Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1903, p. 11

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childfieff ofthe peth pastimes that enxiven the iong night dances with the northern lights tine coasting snowballs football well ibd stmff after eleven yeaes of geeat suffering itoitt northern of all children are tie esquimaux who live around point barrow which juts out into tio polar sea beyond the arctic cir cle there it is night all winter long an i day all summer long so far from becoming gloomy boauso of their dreary surroundings and tfictr long nights the point barrow clriicrcn uro particularly bright and lively and full of mischief and clay one of their pastimes in wfrntcr is to dam to tho northern lights j liiay arc warmly dotihed ih gar ments made of tin nkin of the north- ra deer or the arctic fox there is on unjer garment something like sweater wiuh a hood to it skin trousers and deerskin boots coming to ikti knee tucy wear deerskin mittons and when they sing their song to tro awora boiealis and ilajkco with it tey frequently at tach mt tail of a blue or while fox to their belt behind each dancer clenches the fist and bending the elbow strikes thorn against the side of t lie body keeping time to a song rand stamping vigorously with the right foot willie springing up ami down with the left knee the song hog a largolt number of stanzas and r begins vicioya ke kioya ko which means hnil to the northern liglitisv when v o aurora is briglit anil in an espwially dancing mood the chiliron will often keep up the song and dance for hours at a time tn winter tdio point barrow child ren havo a snowball game whicn uhejr play with thoir feat they wet some snow nnd make a ball abou as big as two fists the cow is so intense that tre ball immediately becomes solid ice then ti player balances the ball on tile toes of one foot and with a kick and a jump throws it to the other foot which catches it and throws it oack some of the players are so export that they will keep this up for a number of strokes without ldtling the ball fall to tjic grounu tlio children of this tipend of land oifo amuse tihemrelves in winter by sliding down the steep banks of froron siow which form under the eliffe along the shores of the froten sea they use no sleds or tobog gans not even boards in tills sport but fllido down the steep declivities on uicir knees kneeling down and sitting well hack with their hands grasping their ankles they go hi looting along down great steep hills of snow laughing and shouting and now and then losing their bal- aaro and getting a tumble which sends tthom rolling in a heap to tlio foot of the snow hill both boys and girls at point bar row are fond of playing football but they seem to have no order or sytoni they simply get an old mi wen or old hoot and fituit it with bits oii wcotc dcorekin or rags ard thpnyhck it about willi merry ft a pjtd in great conftiion children are very fond of and if they can get hold of tin can which some whaler left thoy arc happy beating the tin can for a drum they iinspro- visc dances for i themselves nnd in vent sotrgs to accompany them the i littlo esquimaux of point barrow have a mout mischievous lit tlo irdtmimcnt which tiey call a irdtighgoun it is to tide fs- qiwrrsaux boy what the bean snappxr is to tho white boy it is made of a iiece of stiff whalebone about five inches long and half an incnwide it is narrowed off and bent up for about an inch at ono end on the ufmersidc of this berjtup end is a ii title hollow large enough to hold a sninii pebble and the oflher end is cut into sharp tcoh this is purcjsor jy an ivstrumcnl of mischief and many a littlo ewquimau boy is com pelled to retire with hi mother in to ono of their snow huts for a pain ful interview because of the reckless manner in which ho uses his pebble snapper tlio children who frolic by tho shores of the frozen nea and dance with the northern lights even have mechanical toys among their play things oro is a wooden doll rep resenting a roan dressed in skins ho v holds a drum in one hand and stick- in the other tho arms arc made of whalebone and by pressing tliom togothcr at tho shoulders tho figure can bo made to move ns if boating jho drum- i then thdy have little toy knwaks or canoes in which nro seated dolls with paddies in their hands by pulling a string the doll is made to move its head from side to side and inado a motion as if paddling tho girls arc fond of playing rats cradle two utile firq will mt in one of tho underground houses or in ono of- tho huts made of frozen snow nnd by the light of a slono lamp fed by seal oil will play at this game for hours making all sorts of complicated figures with tho string tho favorllo figure and a- difficult 7fe is tho representation of a rein deer which by moving