oececaee3egogooogfir8oc88sc9et93taac30g i i or the sign of the arrow r- into a chair sobbing take no notice- i am so sorry so sorry you sorry rather should i express sorrow that beneath my root a kinsman of mine should so far f forget himself as to insult a lady and that a lady for whom i have j era great respect j and the woman sobbed on she saw her grief was making the old man nervous sho was arousing i his pity and that well awake tli i was no knowing what he wmm beautifying the lawn there seems to ho a growing dis position on tito part of most people lit do j to beautify their farms by keeping cgnosqcoggg3oacocceoogecocceseesecoeco chapter xviii j you put it brutally yet never- capable of such or say pity is akin to love so fresh green lawns and planting trees she just jerked out between the sobs and shrubs when one sees a well i amvery very sorry arranged lawn it looks like an easy tell me miss westear wnat was matter to so lav one out as to give this about kood appearance but when it ir l doing the actual work in- ly out ot true for this hold a lepl pencil to each side while revolving so as to mark the greatest possible dia meter with a marble cutters chip ping chisel or one made from a pieco of buggy spring or even a large cold chisel held sloping well upward just over the pencil mark strike with a hammer and chip carefulfy from each edgo of stone to centre this will leave a ridge in the centre of stone in the same way chip oil personal pointeps notes of interest about some leading- people mark twain wrote down the names of his own works when he was once asked to make out a list of the books which iiad helped him dr sven lledin tho explorer 1ms remarkable inguistic abilities and has lectured in scandinavian in the you put it brutally lci theless yes i think so she knew it her cod was mam- j y third lmoji her worship at his shiinu thing wr not so much personal as for thu j yes blesinga he showcied she loved mtygod the possession of money for the sake heggie 1 must go now she a time hut if he has insult- you of iarliug with it she had tasted rnvq a wnlkcml un to him you o shall never cross the hreshold oij the ys it purchased in tho days jus om khs a this house again whyahy did he gone rty recorded in those pasted- y nut au iev some- roll vou callous and ruel t i have down fearcs of her life when tho lmjl emcmber a teal which always thought you the very re- scorched bis whiskers sea seepent visits scotch steam trawler the monster has grown consid erably since he was last seen the sea serpent has at last made ts annual apea ranee- in western tut tut my dear you must not give way like this ilw young cmferal rascal has angered mo today and 5 j told him he should leave hero l to is no contract we shall purchase had cost hti so much binds she did not intend that danger i inter should attend hw present acquiic- sho was close to him and about ment of what she loved so much to put her anus round his neck he play her cards so well 1 repulsed her stepped back and said would be impossible one kink in the chaii won hi shi that n slip there was on 1 her feeling for tho boy she was tnlkjng to he had asked her ii myney was everything to her and fne dehnally answered j yes everything because it buys everything houses horses carriages diamonds bodies and souls he looked at her in blank aston- ishmbnt ht the confession and would you sell your body and soul for it yes not ior the mere sake of the purchasemoney but for what one can do with it- lhe was positively saddened he milised now that she spoke freely nter upon verse he be because there there my dear because because what she hesitated a moment to speak dont touch mo so of the boy who had found t place the womans arms dropped to her her heart but in jmt moment ido looking him steadily in the she reflected and decided how necos- ace she asked sary was his absence so the ansyv- what do you mean erect mean thai am overcome by i he asked me to go away and live g the actual rallies are sure to creep effect ther iorl of ruies to guide one in ar ranging the lawn tho object is to natural effect and nature never imitates but her every con dition is original there are how over certain gardening which are more for iie fronts of farm buildings than for city lawns which are too often taken as models in the country gen erally speaking thy former are less restricted and lend themrelves to ar rangements requiring greater scope than the city properties nfiord to get tho best arrangement this ancient scaly i vna unnfiii tui monster o grit from stone after use and it will i worts havo a wider circulation than deep according to their rep prevent the hard glaze forming on j those of any living author at the i uoo t i and in fairly tho surface if stone becomes badjiose of 1902 his hooks had been health ly glaed it may be eaten off with j printed in no fewer thnn fortyliv strong sulphuric or nutric acid turned off with a spade if you want to grind rapidly let the grit ut7eatretof landscape if p iiuvtit ru which are more suitable l ft to run tc stono m a w far she was from being what he i bo stretched upon thin door bad thought her he was disen- it now 1 see you in your true colors i scorn you your politeness grows apace aj moment ago you called me a fury now you scorn me chanted he said slowly i am disappointed in you there was just a little mockery her voice ns she answered that remark lacks novelty most men are disappointed in women i never knew you till this mom ent a