j a be notes and comments the czar of russia lias been visit ing the president of tho french re public in the most friendly and in timate way en route he has bwn entertained by tho emperor of ger many on board his royal yacht when one thinks of tho career of napoleon bonaparte in such a con nection or even looks back only to the crimean war such an alliance as now exists between franco and russia with the apparently hearty sanction of all tho continental pow- ers and not a word of protest from great britain oeoms amazing and he is tempted to ask what it means id is not becauso franco is weak for she was never more prosierous better prepared to defend her coun try against invasion or to take the initiative in war if occasion de manded it is not because russia has no choice for an ally it is true that germany is bound to prevent austria from russian aggression and that austria is always fearing this but germany is the natural nnd ancient ally of the czar and it would not be difficult for them to como totcrms of alliance nor is it beyond belief that russia should be allied to england there are ties of consanguinity between the royal houses of tho two nations and if russia wishes to borrow vast sums of money on good security no na tion has more money to lend at high rates of interest on good sccuritv than great britain why then leaving sentiment wholly out of the question is the emperor of russia seeking by the most posi tive and personal of all methods to strengthen the tics which bind france to russia those who cave the czar credit for sincerity when he made the declaration and gave the invitation winch resulted in the establishment of tho court of arbi tration at the hague believed that he desired the peace of europe and that he was willing to enter into any feasible agreement by which that desiro could be realized per haps some went further and gave him credit for desiring universal peace that in the condition of mankind at the time and hardly less now was utopian but the peace of europe is practicable and it is likely to bo preserved by no thing so mash as by a well cement ed alliance between the most con servative and absolute monarch ir the world and a brave and bril liant but volntilc republic an alliance between russia and france is almost a guarantee of peace in europe while it cxistfl frenchcanadian cattle since tho entry of tho frenchcan adian cattle in the dairy tests at tho panamerican exposition at buffalo we have had many inquiries about them from parties who did not know that there was such a breed or tvat there was a registry of them in fact most of them thought that canada had what might be called a native breed like socalled natives of tho united stales made up by crossing tho progeny of early importations until it would bo diffi cult to toll what blood predomin ates fortunately wo are in receipt of a pamphlet sent out by dr j a couture dvs of quebec secre tary of tho french- canadian cattle breeders association in which ho gives tho history of tho breed and the claims made for it perhaps a little enthusiastically as comes na tural to one especially interested in one breed but as tho advocates of other creeds have had ample space to tell their merits we can afford to let him praise these favorites of lower canada- he says the french settlers who first came to canada were natives of brittany and normany france the first cattle in quebec in 1g20 or thereabouts were brought no doubb from these two districts no importations of other breeds worth mentioning arc reported in the history of the pro vince until about 1300 or a little before between 1776 and 1850 a few herds of english cattle mostly ayrshires and shorthorns were bought up by- wealthy englishmen residing near montreal and quebec where they are still to be found they found but little favor with the french habitants in the poorer region and in the remote parts along the laurcntidcs and the lower part of the st lawrence both north and south as they were loth to cross their hardy little cows with tho larger breeds fearing with good rea son that they could not feed suffi ciently to keep the larger animals alive ho say nothing of profit dur ing the seven months of winter thus they have been kept nearly dis tinct for over 250 years and inbreed ing has been resorted to to fix in a sure manner the characteristics of tho breed thus they have much of the appearance of the brittany cat tle of today it may be noted here that the frenchcanadian the jersoy guern sey kerry and brittany is usually allowed to bo ozodoof tooth powder 25 good for bad teeth not bad for good teeth bozodont iiooid 35c laro llqutdund powsor75c at all stores or by mall sample of tho liquid