the stouffvjtlijg tfilfcune thursday january 7 1904 new tears greeting save 25 per ont a new year sale at a new year prige special granlteware sale 25 per cent reduction on every thing in granite iron ware during the next en days iluetr f wu mert ips i 1k has assigned alter ruuug eut u conipuratiyciy abort tiuie osbava hat carried a watccyprfcs uy law to ccuvcy water irpiu tiii 1jiki at a cust ot s11000o mr aotatri otlpvouo visited tot a lew days last wee jt the home pi mi lit p hastings fob bale- a quantity of blue seed peas oieau at lot 22 con ux bridge jobnmittu lords day ailiancepmaaa liiooi- wiii be bold in luq methodist cburau litre 011 thursday jan 14tb it 8 p pi rev t albert mooro gonoral sec retary will address the meeting all the resident ministers areoitpectcf io iu bopreeant a meeting was holtun the bethe da school uouso on tbo 2nd iuain by a number wbo aro interested u a li- epliouo lint reaching iroui bethesda lubloullvillc among tbosp present were mcssis it miller w 0 renfrew fsiuuuviilo a d bruce and d oous iorjnley i if steele lemonvillu 111 spoiloru alniira it ratclifr jiiig- wuod o- a brodio and i pike and d h lluisc betucsda mr it miller was vttcotrtolhp chairand 1 w uoiso ivas tit ice ted aa secretary by resolution it was unauiiuoualy decided that tbo copipauy be called tlio bother ji and piouiivule- telephone company the following oincers were then cicitiit tlcaidoiit it miller vioqiroi g y biodie scctreas d w ucise board of management a ix- bruce and i i steele together with hie rreaiuont yice1rcsidont and sec retary as committee on constitution no bvlawa p imstcolo and a- d vero appointed to wait upon ltfcu-bitj- mr frank davis of toronto lis ited at home over the holiday mr geo dixon of toronto spent new years at the old home miss flossie webb of orillia tpent a laydays with mrs d in barclay mrs geo mat hows of peterporo visited relatives hero on new xea mr jt lander oftoronto was town on alondayo record uis e rev a p braise of newtonbrook spent ftew yearswith friends lawn mis sarah morgason and mill col litis ol goodwood spent- a taw days with mrsh johnson mr liarvyn james of toronto yisiteci over the holiday at mr a c ivith i burkholdcrs mr and mrs jas cook of toronto spent new years atithehome oi mr k saugster mr percy smyth of rochester yisitec at the homo of mr iiisang stei on new years the g t r water tank here rose for the first timeon monday dr smith and wife spent ndivs- years at omemeo anitiiindsay mrs stevenson of toronto wait ed at di smiths on new yearj fob sale a cow supposed to be it call ai west market ou tharsili utxt- 1 to seo mr l3wis to baout again afteta fol sold ury of hamilton and ileury ot markham were this week lartba pike of locust 1111 been spendiub a iq dways c a mipholl messrs beverly and elgin hail- jngii spent the holidays at gauniij ton and other points north the jtogal packing co of verry mr robert stewart ofthe ninth line whitchurch is nowlocated m his new house in town- mr allied smith who has for i he jbaat year ot twfjbeen in british col- wmbta7paitrstpuffvilio a short visit pjajjo tun1kg heiutzman i companys piano tiinor e a shaw is here from toronto lea vo ordec at market drug store rev j k aikonhcad will preasn miasionary sermons on sunday next at ballantrae at ilia m at beties- jlit at fi pm and at lemonville at v p ni mr j w shankol spent the holi day at lockport and iwas accompa- ciieu home by mrs shankol who hud been visiting frionds thoro fon a tow weeks mr a d bruco of gormley alien ded as delcgato tho mooting of torou tc presbytery in connection with the call oxteuded to rev r barbour of toronto toco ahe councild ot their respective town itdiips and obtain right of way for the erection ot tho iiio committee to pur juusomatcrialg a brodie d ileise and p p steele sovcn liue al ready enrolled thoir names as memb ers und nave paid tho initiation feetoi ten dollars four hundred poles jiivb jkcu out and aroroadyto bo planted as soon at weather will permit con sidering the reliability ot tho parties who arc taking bold of this matter