the 8t0uffville tjbibtjne thursday january 7 1904 what london eats seven and a half b1luon pounds every year thr muaftred ftad tweaty rovnds of brut to xfrjr ma wmu mad cklu123 ro f meal jpr jssad 75 raada of jtisk yearly btit ikabltaat take rrdc f three- qaartftrs f a million milch cow the moat marvellous feature of tho life of london is probably tho pro vision day by day with the regu larity of a machine of food for its bixandaquarter million inhabitants from every counts in the kingdom and from evercountgk on tho globe flows in avefeam of eaay on a sarifavvast as to be auftvt in conceivable v in an average your over 4000 eacks of flour and 500000 quart ers of wheat come in by rail and cca onesixth from our own lands about onosixth from canada aus tralia and other colonics and four- fitxths chiefly from the united stat es russia and india enough of this is retained in london to make close on 2000uuo000 pounds of broad giving about 320 pounds to i very man woman and child ni to grind tho wheat london has 1509 millers and millhands while thero are 13522 bread biscuit and cakemakers and 11516 sellers of bread and confectionery it is said that 2 pounds of bread per day is suillcicnt to support life and consequently these two thousand million pounds constitute nearly half of londons food but quite as important is meat the musclemaker only onethird of the meat used in london is homegrown each year wo increase our dependenco on for eign countries licet wo get from the united states argentina queens land and new zealand mutton from new zealand new south wales argentina andholand bacon from canada the united states and den mark australia sends 10000 and belgium 4000 tons of rabbits while most of the foreign poultry comes from the northern ports of russia london moat kill altogether london recoives alive or dead 9000000 cwt or 1008- 000000 lbs beef is the largest item amounting to 4000000 cwt mutton and lamb the noxt totalling 8400000 cwt while tho remaining 1600000 cwt are made upof ba con pork hams rabbits poultry and game if all this meat wore consumed in london every inhabitant would have 160 lbs per annum but much of it la distributed to the provinces so that londons real consumption is about 125 lbs per head equal to 782000000 lbs for greater london to deal with the supply of cattle ahccgfid dead meat london has curcrs 14567 butchers 6422 pro vision dealers as well as 185 cattle cheep and pl salesmen and 316 drovers thtso are tio figures of tho county of london only of fish the supply is immense at bilungigato market over 180000 tons or 403200000 lbs are dis posed of in a year shad well deals with seventeen or eighteen thousand tons and a large quantity ia sold by salesmen by private contract then thero is tho freshwater fish some twenty thousand hundred weight of salmon principally from scotland and ireland being sold at billingsgate and large quantities otherwise disposed of thero aro thirtysix million oysters from whlt- stoile burham and southend and ten or more millions of foreign oys ters and thero is a vast quantity of tinned salmon sardines etc to bo added totalling up all sorts of fish it is found that londoners cat 75 lbs per head which is onul ts afloo00o0t3 the camels bead where the camels head goes his body follows cays an oriental proverb its the same way with disease a small opening will give it an entrance and when disease once has a place in the body a large number of ills may follow it the opening fordlsease 1 id3 ior xne wnote population the fish is disposed of by 778 cur- ers 6692 fish and poultrydealers and several thousand costermongers carriers porters etc rrodnc f 750000 cow tho milk of 245000 cows is con sumed in london and if we add thq cheese and butter to this probably london takes tho produce of three quarters of a million milch cows one third of a pint of milk per day seems a rather smalt quantity for each in habitant but multiplied by 365 and then by the population it amounts to the enormous quantity of 88- 000000 gallons this includes the 50000000 gallons we get by rail from the home and midland counties the 1000000 gallons that comes by road from tho surrounding country tho 8000000 gallons drawn from londons own cows and tho vast quantity of condensed milk which comes principally from switzerland 4iuttcr london consumes 94 00000tlbs a year which gives every mauv woman and child 15 lbs twothirds of an ounce per day with tho exyuon of tho condensed variety all ovr milk comes from knglish cows ut of butter london gets 90 per cents from foreign coun triesdenmark normandy austra lia canada the unvted states and the argentine republic cheese shows a belter complexion for six of the twelvd pounds which londoners eat per hwd la made at home the other six jpounds come mainly from canad anal the united states but the highcrclfitsj cheeses gorgonzola camembert brtt etc come from the continent the fsntal consumption of cheese in londonnjs 75000000 lbs theri there is margarine of whlch it is estimated that london people eat 5 lbs per head in its own name with probably us much moro under the name of dorset or brittany but ter say 60000000 lbs total con sumption eat bluus etc the number of eggs eaten is not ascertainable kach londoner is sup plied with 80 eggs by russia ger many belgium