Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1903, p. 5

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the 3st0uffyhxe tmbtjot thui8fiiar augtst 6 1908 fv mmm but there are flies on no plymouth binder twine a car load just in all new this year it has more ft per lb is more evenly spun and is stronger than any other make price no higher than ordinary goods all other seasonable lines stacked up ready for your use come amu see us selling off selling off at allans millinery show rooms all trimmed millinery in hats and bonnets at cost eeadytowears under cost all goods marked in plain figures business also for sale owing to ill health this wi will be a grand opening- for a firstclass young milliner ap ply to mbs allan for par ticulars of sale local items- mr harold couteon of markham spent sunday at borne mr frank davis of toronto visited or a couple of days at borne- mi ella percy of now york la spending her holidays at uamiu mr newton hill of toronto visited at tic turn of mr g a llcmulicn mum alice brown spent a ifew days with mrs g a momullenithls week mr and mrs hand bavo returned al ter spending a couple of weeks tit the point mrs w coxworth anl family of de- araine visited friends in town this week i mr fred percy and child of toron to are visiting at the home of bis pa rents bov and mrs penjyj kev j c wilson b a baa rtcyived a a unanimous call by tfau preu vt- riun congregation at actons mr bert trull of the sovereign bun is spcudiug bus huliuaysi with friends at uskawa aud ouitr jijaceo mij glla afljl maudjgnillljwho novo been visiting frluuds for a gpuple of weeks returned to their borne lujjsyj til j farmers of the canadian norlli- wet wit rtiufre about 18ouo ia101- ers tbisscasun tonsslsuln taking oil their large harvest a young man on saturday morning last hired un outfit from mciiaels iir ery bicbinond hill and so far has ail ed to return ft county constable burns is lookiug upitbuoaeie the practical failure of the fruit grpiriri england which la without jwir aligl ijj the memory ofijcovent garden affordi an opportunity for canadian fruit gnawers vast crops- english plums cborrlcs pears and apples have ijeidestroyed owing to unfavorable weather the minister of justice has a bill be fore iariiamnet amending the code nmkipg ft an indiplablo offence pun- bib by one years imprisonment tp ouin credit under falsa pretenses or b means of any other fraud this is particularly designed to inuot thocose of boardlnghouso and hotel frauds and pornaps for the man who orders his paper stopped and will not pay up arrears of subscription mr guy l wholcr the canada cycle and motor companys clerk who was charged with stealing coaster brakes ironi tbo factory and selling bent at bicyclo stores pleaded guilty ir the toronto pobco court or tuesday and ip vjiw of tjifapttbat be ttyd prevt pijely borne a good character ibat he bad mado restitution anil hod spent nearly two weeks in jail tbo magls- trato let him goon suspended sentence fj a high grade schooik tbo british aueiiican busi ness colieue it m c ai bwg toronto off or exceptional advauta fcs to young men and women prepa ring for baslnjm ufa itim the only ooyltgc tiecujf teophlng the famouf mregrj gfiortband this system i of because of ut eas wltbt which it is acquired has created very favorable pommnt tfl college is in affiliation friths ths institute of chartered ajs- countaot a catalogue giving lull par ticulars of the different counosunoy be had upon application to i j w jcjesieavejt jrinoipal mr hiram williams spent a faw days with friends in townf mrs j wilmot brownrsponpa week with friends at thcfpointi i mr harvey brown visited hie juncle mr a g brownthisjeek mrs goo nendlck and child visited at the home of ids parents mrs malloy is spendingra week with her sister ajaple of concord i mr and mrs bvanz of toronto spent a levr days with friends in town mrs p meyers and douglas left ou monday to spend a week with rela tlveo at zephyr miss mildred keid or toronto visit ed at the home of mr jacob browns- bergor rev and mrs ohara of toronto visiting at tho borne of bis niece mrs revalkenhcad miss annie brown bf toronto junc tion visited friends in town on men day and wo areplcased to know that she holds a good situation there to rent tho brick house on muiu street stcuffvillo now occupied by mr alfred johnson apply to george robinson altona or to the sovor eigo bank stoulvillo siouffvillo oascball team aro busily engaged practising ovory evening oa tho sporting grounds and bavo devel oped eo much skill and muscle that they are now prepared to try conclu sions with tbo teams to neighboring towns dont all challenge at once a llttlo gfrl tells whateho knows about king solomon in the following iaay4kng solomon was a man who lived ever scmanyyearsiogo and ho country in which ho governed was tho whole push king solomon built king solomons temple ard was tho father of all thotmoaojis he had 700 wives and 200 