is gambling man corrupting our social and business life lerct according co act of tho poj anient ot cnuuda i- the ver ono thousand nine hundred and tbree win ilaily of toronto at too dcimrtuicnt of agriculture ottawa- a despatch from chicago says lv frank do wut tuhuuge preach ed from the following text cltfcesls iir 10 la the sweat of thy face tilt thou eat bit- fcomc years ago i was walking in teutifil fnirinount park pjiilauel- 1 in with iy father he suddenly turned and said to me frank irt week i am going to write a f ii mon upon the question ls life w iji living i am going to show that the solution of that question is conditional whether life is or is not worth living depends upon how u live it if a man lives in this world with the idea uti i a is only to receive and not to give 1f he is tused with the enervating convic- ti n that he must be carried around on a litter and if he docs not want to ho a worker r laborer a doer fo- mankind then life is not worth li ug the sooner that man is cad the better but if a man goes th ough this world realizing tho glor- iii s opportunities of christian usc- f iness and if ic is willing to spend and bit spent for others then life is wot th living then the longer wc live on earth the happier we shall be ad the more we shall make others happy gambling is robbery gambjng is robbery it takes wealth und gives nothing in return jt puts not one copper into the woi ids treasury it plants no seed jt digs no gold from the mine it grows no wool upon the sheeps hack it builds no steamship lines 1 1 manufactures no goods and it litiis no finished products it does nothing for national or social de velopment it had no more to do wl h the marvelous development of tho twentieth century than the vast ii es of tho piratical buccaneers of li had to do with creating the v alth of the fourteenth and the f nth mill sixteenth centuries its n i sion is always ruinous tsvcr es it raise a black flag of uvath nnd never the white hag which ould always be carried by the heroes of peace gambling cannot even lay claim to v e indirect advantages which a legi timate business provides for the immunity every legitimate busi ness is a benefit to mankind when a man like old commodore yander- bilt started out to make a success in i i world not even his most inti mate friends could charge him with being an intentional philanthropist any one who had any financial deal ings with old cornelius always know last for himself and for himself alone but when cornelius vander- bllt in the legitimate role of railroad developer served himself ho was also serving mankind his railroads gave employment to thousands and tons of thousands of men and sup ported those mens families his iron roads developed whole regions in the west which would never have been opened by any other pioneer than the cyclopean eye of the locomotives headlight when old cornelius van- kerbllt made millions of dollars for mmsolf he also made millions for his employees and hundreds of millions for his country but what increase cl capital did the world receive when in i sci o man of the name of garcia at the ilomburg gambling icsortwon in one night 1750000 francs or whet about the same time in miesbaden two frenchmen lost 3000000 francs or when a few years ago kjinlil bey lost at the gaming tabic 2000000 which he had- inherited from his father or when the niece of cardinal mazarin won in a single sitting from the duchess of- portsmouth 340000 or latly cnstlemoine of charles its court lost in one night over j25- 000 bid nil these transactions in crease tho worlds wealth by the value of one five cent loaf of bread did they hcrp in one instance to feed the hungry or give employment to the poor a voluntary slavej tho healthful desire for work nnd the gamblers passion do not nest in the same heart they belong not to the same brood of children they lire never nourished by the same mother jj when tho young man fresh from i a christian homo first hears the rattle of a dico box and is led into the sanctum gnnctorum of the baccarat seonco all his noblest scn- cibilitfes are intensely shocked but as his astonished eyes sec groat piles of coin and greenbacks being passed across the table after awhile faseln- atlon drives away fear then the warnings and restraints of a rebuk ing conscience arc shaken oil with sucli questions ns these what is the use of my working hard every iy of tho week except sunday nnd only receiving 0 or 10 on pay night when i might earn ten times that sum in a quiet game what is the use of carrying bundles nnd feeing ordered about by the heads of tho different business departments when by getting sure tips i can live a life of fun nnd excitement nt the races what is th ue of my be ing a white slave when i can rin my financial emancipation by a lit tle intelligent investment in lottery or policy i might draw there a lucky prize and live on easy street tho rest of my life somebody must aln every time why cannot i bo ihnt somebody so the gamblers cupidity begins to work tho young mans brain becomes befuddled he shirks his daily tasks as a poor