Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 16, 1902, p. 6

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pjmtwm iwjsy ri an invincible and unconquered foe of tfie human race my longer describing how the ser pent of intoxicatlofi dan destroy mans clave for his wife and uis children no in tho tags of tho factories we sec it in the scandals of bo divorce courts we read it in the horrors of the reformatory schools we can prove it- let us pass on in our indictment of this coil ing j serpent of tub wine cup j i j i ij the solomonic serpcntiheevil de stroys a mans soul as well as the temporal usefulness of his brain and the loving power of his heart this is not a pleasant subject to touch it is not pleasant because- many of us have had friends dearfricnds who havoanet or are today on the way lomeet a drunkards dooru my brother we must be true to tho living as well as to the dead if you had a loved one who was i con templating the commission of a hein ous crime what would you do jvvhy you would go to that friend and say brother iljyouxdo this you- will have to pass many years in jail- if you allow your- angry passions to risfeantiu commit murder you will have to sit in the electric chair or stand under the hangmans noose tljat- istthe law whichvhas lcen car- rieil in manyiinstoncesvin ths post and will be carried out in many instances in the future now my friends what is the di vine punishment that will be met ed out tball who have been slain by the sling of the solomonic od der verse from the j divine criminal code featert tceordlbf to act ef ifa pirtuiccnt or cod id tit ju- oca tfcotmnd nia haa- f 4itd ud two fcj wiulun bauj x teroau t tt itoptrtm t afrfcuitsn ocuj v j a despatch frors chicago says rev frank dc witt tolmago preach ed from tho following text pro verbs xxiii 32 at the lost it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like nn adder kj the evil of intoxication is a uni versal curse its long slimy twists ing coils spread over every land and are isiblo in every walk of life there is hardly a man or woman sitting before me who has not had at least one near relative who has been cursed by the fatal bite of this crawling insidious enemy- perhaps that near relative was a father v mother an uncle an aunt a broth er a sister a wife a husband or a child alas many of us can say wo have not only had one but many of our relatives and friends who have gone down into drunkards graves nfter they have lived the hopeless and humanly helpless degraded earthly existence of the drunkard even as i am preparing this sermon news is published that a man who has filled high places in tho service of his country who bore n name honored in our history laslpst his life in a brawl in which he would never have been involved if he bad not indulged in intoxicating drink solomon compared the sin of in- tqxicatlon to the wrrhings and tw listings of a serpent arid to the stinging of an adder because at that time poisonous serpents were overy- where every thicket was filled with a constellation of their gleaming eyes every desert was the home of the puff adder lying half buried in tho sand every swamp was the re treat of the water viper every hill side had for the traveller a warning hiss or rattle even unto this day many of the countries of the east are overrun with poisonous reptiles in india alone over 50000 inhabits ants annually die from 1 poisonous snake bites the serpents of intoxication have increased so rapidly that they arc now innumerable we hear their hiss in almost every legislative hall wo sec their eyes gleaming out of al most every palace we find them ly ing under the orango blossoms of the marriage altar as well as in the detention hospitals for ithe pa tients who have their robins filled with the coiling serpents of delirium tremens we find many- of our statesmen paralyzed by the glance nrtilprjseyc as a poor little trightenod sparrow might tremble and crouch until she falls into the open mouth of theblacksnake which has charmed her we find that even a few of the ministers who fill the pul- v of the gospel of jesus christ ire terrorized by the sight of the serpent of intoxication because the rich brewer may to the president of the board of trustees or the wealthy divine power by the power of distillers family may he the largest holy ghost as a pastor contributors to the port of the church einful intoxicants is universal there for nil christian people and that includes you and me should band themselves together for its extinc tion wo shall deal with mus ser pent of strong drink in tho same way he travellers over the western prairies deal with the rattlesnakes there it is a universally obeyed law that every man shall kill every rat tlesnake he may see it ought also to be a universally obeyed christian law that every christian should strike at the hideous head of the satanic adder of intoxication when- over it reveals itself or lifts its fata poisonous fangs to strike the evil results of a mans mind long weakened by intoxicants i arc very farreaching we read with amazement how a boa constructor can swallow down a calf or kid or deer apparently nvo times wider than the natural size of the ser pents throat