Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1903, p. 8

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the st0ujffvii1e tbibune thorsday august 6 1903 small gro o statues thli t tk growlak tim d tatar xa prpet of nor monuratita bj- fcrectad st ottawa it is not tho habit of the canadian people to put many wen on pedes tals writes ii f g in toronto star our praise is so careful that it is oven reluctant although que bec is given to heroworship the na tion as a wholo is slow ta kindle perhaps this is tho reason why the thirtysbc years of confederation contribute only four statues to par liament hill as a matter of fact thero ought to bo fivo statues george brown ono of the foremost makers of con federation is not in tho little ga laxy but tho liberal government which added aloxandei mackenzie to tho pantheon will probably rear a bronze to tho statesman of whom mackenzie was merely a disciple all these statues arc crecud by govorn- igiucnt grants it is only natural that tho great political parties should each attend to the memories of its own illustrious dead iliis explains why alexander mackenzie did not get his statue until a couple of years ago and why george brown has ono coming tho conservatives although so long in power did not turn par liament hill into a cemetery they left a number of choice spots for tho eclobrities of the future in twenty- five years they raised only two stat- ues of course they had to wait until the men died before they could build monuments to them but on a simple calculation of time- they se lected only one great man for every twelvc years this shows more re straint- than tho liberal govern ment which has ono to its credit in six years however this is a grow ing time and the crop of statues may be expected to follow the gener al tendency- perhaps an averago might bo struck if canada can pro duce enough great men to mako it figure out ono in nino years her re nown is assured on bominion day these four stat ues looked down on a city gay with flags all of them had more or less to do with the great event which was being colebrated thero was for instance quoen victoria who sanc tioned the confederation because her ministers told her that it was the right thing to do ottawa owes a debt to her majosty for without her royal word it would not be otta wa and the capital of the bominion but just bytown a headquarters for shantymen and camp supplies not much bigger than pembroke or arn- prior thero was also sir john a macdonald there was for a third aloxander mackenzie the fourth was sir george cortier who fought for the cause of union in quebec the oldest of theso statues and the finost from an artistic point of view is carticrs the figure is simple and strong the pediment is cot plastered with allegorical fantasies the mans greatness- stands detached from the vagaries of the sculptor it is as if he scorned any symbols to interpret him relying solely on his deeds which aro on record this way it should bo with all statues nothing should distract tho x from the man who is commemorated carticrs statue is by tho way the best piece of bronze on parliament hill it patlnatcs beautifully it is vory different from tho mackenzie ctatue in which tho bronzo is of such an inferior quality that it ol- i ready blisters with rust and verdi gris the cartler statue was erected in the early eighties sir john mnc- donald was present at tho unveiling and delivered the panegyric tt was a cold blustery day in october and the old man stood- bareheaded through tho ceremony the statue of sir john macdonald stands at the eastern end of the terrace against a background of trees it is remotely visavis of car- tiers statue which occupies a simi lar position at tho western end of tho terrace the bronzo is by herbert ilulrt t prcnehrdzuiaiamk waa lives in paris he has had moat of the artistic commissions in tho gift of the government because ho is a good sculptor and because in this as in other matters it is well that canada should bo for canadians he- bert has given an excellent likeness of sir john and has oven succeeded in tending impressiveness to the spare rather unsculpable figure ca nada is symbolized at the base in tho fchnpe of a beautiful woman but the effect is to take away from rather than to enhance tho dignity of the work as a whole this statue was set up in 1s93 sir adolpho caron was the orator of tho occasion ar thur weir tho poet now dead re cited an original ode alexander mackenzie has suffered most at the sculptors hands bis gaunt angular frame did not lend itself readily to idealization and tho artist mado matters worse with a stilted poso and his uncouth treat ment of tho conventional frock coat mackenzies right hand is extended it seems to bo out of proportion at any rato it entirely overshadows tho scotch premier and makes him shrink by comparison here as in tho macdonald statuetho symbolical figures of canada raising labor from tho ground which are tho work of hebert aro excellent in them selves but very much out of place as an ornament hebert is not to blamo for tho mackenzie part of it another