diseased menial incompetent who is striving to solve the impossible mathematical problem of perpetual motion lie tries to work out a sys tem of how to break the bank v studies chance books he hunts up his guiding mar w tho stnr which shor lrightcar orf lfi night pines if not unlimited good upon which he was born then at last with all reasoning powers gone und blinded to all the duties of or dinary life the crazed enthusiast will t haunt the gaming table as he once gladly sought his study desk or the storeroom counter i charge upon this gambling mania a direct robbery of the christian world in that by besoiling legiti mate recreations with its foul touch it has made it impossible for decent men to enjoy certain healthful icax- ations it is gradually stealing from us the privilege of enjoying out door sports and indoor games by identifying them with betting and speculation whenever the leprous hand of the gambler is placed upon a game that sport must be forever eschewed by tho good and the pure oil account of the gambler the christian church has been compelled to semi forth its edict of excom munication upon the deck of cards it is compelled to declare that every one of the kings and queens and jacks of spades and diamonds and clubs and hearts are knaves because cards have become publicly recogniz ed as the gamblers tools as the trowel is the masons tool on ac count of the gamblers baneful touch the angel of wrath ad denunciation who stood with drawn sword at the edenic paradise is standing today at the entrance of every public race track saying to all good people thou shalt not enter here talk to me about tho development of the horse at the ace track every man of any intelligence knows that the race track today is chiefly run for the benefit of tho gamblers with out the damning influence of the bookmakers the race horse would net attract enough people today ns a money investment to pay for his oats and his blankets on account of the gambling evil oven the bowling alley today the public billiard table the yachtsmans white sail and college athletics are under condemnation in view of the immense amount of mon ey which changes hands at every football game it is a very grave question whether it would not be bet ter for the different college faculties to cast their influence against every sport which would take students away from the homo campus pit of eternal woe young man you say that you own your own money and have a right to do with it as you will no you have not where did you get that money oh you say father left it to mo in his will for what did ho leave it to you did he not leave it as a trust did he not leave it to you in order that you with it could continue o spread abroad his christian influence mon ey is n representative word money translated into the ordinary language of life means work and blood nnd sweat and exhausted energy money why that represents the woman scrubbing at the tub and tho book keeper compiling his figures and the nurse pouring out tho medicines and tho carpenter building houses and ike flowers for the sick and the gospel for tho ignorant arid tho depraved do you mean to tell me o man hat at the gambling table you have a right to squander your mothers and fathers substance like that and yet go into any one of the post graduate schools and colleges today nnd you will find young men nt the gaming table not more surely de stroying themselves than squandering the money that was won by the self- denying sacrifices of parental lives but someone one else says the money 1 havo is mine why i did not inherit it or have it given to mo i made it therefore i have a right to do with it ns j please oh no my brother you have not that money which you made is not yours it belongs to your children when your little children came into tho world thoy brought to you certain moral obligations you had no right to become a father unless you were ready to the best of your ability to look after your babies that money which you squander at the gambling fable moans more than money it means your childrens clothes your childrens schooling your childrens proper start in life lh nott i believe ft was who said a gninb- lers heart after awhile will become so dead to all love that if necessary he will be willing to gamble upon his own mothers coffin lid you say that is a monstrous statement i say it is not he may not do that but tho gambler will do worse lie will destroy his children it would be infinitely more humane for mo to gamble upon my mothers cof fin lid tba to gamble away my chil drens education and opportunities tho cold lips of my dead mother could not rebuke me while the cranked blistering tongue of tho outraged and dishonored and dis graced child of n heartless gambler might curse my soul into tho hlsk pit of eternal woo hulk with xo exceptions all systems which havo oxer been devised to break the ban of chance were failures nd they are always sure to be failures in a chinese temple i have seen tho poor invalids before a hideous idol of woo make a prayer to their god of health and then select at random an