cle tbibune thubsday octobeb 16 1902 -a- pmffletj common k good butchers kcivi leasonable that we guarantee carvers table ki ves kitchen knb shoe knives prel knives stove are the most seasonable things just now especially wol stoves we have too many come and help us out sivester doughertj lealth comes from proper dress ing and pleasure comes from be ing fashionably attired rou fashionable garments and make you look the early ehotring of furs is worth your often black bokharen caperine c id finished throughout in latest style p e best tateen linines and got up in the d j r particular for p rffs i and styles fuk caps mitts fur trimmings o peters ont fhe tribune local notices- aludtftqm notices iatbo local colony of tbo xibdmx ot meeting or nieralnmbls at which i j dmiailon fee ii cbmrgod or from which jciniarjr bemfit i domed must do paid for at hs rt of fovan coots periineeaoh iiworuoa no u m lei than twentyfire centa- wnon bills r riutj t thii office or advert iseine at of en- ttamuientsare inserted a brief local will be ten tre lxkj a jl items- for sale a rrgwliclucow at lot 7 con a uxbridge glasgow- apply to wm collier itrs7a ik freevnnd mrs wch todd extended lira p e jones re- poptlon at markham p nfridayf mrs john calvert and daughter mary of mount 3oy bpent thursday vrith mrs henrjlmcksou east end mrs fred nighswanuer and her twu children returned on saturday frou a itih ta itheoqldoionic in toronto imra n e smith and dangjitenwiss iuuru smlftj and mr frank- pijpher returned home ironjlfalo andmilwau fteu jobteroay tho market on tuesday was fairly well attended andr goodr prices were palbv butter 18i to 20c osss 17 to 18o turkey 0 to 10csqwe gto7p lucks 40o eacfcf x number of- flelegatceot the ep- wu league ofj tho etouffvlllpmolh pdjst church attended tnot district convention bold atjuxuridfcjott tu scany last and report a pleasant and roimuiblo tune i tho metropolitan kail way company recently laid dawn jtbolr rolls ucrosa tno grand trunk track northtof king pty and uiijyj wero promptly tornc up by xpaig cpi or- employees the for- piuz wompany haa nowjapullcdfor an liuuuuuui to prevente intorleronco trim or obstruction of tholrcrossng ou tno pari of the latter they ulsp jraiu a mandatary order obligjb ho t t k to restore vthelr tract in fchel couuiiioo it was before iti wax torn up mr- j uiquhart jr optoron for the holiday mias cello jowell or toronto is expected home for thanksgiving day miss laura stouf for omort perry spent sunday wiuhl hor paronts mr and mrp s stowf mr and mrs iiccuuu attended yestotday tho marriage of hen broth ar mr wm jackson in torouwi mr and mrs j c cook intend do remove to toronto next week where they intend to reside for the ifulure mr a jvicholmon iiitendj to move into tho hartney torraoe next week into the part rcpenlly vacated by mr a c burkholdor mr wuij8 nas- now chreei cpopers at work besides himself making up pie barrels so many orders have orrived that ho can only give a f ejv hundred to eaclf buyorlu turn lice munufocturcs them ho haa an or- ucr for 1000 barrels from onj firm uions the seatoft is shormiut jb is tho man tu fill rush orders yvhllo on aorabbitlhunt pn tuojsducff mr e- v enables had the misfoitunj co explode his gun and break ltin tyx at the grip it supposed that som wet earth had found its wuy into th end of tho muzzle and when the wcaj n was discharged the rupture occur red had jthq gun- not broken in two it might havemoant a had knockou far tho sportsman j eemouiber the union thanksgiving services in the presbyterian church this thursday evening tho coal strike teems to boon thv ovc of eotticmeat jiut there areyet apparently a rewiobstaolcsj v miss mary grco- daughter of mr ehn grice of glasgow was takefi ill this weak in toronto andjiadto lie taken home tor medical attendance there will be napublip3ulidayipn november 9th thiqyear lncanadaas may 24th has jieen fixed upon as the dato upon which his majestys birth day thill be celebrated f work on mali8treet hai cama to a standstill for wane of stone l null yet takoa largo quantityofi rooksto poniplotc lhojob lha fuxmersare busy at fall plowing and luxo not time to draw them bi getttuthem foolieeted in tho fall thejt can be haul ed in wtatop and thq street finished next sjorins tho annual sports of- the markham uigh school wore held on thoagricul tuial grounds there on friday latt about 200 spectators jielng present f e warrinor olf stouf f villo carried off tbo senior medal and f sang iter the junior medal thluterme- uiato mcoa was secured by jr kcnneoy g wurts won- the jiicycle raco