t t ip vol xv no 33 stouffvillet ontario thursday october 16 1902 whole number 759 ilfye hbunee- 35 18 is 10 10 8 5 15 rcbusu i eerv thusraav iiveniiig ftammoth buu k uuiiflvle tekms cat year t paid in adranoo 00 ii moati if paid in iuc- go tarea months if paid lfi advance 25 geo jrsar it not paid in anoe 125 mo papor will be dism lined until all arrearage are paid except at ike option of the publisher advertising kates spaee 1 year 12 year 14 year one column 60 uall column 35 quarter column 18 tlgblb column 12 trauticut advertisements legal municipal ac sf cents per line let inter lion and 4 cents per line each 4ubsenuunt insertion hrolesslonnl cards one inch and jnder 5 per year 3 for 0 mouths deluding copy of paper transient advertisements must bo i jut lu not later than thursday at s v clock notice of change of stund- nfc advertisement must be given not aler than mouday at 10 oclock unci opy must be lu not later than 0 a ii on tuesday adis of farms for sale one inch ml uuder 1 month 1 each subsepu- tul month 75 cents advs of strar animals 1 tor 3 in- mrllons advertisements without specific ilreetions will be inserted every issue mill forbidden and charged accordi ngly job department we have also a ftrtrcolass jobbing fcpurtment in connclion and are irepured to do busing- in that line t prices that canjut be beatsu j terms cash wm malloy b a church union jj0iis33 sjiia399 xjkgaij km hcculiough llb jbat riter souotlor igto old standard bank iouod floor west of pobtofflca 5 iuuffviile f- ont motiev to lioan qll fitcli pb ll b barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer c office daleys block stoutfvillo lennox lennox a button barristers solicitors conveyancers c souville office spollorda block i uroru office ovor ontario bank marliham office opposite franklin hous t herbert lennox john p lennox f lome button as previously announced a confer ence of thoso interested lnulho organ izntlcn of tho churcbl union soci ety of canada wop held in melville church almlra on- monday after- noou last and notwithstanding tho very unfavorable weather there was a fair attendance thero wero present drs milllgan- mclaren and cleaver of toronto itevs amos pldgeon brown jouncan wilton willmott and washington and tiuito t numboli off members of tb- diffoitnt local churches interest ed tho meeting was opeueuy with sing ing tho reading otportion chapter 12 or tho first eplstlo of paul- tu tho corinthians and prayon by rove brown and washington- tho minutes of wio former cunfer- rnce were readandion motion adopt ed v it wnw then resolved thnt the act ton or tho constitutioncommittee in changing the dato oftlils conference beyond tho data autihorlzex b4 sus tained mr a d bruce was called upon to report the work donoby tho consti tution commit too and rcadtthec draft constitution which on motion was considered seriatim after considerable careful consider ation tbo report adoptelwitha a tow minor amcidricnty jbrucej saoitt crivol th it those on theroll of june lusu u members of tho central society carried i thero vns then appoln ted a nom- nutu g committee for of f iccrst of the society consisting of revs willmott janl wiuson nntfi messrs d stouffer and w sct t theytcportcdaa ofri- con- hon prestaenrs revs g m brown c duff andt w amos iros- jdcnc -a- d brace i vicepresidents h- p crosby jand mh tllrit secy v malloy treas a low executive cconmittoej stouffpr wcott o jrobneon markham t h speight g robinson altouaaudms3l ben- tley stoulfvlllo 2 owing to tho timo iiccecoarlly ta ken in discussing jthoxjoustitulion it was found that thero waginc tlnielfor lengthy addresses so that rev dr fall bbfibs- mm m mil 2zzilbm ijitilhjcali m smith l a s dds touflville ont member ud graduate of royal college a dental surgeooi honor graduate toronto uulvcraitj graduate ot haskell postgrad at4 chicago college will visit claremont 1 ami 3rd tuesday ot each month office hours 9 to 13 1 to 5 office orer potbrd it coa store arl s barker lds dds stouffvllie ont o the leading tailor chose to defer hist address till some fu turc occasion and wo feel iuro that when that timer arrive the doctor will iuve us a goodtrcat oolheibub jcct of church unloni i i kov dr cloaver of sherbourno st metodist church toronto was then called upon andi spobcj onthe need of union iio referred to 4ho waste of men and money lrn thelsparselyiset- tled and vast