v how roialths 80 to law ths king as a cannot appeab witness f nor institute a civil action but r the prince o wales can it is a wellknown fact that the sovereign la above what is called common law that is the ordinary law which is binding on every sub ject in the realm the eaig cannot be sued as a trespasser or a debtor nor can he be cited to appear as a witness but on the other hand the sot eloign is unable to take any dvil action ftgirt a subject though be can institute criminal ptoeoalngs against any puson in the kiufptom but ie cannot appear as a witness in the case the other day a man was prosecut ed fr foiring his majestys signa ture to a cheque drawn on coutts bkhjc but king edward even it le wished to do so could not go into to wilnebox to prove the forgery is evidence had to be gier through tbo modiuni of other parties shortly after his majesty then of course prince of wales had pur- ehasd the samiriifjglam estate a dispute aroso between ore of the tenants on tlo property and his hovui landlord in connection with the pre of gome wjich oven- tunlly lefliucd in a lawsuit there is notliing to prevent the prince of avales who is a subject of the crown from suing in the ordinary courts cf law and that is what his majesty prkccd to do against i his retaitory tenant tro case however was settled out of court the tenant giving up the farm for tvhlh ho was well compensated abroad royalties are much more vfequoutly involved in lawsuits than they are in great britain though the parties proceectod against by uoyalty seldoh win tiiejil cases the kaiser like our sovereign cannot appear personally in an or dinary court of law but he can and does appear from time to time through his representative a couple of yeais ago a wine mer chant sued tie kaiser for the large bum of si 250 tlo knlrer had prior to this action paid tho mer chant his account which amounted to some thousands of dollars less trifling discount and transferred ms impel ial orders for wine elsewhere the wine merchant having lost tho kaisers custom determined to ex act lis pound of flesh and sued ms lato customer for tie full amount due ojwthe wlno account tho case vojrdaliyvupnt to the supreme urt of appeal where ii was main chtnsseasjishwashers chinks make good genkbal sekvants sellable at r taincd that the merchant was en- tilled to his 51250 and this is al- mojt a unique example of a subject winning a case against the kaiser in the i igher courts in itussia no one can take any ac tion against tho tsar unless ho bq of noblo rank and oven then it lis extremely dangerous work for the litigant to proceed against ms im perial master there are very few instances of such cases and they generally result in the plaintiff hav ing a very bad time of it for tho rest of his days a russian noble however a couplo of years ago had tho temerity to embark on a law suit agairst the tsar in connection wkh a disputed boundary which divided part of the noblemans pro perty from that of bis imperial ilajesfy thq property was situat ed in siberia near some valuable gold mines nnd the boundary line was a ques tion of considerable importance to both parties the russian noblo- jnan not only lost the action but incu red bis royal masters grave displeasure which necessitate his leaving ruteia for some years on tils return he found that a largo portion of his estates had been confiscated ond was informed that he had committed a number of of- fences which could oly be expiated by tho payment of a largo fine amounting in our money to somo thousands of dollars sometimes in great biitairi rumors get about that royalty shelter them selves boh it id their exalted position from the inconvenient consequences of the law usually such rumors ore entirely without foundation recently king edward ordered an inquiry to be mado into the circum stances under which a certain royal pfinco wfts said to be connected with tho doings of a financial company that failed two eminent lawyers conducted tho inquiry and fully sat isfied tie king that no logal liability whatsoever was attached to tko royal prince in question for tho do ings of tho company otherwise it was king edwards full intention that tho prince should be held nn- sworablo in tho ordinary way for ms share in the companys transac- i tions a the sultan of turkey can be sued by any ono of his subjects in a civil action but the action must be taken through a minister of state this is tie lotter of tre laxv tho reality being that if anyone attemp ted to do so he would promptly lose his head actions of this sort are theicforc unheard of in turkey biibal shirts tho scandinavian bridegroom pre sents to his betrothed a prayerbook and many other gifts she in turn gires him especially in sweden a shirt and this ho invariably wears on his weddingday afterwards ho puts it away and in no circumstance would ho wear it again while alive but ho wears it in his grave and there are swedes who earnestly be lieve not only in tbo resurrect f on of tho body but in tho veritable resur rection of the betrothal