a scourge of doubt j or the error of lady blunden 4 chaiter xxvui whether october is ashamed of its j boisterous entrance or whether the iwlft approach of death has soften ed it as lies within the power of death to do at times killing as it does all fire and energy i know not but today is mild and balmy and sweet as no stolen from tho middle of september there was ralu last night tho grave is still wet and on ihe greea grass and shrubberies lie diamond- drops that glint and glisten in the sunshine while little spiders webs bedecked with heavens tears spread themselves like veils of silver gossa mer from branch to oranch a little song is in gretchcns heart one of thanksgiving yet sho gives no voice to it loud lilting of any words being impossible to her at this moment the sunshine glad dens her seeming as it were a joy- fill omen of good days yet to come it harmonizes with her every thought because todayoh blessed morning her kenneth will return shu smiles instinctively almost unconsciously as standing on- the terrace and looking towards the slumbering ocean she again assures herself of this fact yet even as she smiles through very agitation of delight the tears gather and dwell within her lovely eyes all the world outside may breathe and love and die what is it to her at this supremo instant when she is filled with the glad certainty that in an hour or two her lover her husband will be clasped in her fond arms going indoors she makes her way 1 to his room and looks around it yes all is in order it is just as he left it no faintest haw can be dis covered she almost wishes it was not so perfect that there might yet remain something wanting to his comfort that she might arrange for fl him mechanically sho pokes the fire that burns as fiercely as though some salamander dwelling in it exciting it to open rebellion what shall she do to cheat time to make the moments fly did over morn ing pass so slowly what if ho did not come at all to- day if the journey hud proved too much r for him she grows pale at tho bare thought but no he would sent a telegram in ithat case- he would not leave her in suspense and in spite of her aversion cho has faith in- the dark young doc tor and he himself had scut one curt line to say kenneth would reach home today indeed her aversion to dr blunt lias rather died a natural death now that he giving dugdalo- buck to her alive and if not better at least no worse than when they part ed she has kenneths own word for that in his very last letter though he had not touched on the subject of improvement he has pos- itively assured her he had not de- tcrionated in henith since last he saw her i what oclock is it now examin ing tho marble betrayer of time up on the mantelpiece she tells herself that in fifteen or twenty minutes according to the speed tho horses may make he can be here shall shcj go into the hall to meet him no yes hardly knows a curious nervousness is oppressing her oh that it was all over and her kenneth safe within her sight again what an eternity fifteen minutes can bej and how slowly this clock ticks there must be something wrong with there is a slight sound as of an opening door she turns languidly and sywhois the tall young manstand- irigpalo and oxpectant in the door way with large blue oyes from which all melancholy has forever flown with parted lips and an agi tated but happy smile in each of his hands is a stick on which he supports himself but he is standing standing from gretchcns lips breaks a low but piercing cry involuntarily she places her hand against her throat ns though suffocating and then rushing forward sho flings her arms around tho new comer with passion- ato gladness yet with a suspicion of tho old carefulness she lays her head upon his breast and finding herself once again with- j in thchavcn of his fond embrace falls to weeping bitterly as though her heart is broken j 7 you should have told mo you fihould have told inc she whispers incoherently unable to control her emotion the shock of surprise has proved almost too great to see him at ni alive safe is happiness enough to see him as he now is so far on the road to absolute recovery adds to her joy until it amounts to something akin to pain i think kenneth himself is a little frightened at the tempest ho has provoked lie has relinquished all support and leaning against tho wall is holding her to him in a sil ent but passionate embrace yes he should have told her the strain has proved too great yet the al most boyish delight that lay in the thought of appearing before her of actually walking into her presence however haltingly unannounced and unsupported had prevented his dis closing to her tho fact that in tho futuro lies tho hope that he may yet be as- his fellows nearly if not quite all he once had been presently itbeing mn mn mn mnn presently it being the most na tural thing in tho world- for her to consider others before herself gret- chen remembers with a little pang how bad all this agitation must be him and by a supreme effort conquers her emotion k liaising her head she looks at him long and earnestly then still hold ing his hands leans back and re gards with amazement that has both pride and perplexity in it his tall slight figure thatyet stoops a little at the shoulders then ihe draws a long deep breath and then they kiss each other again solemn ly fervently there is a content too great for smiles and i think she finds- they have both been cry ing because