tho fingers is mado to run down hill from ono hand to tho otlicr lieut kay soys that tho children aro so polite that they would take pains to mispronounce nalivo words in tho same way as he did so as not to hurt his- feelings by appearing to correct bim bluntly a wonderful tribute to tho power of br williams pink pills to cure stubborn diseases too soon to poubt jux mywlfo bclioves in me implicitly said the man with the side whiskers she never doubts me nor questions my word 38b how long have you been mar ried asked a listener threo days- same tinxo yes miss octavo is a very tidy girl sho always keeps her music on tho rack when she is not ploy ing and whoa aha is ploying she rxops he fcenrors on tlio rack proof upon proof has accumulated that dr williams pink pills will euro when doctors hospital treat ment and all other medicines fail paralyzed limbs have been restored to strength rheumatic sufferers made well weak anaemic girls aud wo men made bright active and strong neuralgic pains banished and the poor dyspeptic given a new diges tion when it scorned almost hopeless to expect a cure ucro is a bit of strong proof that br williams pink pills bring health and strength after years of suffering mr louis brien well known resident of st di- dace que and tems of his years of suffering as follows woven years ago while working an the bush i strained myself and brought on ter- riblo pains in my stomach and back whero the trouble seemed to locate i had frequent fits of vomiting which caused much distress some times i xould work and then again for months at a time i would be wholly unable to do anything but even at the time i could work i was always suffering at frequent times was treated by three doctors but they were unable to help me then i wont to montreal and put myself under tho care of a doctor there his medicine relieved mo while 1 was in active but as soon as i attempted work or exertion of any kind the pains returned worse than before all this time i was growing weaker and less able to resist the inroads of the trouble then dr williams pink pills were brought to my notice and i began to use tbem from that time i began to regain my health and by the time i had used thirteen boxes i was once more a well strong man the proof of this is that i can do as hard a days work as anyone and never have the slightest symptoms of the old trou- fble i am only sorry that i did not know of tho pills sooner they would have saved me much suffering and money as well with such proof as this that even apparently hopeless coses can be cured there can bo no reasonable doubt that dr williams pink pills will restoro health in all cases where given a fair trial these pills ore sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50c per box or six boxes for 250 by writing di- rcct to the dr williams medicine co brockville ont see that the full name dr williams pink pills for pole people is printed on tho wrapper around every box f bbainy men the ordinary brain begins to lose weight after the fortieth year at the rate of ono ounce every deendo web- fltora continued to grow till tlio day of his death liven his skull increas cd in size as if to make room for the brain the heaviest brain of which there is accurate record was that of tur- genieff the celebrated russian poet and novelist it weighed 71 1 ounces nearly ten ounces more than websters cuvier father of modern compara tive anatomy a man of gigantic in tellect and ceaseless activity had a big brain it weighed 057 ounces or 1 15 ounces more than websters byron had brains to spare his cerebral organs- wore nearly ns large as websters weighing flli8 ounces schiller another poet owned g88 ounces of grey matter while dante still another had 502 ounces gauss the great german mathematician had a brain of 527 ounces profcs- virchow has found a brain weighing 077 ounces but its owner was absolutely without high mental development helpful arriving home one evening a man found the house locked tip after many futile attempts at the various windows on the first floor he finally climbed upon tho shed roof and with much difficulty made entrance through a secondstory window on the dining room table he found a note from his wife i have gone out you will find the koy under the mat secret of hadi03e heat suggested it may bo supplied by ethereal waves what prof c v boys termed the miracle ol tudium has naturally re ceived much attention in scientific circles at the meeting of the sci ence branch of the british associa tion lord kelvin in a paper whteh ho read made an interesting sugges tion in connection with its perpetual emission of heat at according to m curies calculation a rate of about 90 ccntrigrade calories per gramme ier hour he said that if the emission of heat at this rate went on for 10000 hours