lady friends and that is why there are bpfmanymasonsrbho world organized labor bos at last come in to conllict with the government of the united states on a vital question that may extend into the field of nations politics and range tbe labor unions all over the country in opposition to the republican party the issue has arisen over tbo case of thaforeman muler in tho government printing office whj was expelled from tho bookbinders union who also demanded and obtain ed bis dismissal from government em ployment he appealed to the heal of the department and his cao was re ferred to tho president w1io ordered him to be reinstated tho union then mado known its decision that if tbe president would not withdraw ills or der all its members wciild qui t work lq a body a further intimation was giv on that the point wan pno which tho union pould qot yield and that if tbe government persisted in making the printing department opon to nonun- loc workmon organized labor through oat tbo country would unlttt in oppoef tion to tho roclcotlon of mr roose vclt and against tho republican party generally the questfon whether tbs labor unions cr tbo government yilf rule la the departments is now square ly presented lor sottlament so far the prosldeqt bas given no sign o rcpod ing from h decision and t bi bellov- cd that the union has njado a mistake in forcing tho bwoc ami making a toruat it may noboablo to imple ment and which practically places tho povornmont in o position whoro ft mast insist oa maintaining its author tttt i l i t it muw jennie burkltt te visiting rela tives in toronto mr bruce monair oc toronto la at homo for a fewldayai mr r park of toronto was home for couple of days this week miss i harraan of pine ornhard spent a few days with miss jj kelly tho misses dandy of toronto were tho guests ofmlss annie watson tor a couplo of days this weefc misses jcnnfo and mary petpjman of toronto are visiting at their aunts mrs t casely mr thos armstrong of toronto son of mr c armstrong spent a oou- plo of days a home mr and mrs a a kennedy and child of lindsay visited at the home ol hor parents mrjandmra brodle on monday mr p wlcjoman threshed for mr peter lehman tronnd10 am to about 7 p m andv the rosufe was 20 bags of aieiko next mrs t kelly and daughter nellie and master arahte have gono to spend a month with her eon thomas mr e m fllntj of hoclcster spent a day at the home of his upcle mr m h flint on his wayi to the point mr cliff maqklam ot froroqto oc- oompanied by his twosfstorr and a lar dy friend spent mondayat tho homo f mr j s ddugftorty- wo ore much peaacd to note that mr a hood has so far recuperated as to be abio to resume hist duties as teller to tho sovereign bank here mr f badgero recently teller in the sovorclgn bank hero has been ap pointed noting manager at thu union villo branch lost between gormloy and wii- uox lake on sunday afternoon july 5llh n blaok silk coat finder will be suitably rewarded oa leaving at this office question how is it warriner can undersell all competition with a large experience it baying nd paying spot cash re ceiving big discounts using- economj in adrertising- en ables him lo sell oiuch cheaper than any store in town we take the lead in supplying the trade with uptodate goods already the new spring roods keeps pouring in see our new prints great values from 5 to 2c per yd sold elsewhere from 8 to 15c new ginghams muslin sha ker flannel dress good clothing yes a general assortment of new and fashionable good for the spring wear stacks of sample shirts and remnants of dress goods selling less thanhalf prices we are head quar ters for good goods at lowest prices taboifflg mr ed anderson of toronto speni 1 the misses m and in wnodsxof tor nonoln of aim t wm 0ntoi opont a fgw days a home tho lost of a fow floury gralfl grin dors can be hadatn bargain to close out tho stock one portable tbresblng engine entirely overhauled a good ohanco for threshers stouffville brass steel works farm for sale elghtytbroe acres moro on lees be ing part of lot ib ejoncosslonf 8 vx- brldgo oq the nroinlses are good bulldiqgs and plenty of water soil is a sandy loam for further particulars apply to thos caije goodwood or to lennox lennqs button siouffvillo hon mr fllzpatrlaks bill amending tho criminal code marks important legislation it makes it a indictable wfenoc punishable by six months i m- prlspnmont to bo an inmato or habit ual frequenter of a common dowdy wouoo it also provides a f ino or im prlsonmont for selling cigars cfgar ettoo to minors underlsi years of age there is no apparently nndor 18 years in this clause tho rtlfu who pells tloin must be srro and nofr guess at it ifibw wants to avoid being subject ho tho penalty wood phosphodln ti oral etraia tttf is n old well stub liihed and reubu preparation baabsaa proscribed and va oterwreanaud tittaln tha of canada recommend tha only m luklndtbat fysfti iie unitenal aauafactlon it prompura