ask for our dinner sets we underwear values vests or drawers 25c 35c 50c 76c and f i each childrens underwear suitable for all ages and at all prices according to size mens we handling the famous stanfield brand and can guarantee a faultless fit for every ligure ch jpfn an j ah wool 50 75 90 and si drawers a pair of values for this week 1 a special line of harris cheviots in grey aud navy very wide worth 76c for 5c 2 ladies flannelette wrappers well made neatly trimmed pretty colors and patterns 1 125 ladies coats jutk rocdired a line of ladies coats cut in the latest fall styles with box back color dark oxford fcrey made of the best of english puik wool gooia guaranteed to be rain proof heavy winttr weight tiii ia exceedingly pretty and useful garment for fall and winter wear 8e them ladiea and jrougmll endorse all tho good we can say of them price 1 o childrens toques we have an exceedingly pretty range on sale now in white and colors suitable for all ages 2tc 35c and 45c ljldi12s and misses takes in white and colors 3c omens caps special sale while they last hens 60c peaked caps urn down ear flaps heavy wool tweed ft winter weight on sale for s only a limited number so dont miss tho chance cunliffe peters fleeco lined 50 and 75c natural wool si and 135 extra fine ribbed wool 125 and 81 50 3boys a full line of boya shirts and drawers all sizes in stock bargains ly toilet sets we aro offering a specially picked lot of im ported goods beautifully decorated in colors tipped with trilt 10 pieces to tho net tho product of cne of the best potteries worth 4 to s5 for 350 f istanfieidt unshrinkable underwear new overcoats we have some beauties in and new ones arriving every week by ex press tho were elegant but not exprensire cut te this years fashions and well made rvsry coat a satisfaction special prices 10 and 12 all sizes in stock boys childrens overcoats all prices and sizes mens heavy ulsters waterproof coats all kinds blanket items flannelette sheets pure wool blankets spreads comforters fine down quiltsand everything comfortable for cool nights oilcloths a large variety of pretty patterns in all the different widths from 2sc square yard carpets a good showing of hemps union wool and wool filled tapeatry brussels suitable for all rooms halls stairs c ask for our dinner sets seasonable beaufief health comes from proper dress ing and pleasure comes from being faahlonablp attired we provide fules that will give you fashionable garments and make you look well while 70a are oomfortable also our ml ly showing of furs is worth your attention they are all new stock thoroughly reliable in every particular ladies ruffs 2 4 450 6 and 650 ladies caperines 550 600 700 850 000 and 10 ladies and gents fur caps 150 250 and 460 childrens ruffs 125 and 150 girls storm collars erey and black 150 gauntlets mitts and trimmings the bishop statural jleather for overcoat the leather is indian tanned and will last a life time all are oderless elean and sweet smelling wet or dry the life of the leather is not de atioysd it will be as good in fifty ysars as it is today same as the old buffalo the skins are speoially dressed by a new process and they will always be soft and pliable and are of the highest workmanship s18 20 j23 and tso bishop robes singly or in pairs of baok and front robe finished in the best style s 10 812 and 818 goat robes at all prices stouffville out the first step to success technical training lor tiiej work in which you want to- succeed the i c s cati help jxui mount tho other stops winn ease wo train ambitious nii or wiineii in spare time for p iua that pay well because hpeclul -uin- lug la required to fill thcra if you wcnt tc change your work vd can train you tor a salaried position in your chosen profession without loss ot tfam from your present uncongen ial cccupatlon- we can help you qualify oyl mail at tl mill expense for aiot of lie followi ing positions below will bo found a partial liitct thj petitions for lrhioli wo can train yen by mall gentlemen please explain taw i can qualify for positional icttiof wtbucit i havo marked xj mechanical engineer machine designer jmcclumlcal draftsman foiemen maolnlst ftraption engineer eleptricnl engineer electrician telephone engineer telegraph engineer wlreman dynamo tondcr jateiun engineer marine engineer pull engineer surtotor imining engineer wqolenmm superintendent architect contractor and builder architectural draftsman pigo faintor showcard writer chemist pheommotal draftsman prnamontat designer jeirpcotlvo draftsman jltokkoopor stenographer advt writer commercial tnwv- lakguages taught with ilio nqgftajpk- fionoo 0orman bpanlsa present occupation jso laddrom wilto today stating position that inorewte you to tho international coieepondonce schools scranton pa erloft a micholli stouffville ont dhtrlot beprosontatlvc to bent a 10roomcd hooea la bteuif villa for further particular aj ply to ills vioiot castorat mr 8 u wmrlnoiu store auction sale of timber berths public notice is bereby gives tiat pursuant to authority of order itt couuoh tie bod and whits pins timber in toe following township berlii and areas namely ik the djstbict oet nlpiastiu- the townships of huttou creoiiuau parkin aylmer afackolca mocorty merrick unlock part of france part of stuivurt iockhart part f garrow part of osborne port iiti haniuieli and pnelps part ol lb the d1stb1ux uf algoalt- beriha nos 115 and 201 the tow kfcips of kitchener and koburta aud biook w near ompui lafco in the bain iu v lili ijistitlct- serins u in