Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1903, p. 6

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a 2 there will grilv beteari of joy arid not of sorrow in the elcbrne flfatftred according to aetothi vx luunnt ot cnwel in lb yeo thousand uln hundred by wm uaiiy of toronto hwe department ot aertcuituro ouwl a despatch fromxhlcigosays bey frank do wit preach ed from the following text isalm civ 2 there go tho ships v always feel sorry for one who has not been lullabicd to sleep by tho low moaning song ot thojsca feniraore cooper v loved f to write about tho mountains and woods and streams and waterfalls aiid rivers to whose deer licks tho fawns and tho does came down to- drink but there is a beauty t6o in the sand dunes and tho seabcachand thev broad expanse of the mighty depp 1 which we can iovoejso sometimos tho sea becomes as wrathful as tho wild beasts in the spanish arena stung wuh sharp darts before which tho attendants wayo the rod garments it roars 1 t plunges it lashes itself into fury until at last it is crimsoned with jifsf pwn blood fi glazing pilos is phofescences inako it look like tho i riyerkiio struck -witij- tho mosaic rod in the famous egyptian plague tho seashore a mbnotonousj place to pass the summer y it is uninterest ing only tbtbos whose lovo of m- ture 3 so undevoldped r thatthoy cannot understand the language of tho sea l thbhuman ship 5 t but after all bno of tho most lajiiprbirig diversions of the summer hourlsts living by the scasfioro is to watch tho passing of theships for v 1ver a quarter- of a century nrjr pri- vifogowav to spend ovory summer by tho atlantic coast omy fathers obuntry r was near the end of long island at a small town called east hanyptpri j there upon the- 4 sand dunes i used to lie hour after great steamers crows and passengers which were suukenatsoa oh 1 know life boats and blife preservers are pro vided by law on every boat to guard against accidenjar- but as otyule bey do bu little good uly thc tiino tho hurricane has completed its work tho lifeboats aro splintered anckby the tfiiio the tornatlo of sin has wrecked a human craft it not only des troys a father and a hus bandlliut also all those whose ex istences are dependent upon his life one ot ibh vliravest scenes ever wit nessed was that in samoa harbor whenyj fewycafsago the famous cy clone destroyed many lives when ahnglishmaiiofwar was ablo to get up enojigh meain oheadoutto sea tho alnericim ndnk- ihkship j- began cheer thcjr f isng- lish cousins- it was aj brave cheer when- thosesaildrs tjiwredthcy hpp qwcfrq on a- linking ship and therefore most of them would bo drowned- vic us as human ciyfts beware- how allow oiirv selves to sink intojivosea of sin and destroy those iovc5 ones who aro standing uponour the slonaiiof pistrfssc tho fiumanvesbels should bo will- ieaco for its dcstinatltw po youj 47anil all tbiassmbly snail wondoruhnvi glared ovory human knothat the lord ruwth not with vosrcl sjhotlld binder ttjo dominion j4s of jesus rist end op thus taw voyage ipyiii ih lcor xv 10 coneorniug tiisuoii6iu fighting for his people and his kco kx trots- and need give a man nn jimlionablqciaiuipn thoielp5f his brotlior nowhere ithat h rocognized so surely j and so prompt ly as foil the i high asandr- on tho ocean iwii 1 nbyer ttirn 01901 oat to a hoominfljgun shut his eyes to an inveited fijigi otto a white handkerchief prxloth outter- irtgoverh r a derisllct no sooner docs tho lookout cryshlp onjsiarbpard bow and i- believe i it avteck than tiip captain aiul- the inntcsajid the koafswaiiis aiiil vthtf cdmhibrisnifor wilfyurir their tiik ious facee townrd the blnckobject awo smar f5 tfcc battle is uie 64btakjo give you into oarhands see how lavid notlung ami god my dear friends as voyagers is ecjytluug consider iauls upoa- of- we lotihvvljkretwds notj tm j chriht reet-yovm-signal- with iotfi but tlie giare orgodgal warmest fillings of christlau stirring my heart 4 ifeel 5tlmt1t duo io tho providence of god trnitjtke battle beiig his kco kx xiv we havo been bpughtpgctcr forjlt 1 ih josh x 14 ii a cbiatianjurppso tjo sa of life qhoon xx j7 21 etc consider is 5owidq44t onilholivencefrom the kei meet each otherthfs hco lifforo wbw to jodim jericho and let sail into tho harbor of peace when ns never think uat the work is ours a vessel becomes a wvtvk ud floats nr question tois power ijjj nlioiit- tosetsrsri derelict it somo- 48ioso iaid prevailed over