the markets serious interruption to trade good to choice export cut tie sold at from 4 to 5jc per ib with as much as 5c for anything superfine but t prices wero weaker especially for pllces of grain cattle etc medium cattle some of the christ ian tvaha mas cattle was purchased for the ox- ill iraae centres port trade i export bulls are firmer with floronto dec 23 wheat the better enquiry at from 3j to 4c per market to weaker no 2 white and lb no ono appears to require oi ta red winter quoted at csj to gdcjcr feeders or stockcrs just now and middle freights no 2 spring quot ed 67jc east and no 2 gooso at c6c east manitoba wheat steady no 1 hard s7c grinding i transit no 1 northern 85c grinding in trailed t no 1 hard 8sc all rail via north bay and no 1 northern 83c alt rail via north bay oats tho market is dull with no 1 white quoted at 3lcoast andno 2 white at 30jc to 31c east barley the markot is quiet with no 3 extra quoted at 44 to 45c middle i freight and no 3 at 42c middle freight buckwheat trade is quiet end prices nominal at about g2c outside rye no 2 quoted at mkidld freight corn market duli with no 2 canadian at 45cwcst no 3 now american yellow nominal at 50 to 52c on track toronto flour ninety per cent patents are dull at s270 middlo freights buyer sacks for export straight rollers of special brands for domes tic trade quoted at s3 25 to 340 in bbls manitoba flour j steady i hungarian patcits 410 to 420 delivered on track toronto baga included and manitoba strong bak- ors 380 to s390 i mi if cod bran 15 in- bulk hero and shorts at sj7 at outside points brnn is quoted at 14 and shorts at 16 manitoba bran in sacks 17 and shorts 19 here ttie dairy markets butter tno supply of choico but- ter is still restricted and pricos in consequonce nro firm inferior qual ities plentiful we quote finest 1- 1b roils 18 to 19c clioice large 37to 18c special dairy tubs 164c to 17c secondary grades rols and tubs 14 to 15c- creamery rints 23 to 24c solids 21 to 22c iftks the jnarket contnes dy wo o jpt strictly new 250lfpcslf storegatjiered 20c rajre 19 to 20c limed 10c 13 to 15c market is steady we f finest to 122c scc- to l2jc produce iro unchanged with lj5725 to s740 m with demand t bacon long ion and case t do short to 14c rolls ers 11 to hie breakfast bacon quotations are almost nominal milch cows are a trifle lower in prico but good ones are wanted ewes are worth from 3 to 3jc per lb bucks sell at from 2 to 2jc per lb culled sheep are quoted at from 2 to 3 each calves are worth from 2 to 10 each lambs sold at from 375 to 450 per cw hogs continuo unchanged and stea dy the top price for choice hogs is so per cwt and light and fat hogs arc quoted at 5575 per cwt hogs to fetch tho top price must be of prime quality and scale not be- 1 low 100 nor above 200 lbs j following i the range of prices for livo stock at tho toronto cattle t yards today newsjtems telegraphic briefs from all over the globe canada bc hospital is coin- tho kaslo pleted tho railway companies havo diffi culty in obtaining a sufficient supply of coal tho expectation is that parliament will uot be summoned to meet bo- foio thursday fobruary 19 wopl and bristles from tho now england states havo been prohibited froiu entering canada tho grand trunk pacluc will not run through ottawa according to a prominent railroad man tho immigration department havo arranged for tho location of 2000 settlers from britain in tho cana dian west 1 ho coal famine is growing worso not only at toronto but at other arrangements aro being made to few hours but they eluded capture erect a shakespeare memorial in although rerorts of their wherc- cermany tho number of visitors to delhi in cattlo export catte 54 75 55 50 i in ontario the city will sell do light 400 4 50 sacks of coal from a wagon at 2r butcher cattlo choico 400 oo0l g0 do good stocks ordinary 400 ft export 400 3 3 4ro 250 300 air and prices c tierces 11 jc com- to sa per cwt t 250 sheep and lames ewes per cwt 300 lambs per cwt 375 bucks per cwt 200 culled sheep each 200 milkers and calves cows each 3500 5500 calves oach 200 1000 hogs cnoico hogs per cwt 575- 600 light hogs per cwt 550 575 heaty hogs per cwt 375 400 sows per cwt 375 400 stags for cwt 200 250 danger of plague xleasurcs will be taken to pre- yent its spread in america an ottawa despatch says- bu bonic plague and not- chicken cholera as has been suggested ecists in san jancisco according to dr montizam- bert directorgeneral of public health who has just returned from new orleans lie says there is in disputable evidence that bubonic plague does prevail in san francisco and therehave been three cases of the worst type of the