there are at least signs i of tears upon his dark lashes j you have stood too long al- ready she says feverishly and stooping would have restored to him both his crutches but with a smile he declines one and accept- her shoulder instead of it as a support walks to the sofa near the fireplace making him he down up on it as in the olden days she kneels beside him and smoothing back his hair from his forehead gazes at him again tenderly as though her oyes could never tire of what they have to feast upon after a moment or two she says softly in a low pathetic tone that comes straight from her glad heart thank god and t believe hc whole book of common lraycr doas not contain more soulfelt thanksgiving than is conveyed in these two earnest words as uttered by her yes how can we ever be grateful enough says kenneth slowly it is more than i deserve i took the whole thing so badly- and rebelled so bitterly at times indeed al ways i think i never saw anyone so marvel ously patient says grotchen promptly and with the air of one who will not suffer contradiction i think gretchon he says earnestly i should like todo some thing for for the poor you know and the wretched and that i sent a check to one of tho london hos- pitals but i should like to do some- thing nearer homo dont- the rector want new school houses built or what was it school houses but he was here oh monday and said he had secur ed fluids sufficientfor them jbut he said alwd brightening he was most anxious to get some alms houses built as there are three or four old men and women in the town very respectable and very de pendent i think old widow furness is one and we agreed- how charm ing it would be to have them com fortable in their last days f very well thcysbal ho begun tho moment we return from italy in the spring from italy yes i forgot i had not told you and with you it sounds with a soft sigh of tho most utter con tent too good to be true then with a start ken darling you must have something you are tired and hungry nothing yet says pugdalo with a slight gesture of refusal i must rest and talk to you a little after awhile i should like a glass of sherry aud a biscuit nothing more as i had something just before leav ing town you are sure anxiously as suro as one can be of any thing nowadays tell mo how you came in so quietly she asks with some curi osity i desired them to drive to the j side entrance and fortunately wo found tho door there open higgins j and john gave mo their arms to tho hall and from thence i walked boldly away from them into your presence i really think tho two men were most unfeignedly glad to see me able to do so i am certain of it says gret- chen ready tears springing to her eyes i always liked higgins oven though he is pockmarked he is a most excellent servant i i havo quite a regard for higgins dugdale at this sudden burst of enthusiasm for the hitherto un- thoughtof higgins forgets his man ners and gives way to unmistakable mirth i think his wages ought to be raised he says dont you i tio replies ihe stoutly id raise everybodys wages goes on he still laughing and or der wickski all round besides like burnand j i should like to returns sbc j undaunted now have you snub bed me enough you naughty boy hut it does make my heart warm when i hear how they all love you ken how long your mustache has grown and it is a little fairer isnt it is it have i changed then slightly and for the better your face has stolen from the fath erland a little brown shade that i love i thank my stars i havent chang ed for tho wprso says he devoutiy you might havebbjected to me on my return and sued for a divorce and blunt would have had to an swer for it by the bye he says that only for my own obstinate re fusal to take medical advice during all these past months before i came to town i might have been as far recovered as i am now a year ago if so you would probably never havo como to laxton and never jhave mot me says she quickly to prora to you th6 dr i cht olntmratjoirtahi i and atwolnt onro for cac and ererr form of float air b1odioitadprtru4ldtium t maavfmctarmi hare furt4 it 9mte tfaimfis la tkt dafir pru nt ak 7ur atlf- wnux tbiakafft yovoannnil o4 en roor umar back if not curd goo bx at aju 4aar otkauattaohbrsm ft cotoronta dr chases ointment i am to winter there and you are to come- with me to take care of me if you will bo so kind smil ing and pinching lovingly her little rounded oar that looks like noth ing so much as a tlnv pink sea- shell that will be delicious says grotchen gayly bringing her hands together with a pretty ecstatic movement it bus been tho dream of my life to go to home and to find- myself really going there now keepinglove as a woman will al ways in sight as the chiefest good the world can afford then i am glad i was obstin ate rejoins he with such satisfac tory genuineness in look and tone as makes her color deepen to a rich delicious pink and creates within her a little warm glow that renders her already happy heart even hap pier where is br blunt now she asks quickly some fresh idea hav ing occurred to her how is it i never asked about him before dear kind charming man bless me says ken the lust time we discussed him i fancied you spoke of him as one of the most de testable of men if not the vilest wretch on the face of the earth oh we have changed ail that says mrs dugdale with an enchant ing little grimace lnow think him the most delightful fascinating irresistible young man