tho k takes ntpntbs ftfld oven yijais lhtlfuttno with n licgard with for it to be found ftjul dovitroyed ntore niliamhe tlo ihiuiiine and it may take nil that tuvr honat- stivivim tor iov itianjhijisiniy bo huntingi swiiat iainomeitof lineiee inter- for it therefore what mlliacst it was to tl o lhouijanis or iovi saytbyhi iiivtt ay armies as ueir iiianions drew near jtium vessels vbyagirgaivor tlio sea to oacli otner goliathsu nil the of lifenoyor allow ony sinful citrront might 1 and majesty cis great to turnyoiir prow from your christ- frame antimiiiiis heart ami the lydominaupdy ncyer allow your ihoirhcril iltui the very pic tt re of leckohirig to be uwido front anystn4hplpleoess how lie interest hut that which bnceglcamed over wovifd tepon as ikivid i started to xha ijetihiolom im4gortand uovur jun tovurdhis enemy and with in- feel j christian voyiger thrt tlie eving aim ianil f sk hp power stprm 61 pvrseciitlcn wih founcle vends the stone from his sling into you if you have christ in u10 hinder the ohemys foio vinj felling him to part of the ship christian voyng- the caith ile living god of is- vp should npor ineot againraelfiii it and david was thp hap- liis sido- of tlie harbor of peace i py fnstrument ciisvd by god ijojcpfise rcnd vyouny- clirisilan sain tatipn his aim wasltontngnify jehovhli fl is nnttlovc yllall onfi f accwoll fsirsrsrsstih international l3ess0n s si atjg 9- tpxtof tuecessoii ig sam xvii 3i4 goldontext horn viii 31 38 9 j acdixjjuavid said unto saul i cannot go wurthose for i have not proved them and david putjthemofihim- u il after- samuel anpintod iim in tho astlns gieatienerof govrlost his lead by his own sworil ve enfi cojverntig iits masherl tlc jcwil t david tvnt bhroifgh death christ will dcptypyiinr whb 1ms the fiower or dtvitli hob 3 14 h0b0ksffiap cruel customs amoijg- the zunis of elexicp prickly slirub xair oii small backs itota cry was i heard 1 andaeritjioamag toward floating upon tlicedge of thochori- nowyorh narrowa or fitarting upon zpn thero should jbojmtohe being aboard that doomed thoir long trips to the distant har- rborsof tho world jusedjtcjfwatch i them just as the psamifsr dia whoh ho criod bout in fj the words of my text tero go the -snips- how liko ifthoso voyages are with their unknown -incidents- their calms and their storms thcir successes and ilas their wrecks tdhuman lives i whocart tell as life looks- at an mf fant calinly- sleeping- in its cradle whethor voyage pf its ufa will bo like the ship skillfully stcced safo into- harbor or like the ship careless- ly nayigated that strikes the sunken rock or by colhssion with another ship is shattered and sunk into the depthsiootho sea f ijetfiis sec this morning what thoso points of resem- bianco are what kind of a shipeach human being ought to be what kind of a carjo he is carrying and toward what kind of a port ho should bo heading thoships thoships- thero go the ships 1 there go the shinsli- j r l a vxiybg caiig6 f- each human vessel always carries a very valuable cargo have you stopped to consider why a great cunard or white star transatlantic steamer spends as much time by her dock as in traveling the high seas itisf truesqmo of thastimo must be s giving to cleaning up- th5 ship but 4 most ofit is spent in loading and unloading 0lcargocs- thp massive walls of d building rest upon deep j t found ft tions tho huge masts- and mpiwr decks of a great steamer mubt iiavea deep hull hull lhusjj bo filled with ballast or clso tho hip would soontopplc ovorl this ballast is composed of boxes idled with merchandise- or hundreds of bags f mail or steel from birming ham works and linens from the irish mills silks from france and wines from italy art treasures- as well as vxppnslvo furniture and clothes fpod must be provided for i tho j passengers and tho crow- and huge cargoes of coal t6 keep thojon- hglhesi in motion one iff amazed at t tons of coal which ash liko the kaiser wilhelmn- carries at tlio beginning of its pas sage across tho atlantic tho great stomachs of ihe furnaces seom to bo insatiabld their hunger is never j satisfied rkelays odust begrimed btokdrsnvsh hunian being aboard thndpombd craft five ten fifteonaye ibeliovq practicnlly all themembersrf the crew will be willing to yisl their uvea to save that ono life iiicer yet ipd ofa ship upbntho high ways bf tho sea- tllat j not go if possible to rescue tho crcw siukingsbip iaicvcrlvct heard pf any- seacapjtain