arrow out of n wampun with a certain medicine marked upon it nnd expect that that medicine would cure them of their disease so i have seen poor dupes in monte carlo in the same foolish way trying to work out u ystem by which the god of rhnnre would give to them unlim ited wealth as nil such systems ire failures nnd will always bo fail ures t would today give you a svflom which if worked out will bring n eomperitonry nnd eternal bap- is my system never in your to possess a dollar unless ycfil ready to give an equivalent in and sweat and toil never sicj dollar unless you have first earned and have it in your possession nov er run into debt never by specula tioii or by progressive euchre portal or by prices at church fair or byt radio countenance in any way the development of the gambling spirit i others draw heavily from one bankl only nnd that the great bank of clif vine grace circulate in every way its bank notes of kindness und for1 giveness and sympathy let your one great purpose be not how caul i inako others servo me but howl can t serve others let your faith hope and pence be centred christ the saviour of men and make i him tho guide and king of yourl life sucn a system as i hate i marked out is a sure system it is f christs system it will never bank- 1 rapt you this side of the grave cep of your sinful meanness andl it is sure to bring you perfect peace beyond the grave and give to you alll the limitless wealth of the treasure city of god in the sweat of thyf brow shalt thou eat bread 4- a scientific miracle scientists aro puzzled 0vei radium tho most fundamental principle ofl the physical sciences the cohsdrvnj tion of energy is something along the lino of the mother loose jingle about what goes up must come down there is no possible way of getting more energy out of an engine thanl you put into it the dream of pcrr petual motion is based xna fallacy but tho newly discovered wonder radium scorns to disprove the old theory or at any rate the old theory as yet gives no satisfactory explanation of the extraordinary ac- tiob of the new element scientists i at their wits end to account for itl we have ti substance that gives out a continuous supply of heat besides several forms of socalled emanations a gas material particles xrays cathode rays etc without any ap- juedable loss of its own substance it lunfcs as if some new and higher i uoclrine transcending that of con servation were needed for further scientific advance not long ago before the british association charles verrion boys i president of the physical section ferred to the extraordinary signifil cancc of rodnmi he said thof discoveries regarding radium trans- com all others in intrinsic impor- tanco and revolutionary possibilities f its everlasting production of heat i which can barely u distinguished from perpetual motion which it has been an axiom of science to call iml possible has left every chemist and physicist in a state of bewilderment f thanks to a host of physicists at home and abroad the mystery is be- ing attacked and theories aro being invented to account for the marrel- lous results of observation tho members of the same assoclal tion had two general theories to acl count for the phenomenon tho old i one of conservation to the effect i that the radium is slowly losing the i amount of energy it gives oft and i the new one that in some mysterious ny the radium catches and trans mits energy from the outside he s s lesson i international nov 8 lesson ate the evidence laws for the preservation of fish in a western state had been enact ed a man was on trial on a charge i of catching a certain fish that weigh ed loss that 21bs the constable who had made the arrest testified to capturing tho prisoner with several of tho fish in his possession where are the fish asked the lawyer for the defendant why thoy wouldnt keep nnjj swered the officer what did you do with them oh i disposed of them what did you do with them well i knew they wouldnt keep i so ii disposed of them but what did you do with them my wife cooked them and vou ate them ves your honor i ask that this case be dismissed charge dismissed and defendant i discharged ruled the justice of i the peace on tho ground that tho arresting officer nto the evidence making amends a poor turkish slater of con stantinople being nt work upon tho i roof of a house lost his footing and full into the narrow street upon man tim pedestrian wns killed by j tho concussion while the slater es caped without material injury a son of the deceased caused the i slater to bo arrested the cadi lis- 1 toned attentively ami in tho end i asked the slater what he had to say j in his defence dispenser of justice nnsweredl the accused it is oven as this man says hut heawui forbid that there should be evil in my heart i nin a poor man and know not how to make amends the son of the man who had been killed thereupon demanded that cbnt dign punishment should be inflicted on the accused the cadi meditated a few moments ami finally said it shnll be so then to the slater he said thou shalt stand in tho street where the