disease which is known by the profession as pneu monic plague five different states of the union havo requisitioned sur ge encralwy man under a con- gressrohnlact of last inly to con vene a conference or state health representatives to concert measures to suppress the plague which is a menace to the entire north american continent the department hero will take ev ery precaution- to prevent tho dis ease getting a footing in tho do minion all vessels arriving in can adian porta from frisco will be re quired to place funnels on the haw- tors oxtending from tho whai the vessels feeling being 1ha nova scotia lumbermen have do iced to organize as the nova scotia lumber association tho piin- cijal object being to secure hotter freight rates circulars have been issued by the railway companies announcing in creased freight rates on grain and grain products from po west of montreal to the seaboard the ontario department of fisher ies has granted permission to the superintendent of the fish hatchery of putrinbay ohio to secure her- h s eggs from canadian fishermen about pclce is and c white mortimer british vice- consul at los angeles cal has purchased ten acres half a mile south of crnnd forks bc january including tho troops will not be less than a million tho swamp at dundathu aus tralia has- dried up this has never been known to occur before by egrcc britain will build a railway through abyssinia connect ing tho soudan with ugandl ter ritory ships sejptto canton with rico to bo sold t low rates to tho poor wero looted by pirates and several persons killed vesuvius is assuming a threatening appearance a number of small openings have appeared around the great crater captain mundcsons idoa of seeking tho magnetic north polo and then ma ing his way westward to behring strait has been favorably commented on by explorer nansen about quickly begun to come in from practically all oxer kent it transpired afterwards that the run aways had struckstraight for lon don and bad gono iuto hiding in the lastcnd both were eventually retaken but not until montlis after wards and then more by chance than anything else but both these instances are quite eclipsed by the big man hunt which took place in the mountains of donegal in 1ss9 when seven peas ants accused of having participated in tho murder of districtinspector martin of tho itoyal irish con- j stabulary at uweedoro wero track ed to their doom by znoro than coo police assisted by an cntiro bat talion of infantry and by strong detachments of tho scots gkbys from dundalk house prorogued kings speech eefers to trouble with venezuela a london despatch says parlia ment was- prorogued ou thursday afternoon by koyal commission tho kings speech which was an unus ually lengthy recapitulation of pub lic events since january incluuing tho action taken in connection with venezuela regarding which tho speech said oublaiesailoesatsea toeonto boats make z abtti voyages not the jessie druraonds experienc off the banks of new foundland a thousand miles before a howling roruester with tho seas rolling mountains high and the only man during tho last two years have been persistently disregarded and that it has become necessary for my gov ernment acting in concert with that of his lmperiul majesty tho gorman oho entire countryside was of t lmpcror which also has rious course friendly to tho fugitives and causes of complaint against tho i regret that tho constant com- wl kncw thd v position a rav plaints which iny government found in f rui a irons below it necessary to addruss to thn gov- on0 tho any experiences in ornment of venezuela in regard to oti j ihummond th unjustlnablo and arbitrary acts stllun old schooner which bowled against british subjects and property in on tho teach ot cobourg ro- ta contly ahead of an easterly galo and laid our bones to rest for over and ayo tho jossio drunuuond wasnt a schooner then sho was a bnrkontino zswvwml e gano of hide and seek might public jo it on surest are to havo a thoroughly uptodalo education a london firm are ship ping on government order 100 pianos for use in tho schools mil hunted foe tears chases that have spsead over seven bibthdays capture of a new caledonia con vict two queensland desper adoes caught thero has recently been run to earth at uatmut in algeria a con vict named picrro lamonte who conceivably have continued even longer than it actually did had not tho wanted men been illadvised enough to quit tho mainland and seek refuge in a small island oil the coast- there they were stormctjuntl and ran so short of provisions that they were glad rather than sorry to be taken off by a gunboat specially dispatched for