uut every country loy has seen the same phenomenon bauchlng iofluencooftstrong drink is kept out of their reach the evil results of indulgence in the wine cup should be taught in the public schools they sbottldv be taught up on the public platforms as well i as fnfthe- private home tho evils of strpmrdrink should bo presented so clearly and vehemently to the young that tho rising generation should some day by the grace of god be able to stand up in their might and declare that america must nnd shall forever bo free from the evils of strong drink they shall be able to declare it with our help at the church altar they shall- be able to declare itinitue nominating planks of our great political parties they shall be able to declare it at tho american ballot box they shall bo able lo declare it by telegraphic communications before a sin cursed alcohol poisoned world christian inenaud womenj north east south and west let us one and all rally to the temperance cause let thojij ministers comxjernto the pulpits to the work let the lay men consecrate the pews may avo one nud jail be ready to die for the temperance cause but never to sur render never to cease fighting tho saloon and its intrenched power un til we are summoned before the great white throne of heaven nev- ncver never let up in the strug gle against -this- hemispheric evil until the home and the church and the kingdom of god shall forever bo free j ay god give us one and all supernatural strength for- the strug gle which is before the temperance cause of the church of america and of the world- all about watches few realize how minute parts of m timepieces are much in little canbesaid more truly of a firstclass watch than of almost any other product of human let me read ipart of yust bne lscnuity and industry the watch 1 one carries m his pocket unless it he s s lesson is of the shall the t drunkard inherit heaven j is 01 ino cheapest pocket clock what says the epistle of first cor- varjetyhas in its movement more inthinns v not deceived neith er idolaters adulterers nor thieves nor drunkards shall f inherit the kingdom of god t ft3iereisno need of reading further that simple pauline sentence covers the whole ground tt seems to harmonize with the icelanders idea of hell which is to be a great ice palace the walls of which are covered with a huge mass 6f swaying swinging serpents their forked tongues and hissing throats converge to a com mon center where the condemned of god crouch and tremble and weep shall we not fight this serpent of in toxication which may aptly be com pared to the icelanders satanic ser pents in the palace of the inferno shall we not one and all fight the serpents- of intoxication which can and do destroy happiness the other side of the grave- as well asthat of the life which is on this side the sure antidote for the poison of the adder of in toxication must be found for christ- inns first and last and all the time in the blood of jesus christ it is right to use- the human agencies for the cure of inebriety but x be lieve human agencies will always fail unless they arc blessed by the tlic and if financial sup- preacher and temperance worker i the curse of j have personally tried to aid in the rescue of many drunkards 1 have helped send some to the reformatory institutions i i havq taken them in to my ownhomc and bought them medicines ytrom the drug stores i am free- to confess that all these human agencies failed except when those victims pf strong drink have thrown themselves into the arms of god and citing lo jesus christ as their only savior divine rc-in- forcement can save you if you will live so close to christ that christ can and will live close to you di vine reinfbrcement alone can j save the drunkard who is heading to ward a drunkards grave tl this promise being true that jesus christ alone is the only sure antidote for the suicidal thirst ofl strong drink tjie next slcplh our temperance reformation f should be to open all the churches in our christian iaild for great- temperance meetings every minister of the gospel should preach and continue upon avsmall scale a snake with ato preach j the gospel of tcetotalism throat hardly larger than your lit- every pulpit of every church should tie finger will give chase to a large bo a broad white desk before which fat toad it will then gather to- the victims of strong driuk couicl aether the two hind legs of the bow at the throne of grace for toad and bysiiction slowly draw jjnercy and- then ai ise and withjtrem- the whole body down its throat andjolfjig- hand sign the temperance tviri itc womaoil ndwot it then and there into its stomach wth tliei fauig tqars qf ponitcnco thn if the country boy will pick the church of the lord jesus christ up the snake by the tail and snap must and shall lend itithhr success- him as bo would a whipcord the j fill temperance reform tkq tern- serpents mouth will ocon and the pernncc t movement twill fail and toad will be ojectcd alive and well surely fail if itis carried onpureiy as was jonah when thrown from tho as a secular movement t will win mouth of the big fish after he had and surely wln it is carried on as fcecn voyaging for three days in its rdivlne movement