man did it hoberts chef doeuvro is tho statuo of her majesty queen victoria which occupies the most commanding posi tion on parliament hill the big knoll which flanks tho western block it is tho first thing to seize tho oyo from tho central gateway and is the only statuo that can bo seen from tho river tho queen is pre- sented standing as she was in her prime tho sculptor has used his artistic license to give her the re quired effect of height and regality the whole spirit of tho work is al legorical tho british lion in ft noble rampant attitude and tho fig ure of famo offering the great queen a wreath of laurel are well conceiv ed the motif is harmonious this statue at least does not try to prink itself out with shreds and patches of idealism a hermits death ijv ate xi cajsfvojsf by william macleod raine i t lcopurtqm h t c aetture ft ooee ce rnami of the luurentlan iuiifewhy honor paqualto fled from and shunned fluunts of man by fome sudden sound she drops the vase upon the floor she is nervous and may be told that nervousness is a luxury which only a rich woman can vo afford to indulge x in nervousness has cost many a woman her po sition some times when wom en run machin ery the price of nervousness is mutilation a finger lost or per haps the whole band crushed nervousness in women is com monly but a symptom of woman lyd tsease it is useless in such cases to doctor for the nerves alone cure thediseases which attack the delicate woman ly organtsnvflnd nervousness will be cured also dr pierces favorite pre scription makes weak women strong sick women well it establishes regular ity dries weakening drains heals inflam mation and ulceration and cures female weakness it tranquilizes the nerves and induces refreshing sleep in toe fall of 1897 1 waa troubled with nerr- outness headache heart trouble and female weakness writes mua blanch m braecjr of sala osweffoco n y last summer i wrote you anil you advised me to try your favorite prescription and golden medical discovery i did no and i betjan to improve rapidly con tinued taking the medidne half a dozen each of favorite prescription and golden medical discovery for the space of five months and in less than a year had regained my former health dr pierces pleasant pellets clear the muddy complexion honoro paquotte the hermit of tho sixth range quebec is dead thirty years ago a man of this name in the full flush of manhood loved a pretty country maiden of st jer ome and seemingly fortune smiled for him for the wedding day was named and tho bans were published in the little church near the girls home but before the hour of hon- ores happiness arrived even as ho stood bedecked for tho corcmony a man came with a note nnd tho ex pectant bridegroom crushed it in his hand the friends who had gathered learned afterwards the contents of that note ithad told that tho girl had gone with another lovcr but honoro walked away and no- man would have known his great- sorrow ho wont into the backwoods into the laurentlan hills and thereafter repelling all advances of friond or stranger eked out his lonely life fow persons ever saw him for he chose an unfrequented part of the range and seldom again sought the haunts of man but a few days ngo some lumber men came by chance upon the her mits home in the little clearing surrounding tho dilapidated shack lay tho old man prono upon tho ground ono hand clutching tho tin with which he had been about to prepare a meal how long ho had boon there could not ho told for tho body was fast returning to the dust from which it had come a shirt trousers boots scarcely holding to gether were the only protection tho shack had but ono room and all that it contained was a stove a heap of straw for a bed and- a few cooking utensils humor had credit ed the mysterious hermit with hav ing much gold but all tho treasure that has been found is a bag con taining 1g0 buried treosuro is a magic word and tho minds of an imaginative peo ple cling tenaciously to pot theories everyone had heard that the hermit was wealthy not a man in tho coun ty but had spoken of gold which the strange old man had hidden in tho earth and guarded with tho zealous watchfulness of a miser so over since tho discovery of the body when tho sun has shone bright down upon tho littlo clearing in tho sixth range men have probed and dug hunting for tho treasure but honoro has taken tho secret if any to tho burial ground in the village of st adolpho do howard after a iirak la prlras people whose money goes in a slump ot tho stock market are as a rule blamed more than they aro pitfod sympathy for them thero is but it is of tho mixed kind to which the great heart of tho public is mov ed by tho caso of tho culprit caught and brought to punishment mercy tempered with justice rather than justice tempered with mercy is tho portion of the unsuccessful stock dealer when jobs sores vftvb 1 tho rawest state his friends gathered about him to comfort him with words of sharp reproof for his form er naughtiness so when- tho unfor tunate victim of a stock market re action is trying to staunch tho fresh financial gashes