moments knowledge aud you are disappointed the little i do know makes me think you a dangerous woman sounds quite proverbial a lit tie learning is a dangerous thing you suggest that you have the form er and that i am the latter i am sorry very sorry that i have said what 1 have i juy eyes are open now- and being open what can you see he reasonable reggie you see a woman not a fool not one who would sacrifice her every ambi tion for what you term lovo the chances of a whole future for the mere gratification of a fleeting fancy a woman who is not all selfish j not allselfish w for i think of you you think of me yes for if- j did as you desired and tlirgs turned out as you wished them to 1 should be a drag on your futtue weighing you down i care j with a solxjn he for you too much to spoil your chance of success you care for me yes- curious is it not that qch n feeling should exist in n tem perament such as mine i admit 1 like you i dont like liking you i would if i could he above such a fooling it is the fly in my ointment it spoils it interferes with my plans aid kncwiig all this i who pride myrbif on my strength of mind am o veak as to confess i cannot help it nay hear me out we are to say goodbye before you go reg gie i want you to understand my farewell i i want you to look on vine as if t were a husbandman who i her beauty was he having sown his seed watches and and she husbanded if witli him and when i refused he call ed mo callous and cruel there was a certain amount of truth iu what she said but she omitted purposely omitted any re ference to the proposed mariinge and it had just the effect on sir george slip had anticipated it would have lie was speechless with in dignation for a moment and then he ejaculated the confounded young scoundrel t am so so very sorry she smiled sarcastically as she i horry tis he should be sorry commented and by god he shall be before how very dramatic how very long i kind j oh sir george pray do not let kind i kindness is thrown away me be the cause of dissension what upon such women as you whose mer- does it matter what is said of me cenary heartlessness drives many a oni n ppppoor governess poor wretch to the bad i felt tlisl miss westear any woman be- separation ut first now i am gratei neath my roof shall be free from in fill to that providence wt ich cause- a revulsion of feeling at finding the woman 1 thought an angel little bet ter than a fury you are polite i am honest it would be ii to pick words and phrases to ml ii co matters with such a woman as you aie hall an hour ago i would cheerfully have laid down my life to save you hurt or pain now rather than see you loose upon the world 1 would gladly see your life- trough of water to giot clkan milk the two most important points to be observed in buttermaking are cleanliness and proper temperature to ensure high quality tho tost re- f liitisi fieldmarshals baton jna different languages and dialect queen alexandra can claim to be one of te most prolific of letter- writers at times she hns written as many as forty letters in one day with her own hand and miss knollys her favorite ladyinwaiting often gets through a hundred all written under tho queens personal supervision it is an interesting met not gener ally known that although king kd- ward has conferred oh his nephew a the jquisitc is the very best of raw ma- i german kmperor has not the power trees and lawn it is essential that terial the t i the buildings be a reasonable ul9i cows wmcii nave been real himself is not cv0it a rie wholesome well flavored food monster of tho eport ho good lance apart and from the highway as little as possible should be seen of fences and small attention need bo given to flowers but nothing is so consistent with a country homo as a broad wellsodded and shady lawn lly sowing lowgrowing gras ses such as redtop blue grass and white clover a good sod is obtain ed without much cropping thus do- away with continued lawn mow ing which would otherwise require all the spare time to be hail after getting a sod and the lying out of paths should come the set ting of trees and slirubs this planting is a feature that needs to be enlarged upon on most farms it gives tho grounds a park like ap pearance and everyone recognizes that a natural park is an ideal place suit that- my own kinsman shouldtln which to live the planting of make dishonorable proposals to you these shrubs and trees gives the best is beyond endurance effect when they are planted indis- hc was marching up and down the j criminatory but judiciously the room as vigorously as his gouty foot trees being toller than the shrubs would allow him to his eyes wore should form the background while there was a mocking intonation ini on tiie griefstricken woman ho the latter can be set more farward her voice as she asked do you ro- to kce a woman cry he came j clumps member that hell knows no furyiiose to her sat down and said like a woman scorned miss westear evelyn i have ad- i pray heaven we may never mired you for a long time there is meet again j difference in our ages i believe i a prayer my dear reggie which should- make a good affectionate will remain unanswered itely on husband arrangements it was coming at last good hr- inc arra menis me we shn 1 meet again the interview will not be of my seeking and should it come about we moot ns strangers keally 1 require not even friendship wltt a woman remarkable only for her heartless ca lous cruel nature he left the room and