arcasjof four canadian xortwest north- ot calgary in al- jborta fifty hew appointments were prganiied within tlietpast tworjears touth of reginalfivoneselfsustalu ing circuits wore established durlug tho sumo peiiod ho considcredunlon of churches desirable in- such locali ties at least in their church volity there la now comparatively little dif ference between presbyterians and 3jetj4iodisis tho itinerant system is craduall3 widening and in the united states calls to presbyterian minis ters bavo to be repeated yearly otnd practically methodist and presbyte rian ministers preach the snniadoc trlncs in conclusion hcv saldv that when tho question orour relationship to god was settled there would benio difficulty in settliug illj other ipies tions j rev dr mclaren saidthaujietwas lad to bo iircsentand see thespirit j manifested he endorsed what dr cleaver nad said in jrcferonca to ahe vork in the northwest the fact that committoos of presbyterians and meriodists have been appointed to yjonsult on tho bestj mcthoda o coop eration in the mission field is the lest illustration of wir tendencj in thk d rcucion of union there has been laudi wusto of men and moneyr and fcfmo unchristian rivalry in contrast ho instanced thej jpower of unity in the cuso of uie churclk ot rome he jpvored one annual conference to be bed in some large central place rev mr bnciwrt of scarboro did nut think that the difficulties were stgreat as werantioipate notina iicctrinui way adheronco ux tradi tionu may probably be the greatest uitimlty to bet encountered v president bruce- then spoke of the grand opportunity for work whbh this soo offered tho organization of tho society had already madcadh llhot imikosoion on tlio people otcan- ada hjo sioko ocrtha def injjder action itiakcn by tic generel conference of tho methodist church recently in wjijbii thdyroforred to this society with distinct approval as- being form cd along right linosii thtt aijm is di- jinct coiporatoi union but wd must toot expect a walkover there arc dif fibultlo 1 in ttio ivay and wo must bo preparea for disappoihtmenbslbut he tclt sure tho society would bflpro- ductlvo of good results tho following resolution was uo jmously agreed to f whereas tho general conference of the methodist cliurchtin sept il7th 1j02 did passa resolution describ log tho churchunion movomenbthiat has been lnauguratcdaud 1 repre sented by this soolctyv and commend ins it totho prayerful intorcst and wuatliy of thpmothodist ohurch and whereas tha friendly interest nnd cooperation off uiol different do nuinlnattons in wlicl thl4 socletyjls csntolally interested would strengui- en tho society and tho cause that it represents i rrhorofpro be it resolved that wo do coll tho attention of thot prcsby- fory of toronto and ef thd congro igatlonal association of toronto to i this society and furthor that tho ih tifore- mentioned presbytery andoon- igregattonaf association be andjare hereby requested ta make inquiries concerning this society its object and fmethod of working and that in tho event of thor society mooting with tho approval of thd aforementioned presbytery and congregational asso piation that they bef farthef respect fully requested tp take such action in tho matter fas shall unost reffectu- v secure to ilhls society the frl- ecdly interest and cooperation of their respective churches through out canada and that tho secretary of this sooifitjt bei andi is hereby in- t to communicaui mvithj tho cerk of the tresbyter of toronto and with the secretary of the con gregational association of itoronto sending them ooiries or this resolui- tlon also oaploa iot our constitution and of ttj rosolutlonlpf juua sndicon utilutlng this society l at tlio conclusion of tho confer ence an excellent lunch wasl served by the ladies of tho mevlvlilo xongre gatuoth i thoro lrflj a keen interest maui- festod in the troceedlnga by 11 pre sent and now that thd society is is organized steady andunlted work la what is required tq bring about tho desired result besides every fcuembor of the soclqtyt will- betplritu nll strengbiened in proportion to thej olfort exerted hi furthering ltsi ob- fati i j grenebal isheavs ulasuow surprlio party and presentation on friday evening oct lotli thu uel- yhbord of jamesjklowait of glasgow went in a crowd to mr- mowats bouse and took possession fori tho ev4ning tables wero