Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 7, 1904, p. 4

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christian soldier qualities discussed in this sermon are peculiarly appropriate w nitri noflliic i at ti t liontat o canada in the tbousuirtt nino jluattreu ant to y ii uamy t lorcnto l hepartsieai or a k culture ott a despatch from ios angeles cal- says htfv frank re will tolraago preached from the following text 1l timothy ii j endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ what is war war is a river of blood flowing into a river of blood war means sickness anil death wid owhood and orphanhood mangled bodies devastated harvest fields and pauperism war is a mortal grapple when nation says to nation my quarrel with you cannot be settled hut bv lighting and now we will see which of us two has the power to crush tho other and then they put their armies in the field commission ed to kill ono another war is a grave trench dug with bayonets it is tho heavens deluging countless tears it is man with clinched fist and flaming eye man with an artil lery wagon for a carriage and with tho surgeons operating table tor a couch war it is the most brutal the most fiendish the most terrific the- most blasting curse of the ages we havo the right to hate it with an intense hatred and to pray that tho princu of peace may give us moro antipathy to it and a more intense horror of tho awful suffering and death that it entails ih3jg00i men may fight it is proper and right at certain times and seasons for good men to go to war if they go with the right motive the qualities which go to make up a good and a brave soldier are those which should characterize a good christian the courage and self sacrifice and devotion to a righ teous cause which have been display ed in the field arc needed in the christians daily life therefore paul aptly and powerfully uses the figuro my text for a gospel comparison 3 is practically saying to young mothy look upon your christ as great leader and general enlist in his service implicitly obey his orders cimrge in christs name if the order is given you to charge do sentinel duty and trudge weary marches if that is your order he ready to fight on battlefield or starve in trench or suiter in hospital as duty may command all young people arc delighted with a military parade let me in this sermon re count for you how a gospel soldier should obey christs bugle call what does it mean to be a gospel soldier- first and foremost to take the oath of enlistment tito differ ence between an army and a mob the differwrco between a collection of men governed by one brain ruled by one voice directed by one order and a lot of men running hither and thither like a flock of sheep or frightened stampeding cattle doing as they will is the difference between the oath of enlistment and no oath before a man takes the oath of enlistment he is a free man after he takes tho oath of- enlistment ho is no longer an independent individuality ito is a soldier subject to the soldiers or ders and is liable to bo shot if ho deserts or disobeys his superior offi cers the oath of enlistment practi cally says i will if necessary lot others do my thinking i will go where i am told to go and do what i am told to do the oath of en listment is more binding than hands of stool a gospel warriors duty the soldier must ho able to answer roll call in a certain company of a certain regiment of a certain bri gade of a certain division of a cer tain corps so the gospel soldier must have a distinct place in which ho has his name upon the muster roll of the church militant there should bo no free lances in tho gospel army no guerrilla bands guerrilla ranks arc filled up for the most part with iconoclasts and anarchists and cutthroats but the gospel soldier must be a regularly enlisted man de tailed for work to some one bible- class to some ono sunday school to some one prayer meeting to some ono church a gospel soldier fs n christian who obeys orders i tow can you obey christs orders unless you have taken your individual place in tho gospel raiiks of christs great army called the church the true gospel soldier always con siders tlio posts of danger tho posts of honor lie wants to hear tho singing of the shells oven though that martial song may have to be accompanied by his own death rattle ho wants to bo as most of tho sol diers were after they had enlisled for the spanish american war oh how anxious tho officers and privates nliko longed for the front they wanted to have a glorious part in the hber- ation of downtrodden cuba some men had to die for that liberation then the brave fellows of tho differ ent regiments by telegram upon tele gram sent to tlio governors and to the officials at washington practical ly said we are ready to go to tho front aye to sacrifice our lives if need bo in our countrys service so eager were those soldiers for dangerous service that when soe of their colonels received the tele grams that switched them from tho transports at tampa to jacksonville fin there