shirts of such husbands as have never broken their morrlago vows the swedish widower must destroy on the eve of his second marriage tho bridal shirt which his first wifo gave him 1 bessie lets play woro marrlcd- johnny no i shant youre blff- gerh mo sza besides mamma told me i munt font hard working fairly and great hand saving douglas knocker who spent a number of years in china and is thoroughly familiar with ell the ways of the wily chinee writes an interesting article to the empire re view on the chinaman at home and abroad tho majority of writers on chinese servants refer to them at home where the supply of workers is far in excess of the demand for tho wages are to tvoin high and their number practically unlimited in china therefore it is possible to ob tain as good a servant as can bo marie of a chinese- one shoulj how ever study the chinaman not only under home influence but when he has engaged himself in service in a for eign land the widely spread nature of the c ineso invasion into other lands is well known many occupations at tract mm ho particulaily appro- cites tho freedom ho enjoys under british rule the chinaman at home the usual plan of getting a chinese evant is through a native of known position who will guarantee tho char acter a preliminary interview is of courso necessary so iu their very best clothes such as will never be seen again as they are probably borrowed tho candidates will be in troduced to the new master one very hlg ly ieommeuccd will ap pear and if ho is definitely rejected will be succeeded by another all hav ing a bundle of characters from for mer masters for a servant always demands one on leaving and it is gerorally given him whether ho be good or bad to save the worry and unpleasant consequences of a refusal tkey offer for inspection many sheets of note pajcor somo very dirty and cracked cmboesed possibly with the arms of a legation and bearing a signature what may be historic or uttorly unhrtowrr tbey can bo hired out at various prices ono candi date for instance produced a testi monial given by a lato governor of hong kong to lhs cook and though his appearanco was uninviting the title governors cook had so seduc tive a sound that lie was given the engagement registry offices and advertisements being at present unknown a newly j rived that will bind a chinese to speak the truth when abroad the china mans genuis as a trader manifests itself to a marked degree- he is rapidly beating the european at money making and it is said that singapore is probably as much own ed by chinese as calcutta is by the parseos with the scientists tho mooa is populated water and xife prof lapworth regarding tbo moon with a geologists eye feels convinced that it is an active and living world tincture of iodine is valuablo for sterilhdg water four drops in a carafe of water is suoioict to ren- dor tho liquid fit for chiniing pur poses within half an hour water plays an indcspegsohlo part in both the environment and the in ternal chemistry of life it forms more than half tho weight of most liting things and all tho activity living parts of animns and planu consisting of water holding tho other irtgreclents in solution or suspen sion tiffanys diamond export recently during a lecture showed radium gowirg tlirough a glas tube a rubber tube a piece of lead piiw a piece of iron pipe three copper cylin ders and a jar of water the won derful substance apparently shining as clearly through all of these sub stances at once as it did tlirough any ono of them with the methods now in use soven- tenths of tho force in coal is wasted a few years ago the waste was nine- tenths mr edison declares that a bucketful of coal should drive an express train from new york to philadelphia and a few tons bo suf ficient for the largest ocean steam ship whose bunkes must now hold thousands that tho microbes which cause tu bercular consumption if incorporat ed in cheese as they necessarily ore when the milk contains them are killed by the ripening of tc cheese is proved by exhaustive investiga tion an arocicen studeat finds tho microbes continue to live and retain the capability of growth in cheese for tliree months but are dead in cheese which has been curing for a longer polod chemists have shown that ability to fix the nitrogen which is infinite- ly abundant in the air and apply it to the wornout fields of tho world will enable mankind to cultivate what is practically virgin soil for- plant at niagara falls curiosities of cut glass tho process of glass cutting re quires great si ill and care a de sign is fust lightly copied on the glass and the cutters take it la hand a fine stream of sand and water falls continuously on a rapidly revolving steel wheel to this the glass is applied and the cutting is really accomplished by tho motion which the sand cots up then anoth er workman with another steel wheel and plain water oiings the cutting up to a sharper edge a third work man with a soft wooden tool takes off the cloudiness caused by vtto friction of the stool a fourth