Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 9, 1901, p. 9

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the stouffville teubune thursday june 20 1901 price in every thing always cut down living prices we would like to have you examine our seasonable goods and convince yourselves that the above is true ham mocks croquet screen doors and windows fence and barb wire paints of all kinds and enumerable other articles for indoors and out yours etc silvester doughert i i we have a fine line r f tweeds cheviots series worsteds beavers and whipcords for suitings and overcoats- satisfaction guaranteed dry goods underwear flannels yarns iviits caps c c a week from monday is dominica day i the easiest way to exchange small tills tor af large one is to go to law butter sold today at from 14 to lc and eggs at lqe an idea urnst fee awfully lonesome nhtn it gets in no mo peoples heads ilany a women has secured nlife- long job by marrying a man to re- j form 5iim champion raugd is the most ccoin- omtcal range in iho market t- e bargainsbargains in every depabtmeirx at we have a fresh stockof flaked bice zteans wheat oat meal wheatine swiss food granulated wheat acme manitoba and lily white flour canned goods extracts jelly powder fresh coffee and cheese blue fibbon and monsoon tea crockery and glassware jj rae the pioneer the tribune stouffville june 20 1901 0 local notices- all advance notices in the local columi s of tbe j mbunfc ul ilcttings or emeriuibimiiu t woich t influiitstou lee ia dmruta or lioai which a cuuury btmjit i derived must be pain lor at te rate ol seven ceuu permit eacu tuzvrtion no cartics less tnau twenty a cents vvnuu bills priutea ut ibis olbco or advertisement ot on- ietatutueuuttrtf inserted i briatioeui wilt jue fci vu ireti 1 v martin wheeled out homo from 2ronto on sunday mr and mrsj geo- wood pt carrvllq epent sunday atc kadmores t v bigham went to toronto juno- joh on saturday to visit friends v g kenipe and e a von busecfek fcpnt a few days in toronto this veek j i a good contingent from stouffvif- fwvntto toronto fin monday to vls the circus h jbkipk house to kent on mala jbtrcet apply to v kussel fitcli airister stouffvillc it feahtcr e b fliutf wheeled to torontoon sunday and took in the pvcus on monday joseph hoovers daughter cora un fortunately had her arm broken last ck vhilo playing teeter with lib fcij george the price of coal is likely to ad- vonca considerably before snov flies unless borne combine is formed to buccesafully compete with existing ccu instances kxcuiisoin- to guolplx model xarni on monday juno 24th train arivcb at stouffvillc at 810 a in owl reaches gueljph at 1005 ai m leaving for home tit 0 p m return fore from stouffvillc 120 cliiidren cic notice no matter whero you buy your boots and shoes bring them to vf lehman the neat and cheap re- iliitror rips sewed ljcge with half seeing w lehman eaat store in 14 toys hall on monday as bobort mead wlio la tig- for henry hoover a 1 mini driving thotteam witlu a load of pirtable fence nlongrftho lane toward ihovtli line 4n going down a hill the md slipped and throw him for ward canning him to fall between the tfhlffletrce nndt lie horse the front vheel ran over his shoulder but lie anunaged to keep out of the way cf ino hind wheel and avoided serious injury tho team raimpnst alon the la no about three quarters of a mile blattering tho panels as they went a 5 thoy approached the gate at tbe 7th they caughtup to abram hoover o was in tho inno and about to fpcn the gatcito go loutunon the 7th irc and twisted up his buggy badly vhcy then forced open the gate and jit out ttpory tho road but on being u med by abram hoover tc slop they at enen camcto a halt without hav ing done any damage either to tliem- selves or wagon for suph a serious runaway there was fortunately very little injury done ins mr mead wns oblo to go to work next day and a ujptcra horse did not attempt to run nwny after tho collision tho 8tomach or woo r the stomach is tba centra from which from tho standpoint of health flows weal woe a healthjritiomach means perfect ofestton perfect digestion means strong id steady nerve centres strong nerve centres mean rood circulation rich blood ftndgood health south american nervine tuivcs and keeps the stomach right 53 old koliabjfi drag store stourrvlllo w j smith of newmarket spent sunday at licime ilrs j pago and daughter miss emily ylsitqu over sunday withf mre fudloy the roof of mrs allen v premises opposite the queens hotel was rc- cruiingled lust vvluk the xackenham