in which la cnlist- internal cavity but though the led the strong arm of a church in- student of scrpcntology may wonder spired of the holy spirit it lis by than loo parts and this number does not include the case which holds the movement if a glance nt the movement is en ough to show that most of its parts are very small but ote can scarce ly realizehow minute some of them are takc for example the num erous screws which hold the parts together some of them are so tiny that it takes nearly 150000 of them to weigh a pound one must use a good microscope to see j jtlic threads in these screws and each of the threads must be absolutely per fect and true or the screw is use less there are screws in a smallsized watch such as women usually carry which have a thread of 2g0 to the inch the weight of one of these screws is one one hundred and thir- tythousandth of a potind j the diameter of the pivot of the balance wheel in a watch is only t one twohundredth of an inch and pivots arc classified by a gauge which measures down to one ten- thousandth of an inch the jewel hole into which the pivot fits is one fivethousandth r of an inch larger thai the pivot so that the latter may have saifheicnupiuy jewels in a watch movement j arc cut from slabs of garnet ruby or sapphire j j onefiftieth of- an inch thick thoii 9 they arci surfaced j drilled through tlie ccntergfnnd the convex sideia depression is mad for an oil cup a pellet jewel fi ished and t use weighs one oi hundred and fiftythousandth of pound whilethe weight of a roll jewel is a fraction inprc than c twohundredi nnd fiftysix tho andthof li pound the largest hairspring stud four pnehundredths of on inch diameter and ninconehundrcdths an inch in length to make the complete mo vomer of a good watch more than37i different processes are employed takes about five months to complc a single watch pf the best gri but as oil the processes are cnrrii onsfnuillaneously the finished pr duct is turned out continuously the manufacturers iir the balance in a modern wat must finhko 13000 vibrations cv hour a change of only one j be will cause the watch to gain or lo four and fourfifths seconds in twe tyrfotir hours think of the wo derfully delicate mechanism equally delicate adjustment j tha pntstogether more than jfio- piece of almost microfcopic f am turns oat a watch that will iioj vary one second in tventyfoui hours recipes for the kitchen hygiene and other netes for tho hoiuekeeper o oeoe5o0ftoe6c miscellaneous recipes deviled liver skin three pound liver and chop fin with i pound fa pickled pork mix with it one tea cup bread crumbs and season witll salt to taste one teaspoon cacl ground pepper mace and cloves iu it into a covered pail set in col water and cook- wo hours after th water boils remove tho cover gash the top and scatter over bit of butter place in the oven nn brown serve in slices when coh with sour jelly sweet rusk take one pint war milk cup butter one cup suga one teaspoon salt 23 cake con pressed yeast make a sponge wit the milk yeast and flour enon for a thin batter let rise ov night in the morning add the bu tor eggs and sugar well beaten u gether the salt and flour enough tj make a soft dough mold with tl hands into balls and let rise unt very light then bake delicious sweets are small sweet potatoes fried whole inde fut fifteen minutes frying doel them to a beautiful brown oulsidj dj wnder mealiness inside frchc fry is the name i i3aked stufled tomatoes- selcc six largo firm tomatoes remov only enough from the top to scoo the incat rind- seeds out chop ycr fino- threesliecs of fried calfs liv er uicwhole of onohardboilcd egg checup toasted bread crumbs melted butter one red pcppei intehnationax oct 19 lesson the bomince of loudon life aot death in geeat methopolis the text of the lesson josh vi 820 golden text heb xi 30 i the title of this lesson is the fall if jericho and tlxc verses assigned ire as above or only verses 12 to 0 but i suggest nothing less than whole chapter with a glnnco at preceding chapter and its con- lection with the previous lesson in thich we saw the hand of tho lord livkling the jordan for israel j to ross over tliat all people might inow and fear him for their good in chapter v we see the rite of cir- lumcision and the ordinance of the tassover the one suggestive of eath to the flesh no good thing in and the other of redemption by lho blood of the lamb only thus ian the reproach of sin and of this ivil world be token from usv 9 in v 12 we read that the manna leased not until they had eaten the lorn of the land and the lord ihnngcs not yet some cannot trust lltm for their daily bread in v 1315 we seo the real captain tak- ig command and joshua submissive- taking his right place instructed by he unshod foot that the whole af- lair was the lortts and not his pompare ux iii 5 and contrast josh i 3 now in chapter vi we lave the victory at jericho by the lame mighty hand that divided the tied sea and the jordan and it was lianifcst to nil that the lord tith joshua vi 27 marriages are more numerous while births show a de creasing kate- s the truo romance ol london is re vealed in the 800 pages of statistics just isstitj by the london county