Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 5, 1906, p. 1

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j b vj 9s 0 srilunc m vol xvi no att stouffville ontario thub8datbn0vember 6 ltf iffioli kumbe8jw9 fviio iliiaas1- ne way to conqueor kurtly afternoon at the office grubins block alumiviuk oat terms 1 in sdvno 125 if not paid in advance job atl promplly attended to vm malloy b a editor ii j jsjl33 bjmwa km meculiougli ll8 ilnrrltor solicitor jffito- old standard bank conn j floor wnt of foatoffl uffville nt vlojuev to jjoan i ressell fitch lb l lb barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer 4c- office daley a block stouflville lennox lennox button rarriter solicitors conveyancers c stoutivillo ofnoe spoftords block auroru office over ontario bank harkhatn ofico opposite franklinuous i herbert lennox john i- lennox f loraa button jjjurvral smith l d s dds stouflville out i maiber and graduate of royal college fc dental aurgeooj honor graduate toronto uivtrsity graduate ol haskell poetgrad fats chicago college will visit claremoot i and 3rd tueadey ot each month office houra 4 to 12 1 to 6 office oi posbrd cea store an s barker lds dds stouffvllle ont jr adnata of ltoyal coliec of dental ur4i honor graduate pf unlrer- t of toronto atouras to 12 22 to p n office in grubins block next 4mb kaftt of trusuwe office if polattaent may be- made for era sing mluantm erery monday and to layoffi vr m white store shanksls bill shop -and- cigar store tve k ep no amateur or apprentices all frit fllj woramen a tall will convioco je tbat our barber shop u upto date aa asiucptic oar clear store ii headquarters for tka beat branda et cleans and tobaccos and firas tint olaes laundry ubllihad try b wltk your next parcel j w shankel prop by thelioa iovolla on one of the main streota in tb village stood a largo redbriek hotel oj ono sitjc of this wak a dariouiu through iho open tlootviueu could to teen tiluudiug arouud thu our wuiii io fov tneir lasw w hiio others sue otcu watching a tuia turus uuddeuly from the bar tt il a thought hud struck in in and iukcy nit way unsteadily jto the card ittlld hore lie lay out nearly all bis ftihuiey 1 bets most of which hu lose bong annoyed at ijits bad tuck jiu govs ouc tc the bar bere he ihrea ions feoiue of those standing nuar luui ii escntjy a rough school buy lutuc oa auuojius some one saunters into i the buirooui on sooipg tbu jruuxcn jutu bo bckh to jeer autl uiako fuu ui bju thia o onrage tbq iuan mat luu boy luarcheh off borne quttu con k u tbu landlord not wisbuig to ioho auy xjuhlo inert anu alao auxiouu to hxq octyiibinfe as qufet ad puible sa iu a policeman to rouiovo tlio troiibjt bjciut luuij to uimiq olnor place iu ibtt luoautiuic tbe mau takea anolber urink wbiflb only aiakos bim anoro fu- jiuurf amien tbe police comea iu tbe lueoiiute ueteruiiuetf to bold btu own ouc ior alf tba bkitfngau4 kicking be gwto tbey ounnot prcobim out of tbe tvido door so tbo policeman sweiuij liiiseif baffled fltrodo away to find ucre help jttcnwbile a itlu girl about teu ycuid of ae wa on ubyly peapiu la a i uifc opei ov vi the barroput her little face ao tbin aud pale felw oua buu ueen mucb cold and buuger a large tear acratm her forebead ib um retfult oa brutal blow dealt by aa ei- ruged parent yet sb timidly walked ocioiy the floor ta wboro tbe druak- lq ivuu woo oroucbing aud toucbtng jbini 4uid lapa dear pleivso couie hmh tbo man looked at ber in bc- vildcrment pfor a moment tbcn sbe wifjjped her tiny baud into bis lor iho puipcso of helping bimj to rise ivueu no gac an awful yell followed y oatb after oath but tbo little gir finiiy suocecdeil in leading away her wiaggeting father time and again the child went to ui9 barroom for her father but hid ealia taere are far less frequents uu being asked one day his reasons fr refom fac ald i broke my dear vllotj heart through drink my baby loved mo even though a wreok and ijtj taught mo many lessons by her never fulling lovo nearly everyone bad tried to tetorm mo butln vain my reform waa brough about by tbo tender love of e meek little child so lovo was tbe suuao of tho rofgrm of this man eurtn ly it might bo for many otbora thttc upon or bosido tho roid should bo fllicd where water stands