she the ningled tears of love and indigna- band she knew he would make or anyway she would make him one while jio lasted miss westear you listened to a dishonorable proposal from my nephew today will you allow me to make some amends will you lis ten to an honorable one from my self will you bo my wile v standing in her eyes sank in a chairj sir george throat i know you are worthy a younger he insults me m- 1 who have manta better man perhaps but it been used to and vet what n fool would be a hard task to find one fool fool i am i cannot even who would care for you bettor than be angry with him i i would come what is it to be and standing in the framework oft yes or no the conservatory entraiee navlng and for answer observed his nephews departure and j or knees put hoi on most farms where improvement of this kind has been done consider able taste has been displayed and it is simply to emphasize the iinport- i ance of introducing more scope into of the lawn that this note is sounded a little reach of imagination off into a country where widespreading trees and beau tiful flowering shrubs abound in which nest all kinds of birds where j limitation and restriction are condi tions unknown and then trying to work out a realization of this image on tho lawn will often tend to beau- tifd arrangement aud an effect that is most inviting shekp notes and which liqve had only good pure wa ter to drink kven yet this milk may deteriorate in quality by filth falling into it by absorption or by basterial development which may produce injurious flavors hence wo see tho necessity of cleanliness in milk production brush tho side and udder of the cow in order to pre vent filth from falling into the milk- pail milk with clean dry hands j and remove as soon as possible to n place where the atmosphere is pure and have it immediately strained londons medical mystery case of a girl whose body was full of strange animals the extraordinary case of a buck- of his own army as it is an unbrok en gorman rule that no oflicor can receive his marshals baton unless he hns commanded an army corps in war the king of italy once paid an early and unexpected visit to a government office and had to wait an hour before a clerk appeared the king promptly dismissed onehalf of tl e staff remarking that the other jalf if keeping office hours would be able to do the work king em manuel is one of the greatest living j to regard tho sea serpent as numismatists and possesses the fin- own peculiar property est private collection of coins in the world mrs isabella t- bishop holds tho record among women travelers and explorers a daughter of au english clergyman she found life so dull and so craved for aye and al venture she from the fiji islands whom tho serpent was last seen six weeks ago to tho north sea is- roughly 11000 miles so that ho has made a rouvj trip assuming that he came via the capo of good hope when the monster appeared oil the coast of borneo in lsi0 mr mus tard a veracious singapore pilot stated positively that the reptile was exactly 45 feet long neither more nor less on that occasion ho amused himself aud the natives pres ent by gently tossing several fishing canoes up in the air and dexterously catching them on the spiked end ot his tall since that period the sea serpent has appeared in various parts of tho world and each year he has increas ed in size and strength the terrified captain and crew of the steamer glengrant who had a brief interview with the serpent de claro that he is fully 200 feet long this shows a growth of 155 feet in thirteen years this statement will cause envy to tho cape cod fisher- i men who of late years havo alu hands on deck como their wyi u jnat at the age of twentvtwo sh ingham ffirj in whose body scores of star out amno to soo the woh strange animals were lound aroused 1 i now- watching the woman stood sir george grayne- ciiapteu xix grief blood breeding and feed are the three great factors with which the she nst sank on i wool growers can work out success pliimp arms round sheep with medium wool of medium when his scraggy old neck and fobbed length will not get to the hid quietly on his shirtfront she wasjif rains too full of joy to speak for a mom- to secure tho most profit from cut joyful tones do not imrmon- sheep premises they should be shelter- iso with a griefstricken appearance j from storms and the old man put an arm round many flocks are made unhealthy by sfl leaving the manure for the shiop to j ie upon and allowing them to nthe the foul air arising from it nge animals were considerable interest yesterday in medical and lay circles a london express representative paid a visit to the nursing home in buchimgham wbero the girl was first taken after she had vomited many of the strange creatures and he learned some interesting addition al particulars concerning this remark able case tho girls name was el lon bates aged 22 and she was tho daughter of william bates of lam port near stowe buchinghnmshire who formerly lived at akeley tho girl was very strong and healthy un til last october when she was seiz ed with the mysterious illness she continued to fail and during febru ary she vomited a number of small animals tho estimate being three or four each doy she got worse and was sent to the buchingham nursing home where sho remained under tho enre of dr vincent howard and miss potter the head nurse for about six weeks then sho was taken to st bnrtholo- mews hospital london and after ward to