ask fobj jour dinner sets we buy right to sell right underwear values vests or drawers 25c 33c 00o 76c and l each cmltas underwear suitable for all ages and at all prices according to iz mens wo handling the famous stanfield brand and can guarantee a faultless fit for every figure smrts or drawers a pair of values for this week 1 a special line of harris cheviots in grev aud navy very wide worth 76c for soc 2 ladies flannelette wrappers well made neatly trimmed pretty colors and patterns 1 125 ladies coats just recsired a line of ladies coats cut in the latest fall styles with box back color dark oxford roy made of the best of english pujrk wool goods guaranteed to bo rain proof heavy winter weight tnis u exceedingly protty and useful garment for fall and winter wear see them ladies and joujwih endorse all the good wo can say of them price 1 o childrens toques we have an exceedingly pretty range on stile now in white and colors suitable for all age3 2oc 35c aud 45c 11 i iks and misses tam8 in white and colors 50c omens caps special sale while they last mens 60c peaked caps curn down sr flaps heavy wool tweed o winter weight on sale for 5 only a limited number so dont miss the chance cunliffe peters all wool 50 75 90 and 123 fleece lined 50 and 75o natural wool si and 135 extra fine ribbed wool 125 and 160 boys a full lino of boys shirts and drawers all sizes in stock bargains ik toilet sets wo are offering a specially picked lot of im ported goods beautifully decorated in colors tipped with trilt 10 pieces to the get the product of cne of the best potteries worth 4 to 5 for 4 350 f new otercoats we hare some beaatiu in and n one arriving every week by ex prtat they were elegant but not spreniive cat u tbil years fashions and well made rvery coat a aatisfaction special prices 10 and 12 all aizes in stock boys childrens overcoats ah prices and sizes mens heavy ulsters waterproof coats all kinds blanket items flannelette sheet pure wool blankets spreads comforters fine down quiltsand everything comfortable for cool nights oilcloths a large variety of pretty pattern in all the different widths from 25c square yard carpets a good showing of hemps union wool and wool filled tapestry brussels suitable for all rooms halls stairs c ask for our dinner sets seasonable leautief health comes from proper dress ing and pleasure comes from being fashionablp attired j we provide furs that wiliyi you ftihionable garment an make you look well whig tou am ar comfortable also vr oar ly showing of furs is worth your attention they are all new swy thoroughly reliable in every particular ladies ruffs 2 4 450 6 and 650 ladies caperines 550 600 700 850 900 and 910 ladies and gents fur caps 150 250 and 450 childrens ruffs 125 and 150 girls storm collars grey and black 150 gauntlets mitts and trimmings the bishop natural leather fur overcoat the leather is indian tanned and will last a life time all are oderlt clean and sweet smelling wet or dry the life of the leather la not stioyed it will bo as good in fifty years as it is today same as the buffalo the skins are speoially drcssod by a hew process and they always be soft and pliable and are of the highest workmanship 18 23 and 30 bishop bobbs singly or in pairs of baek and front robefinished in the best si 12 and 18 goat robes at all prices stouffville ont the first step to nttiif j technical training lor tho work in which you want to succeed the i 0 8 can help mpunu tho other otops with ease we train ambitious nsli or wtmen in epare tiino for po ions tiiat pay well because special train ing is required to fill them if you want tc change your work wof can tram you for a salaried position la your chosen profession without loa pt ximv from your present unoongen lal cpeupation wo con help you qualify ii oy mall at iiiiull expense for any of uia follow log positions jjoiow will bo found a partial umtof thj petitions for which wo can train you by mall geijtlemen please explain liow i onn qualify for tho position av loltiof wjbch i havo marked x- mechanical engineer juaobino