council the story of the growth and present position of the capital there told is more striking than any fiction- london has reached a point when it has ceased to jbov a city but has become an undivided mass- of cities greater london now contains 6581372 insoplc nearly twice as many as its nearest rival greater new york if paris berlin and chicago tho three cities that come next were grouped together they would not approach it it has as many inhabitants as- belgium or morocco and nearly half us many more as the whole of portugal or ireland or scotland once the city of london comprised its boundaries now for every forty people in the city itself there are 10000 londoners living outsido the increase of population in ten years amounted to 050000 or more than the total population o dublin edinburgh and bristol com- bincd j birth rate isfalling the limit is not yetreached tho figures on which the calculations in the return are prepared cover only the administrative county of lon- wah with a population of 4500000 tie outer belt containing over- 2- ua see i have given into thine and jericho istrativc london an abnormal stato of affairs provails marriage rate 15 and the lord said unto jos- 000000 does not come within tho county couiicirssurvcy in admin- ithus lie assured him and then in- vq a r i structed him just what to do and j birth rate and death rate are all w si c him what would happen and below tho average vcy n hhv j rjfsr however unlikely or improbable it there has beet a decided improve- alfrto taste and season highly i i-famrihiolminbl- or ln with black popper ir liked mis tl wu fb ruured colo seemed fan accepted the assurance gether with one raw egg ptaeo o j ssw 5s wed cucumbers n pnd jsls the son of d r snsuhm ltt ns l 4 tw sf calel ie t i s irumbs dot the loo will clicunb f 7 iz t u ark ciumos uot me lop witn sjiuill j p j cac pi in beaten egg i cubes of butter bake 20 minutes crumbs aild in hot fat co rli wivnts n and obc and servo m baking dish this mix- u hot with tomato catsup i wj wants a wining anu one- a thick layer of the toasted broad t f egg onu beat four eggs pf on s bo ture omitting pepper is a delicious kjjjg 1x0 tfo jhom he ca s n nulominuttintooven quire jo ntes in hot oven i of roilk hcat tablespoon of but- b of this world in making boiled custard after lcr tur in tho egg mixture sgis2j stir until tlnckened serve on squares of buttered toast scalding the milk pour it over the beaten eggs slowly instead of put ting tho eggs into the milk as it will usually prevent the custard curdling apple custard pie with mer ingue stew and slain enough finely flavored tart apples to make a argecun of sauce add cup sug ar more if desired and one scant vegetarian beefsteak god would be seen in us i 811 so tho ark of the lord com passed tho city going about it once land they came into the camp and vilh the price of beef still advanc- lodged in the camp ing many housekeepers arc resorting i bowl joshua and all the priests to various substitutes and a good and the people perfectly obedient to vegetarian beefsteak can be made the great captain of the lords from split peas a pint and a half host implicit faith and unques- leaspoon grated nutmeg beat two i g split peas should be soaked over tioinng obedience are what god de- eggs light and pour upon them i i night in water to which a little sires and delights in no voice of cup hot milk to which has been pinch of soda has been added in thc was heard but just the sound added a bit of soda not larger than morning pour off the water and put of the trumpets as they marched s the peas into a double boiler with this fust time around the city fresh water enough to cover them probably gazed upon in wonder by add as- seasoning a sprig of thyme those in tho city who may have as- aiid a very little garlic two cloves sembled on the walls to see this and a green popper first taking the strange sight what was accom- seeds out of the latter when the plished seemingly nothing but peas have been steamed until tender j they obeyed god and that is every- removc from the fire drain and par- thing tinlly mash them beating in while 1214 and the second day they hot a tablcspoonful of finely chop- j compassed the city once and return ped onion or two tablespoons ofed into celery also minced very fine the mixture is then made into balls like sh cakes which are dipped in beat- i cgf nd indian meal or bread umbs and fried this may bo rved with a tomato sauce and will found to be so hearty as to en- rely take the place of meat a pea let sauce and custard get j the peas in cold beat quickly together fill a pie dish lined with good paste brush the latter with white of egg before the filling goes in this pre vents a soggy crust bake without an upper crust in a quick oven just before drawing from the oven cov erevenly with tho meringue on the whites of two eggs beaten stiff with one tablespoonful powdered sugar brown lightly it is delicious ds also are peach pics made in the same at tho size of a big toad which small snake is able to swallow his wonderment ought lo bo as nothing compared to the utter astonishment with which he sees the huge meal which tho serpent of intoxication can swallow after the