polish es tho glass a fifth with a prepara tion of oxide of tin gives to it that iitidoscent lustre which makes us value cut glass so iiighly not a twme in his body dodds kidney puis cured w j dixons rhejitfa- tism i ever a witonhastoau nitrogen from the air by and though there are disadvantages connected with the method it seems satisfactory on tho whole to ac cept those whom the first boy re commends in a largo oatabhtiimont the head boy is entrusted with tho entire management and responsibility of the household and his duties are dignified and slorior the water coolie is the man who carries water to tho bedrooms and is very lavish of his gifts to tho stair carpet and floors on the way if his master expresses objections to his intlirrim inato irrigation the man will pro bably grin and bo silent or repeat yea and no savoy alternately as a means of njipeasing the wrath ho has invoked these being tho only words he knows of the language he thinks is engjlieli a mooter com mits several errors in this case to get best results to get the maximum amount of workout of the chinese ono must remember that the fewer novelties they have to contend with the more likely thoy aro to produce a fair result tho method of managing chinese tlirough a head boy is one to which tho race is accustomed from tho lowest to the irighost in the land lower is held responsible to higher this responsibility of the higher for the actions of the lower gives tho inferior entirely into tho hands of his superior in family life nil tho children and their parents are under tho authority of the grand father while ho lives who has not only financial control but also ab solute power of life and death in the matter of estimating his opportunities the native is no foci for ho belongs to a race which con sists of the finest business men in the world the integrity of tho chinese merchant is a proverb in tho wsst and he is contrasted with other na tions in this particular no great amount of belief need be placed in tho honesty of tho chinese honesty that is as wo idcalizo it for it is largely founded on policy and chris tian england may supply him with a proverb to tho point tho chinese look ahead and are slow to act and never in a hurry yot chinese honesty may bo de fended by those who can point to tholr own stall as honorablo types a chinese servant is generally cheerful although he may look sol emn and serious and seldom grum bles at extra work from the kind ho usually performs toll a chinese to do a thing and ho will do it but toll mm to do it in a particular way and lo will very likely do it not in that way but in ono that ho con siders equally good employers speak well of tho chinese power of endurance for continued labor though they do not torformns much work as a european in one day one white man would bo worth five chinese not because ho is stronger but be cause tho chinese will not work continuously they nro not quarrelsome their cleanliness is less than that of an english maidservant who has a care ful mistress drink has a great at traction for chinese and nearly all are apt to get drunk if they can the chinaman abroad the western and espectaljy the british law is a joy to tho heart of the chinese who soon find out its weak spots and revel in tho assrunvl ption that until a man la proved guilty be is considered honest they will stand true to each other and it is almost impossible to got ono of the chinoso to inform on another even his assailant tt requires some ingenuity to estimate the restraining influences at worlc which will prevent a bad chlneee from lying if inclined that way there io ho known oath electrolysis but not morcial quantity yet in com- the average baby the average baby is a good baby cheerful smiling and bright when he is cross and fretful it is because ho is unwell and he is taking the only means he has to let everybody know ho does not feel right when baby is cross restless and sleepless dont dose him with soothing stuffs which always contain poisons babys own tablots are what is needed to put tho little one right givo a cross baby an occasional tablet and see how quickly ho will bo transformed into a bright smil ing cooing happy child lie will sleep at night and the mother will get her rest too you have a guar antee that babys own tablets con tain not ono particle of opiate or harmful drug in all tho minor ail ments from birth up to ten or twelve years there is nothing to equal tho tablets mrs v b anderson gou- lais river ont says my little boy was very cross and fretful and we got no rest with him until we began using babys own tablets since then baby rests well and he is now a fat- healthy boy you can get the tablets from any druggist or they will bo sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing direct to the dr williams medicine co brockvillo ont he was crippled for weeks before he tried the great kidney rem edy how tho cure was effected barwlck rainy river ont dec 28 special the cold wet wea ther with its accompaniment of rheumatic pains has set tho