there would bo as much heat as would rniso tho temperature of 900000 grammes of water 1 degree centigrade it seemed utterly im possible to lord kelvin that this would come from the storo of energy lost out oi a gramme- of radium in 10000 hours it seemed therefore absolutely certain that tho energy must somehow be supplied from with out ifo suggested that ethereal waves might in some way supply en ergy to radium while it was emitting heat to matter around it lord kelvin illustrated his theory by the following comparison sup pose a piece of whito and a piece of black cloth hermetically sealed in similar glass cases were submerged in similar gloss vessels of water and exposed to the sun tho water in the vessel containing the black cloth would be kept very sensibly warmer than that containing the while cloth here the thermal energy wns com municated to the black cloth by waves of sunlight and was given out as thermometric heat to the water the glass around it thug through the water there was actually an energy travelling inward in vir tue of the waves of light and out ward through the same space in vir tue of thermal conduction lord kelvin suggested that experi ments be made comparing tho heat emission from radium wholly sur rounded with thick lead with that found in tho surroundings hereto fore used f writing by telegraph a new form of tho facsimile tele graph by which a message written at the transmitting end is reproduc ed at the receiving end has been in vented in germany under the name of the telechirograph the mes sage is written upon a sheet of paper with lead held in a pencil having flexible connections with two rhcos- j tats as it moves over the letters the pencil shifts sliding contacts which vary the electrical resistance at the receiving end two electro magnets influenced by the changing currents transmitted govern the movements of a small mirror which by the aid of a beam of light con centrated to a point by lenses re produces the writing on a sheet of sensitized paper the point of light following exactly the movements of the point of the pencil at the other end of the line results from common soaps eczema coarse hands ragged clothes shrunken flannels hjcducss jjlc f the ocuen bar tl a letter to mothers jns e harley worthington gives permission to publish mrs ont tho following letter for tho benefit of other mothers who have young chil dren in their homes she says i havo many reasons to bo grateful to babys own tablets and to recom mend them to other mothers our little girl is now about fourteen months old and sho has taken the tablets at intervals since she was two month old and i cannot speak too highly of them since i came hero about a year ago every mother who has small children has asked mo what i gave our baby to keep her in such oven health and x have replied absolutely nothing but bo by s own tablets now nearly every child hero gets tho tablets when a medi cine is needed and tho oldfashioned crudo medicines such ns castor oil anil soothing preparations which mothers formerly gave their lit tlo ones aro discarded our family doctor also strongly praises the tab lets and says they aro a wonderful medicine for children accept my thanks for all tho good your tab lets have done my littlo one and i hope other mothers will profit by my experience babys own tablets can bo given with absolute safety to the youngest frailest child nnd they are guaran teed to cure nil tho minor aliments of little ones sold by all medicine dealers or mailed at 25 cents a box by writing iho dr williams medic i no rockvjuo c xu postmaster is i jlade happy after years of sickness dodds kidney pills cured him plain statement of a new bruns wick postmaster whose kidney pains have gone never to re turn lower windsor carlcton co n b sept 28 special t h bely- ea postmaster here well known and widely respected is happy in the discovery of a permanent cure for the kidney pains that have troubled him for years 1 havo been bothered with kidney trouble for years postmaster bclyca says i have tried many medicines and plasters without gett ing any lasting benefit till hearing dodds kidney pills so highly spok en of i determined to try them they seem to have made a complete cure in my case as 1 feel as well as ever 1 was i believe that dodds kidney pills are the right modicliio for kidney trouble nnd will do nil they arc claimed to do dodds kidney pills cure the kid neys and with healthy kidneys no one con have blights disease lum bago rheumatism dropsy or pain in tho back thousands will tell you this out of their own exper ience artificial marbli3 a now process for making imita tions of statuary marble onyx and other multicolored stones has been devised in europe about 1000 parts of alum to from 10 to 100 parts of heavy spar barium sul phate and 100 