aanentlr cnrai all formi of ktrwiu ife v emuhoni spermalorrhaa imi ijnd aluffaouof aboaeoreiewaoa thae stfiipaishl injanltricomumpuonand n earb oravs prioa st perpaekaso orrix for v ontteill pirate hz will cure moiled prompt j on re- oalptofprios send for tree pamphlet addram xba wood compmay windsor gat canada woods ph03ph00ine is old by 0 collard aad g r daoean dtatstitu stoaffvulo a oouplo of days at home mr- p nendlok returned to toronto after a weeks visit ahome miss burmlsh of claromont is vfs ltlng at mr blghams mr john mcconnocble at east tom onto spent a fowidays at home mise nellie gllmore of toronto is visiting her aunt mrs brawman mrs jamleson of st paul minn visited friends in town this week mr bert kenloy 8ff toronto spent couple or days tmr j j roes mrs patterson and daughter of to ronto are visiting her daughter mrs f d nlgbswander mieo maud kemp and miss lullerdo ton of toronto spentsaturday at the homo of ifr b- dotan mr and mrs jochua- lehman o grand haven mich a tfsltlnin rel atives in town and- vicinity miss violet caster is spending her bolldayo visiting frlonds in toronto aurora and other places mrs w b saqderacame wntrom tbo polflt to scajier father mr m it flint wbo was recently injured miss olive mcnalr retarnorl home asc wk from tbttp spend ins couplo ofj weeis with friends mub annie nash of east toronto returned home on saturday after a two weeks visit with miss mboebe mr w harris and friends of toron to spent civic holiday at mr yfi flea rys rlngwood mr david lewis v s of batavla n y formerly of tha 4th concession of markham is visiting friends in town and vlolnlty on saturday tnornlng lastmisumin nie steele qf toronto daughter of mr ifooepji steele died of jaralysur aged 80 years her remains were brought to stouffvlllo on mondayianft interred in stouffvlllo cemetery tho superior portland csmont co of orangovlllo have settied down tg bus inoss having commencod to orcot jibe ilcoossary bullflinge ey hope to be ready to bcglfl manufacturing next trigg tho machinery is jwlng pnrch asod lq germany and thor united sto tat as tboy intend to sepuro iho inoct uptoato appllanpos iha residents of the town and vlolnlty are heavy pur chasers of the stock astthoy bavo full aonfldonoo in tbo success of tho under taking a quiet wedding took plftcctin mon day last a tbo homo bfmrand mrs john mokinnon when tbelr dancbter alllo was anltd inniarrage tomr w a tjtylorof torontoirevn j a wilson b a performed the ootomony in presonoe nf a number bf rofatlrcs and irtlmato friends after partaking of a woddlog tea tjel happy couple left by tho evening train tor thoin res- idenpe on laurlor ave tbrootoi amid tho well wishes thfilr numerous friends railway institute tho canadian railway instruction instltnt corner of xongotaqd collodi street in tfto oddolloww balldlor torapto is opon for tfcor mrposoi of fitting yoting toon apd women for pc sltlons la railway business tills l tb only instltuto or its wtxxto panada and sftoqld meet wlthpronounoodsuc oew as they guarontooito furnish woll paid positions on tho sovoraj leading railroads in canada and thw unltsd statos immodlatflly on fctadoatlnfj lo tho oapaclty of telegraph operators train dospatnhflrs frolght nd- tlckc clerks agents and commercl onors tora wrlto orjnauoa ywmi for par pn there will be no service lo fhofaudl torlum on sunday afternoon mrs s parker o glasgow we re gret to say is quiw lirattpresent mr and mrs geo wldemanvand on 3f toronto visited a mr aj pnghs over sunday miss josle mitchell started this mar njng for mnskoksr whens she intends to remain or a months mr harry perry has returned home to assist his father ukicperry who is unablo to workhr illness mr w reynolds expects to storb to morrow morning for wisconsin with carioud or cattle sheep and bogs for mr k miller mr m h fllnflslatitlmesisufferlnr considerably from the injuries- h9 re- peived recpatly but wet hope he will aeon bo quite well agan rev mr bedford octoronto whoof f iciated at tbe funeral of miss steele on monday nailed oaa number ol his friends in town before returning mr henry feterman of aurora vis ited yesterday at the lorn qf his dauebtir mrtcaselyaaitis quits sgmart although in bis 86th year mrs geo stonehouse of passadenoa ical is visiting mrs a puga and they along with miss mabel pugh aw visiting friends at hamilton tilson burg and other places west mr and mrs tjcasely mr a mrs david forsyth and mr and mrs jos weilman and family attended the fun oral of mrs a- elson yesterday at dollar tho meflnonueg will hold their quar qterly servlaes oq sunday ang otft in tbo union ohqrch altona at 3po elder h goudle thoj presiding elder will preach fellowship eervlcnon sat urday afternoon at 2 oclock all are welcome after an hlnesoj over nix year from bcart trouble samuel w pcter- manpasscd away early thjsi morning lq h 0th year besides his afflicted widow there remain three daugh tersmrs g sangster toronto j mrs w mlahcll green rivorand