pork packing co of stouhwue has been incorpora ted with a capital of 100000 fok sale the old cheese factory building on the premises of j forsyth just east of the congregational chu- rch s i finest quality good health brand pastry flour at almira flour mills xv a all other brands for pastry gg0 ier bbl terms cash or exchanged for vheat or wool s- b lehman sons his many friends will nmcl regret to learn thatj abram hoi sy of almira is quite ill from watjer logging of the lungs he had been tapped sevemj times to givtfrelief butds not making much permanent imxjrovcmeut sheblopk quabtette dont fail to hear this excellent combination in the melville presbyterian church gth line markham on tuesday even ing june 25th a twohour prcf gram of fine singing doors openat 8 admission 23c and 15c ontario county council ihas decided to locate the poor house on the orin- iston estate situatedj in a central po- jtion in tho town of whltoy the price paid for the 45 acres was 75 an acre and the huildlngsire estima ted at s15000- t 1 look out fob fike faro you ready to put in your coal wt are liaudling the two best grades lehcv gh valley and scran ton for delivery thl sinonth wo quote 350 per ton the kennedy davis milling co f -v- u i v the servant girl4 of chicago are or ganizing for shorter hours and bet ter pay they wanq the washing and ironing tent out in short a good time and as little tin possible to do is their ideal of work with the gov eminent of the household thrown in obedience to the powers thatl be is not in thelif catalogue of duties while mr c stover of pickering township and mrss burner nvcru drl ving along the ninth lino whitchurch at e j c morris tho horse took fright and ran away throwing out boili occupants mrs banter unfor tunately bad her collar bonei broken and received a bad shakingoip imljt is to hoped that she may soon be fully recovered one day last week as orval hester wuh preparing to come u town with horse and buggy and had got on tho to wnii no while he was hutting flie gate tho horso started ho quickly grabbed one line but it broke and the animal turned orund and jumping tho fence alongside the gate ran with tho buggy back tho lane towards tho woods tho rig was pretty badly wricked among tho feat ureas of japans military system itf tho fact that on the army pay rolls aro 200q tailors 1000 shoemakers 10000 grooms and 1500 attendants says thu whhih iington times the medical staff is one of tho inost complete in either europe or asia all officers holding only temporary com missioned rank are included in tho iwt of petty offl- bev j armstrong of thoj west end intends soon to remove to chicago iliss libbie bentley returned from a weeks visit with frieudti in toron to mr sporford is still quitiv ill but is fomewhat better than he waaf a few ill ays ago mrs d widemanof thttsth line of markliani is quitciill but is iiopedsho may eoon recover in mexico 2181 new mines were j opened up in 1000 and the copper ex ports for 1900 were valued at over five million dollars to kent a good 3roomed frame house in the west end stouffvilleiu good condition apply to j- h bat- liffe- t 11 tho sutton flyer started on satur day last on its first trip this season it arrives hero at 30 p m every saturday we arc pleased to noto that mrs b b hastings of the 7th lino whit church is ablofto bo round again af ter her recent illness sebvant wanteda goodf trust worthy general sevanrt wagesjl0 per iuonth apply at onctf to mrs b l- mccormack 33g annette st twest toronto jet general botha is expected tof meet kitolicner next woo kto discuss con ditions of peace and is likely to repu diate kruger who is unwilling tocon- pede anything there was a largo contingent of ticket sellers for different entertain ments in evidence in town this week some of our business men consider that discrimination should ho made in the matter as they should not bo re garded as general financiers for every such enterprise i i tho glasgow methodisf s school purpose holding children day sorvica on sabbath juno 23rd at 230 pre sident underwood and expresident boss of 011ks school association arc expected to be present and address tho school also bev dr campbell presbyterian minister of claromonl will deliver an address singing by tho children of tho school all are weseomo mrs e s cooper of toronto is vis iting mrs cvismer miss wootten anitmr boyd of new t spent sunday at cbas- wis- niers miss fritz wells of aurora visited her aunt mrs simeon stouffor this week hairy fleuiy of aurora spodt a fow days tliis week with friends in town 