parts of water aro mixed with tho requisite pigments and the liquid mass is boiled down and cast in a mold tho amount of heavy spar used varies with tho de gree of transluccnco desired after being molded and dried tho artifi cial stone thus produced can be pol ished ami finished as desired railway and telegraph the deficit on account of tho bri tish postal telegraph is 4500000 for tho year tho average railway journey in tho united states is twentyeight and a half miles a locomotive testing laboratory will bo a feature of tho transporta tion building at tho worlds fair tho wireless telegraph congress just closed in berlin declared un animously in favor of making wire less telegraphy the business of the various governments as inland tel egraphy now is in europe this kills marconis hopo of monopoly hmi liniment cores colds elc too many cooks spoil tho pollco- man digestion gave the secret away thero was a dinner party at tho smiths nnd airs s was desirous of duly impressing her guests and all might havo gone well but for tommy smith who had been al lowed at tho table on condition that he behaved himself wonderful to say he did so till dessert came on then ho could hold out no longer nnd ho asked nay demanded a third helping of applo charlotte it was refused and then tho childish treble was raised very well he said if i cant have another piece i shall tell leavo tho room sir stormed smith senior and obediently tom my slipped from his seat and betook himself to tho door beforo ho op ened it however ho turned jfy knickerbockers aro made out of the old dining room curtains and he swung open the door and vanished different brands jack i hear you aro going to marry miss prcttjiun rcrnrt m to congratulate you on your excel lent tasto tom but the engagement is off im not going to marry hor or any one olsc jack indeed 1 then allow mo to congratulate you on your good sense truth is a stranger that a good many people dont care to meet catarrh cannot bo cured with locai applications ns thoy cannot reach tho scat of tlio disease catarrh is a blood or constitutional shiieaso nnd in orrter to euro it you must tnko internal remedies haifa untarrli luro i taken internally and acts directly on tho blood end mucous i surfaces halls catarrh cure is not a quack medicine it was prescribed by 010 of thu best physicians in this coun try for years anil is a recular prpscrip f tlon it is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood purifiers acting direct on the mucous surfaces tho perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wondenul results in curing catarrh send for testimonials free i 1 gluinkv co props toledo o mold by druggist price 75c halls rurally tills a tho best personal and general some men who ilvo out of doors dearly all tho tlmo and wear virtually no clothing its apostle gustav nagel has a mud hut on the outskirts of berlin ho has won some fifty con verts but alas ho sells his photo graphs lord roberts will te unable to vis- it tho united states this fall his change of plan is necessitated by tho postponement of tho british army manoeuvres until the middle of sep tember and by tho situation in som- aliland which demands attention it is interesting that years ago lord roberts chose tho figure of a high lander for one of the supporters of his coatofarms the reason is that highlanders have had promin ent parts in all his campaigns from tho siege of cawnporc interesting miscellaneous paragraphs onehalf the lime of count tolstoy is dovoted to answering letters und receiving visitors yultliejcimlsov cgnnnny who has been 3 ifonf and ttunib from his birth in 1869 has taken out the degree of doctor of philosophy at tho leipzig university rome has a water supply of 200- 000000 gallons n day london only 100000000 and paris 90000000 the average daily consumption of greater new york is about 400000- 000 gallons jules verne the french novelist whoso health has lately been report ed as falling rapidly is to havo a cataract removed from one of his eyes he hopes io be able to rcsuie his writing w c whiting of iowa is a believ er in the promotion of agriculture lie has given to ames college a silver nnd onyx trophy which is to be awarded annually for seventyfivo years for tho best results in corn growing august wilhelmj father of tho famous violinist of ihe same name recently celebrated his ninetieth birtli- dny ho was a friend of liszt wagner von billow ralt rubinstein nnd other great composors and vir tuosi nnd he plays the violin him self princess fordinand of roumnnia is said to bo an excellent violinist her tnlont is doubtless inherited from her father tho lato llufco of coburg who was devoted to music her pet hobby like that of the late empress of russia is said to be tho collecting of perfumery bottles the famous clock tower