miss han nob who resides at home- the family havo the sympathy octbo entire nom- munlty in their sod bereavement alter an illness bf about six months from cancer mrs ajelsonof the 2txj concession of markham near dollar passed away on monday morning in bor 55tb year ncoeaseotwasiii afster ol yrs jjas weilman of this town and was very nlghly rospeetod by- oil vho knew her thofanoral took place yesterday to thornhlll the oortcgs extending forover a mflcbesidoa lej borcavod bqshad tofe remqlna on soq stanley to mourn the lossr oft klpd and affectionate wlfaand inothcj we iave a fine line rf tweeds cheviots jserges worsteds beavers and whipcords for suitings and overcoats satisfaction guaranteed dry goods nuderwear flannels yarns mits caps 0 c groceries we hav3 a fresh stock of flaked rice ffeans wheat oa meal wheatine swiss food granulated wheat acm manitobaandlily white flour canned goods extracts jelly powder fresh cofiee and cheese blue eibbon and monsoon tea crockery and glassware j- j rae the pioneer wool wool ltoe highest prlss la aasb or zo per lb mors in trad for any quantity of wool dsllrsrsant tho almlra woollen mill 0 f lkhimn 4 sons satraixen into tho premises of nonakt math osoq bloomlugton ont lot 10 oonfj whitlciiqrcli on aug 4th inst on large white sow owaorimay havotth name by proving property ano paylmj expenses d vaflnheson fahm for sale 100 noros mora on lees being th oast half of lob 2 a thef fifth opnees ion of tho township of wfcltehorclu tho soil is oxoelleah and always jbsar good brops and i well brained for farther particular apply tof miss bruce 410 sherboprno ttree nntoato i s r s blooninqton mrs s maoklem of toronto fs spend ing a tavr week under the paren tat root mr w kennedy spent sunday with til parents mr c graham hat returned to i re fame his duties lo the far south miss ella maoklem spent si day in town this week rev b wllloughbys discourse lost sunday on- tho four beasts was ve ry interesting and the audience was large his discourse nexo sundajt wllf bo on our adversary the devli all welcome mr w baroy nad family of tilson burg is visiting ati the home of mre t c morris miso l burnett spent lass week in the city mr and mrs jjas gray of ballon trae visited a day at mr j dooghu erty mrs ti johnson has returned home after a tow days visit at jho homo of mr h b lott stouffvlllo mr e barnes has engaged with mr bylvanu baker for a monttt mr 8 merteas fsjrrsf ting for a time with relative here mr and mr b walker visited at tha home or her parqnt lm markham mr and mrs a stapleton of vx- pridge were the guests of mr b pais ley on sunday xheqaarterly mooting which wo held in the methodist charcbwas very well attended a number or the memixraoftbe cbrr stutn church spent last friday even ing with bet bwulooghby at ring- wood a pleasant andf prof itable time was spent mr w d hall wear a ejnllo- it la a little farmer i elevator our specialty everybody has a specialty these days ours is pure manitoba flour which we get direct from the miil at portage la prairie manitoba three lines always in stock all guaranteed pare imperial keliance prairie kose givo our flour a trial and you will use no other bran shorts chop and windsor salt always on hand all kinds of grain aduseeflsla chopping done chicken feed stiuep brof mii i haraesr m made to piano tunina i will have with me for one weejc dqrlngi the firs ot august a competent piano tuner any one wishing his piano put in firstclass cndttloo at usual prices wiu find it to his interest to write to me at once wm- fleming markham castor i a for infanti and children tilt kind yon have always bought slgnatnr of ckajffwcu m pt i id y farm i laborers i wanted i will be ran u autiona en can pao la man itoba and auiniboia waat south waat and north wcat of winnipag aa far aa moose jaw esievan and yorkton 0 aug 17n rm twaoai in ontario kail ol toronto to sharbot lake and king ton and midland divition of grand trunk north of toronto and cardwall farm laborers excursions 8e0ond class m fa aa 10 order and all kinds of stable sup plies constantly kepton hand special prices in coats and bobes horse blanketsmits trunks valises we keep blatchfords stoc food calfmeal lamb food poultry meats animal beg lator and sugar and flax seed stock men will find the blatchford stock loodisthe cheapest on the market at j ger ooa way tlcketa to wianlpeg only will ba sold with s cartifioata txuadlog tv trip befora auguitslit wilhcnt additioaal coat lo otkar poiata in muiwba aad aaiioiboia aa abova i pnrchaaara aagaga aa farm lab srara will work cut sot isa thas 30 daa at barret ting and produce cat tificata t that affeel lhy lll k raturord to orlgiaat atartlag point at is oa or before vevember 30th 1003 tickets not rod on imperial united tor farther pertianlare and ticket apply to aeerat railway a h notman amu gas pas agonl toronto o c fd o 3 o x o h o o 3d x m 30 m i s fi m 3

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