ivcs tho project permanence ut the ftutsct aid all wboaro interested and desire to partioipato in tho boneiits ot this company should at onco lnvc their names enrolled aa member tud ay a fco ot ten dollar into tho irvas ury as funds arp required at unco to viepeco with purchasing of material 6t0 oto i lost between spoffordv s lore und presbyterian oharch on sunday night a red belt smith buokla in f tont and behind findor ploaaploavo at lliia office sealed tenders wanted for yd cords ot 24incn grcon body wood j3 beech ond 2a maple to bo dcliv- erotl at bloomington sohool liousa by maroh 1st 100 tho lowoat or any tendei not necessarily accepted ap ply to ezra club1ne scctreas safrurday jan tth at i p i at lots 74 und 75 conf whitchurch 1 14 miles south of aurora t or j aores 01 standing timber boooh and maple in 14 aoro lots- belonging io mrs w ii major terms 20 por cent cash balanco on oct 15th 1u01 to be secured by joint and approved notes n e smith auctioneer the special meetings in tho mem orial christian ohurcli is proving successful last night two precious soul decided for jesus and pubiiuy declared their purpose toiivo x chris tian inc three unf ted with the church on saturday last and thurs will unitt on sunday noxt tho paiiir vt c 11 liainorwho jitconducting thes o cervices has proacned fuu nights on the momontous iuostion what must i do to bo navedit wnd will continue it thursday and friday nights special sorriccs will ontioue through next week all wolcompf mr- geo mustard of auoiuhis is fruiting tfiends in this vicinity mr- vo mustard ot almira rpent bunday with mr g k duncan mr jonr ross of toronto spent ew ieats at mr t- forsyths mr- h- h mitchell of toronto vis ited at home for a fan days last week mrs r b duncan and daughter annie spent a day in toronto last tweek roi a- h mcuillvray of newmar ket presbyterian church has been sailed to first church chatham misf burkliolder of toronto vsit- fcd for a fowdays last week witu her sister mrs adam wideman of this town- mr hau of toronto eldest sou of mr wi hall visitotl his parents here pn new years v eev geo washington m a- of jlemonville will preach in the meth odist church hero on sunday morn ing next a special sermon to young men will be preached by mrs aikeahcid in the methodist church hero on sun day evening next au are cordially jnvitecc to attend rev r baibour of toronto has accepted the call to thai pastorate ef t jamer and molvillo presbyterian churches and is expected to take charge in about threat weeks mr thos armstrong of indian bead n w t formerly of stoaff- ville who is spending tho holidays at v home of hia father in pickering called on old friends in tpwntnd is lill the same genial ttom thij standard oil co is agitating agaii- to have crude petroleum put tin the tree list this may mean cheip er oil for a time until the canadian ol men are frozen out of thp business then up goes oil to the highest nolcn uness the refined artiolois plaeej on the free list the following relativse spent new years at the homo of mr and mrs c barkei mf- and mrs jas breth- our of sunderland mr w d bre-h- our of lindsay mr and mrs a k fielding and master stuart oi to ronto mies eliza st john of torou- to and mr and mrast john ot lx- ijjridge township at the election hero onr monday the ipllowing wa3 the result for reeve it underbill 180 jb wurta 5 for council w a sjngater 201 j c 3aa0y 184 c armatrong 17u it p cotilson 100 h wiuxntield 114 thercforcrtbe council for luji ar lleevc underbill and councillors aim strong bundy sangster and coul- son tho good roads bylaw was defeated hero by ai majority nf75 according to government rotuius the quantity of spirits taken tor con sumption in canada during the last titcai year was 8208707 gallon as against il1234aa0 gallons in 1102 this represents 87 gallons per capita of the population in regard to tobac co the consumption represented 2oi8 jba per capita as against 240t in 1002 there woro 1082004422 pi gars taken for consumption as ag ainst 151780510 tho previous year there was likewise a vory considera