of chart ers cathedral has just been success fully restored for ninny years it had been crumbling nnd n fear was entertained thnt it would fall like tho campnnllc of venice the tow- er dates from the end of tho twelfth century it is 34s fc high the german kaisers belief in tho value of public display is shown in the announcement thnt the- berlin riergnrtcn is soon to havo fourteen now monuments in infiuenco for tho erection of public monuments has had a pronounced effect in germany among tho famous men to be com memorated in tho new status aro mollko noon wagner haydn mo- inrt beethoven hclmholtz zellcr and blumonlhnl in ono of the harness rooms at snndringham k edwards coun try scat is a row of polished hoofs each with a horses name inscribed upon it thcso aro relics of favorllo tet th0 kln j qun jhoir mnjcslles also hnvo favorite dogs it seems and although king ixlwnrd has not gono to tho length of irederick tho croat of prussia who gave his dogs clobornto inter ment ot sans soucl thero is at handrlnghnin one stone bearing tho inscription to tho memory of dear old rovor thero has arisen in germany n movemont directed against tho drinking song against tho muse as a handmaid of alcohol tlio socloty that has taken this ground claims thai much irtcmpcfaneo is caused by drinking songs which paint tho joys of tho wine cup so brightly another recent morvemont in gcriajuiy is that of tho naturo maud who has answered tho door boll herself georgo you must not como into this house tonight if you lovo me darling fly at once and do not let my father discover your presence george tragical ly oh mnud my darling wjiat serpent has entered our kdon to wreck our happiness speak girl speak i maud tearfully father has just had the gas bill j h hofmeyer for many yearn leader of tho butch party in cape colony has retired from political life i another big industry wiro company erecting a plant to turn out 100 tons of wire daily loolrinr for tho northwest trade whilst wire is an article that is used by everybody it is amazing how few people know anything about its manufacture this observation is prompted by tho reading of a neat pamphlet entitled wiro its manu facture and uses circulated free by the northamerican securities com pany templo building toronto it contains a complcto history of tho wiro industry and a description and halftono engravings of tho various processes and machines used in the manufacture of wiro and its immedi- nlo products such as wire fencing wire nails etc tho book which is mailed freo on application also con- tains a description of tho plant of tho imperial steel wiro company limited now in course of erection at collingwood this company is er ecting at that point ono of tho finest wiro plants on tho continent the ultimate output will be 100 tons of wiro daily 500 skilled workmen will be employed and the ground area covered by tho buildings will occupy live acres this company is offering 10000 of tho first block of s100- 000 of tho companys stock for sale tho stock is s10 shares cumulative preferred 7 per cont with a bonus of one share common for every share of preferred some sooooo has al ready been subscribed those inter ested in the vast industrial progress old folk and blue ribbon tea elcterly people appreciate good tea theyre usually connoisseurs and know the most delicious thats why is particularly old folks tea it suits their exacting tastes and solaces them with its fragrance and soothing power ash for the red label forty cents should bo fifty ceylon green tr tmmmbstmaem of this country should sendfor tho pnmpllet and sur plus capital flftsi lia 1l in the grotvng wno coun try cannot do better than put some of it in such a staple industry as wiro 4 i dont know why ft should sur prise you to find that i lovo you said the elderly gallant but really mr oldbeau rep lad tho fair girl i always thought you were an old womanhater quite so but im not a youngwoman hater j for over sixty yecr tlttn milows gootiiixo urrvr hu bwo n4 bj niltlaos ov mothtrs for tliir ebulreii while ustfalnx itoothehbchiij ofututhecniin kilty patta cut itulooiiojrsuimci thoiomcn and uweli and u lha mtriitnejty tor pianhoea tnotji cent bottfi b0 3371 tfce drudg cry of sweeping day is done away with by the sensible woman who usoj bamboo- handled any housewife once possessing one will never again be satisfied with an omfashloned broom boeckhs brooms aro sold by all dealers at popular prices look for the name v bockeh on handle buttons western hotel that j when a man- attempts to make newcomer says you arc starving monkeys of his friends he may be forced into the monkey class him proprietor furiously tell him ill make him eat his words buttons i did sir and ho said they would be better than nothing uso livora dry soap a powder to wamh woolens and