cpmpollipg ltisjtsnh- orstb gof to tho rescue j all u rcp tho mates have t6 dp underjected thfi lord and chose tv man for uking physically and how this is what comes of itjhen tho people of god adopt tho worlds curious people arc the 4unis v ing in village or pueblo in midst of ms brethren he socmed to jnow mexico end one of uhovnost have returned to ins home and to curious oftheir customs is that ojf hisj fathors flocks until sdulibeiiig aniiiig their children until he ar- trojiblvd with an evil spirit and iys at 5 life ago of four years tho nwdlngsonio one to comfort him little- kuni hby is known as baby and heqrfrig j davids skill with hoy littlu hoy older boy the harpscn forjhim and- found otc afterwhich he receives a name jnih so cceptublo luit ho madej which hp carries for the rest of hid liynihis r bajrer xvi 1323 j life tlio naming of 2un children after this v he rotflrncd frohi saul 1 occurs once in four years and is a again to feed his fathbrs -sheep- at season 1 of givut festivity the rerer bethlehem xyii 15 tjtbo fhilis- nionies lastiugscvoral days tiuejr gathered against israel uhdor ucja with masks go froin house to j5uchcoriduionsfs tdcafl fbrvbluh teos jand oyery lifeboat- will bo manned and every oar held in a firinghp tw oh my dear fdends wjiy isjjot bcinv ivptoiitieiand wr i humifn eady under their chumjij ton goliath who chal lenged isrnobtoschdamori tofight- with him and ha defied them to do so so saul and nil israel werodis- ways the worldcaualways produco strpngerand greater flesh and blood fnotrtodsv tavid having his three houso asking if thero aro nny uni nnmptl boys thero these men aro supposed to represent the heathen gods- of thciinis there aro six of them who represont tho cardinal points of tlo compass north south vnstjuid west niidtho heavens and tho earth thejunis live in houses of stono oradbbo baked clay and in yillagoarpisix sacred houses callpd kivus the entrance to a kivoj is throudi atrapiwor in tho roof j after spending a week fn various ceremonies in tho kiyas ono of tho actors in this strange performance takes a if h 1 1himd daydut shovblirig the coal day toarfsvokfignrflsdt dlitross -lrotliors-in- snails army is yjcmstfallcnkrotliircn astiiclsau- j sent- by jcsso- wilh somo good brs upon tlio jsca try to jiclp uiose things from homo for the absent wlib arc in distress do not v5 aiul to see chow 1 they fnreili whirlwinds of disaster shriolc and seeing the situation ho makes in- howlnnd sweojiuj tlcostreecsof a quiry and is ileenly- stirred to bc- groat clly as well as mong uie or- noi n uiicircumcisod philistine de- chijiclagoes of a moditprjanean fying the armies of the jiving cod wffiiz heine brought intri the presence bt j jx nolslfnped eloud swifflyaipronrlied sllll h ofi to ftirht coliath as- destroyed wlole streets andj from an tho lt s eon t1on q vtv sentmg arms uavd wi ins armor himsolf tho but bemg to hm somethng untned l- houses of eaeh of the jittlo bos stuffkdjtabijit sklk in hishand and pokes his head up through the trapdoor of the klva of the north tho rabbit has a hol- thrbugh its body and tho ho puts it from him for in tho lords scryico and battles wo can use only what wo have proved mo and hb took his stnlt in his luuid and clioschim- fivo smooth stones out of the brook and his sling was iu bis hand and ho drew near to the philistine 1 he knowgod not mans de vices he was not a warrior but simply a shepherd and ho goes bisripd inany a under ijtho debris clid it wrecfc any more ives than do tho cyclones ofsln which- iii daily defltroyingf tho hurra rods and thousands of young men and women kvery city has its two sldcrits light side and dark- side tfiij5uro side andits morally dis eased kltloiia clirislirtn slddnnd its infernal side its happyssldc andits dciyaivfd sldq shall wo who pro- fc3s to loye god and jntre living in health nnd strength hayo nothing to do ivith those who are flying the signals of distress t toxk navigators fuikndj similarly in reference to its soli- torinoas when wo start out wo liavff plontyof huvif v ciotorniirio to do tightvtfwoare sot i nour purpose tpfoilo w thocourse whichmiristhas out for us wo shall jliib that our friends will often leave us- ono by onownmhall boakfor many venrs- christotdior columbvswas alorio in his attcnipts un st m t9 or fe to- prove thoclrounihavfcation ori torches und trumpets were in tho globe ius william hwvyi tlulh tispffl b ccdehrated london physician