the purpose no man hunt of modern times however has lasted so long or cost so many ikcs as that or ganized in this country against tho brothers jesse and frank james and ns dipper nnd staunrn a little vessel as over sailed lako ontario ro i in those days th drummond was uresa built about 1863 at port colborno south african prospects it was in the early seventies tho speech refers to tho conclusion that she made her first and only of the south african wur and adds trip across the herring oond s thoro seems to be every reason left canada with a load of flo to lope that material prosperity crossed to ilnmburggei greater than any tho transvaal and inhere sho took on nkroad jrails orange river colonies have yet ex- j now tho drummond was in charge pcrieiiccd mny visit these regions and that all sections of the popula tion may livo together in friendship for each other and loyalty to tho crown paragraphs deal with the postpon ed coronation the colonial confer- famous detectives tried their hard est apod from j0w caledonia some cst to ellect their capture but after three jcura back after murdering i osing nenrly a dozen of their best two of his guards and dangerously j en had to confess themselves wounding a third usually tho beaten n the end james was shot french authorities in that remote j dead y detective named ford quarter of tho gloto do not trouble j wno orrnod himself into the rob- gi eatly after runaway prisonors bers confidence and then took ad- tno vantage of his trust to kill him in but the circumstances surbis shop and frank surronjered ihe chase lasted altogether seven ng were so exceptionally atrocious years and cost the nice little sum macro extended observations on thc u was resolved to make an 9 5250000 while of their would- otasion of several visits expressing example money was accordingly be captors the brothers killed train robbers murderers and pro- 1 once and colonial secretary xhntn- fcssional desperadoes for four bcrlainy tour which- together are ex- jciis en end tho pinkcrtons the onto thoy have got clear of and colony will install a drilling plant with tho this farticurar gao pboct of ho ng for oil ho has were ao 0xc atrocious the belief that the kettle river val- loy is underlaid with oil orkat britain lord lansdowne expressed hopeful opinions regarding conditions in ire land widespread distress among the unemployed is reported throughout britain permission to resido in canada has been given to a large number of army reservists during borings near beeringdon a rocksnlt mine was discovered at a depth of 900 feet i ihtyfive thousand dollars have been subscribed toward the all brit ishgrown cotton scheme authority has been given for a large increase in the quantity of ball ammunition issued to the army tho severe weather and tho de- presson in trado aro jointly respon- blo for ojte reported distress among tho ooor pr f- eerings j unctions ilanitoba 1 northern- r5c high freight wgu freight 35 east buckwheat flour manitoba strong bakers s3 f rollers at s3 uls in ibofffl at 170 to rtontv370 to s410 roll- millers prices to jobbers bngnnd 4irper bbl kecd rtnitoba bran s17f0 to sis sorts 20 bags included ontario brnn in bulk 1050 to 1750 shorts in bulk 19 beans quota tions aro nominal at s2in cars on t provisions gjvy can- adia short cut pork teg ht short cut a 34 compouud refined mi site oje purcanaaan lord xlo finest lard 12 to 12- 12 to 13ie baconi cd liogs 7 pmaf to tnouai t ti4-t- the medium and 2nd tho fjifinol device is recognized as an cltectivo preventive against rats reaching vessel or wharf r havo refu the po tho ilcods money was accordingly poured out like water large rewards wero oficred detectives wero dis patched to foliotv up all clues and investigate all rumors and the re sult of it all was that the wanted man was eventually found to be serving although a frehchman in the foreign legion at algiers one of the parisian detectives sent to elect his rearrest however had twentythree and wounded eighteen pearsons weekly hundreds killed battle between russian workmen andtroops a vienna despatch says the ar- boitor zcitung on thursday describes been wellknown to lamonte in days a pitched battle between strikers and gono by and as soon as the crim- troops at rostoflf russia the di- inal caught sight of him he bolted rector of the works recently dcclar- for the desert ho succeeded too in ed that he would drive tho strikers eludiny his pursuers for another back to work with knouts and this thirteen months but the latter wero stirred up tho populationand 30- now on tho r mettle and by dint of j 0 collected for a demonstration enlisting tho good offices of the i