of- my ac quaintance and i shall certainly make a point of telling him so when we meet my dear i hope you wont i have a regard for that young man you will turn his head and reduce hira to idiocy if you go making pretty speeches to him with that in tense look in your eyes at pre sent he is useful to mnnkind do not spoil him for his profession nevertheless i really must see him and toll him something of nil i feel yes i shall go to town my self the whole way to thank him for what he has done if indeed i can find words to express myself do you know ken solemnly i almost feel as if i could kiss him oh dont you know says dug- dalo mildly i really wouldnt you know if i were yon- ho wouldnt like it it would frighten him to death and then it would bo such a horribly onesided affair you see because im positivo ho wouldnt return it think of the disgrace of that that on tho contrary would be another inducement to do it well perhaps i may not go so far ns to embrace him but i shall certninly want to do it nil the time poor blunt says kenneth she rings the bell nnd as lynan comes to answer it nnd while the fa o his fairy feet cun still bo heard outside tho door kenneth raises himself to a sitting posture and says quickly with all tho eag erness of a boy let mo rest my hand on your shoulder i must let him see that i can stand but dearest take care you do girls costume 4 to 10 years french dresses v always becom ing to little girls and arc much in style this pretty one is suited to all soft wool materials simple child ish bilks and tho many washable fabrics but as shown is of mercer ized cashmere in meteor blue with trimming of string colored lace and black velvet ribbon twin rosettes of wider velvet ribbon are decora- tively placed at tho breast and waist lino on tho left front the con necting ribbon being softly draped the costume consists of the waist widen is made over a fitted body lining and the skirt which consists of two circular portions that are joined to a smooth foundation the body lining is faced to form the yoko over which tho full waist is gathered and arranged the novel and stylish bertha that finishes tho nock is- graduated to form pointed rovers at the ront while at the throat is a standing collar the sleeves are in bishop or guimpq style with straight cuffs the skirt is trimmed on the edges of the flounce and circular upper portion giving a double effect that is ex ceedingly smart the quantity of material required for the medium size 8 years is 5 yards 21 inches wide 4 yards 27 inches wide 3 yards 32 inches wide or 3 yards 44 inches wide not fatigue yourself too much says gretchon cautiously feeling it her duty to expostulate though in re- j more able to foretell results from a olity sho is dying to show him off j given mating because along with gospel of feeding it is a theory well accepted among live stock breeders that like pro duces like or the likeness of an an cestor writes 31r w f mcsparruu when this theory is discredited and tho latitude noted that is given in tho phrase closing tho sentence one may expect almost anything in the way of individuals in breeding and find a warrant even for freaks by authority of the above theory it is true that we breeders put a vast deal of confidence in the per forming merits of the progenitors of tho strain or trib from which wo arc breeding believing that the transmission of good performance is to bo depended upon we uro of ten disappointed and if we follow hasty judgment wo are inclined to think that we have been imposed up on by reports of good work done by ancestors of our animals when reality the good work was never done as we grow older and more experi enced in the business of breeding however we get more used to these disappointments and do riot expect every throw to win a prize we have less trouble in getting like to produce like in physical out line or conformation than we havo qualities incronsednnn rim rim nnnn in securing tho more desirable quali ties increased production or even the ability to equal the work of tho immediate ancestors in breeding pedigreed dairy ani mals when performance is more sought after than shape or color or mere physical structure when the milk function is ono of nervous force we often find that tho offspring docs not inherit to a sat isfactory degree the tendencies of the sires heredity or the dams abil ity wo therefore are forced to do the best we can in the matter of brced- and trust to a satisfactory out come i am well satisfied that we are not womans shirt waist- 32 to 40 bust to be made with or without fitted lining aud tho closed in double or roiled back in to every ono notv a bit of it says ken briskly- i am to walk so much ev ery day and i didnt do my accus tomed allowance this morning so i may take liberties with myself now ah lynan i am very glad to see you again jle is standing tall and erect if one hand is on gretchcns shoulder and lynan awestruck delighted indeed overcomo with emotion is standing too staring at him the old man has known him since he was a lad has given him his first les sons in riding and his first surrep titious shots out of his uncles gun during the holidays has gloried in his beauty and strength and mourn- ed over his misfortune now ad- vancing slowly he takes the hand his master extends to him between both his own and having bowed over it says oh sir sir in a tone impossi ble to describe and finally breaking into sobs beats a rapid retreat he shall have his