that aro fast bleed ing him white ho is forced to listen to the lectures and tho censures of tho innocents who never speculate this salting of his wounds may be a moral duty and a public service it makes tho wretch writhe when ho might bo taking a n little eoso be tween spasms and thus helps to keep him in state of suffering which should bo to all beholders a warning against tho temptations of after iluntly had got his sister aboard the rocky mountain limited and comfortably settled in her section be looked about to see if by any chance there were any of his friends aboard to whom he might confide the care of his sister for the journey from chicago to denver his eye fell on maddox big jim maddox of cripple creek and seattle and los angeles a mining argonaut who knew his west as a boston girl does her henry james a moment later muddoxs big fist was squeezing the blood out of the clubmans limp hand by thunder iluntly but im glad to sec you let me see last time 1 saw you was on the dump of the mol- he 1c out in gods country member the day i drove you up sonofiioun hill and sold you 5000 shares in tho james g blaine we saw weather that day young man the blizzard sure did hit us on the way home you on the way out there now iluntly rescued a paralyzed hand be fore he ventured on explanations- txo im seeing my sister started she has not been well and the doctors have or dered a complete change were send ing her to denver it was the original plan that i should go with her hut i received a telegram this morning that the senior partner of our firm has died suddenly and it is imperative that 1 should leave for new york at once would it be asking too much of you to see that she doesnt get too lone some and that she makes connections with my aunt at denver well i guess not thats what im here for- to help out my friends when they need me but im not much of a ladys man miss huntly will have to take mo in the rough now big hearted breezy jim mad dox was the very man to cheer a home sick girl who was traveling in search of health ho was as full of good spir its and wholesome energy as a fourth of july is of noise he bad in his va ried past experiences enough back of him to beggar romance and ho bad the gift of breezy narration as few men have it to bo sure he didnt know anything about young college graduates from bryu mawr but as soon as be had seen miss huntly he was more than willing to learn i helen huntly accented the introduc tion with outward reserve and with in ward doubt she was tired and she did not want to have to smile and look pleasant to this big awkward maofor two wholo days but maddox did not know of the existence of cither tho doubt or the reserve if he had it wouldnt have mattered his big brown band came out and burled the little white one and somehow the girl found herself less lonely when she looked in to tho honest smiling blue eyed face of this tannfd stranger before they hud reached rock island she was congratulating herself on the good fortune that had made him her traveling companion he was the most interesting man on her list she decided io striiige adventures had fnijuu to tiit lot tbun to u dozen average men lie told his experiences jjuite simply ii nd betapse she was interested in hear- lit ihem not at all because he was proud of them he seemed to have gathered into ills peiwumlity the free dom and the breadth of about n dozen of themouiitaln states he wasnt cciarse in the least but he was 11s un conventional us i kansas cyclone hi ac tion he trampled unconsciously on her new kuglnml traditions with a vig or that would have shocked if it had not amused her they simply did not exist for him that was all the emotions of jim maddox were hot a bit complex vfjcii after two happy days he said good by at the un ion depot in denver where miss hunt lys aunt met her he had already made up tils mind to marry her or know the reason why as he phrased it to him self youvo struck the best ycln of ore you ever unearthed jjra maddox and if you dont follow it up youre tho big gest fool in arapahoe county he certainly followed it up and if his mines at cripple creek required any great amount of personal attention during tho next three weeks they must have suffered for their owner openly and patently mado it the busi ness of bis life to woo miss huntly ho organized picnics and excursions galore and be always contrived to be the man who was paired off with her finally ho induced a party of tnrelder mlas uuiitlys choosing to go camping in the mountains near a new mine he was developing as to miss huntly jr her feelings were as a house arrayed against itself she found herself falling into a greater liking than she cared to admit for this free and easy blond nercules nnd the nature of bcr liking did not approve itself to her judgment she knew of course that be was in love with her and the knowledge of it sent delightful thrills to bcr heart but afterward she would scourge herself for it the blngs that had formerly seemed to her vital sbt began to find herself appraising by his unconventional standards and all the instincts of