lil 0 terrible disaster in tlie iroquois theatre at chicago 3- oi a chicago despatch says about 550 people wore killed in ten min utes on wednesday afternoon during a fire in tho iroquois theatre tho newest tho largest and so tar as human power could make it the saf est theatre in chicago estimates of the dead and injured vary tho po- lico account of tho dead is 536 the estimate of tho newspapers is 5g2 bcsices this there arc 55 people missing at midnight tho majority of whom arc probably among the dead in tho morgue and various undertak ers establishments six of tho dead have been positively identified nine tytwo iicrsoiis are known to bo in jured the fire broke out during tho sec ond act of tho play mr blue beard tho first production in the theatre since its erection thothe- atrical company which was very large cscajkhl to the street in safety nearly all of them however being compelled to flee into tho snow with no clothing but their stage costumes a few members of tho company sus tained minor injuries but none wcro seriously hurt tho accounts of the origin of the fire are conflicting and none or them certain but the best reason given is thac an electric wire near the lower part of the piece of drop scenery broke and grounded sotting t scenery ablaze tho fire sprenxl rap idly toward tho front of tho stage causing the members of the chorus who were then engaged in the per formance to flee to the wings with screams of terror the fire in itself up to this time was not serious and possibly could have been checked had not the asbestos curtain failed to work so soon as the fire was discover ed eddie foy the comedian of the company shouted to lower tho cur tain it descended about half way and then stuck the fire was thus given precisely a flue through which a strong draught set to tho doors which had been thrown open in tho front of tho theatre with a roar and a bound the flames shot out through the opening over tho heads of the people on the first floor and up to those in tho first balcony caught them and burned them to death gas tanks exploded uftthy- foil owing this rush of flames thero came an explosion which lifted tho entire roof of the theatre from its walls shattering the great skylight into fragments so soon as the flames first appeared be yond tho curtain a man in tho rear of tho hall shouted eire fire and the cntiro audience rose as one per son and mndo for the doors it- is believed that tho explosion was caused by tho flames coming in con tact with the gas reservoirs of the theatre causing them to burst will j davis manager of tho the atre said after tho catastrophe that if tho pcoplo had remained in their beats and had not been excited by tho cry of fire not a life would have been lost this however is contra- dictod by the statements of tho fire men who found the bodies of num bers of persons sitting in their scats their faces directed toward tho stage us if tho performance were still go ing on it was tho opinion of tho firemen that these people were suffo cated at once by the flow of gas and fire which came from behind tho as- bestos curtain a wall op dead outsido of the people burned and suffocated by gas it was in these two doorways on the first and sec ond balconies that the greatest loss of ifo occurred when tho firemen entered the building tho dead were found stretched in a pile reaching from tho head of tho stairway at least eight feet from the door back to a point about five feet in tho rear of tho door this mass of dead bodies in the centre of tho doorway reached to within two feet of tho top of tho passageway all of tho corpses at this point were women uid children tho flght for llfo which must havo taken place at these two points is somcthlug that is simply beyond hu man power to adequately describe a faint idea of its horror could bo derived from tho aspect of the bodies as they lay women on top o these masses of dead had been overtaken by death as they were crawling on their hands and knees over tho bodies of thoso who bad ilied before others lay with arms stretched- out ward which lay life and safety hold ing in their hands fragments of gar ment evidently torn from others whom they had endeavored to pull down and trample underfoot as they ought for their own lives as tho police removed layer after layer of head in these doorways tho sight become too much even for tho police and firemen hardened as they axe to uch scenes the bodies were in such an mcxtrl- cablo mass and so tjghtlv wcro they jammed between tho sides of tho door and walls that it was im possible to lift them ono by ono and carry them out tho only po- slblo thing to do was to seize a limb or some other portion of tho body and pull with main strength frightful scenes enacted even in th hall below where this awful sceno was being