tha diplomatic xwey an american friend had told mo that i could trust no one in new york paid the tourist from sweden he ad vised me to tako great care of my money unless i was willing to pay for experience so i have been extremely careful with ona exception i eat on a bench in madison square the other day when a bright eyed ragged little boy came running up with a bundle of newspapers i bought one handing him a quarter in payment j 4 i aint got no change he said then go and get change i told him he hurried away and soon was lost in the crowd a man sitting near me on the bench smiled and remarked well you are easy t interested in my paper the minutes slipped away until i had forgotten all about the boy and the coin as i was folding up tho paper to go he came running to me again hot and breath less heres yer quarter he said pay me tomorrow i cant got no change tho incident impressed me i turn ed to the man on the bench and re marked with some satisfaction and yet you said i was easy you see the boy is honest i did not say that the boy was dis honest he replied but i did say that yon were easy and the proof of that is that you have made him a present of the quarter which is just what he in tended that you should do really you xew yorkers are all diplomats or cynics new york press dlfllcaltlcm of smotcru the turks are now a nation of smok ers but early in the seventeenth cen tury the priests and nilers denounced smoking as criminal and amurath iv ordered its punishment by death in the oruolest forms one playful punish ment consisted in thrusting the pipes of smokers through their noses in russia at the same period tho noses of smokers were cut off the powers ecclesiastical were strongly op posed to the new habit and popes tjr- hnu viii and innocent x thundered in turn against the terrible vice of smoking the papal thunders how ever proved powerless against tho charms of st nicotine although there was much reason in those decrees which were directed against the cus tom of smoking and snuffing in church pope urban excommunicated ail who should bb guilty of so unbecoming a practice and later innocent x solemn ly excommunicated all who should take snuff or tobacco in st peters church at home all the year round the daring of nellie by edwin j webster coplhom tntc ucctun til tal dol wj th anl 3 m of clid almost disbelieved her erei among the memories of my boy- hood bald a new york man them it is a conversation that i over heard ono morning aa i walked toward the boston bieli school between two women i the women were talklug abont ba bies their size weight health and to forth i why when i was a week old aald tho first woman 1 was such a little baby that they put me in a quart pot and put the ud on over mo tho other woman was amazed and horrified a did you llvo she asked thoy say i did her friend an- swored well well welll oxclalmed the sec ond woman and she glanced at tha other almostdoubtfully oaudcr i will guarantee to paint anything called for dealer good do me a speaking likeness of a dumb waiter nellie williams was afraid of mice spiders and caterpillars but she was not in the least afraid of men in fact she was accustomed to having men and strong brave men at that wait on her and be deeply concerned when eho was cross and much pleased when she smiled perhaps the fact that miss nellie had laughing brown eyes and dimples and hair which seemed to have snared the sunlight had something to do with this apparently contradictory state of affairs tho season at colorado springs bad been dull and tho proposition to make up a camping party and explore tha mountains was enthusiastically re ceived nellie of course was one of the party she was the life of it dick folsom was another of the campers dick was good uaturcd and big and strong yet he was mortally afraid of nellies displeasure it befell one day that dick and nellie wandered together down to the little mountain village near the camp norn- inally they went for the mail person ally dick didnt caro whether the mail came or not so long as he could bare i the privilege of going for it with nel lie the mall came in on time how ever and tho coach was about to start out on its trip up the mountain side when an idea struck nellie oh dick she cried lets get on the coach and ride up until we meet tho other coach coming down we will be late for luncheon but ive never ridden on a regular mountain stage coach it will bo no end of a lark dick was very favorably impressed with the idea of a ride on the coach with nellie as his