flannels youll like it mi br pills yes old milyuna was on the verge of nervous nrostraticjij all through vorrying about tnorry -ir- skills rxovr- did you euro mm br pills i re moved tho cause of the trouble english spavin liniment rfftnores nil bard acft or calloupocl lnmrf nnd blimlahos frm brsui biod pat a ciub hpliitu ring toae ivraeny mtiden ipralns gore and pirtllea throat couch o kara 350 hy udo of oco botto wwrrantej l euro ever fielf him- 13ls w mr fctiisa them taof tbem other trail jwllrl firara -white- 70a wer jhb bjxt aw tm whan i haia hum thr otm o- 1 wht vttfkqli thbut utbacjimrar thtva titr prtmt fnnuttc pad tnit ii isaiat j tht fldfm of wetua c9uir m iii with ftlr i etor il am ton wj kc wu ya unl c i iit it rwajibft enb from 1 i mfc co tlwosl teivffiffv t7kihgstrketsat t0b0kt0 fur mftnufjicturera w ciro belt ybiu in tht city send for ctiof raw furs and gen si ho i eat price- bcaj for griw 11- bastedtfs truo oiign a week george mid i have never had a quarrel i mrs do termined oh i think you ought to have ono before you nro married otherwise you cant bo quite sure whether you nro going to have your own way or not 1 hoards liniment cures disfemper a man never fully realizes what a big world this is until ho is com pelled to walk ton blocks with a strenuous corn on his toe img uftkdi cures gorge in costs does the baby talk yet asked a friend of tho family vno replied tho babys disgusted littlo brother the baby doesnt have to talk doesnt have to talk no all the baby has to do is 1 yell and it gets anything thero is tlio houso thats worth having opotoeooeto90 a 1st jacobs f on ihft moit ttondrfai hiemlsb tnavo i understand that visionary chap is regarded as being twenty years ahead of his time no answer ed the gravelooking citizen i am his landlord and i know better than that ito is about six months be hind time hlnards liniment cures ilphlfierla edith i though you and mabel were fast friends nellie wo us ed to bo kditb and you aro not now ncliic no edith what was his name stanstead junction p q 12th aug 189a jtessrs c c itlchakds co gentlemen i fell from tho bridgo leading from a platform of a loaded car whiicwassisting my men in un loading a load of grain tho bridgo wont down as well as tho load on tny back and i struck on tlio ends of tfie sleepers causing a serious injury to my leg only for its being very hard would have broken it in an hour could not walk a stop com menced using minards liniment nnd the third day went to montreal on business and got about well by tho uso of a cane in ten days was nearly well i can sincorly recom mend it as tho best liniment that i know of in use yours truly the wise man has sense enough to take good advice and generally takes his own fbjteit in all fr b m i c0uhthie8 r8doutsgo maybee t 103 by styroromtq an rato 3u qarpet dyeino nnd cleaning tkii u ft apecuur with british american dyeing co snd partnlftrt bj pou and are far loaa ltl atfdross box 158 montreal 144 dominion line steamships montra to livorpoo boo ton t liverpool lari and fat sttanuhipt superior aeeananotlatlm or ftll tli or p44cnxi saloons and buuroocmi are ftinidiblpa special ttenu baa betii itea to ih aidihlp dsiltx ecopd siloqh and thfrdolau accommodation wot trrofaac and all particulars applj to any at ol ifthocoiopanror to pauaorer agent sfll dominion line ofvice3 7 8tt8 boatoa u gt satramaotst- ftcnatra posttively cures rheumatism neuralgia lumbnifo bachacho sciatica sprains brulsoa sorencso stiffness i conquers pain i ittldh tl book notice by w h shaw the story of a poultry butter eggs honey apples the dawson commission go all kinds of fruits and farm pro- duca generally consign it to us aad we will get you good prices jomoasrwo- business school a teno description of canadas lend ing bulnr college a school which register 1000 students n year employs 13 regular teachers nnd uses 109 type writers the school also has n thor ough system of instruction by mnll complcto courses aro glren in book- keeping shorthand typewriting telegraphy nml illustration 1 tlio book is descriptive of nil and to anquirera is given fitee central business college of toronto uiiitio w h shaw preildant foxt 0uevx3e w1ntom automobile touring car new springs all round machln- ry not worn in tho slightest tlroa new this spring spring cushions- auplicato parts for sale at great sacrifice cost 3500 box 7 1 truth ofbc toronto for sale cheap for cash 1 buffalo pressure blower no 4- 0 in outlet 3 glotc waives 1 in flanged 1 globo valve 0 in flanged 1 earl steam blower 10 in- inlet 4 ton branch cast iron headers fo 1 in pipe 2 iron pulleys 30x13 s 2 iron pulleys 32x12 1 iron pulley 22x0 2 iron pulleys 18x0 also an assortment of iron cons pulleys s frank wilson 73 west adelaide st toronto 4503

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