pjytjwr ridiculous instruments to siologlst and anatomist was alone accomplish tlio end m view gods in bolioying tho circulation of thomvriy and his thoughts aro always who areto bo iiutiatod and gives to each one a linihe in return vthej iparontf give the icoyemeshi food j which ho carries back to tho kiva j after eating some of tho actorsrush lout intbthevihago with bunches of iu prickly shrub callod spanish bay- onct in- thoir hands nndpeoplfc who jdosjroj to raise gopd crops thatvcnr f ask to bo whipped with itl on their r 1 11 lharo backs all the actors it must svpsinvm th xs q mmtm sought and on b ft ilo river is full of stones prociout promises and assurances each of which held firmly and told forth in the of tho spirit is capable of killing any giant of- unbelief or fear jor- proud defiance davids but what about thoonorinous mass of food which must bo provided for tho hungry human passengers and crew those who live above and below a great ships deck arc not to uo numbered by thoscores but by thovhandreds on- thojast voyngo t made from england there were nearly 2000 hu man bengs aboard then thero maytrinillions dollars worth bullion clearing- houses of thotwo continents aro continual ly adjusting claims money from amorica going ftoeurori6 jfjold and silver from kurbpe coming amerl- cnttl ftvoragostcanierplying tho atlrintle is not to bo despised its successful voyage means ifeito hun dreds its destruction may mean death alike to passengers and crew and destruction to all thcfrolght seafeguards of tnewoyage does not each human craft carry a valuable cargo gj what about the moneys which is intrusted to a mans coxo if tho caahfer of abnnk ab sconds wi tho bank has to clpso ita door who suffers is it not the poor widow and orphan tho old roan who has trustfully placed jn thojank the savlngnof a lffotlmo sothat ho can havoaomothlng in his oldiifgo and- money enough to buy him a casket unci a grno when he is dead what happen- whon a human craft found ers and sinks into tho grea sen of sin does it not nearly always de- troy many- wfaian lives which are derondent vrnn vpoxlstenco what becamo of wj ail tho hl blood as george whi to field wav alone when aah pulpiteer ho was looked upon as a mountebank and anocclesiastlcal clown as panlvas alone when he hud to floe for his life oyer thevliamascus wall f and as fciiolirlmvvus alone whon rog- unliko ours and as fur above them as heaven is- above tho enrth- yot they often seem fopltah and child like to human reason isa lv 8 9 1 cor ii 14 laelftiv anrf tho fhifistiiio snldun- tci david am ia tlog that thou od ard ppltv uponhtf was hurried- cbmest tomowlth staves and tho upl the rocky heights where hp was to bo crucified botweon twotillcvos similar in refsrencoto the head winds and side currents which hnvtf to be fqughv against it woukl not bo so bad if in the voyage of life tho r human vessel had to uuuco tourney aipnviaiulthnt swdsfall ujktj notsooncr doourfrioails begln to lartyeoiir sides than tlie hiirrl canes pi abuse and- tc undorcur- rents of slander t begin to jcwock against us a when a noted refoimpr at tho end of his life was given jo great popular donvonstration of n-p- proval and prosonted with a bcauti- fulold watch ho stood looking at ft with crnbarrassineht then he said wlth a smile y fiends if 1 hiad1eena brickbat or apal egg ivurledat mo i would know what to do but this beautifiirwatcii in my hand absolutely t takes awayy breath ahv invj clirjsuan bruth- ron wfth such loneliness which uxuac be endured and withsuch ivurricnncs of abuse which i must le fought against no human craft trying io follow tho fight course is safe un less jesus christ as tlio divjno cap tain isguldlng it and treading up on it ciuartor icck noihumnn ship phllihtjno cursed payid by his gods contrast these two men represent- fhg goci and tlio devil layid 0 youtirlnshepherdsdfesi unattend ed with staff and sling and stones goliath riliio feet high with at least 150i pounds of coatof mail arspoar liko a weaver aobenm with an- iron head ondy nn attendant bearing aj shield hut tho- giant comes strong in tho prldo of his own strength whilo david comes strong in the lord and in the pow er of itis might jsfl tcbmb to tjieeln th nnmo of tho the god of- the armicsjof tsrae whom thou has dpfipd t 1 tjiat all tho earth may knmv uiax there is a god jn israel s david was the moswrngcr the re presentative of thetfod of israel seeking rio fame 6f honor