brain of its victim has been wrecked by strong drink without n apparent effort it con swallow down the merchants store tho ministers pulpit the law- i yers oflice the surgeon operating tablcv the mechanics bench the en gineers engine the sea captain mp- x 5 4 j j a drunkards heart through the touch of tho adder of intoxication not only becomes a poisoned heart but tho merciless heart of nn-iuhu- you that the call for a gospel charge against the grogshops must first be sounded lastly nnd most important of all with tho help of the church of god we should try to kill the adder of strong drink by making our civil laws- so stringentjthdt the young should j fc it almost impossible to get at the wine cup even p thev would it is easier to keep 100 young men from acquiring tho evil habit of strong drink than it ls to reform one debauched drunkard it is easier to prevent than to reform sin lupposc tho chronic drunk- v orits5wiohavc been drinking for- man monster in order ho drink rf4twentyortfiirty years will find their drunkard is willing practically lo go poisonous serpent of tho wine cup to any extreme jlel ready to let 1 no matter whcre they mnv be but wife and children starve fhavcjft ivposrible bylaw to keep liquor known two drunkards who jwero wjhjnwav from tho young men and tho ing to sell their own flesh and blood young women it is possible to in a life of crlmo in order that they protect the rising generation so might got liquor with which lo sat- that they may not be able to find j isfy their diabolical thirst these two drunkards were not men of the lower social rank they were men who were bom in as good families as i yours or mine but why continuo fn this strain ts there any seed r an lllloutant matthu can i sec your father for a fowl minutes before i go miss ilent d ricks he asked i want tt speak to him about a matter some importance ctninlymr sainpfoii replied the girl with a blush after mr sahipmon had taken hhj departure with a happy sihlle upori his face miss hendricks found heil way to her fathers shoulder aqdf stealing one arm about ids neck j whispered hat did he want papa he is nn agent for a patent gaf burner said the old man mu ive agreed to give it atrlai the camp so they did six days seven priests with seven trumpets a perfect testimony to the- power of the atonement which shall yet lead to the complete overthrow of all enemies and every tongue shall con fess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of gotl the father rev xvii 11 phil ii 11 the ark proclaims the righteousness which god demands and provides and isa xxxii 1 17 proclaims that a king shall reign in righteousness and the work of righteousness shall bo peace it may seem to some that as little is now being accomplished as was accomplished by those six days seemingly foolish and useless processions but wait 15 16 joshua said unto the people shout for the lord hath given you the city six times more around the city with no sound but that of the trumpets twelve times in all and seemingly nothing accomplished but gods time has now come it is the thirteenth round when at joshuas command the more than goo 000 voices break forth with a shout of victory because they believed god and obeyed his servant 1710 all the silver and gold and vessels of brass and iron arc holi ness unto the lord margin therefore thoy were instructed not to take any for themselves but to put all into the treasury of the lord whilo they utterly destroyed all the inhabitants except itahnb and her household 20 the wall fell down fiat so that tho people went up into tho city every ninn straight before him iisses jacket 12 to 10 years j loose jackets in box style arc liuch in vogue for young girls and liake ideal cool weather wraps thoy lip on and off with ease and being pose admit of an additional uitdcr- rop when the weather demands e seasons display shows them in til covert and black cloth in silk litcrlincd and in choviot the model is adapted to all materials fut as shown is of tan cloth stitch- id with corticelli silk the jacket includes looo fronts jrd halffitted backs that arc join- id by means of curbed underarm and they took tho city lores and closes at the left sdo in just as tho lord had said so it loublo breasted style the sleeves came to pass and it always will lie f jw ftiirjh 111 shaped and ft smoothly so for see isa xiv m ps xxxiii p tijifiw si 5 p at the neck is aim 11 d if iirf j deaths to quolo tho ment in recent years in the marriage rate for london in 1894 it ed its lowest point- 17 per 1000 in 1s99 tlie last year for which figures are given it was 184 per 1000 the birth rate does not show a corresponding increase it is now at the lowest point it has ever touched thirty years ago it was 354 per 1000 in 1899it had sunk to 293 in this matter tho stato of affairs in london corres ponds in a surprising degree to tho whole country where thc fall ha been on parallel lines poor classesmost prolific the two poorest districts st lukes and bcthnal green are pro portionately the most prolific st martins in the fields kensington hampstead and sti georges han over square are the least there are over four times as many births proportionately in st lukcsas in st