u ill u 2is u and guy and tho following berths with th rijht to out and reutova the plni spruoe tamarack cedar and popjarj u 4 g 0 g 17 u is g sij u 25 u as g i u is g oa u 80 u at g 87 g 3u u iu g 41 a 4- g 43 berth iu6 ai oh ss and s4j will bu offered lor alo vy publis auction att lha tarli nient bulldiuge iu tho cit of toronto on wednesday tbo ninth jay of december 1u03 at the hour o vms olnlock in tho afternoon uhoeto oontalulug terms and oondi ttons of sale and lufprmatlon lift to areas and iots and conoesslons com priseu in each berth will bo furuwlied on applleatlon sithor personal or by letter to the department of crown bands toronto or too qrown timber agenoea at ottawa sault sts marl port artbiir bat portage and vort frnnses rjdavisf commissioner crown lancx depattmcat of crown zianda toionto july 29 1003 n b no uaautfcorlied jublloation of tfcl advertisement will bs paid lot the variety of blankets itobis mitts gloves fur coaosiskatchewan itabes coats and alits oiled suits waterproof working coats lap uuh trunks valises axlo grease castor oil harness oil separator oil hopes bope ties brushes combs hoof ointment gall cute lice dressing dis infecting powder stock food constantly kopt on hand har ness constantly kept on hand and made to ordor repairs promptly attended to j brownsberger fob sale a tlorobrod reglatorod cots wold ram two ehoar at lot 28 10th line mm thorn apply to aiifbed haynes fob service c c mcavoy athu has purchased two berkshire boars of tho largo fcng llthb roed ono of fiem in imported and was tho winner oiflrst priio at tho ttcynf show england tbo other 19 fr in imported stook teacher waktzdflrt or sec ond oiaw mate or fomalo for school eptlon not 0 wbltchorob duties t bemmeno in january 1004 atipllom fxor wit testimonials will ba ieeelts d or to kbtufa 1904 st usjfron jbetbaodo oat une the end of his pull e hy c 9 zetvu copyright 1s03 by t o itccturc when tcrrence oqecgan opened the old home saloon on the corner with a free lunch lasting nil day and a band playing at intervals it was whis pered about that he was a man with a pull the aldermen of this ward were there the district leader was there the captain of that police pre cinct and his ward men were there what had only been whispered on saturday was talked of openly on sun day the old home was wldo open all day long one of the aldermen dropped in during the afternoon to get a drink and give his moral support to the defiance of the law and the patrol man on that beat stood up to the bar with two ward men and drank good luck to terry as be beamed on them in a patronizing way after that it was greed that oqeegan was solid all around if a doubting thomas drop- have removed to their new quarters one door east grubins block entrance thru hallway tb stlippi tiib man a blow that st1ietched him dead ped in as the days went by the propri etor of the old home if not too busy would put all bis doubts to flight by saying im brotherinlaw to alderman llnnk see im cousin to jimmy 0tooic who runs this district smoke that the police captain is me wifes own uncle cbaw that awhils as to the ward men and patrolmen im tip ping them their drinks to see nothing its a combination you cant beat when anybody starts out to make troublo for terry ooeegan hell buck up agln a stone wall tho old home prospered it couldnt help but prosper a saloon with a pull naturally becomes tb headquarters of men with a pull snd of men who yearn for a pull it is also a bandy place for thirsty pedestrians t drop into at any hour in tb twentyfour of course tber wer other saloon keepers who were jtnlous thsy wer making up stake purses for the district leader paying blackmail to tbo police captain and flipping extra dollars to tho ward men and they felt sor be cause tboy bad to obey th law in a measure thsy growled and grumbled and threatened but when thsy bcam annoying the police captain took a lit- tlo promshad and said to thsra la turn no mor of this or youll ft tb grand sky hlghr thsy shot up no saloon keeper with an rone ot brains in his head bill d ry a ponce captain one tries it now rnd then and between the captain and tho hrewer he is put out of business within a fortnight the old home had been running two months when a row occurred there one night and a man had his neck broken it could easily have been shown at the coroners inquest that be broke bis own neck but it was not necessary a ward man and a patrolman fixed all that they had just dropped in by ac cident at the moment and they testi fied that the deceased pulled a gun and lost his life in the struggle to make use of it in a few days a hayseed tried to make the police believe he had been robbed of 300 while admiring the cost ly mirrors in the old home but they gave him three days in a dark cell and shipped him home a sadder and a wiser man within a year the newspapers brief ly chronicled many happenings at ogecgans one or two of them brought ogcegan before th coroner aud the courts that put him to soma little trouble but his prestlg remained uudimmed it was almost three years from th sunburst opening of bis saloon before terrence ogeegan found himself in a hole with the aid of bis pull b had successfully defied law and order in every direction now and then a friend confidentially advised him to check a bit but terry had patted bim on tb shoulder and told him it was breath thrown away he was carrying tbo police and tho courts in his test pock et and what could happen to him something did happen however bnt to this day it is spoken of as an acci