another hospital where an operation was performed and hun dreds of animals large and small were found near her left shoulder and wandered extensively through north and south america after wards she penetrated into the wild and unknown parts of asia in 189s when sixty years old she toured for three years through korea siberia and china mr w s gilbert the popular lil- rcttist was one day sitting in a club in an interview with a london ex press representative at fraserburgh scotland a member of the crew of tho glengrant said about four bells in the early morning watch last tuesday all hands were called on deck to try a hand at the draught nets as far as we could tell tho steamer was about eighty to one hundred miles off tho shore all of a sudden we heard a roaring sound like the warning note of a cyclone which was followed by a tremendous agitation in tho water the cook put his head out of tho galley and shouted whales boys diningroom when he was approached j look out for your nets by a clergyman who asked have you seen hero this morning a man with one eye called james with a humorous twinkle in his eye and a solemn look at his questioner mr gilbert answered what was the name of his other eye the worthy cleric glared at tho librettists solemn face then without replying turned on his heel and walked away in- an opposite direction general sir john mxeill vc has seen as much of our little wars as most men of his time he cnter- then to our horror an enormous monster with a head like a chinese dragon rose up from the waves alongside the ship for a moment or so tho serpent rested his chin re flectively on tho truck of tho main mast while tho stern of te ship sank down under the enormous strain we stood on tho deck forward gating up at him in a dazed man ner unable to move suddenly tho monster started to slide down again into the sea as he did so the open ed the army fiftythree years ago cabin skylight attracted his atten- nd fought through the indian mutj an ho thrust his head down lay while he also went through tho sco what was eow tlip skip per and tho mate were just about she walked to the mirrow to wipe her waist and drew her to him away those traces of tears to see jng in glad tones her hair was straight that nothing plion you do care for me was wrong in her appearance for j she had got her foot on her joy- ockintradi pedal by this time and was keeping and and she husbanded it aud in the it well down the triumph wliich wailsjos tho plant matures till tho j mirror she saw the reflection of sir shone through her tears the man iit george standing in the background put down to jove- a man usually at once a woman of resource she finds what he wants to find in a saw that he must have seen and womans eyes if a woman knows her heard something and resolved on business letting the tears come they could she had come off his bosom and only do good with a man they reared herself up a bit still on her were there it was a pity to waste knees it was a good sort of pos- them so she struck a pathetic atfluon and she knew she was not tit ude with an arm on the mantel j without experience worked wonders body must bo in and her handkerchief to her eyes with most men sb and waited i to observe tfiat it wn flower turns to fruit golden fr and then invites some one he cares for to share it with him change the sex- in the parable keggie and apply it in lime to come not so vpry long perhaps i may be a wealthy woman and then vou think t she interrupted mm quickly i think that when the time floes come you will think twice before you refuse to share with me the golden fruil the life of pleasure which money will enable us to enjoy to- getler how ho had piisunderstood her how she was misunderstanding him the scales had fallen from ids eyes you think that haying sold your body and soul for money i could fall to the level of sinning the pur- chnsemoney with you t health ard vigor or sicksv women by supplying- an abundance of rich red life- sustaining and systembuilding biood dr chases rserve food thoroughly cures the ills peculiar to women sir george stepped into the room i nil the time she burst out- and spoke she gac a start ofj care for you sir fsoorgo ah surprise and struggled to conceal if you only knew how much i day the traces of grief with u skill by day your kindness your gentle- worthy the leading lady ut a leaning es have made ine long to hold theatre you in my arms to whisper to you what was that i heard miss much i care for you westear culluiis cruel nature j kelvn my darling vou have such words to you from my made me one of the jinppiest men nephew i i in susrex ob piny sir cleorge she sank and i sir george v vou have made me tie happiest woman on all the earth then the happiness and joy were changed for a moment vrc came into tho room seeing tho position of the parties she started and said iu a voice of mingled fear horror and indignation papa and that one word or rnthor the way in which it was said brought the old man to his feet inside a mo ment no soldier ever came quicker to attention nt the word of com mand to be continued by careful selection of the ewes and using a thoroughbred ram the flock can soon be brought up to where they willprovca source of profit in order to obtain vigor we must sustain and build up tho muscles and furnish food for activity to produce fat requires to till up tin 1 issues and to store up material for heat and life for existence to produce- plenty of wool the healthy condition was