spreact and loaded with dclcious viands from num erous well filled baskets afterf supper all joined in games audi plays until mulnight when tho company were called to order andmr jobni scott who was appointed chairman read the following address- to mr and mrsf monvat wo our nelghborst audi friends of th jj community do ussomblct hero tonight to show our respect to you who have boon oar fortho past tec yearand to assure your tof tho high est em in whichf you oro nold in tliujcoimuunltyi fort being so honorable and obliging to usiasapost master jid grooor and wet assuro you wo bavo indeetkapprectkttediyour services and friendship and feel sorry to part with you but wishing you ovoiy succtes and happiness in your now homo we therefore desire tu givu you as a token pf offcotionjthts chair and duahes trustlnpxyouunay ivo long loenjoy uiemi i signed on bujhair of tho glasfiow ladles and gontlomen r and mra mowat briefly ana feelingly expressed their thanksj and deep souse oc the kindness of their many fnonds games and various amusomcnth were kopt up until i uxho smallhours all left for homo with best wishes for their host and hostess fthoro are ln paris 1311 factories it takes uio constant labor ot 00 000 people to make nmtoha ior the woild spain has increased bjt only three million inhabitants lor tho lost 45 yax the armies and navies of kurope absorb twelve days earnings yearly of thoentire world v tho totaf amounhlnveetedl in rail way and canals fiikjthe- dominion of canada is 1100000000 sinso 1899 the- groa miidj damr at assouan has given steady employ ment co from 1900 to 20000 italian und kgyptian laborers horso are of ton seriously poisoned and sometimes killed b eating hay containing fobtail kxperlmontsmado at the vermont experiment otation nave deuxinstratodt hlatovbeafapt dont forget to procure your tiek- pts oarly fort tho highclass concert ib mammoth hall nov 6th plan of hall and programs at monkhbusivs tailor shop mammoth blocko thero is nothingin thouroduotion of ciudo potroleumf which explains the advance of about per cent in tho price of refined oil made bjr thestan- oard oil company the natural ex planation oi the advance lsthat the increased use of oil htoves om ac count of tho blgl prlce of afford eu on excuse for twisting i a little more money out t thetpublio-thebi- ciuent worthy of especial note be cause it shows aua timet when thero is much tnlkofattacking he trusts tihroubh tariff rovlsion what a trust can do which lsnptcororetauy tho tariff atr allclefveland leader pleaiim cure for- weak lungs tho best remedy for sore weak lungs is th4 sootllngj vapor of cat arrhozone wihish traverses every air cell andpassago rthe brcathbigor- gaos ii jreats rexnoto parts tuaiv cough mixturc and sprays cant op proaph and kills thousands of germs at ovory breath catatjfaozoniadrvea away pain congestion and inflamma jtkon it makes breathing easy and tegular and exerts a jnarveiou in fluence on coughs colds sorq throat btnphitis catarrh deafness and lung trouble catarrhozone cures at onco is delightful to inhale and sim ple to uso pried s100 small sizo 25c bold ot tho old eeliablo drug store a big five dayshalcl at mammotu torce read ads leas meal iq eaten 1 italy per head of the population thas ii any other european country for sale about 10 acres pf stand ing and down timber beech maple elm basswood and cedar- applji to r b hastings rear oflot3 ofjnie svhrtiatharch k fob sale a3855 marlin rule oetugon barret asluch ingpodcoudl tion complete sot of tools prlco 10 apply to fi je phoenix at the foun dry stouffvllie ftho funeral of the latejanot ann dock wifu of mr h b keesor mana ger of the standard mutual firo iln- suianco co took place om- monday oct tith from her ate residence in markham village to locust hill cem etery a largo ooncoursoatteudod the scrvces at tho boiuse the casket was literally ontombed ln tbamostl beauti ful fiqwors nicely arranged in jtarps wreaths crosses pillows otc bear- mg pards front v offjclals of tho meuiodist ohurch fron thq family trom tho husband fron dr fierhou ler and family and qthora vthq ipall- bearers were t h spelghlu geo mor gon h wrbjhtj a wjdeman fj k keosor ana ab lteesor thetmournera weio mr h b beesocr thjedeceasodfs pwdhor walter mpaclcxc sbilung a iorster and probably two hundred desceindants of the beesar family who attended tho obsequies at the ceirelery the