forvhim- self but only that might be known and glorified before israel and fe rhilistlnckv had thero icen in pavidjs jhear anythoufirt of himsell of joslro jfsr htft own honor ho roum not hnve gone jor ward owithfdcocanfideticoa fi wo go in tlio nnmo of the lord- it can over bo sailed safely over the is never n question of what wo can troubled son of time into a harbor or cannot do hut simply of what of a blessed ctnrnlty unless it has he can do and his word to us is tho magnetic nccdlo of tho cross for jleliovest thou that i am ablo to a compass and tho great hnrbor of do this in the ovening the priest of tho sun for the zuoifl sun worship pers goes to thoplaaor public t stpiaro and sprfnklos thero a lino of sacreil nienl the men who are h to act as godfathers of tho boys- to lw initiated uhen tako hor little charges onuhelr backs holding them there by blankots whlcli thoy tightly mound them t thoy wrilk along the lines whilo nil tho actors with bunches of spanish bayonet their hands take a whnck at 1 ttib ilttle fellqws thif hurts unmercifully biit it is seidom that a boy shows any sighs of tho sufforing ho endures all i dlah childfon aro taught that no matter 3 how badly arii hurt thaymust not show it tn spubof themselves tears will flow- from tho eyes of tho boys ns they aro whipped along tho lino but thoy novorflihch or cryoufy i aho godfather then lakes his iw to tho kiva- of tho north where tw priest of tlie great firo order sosw hihi who is yourkokko tho man glyostlic boys nanib and tho pht replies xhooso your plumo t wdfatlior takes a feather from a pv ihem which has been pre- parednnd fit itches it in his hoyv mlplpeka then he carries him bock tothepla3awhcro the little feuowi undergoes second whipping hbiswsi fiodffttherq knees as h f ho can and tho blanket is drawn tight around himwhlio tho wows of tho spcnlsh bayonet aro doldongood and hard by fduf piny- ors who take care that there is no- 1 wx blanket cover- irfg the boys harp skin this is to soethat twgpdfatherin pity fori the jpyf does notrflp- n pioce j tz uut rw tosnvo si hwbrowft back from tho force of tho blows alf recipes for the kitchen hyleueand other notes s j for the housekeeper j w e 0ooeoqoodosooo gltandajas sciiapbook closets and pantries ail closets after being thoroughly cleansed h small tray of quick- liine placed where it cannot bo up- et ilns will absorb moisuiro and keep the air pure renew frequent- whitewash a whitowasli that gowl for cellar walls and will not nib off is made by taking a half- pnilfulof lime mixed with water ready to put on tho wall then mix onequarter pint of hour with a lit tle cokl water pour on it enough boiling wfitor to thicken it aiddadd itjwhile hot to tho lime stir well id jtiis itady for use wliilewash for outside use may be riiade by slaking half a busiiel of lime in a ban el add ono pound of common salt half a pound of sulphate of zinc and a gallon of siveet milk furnitmb llisu dissolve four ounces ornngp hellac in ouo quart of ninetyfive jier cent alcohol to this twd one quart of linseed oil nnd pjepint of turpentine when thor oughly mixed atw four ounces of sulihuric ether null foiir ounces of etjim aiumonia apply with a cloth r minpe and orb the surface well ntil the polish acars fuinituo to removo marks from vaniisvd furiiltatre wet a sjionge in common alcohol camphor nmlapply lightly polish with a clean cloth on which a very little kerosene 1ms been put r to leniovc white ctains provide tjivce pieces of flannel dip tho ilkut 010 in linseed oil and rub well wet tie second with alcohol mid ap ply to oily surface then quickly polish with third cloth milk ami cogee stainsrrlt is yery diiheult to remove theoe stains from lightcploiotl or fmoly finished mater ials if stained material is woolen or mixed goods moiwten with mix ture of oho patt glycerine nine nine parts water arid one part aqua am monia apply with brush and al low to remain half a day renewing tihe moistehinfr occasionally then iuv with a clean clouiaiid press stninod 3 pieces between- cloth if material is silk use five parts gly- cefiro- ftve parts water onefourth part ammonia allow to remain six hours then remove tremaining dry nubstonco by means of a knife rub witli clean cloth brush with clean water and press between cloth to restore finish briwh tho silk lightly with a thin solution of gumarabic diyand prcsscarefully grass stainsrwaah in clean cold ioft water wilhout soap before kur- ment