her life training fought against tbe concessions to the western spirit eren while tbe charm of his the kind you have always bought nnd which has been in use for over 30 years has homo tho signature of and has been mado under his per- tvy sonnl supervision since its infancy fcccjzk allow no ono to deceive you in this all counterfeits imitations and justasgrood aro buft experiments that trifle wii and endanger tho health of infants and children experience against experiment what is castor a castorla is a harmless substitute for castor oil pare goric drops anil soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its ago is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays fovcrishncss it cures diarrhoea and wind colic it relieves teething troubles cures constipation nnd flatulency it assimilates the food regulates tho stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens panafiea the mothers friend the pantry jve keep in stock all the best brands of teas coffees sugars and other staples canned goods of every description always fresh fruits of all kinds in season wee keep everything to be found in a well appointed okocjeky and at reasonable prices ratcliff co genuine always the km you have always bought use for over 30 years in tmc clutaun company ix bthcct ncwyomkcttv the nteck market toronto mail and i j breadth fascinated her the purl- empire tan and the aodal uutioou at th ril rcdenea ax accepting tliem sue liked immensely the frank equality that ex isted between him and his workmen but she knew that such a relation would not be possible for a minute in uw east- and after all she told ner- e she belonged to the east at which point in her meditations jim maddox would perhaps arrive and set her heart to hammering at bis frieidly audaci ties it was at a picnic up apex canyon that the young mine owner declared himself after luncheon he had taken her farther up the gulch to see a curi ous rock formation and there seated on a big rock in the shallow mountain stream with the steep bluffs rising on each side of them he bad asked her to marry him im not worthy of you by a thou sand piile3 im only a rough self made man with a sort of pick me up education i dont suppose yd know a gainsborough from a nattier if i saw them walking down thestreet together i reckon iknow tho points of a eayuse anu i can tell pay ore when i seeit but that happens to bo my business so far as i can makelt out theres just one point in my favorthere couldnt any man love you more than i do dear ill have to rest my case on that id make you happylf it were in pie miss huntly caned forward and put her chin in her hand her gray oyeo were troublp1 and her forehead fur rowed she looiicd quite cool though ber heart thumped madly im ashamed of myself i always thought that a girl pugbt tp know her own heart i have no patience wjttl myself she said do you mean i mean that i dont know mr mad dox i liko you more than any man i ever met and in a different way but im not sure that from farther up the canyon there came a mighty roar maddox grew wlilto beneath the tan he gave tho girl ills hand and lifted her to her feet come run for your life he com manded hoarsely and she looking in his face wondered at tho sudden change tliey reached the bank and raced for the xiuvf ihc gorge that shut them in ip tlie precipitous dins they clam bered his arm round her waist cling ing to scrub brush or naming golden- rixl as chance happened in another instant the great wall of water leaped into sight round tho bend in the gorge and tore hungrily at them maddox felt the almost irrealstlble suction but hung desperately to a slender quaking aspen with one hand while the other still encircling the girl clutched at a lolnt of rock the water caught llcrce- ly at them tore their footing from un der them beat against them with a force hardly to be denied but mad dox knew the struggle was for llie life ho most valued on earth for if the cur rent onco swept them away they would surely he beaten to pieces ot the rocks i cant hold on longer she told him you must be bado her sternly just nnother minute girl how long that minute was he never knew but at last the water from the cloudburst had spent its force anil full en away from them together they worked slowly up the ellft to a great abutting rock and on this the girl sat almost fainting with fatigue and ex- i cl lenient there was mill u great fear in her face sue held ber hands out to maddox v dont let me go i am afraid she aid then again shivering i am afraid jim i ills eyes shone its all right now helen the danger is past ill stand by yon little woman lie put ills arm around her and kissed her hnfr she still trembling snug gled closer in his arms bo years experience trade marks designs copyrights c anyone loading a ketch and description mar inlckljr juccrtuln our opinion freo wnctner fin invention la probably putoiuablo communlra- tlonaatrlctlyconndcntlal handbook on 1atcnu ient free oldest apency for necuritik patent talents takon ttiroukh munn a co receive tptclal notice without c in tho scientific jtnericm a handsomely illustrated