be v chas smi th off ic iated mrs beesor has been an invalid for many years and thoi kindl and lov ing care of a dented husband and family consisting of gertrudoethel nora and kathloen greatly prolong edlbor life and comforted jior in her dymsitioutb -k- defective glasses glasses exactly right two years ago may be far from right today the eyes change we will examine your eyes free and will only recommend a change if absolutely beneficial marlgetdhigstot g cojiard scientific optician and drugu stouffvllie if now your opportunity to get j our clothes fubthek development iagaba falls power q00w00d i the sovereign bank of canada jradoate of boyal college of dental ire ions honor graduate of lnlver- ly of toronto tlours 0 to 12 am 22 to 6 p m office in gbubirfs block next ook east ot tbi3une office appointments maybe made for oo- nluc mahkuam eiery monday and toe day office orer m whites store duaneels barbb seof and- cigar store ho only nptodato and antiseptic barbori shop in town a popular price vienta hair cnttlnr 15c rblmirena hair catting loo bivlnri loo j w shankel prop p 0flrauciam lauoy mtab m4 kei a mum jjoar aw par authorized capital subscribed cajvital 3000000 itooooo head office toronto board of directors ii s holt prciident montreal randoliu macnomln toronto vi p jamks oakmtubbs montreal v10 l rc8aon a a auan toronto ancn caxrnpi1 u p toronto junction hon pcter mclaren perth johv puosley roronto hom d mcmities alexandria ont henry r wilson now york d m stewart manager stvikgs bink department interest 1ll0we0 on deposits i travellers letters of creoit avail able in all parts of the wgrld general banking business the stouffville branch iv jt stark manager on main st in premises lonsulj occupied by stark barnes i tbureday aftornoon of thlswcck a tiaotball match will bd playodr here between balsam and goodwood teams cor tbo championship otho county ftbuv woll bo ltbofmosv importonb fcame of tbe season anda ibieiprawd ia expected to witness the game- mr win bakor our popular- barbor was walking around ome for a fcw jdnyu lat week bavins run a fork tmo into hlsi lee whllo hclplne toun load a load of hay for a nolghbor vioitor oltrwcll has flaflt town to tako a pontwnratf thef atatlonsn can nneeoa mr wliittlotoniboi had bad luck witb huf corn cutter this season bav ins broken it tbroo times mr art lashorisworkln west jot torpnto for n eliort time mr hainoo sr fell off a stcplad dor while picking apploa in thtf or- ohard last week and reinalnedk uncou- uolous for aboutitwo hours mr it jarvl and wlfo arc at pro sont residing witb his paronts hero previous to taking or farm lnutbtevo jmjty mr and miss robinson havo return ed often a arockif vlsilj out omowni to mr nnd mrs r portoron sun day oct 6th a son- crosby soils undorwoar tho cheap- pet nnd hasj a big vamtityi to pick fkom corns botween tho toes or the soles of the feet can curoi byva ftss applications of potnnmn corn extrao jior whloh has boon successfully used for 80 years putnams la sure- safe and painless and rauohl bottor than i substitute sold at tho old rollablo proij store stouff iluo r i majikham fair tho markham sun or oeit- 101m bos tbafollowlnglre- spectlns uio fair illpstairs tho ladies paparttmoat was welt repro pented nnd some splendid work with tbo needle was shown onoof the chief attractions however on this moor was mr wro flemings misplay of dominion organs and pianos thost injitruniontii enjoy a- splendid reputa tion and whon mr flomlngi gotef what ho ixjeltlveiy knows to bong -oodvmr- tjolo he lotnly puts ufo jito- it this company won tho gold medal for their pianos abtho wprldsfair in laua it id noodleas to say after seeing these instruments cliat tbey aro supciior and attractive anqthor attraction was tbo new nllllanih sowing machine which was operated before thcioyetof tho crowd to entire satisfaction november deunejatokctho do linoator for ovejrabor lrronovfefuio most colablo issued o tha year and presents an inviting display of fash ions literary features and domcstla matter with tha paper oaf dante ono ot the bost in tho wholo oollccttonv the storlos of authors loves end in sorlnl form inf jthyro varrlpk mrs barrs novel tho action becomes rap- id and dramatic andf tho readers fn- torest is kept auhlgti pitch tbo char bctor development of tho chief per- isonagos is wonderfully fine thero js an admirably told story byl