enacted a number of mea were couqicued to abandon their task and give it over to others whoso nerves had not yet been shaken as ono by one bodies were dragged out of tho watersoaked blackened mass of corpses the spectacle be came mbro and more heartrending bodies lay in the first and second balconies in great numbers in some places they were piled up in the aisles thrco and four deep where ono had fallen -and- others tripped over the prostrate forms and all had died where they lay evidently suffocated by tho gas others wcro bent over backs of seats where they had 13000 thrown by the rush of people for the doors and killed with hardly a chance to rise from their chairs in the aisles nearest to tho doors the scenes wcro harrowing in tho extreme bodies lay in every con ceivable attitude half naked the look on their faces revealing some of the agony which must havo preceded- their death the theatre had been constructed but a short time and all its equip ment was not yet in place this was unfortunatoly the case with a fire escape in the rear of the build ing tho small iron balconies to which the iron ladders wore to bo attached wcro up but the ladders had not yet been constructed f tho panic was at its height a- great monberof women ran for these fire escapes only to find as they emerg ed from the doorway upon the little iron platform that they were 30 to 50 feet from the ground a fire be hind and no method of escape in front forced from fiue escapes thoro who reached the platform first endeavored to hold their footing and to keep back tho crowd that pressed upon them from the- rear the effort was utterly useless and in a few moments the iron- lodges wcxo jammed with crowds of women who screamed fought and tore at each other like maniacs this lasted but a brief time and the rusjifroin tho interior of the building hecaino so violent that many of them wcro crowded oft and fell to tho granite pavement bolow others leaped from tho platform fracturing legs ariu arms and two wore picked up at this point with fractured jskulls having been instantly kliied- george h euiott secretaryof tho offden gna j company was in a building directly opposite from the building across the alley when ho reached tho street the womcii nlr ready were dropping into tho alley and elliott immediately rushed for a ladder in an effort to save asmany as possible no ladder was avail able and the only method of assis tance they were ablo to devise was to hurriedly lash some plonks to gether and throw them across to tho affrighted women on the plat forms with instructions to place tho end firmly on tho iron rojnc- work women wcro being pushed every instant theollev and by tho time tho bridge was constructed but few remained to take advantage of it however about two dozen ft is believed made their wav- across this narrow causeway the members of the theatrical company being on tho first floor had comparativnlv little difficulty in reaching the street although their situation was for a moment highly critical because of tho speed with which tho flames swept through tho mass of scenery in the flies and on thestngo eddio foy principal comedian in the ploy was one of tho lost to es cape by getting out through a renr door after assisting tho women members of tho company to safety cure for consumption a french serum kthich kills tho w2crobe a montreal despatch says there cannot bo any doubt that dr mar- fprek of the posteur hospital of parish has found a positive euro for all tuberculosus diseases and tho first 4 exhibition of jiis cure on this sido of the atlantic will bo given in this city the treatment calls solely for iho injection of serum dis covered by dr ilarworok and during my stay at tho pasteur hospital i witnessed 25 cures by tho treat ment w this was tho announcement mado on tutdfly by dr ljlemicux of tho notre dame hospital on his ar rival- after a long stay in tho lead ing hospitals of france dr marworck has kindly given mo all the instruments required for the treatment and tlie first patient up on whom it will be tried in canada will be a gentleman from glasgow who accompanied me to caividn and is suffering from tuberculosis of tho lungs the cases that i saw cured included all kinds of tuberculosis of the throat and lungs and it was found that in overy instance tho ser um killed al the germs the dis covery has awakened tho greatest in terest throughout france ami later on it is intended that demonstrations should be given ettiie notre dame hospital in this mty 10000 mile railroad the worlds iap1ets eeports from the leading trade centres prjces- of cattle graf n cheese and other dairy produce at home and abroad toronto jan 5 wheat tho mar ket for ontario grades is unchanged no 2 whito ami mixed quoted at 77 to 7sc low freights and no 2 rod winter at 77e