for the postage 3c hall ruckel montreal est 640 per cent and a herd of these cows in fortlandvillc ny of which four gavo respectively t 6 80 82 and 82 per cent butter fat this herd took three medals and 325 in pifzes at tho atlanta ex position vs the registry was begun in 1886 and as they could not go back to tho old country for a pedigree the rules for admission required pure bred stockgetters hedgehogs for binnee a bahway navvy made a nice sum out of them how the biggest blacking busi ness in the world origin ated there was onco a certain poor ob- germany will seok no war with france while kussiti is her ready ally neither austria nor italy can go to war alone and their interests bind them to peace great britain however much she may dislike the march of russia over northern asia has too much on hand to enter into any conflict with tho russian bear in manchuria especially if such a step would bring tho eagles of franco into a threatening attitude as to turkey she can be kept quiet whenever the nations ngrce that she must be quiet the turk docs not count now any more than greece or spun there are those who would perhaps agree to this view becauso they would say that russia needs peace that she has been exhausting herself too much of late in siberia and the far east such thinkers can hardly be acquainted with tho vast resources of the russian empire nor its elasticity and recuperative pow er tlicy have forgotten now she recovered from tho napoleonic and thccrimcan war and became richer and more prosperous than before jvc prefer to believe that the dream of the young emperor in merging into the practical plan of u farsee ing and benevolent statesman that he lclioves that peace in europe will forward every thing that is good and just and noble and that if franco and russia arc united in this plan tho dream will become a reality for years at least perhaps for a genera tion and longer the oldest stock surprising proposal daddy i met such a lovely little boy nt the party last night will you buy him for mo huv hiinl why how the what the y why havent i heard you say over and over niin that you bought charlottes husband for her the different breeds being modified by climate care and perhaps in dividual characteristics of animal bred from until they vary from the five hundred pound kerry to the guernsey almost as large as the shorthorn the three qualities claimed for the frenchcanadian arc hardiness fru gality and richness of milk as in the early days of the colonics cattle had but little shelter they became inured to the cold climato and the native bred stock has become adapt ed to it they arc greedy feeders accepting the poorest of food even living on poor straw but they can enjoy better food and give a profit in return as they are small the cows averaging about seven hundred pounds each they do not require largo amounts of food in form they are something liko the jersey but in color most frequently a solid black or black with brown stripe on tho back and around tho muzzle or brown with black points brown brindlcor even yellowish the bulls must bo black with or without the yellow stripe as the desire is to get uniformly block color as quickly possible they are very good tempered and while not giving as much milk in a day as n ilolstcin or ayrshire they give a good amount daily from calf to calf often exceed ing heavier milkers in the yearly product for such small cows they have largo udders and teats well apart he gives a few instances of their yields a farmer at st dents que who had 2t cows of this breed from may 12 f8u2 to may 12 1893 sold 6319 pounds of milk to the cheese factory for 53110 mado 1610 pounds of butter at home worth s32320 used at homo 9125 gallons of milk at 12 cents a gallon 10950 fattened 3 calves on milk 12 and brought up six others partly on milk worth 18 this was an income of 99380 or 1141 per cow they ato 4480 bundles of hay worth 20380 2240 bundles of straw 0720 4850 pounds of bran 4032 and posture was call ed 5 per head 120 a total ex pense of 49032 or 20 per head and a profit of 2073 head nolo that they had half much straw as hay no ensilage grain but tho bran no oil cake yet gavo a profit better than cost of food what the cow can do under better feed dr couture tells in tho per formance of a cow four years old that calved aug 28 1892 sho was milked to july 15 1893 when duo to calvo again aug 31 in this 318 days she gave 21310 pound- g milk or on avcrngo of 35 pounds a day she weighed about 675 pounds iter daily food being kept in the stable all tho time was ten pounds of hay five pounds of straw twenty pounds of ensilage two pounds of bran and two pounds of cotton seed and meal this cow was bought when