josophlno dodge daskam entitled tho court log of lady jano another collection of histork and othon pitchers will do flgbt ohma lovers and those who havo followed infthot preceding issues tho trials and thq tribulations of jill in tho building off hor artlatlo bouse will bo further attracted by her bright account of how tho plumbing won done j parmlypareti uio woll- known playor baa furnished fof tho athlotj scries an artlolo on tennis for women which la oner of- the best pub lished cm this eubjept for- thwl child nen the pastlmcr arc usually onter- talnmg and in addition tofa natural history ukoloh there u a delicious nonsense story by carolyn wolls 1l justrated by strolbnmnn the vnrlo oaa departmonts fanoy-wdrkhbno- kocpng tto arcup to thqlrj ceual high irtnadaxil 1 i with the approachlngj cpmplotion of tbo second powori bousa of the nia gara falls pawerj company and the oonstruclio- of another greatpower plant on tha canadian eile of tho riv er ttho development pfithe energy vjf che falls is proceeding at sometblbg liko the rate which waq predicted many years ago ntj th timo of the inauguration ot tbo fusti niagara fall plant toel ojot station tr tha niagara foils company oontalns ten p000 bioxso powoiv turbinesi gilving an aggregate of g000q horso power j tho output capacity ot tho second station will bo 55000 horsetjiowor thw will bo developed byj eleven tur bines operating eleven generatiorb eaohmnt as in lie old jhouso ipemg of 5000 borscl power tho new wheel pit is 178 1a teet jeep 18 12 fecit wideband 4641 feet long lit le excava ted oat oftbe solirook and discharges into the great tunnel which was driven to serve bsatall race for the first power bouse the total length of the dow power hom s 560 feet and its width isoto loot at lbs complotian thq plant of the niagara fall power company will so the largest inroxlstenbe having a total of 105000 horse- power which si more than is actually developed by any ot itao groat pworhouiaj itnncw york although some of the latter whon completed will tpxceetttblsi fig ure tho canadian niagara falls power company has commoncedr worlrfondts now plant wihloh will bo locatod1n tho vlotoila park about 1500 feet above the horseshoe fallsits jgener al features will bo sbnllartoi thosepif tbo amoiloan plant its discharge tunnel opening through -tbo- cliff at tho foot of the horseshoe falls the power wllf be transmitted tof toronto pad otbor canadian bitles that are within economic range and to facto- rlcsrlcs located on the canadian nbore in ylowoftho large ultimate output of tbo plant and to sccurd economy of space and redaction in cost of development per uuroci power it was decided to use units of the groat capacity of 10000 horse pver each the frequency will be 26oycles and the generators will bo woundi for 12000 volt ttaoophaso currontiln addition to thd uoonomy of npaco thero will be otbor advantages in thu uso of such large units such asjwm- pllclty of operation owing to the re duction m tho number of units and tho reduction in tho cost of mafntent anco for tbo presontj throe genera tors havo been ordered of thecaenor- al electric companyr thetwolghtt ot tho revolving portion ot thoraachlno la 141000 pounds tho generation of electric power from waterfalls is sore to rovolu monica tbo monufaotur ing industries and mlnlngf the world ovor and north amoricy has already a long lead la thj lino of advance b i t z- fl t as i have just received my fill um in stripes and plaidspatterm that will please all c7ptodate furnishinffs kept in all branches j cbuiidy the fasiiioialilp tailor jpreel block lookout for cold frosty weather la the warm weather is nearly over people will be looking for kvarm boot and th right plactf to bay them is ab a lehman wo have suohi that wlimnwp o oold in felts rubbebs and socks moccasirfslulshoe packs and thonwskfte boots grease td wp the wotoat tlis oen of j pollnb alwaysriiv boots madarto onhr old repair ing a speolalty j5 ireiman the peoples shoe store south side in street srdorfviile n e- smith licensed aoctionekk for th countu ot tork and ontario all sales ffr stook aix nttond- ed to oa shortest notice and rea sonable uortgasa and ballia sales elmlm ta brtld atoeftrwa oat cder mill the bnoerstgnod will make eider at tho sl formerly owned by mrj j ihelwr a the ooraer- of the stifoo lot ft wauohnrah ru sow uu 18th kan pest uu i wwob colljtrbi