a complete sctjof weight measures in tho metric system received by tho school from thi tno w ctfu of i thg county of lorit will d- v hold their annual ponentlon la stouffvllloi on wednes uty anu thurday ocu 22nd and fcmrd tho day sassloas wjth mrs c ki cane of fowmnxkut lai tho phair will do hold n tha methodist anarch onu will bo uxtcrsporucd byi musicand aduresaos of welcome ta tho- visiting delegates an cxcocuingly- interest ing progiauo ruaybo oxpecqed on weunepaay ovening in tho auditorl am oonmsting of addresses and muslo 1no hon mr ma11teu xmcp has kindly oousented to dc present at the nuovo meeting and deilvor the ad dress of tho pvningthor publlo are cordially invited loattqud collec tion will bo takon ii tjio caso of frod juoyd of cnewmar kot who wo arrpste recently for theft on a warrant lsmjed by magis trate woodcock of that town and wno was oaarged with escape came p oeforc tbo sessions this week and x c itoblnettc tbo defondantacoun ol maoo tbo following romarka loe nrd to it somo of- tho magrs- tratea of too country and of tho city aiso are just a llttlet tyt too hasty ip leaning warrants for tho arrest o jucn wncj a simplo- summons would tv just bm well after considering tbo ovidoaco otjth crownstwitnesa flora fow mlnuttstho jury return d a verdwtof notgojltyiandcaddcd jj wo also condemn tho constable for e- dinnngomojn ofl thfi oasxt fntf ot inlandveovenue fell olf o longo street oar toronto r- un saturday evening just at the- coi ner of h chmond street and sustained a severe injury ovepjhorleft oyohe was taken to the emergency hospital und rcceivua medical attention on monday he dopartod for- his homeherp as his injuries wero not regarded to po serious tho regular annual sunday church paraao of jtlui a o u w will take piuou on sunday october 20th tfiu uicthron will meet at their ixxigo room at 10 oclock a in sharp ind proceed in procesulou ito the rlresby- torian church where a scriuon will bo preached by bov mr wilson- every brother is expected to bo in his plooo sharp on time i any bopouono ot tho 70 members jvill absent thcin- isolyos jjy order mastekf woitk- ian v tho time will purely sooner pr la ter come to us all when we shall have to enter upon what somo have- seen fit to denominate the great uu known lut which to thq christian is thosmo land ofjhe most blessed elcty and uio highest attainment of humanity on sunday- list at alio homo of bis daughter mrs wm irwin of glasgow theroi passed away ono of iho old resident of thjat vicinity in tho pet hou of thomas tinkler in jbo 7ist year of hl ago dccoasod h been gradually fulling in hoaitbt for tho past yearornoro siooo tho dc- parturo ol hl holoved partner and finally bis spirltjtookts flight tho funeral took place onftucsday ta tho stouffrilio cemetery serrica being conducted beforo interment la tho in tho methodist church by itov u m- broivn at whiolxo vorpt largocoi- oourso of citizens and old friends as tfqmblcd to pay jo last tribute of re spect to tho departed there survlvo to miourn tbo loss of a kind and indul gent father ono daughter mrs wm irwin glasgow and willam or peter borough tho family ha v thorsrmpo jtby of thoentlro communityln-thei- pad boreovement t i mr al brown of maiitouur land was in town last week thtj time in twentyseven years on on weeks visit with friends in i huron london uxbridge stoufl and pickering andvreturnedlicr fow days ago ho speaks very of his island home he possesscl ucres of good land- and its sol apres and has 35 liead of cattl uty sheep besides all xthors to oestiary to a prosperous farmj ccnsoerable number of crean aro in operation there and man j mors use separators thcjoutlo banquet a goodly numb busluos wen and others asssmbll the mansion uouso ontucsuaj f jng to banquet mr e m byrnl couixtant in tho standard bonk who is about ioidoparti latakol sition in thoheodoffiooln tort tho chair was ablyj occupied bj 1 a frccitho sjiread was dato in every repcotandi wastij ped crcdit to mr and mrs v ler who harp a wide aeputatlo their excellent cuisine tho toasts ueio proposed and happll kpondcd to anda vory soolablif enjoyiable evening was spont th buue joins with his tnaiy frlen wishing mr byrnu abundantjs in his future business career bargain day atimever for tho noxt three weeks mq at iho telephone store will tho best assortment of botln t j at tho lowest cash price- as wo jho best assortment in town pay anybody to call and bcqouj stock our leggings aro tho nca test and cheapest and jusl kind tho men like throe diltl umds of thorn seo our mens i felts cheap and in- tho- rubboif