cossacks attacked the demonstrat- shcik of wargla their quarry wasj ki and wounding recklessly length captured disguised as peeled to be of the utmost vulue both in respect to their immodiate effect and us precedents in the fu ture of captain henry jackmnn of to ronto and a fresh water crow they could handle tho craft all right in any weather but they had to toko en a salt water navigator to map thorn out a path across tho trackless ocean now the scott act law was not in force on the drummond and en the return trip the navigator rartook too freely of red eye when tho drummond- was oft new- fondlund thnt island of perpetual fogs and menacing icebergs tho other topics touched upon were tho navigator saw sea serpents of weird expedition against the mad mul- wonderful form and hue they lah and the cooperation of italy j climbed in over the bowsprit and therein the acceptance by chile and tatrail and did acrobatic stunts he- argentina of tho british loundary j tween the lower spars and tied award the brussels sugar convenu nous in the topmasts they pur- tion and the alliance between gjoatigued hiih into the cabin nnd down britain and japan which i fcc- j jnto thc hold to prevent himleap- ing into the sea captain jackinan ordered the- crew to place him in irons and secure him below stnrtr- after a t fierce norwester broke captain jnckmari knew about tho lievo will be of advantage to both countries and contribute to tl o maintenance of general peace in the extreme east anglqchjnese treaty thc anglochinese treaty is refer red to as promising to secure not 11 ion of his siipbut insuch only for this country but for the g- ngerous neighborhood a mile or commerce of the world valuable fa- tvo eilhcr meant the ditcr cihties and advantages between safety nnd disaster so the speech closes with a reference t fre kj cr took no to india where the anxiety reqrarding ho squarei tho drijmraond a way boforo thc blast and for a after the first surprise ot the attack tho strikers rallied and attacked tho plague m foodstuffs japan hesponsiblo for in honolulu a sun francisco despatch sajs advices just received from honolulu show that investigation proves that foodstuffs shipped to honolulu from japan and china via san francikco aro responsible for tho cases- of plaaib recently appearing there a number of japancso on nearby plan tations were taken with tho pinguo arid dledjn a hospital in honolulu an- examination of their cjtecuwas mado but no trace of tho germ was discovered until thorough tests had been mado of romo of tho jajanesc food foiind in thu house these to 12 jc ham9 under tlio microscope fcihowoo a 12tp icc dress- uroco oftho plwrne germs and fur- frtsh killed abab- thor oxaininations mado of tho orl- toir s75 pcr 100 lbs eggs jental stufts showed that the dlag- solcotcd i 23 to 25c caikljod stocky was correct it was learned i6itol20ic rtralght roceipts 18j to 19c- no 3 lojc honeybest section- in 10lb tins 0j to 10c in silk 80 poultry turkeys and uuoks 18 to lsjcpor lb young chsen- 0to lie ows8u per i z pancyitownshlps creamery 22 w mifdno creamery 21 je pn- tavlo creamer 20c dairy butter m to 17c for selections ruwnni states markets ticap0ll9 uw- 23- -yi- rfcccbor 73jc may 1 75 to 75lc on uack tfo 1 hard 75jc no 1 ndcuom wjc no 2 norther lawaukco nee 23 wheat easier- no 1 noruiom77 to 77c no 3 northern 75 to 70 jc may 77iciiotj n- 1 sl to 52c ji i birtulo icc 23 flour steady wheat spring spot dull no 1 i hard 81c winter qulot no 2 rod 78lc corn easy no- i yellow 57c mo a corn m to c5c oats stoady no 8 whlto 37c no2 mlx- od 35c barley 47 to 03c ryo no1 in store oojc aakod jhuuth bee 23 wheat cash no 1 haim 74 jc no 1 northern 73c no 2 northorn 71jc ieccm- ter 73ic may 70io oau icc- cmberv31 jc may m st loili pec 23 wheat closed neccmberjpje may 70jc f live stock mauker ti toronto dec 23 at the west ern cattle yard today tho receipts wero 85 carloads of livo stock in cluding 2000 cattle 1070 lambs and aiiccpjl000jhog 50 calves and 30 jnlwicowsj tlia export trade continues unusu- ally dull the embargo is causing a also that the i foodstuffs had boon imported nt san francisco and shipped to honolulu boers to assist gonorals are returning to aid the investigation a isewyork despatch says hon joseph chamberlain is- to havo tho assistance of thu doer generals in his investigation into conditions in south africa this information is contained in a letter written by gen eral louis botha from brussels to tho trustees or tho holland socioty of this city- it isfurther intimated tii at in order to bo of all tho as sistance possiblo to tho visiting statesman in order that ho may seo tho great needs of tho