gratified jus regards its digestive functions working now j and all its wauls supplied hie feminine organism is an intri cate mass of delicate and sensitive nerves which require nn enormous amount of pure rich blood to nour ish them anil supply them with the vital force necessary to properly per form their functions liii the blood is lacking in quan tity or quality the nerve cells waste and shrivel up and by means of pain and irregularities make known their starved and depleted condition unless nervous system ts put in proper condition all the medicine in the world will never cure the ucokncs and irregularities peculiar to women hecouso dr chases nerve kood contains the elements of nature which go to form new rich blood and create new nerve force it is the most certain cure obtainable for such ailments the stomach after meals nervous sick headaches irritability sleepless ness spells of weakness and dizziness come over you you feel disheartened discouraged and despondent and fear prostration pralysis or insanity uk madk till- most ok it a certain mans wife was much troubled with the thought that tho house would be broken into jler t husband being kept awake nt night ih l- j r y by her anxiety hoped to cure her of tie use of dr chase s nervo iood ll0 delusion by arrangin not the false hope which is aroused by medicines composed of alcohol and other stimulants but the hope which finds foundation in added flesh and tissue in better appetite more buoyant feelings and gradual disap pearance of annoying symptoms as a bloodbuilder and nerve re storative dr bases nerve food is bound to benefit your whole system uy noting your increase in weight while using ft yon can prove this be yond a doubt tifty cents n box 0 boxes for when the nervous system becomes 2 v nt all dealers or ed exhausted tho whole body is more or bates co toronto arranging with man he knew to enter the house and pretend to be n robber while ho would satisfy his wifo by going down and srariog him away by firing his revolver tho man agreed and re ceived a small fee for his trouble on tho night in question the wife heard some noise so aroused her hus band who crept downstairs with his revolver all was quiet but he boldly enter ed the diningroom and crying out hands up fired his revolver into the ceiling still not n sound with a sudden feeling of anxiety ho struck found every particle of lunble things gone r 11 i ru r ri a to toronto to protect ri sudden feel i j in nearly all cases it is best to feed some grain to the sheep during the winter the grain gives life i warmth and strength to withstand t disease a change of food is better for all animal life not to pamper by high j feed and close quarters but give good lea it by living from first to last one advantage of sheep manure is i that of itself it is not a distribution of weed seeds as is ofumi the ease j with that of cither animals as a meat producer tie sheep ranks above the ox that is a given amount of grain will produce more when fed to sheep thnn to cattle if sheep are to increase- in flesh or even continue in good condition the foofl must contain certain elements which when digested will produce animal heat fat and muscle there is a difference between an oily sheep obd a puny one a sheep that has yellow gum in his wool can not stand anything but a sheep that hns white oil will come through all right no moro sheep should bo kept in any run than can bo fed in racks in the same run and have plenty of space to he down in and for exercise every drenching rains every ex posure to sudden changes from heat to cold every lot of hay trodden un der foot in muddy feed lots or yards is so much loss to the flock ownor in feeding sheep the olm should im to have as much of the feed eaten as possible without waste nnd nt tho same time know that cvvry sheep is having all it needs to make the most profit blade she died under the operation y whom h and the doctors declared that she i i could riot possibly have lived be cause one of tho animals had travel led from the region of her shoulder to her heart a medical man writes the case of the girl who had during life vomited in number of small animals and in j whose body was found a strange j animal was probably one of hydat ids the history of these parasites is i peculiar in the mature slate uiey i ate known ns taenia echinococcus i ant i infest tho intestines of dogs wolves arid jackals into which they are introduced by feeding on the flesj of pigs tainted by the parasite ir another stage of development thi i eggs of ihc echinococcus are intro- duced into tho human body in drink- jing water infected by pigs or logs thus the story that eating water cress was the cause of the girls com plaint is probable enough 1 j r liovs from the estate dressed as men in the human body the eggs form hydatid cysts most frequently jn the liver around the cyst the tissue hardens and the parasite may re- maori campaign the kcd hiver and ashantee j 87374 expeditions be- 1 ing very severely wounded in the latter and finally the egyptian j 1882 and soudan 1885 expedi tions lie was a favorite with queen d an equ- erry it was during the maori war nnd nni that sir john then a colonel won i sloivard the victoria cross the icmpress of itussia spends 10 000 a year on perfumes pastes soaps and toilet waters which she has sent to her exclusively from the french capital violet is her ma jestys favorite scent but her taste in perfumes is so catholic nnd general that every day she