were sorrow and dicap- pointment in many hearts posts of difficulty posts of danger anil difficulty are always posts of ionor in the united stales array ard yet to hear somo christian soldiers talk you would suppose that tho pofcu in christs nrnry where there arc difficulties are tho posts to bo tjroidnl or desertod even somo of thn ccdnlnert ministers of jesus cbrltvl vint vrri oh says a visiting clergyman i am so discouraged why there has been nothing but friction and trouble in my church ever since i came to it ihe people have fought and misrep resented every minister who ever oc cupied this pulpit and they have been finding fault with and misrepre senting mo i am so discouraged i wish god would find me another place well my brother i confess you are having a hard timo of it i confess that some churches have a bad record i know of one church that for forty years bus made its chief fame in breaking down its dif ferent ministers ono pastor after another has been destroyed in regu lar order as ho came to its parson age ono minister was so tantalized and attacked that under the persecu tion of its members ho committed suicide but tell me you who havo been havimj a hard timo in that church do you not think yon aro getting along there as well as any one else could oh yes you an swer i know i am in spite of three balking elders and two obstin ate faultfinding trustees we ere taking in new members all the time never in the churchs history has it been doing so much good then my brother instead of complaining about your lot you should bo con gratulated go ahead and do your work god has honored you above all others lie has put you in a dif ficult position post of difficulty al ways post of honor a fact to realize they jumped to their feet by the power of a bravo example they arose and went again to work and again won a new victory christian sold iers wherever we go we can find our divino leader ahead our backs may ache but be is carrying our burden of sin our feet may grow tired but from his feet and bunds and head and heart nro flowing streams of blood in olden times a soldier was said to have gathered an armful of pointing spears and press ed them into his own breast that over his prostrate body his com rades might find a breach in tho enemys ranks and charge to victory so over christs body we may win eternal life and here and now up on the fouudat ion stones of a christs mausoleum may we build the great white temple of a chris tian soldiers sacrifice but thcro is another great fact which tho good soldier of jesus christ should realize the duties of tho camp rightly performed arc sometimes just as essential for gods work as duties rightly performed at the front the work which is done by the commissary and tho surgeon has sometimos a greater part to play in winning martial victories than the spectacular color sergeant has in leading the charge before the enemys breastworks what defeat ed napoleon bonaparte in his fam ous russian invasion the bayonets of the haughty czar no tho conqueror of germany and austria and italy could have brushed those guns aside as he had done in former campaigns it was tho haversack empty of bread which made tho little corsican run like a fright ened hare toward home it was moscow in lames and his men with nothing to oat that made the french commander tremble before the stony glance of death unrecognized heroes christian soldiers who are the stay athomes i have recounted these deeds of tho unrecognized heroes of war for a purpose i want to en courage you in your ordinary duties of life it is not possible for every christian to be a chinese gordon or a stonewall jackson it is not possible for all christian soldiers to stand in the conspicuous places and win the plaudits of the chris tian world but remember that the humble private in christs army she save cotton trade necessary that raw material be grown within empire experts of the cotton trade hold the view that the only remedy for the evil which has plunged lanca shire into distress is that the raw material shall be grown within the empire what has been done already was well stated by mr j arthur hut- ton vicechairman of the associa tion at a meeting of the statistical society in the memorial hall man chester the present crop of the world ho pointed out is as follows bales united states 11000000 india 3000000 egypt 1000000 rest of the world 1000000 throughout the world also there arc 112g00000 spindles and mr hut ton remarked that the one solid fact that stares us in tho face is that the present supply of cotton is insufficient to keep tho spindles fully employed sir hutton reviewed tho position j in india west indies uganda rho desia west africa and other pos sessions v and expressed the opinion that west africa will soon be able to grow cotton much more cheaply than america the associations operations of course arc limited by its funds and mr hutton laid stress upon the need of further supports in nyassaland 100000 acres could be put under cultivation in the seas on 19045 if the association