ble increase in thei consumption ot u- fearcttes the numbcr was 170jj- 40 this past yoar and 134u051 in 1002 ot theso 170000240 aro clas ted as foreign 015 courso tho per cap itr is reckoned on the last yearv eon- aus hence the very considerable ad dition to our population last year will account tor some ot tho increase how is it warrider can undersell all competition answer with a large experience it buying and paying- spot cash re ceiving big discounts using economj in advertising en ables him to sell aiuch cheaper than any store in town vve take the lead in supplying the trade with uptodate goods already the new spring goods keeps pouring in see our new prints great values from 5 to j2c per yd sold elsewhere from 8 to 15c new ginghams muslins sha ker flannel dress goods clothing yes a general assortment of new andfashionble good for the spring wear stacks of sample shirts and jremnants of dress goods selling less than half prices we are head quar ters for good goods at lowest prices moeihg we have a fine line ff tweeds cheviot serges wont beavers and whipcords for suitings and overcoats satisfaction guaranteed drygoods underwear flannels yarns mits caps c c groceries wehav3 x fresh stock of flaked rice eans wheat oa meal wheatine swiss food granulated wheat aciw manitoba and lily white flour canned goods extracts jelly powder fresh coffee and cheese blue eibbon and monsoon tea crockery and glassware jj rae the pioneer hockey last thursday night clarcnionti ju niors came here to try conclusions with the stouffville swifts and won by a eoort of 1v1 a juuioi hockey match was piay ed on tuesday at uxbridgo beuyeon the home- team and port perry ee miltin in a score of 103 in laor 01 port on wednesday night at mariiaui a hopkey match was played betwij oxbridge and tho home team ruauit- ug in a score of 103 in favor ol maikham it is apity that markuuin cnouid resort to donnybrook tac tics instead of scientific sport at t monday morning was thoooldjsin six the davyn wasoloar and thefntars tihone brightly wwlp ho meroiry at abopt 24 was hugging tha bpttom of tho thormomoter only lti timjs in tho last thirty years has ie bcoa cold er and then with ono oxooption lat er or- in the soason not in 35 years have we had suohporsistont an4 con inucd intonso oold at this time ol tho year it has ponotratedf many cellars lind where waterheating is employ ed and frozen up tha pipes and done much damage to plumbing wo wro nowr the oentro of tho cold wavvu nut tho snow blizzard scorns to havo slltyjpk cast and south of us in tho maritime provinces it was tho ivorst jbiiow storm in 10 years a littlo to the north tho thormometor dlppod io bo degrees bilojy jforo on m morning tho t am train did no rive hero until attar ono p m- as i- ny of the- water tanks on the way were- frozen up and it was difficult to get u pstcambur woatbof prophet has been predicting a break for kmio timo but all signs seora to fail whilo ohl boreas is getting in his fino work however tho average must soon bo struck and wo mayoxpcot a mora con gonial atmosphoro at no vary distant date whipb w lesson tho hovry drain on coal bins nd woodpiles there is perhaps ono good fpa tare b put this cold weather and that is thai most microbes aro mado to lllo low and the pablia hoalth u mtub bet tar than ii tho woattir were warmor a the sioultville hockey team te- bav the new year by defeating ine l r brock costeam of toiyiitu uho came on thormoruiug train with a numbei oi supporters the gime wav called about 430 in fitteea seconds tho visitors had tallied tueu- oal that aeemed to bo the alarm ioi our boys t owake up and ut luc end ot half time the scorp stood lix in iavoi of stoutyilie in tho iuai nalithe referee whomthey had bioa gut kith them gave entire witiaiac- iion bui in the second half ha irau to win tilt- game tor his team utiu was very uuiair at one stage of hie game three red shirts were deciriv nig the leuoe together giving tue us uors a very uuiairauvuntage tuu li- ual score was 150 in favor oi ibe home team at lindsay on monday night stoiui vim