wages raised too says gretchon with on at tempt at lightness that rather falls through because her tone is heavy with tears in a minute or two however- correcting herself sternly she says now we shall have no more scenes today on that i nihj determined so i shall go for the wino myself be cause i know mrs judson the housekeeper will want to sec you next and i simply wont have you tormented or fatigued which means the same thing kenneth lie down again directly what do you mean by overtasking your strength in this manner ill telegraph for blunt if you address me in that tone again says dugdale with a slight smile very well then i will bo obedient you shall make me your prisoner if you like i desire no better fate and no gentler jailer but i say gret chon dont be long to be continued j our careful superb breeding here and there has been a man who has not done good feeding i do not care how royally an animal for the dairy may have been bretl or how many generations the careful breed ing has covered in a large measure tho good resultsto be expected from such breeding are nullified without proper and abundant feeding as we well know tho highest produc tion of milk is had when the cow is well and wisely fed and it is as easily known that the growth and development of the milkgiving functions arc as fully dependent oii such footling from calfhood to ma turity as is performance after ma turity it is easily understood al so that a period of starvation or insufficiency in tho early life of the future cow may so- arrest tho development pf tho mammaiy func tions it may bo a critical time and all the fine trends transmitted by heredity and careful breeding bo scattered i and reversion to type un do years of labor so in the breeding and rearing of fino and useful animals tho first les son to learn is the most important ono of wis fecdiog breasted style rovers shirt waists that include tho gib son plaits over the sihouldcrs are much likod and can bo relied upon as correct for tho season to come as well as for tho immediate present this stylish model also includes the fashionable postillion nnd hns the merit of allowing a plain double breasted front or of being rolled back to form tapering rovers as shown in tho small sketch the or iginal is of the new parametta cloth in paste blue and is trimmed with the border of the material which is embroidered in white silk but all waist and dres materials aro ap propriate the waist is made over fitted lining that closes at tho centre front but itself consists of back and fronts only which are ar ranged over the foundation after the shoulder seams aro closed and the plaits stitched the sleeves aro in bishop style and at the neck is a regulation stock when desired with revcrs tho fronts can be faced and rolled back from the indicated cen tre which is closed invisibly as shown on figure the waist is lapped j in double breasted stylo and closed by moans of buttons and button- holes the quantity of material required for the medium size is 4 yards 21 inches wide 4 yards 27 inches wide or 2i yards 44 inches wide high jms m societi eccentbicmes of english aeistoceacy how some young members of the wealthy class amuse themselves tho following scene actually took place at a country house in hamp soire kngland only a ow weeks ago tho occasion was tho keeping up of an old family celebration ana after a long evening spent at tu engrossing game of bridge whea the pentup spirits of the players could no longer resist a burst up a game of hideandseek was hast ily decided upon and accordingly two young men were givon two min utes to secrcto themselves some where anywhere in tho big man sion as tho servants had all been sont oil to bed ono of tho youths suggested to his companion that they should make for tho kitchen they hid themselves ono in the butlers pantry and the other in a huge oaken bin usually used for tho storage of boots and servants be longings for twenty minutes tho search party composed of three young and j highborn ladies and four men look- j cd in vain in cupboards bath rooms j wardrobes and odd corners at i last tho youth who had stored him- self away on tho top shelf of tho butlers pantry was discovcrod tho ono who discovered him was so do- lighted with her success that sho mado no sign revealing the fact that she had done so she stole back etiqubtte taught hkiie afudam he began as the door pains in the small of the baci bad digestion and racking headaches cure lias brought about by dr chases kidneyliver pills paim in tho small of the back js the way hosts of pcolle describe their sufferings not knowing that tho pains aro in reality in the kid ncys pains in tho back weak back lame back backache these are the first indication of kidney trouble they aro hh warning which nature gives you it you hoed at onco you can ho cured neglect will soon put you at tho mercy of the most painful and fatal of dis- ekscs women a well ea men have kidney disease and may wd feci anxious when the kidney pains make thcon- solve felt in the nmall of tho back decanso dr chjwk kjdnqyvmvcr pill rive you pronuit tcllof from backache it i well worth your while to tako them rut they do more than this they regulate ami in vigorate the action of the kidneys ami iruture a rolurn to health of these important organs mrs jlnrter 133 crow street charlottetown pei and whose husband is n contractor states i had wiutcred a great deal with pnlns in the small of myback my auently troubled