were willing to finance this extension es timating tho expenditure at 30s an- acre it gives an outlay of ir0000 much of which if not the whole said mr hutton would bo recover ed in the first season 193uoe8cga04iqse4 9 o c o for home i recipes for tho kitchco 6 rfyfiitue and other notes for the housekeeper j swih but dont walk the tribe discovered in a new guina swamp a tribe that can hardly walk has boon discovered in new guinea so unused are these people to walking on the solid ground that their feet bleed when they try to go any dis tance they were discovered by sir francis p winter recently tho tribe is that of tho ahgamm- bos and since time immemorial they have lived in swamps their houses 9 0 ocogas34qo0vee the housewives song monday the clothes j rub and rinse out and wring and harbor no care or sorrow assured while hanging in freshing breeze that dutys welldone for the mor row tuesday the garments pure i sprinkle and fold with never a thought of sorrow and merrily with swaying iron this task is done for the morrow wednesday the dough 1 knead into flaky loaves my soul no trouble can borrow my hearty darlings may cat and live so ghrxily i toil for tho morrow thursday the needle i ply with whirling wheel and banish care and sorrow while viewing garments so deftly made to cover my loved ones tomor row friday the grime and dust 1 sweep all away my mind no trouble can borrow for deadly disease which lurks therein is routed today for tomorrow saturday the nourishing food i mix and stir and joyously sing for no sorrow enters my life of labor and love sweet rest cometh suro on tho morrow sunday i go to the blessed one who knows was acquainted with earthly sor row ho givcth me manna for my soul blest comfort today and tomor row sufficient t the day is the evil thereof this promise a surcease of sorrow for guidance and strength each day i pray and joy cometh on the glad mor row recipes for the table seed cake beat to a cream one cup of butter and two cups of sugar add three tablespoonfuls of sweet milk a little salt and vanilla or le mon to the taste with two table- spoonfuls of carraway seeds stir in flour in which a teaspoonful of baking- powder has been sifted and tank stiff enough to roll roll out thin cut in round cakes and hake in a moderate oven this rule makes about seventyfive cakes an apple plum pudding take three parts of breadcrumbs rolled quite fine one part tart apples chop ped about as for mince pics and one part raisins and english currants health department to endeavor to cheek the spread of pneumonia which is crowding the hospitals the stirring up of the dust in cities the more common colds and catarrhs as well as tho more serious pneumonia mrs lincoln says that although most receipts direct us to soak tap ioca an hour in cold wator there is less of the raw starchy flavor if put directly into boiling water than when soaked in cold water boiling wa ter changes starch almost instantly and begins to cook it tho stomach isljielpcd and diges tive conditions improved by an al ternating diet of the various cereal for breakfast j christ the- s lss0nr international uessoi apeil 10 text of tho zesson mark viii 272s golden text matt xvi is this lesson is recorded in llatt xvi and lalko ix as well ns in murl and contains the lirst particular pre diction concerning the rejection the death and the resurrection of tho luke says that lit was preparations used foods dont then tie yourself to alone praying and his disciples with ono particular cereal but pique op- him when ho asked thorn this ques- pctito and aid digestion by making jtion vhom do men say that 1 am occasional changes ho was evidently leading up to the it is not generally understood by following question whom say ye that away the dividends housekeepers that any cereal withllnni the jicoplo had various opinjmorc than 500000 a v1luable istai 5220ooco0 taken aom it in atjstraixa a mountain in queensland com posed entirely ol gold ore a london ncwspajjer announced uw other day that tho usual monthly dividend of 5145000 had veen paid on the stock of the mount morgan mining company thus far tho lucky shareholders in this company havo re ceived more than 122000000 in di- vidends tho richest gold deposits were found at the top of tho mountain and until tho top had been quarried amounted to month tfcfc tho exception of soups or hulled lions about llim somo thinking llim j sensational returns ceased aoveal corn after it has been cooked arid i to be johiu the baptist and others years ago and since then tho cfijn- set aside to cool can bo cut in elijah or jeremiah or one of tlio pany has been pnying regularly l4s- slices dipped in beaten egg arid jgiher prophets but peter answering fried a dclicato brown without jf himself said thou art the toughening or impairing its flavor christ the son of the living uod katen with maple or sugar syrup i wutt xvi 1c to this jesus an- and butter any such dish is an ap- j swcml blessed art thou simon petizing addition to the breakfast j for flesh and blood hath not or lunch menu