no 2 spring steady at 74 to 75c east and no 2 goose j at 70c manitoba wheat steady at upper lake- ports no 1 northern is quoted nt sgfc and no 2 northern at 81c no x hard nominal at 89jc lake ports for grinding in transit quotations are gc higher than alovo oats the market is quiet with prices firmer no 2 white quoted at 27 to 28c west at 2s3e middle freights and at 29c low freights to new york no 1 white steady at 29 to 80c east barley tho market is quiet with tho prices steady no 2 quoted at 41 to 42c middle freights no 3 ex tra at 89c and no 3 at 37c middle freights peas trade is dull and prices un changed no 2 white quoted at 01 ic west and at 024c east rye tho market is steady with no 2 quoted at 52c cast or west corn tho market is quiet and prices weaker no 3 new american yellow quoted at 50c on track to ronto and no 3 mixed at 49c poor ungraded canadian sold at 3sc wesc buckwheat tho market is firm with demand good no 2 quoted at 46 to 463c middle freights flour ninetyper cent patents arc white star kino will build vessel largor than baltic a guthrie ok despatch says the panamerican kail way company steady at s3 05 middle freights with headquarters at guthrie with buyers sacks for export straight 250000000 capital stock to build j rollers of special brands for do- alinefroniport nelson on hudson hyestic trade quoted at s340 to s3- bay to the argentine republic was 50 in bbls manitoba flours arc northern chartered on tuesday from port j weaker no 1 patents 450 to 4 nolson tho road is to run via winni peg in manitoba through the states of north and south dakota nebraska kansas oklahoma in dian territory and texas thence through mexico central america the republic of panamc colombia ecuador and peru into tho argen tine republic a branch lino is provided running from peru through chili to valpar aiso the total length is 10000 miles- the incorporators as named in the charter are w b davis git davis c l farmer h c lies and edward ujiuman of ar lington ok f the greed for gold professors warning to states and britain a new york despatch says in an address before the church club of tho diocese of tbng island prof g tft esuw of yale declared that tho greatest curse of tliis country is the terrible greed for gold the trade classes ho- declared are so tightly drawn at the present time that break is bound to come soon tho worst existing troubles in the unitod states and england asserted the professor arc relfindulccnco and high living which j will eventually bring ruin to any powerful nation 75 no 2 patents s25 to s440 and strong bakers 4 to 435 on track toronto mhlfced bran steady at s1050 and shorts at s1775 here at out side points bran is quoted at 14 and shorts at 17 manitoba bran in sacks 18 and shorts at 20 here country produce apples the market is quiet at unchanged prices choice stocks job at s2 to 250 per bbl bcans-7- there is a limited demand with prices steady prime beans are quoted at si go to 175 per bushel dried apples the demand is fair with prices unchanged at 4 to gc unitod por lt ev apples 6c per ontario bran in bulk 1750 to 1850 shorts 20 to 21 manitoba bran in bags 18 shorts 22 beans cuoic primes 155 to 1- 60 per bush 150 to 155 in car lots provisions heavy canadian short cut pork 18 to 1850 light short cut 1750 to s18 aueican short cut clear s17 to 1750 am erican fat backs 18 to 1850 com pound lard 8c canadian lard 8 to be kettlo rendered 101c hams 115 to 13c bacon 14c fresh killed abat toir hogs 750 country dressed hogs 7 hvo hogs 525 to 550 jeggs candled selected 26 to 27c land montreal limed 21 to 22c 3vest- orn limed 20 to 21c refrigerator 20 to 23c butter- eastern 19 to 20c according to quality western dairy in tubs 16c western rolls 16j to 17c cheese ontario 10j to lojc townships 10 to lojc quebec no vember 94 to9jc united states markets ilultalo jon 5 flour fair do- inaiml wheat spring dull and firm er no 1 northern cif 90jc win ter no offerings corn easy no 2 yellow 50c no 2 corn 47 to 47jc oats strong no 2 white 41c no 2 mixed 39c barley- firm western in store 52 to g3c itye no 1 in store tiojc llihvaukoe jan 5 wheat firm no 1 northern 851 to 86c no 2 northern 82 to 83c may 81j to 84jc rye steady no 1 56 to 57c barley dull no 2 g3c sam ple 31 to 60c corn steady no 3 40 to lc may 45j to45jc duluth jan 5 wheat to arrive no 1 hard 83c no 1 northern 81jc no 2 northern 79jc decem ber 80c may 83jc july 82c minneapolis jan 5 wheat de cember 81jc may 83 to 833c july 83c on track no 1 hard 84jc no 1 northern 83c no 2 sojc no 3 northern 73 to 77c flour first patents s445 to 455 second patents s430 to 440 first clears 380 to 340 second clears 230 to 240 flax seed cosh and to arrive 98c de cember 97c may 1 bran in bulk 1375 to 14 4 tices fr0mjh wire etappeinngs feoli all 0ve3 the globe telegraphic briefs