deslgnor mechanical draftsman foremen mabluist traotion engineer electrical engineer electrician telephone engineer telegraph engineer t wlrcman dynamo tender fjleam engineer juarlno engineer pull engineer survoyor mining engineer wqolcnlfill superintendent architect jccatraetor and bulldor architectural draftsman sign fainter showcord writer chemist ejiectlotal draftsman prnamontal designer porspootlvo draftsman jucoikoopor rjtenpgrapher advt wrltor pommorclal low languages taught with piio noggiaiph jeiaort gorman bpankh present occupation j j5tm laddrow wilto today stating position that interest you to too international ccuetpondenpe schools scranton pa w to c d mlcholl stouffville ont district representative to bent a 10rorunod honed ta stcuifvul for further particulars on ply to mum vlolot castor at mr a m twairlaeiu tjora i fob sale nine small pigs also an ngel fio89 chef p or would exchange horse for a ocw apply at lot 3 7tmljna whit fchtuch babaptinps4 auction sale of timber berths huibllc notics la hereby give that pursuant to authority of orders lu couuoil tho lied aud tylma mill timber m tb following towtshiu uertjjii and reas namely 1i the diaxklct og nipidsm- ibu townships of hutton crwiiuuu iurkn ayimur alaokolca aiocari menick uuiook part oo ileucu part of tiluivurt loaidiart part f uarrow part of osourus pxl ti hammeli anil luvips part of it the wstltlct uf auioui- jivrib uim iva and ml tho tuwu hp of kitoheur aud ouirls ami ptoeit w naar ujiapiuk juakei iti thii itaini liimi ludtltlct porttw u xv u i u aa u aui an4 oa and the following bertha with in right to out una remove tho piue kpruou luniarauic ceuur ana pupiuri u u e u i7 u ia g sij u bo u zti g xi u a g oj li ttij g 1u g hi g i u u g 41 g iz g 43 bonus aji oi hz hb and ai will ha of fere j im aulu in jtubiio auction au ih iaiim mant buiidiu in iheciy ol toronto on viedwesdajr uie nimtii day of decembub lulm at the hour o uiva ololook in tho afiorupon jailueto ooutululug terms aud oondu ttons of sale and information as tu areas and iots and conoesslons uom prlaeu in oaoh bortb will bo furnished on application either personal or by letter to tho departjneat of qrowli huwu toronto or tnaqrowo timbei agencaa at ottawa aault sta atari lort arthur bat portage and vorl frnnausl ajdavis cojaimuisionor crown imucvt dspartmont of crown inoj tpionto july 29 lyoa n at no naauukarlsad utbllastloo of ttkla advartlaamaat wlu b amid to just step in knockout blows the variety of blankets robsie mitts gloves fur coa saskatchewan koboa coata and alits oiled suits wateruroof working coata lap rugs trunks valises axlo greasa castor oil harness oil separator oi ropea ropo ftea brushes combs hoof ointment gal cure lice druasing dis infecting powdnr stock food constantly kept on hand har ness constantly kept on band and made to order repairs promptly attended to j er fob sale a thorobred registered cotswold ram two ahear at lot 28 10th line mai shorn apply to aweed havne5 fob sebvice c c moavoy atha has purcnasoa iwo berkshire boars of tho largo eng liehb roed ono or jhem is imported and wod tho wlnnor olffrst prito at the boyal show england tho other is frt m imported stook removed titer are many- vnlncrabl rfaa la maka aaatomr an impression prevails that there li only one blow that on the point of the jaw which really constitutes the knock out blow says a writer in the british medical journal this is an error the temple is a very vulnerable part of the head the lesion usually produced be ing laceration of the brain substance with hemorrhage a blow on the ear may causa rupture in the membrana tympanl and collapse dangerous points art orer the carotid and on the larynx the danger lying la the concus sion conveyed through the largw serve trunks which fun dowa the neck a blow on the larynx with the ban flat may cans instant death as nay one on the chest well ott the heart diaphragmatic blows an not at dan gerous to life the shock being tempora ry brisk rubbing and the use of stim ulants la the most satisfactory mode of treatment blows ever the