two years old for yi5 the average percentage of whole herds by tho llabcock tests is 44 to 5 per cent butter fat sometimes running to 7 or 7j per cent in ex traordinary cases seldom going bo- low 4 per cent though some have gone as low as 3j per cent dr couture give records of sov- crnl herds in which tests of each cow i show lowest 435 per cent and high- sh0cking corn two men should work together and the shocks should bo started on a jack which is made by putting two legs well braced together near one end of a 10foot scantling and having an auger hole near the upper ond for a broom handlo as soon as four armfuls arc set up against tho jack the shock should be loosely tied with a stalk and the jack re moved in commencing each cutter should take two rows and all tho shocks should bo started that the cutters expect to cut during the day so that when they again start tho shock has wilted and cured out all that is possible they should now take only one row each and cut from shock to shock in order to al low it to wilt and cure out after they have cut clear through they should again go back to the be- ginning hairdresser called and possessing good milking quali- j on by an old soldier one day ho tics they are admitted only after a answered his application for relief very strict examination oonse- by giving him a guinea with which qucntly it will not bo sufficient to to help him on his way ovcr- merely show a fine bull to insuro its j whelmed with gratitude tho soldier being registered but the antae- tried to think of a means to repay dents of the animal its origin and this gonerosity i have nothing ex- qualitics must be established 0 thocept this ho said pulling out c satisfaction of the commission crumpled pleco of paper it is 0 receipt for making blacking maybe you might find it useful though it is but a poor return for your grext kindness but that country barber had a shrewd head on his shoulders he turned that receipt to good ac count for that piece of paper was tho recipe for day and martins blacking and that country barber was mr day the founder of tho biggest business of its kind in the world i many years ago a young english man sat on a rock in a lonely cali- fornian spot it was hot weather and ho wore white ducks on his face was a look of anxiety as he puffed away at his pipe for the fact was that that young man was broke and had not a friend to turn to in his need after an hours pondering he rose to go and then suddenly found to his disgust that his white trousers were soiled with stains of dark brown 1 annoyed he examined the rock and cut another row each hj been sitting with tito tho painter took frequent rests and in ono of these intervals jestingly offered twa shullln to anyone who would finish the job tho young artist who really needed the money took the painter at his word he first of all obliterated the others work and then put in a new kilted warrior of his own to everybodys great satisfaction the next day a great patron of tho fine arts happen ed jo rido by and was struck by tho great ability shown in the inn sign he introduced himself to the young artist and the upshot of it all was that tho latter was introduced into tho artistic world from that mo ment he never looked back today he has a great name nnd his repu tation is increasing year by year 4 complimekting the general when general moreau was in eng land ho was once the victim of a rather droll misunderstanding ho was present at a concert whero a piece was sung by the choir with tho refrain tomorrow tomorrow having a very imperfect knowledge of english he fancied it tobe a can tata given in his honor and thought ho distinguished tho words to moreau to moreau each time the refrain was repeated ho rose to his feet and gracefully bowed on all sides to the great as tonishment of the audience who did not know what to make of it f ludella ceylon tea has earned for itself the good reputation it now has and will always sustain p bood qualif y dib if i80g mm 258 40c 508 flm 606 if you want sma tccl rsoitiy wms nwrre ww p wot t the dawson commission co ul wanted parties to bo kmtwno for u at hom worarnuh aro s midline ew work oood par haa koitttr also wtntfd sand tamp fori par ticuare to standard hoao co- toronto one continuing this until the shock row u t t hc tusco n species is completed always having in mind f solkliflcd oii wwch was slowly the perfect curing of the corn exuding through the crevices hc in- tho shocks should not bo violently sp otiier rocks with similar re- compressed as is tho usual practice s tlmt was cnough for him but loosely tied with a cornstalk to managod to cnlist th0 interest of the outside stalks blowing wcauhy man and together