revealed it unto thee but my pa- tew people realize how infinitely h is in heavc mattxvi superior to the line white turnip is the common yellow one try boil ing this vegetable with a bit of garlic add black pepper and a good lorrecoichris god only lump of butter and you will never uso tho white sort again man cannot of himself know cod can reveal himself to any one and this he does by his spirit but there is 000 a month and seems likely to continue to do so for many yeata for the entire mountain as far as can be ascertained consists of gold- bearing ore of uniform richness mount morgan in the southeastern part of queensland australia is probably tho most marvellous gold mine ever oicned there is pathetic as well as romantic interest in ita history years ago the mountain was owned by a poor herder named gordon who small radishes boiled whole with a- spoonful of minced parsley make a delicious salad when cold serve with a french dressing the ideal husband hindrance to our knowing god eked out a precarious existence by except on our part for all who will j keeping a few score of cattle he kadi may acquaint themselves with him fenced in the mountain and a strip ol job xxii 21 john vi 37 in tho words following spoken by our lord thou art- peter and upon this rock i will build my church if our teachers had told us that our lord j never argues remembers his wifes birthday never grumbles about the food praises his wife whenever he can is courteous to his wifes relations sets a good example for his child ren takes his part in bringing up the children is generous with the housekeeping money tells his wife all he con about his built upon such a piece of stone a business trolling stone ns peter takes an interest in his wifes j rid your heart ever say thank amusements food neither the wisdom nor the tho plain around it established hla residence there and fulfilled all tfco conditions necessary to make the property his homestead tho few people- who came to his little cottage wondered that lie tiad so uninviting a spot said thou arc petros and upon this petra i will build my church chosen and had also told us tliat petras signifies a piece of rock a stone while petra signifies a solid rock for the pasturing was poor and little a lodge according to any greek die- 1 of the soil was adapted to cultiva- itionary how much idle talk and hon he said however that he had controversy we might have been sav- i plenty of water and that consldera- cd from concerning tho church being power of hell shall over prevail against the church of christ as peter was privileged to open the door to the jews at pentecost and to tho gentiles in the house of cor nelius acts ii x xi we can see his uso of the keys but we must bear n mind that while the kingdom in- not be am does not mind owning himself in the wrong takes a reasonable interest in his wifes clothes walks about the house quietly when his wife is ill remembers that his wife needs rest and relaxation never forgets tho goodbye kiss bo- eludes the church the church fore leaving for business i the kingdom whoever heartily is always ready nv advee that jeslls is ul0 christ when asked on household matters mi it cannot but rejoice to ooverns hs house wisely nnd well h h fc ho com and lets his wife bo a helpmeet in hc church d ha the everv sense of tho word kingdom tlio jewish leaders having rejected him as their christ or messiah and a wator bottle that has become h determined to kill him the stained and dirty should have ajdiscinles aro forbidden to declare to few tea leaves and a tablespoonful ono uint he is the christ ho tthen declares plainly that not only have the elders chief priests and scribes rejected him but he is to surer many things at their hands and bo killed by them at jerusalem cleaning water bottles of vinegar put into it and should then bo well shaken rinse out thoroughly with clear water if tho nultoiii bo stained it will bo well to let tho tea leaves and vinegar re main in it for somo hours and it may bo necessary to uso a bottle brush mud and water as a result since there is no solid who as a mother living in the homo ground any where near them geucra- as a sister working behind tlio coun- i ion after generation of these people tor ns a daughter teaching school have depended entirely on canoeing to support an aged parent or to and swimming they are such good give an education to a young broth- j swimmers that they can glide over or is in gods sight ono of the es- and between tho half submerged reed cither chopped or whole as your being perched on bamboo poles and may dictate a teaspoonful of f fc abov0 tht salt and water to moisten sufficient- sentials for his great army you arc tho power behind tho main lino mak ing it possible for other christian soldiers to light in tho open paul is saying to the soldier in the rear as well as at the front to the in- conspicuous ns well as the conspicu ous soldier alike endure hardness ns a good soldier of jesus christ j and why should wo all onduro hardness christ because it is possible for every pri