in jtoobj by the rcadsldo especially during tb fall months the whole structure of tho roau lt thoroughlyuted with wa tor by capillary attraction aa it fiiu ai epengo waking doen mud in fali and tho thawing procoss iu uho spunjj destroys the road ha wetoanuot hae 01 loiiub or whatever materials luaie howovor well built uniessur lioleut diaiuage be provided mh gio a financial return u i es ciutted sufficient to allow to tha to tal population now reftxleut within ibe urea outlinod 1000 a a salary or tditi ycarv proououoa general mews potorianl bird destruction f for apples la view of tbe scarcity aul high pried o upplo barreia thi utaoo and 01 ilit fuel that in borne uiutricce iar jueu find it inijiobsiblo to procure our reia at unj price the fruit division reuuinineud tbe general utfu of xxea thcsi- can be hau knocked down at ailncflt uny aw mill for about yiht ccdib oach aud thej bbould upt cost imi than ton cents each made up as thiec boxen hold about ae many applm an a barrel they will be faund much cheaper than barrels at fifty cents uld upwards tho boxes should do well and strongly nailed and atwuid shcuid hold about forty pounds of xruit ilhe dimensions of the ooxc uted by the grimsby shippers are nine by twelve by ciisteen iuohes whil the uiitist columbia standard box to ten b eleven by eighteen inches tlieee ooinir inside measurements la both ca ses the boxes should bo made of stiong naterial not icis tbau five- eighths of an iuoh thick for the ends anu not less than threeeighths of an itch fur the sides the tops should pao stripe across tho ends to pre vent the weight of other packages piled on top from bearing directly on tho fiuit it is also usual to leave op en coi cere at tho top and bottom or ventilation little or no packing ma terial should bo used as purchasers like tc find tho package quite full of ft uit a shoot of cardboard at thu top and bottom will materially reduce me amount of injury from bruises bat it fcaould bo remembered that even in this year of scarcity of barrels it will net do tc ship anything but firstclass rruit inb oxos as the reputation of the canadian box audi ot tbo canadi an trade in general will greatly suf fer if inferior or common fruit i ex pot ted in the x or any fanoy pack ne according to mr snow the stitls tlciun of the international apple shippers association ontario sine largest applogrqwlng province or state in north america her product i fcr tbi year is put at 12800000 bar road drainage water 1st be great dostroyer of coun try roads it not only washes away tho servloo material but it destroys the foundation and mokej all the mud it may como from springs and in such pesos ditchue should bo provided a nd where neoossary nnderdrtins either of stono or tlbj to oonvoy the water vhey it will do no barm to tbe road but often the trouble is caused by wa ter standing n pools by tho roadside deep side dltobos having no outlet and holding water should bo provided with an outlet or filled wltw earth to exclude the water depressions or hclce aa ofton made by tbo road ma chine or shallow place iro m any joauoo whore water may stand whe t s os cc lu i a cc o o i- o x a c o o rcls the next best record is given to virginia and is 5000000 barrels new lcrk state being credited with only 48b000 barrels tho total app pioduot of canada is estimated at lyjdooou barrels this is well up to uutlhlid of tbo orop of tbo united scutes which is put at 46614000 bar reis tho total acreage o that part of tho dominion known as western can aia lloluding manitoba and all janus from there to the rockies and about sir or seven hunored miles nprth from the international boundary is about aiwiuooooo aoros of this about 23 000000 aoros are being utilised or bavo been translerrod from tho crown to iho railways for homesteads nod for other purposes of production and theie in this year under orop tho rid lcucutly tmalf proportion of 3123- 663 aores from ibis atrca of land there nae been raised a crop which luo repeatins rifle or pump fun ntb etu useful in wiping out big gams us well as a weapon of human wanara tho editor of iteoroatloa now oulis attention to tho manufacture cf uu auicmatio gun fox small amo uitcll hi says lu ail article uf protest suouid u prohibited by law