france denmark and canada but what numbers come in from our own farms is un known if we put it at 80 more then the total consumption of eggs is 1000000000 placed end to end they would circle tho globe nearly three times the thousands of tons of vege tables consumed are incalculable at least 160 lbs of potatoes are eaten per head or a total of 1000000- 000 lbs most of which como from cambridge huntingdon and lin colnshire over a million bushels of foreign- onions are discharged at tho port of london but all are not kept for consumption if wo add the cabbages turnips carrots beetroot peas cauliflowers artichokes etc probably not far short of one million tons of vegetable food is eaten or wasted in london of apples oranges lemons grapes luitjwrjrrtlsjnk currants outfl and other fruits 2257000 tons are im ported into london besides the immense home supply lastly there is sugar of which london consumes 600000000 lbs tea which it uses to tho amount of 38000000 lbs coffee 6000000 lbs and cocoa 7000000 lbs and for the disposal of theso and other similar foods wo have 486 sugar refiners 4758 jam and sweet- makers 939 cocoa and chocolate- makers 1259 makers of vinegar mustard pickles etc and 18123 grocers taking men women and children londoners cat the following quanti ties weekly weekly conavmptua auld bfig c ayr xtrik 4 u not a scotchman merely but all admirers of bum will be sorry to leam that tho auld brig o ayr whiih bums inunoviatixcu in u povm is in danger oi collapsing it was the spirit of the aud lrig which when reviled by the smit of tho new brig m the poem made the e mark able pioihecy ill be a i ttlivn yere a hajw- less cairn said the aula brig to fhts new tho prophecy has turned out true now twentylive years after and tho auld brig is tottering on its old foundations how old it is difficult to say cut deep into the wall are the figures 1252 there are people who say the date is mythical but archi tect lames norris who is an exinirt archaeologist and who is interesting himself in stirring up the bmh council to spend the 3500 neces sary to restore tho aula brig be lieves there is nothing improbable in the date the ayr council ia beset by one difficulty in the matter and that is why should they spend 3500 of the public funds if they can get the money required for nothing it seems that about a quarter of a century ago a man named tcmpleton left 50000 at interest which at the death of his two sisters was to be devoted to rebuilding the auld brig but the will was a heliograph writ- tan on a small piece of paper and oher distant relatives took proceed ings disputing the will now the ayr council will have to ascertain their legal status towards the mon ey but tho wheels of tho law revolve slowly and meanwhile the auld brig ay fall uanhunting by dogs the xlodhbdxll to be bald xactfch ulcllaadri tho third beriesoworking trials of the association tloodhouud breeders is to be held withnrhe next few days in a remote port opvar- wickshxre and although croxt6v smith has not been inundated witl applications to witness the trials ad was the case on tho occasion of thef gathering on the yorkshire wolds 1898 sportsmen and women us wcl as police authorities in various part of the country have shown inter in tho meeting by asking for partlci lars of tho place where hounds thro off in the two stakes scheduled fc decision for many reasons a croi is not desirable and althoui croxton smith is issuing invitatioj to those really interested ovcry fort is being made to avoid tho lection of a local crowd there are nine entries in the t stakes the larger ono being that f single hounds to be tested over line of three miles on a trail hour cold in this stake tho hounl will run in couples and there is if tie doubt that omulnilon thus atcd will ticifthtvn interest in competition for hounds will natur ly race for the lead the second stake will be in shape of a change tost for sinj hounds an arrange mvrit having be made by which the line original laid will be crossed and recross by a strange runner with a view testing the ability of the compctil hounds to hold a line of three mr laid an hour previously this is qui on innovation and so rigid should bo of the greatest utility at provious trials there has beer doubt at one stage or another as whether the original line having bj crossed had been held an irish sportsman whj broad meat fish butter and margarine eggs six potatoes lb oz 6 0 i other vegetables and fruits 3 sugar milk 3 13 pin cheese 6 3 6 5 0 8 15 13 y ioi3i what professor moleschott says j tho average adult ought to cat is lb oz bread v 5 1 meat butter potatoes vegetables sugar 11 14 1 f l 3 i j- r 28 3 1 taking into account the large nnnv- ber of children in london it is ob- vious that its inhabitants are re markably w fed hftak dspaslfs in stacklaffs uck bank of now bruns- rbw- zhm r which ia not i tilvca but i miit to- i vegetable prcparationforas- slmtiating tiicfoodaudrcgula- ting ihcstoraachs and bowels cf jrafijrcdkta promotesdigesuonclserful- nessandrestcontains neither opnimmorptiine nor mineral not narcotic jibcjtniw fiijulusja- jioitesttd jhpermat ftamsittl rtmautiqnr kiorgrtcn lars apctfect remedy for constipa tion sour stomachdiarrhoea wormsconvulsionsfcvcrish- ness and loss of sleep tacsimilc signature c new ytjrk exact