vate as well as christian officer to receive the highest of all soldiers re wards what is the highest yea the very highest we have read how the duke of marlborough was honored not only was ho created a duke but on account of the blen heim victory parliament voted him tho magnificent manor of woodstock and his royal mistress gave him 51000000 wo have road how ar thur wollcsley was raised to be duke of wellington on account of his victory at waterloo lord roberls recently the commander of the brit- lixli forces nnd viscount kitchener were raised to the peerage for their services rendered to the british crown but all there offerings and honors these dignities nnd fame given by a grateful country to faithful sons will bo as nothing compared to thn greatest k which is given to a christian soldier the like water snakes and it is as na tural for an ahgainmbo to slip into the water to go next door as it is for a woman in this country to throw a shawl over her head and cull on a neighbor they never leave their swamps but remain hidden in them from tho time they are born until they die they are as shy ns the crocodiles i good soldiers of jesus and reptiles that dwell there for two reasons first this life bus changed their bodies so that they look unlike any other human beings in the world as they never walk their legs have become small and lobby and their foot are j t so soft hat blood flows from tho cracking skin as soon ns they aro called on to tread on hard ground sir francis winter describes these beings as follows in a report to the australian government the men would bft of good sta ture if their bodies from the hips down were in proportion to the upper port they have good chesln thick necks and powerful arms but from tho hips down they wore shrun ken creatures looking moro like ines when viewed from the side than like human beings their feet are short and broad and wonderfully thin with weak toes they nro so feeblo that they look almost as if they lacked joints tho feet of all the people whom i saw rested on the floor when they gift which is the smile of npproba- stood or sat tioji from a loving divine com mander the well done i which i goes to the christian hero of the rain spots rain spots on a silk dress often seem to have ruined it till it has been ironed out when the chances aro that it will look as well as ever again the ironing must bo done on tho wrong side with a moderate ly hot iron a piece of muslin laid ly are all tho ingredients required j mix well together and steam for two hours serve hot with a rich sauce taking the precaution to make the sauce sweeter than is us ual us the pudding is not sweetened nt all spanish sauce with two ounces of loaf sugar and a quarter of a pint of water boil the rind of a small lemon nnd tho peel of an orange for a quarter of an hour nfter it comes to a boiling point strain nnd thicken it with onehalf a table- spoonful of hour and a half ounce it has been ascertained that in be- of butter beaten to a cream mix ginning to sleep the senses do not all together then add the juice of a j unitedly fall into a state of slum- lemon and small orange nnd boil j ber but drop off ono nfter the oth all together for a few moments j er tho sight censes in consequence serve hot with tho pudding f the protection of the eyelids to salmon pies salmon pies are nn j receive impressions first while all matt xvi 21 but the third day he will rise again when lie the third time told thein that he was to die rise again tic told them more fully of his sufferings cnormou and also the manner of his death that ho would be mocked and scourged and crucified matt xvii 2i xx 19 they do not receive his sayings nnd impulsive peter says that it must not be according to matt xvi 22 peter said bo it far over tho silk ns it is ironed will pre- urom thco lord margin pitv thy vent any possibility of its acquiring ke this shall not be unto thee a shiny look how we fall asleep different senses became insensiblo one after another tho other senses preserve their sen sibility entire the sense of taste is tho next which loses its suscopti- j bility and next the sense of smelling the hearing is next in order nnd last of nil comes the senso of touch j ijho senses sleep with different do- j tion had induced him to settle there- one day two brothers named mor gan came to gordons cottage at nightfall and sought his hospitality it was the custom in the bush coun try to make all travellers as com fortable as possible and gordon wel comed the strangers and set out his best store for their entertainment they were experienced prospectors and were looking for gold indications as they were chiefly interested in mining gordon told them about his mountain he said that ho bad ob served curious green and blue stains all over it and he would not bo sur prised if it contained copper he excited the curiosity of the mor gan brothers who next morning ex amined the mountain a shower enur ing the night had wetted the cocjks and one of the brothers observed in dications of gold that fairly startled