georges the death rate is now 200 per thousand an increase over the three previous years london still ranks among the most healthy of great cities although it cannot yet ap proach the amsterdam average j of 153 if the greater irogistratjbn district of london is taken the crude death rate is only 193 the figures give abundant proof that under better sanitary conditions the death ratein london woiddbo lower the fewer in the houses tho fewer the deaths nearly twothirds as many more people of all ages dio in overcrowded tenement quarters as in suburban districts the death rate from consumption is highest in st lukes and in southwark and lowest inhnmstcad pauperism and crime pauperism shows a tendency ho decrcaso and crime has diminished with the exception of drunkenness which is making rapid strides out of bery 100000 people 537 were arrested for drunkenness ill 1890 in 1899 tho proportion had risen to 840 this was no temporary mat ter but part of a steady upward grow ui the total of paupers is appalling twentyone per cent of tho entire population over 05 years old are in receipt of- poor relief on jan 1 1901 123520 were being given pub lic charity either as indoor or out door paupers vagrants or lunatics the police give returns showing the number- of bad characters nt largo known to them but these arc de clared to be of doubtful value tho police give the number of thlevcsat large as 815 the persons under po- lico supervision j 155 and tho houses of receivers of stolen goods ioi increase of insanity the total of lunatics for whom the county of london has to find- ac commodation has increased oycri50 per cent in twelve years in 1890 it was 10104 in 1901 it was 15- 511 the total number of liniutics in london in 1901 was 21848 rhci returns of the firo brigndo will be read with painful interest tho figures only cover 3900 although those for 1901 have been available tho annsmjyes 10 ii and it therefore becomes us oep turnover collar ever to say the quantity of material required shall be even ns it was told mo or the medium size is 3j yards 21 piches wide 2 yards 14 inches wide 1j yards 52 inxhc4 wide i report a largo majority occlirred i believe god that ttj til0 w made a name this adders lair and to feel his foul breath or his poisonous fangs and not only by stringent laws should tho destroying wine cup be kept from the young but tho young should also bo taught why the do- so younro married feaid a to a friend oh yes married over a 7 ago given p nil your ideas a fame and glory and all that thing- v o sir i always said 1 6 j make atnnmo jnj the whrld yes well ivo dono it fitndccd j jtjlh yes i superintended t en ing of our baby inst we r- no woman has enter vent of st catherine sinai for 1400 years icuhious wehlllmj custom j brides in alfoeld lower hungary lave been deprived of their wetlding lifts by the government health au thorities it was a custom of the llaco for brides to wash with soap ind to comb the heads of all guests hey in turn throwing coins into the asin the result according to i he lectors was the sprctding of dis ease ami an epidemic of ophthalmia led the government to put a sudden pnd to tbo custom i heclaimfj froir the sea it is estimated that the land of lincolnshire england reclaimed pom the sea amounts to more than 0000 acres or mono than 1000 aunrc miles in the estuory of tho lumber about 290 square miles have lorn time to tlmo been gained from lo sea 9 oven called the list- of deaths is mo- acts nxmi and act ccorlngj fo such ly i he verses fo lowing tell uumtj ot received till more than all the living in the city both man u homs after the occurrence- of and beast were utterly destroyed hc nre no suggcfltlon isi made except rahub and her iwmsohold j umtj the con of things which the new i cslmiient record of the overthrow of jericho nnd i tie salva tion of itahnb is summed iqt in the few lines of hob xi 30 l and faith in god is tho heart of it tho evidence omier faith and the assur ance of her safety were thivscarjel line in her window chapter if ifl 2u and it is to me veryhilercsting and suggestive that thoi hebrew word translated 1no is tl identi cal word which in ps ixiij ixxi 5 jer xxix 11 and elsewhere is translated expectation and hope her expectation or hope wan n scarlet one nnd ft was a sure one nnd so tho iwliovers expectation is as sure as the blood of christ can make it as nil in rahabs house hold were atvcd by her faith let your faith take hold of god for pjt your household epders such late calls possible isfnr jfrom satisfaciory si j how smqklstis uthjzbd lii llnistclf irnlincs nnd other llvlvtin towns a novel mothod of not only kcttinprrid of smoke jut turning it to goad account hns re- cently been cmploycci tho l isdrlxcn by tiveiililutlnif fnn into n filter filled i- with jmroub mnluijal over which a coatlmious stream j- of iwtrolcuni bejahie alcohol or soma liquid hydrocarbon flows tho result is that thssmbko is entirciy ip- prcsscd whllo tho filter yieicix n gag of great heating power which can bo used for domestic purpno and for driving as engines tho filter- j ing material itself also becomes a i good conilmstiwj during the prol ccjso

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