companion but the postmaster looked worried he was a bearded exmlner who had seen rough times in the early days of the west now ho combined the duties and dig nities of postmaster landlord of the little hotel and express agent a pret ty daintily dressed girl was a rare and welcome vision to him and he was ob- vioubly much embarrassed at seeming to oppose her wishes but he called nellie and dick to one side begging your pardon lady he said hesitatingly but you had better not go out with the coach today you see its pay day up in the mines and the coach is carrying quite a bit of gold holdups dont happen often nowadays still there is alwayjia chance orw stijjt jrnissome other day but nellie williams like many an other pretty girl was somewhat self willed a holdup she exclaimed how romantic certainly i wont put off my ride probably there isnt any real danger of one and anyway i dont believe they would really hurt me do you tho grizzled postmaster shook hli bead deprccatlngly but the good ef- i foct of this was spoiled by the look in his eyes which plainly said he didnt believe eten a bandit bold would have the hoirt to hurt her dick tried to per suade the girl not to take the ride but she insisted she was going if dick didnt want to he could stay after that dick would have gone hod he known to a certainty that there wc a dozen holdups scheduled for an hour the coach swung up hill and down through tho beautiful west- waltfl got judgl mostf year aorri yoif the rig dai as wl nc the park surrounding blenheim pal ace is 2700 acres in extent and twelve miles around pvjvj foy0wfctt who cannot be cured hacked up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures c record such a no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained the proprietors and makers of dr pierces favorite prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay 500 in legal money of the united states for any case of jeucorrhea female weakness prolapsus or falling of womb which they cannot cure all they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure they have the most remarkable record of cures made by this worldfamed remedy ever placed to the credit of any prepara tion especially designed for tho cure of j woman s peculiar ailments a beautiful georgia law vicepresident of the east vud palmetto club of savannah and prominent socially there relates the follorrlnff experience t you certainly havt produced tb finest medicine for suffering women that is to behsd in the country i want to recommen it especially to mothers i was seventeen yesrt old when my darling boy was born pell very exhausted and weak for long time and it seemed i could not get my strength back my auter inlaw bought me a bottle of dr pierces favorite jescripuon after 1 bsd tried several of the other remedies which are so much ad- tertued and found no relief i had utile faith la the medicine at the time and was mo wesfc and sick that i felt discouraged but wluln a week after i had commenced taking your are- crlptloi i was ilk a different woman life muuu all ty eemed to come with each until in a few weeks i was irs a happy hearty woman mft boy and thanks to youjelplen inloylng perfect uh if wl in need ogrst tonic a no 511 med- hood how pilte you roint youh ounsj at u8 hub ohibd cm scenery nellie was in bleu spirits and dick too happy to feel really wor ried then tub coach turned a sharp curve and the scene changed with a suddenness that sent the hearts of the occupants of the couch to their throats from behind a clump of bushes at one side of tha road and a rock on the other two men sprang out each woro a rudo mask and carried a rifle the rifles were pointed at the occupants of the coach and the stern command hands up rang out it was a hold up the driver and the guard threw up their hands without hesitation they wero brave men but they were cover ed and knew the men in tho road meant vnsfbffist they would shoot and ahootvo kill if dick folsom had been rjinr with only the guard and lue driver he would have done the rue hut when nellie was with him tnns different his band slipped jc to his rear pocket and at the sam bo tried to tarns ku bote knol ron nal and i poet that i most 40 j moon on tl is sol frnlt o llglol wll falls i it to i be us tho 1 crnacl re tl tccmtl spnlnl ti10i posed i hon cl tor ofl an in tlic tune was if farm i living days i sajliil though sliod a i pool so iffc never i the to blvc tlons 1 i su uncle 1 willi denly down ll up 1 n or infants and children fhe kind you have always bough the pantry