wo keep the berlin pake wq boon handling thenu for two yl and find them tlwf very best inl go tomoycrsfor anythlngjlathd pory lino a j youi will ba ukj thsl in town try jaoyrp store whlla meyers has doubled hlatb satwruayi oct 18th o 1 f- m- at lot 2 con 8 whitchurch rlng- od tho farmr stock implements c of david brownsberger for further particulars see ad n e- smith auctioneer ghonday oct- 20th at 1- m pt lt 7 con 7 eastigiwllllniburytbo horse vehicles and household furni ture of isaoaroso n esmlthi auc jtoner tuesday cct 21st at it p- m at lot 26 con 10 markham the farm stock and impieinen la ol a g barkey for farther particularasee ad n e smith auctioneer wedndsdayi oct 22nd atrl p ra at lot a con 3 whitchurch 85 head or cuttle noxses and implements tfie properly of lavl schellv nejsmjth aoptioneer thursday oct- 23rdat 1 p rnat tho mansion house stouhville real estate and woodlands see advt on another page n e smith auctioneer friday oct 21thjotl fpm at lot ctn line vhitonurclll2 north ot bethosda the farm stock and im plements of fred meyers m bmitu auctioneer saturday oct e5ujuf 1 p 10 jteui pall millinery everything bright and attractive al mrs wilsons al the new shapes lovely ready to wear hats the very latest nico lot of wools just in ber lins zephyr shelland flan nel gloves hosiery every thing in the fancy goods line waritltier mrs c a michel honon grad- nato of toronto conservatory of mu- da will beat 6 touffvlllo on monday ind saturday ot eaoht weett jpo- a drees box 307 altonai i for sale or to rental hooso nd blaoksmithjehop alf almlra in the 5th ooncemlon of markham buildings in good state ol repair- good reasons for quitting buslneps for further particulars apply to thos mijefts almlra the high class cancort tor bcheld in the mammoth hall on thursday jjoti plihjiwul bo a grand treats among the prttlstos will be miss alioe- fiold hkiueo solols in carlton st method 1st cuuich and leadingf sopranot in the pberlopfc concert co- miss hattfo morse hamburger elocutionist of bos ian this lady is fcortalnlya leading jiktlsta in ber prifession mr jijt sherlopk loading tenor- in canada wwo is oholrmastoron carlo ton street morjhodlsl ohurch nnd conductor in toroato university gloo clnb mr george f smedley ths greatest man dolln banjo andgultansololsi on tha continent mr arthur jsllght toron tos favorite baritone singer- and miss an obrien planistc this will bq a very blghlass concert see pro gnam and posters- ftp wel as ilthbs plan of hall will be at monkhousrf cos storo on andal terituesday oct 2wt to the front with a big stack of new spring goods we are bound to lead with uptodate gods at lowest prices warriner buys for spot cash and its a recognized fact that he cannot be undersold its the right place to buy good goods at lowest prices w41mi1e ilk wmmiwj we ar anxious to please our customers and are alwavs on the lookout for anything which can be profitable to our customers and our selves we have just secured an extra fine quality of choice groceries equal in these groceries come from the panteyand are quality to any on the market and our prices aie as low as anyone in the trade and fresh and uptodate try our mountain goat brand salmon special line one week only at 12c worth 15c ratcliff co rty ere allans millinery show rooms a caid of thanks to the ladies of stouffville markham and surrounding country for their libera patronage and apprecia tion of the fine artistic mil linery not having room for the rush at the opening we are having an additional show rpom ladies have expressed their opinion that our inillin ery is equal to any in toron to for style and variety we purpose always carryine a large assortment of pattern hats and toques old ladies bonnets a specialty mrs j allan manager tailorins uorv ot e i la 10 lost twpax is the time to have your views made and dont for get the peach whert you an get them made at reasonable prices first class work guaran teed wm sande piiotosbapheb merteno bloct siflfnlle we have a fine line rf tweeds cheviots worsteds beavers and whipcords for suitings and overcoats satisfaction guaranteed dry goods underwear flannels yarns mits caps c c groceries wehav a fresh stock of flaked kice ffeans wheat oat meal wheatine swiss food granulated wheat acnw manitoba and lily white flour canned goods extracts jelly powder fresh coffee and cheese blue ribbon and monsoon tea crockery and glasswar jjrae the pioneer if you want a r furnace or anything in the stove line for the approaching winter call at t e trulls stouffville as he is sure to suit you in that line 3