people here talking of tho case of wni john dixon mr dixon who is well known in this neighborhood was a cripple from rheumatism today he has not a twinge of his old enemy anywhere in hhrbody and ho gives all the credit to dodds kidney rills i had an attack of typhoid fev er mr dixon says in speaking of his cure and after i got over it rheumatism set in i had pains in my back and in my right hip so bad i had to use a stick to walk i had no comfort in sleeping and could no more than dress or undress myself for two months for three or four weeks i could not put my right leg on my left knee on my brothers advice i started using dodds kidney pills and aftor taking three boxes i began to walk around and do my work as usual i am all right now and dodds kid ney pills did it rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood the natural way to cure it is to get the uric acid out of tho blood if the kidneys aro sound they will take all the uric acid out of tho blood dodds kidney pills make tho kidneys sound gas mine in england there are very few cleans- ing operations in which sunlight soap cannot be tised to advant age it makes the home bright and clean is raws aphs rtcs omls gladstone was flogged headmaster at eton did not bc- liovo in sparing the hod dr keato the headmaster of eton who had on one occasion hogged ov er 80 boys in n single day at the mellow close of bis hfo expressed his regret- that ho had flogged so few says mr morloy in his lifo of gladstone among his innumerable victims was gladstone but for an offence as meritorious in itself as it was odious to kcatc tho reason why i was flogged was this said tho grand old man i was pracpostcr of the rcmovo on a certain day and from kindness or good nature was induced to omit from tho list of boys against whom tho master had complained and who ought to havo been flogged tho noxt day tho names of three offenders tho three boys in question got round mo with a story that their friends were coming down from london to see them and that if they were put down on the flogging list thoy could not meet their friends next day when i went into tho school the master roared into a voice of thunder gladstone put down your own name on tho list of boys to be flogged mr gladstone oh this occasion told another talo of this worthys hu mor ono day ho called out to the prae postor write down hamiltons name to be flogged for breaking my window i nover broke your win dow sir exclaimed hamilton pracpostcr rotorted the master write down hamiltons name for breaking my window and lying upon my soul sir i did not do it ejaculated tho boy with in creased emphasis pracpostcr write down hamiltons nnmo for breaking my window lying and swearing against this final sen tence there was c no appeal and ac cordingly hamilton was flogged i believe unjustly tho noxt day 4 a woman is seldom ablo to see tho point to her husbande joica enough in it to light the whole of england about a quarter of a century ago some borings for water were made in a sussex village no water was obtained but there was a powerful smell of gas no notice was taken of this and the existence of immense scores of jiaturovgas was unsuspect- ted till four or five years ago when fresh borings wero made for water noticing a strong smell of gas from one of the borings one of tho workers placed a light near it with the result that a great flame of fire shot upwards and was with difficul ty extinguished this discovery led to tho formation of a syndicate to bore for gas and the result is proving eminently suc cessful already two small railway stations have been lighted experi mentally with this socalled marsh gas and they have attracted tho in habitants of surrounding villages to seo the effect of this gas which rises ready mado from tho earth the well which has been sjnk is yielding enough gas to supply a large part of the south of england and it is calculated that it issues from the depths of tho earth at a pressure of 200 lbs to the inch which is sufficient to send it a long way through the pipes for use in distant cities the lower strata of earth aro saturated with petroleum which creates the gas the syndicate working this gas- mine is of opinion that thero is enough in it to light tho wholo of england and the supply appears to be inexhaustible this would mean tremendous reduction in tho con sumption of cord and would rcmovo onxioty as to how long our coal sup ply will last when tho ear was applied to the gunwale of the boat the sound grow more intense and in somo places as the bout moved on it could not bo heard at all on other occasions the sounds re sembled tho tolling of bells the booming of guns and tho notes of an aeolian harp for a long timo ho was unable to traco tho cause but at length dis covered that tho sounds weio made by shellfish hundreds of them open ing their shells and closing them with sharp snaps the noue paitly muffled by the water sounded inde scribably weird ho was finally led the conclusion that as the shell fish made tho sounds they probably had somo