prom our own and other countries ox massacre in liberia missionary and his flock sur rounded by savages a despatch from washington says united states minister lyon has re ported to tho american state dc- pnrtment from monrovia liberia tho details of tho -massacre- in an af rican forest of a white missionary named john ci tate with all of his following 18 in number tho massacro took place march 15 1001 tho first detailed account has just como to hand in on aflwavit by- mrs mary l allen n whito missionary in liberia sho had tho story from somo of tho native doo tribesmen tato had a largo mission and form and maintained a school and alto gether 10 people were in the mission in hodlrectionto jt surrounded in tho night by tho doos all were murdered and their heads taken ns trophies min ister lyon has communicated with the libcrian secretary of state with a view to securing fuller information and perhaps tho punishment of the doos i i f lord tredegar dying was in tho light brigade chargo at balaclava a london despatch says lord tredegar who is- dying is one tho few surviving heroes of that magni ficent chargo of thosix hundred at balaclava which constitutes tho theme of the most stirring poem of tennyson lord tredegar who was one of the officers of tho famous death or glory 17th lancers had his horso shot under him in tho chargo ho is sixtyseven years old cutting their wages tj s steel corporation employes keceivo itoticc lb hops the market is unchanged at 25 to 30c according to quality honey the market is firm at gj to 74c per lb for bulk and at 125 to 2 for comb hay tho market is fair with re ceipts only moderate no 1 timo thy quoted at 875 to 9 on track toronto and imixed at 6650 to 7 straw thcmarket is quiet at 5 per ton for car lots oh track potatoes offerings continuo light arig prices rtilofirm choice cars are quoted at 78 to 80c per bog on track hero and inferior quality at 70 to 75c per bag poultry tho demand is limited nnd prices unchanged turkeys arc quoted at 1 2 to 14c por lb and gcoso at 8 to 9c per lb ducks 9 to 10c per lb or si to si 25 per pair chick ens 9 to 10c per lb or 80c to 125 per pair fowls 7 to 9c per lb canada henry mullen was sentenced to six months in jail at hamlitoi for forgery tho nova scotia steel company will purchase extensive iron de posits in cuba mr alex mcpherson of hamilton was run down by a street car and killed on satuiday oakvillo town council passed a bylaw grantibg a franchise to the hamilton itnuial ltailwny all hope of getting the steamer monarch out of iho iee near sault ste hario this winter has been abandoned tho members of the grand trunk pacific survey camp on lake nepi- gon ran out of provisions and suf fered with hunger for nine days whiie sir frederick borden was in england mr arnold foreter secre tary of state for war suggested that a regiment of canadians be sent to india to get the benefit of a military training there great britain american capital it is said will within a year set every mine work ing in cornwall eng all the important london police stations will at last bo connected with one another and with the now scotland ynrd rails for loudon trains arc being ordered from british firms although belgium gave the lowest tender an other gain for chamberlain babylonian schoolhooflt discovered ia sippara by a priest named kchiel truly the most intimate life ot nations which flourished many thou sands of years ago rites gradually from its long entombment through tho extraordinary results of recent excavations hero is a- report ot the french archaeological institute at cairo dealing with tho researches- of a learned priest vincent scheil la tho littlo babylonian town of sippara which in distinction from similarly named places was called tho sippara of the plain or of tho sun and which was sur rounded by a number of suburbs ho llas discovered a perfect schoolroom for piijpils of the more loorxtw class togetlitr with the materials for writing and iitmructton it trans ports us back to upward f four thousand voam before our wae i where sippmra once stood there 1 now only a xnoittul of earth covered with potsherds as soon as tins- layer however was dug through pieces of walls and remnants of houses and public edifices appeared at tho request of tho turkish gov ernment v vincent schcil has laid baro a whole ward of the town and from it a full insight into tlio life of tho inhabitants can begathered tho school was found in u little house opposite a temple- little clay tablets vjd statuettes lay about in it on one of tho tablets was tho inscription tic who distinguishes himself in tho school of writing will shine even as the sun the walls were three metres high the house contained seven rooms in ono of them a vast mxtss of clay tablets were set in regular order many of them