thirty years 3 wq keep in stock all the bast brands of co is sugars and other staples canned goods of every description always iyeh fruits of all kinds in season wee keep everything to be found ia well appoiuted grocjbby and at reasonable prices ratcliff co msdsk 50 yearg i experience trade marks designs copyrights c anyone bending a nkcleh and description mny icklr h5c0rtnln our opinion free whether an volition is probably pntrntiiblc communlat ii ntrictly continent inl handbook on patents wreiat notlct without charge i scientific hmeiican andsomcly illustrated weekly inrnaet elr- itlon of any scientific journal terns f3 irs our months t l sold by all newsdealer unnsco new york braucb offlco t f st woahlnulou t c kendall mmxvati sed fourteen years with good results til r 1g4 st new york sept 8 190 j kendaixco j clemen i itavo used your spavin cnr on thh tte the jvat fourteen yean and it has given mo cwxl nsulu in every particular have mi of j our books that i have found imfui if yon have any later edition of ileatlfo on tho horse and hlidlieaie u lludly tend inc one respectfully your b f fkisbie inn imoutely reliable remedy for spavins curb jt inchon cr tic itemoves the and leaves no acar prlco lalx for 5 nlitieiit for family use it haa no equal ask iriibklit forkknilaijas spavin cure a trvutlioon tho home the boofcfrec or l j kendall co enosburq falls vt a mixed oar or oglmaa hangttrleiii j flour bran and bhort for r as wrt price 8 b usmxjln 0x3 aft intra cream wanted ewacx oa sour lat make your butttri 10a ta lowut prle w paid lait jaar dllt ered at tk aearait atatloii it is worth yoar vail to glr aa a trial ton ar ao put to anjr axsanas w faraldi aan and pay ell eiproaa ahugaa sara lajo work aad aaaka mora naon ey wo satiety so par ajsat of tkuea irko sead niftytkra adlllana of lbs raauary batter axportad last yaar- ii tks areamsrias siaka it swebi t izku spaaial ladaoamants tor tfcoae ksas lag a nnmlwr ol ana a4 taarlagls who aaa farnlah ua with awsat oraaaa dalliarod at tha asareat atatkm a trial aollaitad and satufaatlsn kmuw aatead in wrltlns or partlaalan atata acmbar of aowi kapt whtkar separator or aot haviiebs waktbd the toronto cre1u amd but ter company 11 jartls at iproata b e beere o repairs promptly a tended prices moderate furniture stouffe i coulson havefor sale and to kent iom bargain in f a b m s df various aizas location qaalitiafl as pbicesi twelve homes id different parts of stouffvilla in price from 800 to 3000 varying varicocele as it interfere with isloii loss of semen through the nfr in the hack nerrouco e- onmipation and a comb nation cl thousand of young an- middle- have reason to belier ou are 1 donl let doctors expri jent inow method treatment and can nerr return w cure of time tlie treatmen ma he itraied book on vnrlcocalc o cure or no pay genuine cotton feltmatresses good assortment iron beds large collection of parlor sui tes and bedroom suites deliv ered in your hemes at city price fine line or rockers and gentschairs suitable for xiaas presents persons starting houso keopink sboul osll and get our prices before purchaa nk alaowhere rlcocele as it interfere with 0 kj m u i u ul u c 3fents for fire insurance oitbt of tha beat companie the sun life aasuraneo co of canada agent and appraisers for tha canada tc tntnet and western cicada mortgager corporation money to loan call and see us grnlis bloc stonffrille stouffer coulson lad l hhe kldaevs are a crreat soarco i i finiu of the back indncr to f ids or ft a drowv feeling- in wicw amatbod treatment f ao pay written consent liayt i had lijfe and two mi operated in if but only lr advised to tic nt of lit appeared in removed la r and vitality y respect i vliole iieart i re no pay shorthand bookkeepino penmanship c tavqht at till after treatment fd varicocele stricture sypli- iicllirces consaltatlon free tment elby street detroit mich toronto ont by ksriitikxctd tusourita tho only school in toronto uaohink the famous oregg shorthand or which is afliiiatcd with tho institute of chartered accountants oier 000 calls each yaar lor office help catalogue and all particulars free j w wester7elt chartered accountant principal j i e smith cjentt for hifikramclambliii carriait and qiflbb also agent fok the speihgt wagons and shjh8 deering harveter binders mowers rakes seed drills seeders and disk harrows tolton bros guelph ont pea harvesters pulpers the great harness compamr toronto ont all kinds of bubber silver and brass mounted harness kept on hand wareroom in 9m mall on the maiket