lncanimr and that the clicks might pos4blybe a warning of danger when the shallow water was disturbed by the boat vrrr worlds largest plough the largest plough in tho world is owned by richard gird of san ber nardino county california this immense agricultural machine stands 18 feet high and weighs 36000 lbs it runs by steam is provided with twelve 12inch ploughshares and is capable of ploughing fifty acres of land per day it consumes from one to one and a half tons of coal per day and usually travels at tho rate of four miles an hour gold used in dentistry a german statistician asserts that every year in filling teeth and other works dentists use about 800 kilo grammes of gold the value of which is 500000 and that at this rate the graveyards of the various coun tries will contain in 300 years from now 150000000 worth of gold 4e we7u um txas 1 lower use oan be had in palls wash basins lllk pans o any flreclao crocor can supply you insist on getting eddys aaasfflbbhbbaamhgaa old sixanaite why do you feel that your client will lose his case have you exhausted every means at your disposal to young briefly no but i have exhausted all tho means at his disposal etateor ohio crrr or toledo lucas county f frank j chunk y makes oath that ho is senior partner of tlio firm of r j chunky co doing business in tho city of toledo county and tato aforesaid and that snitl firm will pay the sum of onk hundlluo dolf laiis for each and every case or oa- iaitktl that cannot bo cured by th u60 of halls catakkh cuku 1 frank j chunky sworn to before mo and subscribed io my presence thu 6th day or december au lfcwo a v gleason se notary public nails catarrh cure 1 tcjccs int ftomy and act directtr on the blood eud mucous furfnren of tbo system end for tes u nuuj iftla free p j ohknky co toledo o 3oid by all druggists 75c iiaua family fills are the best durable wood one of the most durable woods is sycamore a statue mode from it now in tho museum of gizeh at cairo is known to bo nearly 0000 years old notwithstanding this great ago it is asserted that tho wood itself is entirely sound and natural in nppearanco amid mem cores cm id cows tolliver can you let mo have 10 for a week old man ducro what weak old man lously and expecting tho tnvine help we shall succeed in part if not in full ho whom we call master and lord is praying or us that our faith fail not the man who re solved and failed and tried again became a strong man what lie wroto to his brethren in the first century was doubtless an eclo of his own experience and it will be fulfilled even to tho twentieth cen tury after wo have sultered awhile god will make you perfect stabllsh strengthen settle you tho dacltacho stae just that incipient form of elm water on warships as nearly as possible 8000 gallons of fresh water are used in a large battleship daily about twothirds of this is taken up by tho boilers and the remainder is used for drink ing washing cooking etc whon tho store which she has taken out with her from port has been used up a vessel has to depend upon her evaporators for further aupplics ev ery modern warship is fitted with evaporating machinery to t still ths salt seawater i was cured of acute bronchitis by minards liniment j m campbell bay of islands i was cured of facial neuralgia by minards liniment wm daniels springhili n s i was cured of chronic rheuma tism by minards liniment geo tingley albert co n b ijitaeafow cold etc tude maves n man look lika ian admirable food or tho may bo y dfsefcso which if ncglettedwill develop into stub- bora and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to cure dont neg lect tho backache stage of tho moscuc dollar minus 99 ccnts insidious of diseases south arorican kidney curo stops tho sxhojn six hours and cures 30 j one penny pejf person the goonnoorthof tho isle of man imposes a ftvf of one penny on each person embanking or disembarking at map- portsund tho leturas shotr that during may juno and july 167094 persons were landed at douglas as comparjd with 142 259- in tho corresponding mbiiths of 1002 nutritious and eco 4a 21 tf employer soou want a fort nights salary in advance but sup pose you should dio tonight clerk proudly sir i may bo poor but i am a gentleman iliard tah tha btsttt at tho lowest i writs for terms re id bros kife coy t85 kins ot nr ladies w cwi b flout ptcftttlr kr oar rreimb proeui tryix gjfflffiaammsjffgja koxteu robuito tnsenki ojteioos basterjfl minih liolottnt cares olstem by how shellfish talk warn ono another of danger clicking sounds most ecamcn will toll of curious clicking sounds heard on calm nights at fa and tho origin of the noiso rcems altogether unaccountablo that it has often created somo alarm among superstitious flshormen a distinguished naturalist made a careful study of tho sounds on many occasions and found that ft was not a sustained note but mado up of a multitude of tiny onos each clear ond distinct in itself and ranging from a high crchle down to a bass most people think too lightly of a cough it is a serious matter and