as a dis graca tc the great american uutiou aluuy puepuj wao have uot kept up ivuu the developments of recent years lu the wuy of fire arms may not iniow what ic meant byau automatia gun it is simply this agun with a mug- uu holding a unmoor of cartridge whica uij bo discharged as fast us a imu cau pull thu trigger tae shooter juup4 uounph of quails ducksorgese cucss ii s gun and fires the recoil of ihu lust shut throws our the empty bttvu throws a now one into ihq ouann oer sot cucks tho gun readjt for an finer ttot from that on all the suioiei has to uus losyviog tbenujx tie of his gun from one bird lu another uud pui thu trigger until tho fast shot in iired 1istols tmilt on this plan nold fnuu i to iu aartrldgej and it impos sible in fire thojajn iessthaq twqec- onus the jnagualuo of pp automata shut gun holding 6 cartridges could bo cuiptieu as quickly and if the boot e mere un expert ail mauy uf the game butchers are it would be possu bio to kill 10 or wore birds out jka ovey uefore they could get out of retch the editor oi kecreation cj upcu all bird lovers and those inters esied in the preservation of grain and fruit farming which includu eyery- tx tly to write to th lirrn ngagyd in the manufacture 9 these guns expos tuluting against t butthis of course would be without effect the uppiy it go 1 etned by the demand for such iui piemen la of wanton bird killing for all thi manufacturer or tjio numerous por hunters wo id care the field and feres might douiaated of all blrd life so hong us profit may accrue to them fcr a time tho farmers of the laud however- and evl woo live by their ef forts are interested most deeply iu reserving tfco birds which maintain uhj balance of nature by sating iu slcis injurious tc crgpsof all kinds aud the seeds of noxious weeds wbch without their sorrlces would ovui 1 un uud ohoka tha laud the way to deal wiuh tho murderous autoiuau io tun ao against thq birds is jiyjiia iting or prohibiting itsjiso bj logiwi latien whioh would bo justifiable oq the sole ground just indicatod agri buiture hon enough io contend with in ddterse weather conditions iufot nur adulterated and impure vjeds in tbe mauy disease which coma to the glowing crops as they doto all kino i of animal life it woulu bo uu fair and unjust to add to its hard ships by permitting the free us of more destructive implements for lbs innsitcrc of the birds whichare lbs friend of agriculture and without which the farmer and fruitgrower tvccupatlon would bo gone if a rotor biada 1 heated in boding iviuer before stropping it can bominr pered qutfiker and has a teener aug vhea cuid en the metal contracts 111 1 be piucewt of stropping hlioxrklng at his building at caieuoni a fow days ago mr j h ileal fed trtwi audder oa whiea he jwurs ttundwg and ungating on a saw cut buui bunds very severely mi uunbury of auroraa few daj ago luo 1 a valuable young horse jt got out of iho iwdout uf thu field where it was pasturing and run against a brb vteu uuee minuting a number of ivounoji irom which thu auimul mod mr g c creelman snperlntenueuc o tuirn and farmers institutes of untune has been offered 3000 a year to go to texas 3400 to jjp fq mivt iwsippi and i000 tot go to bouia ail if u an effort is being niadu to in ucca the government to give mr creel man 300u aud keep uiui iu cauaua the large plate glass in the front u mesirs kutherford coa drug avuro wim orucked a weex or ten duys ate either oy a stone biiug throws cguiutt it or by a shot irom an air gun fortunately the glass was insu red uud the iusurauiou company had to replace it with a new one ituonlng a printing offlpa for itxs smoking before breakfast an am pty comfort and a hollow joy and yet some people would have us participant in this unhealthy ljuud it 1 recorded of cornelius vonder but that before hcdled he aaldj tola friend j i doot see- what what eood it ooe mo all this money you call mine i cant eat it cant spend it f paver saw it and 1 iiaver bad it in uy bands for a znamant i dress no butter than jny private secretary ano hcndot eat as nuicln as my poutjiman 1 live in a big servants uutding bouse am bothered by beg ga- have dspepsla and must of my muiey u lu the hands of others who u it mainly for tholr owu ueuelit the american miller