devastated country generals jiotha do wot and polarcy havo postponed thoir contemplated visit to america in order to hasten back to south- af rica they will visit america later feenso holders in perth shiro havo been recommended by tho justices to close thoir premises new years day as a result of subscriptions amounting to 15000 there will be erected nt liverpool a memorial to the kings liverpool kcgiment the glasgow iron works ono of she largest foundry establishment in scotlnnd has announced that tho shops will bo closed down for a timo- queen alexandra will givo a chrlstinns dinner to widows nnd orphnns resident in london of those who fell in the south african war add states tho national neviews story thnt tho german kmpcror during his re cent tour of norway nnd while on board nn american yacht referred disparagingly to tho british king has received an official denial tho subscriptions received or pro mised towards thc oroction of a me morial in exeter cathedral to mr k d blackmore tho author of lorna doono amounted to over 000 tho board of health of passaic new jersey has discovered that diphtheria has been spread in tho public schools by tho pupils placing pencils in their mouths and then other pupils getting tho saino pen cils in another days distribution and wetting tho tips in their mouths also united states hundreds of infected cattlo in tho state of vermont will bo slaughter ed the massachusetts stato tattlo bureau has found a herd in stowo near tho hudson line badly infested with foot and mouth disease two kussian immigrants after mohammedan pilgrim en route for mecca an oven more exciting man hunt athouehnot one of such jong dura tion was that which has just re sulted in jhjhuujhbr patrick ani j kcnldj 5i poradoes whofoi t ppw n rjf with these tho troops cossacks soldiers wore dragged from their horses kicked and atoned and beaten to death reinforcements were the stokers pulled another famine has been averted by plentiful rainfall and whero tho coronation durbar will bo associated with a period of unusual commercial and financialprosperity parliament was prorogued until feb 17th whbre ontario leads we handle smallpox much better than the states a toronto despatch says while ontario has several cases of sinall- pox our health officers havo the sitr- uation welj in hand compared with thousand miles tho gallant littlo lake craft walloped along ahead of the sixtyfoot seas tho groat green bilows mastheads high rose behind her curled nnd broke each ono threatening to poop her and send her down to davy jones but as- cach mountain of green remrttgelf for the frial mow the httie craft dcoply laden as sho was roso to meet the danger wallowed an in stant in tho broken crest of the monster and then pitched on ahead as she felt tho full force of the gale as sho raised out of tho trough of atdefmnco the unitoje j vc inspectors fifty constabfos and six teen black trackers reinforced and aided from timo to time by a small army of volunteer helpers the pur suit cost tho queensland govern ment over 10000 a week or about 125000 in nil the brothers began by murdering a chinese teamster and looting his waggons there went in search for them a subinspector of the mounted polce named doyle a mr dalkb manager of tho carnarvon cattlo sta tion in the mitchcl district of quecnstown and a black tracker they came across one of the desper adoes by a fire but while they wero binding him tho other suddenly opon- cd firo from an ambush tho black tracker thereupon ran away and since then neither mr dclke nor in spector doylo have been seen of hu man eyas aided however by native guides who were able to decipher tho story from tho signs on tho oorth as plainly as though they had been witnesses of tho affair tho dreadful tragedy that ensued was afterwards made plain tho two mnn hunters wore riddled with bullets nnd their bodies wore then dragged by tho brothers kcniff to n big rock having a hollow de pression in tho summit and there burnt to oshos when tho fire had died out tho inurdcrors collected to gether certain calcined bones teoth nnd buttons and packed thorn in tho suddlcbngs of tho unfortunate inspectors horse with a viewto removing them eventually to somo totter hidingplace ihe horse how- oer bolted carrying with it its dreadful burden und it was this which led to tho brothers undoing tho whole colony was up in arms at tho unexampled atrocity and al though being well mounted jtho murdororfr escaped capturcmn sovoral both from the barricades und house tops tho troops mado six attack on the barricades but wero repulsed in 4ach casc in thc ranks of the strikers wero 2000 women who fought ferociously many