kldneya nay causa ruptun and hemorrhage with inttnse pals and shack the ssost dangerous and infinitely atafnl form of kneckont blew la that ea the mark an area of the abdtmlaal wall tn- ponding to tat center tf a triangle formed by the xipbosteraal articulation abort and a line joining the beay ends tf the f tvtnth ribs below behind this lies the pyloric end sf the stomach a blow hen constitutes the solar plex us blow but in reality it is the stom ach which receive and transmits the shock a ltona mre d taylor of braoebrldge s vis hire friendf at altona mr geo bobinson brought home si heoe of fine oattla last thursday ov eninb which ho purchased back of feu elon ifallb mr bobinson is a model farmer and believes a number of stock nti in so doing ho keeps his land in the best condition for growing grain mr asa millard and mrs bonuson visited friends un newmarket on sun day last mr groro was in town looking for a uome in which to locate mr h stover nan moved from alto na to almlra the tribune have removed to their new quarters one door east grubin5 block entrance thru hallway arlatseraer of wealth hat rntatu whatever the tendencies tf wealthy americans of the present day it is ex tremely improbable that an aristeorscy of wealth should ever come into being it has been seen that an aristocracy depends chiefly upta twt conditions the continued posnsslen and exercise of power and the nsequont unity of alms and ldeala the aristocratic body in england for instance is self conscious its members are united by mutual understanding they acknowledge certain well recog nized laws of life and manners they depend upon each other to uphold these laws individually wealthy ameri cans may be both self conscious and self assertive but collectively they are antagonistic tt one another the ac cumulation ef wealth implies straggle and struggle does not bring forth the kind of qualities which make of the gentle and stately men and women of vandykes canvases one great family anna mcclure slioll in clintons magazine all tlmelceepera at lumnlt the capacity of a watch for keeping good time is very much governed by its construction and it more r last perfect finish it cannot bt expected of the best horizontal watch that it should always keep good time and tvea less so of the inferior make tf machine made watches the change of tu the variation in temperature the diversity of humidity of atmosphere all greatly affect the going of a watch indeed it is only the most perfect finish which neutralizes the advent inflatnre the greatest degree a a matter tf fact no watch keep perfectly correct time and even the best chronometer used in observatories and en board ships must bt regulated according to tables which are kept to fix the varia tions to which all watches art liable body bonds there was a very pretty wedding at the home of mr h d vanzant last fthuisdaj- evening wbon his eldest slaughter ida was unlteotln marriage to mr leonard w hutchinson a wolf to co yeoman of aurora the coromo n was performed by tho bov dr nix- on a termor pastor of the bride at 6 loclock tho guests bolng confined to toe nearest friends of the young oou pin- too brldo was glvenaway byihori fa chei she woro a travelling suit of da vj biuc broadcloth with hat to match and carried a largo bouquet of epani roses and maiden hair torn tho dec orations were of chrysanthorajins mnilax and oarnatlons and wero vn ry pretty and nrtlslio after the con giotiilatlons bad bonn offorod nn ou abciatc- luncheon was sorved the ta ble decorations being carnations ana rniiiaj tho bride was born and reared in slouffvllfe and nan always boon a fa- voilte with her companions and friends the groom is a highly re ppected young man from tho town of laurora and only son of mr john hutch laepn mr and mrs hutchinson took the a p m train for toronto on their wed din tilp and on thelf roturn will re alat in aurora the hrldo received a number of useful and handsome pros outa lamtag tho guests in attondanoa wero dr and urs 8 d free mr and mi j 3 hutchinson aurora and mrtf nixon we reel confident