had not yet been baked so that they stuck together and their inscriptions had become undecipherable many other tob- a mckccflport pa despatch says notices of a wage reduction were on tuesday posted at the local plants of the united states steel corpora tion tho cut includes every om- ployeo and will gradunto down from heads of departments to laborers tlip latter receiving but a slight rcducv tlon ten thousand men arc affected but tho reduction will bo generally accepted ordered mammoth boat- the tjairy markets butter the market is quiet with prices generally unchanged we quote finest 1lb rolls 17 to 18c choice largo rolls 10 to 17c selected dairy tubs jg to 17c inferior to medium qualities 13 to 15c creamery prints unchanged 20j to 21c solids 19 to iojc market remains firm wo quote new laid 30c solects 25 to 28c cold storage 23 to 21c lim ed 20 to 21c cheese market dull very littlo trade doing wo quote finest 10 to lie seconds 10 to loic immensely rmpressed guelph collogo tbvfirst on tho continent afon worked at tho task with tears running down their chocks- and tho cobs of tho rescuers could bo heard a despatch from london says principal itclchel of university col- i jc north wales who went with tho moscly educational commission to canada expresses himself as im mensely impressed with what he saw in canada especially with the agricultural college at ouelph which mr rcfchel says is generally admitted to be tho highest and most successful institution of the kind on tho american continent from port nelson to argentina via winnipeg a london despatch says it is re- ported that the whito star linohas ordered a steamer 756 feet in length or thirty feet longer than tho baltic tho largest ship in the world tho construction oftho vessel it fs add ed will begin immediately at bel fast ireland j 1 no more sun dances government supports vigorous policy of agent a despatch from ottawa says mr graham indian agent nt file hills hnsbccn hero for sorao days in con nection with the thrco important re serves under his charge a number of the indians havo been dissatisfied with mr graham on account of ws stand nn inst sun dances and other demoralizing practices and a delega tion from the dissatisfied cloment some days ago toldthofr troubles to the government mr graham re turns with instructions to continue his good work hog products dressed hogs are unchanged with offerings mdro liberal sales so 10 to 635 delivered hero cured meats arc steady with a fair de mand wo quote bacon long clear 8j to 9c in ton and case lots mess pork 17 do short cut 1850 to 19 r smoked meats hams light to-zne- dium12i to 13c do heavy 11 j to 12c rolls 10c shoulders 9jo backs 13j to 14c breakfast bacon 13 to i3jc y lard the nvtrkct is quiet with prices unchanged wo quote tierc es sic tubs 8c pails 8jc com pound 8 to 9c rockefeller controls is now supreme in u s steel corporation a despatch from new york says control of the united states steel corporation tho greatest industrial concern in the world is now com pletely and absolutely vested in the rockefeller group of capitalists and henry clay frick the enemy of an drew carnegie says tho world for mal announcement of this fact may not be made in set words but the effect of the change from the control of j pierpont morgan will soon bo made evident john d rockefeller and mrfrick have fully worked out their plans these provide for tho complete elimination of the morgan- perkins schwab carnegie parties from active leadership in the affairs of the steel corporation standard oil methods are here after to be employed from top to bottom in the management of tho steel trust the first to eel this will be the men who are drawing sal aries of from 12000 to 325000 a year these employees under the new regime must cither stand for n reduc tion in salary or got out tho ulti mate purpose is to put the steel corr poration in the same class of con servative management as the stand ard oil company and to attain that end none of tho necessary surgical operations in finance will bo spared tho work will bo taken up in a spirit that is absolutely hostile to every thing done in the past by mr mor gan mr perkins and mr schwab st it now appears thgt englands acicts however proved to ceptcd offer of 9375000 for the two war vessels built for the chilian government was just 375000 larg er than russias offer a london curio shop proprietor has just sold for 125 what bos since been proven to be tho casket presented 350 years ago by henry h king of france to bis faorite diana of poitiers it is said to bo worth 25000 be- nominal agreement sir yes ho said t get my loovs from my mother and my brains from my father im sorry- you told me this he sold why because it gives mo the lctpreflkjon that your parents wcro painfully lading in tfaaerosjty to