they on- k an average shock that weighs carcfuny bought up all the land 300 lbs when cured will weigh 1000 tk uu iita iwm tht prevent down to 1200 lbs when green and smdrme echo intmwiewed him grey county has a word to say regard ing dodds kidney pills thereabouts with the result that s they mado an enormous fortune out is there who would put in a shock of j oil we 1200 lbs of green grass and oxpect j much snmier i point of amount it to cure out perfectly especially if but moro jnt un q7uxmpus of heavily weighted- anyone- knows takinff ute tido whcn tt served was better than to do this so why th m mado b treat a corn shock that way justi 1 rirhwmnt vt vtrvv as sure as a green corn shock is tied i a cumberland navvy up tight without any chance to it happened when tho midland rail- cure out just so sure will a chemi- way company of england were car change take place that unfits it- constructing a branch line between for feed oven if it does not turn cailislo and settle the largo num- blnck or moldy to avoid this che- be of navvies engaged suddenly do mical change in newly cut corn fod- velopcd an inordinate desiro for der green most farmers delay cut- hedgehogs as a dainty uish ob- ting until the leaves on tho stalk serving which one navvy among tho have cured out standing and thereby number with the enterprise of a secure a very poor grade of fodder tierpont morgan hied him to france where hedgehogs were plentiful and being the nature of the pests could bo had for the asking over 30000 of these quaint little animals wore brought over and sold at decent prices the business resulted in a not gain of considerably over five thousand dollars to the cute navvy not a huge fortune but very well william doeg a farmer of havi i occasionally a bit of foresight can bc transformed into a valuable asset john uaburn some years ago acci dentally heard that the railway company would require the silo of a certain shop when they camo to construct a station such an oppor- tho local paper publishes a col- tunity was too good to be missed turn- about his case worst qui bradford friend borrowed some money and promptly took that shop form of rheumatism dodds on a longthy lease tho rent was kidney pills have proven a low and ho made it pay its way blessing to him jllut his main object was ultimate 1 compensation- and sure cnough sundridge ont oct 7 special this como along tho railway com- tho echo of this place has pub- pany wanted his shop they made iishcd a signed statement which can- him nn offer he refused they in- not fall to interest all who under- creased their offer still he refused stand the full meaning of the word finally they managed to obtain his rheumatism from personal experi- consent to clear out for s25000 enco a rcprescrtativc of that paper 1ich ho did promptly pretty well interviewed mr william docg a pleased with the deal over which ho wellknown farmer of strong town- made 21000 a guntaif you want a line 0 a factmltlnv good thftt glto job owr half piynt and roll in otrr home wrlw u tho v e kara co toronto 1s2 victoria atrceti a gent3 wanted fob our new a hooka life of william mckinlo the martyred prudent also oar new jovea- hev family bible albania t our prlcei arc low and our terms extra liberal a free prospectu if you mean builncs or writ for circulars and term william brlfeg mctio- dlst book and publishing house toronto ont wxntedrtkliable men to act as local or travelling agent either oa irhole or part lime liberal terca on samry or commtolrn vrivi expense kuraooi- apply now stone wellington canada greatest nurseries toronto dept a t adds insult to injury lady who has just collided with cyclist get down j ohn quickly and take his name and address im sure he has knocked some paint ofl my new cart england holds the record for the lcngestrailway run without a stop this is paddington to exeter 194 miles france comes next with paris to calais 185 j miles am ericas longest is new york to troy 148 miles at tho bottom of a 100foot well the tcmperatureis g degrees below the surfaxe temperature in april is 65 in july to 70 nt surface and 41 in december to 38 degrees at the surface tho greatest factory for lenses both telescopic nnd photographic is in germany voigtlandcr and sohn have 21c hands engaged in tho work the best ironstone is found in canada- it yields 80 per cent of iron england averages 41 per cent the biggest grant ever mado to a railway company was 34000 squaro miles given by the united states government to iho union pacific railway which was opened in 1809 local traffic averages 21 millions of people monthly to and from paris 28 millions to and from london the steamers on the trnns-atlan- tic lines carry 70000 passengers