is otjiefwisb wet mildew to removo mildew stains from cotton ctissplyc two ounces of chloricteof lime in one quart of boiling water add three quarts of cold water v strain carefully so as no jumps ofjlinio will rijuiam soak miirdcwod pots in tliis liquid for six hours and- thoroughly rinse in clean water mildew may some times bo remoyetl from linen by wet- ling hpots rubbing on chalk and oxposing material to the sun dilii- tid hartshorn will take spots put of woolen materials paint siainsvpilmt may often be rcmoapd from the most delicate fa brics by patient rubbing witji chlor oform cleaning preparation- a mixture that is excellent for cleaning black puhmerp anil otlier woolon dxestcs coats and oych felt hats is made as follows dissolve ono ounce gum camphor and bno ounce borax in ono quart boiling water ihen cool skid one t quart of alcohol pvt in- a hottlo niklkcep well corked before using slmko well apply with a itppoge another preparation that can bo iispd- upon the most delicate niatc- rials and will not affoetvany color is made by taking ono part ether and ono part chloroform this must be kept tightly corkcct hoehnxmea mixture of ico nnd svilt proportion of ono toonc- half tied up in a linen cloth and held to tho head will often give reliej for- sick heauacde tako a glnse twothiils full of finoly-shav- oti ico tho juicovof one lemon aiil a toasprcphful of migar lids mix ture eaten slowly will allay fever ish thirst ami quiet tho disturbed ntomaoh j 31 1 ioua heni incite may often be- re- lfovpu by drin3ing two teaspoonful of fmelyjiowderoo charcoal dis solved in half a glass of water a scldlitz powder shouhlbo taken one hour later of black beans in cold water over night fry onethird pound of salt jork cut in slices odd a sliced on ion and brown arid stir in half a pound 61 round steak cut in small pieces add the beans and cover with- five quarts of cold watercook slowly two and onehulf hourjs jajw a 7anah carrot siicojand fourcloxes and cook another hour strain and return to the kettle to heat sut one harl boiled egg and onequarter of a lemou in thin slices and put in to the soup tureen pour tho hot coup over and serve a seufous matter a yorng farmers wife says next to washing dishes tho greatest bore and troubleis fixing the lunch bas- f 1 ket for her two little children to go to luhool every morning she asks if i can suggest anything new i can say my dear young motlier that it is a serious matter just tako it home to yourself and think jiow you would like some of the lunch- cons you ftx for them if you give them wholesome good food and tempting fare every day then you would enjoy it of course but tho lunch is to recuperate strengthen and invigorate the little ones es- perially if they happen to be deli cate the child must bo tempted i fiiuv men tl em turn away from their lunch unable to eut a mouth ful when omo kind hearted little friend would ofcr them an apple- or orange or aylittlo nice jelly from thcirnice lunplippn t when wo consider that their health nnjdtiicir minds amispirits arc to be governed by their food then it needs much thought the food sent for school lunphes yhould be of he best and most nour ishing kind you havo plenty of rich cieam and milk anil eggs chick ens etc then make nice sand wiches of lome made bread and oliolflxrd meat or eggs for filling nice little tea cakes or wafers with a jglass of jelly and a bottle of rich milk a cij of custaru with a piece of sponge vcalko or ginger biead is good fresh fruit is al ways desirable study to the basket attractive 16 not for get a napkin or two if the basket is willow sriub it snowy white every week with warm suds made of rain water and poarlino it cleanses it so nicely anil a dingy soiled bas ket will take away a childs appe- tle- some children can eat any thing under any circumstances but some cant hence study to servo such r faces that blunt razors did you see the man who just went out asked a barber recently nsa swarthy individual loft tho shop- yejr 0wcll he spoils a razor every time i shavohim nnd comes here twicea weok rogulably he is a stonecutter and tho grit and dust are so embedded in tho pores of his face that it is liko drawing a razor over thosido of a stone i always use the best instruments ihavo up on him but they arc not stono proof and d dull razor is tho result personal winters notes of interest about some prominent people- for tho first tino in the history of spain a working