vaporizes the royal apartments with the concen trated essences of lilac jasmine nar cissus jonquil tuberose nnd white violets the empress toilet water is perfumed with violets which are gathered specially at onsse between five and seven oclock in the evening the time when according to her majesty their perfume is the most delicate when the marl of linlithgow was n boy he had a particularly fine fleet of minature ships manned by small ca11i- oi- oltlndstonr when a stone is new it is readily hung true with patent hangings sometimes a side is softer or from being loft in tho water wears away faster set a spade handle firmly against tho ground and edge of blado so ft will catch the highest spots and the atone is readily turned down smooth and true if too bad j main long without interfernng with 1 the health within the cyst numer- 1 ous small cysts called daughter cysts mny form in some cases j there are thousands of these varying in size the parent cyst occasional ly burst into the stomach or lungs or even into the membrane surround ing tho heart supposing the girl to have hydat ids the vomiting of small animals is explained the animal that was found in her body was the parent cyst which had burst into the stom ach the daughter cysts being vomit ed up a starting and stopping there is no use expecting business unless yon go nfter it there is no reason to expect people to buy un less they are told about the goods for sale each buyer will become n friend if the reasons for selling are made good in the goods delivered arid later sales will be increased it is time to start for the fall trade and it is good policy to say just why goods are desirable in adver tising especially there is no time like the present and it is necessary to keep after the appreciation of the people until all have been convinced or until the limit of trade possibili ties is reached mother telling a fairy tale the palace was most beautiful and scent ed with the most lovely perfumes nnd id t tie daughter eagerly interrupting was there a lovely smelt of baked apple mammy wars men once when t lie king of denmark was on a visit to llope- toun house he reviewed the little fleet and struck by the smart ap pearance of one of the small handy men approvingly patted him on the head the child apparently over come by the unwonted honor hand led his minature rifle so awkwardly that he sharply prodded the itoyai waistcoat with his bayonet the future karl who was then about fif teen was afterwards heard to repri mand the offender thus when a king pats you on the head dont prod hi in in the stomach salute him the mariuage knot eow of tiose who talk about the marriage knot realize that the knot was ever anything more than a mere figure of speech among the babylonians tying the knot was port of the marriage ceremony there the priest took a thread of the gar ment of thfl bride and another from that of the bridegroom and tied them into a knot which he gave to the bride thus symbolizing tho bind ing nature of the union it is impossible for n woman preserve a secret so it will keep 1 m a w chases catarrh cube jc is ici direct to tb dlteutj rat by iba itnprottd fikmetf lleals to nci iars the ate paias op droppings ia cbt ihroit anj prrrmnaadjr cifjrdi anjifarvr flkmrr iff p alldileift iv a w chm to have their morning coffee when the awfullooking head swung across tho table doth of the men are strict tee totalers and know that this was no vision they dropped their cofieo u deck the poor however was left pinned up in a corner and unable to move examined the cairn slowly the serpent looked round he cabin scorched the stewards whiskers and tho paintwork with his fiery breath and then withdrew his head from the skylight sinking back into the water one of my shipmates hit his body with a belaying pin and it sounded a if an iron tank had been struck no sooner had the g lengrant lighted herself than she began to rise tip tho stern high into the air as if lifted by some giant hand the waves foamed liko a caldron as the vessel went down by tho bows tho seas swept her decks and flooded the engineroom focsle nnd galley we all thought that our pnssagen to davy jones locker were booked the propeller revolved at a fear ful pace this lasted a few seconds then distinct bumps were felt amid ships and the stern of tho ship gra dually sank down again we saw the serpent away on tho port side going at the rate of fifty knots nn hour then ho made a sud den tack nnd bore right down on us again ns if he was resolved to crush the ship to pulp as he came close np alongside one of the fishermen aimed a gun at his bead ad tired and the serpent suddenly dived and disappeared he wan twice as long na our ship with whiskers that stood out liko topsail yards great green oyoa and an immense mane and a huge cav ernous mouth with great tusks this thrilling experience of captain carter and his crew in the north sea was not readied before as tho captain was afraid of being ridiculed it was only through the pleadings of the crew that he consented to givo the story to the press on the arriv al of the glengrant nt fraserburgh on saturday mjnuing it in gladys is not nt haw bridget miss home son mr icallow really p thats too bad bridget vis sor but she said if thats a box of candy yoro carryin she hoped yed pave it phrenologist feeling the bumpsr- now i can tell at a glance that this man is incessantly engaged in hendwork now sir what is your profession mm a hairdresser sir umehter by the crowd