father of this young man stood when thou didst full on him and to the accuser he added i thou shalt if it please thoe go up on tho roof and- fall upon the cuit prit even as ho fell upon they fa- ther allah bo praised wisdom of evpekievce tim no sir said the owner of tho hrjndlc canine i wouldnt tnke farm for that dog i dont blame yon replied the i man whor wisdom was the offspring f experience its a sight easle o run a dog than it is to run i farm fext of tho lesson ii sam xviii 2433 golden text prov xvii 25- tke prominent feature of tliis lea- is the grief of a loving father an erring stv ami it cannot but iggest tje ioig fauy of luke and tjie welcome 5aon to the rodigtl i6it while both carry us lack to the record in gen iii of the lord seeking his wandering ones iho by listening to the serpent had lurned away from him who had aiod thorn and had given them all ihings richly to enjoy david would lladly have diet for his son hut it written hereby perceive we tho vb of cod because lie laid down fis life for us and cod conuneu- eth his love toward us in that iiile we were yet sinners christ iied for us tdohn iii 10 bom 8 david tlul what ho could to revent his soldiers from killing ab- alom verse 5 but his pride was ids ruin verse t with xiv 20 and i he lord permitted him to be slain ixvii lt cod our father is not lulling that any should perisji and lias made such provision by tho sac rifice of his son that none who liear of it need perish ii pet iii 0 ilohn hi 101 absalom represents those who at rill costs are determined to live unto themselves even though thoy kill lather or mother in so doing the looming antichrist will bo a more jxuly developed absalom for he shall do according to his will and iho- shall exalt himself and nmgnify ihimself above every god and shall tspeak marvelous things agsinst the cod of gods dan xi 30 yet he ishall come to his end and none shall help him dan xi 4 the words stand ever true say e to the righteous that it shall be fwcll with him woe unco the ricked it shnll be ill with him isn iii 10 11 yet the con- lict between liglit and darkness be tween christ and satan will contin- ie with increasing enmity and vigor im satans part until the coming of tir lord to overthrow the devil anil followers and to establish his kindgdom ii thcss ii 8 itov xvii 111 six 1 20 xx 13 10 while the thousands of davids fo llowers under the leadership of joab land abishai and tttai contended with the followers of absalom versos 18 david eagerly and no doubt prayer- ifully awaited tho result verso 21 lthn title watchman used here five times and the word tidings used least nine times in this chapter suggest two very helpful lines of istudy in this case it is tho kings iwutchman looking for tidings from the field for tho king but the great vtwjlh the gospel story is 7i yrvr f ui jest his i son shall be slain iviiffh gospel tho king our father in hcav- gave his only son to ho slain for his enemies davids love centered fupon ahsalonij but cod so loved the vorld that he gave his only be gotten son that sinners who deserve perish might not perish but be rived and share tho glory of his lingdom he is seeking for those who tc wiling to be bearers of the good jdiias of great joy which he dc- i all people to hear luke ii i but there arc few who like pjimnaz say lot me now run and ir tidings verso 10 although lords call still is whom shall end nnd who will go for us tsa 8 tho gospel of the blessed od acts xx 24 itim i 11 is greatest good news that nior- tls over hoard yet few seem to be lt oven among those who pro- iss to for good news makes people lad and often so glad that they fiust tell it to some one hut in how liony do wo sco the gospel act that vy then may the question not toll ho asked of the mnjority of pro fessing christians have you roal- henrd the gospel tho watch flan brings to mind tsa ixii 0 7 11 12 and points us to the lime when the true son of david hnll sit on davids throne and reign righteousness all kings shall till down before him all nations liall serve him isn xxxii 1 17 ixxii 11 davids grief over lbsalom verse 33 suggests tho lord jesus weeping over jerusalem jud recalls tho words if thou ladst known oven thou nt least in ids thy day tho things which be long unto thy pence but now they lire hid from thine eyes 0 jer- tsalem jerusalem thou that killost iie prophets and stonest them which ro sent unto thee how ofen would have gathered thy children to- ether even ns a lien gathereth her thickens under her wings and ye yould not luke xix i2 matt kviii 37 jio wlm uttered those words of riuentation also said israel how hast destroyed thyself but in ine is thine help o israel return into the lord thy god for thou 1 1 nst fallen by thine iniquity hos 0 xiv 1 ho is still saying come unto me and him that tometh unto ale i will in nowise least out malt xi 28 john vi 7 we must beware lest under any circumstances wo seem to take shies lngninst cod for whatever cod per- imlts we must stand with ilini even ithough it lie against ourselves and iclgatnst those dearest to tis for it is voskuav to honor our loved