man has been elected a member o tho cortes i2is nnmo is jaime anglos he is a cooler by trade and he represents barcelona it is told of the marquis ito tho premier of japan that when a youth he wandered about tne streets of london ponnitosy ragged and hungry a starving alien in a strange lund- mivs alice ropsovelt the daugh ter of tho president has broken down aftr an arduous year of social engagements ooc calculation of fifteon months work puts the num ber of dinners she attended at 408 uetdes ssjtljl teas and 271 recep tions osheaid 1613 calls went to 171 idanioa and shook vhand with 32000 speiiois noft sunder the doetsrsoirdcciii iheisconftrieid to bed and for the first time for a year will rest t jbord mount stopheriono of th two canadian ipeors hasjust colo- brutcd his sevpntyfourth birthday born in scotland his lordship who received his title in 1891 began life as a drapers apprcticb in aberdeen thei jo sailed for canada and made a fortune as a merchant during the past few years ho has distribut ed nbarlya million sterling for yar- ipusharltablo odjecta lis lord ship resides at brocket hall near hatfield which has- the distinction of haying been the homo of two prime miistcrameibournb f and palmexstoii v mr john sharp oboe and elng- hali horn maker pudsey who has just died was well known in the nutsical world and was a remark- ahlo nutit in many ways lie was abwolutey his trade but so ij proficient had he beepmo that tho market value of hisf instru ments rangod frotn- i to x30 eaeh ho carried on business singlehanded for or thirty years nover having an aiprcntico or any assistmwice whatever bycryport of an fnstnament was made by nisovn hand even to the shaping of the keys and he leaves behind mm many romarkablb toolsof his own inven tion for use- iritherhaking of- oboes sir morris whose ppems are so well known to all lovers of verse is another instance of the cloio association of llteratfttrp and law of which the history of letters offers so many oxnniplest sir ijewls i practised for a number of years i thc chancery bar chiefly as a con- xsyanring counsel the drafting and perusing of documents of title is not usually esteempd a very cjt- hilarating occupation although one old conveyancer to whom this was once hinted remarked thatho occa- si on ally came across a brilliant deed uninteroscing tlsough oon- ivyancing may in general be itdm not provontsir lewis morris cultl- ivntlng his poetic muse with 1101011 success the angel of charity is tho when his board is removed ho is name givon to tho queen of portu- customer upon whom i loso moh- al in paris ep conspicuous is aho m for her good works she has foviv- ed an old custom for concealing and i am glad to say that ho is tho only stonecutter who favors mo with his patronage i often wpndor how it is that ho doesnt wince when tho razor strikes a section of stono that is imbedded in his fnco and bounds off but it is probably be cause his skin is so hardened that he feels no ill effects he won her tho world owes avory man a liv ing and in never mack id paying it to a good collocta delicious soups cream of tomato 1 soup add one slice of onion a sprig of parsley one stalk of celery a bit of inacoas largo asa clbvc oneruiuter lovol teaspooh of salt to two cups of ntowod or conned tomatoes sim mer ten minutes j scald four t cups of milk in double boiler and thloken withthreo jo vol tablespoons ofbut- t flour fpgether cook until creamy strain tho seeds und tho seasonings from the tomato odkl onemflvol teaspoon of mignr a salt- spppn of soila stir vell alil the uiickchcd milk ana servo at pnep xilkenli soups to whlchnllk wsssi l tomato and milk must notbowlxod until the souvs to serve as it is liable toctmdle v carrot soupwash you rg carrots scrape and cook in boiling water un- t press through a ricer and ftp two cups of the carrot add fourcups of milk nnd set on the range thicken with two level- tea- iapoons each oflour am butter and cook until creamy n with salt onion juice nnd ttihaif salt- jppon of pepper ah t lie beaten yolk of one egg and pour into thp tureen as soon as tho egg is cooked sprinkle with a little finely chopped parcsly instead of onion julco the flavoring may bo obtained by heat ing half an onion sliced in the milk bloo j5wn soup soak two cupi she has promised to marry you has she did she accept you right off oh no i had to propose to her four times j four times gracious but you werb persevering what