plaicd their o 11 ai lediu mach with the team of that town fvoni the start both teams woikju nard and in about ton minutes stoju iliie tiiu one neithor team ssorcu again i ju when liausiy lound the- allourr hoys woiteu uaiv uup at tho end of halu y tue sort war 3 2 in sloullviljes faror liiiusuji evened up the spore in ihu oecuuc halt both teams weip puctiug up a very sluubjru gamo when flints skato came oil by borrowing a skate lnu boot he waasoou on thu ipe ugin uui could not do as well with tua lor rojvcu skate linusay again spoiea tuen siouiiviilo scored two in two minutes and at tha mid 01 tiuio tue game- stood five tp live the retuiee men oroeieti tho teams to play tive minutes each way in which ueuuer team scored another five miamos cue way was ordered in which liiu i to score one tho rink being veo yiuch larger than our own the boys got lirotj fr go mucuskat ingthc match pndcil about 11w iteierce mephorson who is treaaur- pr of the o it a gavteutiro saituiap lindsay played cullaghau whq lias played with mjdlapd and oriljip mid therefore tho gamo maybe prptcaied the noxt o h a gamo hero on thursday jan 14th botwoon lind say and the homo team a eompiomiso has been arrived ut between tho pakenbam pork paok ing company and a number ol concrib r lien pf that oompany mr mcan- ov official referee pn cdiics- day morning of last week jijed an oidtr confirming tho agreement whereby tbo ountestiug contnoutor ict consent to pay sovontyliyu per cent of tbo amount which tho liqui- ialor alleges to bo duo by thorn tb a mourn which will bo roatizzod by this compromise will bo about s109s those who bavo consented to tbo ag itcment and tbo amount duo by thoia arc as follows w browster 135 j brewster 160 jawan 100 cottage to let on mill st touf fville apply to s- l freel mr r b duncan attended the meet ing of toronto presbytery on tle-v- as delegate from stouffvillo in con nection with the call extended to rev it baruoui ot toronto a massachusetts pastor aa3 el3i ee a no chui-ch- signal to be tus ed on stormy sundays to notify par- nhiouers that there will bo ao ser vice membeia of thccungiegatioaira itlihted auu want tho ayatm ox- itnuto so tney can be informed wrheu jrepileeti on is to be taken up and tiuiue titemselvos aceoidingly it is all a mistako to eaii japan 11c tie ot regard heiasan any wt an iniant jxuong nations she had a pop ulution ol 42 miilionsaud an area lin ger than the british isles and she is u much the same temper just now ihai giet britain was at the dawnoi ne caleei ul conquest tho ujscr gating inuepenuent patriotic state ol ninu in which nothing seems too uiuicuit to accomplish uet peupie aoiuiogoncuua brave and iutohaeiy lievoied to their country woati oa iii liiean antagonist in war anj pre iio nconsloerahle factors m time ol jjiaco hojut writers aro unconaoiousiy lict in then manner one always apoaks oi liinsclt as one riu a- uiiiei uses the ancient pronoun ye anil so en others ailecta humoroii alio grotesque style in dealing witn siciou things there ia a certain ain- uunt oi uigiitfieel quaintueas wh pjuiatiuie witn reverence a line ex apine oi this ia bunyana illgrilns iiigreas but it is easily iiyaiibib pr jokes to he coarse uuic cc-ries- iunueiivs neglect to sigu their nuuies vitu seeking pubiieaiiun tor tumg injurious to otnera a meaner la4 uiai- seiitnng an anonymous letter is to sen a wrontj- name ue iiavm tm- queimy written to a correapuiiueut at int- auuiesa given auagotour letter fc tiuuugu the detui- letter juice ouci itttuis usually ueal wuu act and ailect personal character ll uv- er the tribune prints an anonymous ieiteiii wip up so inuipated tuu ue ui a noiu uip iumo ia ollcu in ine uesi ui taste- it is pijrioua however how jiio iiiuice ol this shelter ia iiiiauscu it a man has something to say tnai will autertise him or his business or uring inm favor o inon or in ingn liuarteraho likca to have lii uiyi name to it it it is something chat is sun to makecuemieahoprefcra to let the newspaper bear tho whole tue ooioquy precisely tho opposite in bum cases would bo more