ones more than cod i sam ii 20 iuko lxiv 2ft it is possible also to ho more interested in what ended t lords work than fn the lrl mini- ufc iself and the question of dws lice 111 might well i- put to many uh jgjjy lar ye tho lust to bring the knv- harkto his hoiim7 h hw whl urrli would honestly cry come jesiisi- chapter i 2rt who ran tell ngdom might come ehnnestly acting y living to gt kxy as possible duchess 0f btjcgleuoh she is chief of am the queens ladies some of the duties devolving- up on her majestys ladies- in- waiting it is the privilege of a queen to be ministered to by ladies in whoso veins flows some of the noblest blood among her subjects and when as in queen alexandraa case she can call each aristocratic servitor a personal and devoted friend bound to her us much by ties of affection as of loyalty shy is indeed to bo envied there is perhaps no greater lady in all the peerage than tho duchess of buccleuch who is proud to bo mis tress of tho robes to her majesty tho daughter sister wife nnd aunt of dukes she has every qualification for her office which exalted rank cau give her and when we add to this that she is tall stately and hand some a queen of society and a wo man of rare charm anil many gifts and that she was an intimate friend of our late queen us she is of queen alexandra it is clear that she has xceptional qualifications for her high office tho mistress of the robes is chief of all tho queens ladies and a bril liant and imposing figure at nil state ceremonials while in addition to the manifold duties of her posi tion she enjoys the doubtful privi lege of giving a state dinner on the evening of the opening of parlia ment and of being attired in blacfc when in attendance at court next in importance to the mistress of tho robes come tho four ladles of the bedchamber who are rarely of less rank than that of countess unlike the mistress of the robes whose appointment is political theso ladies aro appointed by tho queen nnd aro usually either personal and dear friends or the wives or daugh ters of distinguished men who havo established a claim to royal grati tude tub countess of antrim for instance was the daughter of tho late gerald grey an old and dear friend of queen victoria and lady gosiord is a daughter of the duch ess of manchester one of tho most intimate friends of the royal fam ily all four ladies of the bed chamber aro women of great social gifts and charm and aro rather tho queens friends than her servants tho duties are both light nnd pleasant involving a residence at court rarely exceeding sir weeks which is made as agreeable to them as possible whether amid the cere monial of windsor and buckingham palace or in tho peaceful environ ment of balmoral ah their ex penses except those of dress are borne by the queen and as the tdja are usually chosen from those who aro nocroowitniyprviwj for the salary is n very comfortable addition to their private means tho two extra ladies of tho bed chamber are usually peeresses whoso days of active service aro practical ly over and whoso reward is a sine cure office with an acceptable salary attached tho two extra ladies ol queen alexandra are much older that her majesty and were among her earliest friends and attendants when she first camo to us a radiant brido from beyond tho seas of the four bedchamber women tho most notable is the hon charlotte knoiiys the daughter of lord knollys who for many years has been an intimate nnd highlytrusted companion of tho queen unlike tho other ladies miss knollys is in con stant attendance on her majesty acts as her amanuensis and is iif- disponsablo in are and of a hundred ways of the maids of honor there four all beautiful and gifted in every way charming two them aro the lovely twin daughters of tho late lord vivian to whom tho queen is greatly attached they are always when possible in at tendance together and by the queens wish dress exactly alike a cry gifted young lady is the hon mary dyke daughter of sir william hart dyke whoso musical skill nnd sunny gaiety are highly valued by the queen and tho hon sylvia ed- wardes who was a favorite of queen victoria is almost equally clever and charming to the maids of honor falls tho agreeable duty of acting in turn as the queens companions they rend sing and play to her and generally entertain her they frequently ac company her on drives nnd walks share her hobbies from fancy work to photography nnd in short fulfil their mission in life by being prcttv amiable helpful and amusing the lot of tho maids of honor is indeed an ovlftble one for when thoy marry they receive tho welcome dower of 1000 they are entitled to the de scription of honourable for tho rest of thcr lives are practically assured of sx suite of rooms at hampton court and u probable place in tho royal household for their husbands indeed apart from tho great hon or tlie profit nnd pleasure of being one of tho queens ladies tj are always nssivred of the koj vox nnd everything that i the way of unfaffiss consideration lucky- cir the niimbtfj how t meats ing lias inch nainj newi ns if tc2im the j