hopes to retain for home consumption at fancy price uu one hard flour ot thu iiorth- iivtec hilo sending abroad the iiour 6 inferior starchy wheat and tu fac ilitate thus trade mill pf thu very i tus kind ingeniously shaped for econ uuiy uto beujg built on too eastern luito tide hanuy for shipiaents bqth uci ess thu canadian border aud to ku- ropeau market shall the canadian uuimg interest be enabled to meet tnis competition by an increase of du ty or be driven jut of business by the inieilur output of the middle slate iaikiing our market this s a ijues- tion that does uot affect the jjrafor- uutiui tariff dleouselon it is a local tiuestion purely and one of which muuo may be heard later on tho canadian miller complain that ho nu always to contend with the ncic starchy whoat from michigan hvnero spring wheat used to grow in plenty at in onjtarlo onol of the mys jtet ie of wheat growing is said that lands which fenerations ago pro uuceil one hard spring now grow iwmter wheat and n other in was so is new england in eastorn canada in new york stato in thot ohio and misourl valleys tho hardwheat re gion been transferred to tb inclbwoet it seem that oolls ones worn out cannot bo restored lor thi mop even virgin soil busb land ly log between noils that have been fvaeat cropped to exhaustion when uioken up and sown with spring whoat will nd respond in tho old way it will nut yield spring hard but wluuj- wheat lujyiiij the sbvebilm bank of canada intef al0 deposit a date of depos farmers safe notes discounted at lowest eates no trouble no delay school rbport standing or pupils in stouffvllle putt lla school for october 1003 eooifiv v citsec hoovor m mowat l underbill junior i v f mcdonald g aikoi head b bofner senior i v m- collins a boattle konalr hoomiii sonior iii e mcculiougjh c take b lioynolds junior 1 1 j m modonald j aiken head e eithorlngton jeoomii sonlor 1 1 e browusborgor h stouff er e wood junior ii u walbtce h brilllegck w eusnell 8culor part ii- a iom b- dale e modonald teooml junior part 1 1 p lehman f iaxu x koster latt i class 8w troyor a el aon c troyer iait i claa 2jv ward h ijowl v aueahoad part l claaa 18 miller w pipher k saador street dust in its relation to njaltk is aa important matter but one that is commonly overlooked exoepti in ao far as the clouds of dust rising on a windy day oroato a temporary nuts nnoo by filling thej eye or throat cox eiwx tho clothing settling on expos ixl merchandise in front of stores and blowing into houses through open window or doors it is the common bxpemnce of those who spend pork ods of tho year away fromi thq dost ani smoke of towns that there i ah most entire freedom from oulds and nalarihai affections in spite ot mack exposure and hardship such a f on mounteied by eurvoyyors and nxploc ere a return to dusty and smoky sunt roucdlngo is immediately accompanied by a returning of susceptibility co in flauieu conditions of oxposod moooof tnembraae newspapers all over the country ftsr too past week or mure have beeni try lug to solve the problem of a sum aut trui chicago concerning twer sister one ol whom isntwloe the age the otb er was when tho elder was tha njg that she is now the correct answer to tho tiuestion is twontyfour and ighecn year several ot the news papers oontain ludicrous answers to tnu problem but afer it has beandef lmiciy decided the country can turn its attention to tgi even taoto im put tent problem j how much wood would a woodefiuck chucm if a wooa chock wculd chuck woodf mr w e lount aoapt the taylod lcuut brush factory mt joy raet with a serious accident recently mr lount was making his usual nigutly roind of tho factory about 10 j aud had reached tho engine room whole be reached over to try a tap on the bpuer and not having a light ineoiotontiy stopped into tank of water whiph was near tho boiling point the water reached up almost to his thighs and it was about two pilnute liefore mr lpunt succeeded in gutting out his legs were nearly parboiled and it waaat lirst thought ho i fatally injured but he le now much letter the first surplus in the history of pansda in the postal service of the rjrmiuion was announced for thanks grting day by auwm mulook the ivatniairlerfianoral an nounoed in jpaillsmcnl tjiat