with spells of rack ing headache i have been entirely cured of those distressing symptoms by the uc of dr chase rldney- mvor pills and find that my gon- ral health is greatly improved since have been using this preparation 1 an also testify to tho merit of lr chases syrup of unseed and vurpcntfno as i was cured of se vere attack of bronchitis by th us of this remedy dr chases kidneyliver fflu 27 cent a box at all dealers or ed- digestion was bad d i w frmaasonaicsvcottooi opened i am selling a now book on ktiquetto mid deportment oh you are she responded go down and clean tho mud off your ford yosm as i was saying mndaiu i am sell take oft your hut never ad- dross a strange lady at her door without removing your hat yosm- now then as t was saying take your hunds out of your pockets i no gentleman over carries hia hands there yesm now maani this work on iktl throw away your pifc if a gentleman sos tobacco he is careful not to disgust others by the habit yesm now maam in catling your attention to this valuable wutt put that ditty handker chief out of sight and use less grouse on your hair in the futuro now you look a bit decent you have a book on ktiquolto nnd de portment very well i dont want it i am only ihe scrvnnt- girl jo up the stops to the front door and talk with the lady of tho house she called me a downright nodoubtnboutit idiot this morning and i think the book youre selling is just what she requires i dont want to go to school ony more on rainy days said little tommy why nsked his moth er because i was the only boy there today r and you were lonely broke in his mother no but i had to answer nil the ques tions of every lesson v europe builds nearly locomotives yearly 000 new quality in bultert some time ngo a chicago mer chant made a proposition to change the basis of scoring butter so as to give prominence and points to the clement of duality meaning keep ing properties and to lessen the prominence and points oow given in flavor tho reason for the propos ition wnsthat the quick high flavor and aroma that tickle the palate and ncse in fresldy made butter of high grade is evanescent and like ly to be lost before the usual me thods of distribution bring the goods to the consumers table and that tho milder flavored butters if well made will maintain their grade longer and prove of intrinsically greater worth it is supposed that tho high quick flavor of scoring arc gained by a process of making high ripomng arid the presence of an undue proportion of casein c which is detrimental to keeping quality while the process of making boot adapted tp producing stnbillty of quality imodium ripening and n low pro portion of casein results in j a milder flavott in support of tho proposition to give greater weight to keeping pro perties when scoring butter in com petition many instances are given where butter scored very high at butter shows has been found after a few days to have deteriorated ser iously falling far below tho grado of other samples which though of lower flavor value when first scored had maintained their grade with no apparent change in some caws had even improved by the loss of evan escent flavors of nnundcsirablo char acter it is nn undoubted fact that some of tho butter which possesses j very high flavor when fresh made loses itjl quality rapidly but there is probably a considerable diflcrcncc in tho stability of high flavor in dif ferent butters it is a doubtful matter that a judge can distinguish tho difference in keeping properties when ho examines the different sam ples he may adopt ns a general rule that the waxy bodied mild flav ored goods will last longer than those which appeal more strongly to the nose and palate but it is a serious question that his judgment ns to tho stability of quality in in dividual samples would be at all accurate although it might be fair ly so on the average weeds which spring up from seeds can be destroyed by successfully bringing the seeds in tho soil to tho surface where they germinatc- t he seeds of some weeds have great vitality and remain in tho soil for years some arc enclosed in clods and are retained for another sea son but when the ciods arc broken and tho weed seeds exposed to warmth near the surface they are put out of existence by tho harrow as soon as they germinate for which reason it is impossible to clear a piece ofland from weeds in a sea son unless every clod is pulverized the oftrepeated enquiry fvom whence come tho woods may be answered from the clods tho weeds that spring from roots arc cut up checked and prevented from growing by frequent cultivation be cause they cannot exist for a great length of time unless permitted to i grow if no leaves arc allowed on j such plants they perish from suffo cation because they breathe through the agency of the leaves the advantages derived by the soil in tho work of weed destruction re duces the cost of warfare on the weeds for every time the harrow or cultivator is used tho manure is more intimately jnixed with tle soil more clods nre broken a- great er portion of plant food is offered to the roots the ioss of moisture is lessened and tho capacity of the plants of the crop to secure more food is increased the cost of the destruction of weeds should not bo charged to tho accounts of a singlo year only as thorough work dur- ing a season may obliterate tho weeds entirely or reduce thoir destruction during succeeding years to but a trifle f whence come the weeds there