that tho brio will roako an excellent helpmeet and wih her husband will have innumer ablo good wishes fori a happy inarri d life ajers i what are your friends sayine about you that your eray hair makes you look old and yet you are not forty postpone this looking old hair vigor use ayers hair vigor and restore to your eray hair all the deep dark rich color of early life then be satisfied ayirt hair ylror ritord th natural eolor to rrit grj hair and x mm greatsj ld itli all too claim for it ju k j vakdkcas iecbanlcrlu n t- j o atxk co faif jimlmtaiamii tglm a bottl all dfgggjftft dark hair tuesday nov loth at 1 p in at lot if ceo 8 uxbrldgo 30 steers hor- sok o nd oows tho property of thomas wogg n e smitn auctioneer wednesday nov 11th at 1 p mi av lot 21 roar of 8th con markbun the forn etock and implomonts of alex boyd- n e smith auotlonoorj monday nov 10th at 1 p m at lot 6 6th una whitchurch oacrcaof boticlim maplo and ccdar tho proper ty of s b- hooveb n e smith auotlonoor tuesday nov 17th at 1 pi m at lot 29 8th con whitchurch tho faro stcck and implomonts of angus pen tfeck n e smith auotlonoor ratal ilaaa she i believe every man it tat rch tect of hi own fortune he tea bnt th trouble la most men spend so much urn on th plana that thsy bar son left for building cubtijs axlin at tho roold lecoo bl the brides paronts sth lint whitchurch on wednesday nov 4tb by bev 0 washington m a mr p faitu- orbraoebrldgo to mlsa aqnlt s allln or tpronto j castor i a itr iafiuu tad oalurta hi m yn hiti always binffht baar th mgaatmrttf rexall house- dy those dyes will dye wool ctton silk jut or mixed oood in one bath they are tho latest and moat improvel dye in the world try a paokage ah colore at 0 ooluad sole agent cideb milu tho undersigned intends to open bit mill oa toesdat seltmebeb 15t aad fbidat the 18tbl of the taint wttk and oa th following walk on tuesday wednesday and thoba dai aad tor tho remainder of the 0e every day exoopt saituttuay afttebnoon up till novomhr 1 whea he will oloaau- joseph bamelt the farmer the farmer ought to be tho cleanest man in bis neighborhood both as to his person and in bis character the gen tlest of all gentlemen the most prompt to meet every obligation financial and otherwise the most ready to see and help th neighbor who is in trouble on time in all his farm operations ready to take a hand in straightening out any crookedness in the public affairs of his community and of tho larger field in which he happens to lire kind in his family relations positive in all his con victions yet not self assertive enough to drive men from the troth why should the farmer be all this became he has been blessed in having a horn to near the heart of nature that bt ought to catch something of naturt sweetness strength nod uprightness- ffsim jonpax woox1 woolitk aighaat mrkm la aaaa or st par lb mora ia trad tar any quantity tf woordauraratas ta almlra weollea mllla a a ucauah a bomb th lat of a fw rimry orala stria der aaa b kadi at bargain to tie ont ta ttotk oa portable threshing engine tntlraly erar od abaac fc tarehart bwuttwxlli bbass steeii wobk3 j baker issuer of marria6xis5e cor mains ajuzul strem1m 80vffvlll farm lands for sale rajru lands fob bale beivonqino to the e8tatx o the ljte alexander hill de paubed let 100 aar being ta west bad of lot namtmc ib inc th tfth boat ktasloa f tk townaalp of vklbl ohuroh la th county of tork 2nd- the apath 27 aorta of tat watt half of lot numbeirjo la tat eta clotasahlon of th tsjdf town lj of whltaharoa for partlaular apply to jafmes mocullolioh bkjlltator btoaffvui or tt bev newton hill king p von r uoatauilw aallantra vitx oo ulkjr- j newfirm todd 1 cook wholesale and retail dealersin grain portland cement coal grey limo seeds white lime corn roofine paper beans building paper flour andteed coal tar salt in barrels and sacks pitch plaster oi parig lath plasterers hair shingle bock salt plaster hides and skins bricks potatoes tile wool highest prices paid for al- sike red clover and timothy seeds todd cook todds block stoupfvilisk i v