after allowing tz tho deficit of over 100000 otha yukon v rt rtiho postavrevonuo iqt 1 ik yuit year exaeeded the expend ture iby 292702 ho compared this phoning with tho deficit of 78lo0o in tn last year of tho conservativs administration in view of- the satis lecury state ot the finances sir wiliism announced an inareaso of pay b juial postmaster tho advance willb o tho rautingof the minimum fo from 910 to v20 and in sfco case of up ootnting paetmafctor there will bean increase oc ton per cent li salary and in fee tho proposed inorease will make a large inroad on tho revenue but he otill expeotod to avoid b deficit sir williams statement wa heard trivh great satlaf notion brf tho bonaa si h i is precious of all your aansf sight la tha mesa valuabla wnaa your yea aasd aay attention they nead tha baat ta b bad we appreciate this aid bn ska- ned to make our ootloal dapartaanl perfect in over war we examine your eyas fraa w examlia thonughly wbvtavr the tronbla i a aimpk or diffi oult one wa examine aaoh ye aeparately wa wiili to ba jut as aar that erery defect u found a yea aan be if you hare tar tronbla with yanr viiion howarar alight come la sod letua find ont what it i thar la peril in neglect market ira ittrt g collard sslantlfla optician and dfufaw steuffvllla g fefallstocic inow in noked tape w j stark majvacws change of office- aftor thkl wrek the tribune will befoand in lt oiw off loos in orcein block entrance jiicugh the hallway wa will b mucb p war two doming in enr njr oomrncuvticjxkj a prgna r i ioibapa tbo most attraotlra oxhlb it ct musical instrument and onn which drow more than passion atten tion nl the late markham fair waf that madeb y wm fleming manager far the district for the dominion pit ano anc organ company of bowman vlllo two olevor moslcians a violin it and a pianist wore scoured and tiulr iliely duets and sole always formed tbe centre of an interested crowd of listener so doeply did the puilty of toao and beautiful finish of the instrument impreu the apsota tor that five instrument were sold right on the grounds one piano went tc manltoniln tbe oontltunoy of tha f nmous b r oamey another wa pur chs sed f or tooo by oeorgs of 8 tonut and a third wa old ppur oar vlllo butt cf east toronto tho other la bibus the annual exshango of pulpit in juehalf of the stouffvlllal branch of ths bimo sooiety will take place d v oa sunday nov 8tb 1903 as lollow- curistfan church 1080 a mfrev j k aikenbead at 7 p mt tha pastor presbyterian ohurch 1030 a m and 7 p u pnlpit supply baptist 1080 a m revif j soottf 7 p m thej pastor melhodut 1080 a m ber c h hat netj 7 p m tbe pastor ueuonlte 8 p a tbe pastor blfomfngton christian 1080 a in iter geo washington bleomlngton uothodlst 230 p m llev p a gwlllonghby ratcllfflo saptlst 1030 a- n ron mi- wallace otb line baptist 8nni ttienpaator baker hill 7 p m th pastor dixoals h11l nsual tlroe the fasten oallantrao 11 a m rev wuiougbby lomeovllle p m the pastor and rev j c wluroott boiiosda 7 p m the patojafld rev j c wlllrnott rlrgwood 230 p m rev jj it aiken bead jfehuie 215 p nr pnlpit supply gltftgow 280 p m tbe pastor alttca 7 p m union meeting botej ptyiton on tbe folkowing tuosday evening ncv 10th at floclookj thaf annual oca teal meeting will bet held in the chris tlai church stouffvllle at which th rev bernard bryan anglcan will give 1bo address ox ill evening and which everybody should bear tbe resident minister will be pre ant and in views tbe approaching centenary of tbe society this ought to be tbe most interesting meeting ev r lld la behalf ox tba society let ut show our interest in tba bi me by sopportlng thi moat ifeouva agrtay cor its fflaapralnatajn in tyer7thingsjid srsiylkibf tleaa goods ars xaadif 1 wall so imts your order early in the stasomsndl get fsur pick of u inc tbi fishmabli tiftol todds block our goods ht6eeee high grade it pays you to pay us to make your ciothesbeeat they are mad rif ht look the way they mads foal the way they look and last the way they feel we bare ft great cboiee of new material and are ready for you to make a selection monktase co tub leading tauob n- c- smith u0bnsi astsstkasawk oaaatlaa at xasft aal 4 all sale of tars f adteentaei

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