weekly tarseflt cir culation of any scientific loarnru term 153 a year four months l sofcbyoll newbdcalcn munn co new yorfe brunch offloo cttfsu waiblnston d c wnterluff-plantar- waterlng is an exacting labor arjd yet half of it is usually unnecessary the reasons why it is unnecessary are two tbe soil is so shallowjy prepare that the roots do not strike deep enough we waste the moisture by aj lowing the soil to become hard thereby setting up capillary connection with tho atmosphere and letting the water escape see how moist th6 soil is in spring mulch it so that the moisture willnot i evaporate mulch it with a garden rake by keeping the soil loose and dry pn top thfs loose soil is the mulch there wilj be tho moisture underneath save water rather than add it then whciv yoq do have to water the plants go at it as if you memit it do not dribble wet the soil clear through wet it at dusk or in cloudy weather before the hot sun strikes it renew your mulch or supply a mulch of line litter more plants are spoiled by sprinkllngthan by drought bear in mind that watering is only a special practice the general practice is to so fit and inaintaln the ground that the plants will not need watering country jjfe in america patented ist may 1900 are guaranteed on bale by miiili vmm general ijffiili repairs promptly a lemieil prices moderate- iifi i coulso hvc for sale and to kentiomfc bargains in f fv jr ivi s of various sizes prices locati ionp qualities d kxplnlri a youth in a country school had vrtry littlo appreciation of the tal ents of his teacher tho lesson was pn the circulation of the blood if i stand on piy head said tho toachcr by way of illustration the blood nil rushes to mc head doesnt it nobody contradicted him now ho continued when 1 stand on my ftt why doesnt tho blood rush to my feet because replied the daring youth your feet aint empty used fourteen years with goop results 521 s 1m st new- tork sept 8 1902 dr b j kendall co i gentlemen 1 twronwd yony spayln coro on my iiorte for tbe pa fourteen ym and it has always glvrii mo rood results in every particular i also have oprt of your books that i txxvv found very useful if you havo any later edition pf tho treatise on tho horse and his diseases vfu you kindly send me one rj respectfully joura e f phi6bie jt is an abaoufelr reliable remedy for spavins spilotn curb kfngbones etc removes the buncle and leaves no scar frfco 81 six for x a allotment for family use it has no equal ask your dnibklkt for kendalls spavin cuius also a treatise en the hone the book tne or addrcsa i dr b j kendall co en0sburq falls vt varicocele stricture prevalent mootr men m varicocele ai it interferes with fji a i j ex orian it produces emlwlont loss of semen throofeff the its or pains in toe loins achln in the back nervousness des- 9 ih palpitation of the hear constipation and a comb nation c 1 is rj c0 at manbood thousands of jounir an mlddle- lfijtu hew sfourc if jon havo reason ti b on are 5 ssjr dont t ect twu ruin von dont 1st doctors exprljent sjsta5 ii our now method treatment 4 s8zl i it v disappears and can never return vfun i 3 xssjfutiff i i pfou or loss of time the treatmen ma- be sfvssi ii or t f strated- book on varicocele btriot urc wl itu y to cure or no pay kidne js bladder inf ilj orpins hence the kidneys area treat source i srlnifw if l mae or weakness over the small of the back lendncjr to i uia hvsf3 ln apl coldnes of hands or feet a drowv feeling in i lv don jour kldnejs our new metbod treatment i is guaranteed to euro any disease of these organs or no pay inrwa names used without written consent o w howe of jackaon mich nay i had varicocele lt ne aecpndary and two atrlcturea of 1 yar aiaodlntr i waa operated on twice undergoing srettetiterin j in bat only advltedto rot temporary relief 1 was finally try the nw method treatment of drt k k the enlarged velna disappeared lit jx weeks the atrlctare tlaane waa removed la eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality retnrned so i waa a man in every respect i recommend you doctors with my whole heart cures guaranteed no cure no pay m sy after treatment i i before treatment lll n lability tost manhood varicocele stricture syoh- i ssffss w conorruoaanddnuatural discharges consultation free pooka free write for gusstlon tlst for borne treatment 148 phelpy street detroit vlieh drs kenn kergan twelve homes liferent parte of stnuftville vriog in price from 500 t 63000 3 feats for fire insurance eight of the best companii the sun lift assurance co of canada agent and appraisers for the canada per mrnet and western canada ljprfggep corporation money to lopj call and see us gratjins bjocfc stonffviile stouffer coulson we smith a went for hiffhfirafle mclaoirjilld carriage and cutters alsp agent fokthk spewgt wagons and sjml deeiung haltvetfr binders mowers hakes si drills seeders and disk harrows tolton bros guelph on pea harvesters pulpers the great harness compan toronto ont all kinds of rubber silver and hra- mounted harness kept on hand warerooni in on thp mat ka

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