated fn- pessantiy every two minutes until the radium is exhausted whioh in this instance is computed will occupy 80 thousand years stouffvhit i wisk to inform my manj customers that the big toronto fire did not affect me as i bad all my prjjj goods in stock also a new assortment of hats and swell line of shirtsties collars etc etc nmmi the fashionable tailor todds block try onkhditsj for your rexall ggajg hold york county counoil opened its june session at tbs oourtbouseonad felaide street toronto monday after noon and after roading communica- lions and passing two resolutions ad journed until yesterday morning the wardens excursion to niagaro falls took ploco on tjieadayv george e o oxley wrote asking the council to aid him and a nuniborr of petition ors in getting increased accommoda tion on the cars of the metropolitan itoilway to prevent overcrowding ho suggests that tho qars running on wednesdays and saturdays at 080 p in as far as richmond hill bo run every evening d lloyd registrar for north york furnished a plan for ad- ditionalfilca in the registry olfioa ma jor morritt wrote ra headquarters for ihn gbvcrnor generals body guard in regard to this w was moved by councillor rogoreand powell tbat tho communication bo referred to tho finance committee to report at this the communication and poti tion from icertaln ratepayers of do land landing asking tohavqoertain csuiru farm landifo thyui orholland oiwtm landing douched from mfd rina licensed avctiomrb for to andttoh6dtothetownhipofeast ffeostu of tort oauria vllllmburyw referred to com s xtks2fs5t mlttco ot tho council which met ye f jgp mmttptgt ul kauut spring suit scotch tweeds worsteds serges the largest collection in tou mnhduse co m leading tailor