monthly at an average fnrc of s2g per ns no and tho ship who was cured of rheumatism by dodds kidney pills this spring nnd hc gave out thc following state ment for publication for four years i suffered excru ciating torture during which time i was scarcely an hour it pays to be hold years ago a boat crowded passengers was gliding down with the ohio river aboard were a lot of senators bound fcfr washington a frco from youuiful minister of the methodist sect was aboard too it happened but de- ii spite his disability was keenly alive tlonary for mont hs am jntcnso to ul0 foct tfc t far t much cnrd was tho pain that i could not j playing and whisky drinking wcro down or take rest but had to sit ff ami sc one nig night and day in a chair the pa in jclicd a sermon sternly rebuking would then remove to other parts membora of tic scnat0 for thoir of my body and when in my knws in ul0 ovii p t hut pain the trouble commenced jn my to a blind back whero it often remained sta- disabled nte from walking confining me constantly to my room vi was treated by scvdral doc tors and also tried many medicines without receiving any benefit al most in despair i feared i would novcr again experience tho pleasure of being free from pain early in this spring ray atten tion was called to somo remarkable- cures of rheumatism effected by dodds kidney pills i procured a box and soon found thoy wcro doing mo good so i kept on until now i can say i am a now man entirely frco from pain and havo continued so over since tfclng ablo to attend to my daily duties on tho farm and feci strong and ablo to work i verily bcliovo this great change was effected by dodds ktdnoy pills and i think it my duty to mak this statement public for tho benefit of all afflicted as i was senators wcro astounded nevertheless they admired tho mln istcrs pluck somo of them did moro they exerted their influence with such good will that a little later on tho minister was elected to the post of chaplain of congress tho minister nftcrwnrds became dr milburn and his sermons wero pub lished nnd read tho whole world over scotland has produced moro than its due proportion of progressives from poverty to riches but probably nbnoof greater interest than this trudging through a highland village ono day u poor but gifted young artist came upon a painter busily en gaged in tho decoration of an inn sign at a glance tho young artist could see that tho kilted chieftain which formed the central object of tho picture was being depicted in tho crudest fashion tho day being hot i was cured of terrible lumbago by minakds liniment rev wm brown i was cured of a bad case of earache by minakds liniment mrs s kaulback i was cured of sensitivo lungs by jiinakds liniment mrs s masters i preacher when- youre tempted to drink think of your wifo at home hcnpeck i doand thats what drives me to drink asthma for 8ixteen years a wellknown qrangovijie ont farmer spend hundrod of dollars in search of a cure fci asthma but by persistence and clarkee kelj compound is mowoompietely cured thesi are the fact mr allan faulkner orangovillo po ont writes for sixteen long years i have been almost a constant martyr to asthma only an asthmatic could realize what i havo suffered many days and weeks i could not leavo the house and night after night could not ho down i spent many hundred dollars in search of a cure and tried nearly all our local doctors and some in toronto and became worse each year my druggist mr stevenson of orangeville recommended clarkes kola compound about two years ago i took in all about eighteen bottles of this grand medicine dur ing nine months each week i gra dually improved and am now com pletely cured it is now over a year sinco being cured and i have not had a single attack since and have gain ed much of my oldtime strength nnd weight no amount of money or anything else could estiinata its value to inc v signed allan faulkner i havo for years been personally acquainted with mr faulkner and can certify to the absolute truth of tlhc above statement i signed thos stevenson i druggist orangeville ont a free sample bottle will be sent to any person troubled with asthma enclose six cents in stamps for post age address the griffiths mnc- phcrson co limited 121 west church st toronto ont markctman oh yes mum thems young onions mrs buyzem but they have the odor of old ones markctman yes m theyre strong for their age for over fifty yeara mmwiirslowesootnimostrof hu been us by nitons of mother for their children wblla toethiof itsoothei tho child ofun the curat allanpsin carte wind eoue repilts the nomh sad bowels sod u the best triraedy for durrhas twentyate cents a botu bold h druiklsu throughout the world