him they said nothing but pocketed a few specimens of tlio rock and went on their way they had discovered the richest known spot on the globe a few weeks later the morgan bro thers again appeared and offered i to buy the land from gordon at 55 an acre he thought it was a good of fer and decided to sell at that time the morgans bad no idea of tie value of tlie mountain though they were confident tliat it would pay handsomely to work it gordon drove ids cattle away to another freehold and a few years ago it was reported that he had died in poverty onpugh to know ho lived ion value of tho prize through his hands a battery was needed to ti the morgans did m nnme of adoniram judson tho well done which is given to the humble servant girl and to the hum ble clerk nnd to tho humble nurse and to the humble missionary the soldiers sacrifice rut why again should we nil en dure hardness us good soldiers tf jesus christ became in so do ing we nro following his blessed example he who spared not him self but suffered freely for us has the right to expect fortitude from us from none of us does ho nsk such service ns ho himself rendered to us when the army of alexander tho great was scaling ii noted moun tain pass the strength of tho sold iers became exhausted many throtv themselves upon tho ground to die the great commander saw tho con dition ito did not curfie or up braid ho quietly dismounted from his war charger he threw nsido his heavy cloak ho lifted a prl- vae jioldicrfl pickax then vigorous ly went to work digging nwny at tho fee ills soldiers saw mm they kecw ho tt3 o tired as they than in a wny that reminded ono irresistibly of wooden feet be cause they wero so helpless nnd clumsy excellent new idea as this fish is so cheap and meaty in its canned form tho sides but not the bottom of a shallow puddingdish after draining tho salmon perfectly even to the extent of pouring some cold water over it nnd then pouring it off again immediately lay it into grecs of profoundness tho sense of j luke tho dish scatter salt nnd pepper touch sleeps the most lightlv and is word not given by nnd some small lumps of butter over tho most easily awakened the next ljian v como nflcr m ict it mnkc n gravy with a little nice easiest is the hearing the next is deny himself nnd take up his beef stock for foundation nnd thick- the sight and the taste and smell en with flour pour this over the j awake last another remarkable from this rejection of the cross on to peters denial he seems to be in creasingly out of fellowship but the rock but love of christ was unchanged to ward him john xiii 1 tho lord jesus told him that now he was representing satan nnd not god how strange that from tho same mouth may come blessing and curs ing sweet b water ami bitter jos iii 812 but peter although sav ed was not yet n spirit filled man there was much of peter when we arc spirit filled self is reckoned dead j and tho lord jesus alone has the right of way in us and gal ii 20 is our experience lie now called the people to him nnd gave thein a message as well ns ji- the discinles i motefroin f the others if tlio it had slipped 23 for sanitation of an ant city insects ore scrupulously clean in their personal toilet and often brush comb and wash themselves a service for which they aro admir ably provided with natural imple ments this habit is transferred to communal affairs tho streets within the city bounds and tlio gates and external plaza abd country roads leading into tho foraging fields ns with agricultural ants arc kept free from filth and obstructions that might gather filth tho con stant washing ond combings of baby ants by the nurses would satis fy tho most fastidious maternal taste one may not say that san itation is an exact cmmetonlan science but it certainly is an art thoroughly practised in every de partment of tho formicary and brought to perfection as far o na tural conditions will parmlt every insect cltlzn takes purt in this service all ants unite to keep their civic precinct dean salmon nnd then put tho upper crust over it this crust should be about nn inch thick beforeit is baked you should make enough gravy so that somo will bo left servo with tho pie jellied chicken boil until tender in enough water to cover ono chick en rcmovo when done and lot water boil down to one quart cut tho meat into small pieces to tho water ndd threequarters of a box of gelatine soaked ono tablespoonful worcestershire sauce and salt nnd pepper to taste slico ono hard- boiled egg ndd to tho chicken pour over it tho strained liquor mix well s put into square mould set it in a cool place to harden egg puffs soften a tablespoonful of butter to n creamy consistency by working it with a fork bent threo eggs to a froth ond ndd them to the butter add a level teaspoonful of salt and six tablespoonfuls of flour beat all these ingredients together until thoy foam then put them into buttered earthen cups or small tin pans and bake in a hot oven for half an hour or until they nr cooked through and nicely browned pudding sauce beat two