c0pvof wrapper s f v the ctntuhcomrnv ntw york city ivyvcli lircl hten more usefully eni- vcd j i now it is said that per- a irnri f nvviti the hon alfroii beakin the primo minister of the commonwealth whose recent illness caused so much concern was u few weeks ago enter tained by the melburmans in oth er words his brother old boys of the melbourne church of england gram mar school says the london daily chronicle llo opened his speech with the remnrk that when it fell to the lot of u man to win any of the prizes of life he always thought first of his mother and next of his old school like a number of other men who became famous in after life mr beakin did not shine re- splendtntly at school in his own words his progress hud been by slow and easy stages and his position in class was invariably nearer the bot tom than the top he was indeed once imprisoned in the school lock up but as he had managed to smuggle in a sensational novel under his waistcoat the agonies of incar ceration were appreciably mitigated the primo minister is still an in satiable devourer of novels and nev er enters the legislative chamber without one or two fie settles down comfortably into a corner of the treasury bench and reads away when business is dull a kmiirt arramont a gentleman was on a holiday at ono of tho scottish county towns re cently seeing a lino of hose laid along tho street ho asked the man in charge if there had been a lire no replied the man weve on ly been practicing then the visitor began to quiz the brigade men how do you call out your men when theres a fire oh wcel was tho reply wo jost drap them a post card pear sons weekly tloult shorts bran j a mixed onr of ogllvloa hnngnrtau flour bran and shorts for nfo at rtavrest price 3 b lehman sons stair a the pa try ipcdsgl lu ifowisl- iv keap ii scjjc ill cu bt brii u f cm c ilfdiai sugars and othor staples cann id goods of every description always fresh fruits of all kinds in season wee keep everythi 1 tobe found in a well appointed qrocisftir and at reasonable prices ratcliff co xr4 if4w ksttf the lansdotvno family ia immense ly rich the land owned by tha marquis is as follows wilts 11145 acres hants 4 acres county kerry 94983 acres county moath 12995 acres queens county 8980 acres dublin 2133 acres limerick 1642 acres kings county 617 acres perth 9070 acres and kinross 1- 848 acres the gross annual value thus given is wilts 20824 hants 48 county kerry 9558 county mcath 10790 queens county 5310 dublin 3182 limerick 2965 kings county 542 perth 8025 and kinross 786 making in all a rent roll of 62025 per an num so yearc experience trade marks designs copyrights ac tloiustrictiyconiiijanmal ilundbookonlatect sent free oldest iipcncy for sccuriiir patents tatents tnken through muntl corccclt tpectat notice without c lntho scientific american abnndaomcly ihjjhtratcrt weekly jnrpcflt cir culation of buy pcleniiflc journal terms 13 a year four months 1 soxbyall newsdealers unnco new york branch offlca s f st washlnton dc horse marketi dsmsrds sound horess only jjeiltwcr cjrci p- 1 1 v r 1 ierrn a varicoce as it interferes with cca emftunsr tor- of ucntftn tliroui tho i aclnfif in the back icrrouiieeidcs ficart coiiftjatiou and a comt nation c tioftcj linutijs ofyomit a middle if yoi have reason io belicvj ru aro ruin jm dont irt doctors exprlient lit onr xcw method treatment ippcitra ami can never retura y vre vi or losa of time the treit men ma be free illustrated book in varicocele lntco to curo or ko pay hi iience the kidneys area great rouo ji oter til mall of the back tendiacj to i ess of bands or feet a drowsy feelinf in v our new method treatment brpans or no pay i bout written consent ion mich ays i bad ndary ktatro and two adinr i was operated eat suffer no but only s finally advised to 1 trentnicntef drs 1 veins dtitappeareil in li mue wan reniorcd in sir encrcry ar vitality m n fry respect i wllb my whole heart fo cure ho pay after treatmen fct manliood varicocele stricture syiji- jtnttaral dlxcbartfes com jltatloa free loree treatment 40 shelby stfeet detroit mjcm price jl j six jo- c mji it itl l a l do p j kcnoalt co enoibirj fclis v furniture lteaiis promptly a tended oriies modeintft bmk llliii iwv fi salk ml to kknt some lirttiiins if f arm s 0t vtmrt sa ii m nilrllttiuh td pricks twelve homes in different iartf of shmhv il- vnr iug in price fiom sw0 i 301 ogeats for fire insuranof icit of the best compttoie tltosiid life assurance co of canada agents and appraisers for the canada ve mr net ami western cdriru mortgager coriioiaiion money o lon ill and see ns- stouffer coulson i ffi8eszgk enuine cotton feltmatresse oo i assortment iron bd- large collection of parlor sui tes and bedroom suites deliv eied ingyour hemes at city rbessr- fine lino ot bockers and gentschairs suitable ior xma8 presents peron aurtine houto kccpinr nhoul call and jet our prices boforo purcbaa ng elaowhcio kburkliolder i 1 1 sill ajent for higuflrafle mclaoirllid carriages and cite a0 agent f0kthe speihgt wagons and shb s deering harveter binders mowers rakes seed drills seeders and disk harrows tolton bros guelpb ont pea harvesters pulpers the great harness compams toronto ont all kinds of bubber silver and brass mounted harness kept on hand wareroom in aiyo mall on the maiket i 1