of tlieso proletarian amazons fell victims of tho possacks lances tho next day an overwhelming army barred the way to tho place appointed by tho wtrikcrs for a meeting the demonstrations how ever would not be thus set aside nnd thousands of them swam across tho don and a meeting was hold on thc other side during which czar nicholas was burned in effigy tho casualties tho paper says amounted j to 300 killed and more than 1000 injured neighboring states 7 a ils j t michjknlhas thodiscriso rt i cjptcrs oho two within a weolhavo hecii imported to ontario frcfta detroit beinff rescued from freezing in tho occasions thoy wero at last run tercets of lloston blew out tho gas down ono of the brothers was 1n a room provided by their bonofnc- wounded nnd taken prisoner nnd tors aud werefdund dcadwcdncs- thentho other nftor somo parloy- day buliding cars for eailways getting beady spring immigration a montreal despatch says iloth tho canadian pacific and grand tmhk nro preparing for tho expect ed unprecedented influx of immigra tion in tho spring tho former com pany- has discontinued building freight cars nt tho ilocheloga shops nnd is now entirely engaged on pas senger coaches thirty firstclass cars six sleofters and two parlor cars aro now under construction while at the grand trunk shops thoy are working 6n ten firstclass cars and havo just completed an order for ton secondclass tho grand trunk is also busy on freight cars tho american secretary of agricul ture has sent instructions to dr salmon of tho bureau of animal in dustry who is personally suporin- lendinfy tho work of fighting tho foot and mouth dlsenso epidemic in now england to destroy all animals in fected e ii power of mississippi has sold nine claims in thu dewey group of gold mines in hodman hay al- aslta togolhor with sixty stamp mills equipped with watorpower and olectricity nnd seven miles of railroad for 27noo to an eng lish company known ns tho alaskan itodmnn liny company of ui mr george chairman ii iluson mp is furious snowstorms continue to sweep tho newfoundland coast insurrection has broken out in the southwcit portion of chi li china ing gave himself up tho notorious james lynchohaun who escapod ij- tho other day from maryborough convict prison has record of which even an australian bushranger might bo proud kivo years ago when arrested for arson and attempted murder he while be ing removed on a sldo car from doog ort to castlebar stunned one of his escort with a blow on tho head from hfs manacled hands and took to tho woods he remained nt largo for six months diring which timo a forco of 250 police were continually beating the country for him when at last rocapturott ho exclaimed i shall givo you tho slip yet and he has kept his woiid tho exploits of soar and king again who last year ocaped from uorstal convict prison will doubtless ho fresh in tho minds of most read ers of this article hundreds of polico wero on their track within a want western lands now ontario syiidicato after prairio forms a toronto despatch says judge tjtt of chicago was in tho city re cently in furtherance of his colossal immigration scheme for settling ten ant farmers from iho states on now ontario lands while hero judgo utt called upon j c itartney manitoba immigration agent aud in formed that official that his syndi cate wero in receipt of so many ap plications from american tenant farmers for canadian western prairie lands that it would bo neces sary for them to enter into nego tiations with tho manitoba and do minion governments similar to those pending with tho ontario gov ernment in order to socuro land in tho prairio province nnd tho terri tories on which to locate settlers under tho same conditions ns aro proposed in tho new ontario scheme our trade in the yukon kcport shows we aro ousting united states goods an ottawa despatch says tho de partment of trade and commcrco has published tho text of tho report of mr geo anderson of toronto on trado conditions in tho yukon extracts from tho report havo al ready appeared in tho press but with tho complete text now avall- ablo those intercstod in canndas eldorado will get from it a better conception of tho truo condition of affairs tho most striking feature of the report is tho statistical information which shows that in a largo measure canadian goods have ousted the am erican product for tho yoar end ing juno 30th tho valuo of cana dian produce carried over tho whlto pass hallway was 83109187 as compared wlui 1102301 worth of american produce tho report is replete with information respecting tho commodities of life wages con dition of labor mining prospects for tho country etc a sevencent