their only caluv y business at montreal montreal jan 5 manitoba wheat is now quoted at 80c for no 1 nor thern 78c for no 2 and 74c for no 3 ox store butter is quiet and priccs are steady tho stocks in tho city ore said to bo largo there is more enquiry reported for cheese ad vices from tho other side are on- cournging and it is expected that business will bo good during this month and february the stocks in tho city have been materially de creased during tho month of tdecom- ber but most of the exporting was to fill orders taken earlier in tho year eggs are in good demand and tho supply is small it is quite prob- ablo tho prices will go up again next week grain peas 71 to 72c afloat here ryo 3c cash 58o afloat here oats no 2- 34c in store no 3 ic less flaxseed 115 on track here no 8 barley coc flour- manitoba patents 400 to 485 seconds 480 to 4f0 strong bak ers 390 to 430 ontario straight rollers 300 fto 4 in bags 185 to 1 95 patent 4 to 425 extras slcg to 170 rolled outs cl80 par bag b8wper bbl fecf- ireland there are no treaty limits on tho great lakes a despatch from ottawa says mr joseph pope cmg undersecre tary of state pointod out on mon day that it was a mistake to suppose that any treaty oxlsted between great britain nnd tho united states limiting the number and armament of vessels to be maintained by the united states or canada on the groat lakes thero was no treaty mr popo pointed out but an agree ment was entered into by mr ba- got on behalf of the british gov ernment and by mr rush on behalf of tho unitod states executive pro viding that tho naval force to bo maintained on the waters referred to should be confined to tho following ycssols on each side ylzt on lake ontario to ono vessel not oxcccdlng one hundred tons burden and armed with ono oigh teenpound cannon on tho upper lakes to two vessels and on lake chomplain to ono vessel not exceeding like burden and armed with like forco tho agreement was to ceaso after six months notice by either party but i doubt very much if ocn this stipulation is legally binding there is no treaty forbidding clthor canada or tho united states from maintain ing a naval forco on the lakes united states ono hundred and twentyfive boats have tied up for the winter at de troit steps are being taken to form a wash cr womens union in st louis mo and district v it is officially announced that the british government has recognized the republic of panama cattle breaking through into a neighbors field caused a gun fight at ardmorc it in which john scott and sam victory were killed the grand jury at chicago has voted nine indictments against mem bers of the street car mens union on charges of riot conspiracy mali cious mischief and unlawful assem bly much excitement has been caused by reports of tho discovery of beds of pure anthracite coal far beyond the limits of the southern boundary of the hard coal region in pennsyl vania the other day samuel turner was killed on the railroad track at port morris n j at the same place and in tho same manner in which his father and grandfather met their death ono in 1893 and the other in 1888 menominee mich lumber mills manufactured last year 266000000 foot of lumber 146000000 shingles and 65000000 lath two mills have been dismantled owing to the disappearance of pine in northern michigan intact and they contained hymns y oldest suracrian that is pre-scmit- ic turanian language of babylon ia meteorological lists primers dic tionaries arthmctical problems contracts and so forth scone had sorved as copybooks which was clearly viable from the lirmnesa and beautiful clearness of the letters they wero used for exercises in th class on several of the tablets it could still be seen how the pupils had scratched out some faulty writ ing smoothing the clay over again with the styles made of wood bon or- copper all the dated text bears the nam of king hammurabi about whom the recent controversy between pro fessor dclitasch j and the emperor william it arose so tho school is known to have been used about twentyone centuries ogo the cuneiform writing muyt have presontod great dillicuitics to tho learners as to the grammar de- clcnsioij iijofeailons jittlo sen tences referring to jvayers forms ol greeting expressions of sjmpathy judicial and business phrases also aritlimotical and geometrical tasks tho nomenclature or measures and weigh t3 and so forth arc contain ed in beautifully inscribed tablets what next bird slaughter general guiscppe zanardelli former pre mier of italy is dead chinese coolies havo looted and burned buildings of tho cantonhan kow railway it is said at johannesburg that tho transvaal will be unable to take up its share of the war loan in february an arbitration treaty between france and italy along the lines of that between britain and