level tablespoons of butter to a cream add onehalf cup of powder sugar and stir until light nnd frothy then flavor with gratod nutmeg and it is ready to trvo hints to housekeepers feather dusters havo been tabooed in now york city by an advisory board of physiciitanjnonted by the circumstanco deserves notice cer tain muscles and parts of tho body begin to sleep before others sloop commences at the extremities bc- to ginning nt the feet and logs and creeping towards tlio centre of nervous nction tho necessity for keeping tho feet warm nnd perfectly still ns a preliminary of sleep is well known from these explanations it will not appear surprising that with ono or moro of tho senses and perhaps also of one or moro ports of tho body imperfectly asleep there should be at tho same time nn imperfect kind of mental action which produces tho phenomenon of dreaming cross daily and follow me this cer tainly means following fully like caleb nnd joshua and not following thods nfnr off like simon peter not merely jworkiu at tho ijiave money enough to buy the necessary plant they therefore offered a half interest in tho property to a resident of rockkumpton for sh000 tho money to bo invested in machinery ho said it was too great a risk for ono man to take but he found lluec other men to go in with him carv investing 2000 there were thus six men in the enterprise the fdorgan brothers owning iuii rf the property five years later each of tlie six men was n millionaire tlio stock is now more wiuely distributed though it is in comparatively few iho mine has umde a fortune for ewry one concerned in u it was found that tho methods nec essary for mining ami reducing tho ore were unlqupns no similar for mation or quality of ore bid been discovered elsewhere j or1ginil rae- werc therefore devisjd tho mine profits of a sermon denying something to oneself but j at the foot of the mountain pierij actually denying ones own self nnd lis now n thriving mining own unif treating it as dead and buried thejthe whole district has necu trans- cross never suggests flowers or jot formed by tlm great expenditures of or jewelry but always prolonged- tlio company tho pliue where poor suffering daily dying 11 cor iv j gordons cattle found scanty sujisis- 11 rom viii m the saying con- lencojs now marked bv tho luxurious corning losing or saving ones life j homes of a few vervrieh men and the- was often used by our lord seo j c nu army of workmen usu ally numbering 1200 geologists bellow that they liave discovrd how this monjitiin of gold are came to ho formed thov living unto self in this present lift l th invnr- of the k two other occasion in matt x 0 john xii 2- there is the present nnd there is the future of glory or of torment to insist on pitying nnd pampering and indulging nnd f- lj j say that the occurrence of tl queen alexandra has just forward- 1 to wenn us from self nnd present cd to tho gordon boys home and things and lead us to seek treasure tho british homo for incurables 75 in heaven and imvo our affections representing the profits derived during there he sets before us his glory tho year from tho sale of canon nnd his kingdom assuring us of ills flemings sermon recognition in desire to have us share it nnd that eternity this sermon has realized v has given it to us john xvii jnav mean eternal poverty nnd lor- d to a former thernal spring went nnd surely will mean hint if l wt i pronous metal the precious blood of christ is do- with other mineral substances chiefly spised nnd not trusted in and pro- silica ami iron in solution cipitaled them at the surface in this way the wonderful mountain was built up and the whole of it is a solid mass ofgold bearing orcv total profit of 378g0 which has been distributed couallv between tho two charities n jontttfan5rrma7tk mr gcorgo o zulgltt of ingle- wood england owns a carriage mare with a mane of silvery bnlr 18 foet in length at tho tips sho in tm years old and is the mother of a colt a fow months old with mane and tail al ready reaching to the ground or dinarily tho mane of tho mother is kept braldcd and in net 22 24 i john iii 2 3 phil iii 20 hi wo must distinguish between our meeting nim in tho nlr ns ho leaves his fathers throne to ro- turn to earth to restore all things of which the prophets have spoken nd our rcluen with him when he shall bo mnnifest in his glory to sit on tho throne of his glory to judge the nations i thcss iv 1018 acts hi 20 21 col iii 4 matt xxv si rev ill 21 it wll well repay to look up every reference your prayerfully each ono for himself j seer must rearch tho scriptures nnd re- his ccfvc all meekly keep prophecy was timkly there is an old story of a french kings astrologer who made a false prediction concerning the is-ue- of ti certain battle you are hh cacelfenl prophet said the ltnjp casting n vicious glance at him now pray tell mo how many davs you think you will live 7 lslull die just thro dar before majoty nnswoivd iho wily mivcty c olive iook good euro to tbaumgm

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