dent or a series of accidents a stran ger entered the place on night and gave terry some up terry was off that night and he struck the man a blow that stretched him dead it so happened that a green patrolman was on the beat that night and he waa idiotic enough to arrest terry it all happened that there wer four or five men in the place who didnt regard murder as humorously ss a gam ot hopscotch snd tbey were ready to testify it wont amount to anything f course said terrys friends as htirtal to see a partridge fall limp ana ruffled at the other side of th open i couldnt help it joel was t- plslnlng apologetically ho ri al most at my foet an i jest natcberly had to shoot you don well to fetch him said obcdlab pretty heavy eharg tar short range h added ilike to blow bim to ribbons aid joel bending critically over tba fallen bird i callato youll bar to watt till i load up again obedv b aid sheepishly obcdlab was looking through tbo sun lit woods and bis imagination followed bis eyes i shonld like to fetch on mora ot them fellers myself he said beckon the woods is full of em pears ilk i can bear em now drammln all round old blng bog joel was reloading tfto gun at th ethers words he paused and for sev eral seconds looked thoughtfully at tb i obcdl be said at length lets make an afternoon of it left go patrldgin jest as if that was what w com for lets jest fejglt trytklna castor i a jer infants sad ouurea rkikmymh afits tafl wtaatar of czmsic ont patnages tin 5 oclock then well com back here done said obedlah all that afternoon two old men one short and stout the other tall and gaunt stalked through the underbrush of the pin hill woods all that after noon the woods resounded to the boom of heavy fowling pieces and much cackling laughter and many an un wary partridge fell victim to two old men who joked and capered like boys the shadows were lengthening when joel pulled out an old silver watch and announced it was time for tbem to bo getting back to the summit they made the journey thither in silence arrived at the open obedlab sank on a log and burst into deep guffaws of laughter tarnation be said holding the in verted powderhorn over bis band i haint got nary a cbargs left ah i got jest half a one chuckled joel turning the black grains from his own horn luto his bands ohedl he went on gently i dont believe our granpaps ever thought wed carry it so fur obedlah rose and placed a hand on joels shonlder the trouble with our granpaps he announced slowly was that they never went patrldgin together a call dlasnosl a lady patient entered th consult ing room of a physician th doctor felt her pulse looked at her tongue and aid madam yon should eat less and take mor out of door exercise the advice seemed to be too common for th lady and she resolved to con sult a notorious quack the only true and legitimate man ner of accounting for your rare dis ease said tb quack is in the physio logical defects of the membranous sys tem the obtuscness of the spinal abdlcator causes the cartilaginous compressor to coagulate into tbo dia phragm and thus depresses the duo denum under the flandango now if the disease was caused by the vogatlon of the electricity from the appendages the tympanum would dissolve the spir itual slnctum and th esslucator would ferment in the olfactory thus becom ing identical with the plgmentum now as this is not th ease in order to produce your disease the spinal ro- tundum must diverge to a point on th elliptical spero bat as i said before in order to produce this disease th llgumentum teres must subtend over the glgltorum to a degree sufficient to dislodge the stcrlcoletum the lady replied yes doctor you describe my case exactly id ilk you to treat me wool woolfts ht vrtm la aaata or tm sr 16 awrc i ttaflft for aay qnntlty f woordeilretwjtrt tk atoka veoliea mm mmtmwumnm ska last oxafowflirjaralisraw dsreaaa fee wadtattaborsata tosjasi out tfce etoafc oaeportobtert easine entirely qte sjaoi skaaoe fee tfcraber bfgpmmtxum rbasa axejoi wobksi j baker issuer of marriage licsaii cor majni ahbsht htrum1u stoufi vitl farm lands for sale fablf lands fob balk jftelonaino so the ebtat c0 the late alexandeb hill uks fjbabxd letf- 100 mm bains tfce wast ml of lot nomber 18 lot tkaf wtfer ana aeseloa of tfca zownahls ot walk eknrob la the county of tors nl toe spath 7 aorew ot us west bait at lot nambatf 30 la tlkf otb ooaacaaloa of the eajoytbwa milp of waltaharaa for partleniara apply to james uecullougb- mlaitor toofftllla or tor rev newton bill kla p xoa or moses stuaj baluatras pi ft oa obitirr- rn rexall ggg- dyes those dyes will dye wool citton silk jute or mixed goods in one bath they aro tho latest and most improve i dye in tho world try a paekago all colors at o c04xahd sole agent newfirm todd cook tfor sale six wollbrcd shropshire nuok lambs at lot 31 oooooeslotflxipickorlng la spang altona cideb mill too undersigned intends to open his mill on tuesday bept1iebeb 1cu and friday the istnj ot tho earn week and on the following wssk oa tuesday wednesday andthurs dat aad tor tte remainder of the season every day except satuttuat affskbnoon up till november 1 srfeea be will loser joseph bamku wholesale and retail dealers jn grain portland cement coal grey lime steds white lime corn roofine paper beans building paper flour andpeed coal tar salt in barrels and sacks pitcb piaster ofparf lath plasterera hair sblngle book salt platter hides and skins bricks potatoes tile wool highest prlc paid for al- sike red clorer and timothy seeds todd cook todds block