did she say tho first timo she said if thero wasnt another man in tho world but me she wouldnt marry me that was pretty strong what did sho say tho second timov she said she liked me pretty well but sho couldnt think of marrying me for might see someone sho liked hotter humph and tho third time v tlio third tinio sho asked me if t- wanted to tease the llfo out of hor hal hal ha and the fourth timo oil tho fourth time sho said if i insisted upon it she supposed sho would have to say yes f submarine boat two very ingenious inventions of giurcppd pino an engineer of mil an promise to bo of great import ance in the work of salvage ono of these a boat for examining tho bottom of tho sea has been tested by signor pinobefofe the italian authorities with tho greatest suc cess in the gulf of genoa the en gineer descended in his boat to a depth of 292 ft and ascended in ton minutes with a small barquo which had been sunk thoro divers cannot- work at a greater depth than thirty motres about 100 ft on ac count of tho grcatprcssuropf the water which at forty metres ts about iqi lbs to tho square inch hut the vessel of- slgtior pino can withstand nny pressure and consequently can work at any depth j k- 5 blind madito see a discovery of which there aro fow dotails to hand is announced from franco a professor appears to have produced an apparatus by which ho assorts tho blind will see and not only those- who havo lost thoir vis- ion in middle lifo but oven those persons who wore born blind will be able to see under certain stated con ditions with this apparatus di cazo says that ho can go into a to- ralbdnrk room and see ovefy object as clearly ns in daylight it is do scribed as being on the same scien tific basis as the telephone and it transmits light to a cortnin part of charity it is that of sending gifts to tho poor concoaled in flowers this custom had its- origin- in- a pb itngucso lady of long ago st isabella of the orleans family queen amelio is ono of tho most vigorous of esirojioan queens r sho is a splendid swimmer arid not so very long ago rosoucd a drowning boy at tho riefcof her own llfo a greatfavoriteofklng edward sho it was who induced him to pardon tho due dorleans i hor younger brother so that he could again visit great britain i the veteran shipbwnor sir donald currie although a porfoct scotch- mjin careful cool ririd calm in b very tlii rig was first educated in belfast eionin his r boyhood ships httractcd hiip and ho confpsses to having then had a fleet of toy boats alnvbstas nuiiioibus as his fleet of linerb at tho ago of- fourteen ho entered a shipping office at ofeoriblrlc j to leave it four years later for the cunard company in liverpool at the ago of thiityseyon hoy with draw from his company arid started for himself the oastlo lino to thflij ehst inihos thcdevolopineoit of south africa led him to transforhig on orgies to this field whictti has proved- a veritable goldmine tp him ns to so many others in recent years f oho of thcbusiost of peers is 0o eorl of stanford ho- is a dioco- f san lay- reador andprcaches agreat deal but has lately had to refuse requests to ohciato on sunday be caiisc ho says i sunday is literally thb only day ho is- ablo to spend in his country wouso among his own ohlhlren his is that- of missions to tho native races among whom- ho himself labored in south africa for scvcfalyeors le- ffirohe inherited tihb family honors ono afternoon when giving an nd- dreat a mission church in a poor part of southyosv -london- ho was imwitlingly tho source of much dls- aipolhtinent to a largo cbrigrega- tlbri tho chlwronmn tfibdl strict who had scon the posters announc ing hls porsktadod their fathers and mothprs jy to come to cluirch on tho plea that thoy wpuld sco a real hvoearl ptilpft as thopoa3lo ftledouthftor sefvlco a woman wosheaito bbsbno- dont look a bi t liko a lord ho only looks hko a dorgyman with nothing round his nook f- motor postal service experlmwits to connect johannes burg and mafoklng bymotor cars have proved verytucccscful tntho trial run tv french car started rotchofstroomat7n-m-an4teachod- mafeking at 420 pm a distance of 106 irriues in consequence a regu lar service to mafeklng has leon es tablished for carrying the malls and a servloe for krugcrstlorp ruston- tho brain in the same way x a tele- jburg and zocruss has also eon ar- phono iraomnits sound u the ear j ranged

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