maiiiyj u have sumo correspoiidents more vei who whenever they java ui hug pieasanc to aay write ip auotii er newspaper butj who they have something disagreeable in the iutor- esi oi publip morals como to tho pii pel whpli thoy tbink wil daro to pub hah their letters bpt this is apt tjip wax to encourage indeponuoup they are lain to appea m cini of need clinics in toronto on of sbltlflo fkrasaa tkmt vonnd tbo hospital doctors complain of a lack ol clinical material in toron to this is ono of the scientific phrases that sound innocent some of us havo been clinical material w bar not to bo so ony more teachers ar quito content to uso pictures for illustrations soino preachors gt along very nicely with limelight views why cannot the doc tors experiment with a few wax works still if a patient gets a free cot it is perhaps his duty to aid medical science by becoming an ob ject lesson in clinics if so he should also get reasonably decent treatment by tho nurses after all that is a shado better than tho dissecting room it also illustrates quite as aptly the curious brotherhood of the race a poor man compelled to take the public ward is subject to tho samo ailments as tho man down stairs who has a suite of rooms and a special nurse the pauper wbosa cold remains go from tho morgue to the second year in medicine has pre cisely the same nerves and muscles as tho magnate who rides past tho dis secting room in a two thousand dol lar automobile toronto nows are tvro of them cnnadlan tho ship canals of the world nlno in number as follows tho suez canal tbo constadt and st petersburg canal tho corinth canal tho manchester ship canal tbo kaiser wllhelm canal tbo elbe and travo canal tha welland canal tho american sault sto maria ca nal tbo cvuwdlan sault sta mario canal will lie saved if you study shorthand type writing at the ymc a i 5fe we have tho axcluqivo richt to teuicv the famous grtgc shorthand in toron to we also reach well nil coraniarcia subjects better investigate information free winter term jan 4 1904 wm brooks associate principal j w westervelt char acct 0tla qecdr tha world uses 500000000 worth of cotton goods in a year rexall hgtgf dyes fheso pyes will dye vool ojtton silk juto or mixed goods in one bath they aro the latest and most improved pyo jp the world try a packago all colors at 0 collard solo agopt elevator cooks cotton root compound jbadlea favorite 10 tho only safe rcuabm regulator on which woman con depend in tb houu and tlroo of need prepared la two degrees pc strength no 1 sd no 2 no 1 for ordinary casta u by far tho best dollar medjclno known no sfor special caes 10 dejreca btronccr three dollars per box ladles ask your druggist for ooovq cotton tloot compound tako no other as an pills mixtures and imitations ara 4anfferou no 1 and no 2 aro sold and recommended by all drusirlsts in the do minion of canada mailed to any address ou receipt ofprlce and four zcent poitaga btamps tbo cootc componr y windsor ortb 2 aro collard anil 0 r duncan the dominion piano tlie pioneer cja n a d i a n piano favorite of worlds fjurjs and q f papadian jjornes on principle of grand piano jfearly 76000 dominion pianos and organs made sold such are the instruments we want to interest you in bran bran wo have just received a car ot bran and shorts and we are prepared to supply all your needs for mill feed get our prioos before buy- g- manitoba flour pastry flour salt chqp and qraji altos op foano all kinds of oralar awl see bought apd sq4 just step in aofsee a dominion piano or a domiinon organ por a pflritmas gift is what will tnafeo the whole household bright and happy wm fleming uxsaocr and sow aoest harkham j tho varioty of blankets robai mku gloves furcoaasaskatohowan itibes coats and mils oilod suits waterproof working coats- lap rugs trunks valisas axlo grease cantor oil harness oil sopsrator oi ropes rope bos brushes conjbs floofqintrflonf flail ciro ljco qrewipg iqi infecting boirdar stock iw constantly kept ou hand jar noss constiuily kept on hvi 1s matjo to ppjor repairs promptly attended to j rrr i