ms sura aof ask foi jatas wikslo wb sooinmo brawr hk sun savings and loan com- pany is celling stocks and debentures drawing stood rates of interest and takintf do- poetti theo opportunities for investment are i unequalled reliable agenta ora wanted i writo to the compapya address toronto tramped sorrowfully back i a tramp called to seo a well known gentleman and said ive walked many miles to sec you sir because people told mo that you was very kind to poor chaps like me oh they said so did they yes sir thats why i came and are you going back the same way 7i yes sir than just contradict it good morning mother how did this ink got all over this table small sonit ran out all by its own self as quick as the bottle upset john was mabel offended when you called on her with your face unshaven jim yes sho said she felt it very much from london chimneys 00000 tons of soot aro ycnrlyswept worth 5200000 among persons over 80 years of ago 1 in 50 is blind there aro 105000 britons living in tho united kingdom nt present who wcro born in the colonics during tho francogerman war 28500 french soldiers died of small pox whllo the germans who had been all vaccinated lost only 208 incredible hcthis author should be asham ed of himself a married man too i his wife what does ho say he hc says that a mans wifo gazod at him in speechless aston- isnment why such a thing is un known in matrimony i mrs muggins used to be so fond of fiction before 1 was married mrs ruggins and dont you read much now mrs muggins no after tho talcs my husband tells me about why he is so lute gettng home mere printed fiction seems loo tame and unimaginative minards liniment cures diphtheria not a wise man why is it that so few people seem anxious to talk to mr cni pington ho scents very well informed thats just the difficulty answered miss dimploton hes ono of thoso dreadful men who know enough to coirect your mistakes when you quote the classics nnd who dont know enough not to do it fiords ilfilraeni cures gorge m cows ninarfs- liniment cares distemper mistress to servant be careful not to spill any soup on the ladies laps biddy new in the service yes mum where shall i spill it deafness cannot be cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the oir there isonly one way to euro deafness and that is by const tui tlonal remedies deafness is caused by aq inflamed condition of tho raucous lining of th eustachian tube when this tube is in- flamed you have a rumblfmj sound or j m pari feet hearing and whim it is ontrely closed deafness is the result and unless tho inflara motion can bo taken out and this tube retcred to its normal condlticn hearing wmbe do atroyed forever nlno coses out of ten aro caused by cxtarrh which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surface wo will giro ono hundred doilarsfor ny case of deafness cauredty catirrh that can not be ourod by ilahs catrrhcure sord lor circulars free f j cheney co toledo o soldbydrosrgutf75c hairafamiiypihaaro tho best expensive mr ijinwod id liko to have hold of tho follow who inventod thoso long coats for women mr nebb why mr binwed why great scott they cost twice as much as one half as long minards liniment cures colds etc e is tho most common letter in 1000 letters e occurs 337 times in english 184 times in french 145 in spanish 178 in german w p c ior calverts carbolic ointment for all shin ailments t 0 calvort co hanohcitsr england the alarir in what did you stop tlmt clock your room or jany because mum llio plagucy thins lias somo sort of a fit ovcry mornin mum jest when i wants to sleep the 0bji3t of this aovmtiumehr is to ih0uce you to try metallie sktlmts gg cents suits cleaned or trd alto liditv wear of all klndt and hoimo hftnffnj pi titrj nloscriptlon cold meuaust dyers british american dybino coy montreal toronto ottana b quebec instrument drum uniform etc every town can have a band lowest pitdoe ovor quoted flo catalogue sooillastrauwiimliedfreo wrltoaeforanjr thing in maile er mmtejil inttrnmenk whjley koycs ft 00 limited toronto ont and winnipeg mux avodti rhotoitnuravlnif 8madtimdejy toronto dominion line steamships ueatreal to tlrarpool boston to uror- pool portland to lrrarpool via quttu town lrta4 raatsteaeufcini suptrior aooomnodauoi foralfelaueeolpaitencara baloou and buleroem araamidfhlpa- spocul attention baa bora r second saloon and thl rauaofpauacaaad all t of tho componr or d torraoc 40 voattmlaodporum torooot jal attention ha eorndton to thl thfrdcltm accommodation- foj ill eortfcttura applj to aaj afen slefcardamtllijtoo t r k aotte the m03t nutritious oi3sxoisr xs-a- qst a parti j iri7mtfti atrial ludpaofceta all grocer epps grateful- oom fortinq cocoa breakftstsuppep