needs prompt attention take sfhilohs consumption lu1g the lung tpnlc when the first sign of a cough or cold appears it will cure you easily and quickly then later it will bo harder to cure price 28c 60c and 8100 s c wells co tcraau cu lluy ny that is a pretty big piecoof cako for a boy of your size said papa at tea to jimmy it looks big said jimmy but really it isnt its got lots of porouscs in it salt rlieum tettor ecioroa these distressing skin diseases relieed by one application dr agncwe ointment is a potent cure for all eraptioas of th skin j as gaston wlliesbarre says for nine years i was disfigured with tetter on my hands dr agnsws oint ment cured it jjcaau ji new yeahs resolutions if sincerely mado they are a help to eight character new years resolutions are so of ten mado the target for cheap jokes by choap oritics as to croato tho im pression that such resolutions aro never kopt and nover ought to bo mado tho jriilcism is unjust its logic is false its effect pernicious a recent preacher brought out tho truo idea in a sermon uporipotcrs pledge of devotion to his master oven though all others should desort him simon did not yield to tem ptation becauso of his earnest assur- onco but in spito of it it had been said that hell was paved with good resolutions if that was truo it was certainly tho best thing about tho place wo must rcsolvo before wo do right resolutions sincerely mado aro a help to right character ovon if by distress of opposing forces somo cf them are not kopt peters folth did not finally fall and very likely he had raoro faith and xaoro strength because he failed onco and so learned bis weak point it is a good thing then with tho thought- fulness belonging to the outlook of a new year to desire and decide anddeclaro that wo will lire truer nobler uvea making the resolve not lightly or boastfully but aer- rttoy lip3 stud a elear complexion ths prids of woman havo you lost these charms through torpid liver constipation biliocsncss or nervousness dr agnewa liver pills will restore them to you 40 little rubles in a vial xo cents act like a charm never gripe 39 irate father ah how is it that i catch you kissing my daughter sir answer jno sir how is it young man firetrate sir first- rate mws unloieni cures diphtheria tom why do you always call your mother the mater dick any woman who could succeed in marrying off my four unprepossessing sisters deserves tho title lifebuoy soaradislnfectant is strongly recommended by the medi cal profession as a safeguard against nfectiors diseases mrs pnssay everybody says my daughter got her boauty from me what do you bay to that mr witts well i think it was very unkind of her to take it from you for over slaty veer mil wfxnlowa soernino svror has ni mm by mlluoobot mothrri for their children while tmthlo luoothra the child aofteni th rum lir rain onrei wind colic resnlftlm lheuwcfi ted bowels ud u lh beet remrdr tor durrhoes twntrfi oenu boula sold bvdranltu threusheat the world be are sod eik tor mas wisswvssoothiwo urner ho if i may say it doar i am afraid that you dont appoaryto value my kisses as much as you did before our marriage she what nonsense gcorgo before marriage i would glvo you half a dozen for a box of chocolate now i value them much higher ono or two for a now dress or a hat at the very least 77 kijo st east rcisjiia sjcial sale of band for catalog we give extra value raw fura end aanclnsr send for price lis patents coomtmha fudout k mmbee mtisscsj w fsntirertlanttieol lea atyrobjsjito an tataats ii dominion lfno stoamshfpa montr to llvorpool boston to uverpoal tarciidreutstenibip- superior tccommixuuot for clsn of ptmiw sdooai and suteroocrax n tni2xtl fej tarn rives to eocond gklooo aad thirdcbua xodimcttltvuon pol ratvxorpvsmeauii all particulars aspl to any uteri of tho compart or u juuracer aienc 1c4 domuhox ukk omoes mmutsi koatoa u tit gajraaia st w poultry butter eftg3 or dr apews catarrhal powder 18 a catarrh cure that cuora colds and catarrh actually positively indisputably ir- hfutabtr cures colds and catarrh not always with first application al though avea that lararlabfy brloffs re lief in 10 minutes bat it oures li cures colds and catarrh 10 dr agawtv unr pint oura unr hit- 40 ttoaftt 40 sent ths ail kinds fruits and farm jfro duea generally consign it to us eai e will get you good prices bawson oommlssian go uhitb t v for sale at all bookstores the daintiest book of tho year from tii hedges ahd hichways peautiiutly bound in green leather stamped in gold price 3109 the anon publishing co of can ada are issuing a series of volumes compiled from tho nowspapors and magazines of tho day tho first volumo is now ready and will bo sent for onedoliar with privilcgo of returning if not satisfactory in order to secure articles for tho subsequent volumes the publishers are onoring ten thousand dollars cash for newspaper periodical and mnga- clno clippings from which to mako their selections for copy of ijook prospectus and premium list write p o drawee 2183 montreal canada issua wv swh