stamp now being supplied by the post- office department an ottawa despatch says tho postoffico department announces that it is now in a position to sup ply a sovoncent postage stamp to accounting potoffices throughout canada this stamp which is of a yollow color wili bo especially con venient for postage and registration fee on single rate letters while it may also bo used for other postage purposes to tho extent of its face valuo nonaccounting offices can obtain their supply through tho city post- offices ten days annual drill now militia act expected to con tain provision an ottawa despatch says it- is probable that the period of the an nualdrill of the canadian militia will bo flxotl at ten days and that legislation to this eltect will bo in troduced in connection with the new militia act it is likely however that thc government will fix tho dat and conditions of annual drill to suit tho various military dis tricts old mills in alaska i- discovery that wheat was grown 100 years ago a tacomn wash despatch says that wheat wns grown in alaska by tho russians a century ago is prov- on by the discovery of two old flour mills built by tho subjects of tho czar ono of these has been dis covered on wood island in south eastern alaska and tho other in tho interior the former mill has just been investigated by r b taylor of tho smithxnlanintitution t f what tiiby said isaacson and moses wero rival clothiers who kept shops situated in tho samo street nnd opposite ono an other it wus their frequent prac tice to stand nt their shop doors and solicit tho custom of passersby and occasionally irritate each other iy very personal remarks one morning moses shouted to isaacson go in you grade booby and tako that ugly faco wld you i j you might as woll stick a donkoy at tho door isaacson replied i did dat ono day last week mr moses but do pcopfos passing by only smiled and sold to it good- day mr moses goodday i i see you haf removed from d odcr ldr jester city sca from newfoundlands icy ij atmosphere to the balmy airs of tho withint n auntropics tliuc flfico old north- wester carried tho lnko ontario boat the drummond was off flori da when thoy were able to put about again it was a tedious journey up tho coast again but tho drummond finally made it safely and returned to her own hunting ground on lake ontario the drumniondstrip was not a record one by any means that is in point of speed sho took al most half a year for tho round trip the gulnnre a littlo foreandoft schooner commanded by captain maw of toronto mado two trips from montreal to england and re turn during the time tho jossio drummond was making her single voyagoycapt frank jackmnn a brother of captain henry jackman of tho drummond cjsomado a trip across hho ocean jj f- wnlch uttrctod much attention captain frank j ackmans voyage wpsf rdintorontb to natal in tho sea guijip smallest j sailing vessel that over mado the yoyagoffbm canada to south africa tho son gull was built in oakvillo in 1867 by tho simpsons who built tho oriolo and other well known vessols the sea gull was a brlgantino of only 400 tons burden a brlgnntlne it- may be cxplainod for tho benefit of tho uninitiated is a craft rigged with squnro sails upon tho foremost and a foro and aft sail on tho main mast tho jcsslo drummond which on her ocean voyogo was a barken- tine carried squaro sails upon her foremost and foreandaft sails upon her main nnd mirzen masts thc sea gull spent two or three years trading upon laco ontario and then departed for katal south africa with a wonderful assortment of mcrclinntllfi in her hold tho sea gull mndo tho voyago in safety nothing romnrkablo happening upon tho trip though tho journey reveal ed tho fact that the sea gull was j p a littlo topliiavy iii rig for oca work v- so at tho natal- por sticks wero shortened uy tiffy when sho returned to tolsi yoar aflcrsho was aisubjectof much curiosity as sho lay- attho foot of ycngo street and was visited t by thousands of- citizens both broth- ers were presented wlthgold watches by tho citizens of torotto as tokens of appreciation of thclfachiovemcnts on tho briny ocean i r thcsca gull atcr a career as a sailing vesfo wns sold to oswego whero alio was transformed into a bargo after- doing duty on this lako for somo years sho was sent to tho upper lakes whero sho ended her career in a blazo ot fire at knst tawas on lnko michigan l vrm 1 j i wo reono madam i aint had anything to oat for twentyfour hours nnd mrs goodlinrt poor follow i theres an old coat of my huvbnnds liarrfing on thaft lino over there nnd you vi it pardon me madam i know my whiskers nro getting long but do i really look like goat