nre two classes of weeds those hat como from speeds and those which arc propagated prin cipally by means of their roof second lakgest island baffin land has recently been coming into prominence dr itobcrt pell who in 1897 mnppcd a long stretch of tho west coast of baffin laud has since been making further surveys of that ter ritory nnd now reports that the is land itr at least 300000 square miles in area it is therefore tho second largest island in tho world being surpassed only by green land three years ngo no atlas or other publication enumerating tho largo islands of tho world included baffin laud among them it had always been thought to bo composed of a number of islands and is still shown in this way on many maps but ouo by one these supposed is lands have been found to bo a part of tho main island thus baffin land has gradually been represented as increasing in size the distinction of being tho larg est island has been held by quite a number of islands in the progress of geographical knowledge for many years school children i were taught that australia was tho larg est island then it was concluded to i bo totter to cnumorate australia apong the continental masses and borneo took its place as tho largest island about twentytwo years ago it was discovered that new guinea was larger than borneo and so tho latter island took second place peary has recently outlined tho northern coast of greenland dis covering that it is an foland and so greenland has been placed at the head of tho list of large islands at last baffin land looms up as an island that is a little over 3000 statute miles in length with a breadth varying from 200 to 100 miles f- london alone has 200 more per iodicals than scotland and ireland combined to the main body of searchers and with raised forefinger and lips tight ly pressed together she motioned them to follow her on tiptoe on their way they happened to pass a large basket of fresh eggs and without apparent cause they each took up one or two- on gaining tho pantry the whole band set up a shout of there you are come out and as the youth in dusty evening clothes came cautiously down from his hidingplace he was mercilessly pelted with eggs his condition on finally reaching tho ground can be better imaginod than described but the story hardly ends hero for so novel and amusing had tho eggpelting part of tho business been that tho discovered youth and his persecutors returned to the egg bosket and grabbed up as many as they could hold with safety then began a battle royal with eggs as weapons the costly dresses of the young ladies and tho spotless linen of the men were soon besmeared with tho slimy contents of uncooked eggs the walls and the floor of the servants hall were likewise sil ent witnesses of one of tho maddest and merriest pieces of highlife that surely over occurred a kensington drawingroom was the scene of a remarkable lapse re cently after midnight when tho company was hard pressed for a reason for not breaking up one of the guests suddenly thought how jolly it would he to sco hia fellow- men and women eating bananas against time being a man of en ormous wealth he then and there stood up on a chair and announced that he would bo pleased to givo three prizes of 100 sg0 nnd 25 to the three who would peel and eat three bananas in the shortest time no one was to bo considered to have eaten tho fruit until after swallowing it he or sho had whistled or sung a singlo bar of music for this extraordin ary competition eight persons cn- terod thrco ladies and five gentlo- mon the eight competitors were each provided with three large bananaa and placed in a row alongside a grajid piano which they were per mitted to make use of as a table the fruit was of uniform size and the striking of one bass note on tho piano was to be tho sign given to start tho two judges were provf cd with chairs immediately in front of tno performers and tho rest of the gay throng stood anxiously watching them somo bets were made in favor of ono of the ladies- who is well known for her dash and spirit in various forms of sport the note was struck in solemn sil ence and to the second each v of tho fruit consumers dug their fingers into the first banana two men j mado a dead hont of it then an- other mnn finished next and tha g favorite lady finished third twoj jg of tho competitors ruined their chances by halfchoking and an- iff other who finished nearly on a level k with tho two first could not make a sound in his endeavor to whistle or sing tho two who were level toss- od up for the 100 and so ended ono of the strangost scenes ovor witnessed at a fashionable party pearsons weekly 4 1 a- m a gastronomic feat in a little schcojhousc in tf north of scotland tho schoolmaster keeps tho boys grinding steadily their desks but gives them pen sion to nibble irom their lv boskets sometimes as they worl- one day whllo tho master w l0 structing a class in tho ru thrco ho noticed that one j j pupils was paying more ait to a small tart than to his tom pntn sold thof listen to tho lesson will l im listening sir snjd b listening arc yc acclaimed then yt eating pi wi u the master wi one ear an other tho now then cald be teacher youve heard tho oxp of heat and cold can y tcm mo what is light tommy- w ma says that most ovcrjp s l yon buy by weight when a man of 2a woman ho thinks of v beauty but ct 30 he thinks of w loquacity what doesr ho thlnvcat 40 oh ho thinks only of bmskit by that time s