franco was signed at paris the pckin correspondent of tho times says the japanese prepara tions for war arc probably tho most complete and detailed tho world hns ovor seen rjsen tho norwegian dramatist has aphasia inability to uso the right words in conversation when ho wanted a visitor to take a seat ho said toko a cigar tobacco in ireland v horace plunkett makes en quiries in virginia a despatch from richmond va says gov montague licutoov willard german vlcccounsul victor and other public men mot sir horace plunkott commissioner of agrlcul- turo for ireland at a dinner given in his honor on monday night the baronet referred to tho exodus from ireland and deplored the fact that 4000000 irishmen havo left tho country nnd said unless the tldo coum bo stemmed by making them more independent tho agriculture of tho country would bo ruined sir hernco had a talk with com missioner kolncr nnd vicccounsul victor relative to the culture of to- bits of wayside wisdom it is better to be alone than hi bad company no man is poor who does not think himself so there is no curb for passion like a strong will start each day as if commencing a new life forgot the sorrows and anxieties of yesterday do not think loo much if at all of tomorrow life is too short for its possessors to wear long faces a man seldom exhibits his temper until after ho loses it remind yourself of pleasant cir- cumstanccs in a casual way knowledge directs practice yet practice increases knowledgo control your mind in giving atten tion to only ono matter at a time concentrate your mind upon minor matters ns well ns upon those of more importance remind yourself that other human beings nro bom of the somo material and are subjects of tho samo desires passions and feelings which possess you if compelled by clrcirmstnnccs to give attention to more than one matter nt a time weigh he most important ono requiring immediate bacco and asked them to suggest tho name of a practical tobacco rais er who would ik capable of supcrln- 1 attention and excuse yoriotf tcm- tendlng tobacco raising experiments porarily for not attonding to the rti i others steady decrease ct many britisl songsters tho case of tlie shaftesbury aven ue london bird dealer who woa fined 10 and costs by mr flowon last week for keeping sixty linnets in a cage measuring about 12 inches by 9 inches by 6 inches four of thi birds boing found dead two with logs broken and most of the others in a dazed condition has aroused a storm of indignation among lovers of birds and humanitarians general ly throughout the country says th london express the case is a revelation for thou sands of people j who live in un country especially in those districts within a twontymllo radius of lon don who are mourning tho steady docrcaso in numbers of all sorts of wild birds and the threatened anni hilation of many species they see from time to time dozens of wild looking men from tho slum districts of tho metropolis trapping in various ways the bird life in their woods and commons but they havo little idea of the extensive raids mode by this rough fraternity as a matter of fact tho bags mado in a single fine day between atig 1 nnd march 15 and sometimes even in the closeseason often run col lectively into thousands of linnets skylarks tluushes and other song birds these arc tho birds which stock tho doalcrs shops many of which nro no more than filthy hovels in slum districts in nil ports of lon don they oro bought from tlmpro- fcsslonal blrd catchers and sold again for four or five times tho amount paid for them thus is the bird life of britain gradually being extinguished but by far tho worst sicjc of tho wholo business is the overcrowding anil consequent suffering to which these tiny captives nrcsubjectcd it may bo seen in many bird dealers qunrtors small cages x measuring but a few inches eachwcypackod with littlo birds tho sick tho well tho dead the dying oil crowded to gether in ono fluttering mass of choking bird life a veritable black hole of calcutta vw it is suggested that lovcps of birds should commence a general crusade agnfnst tho ovil a great deal of good might be done by watching n nnd giving lmormntioiito the royal society for tho prevention of cruel- tyjx animals of any cosoof that may bo seen tho society as ono of its members has informed an exprcss representative will bo only too glad of tho widespread support of tho public in its cam- ps bat tho campaign against the capture of wild birdsjs really in the hnnds of tho coimtyxouncilsy as tho duko of bedford pointed out tn his last address to thojsociety for tlie pro- tcction of birds unless tlie county councils ultimo their powers of oll- thcydtrround protection- and tho pollco enforco the nwbirucntchcrs will continuo to purfluothoir trade i with profit to themselves