1 farm fob sale 110 acres 23 acres of uncalled hardwood within 3 miles of stouffvillef apply towj stark the announcement is made that a aophnlt deposit husjbeen discovered in the vicinity of hoggs hollow on yon ge street wc arq afraid the report is too good to bo true trull j the wheat yield of manitoba this tiear is expected to reach 15 millions bushels mr david sypher has been uncon scious since sunday and is in a very low condition t for sale a w2llbrcd jcrseyjcow three years old will bo fresh tho inst of june perfectly quiet apply to e 3joothby blacksmith altona mr and mrs- p g tutton or ring- wood went to toronto yesterday tnormiig and mrs button proceeded to her old home at crosco ia to vis it her slstcrf who is seriously ill comfplaint is being made that tba ditches on tho ninth line of markham in the swamp just south of town are being made the dumping ground for all sorts of refuse from ithe shops and backyards of town- also tho soda on the roadside is being cut and taken away now the council of markhajui township calls a halt and tho guilty parties had butter desist for tho fu ture in doing any suchi things on tho public highways of this township the pastor of the congregational church will preach next sunday mom ing on christ a personal power and in the evening on death and nflr in the light of modern know ledge action has been jtakuo by the coun cil of barriufto have all barberry hed ges in and around town destroyed this shrub is known to bo tho home of rust which is so detri mental to ah groin crops and should bo destroyed according provisions of the ontario statutes in that behalf everybody is talking about the bargains and the great wonder is how can he sell so cheap think of it suits of clothes from 125 and upward dress goods simply worth double what you can get it for prints why for 6c i can get as good as i would have to pay 10c to 12c for any where else and all through this big store is just crowded with bargains if you have never been therego and see for yourself and be convinced that 5 m- warriner f 7 is the man for bargains cook at her home in toronto on wednesday june 19th eliza re lict of tho late thomast cook for merly of iemonvillo in her 71st year funeral from stouffvillc station tomorrow friday at 9 a m to icmonvjiuo pilldosed with nauseous big purgers prejudice people against pills generally dr agnews liver pills are revolutionizing the pill demand theyre so pleasant and easy to taka the doses are small and so is tho price to cents for 40 doses bilious ness sick headache constipation dis pelled works liko a charm 53 old reliable prug store stouffvllla are you tired j jj you have of the s been using yes we know it and for six months we have been trying to get you what you want and now we have it the best sugar in county bold statements but we can back it up we know what we are talking abou not only as good t e but tlie best a one of the wholesalers handle it a jobber got a car fori a confectioner and we received a good slice of it sb come with the rush and secure some of it to prove our state menton thursday and saturday we will give you the chance to try some of it at the following prices rich golden yellow pure cane delicious flavor 24 lbs for 1 pre gvanulateti so lbs for 1 ah xiuas candies and fruits ac a sacrifice have you tried our beautiful table syrup if not vou do not know what you are missing 20 lbs mow prunes for 1 ratcliffe co s vithotikh it has been proved that the greater number of tho products of putrefaction known as ptomnlnetj are not poisonouk bclence has not been able to distinguish preventively between the deadly and tho harm less it ik rarely even in eaven cc death from ptomaines nolhoniiitlmt tho elusive ptomaluo has been die- cohered in siieceediujj evamiuatlonk cliemlcal agents aro discovered knemu to indicate thef preseneo of tonialnrs hut tho skilled chemist has found at the end of long and careful nnalysls that somehow the putrefactive alk aloid lias decomposed evaporated or been destroyed by a reagent lie used clio fact that tho polsonj is of putro foctivo origin rvcj weight to the pre caution that fooil to be harmless must bo absolutely frcslij and prepared with thu greatest careand in this consist all tho safeguards possible against tomaines esponse to our usiness sale for i9 cents you can buy flower vases mustafd pots china tooth brush holders china flower baskets lovely china chips and saucers hock china tea pots gilt edge china pitcher china candle slicks china butter dishes china sugar bowels hock china pitchers or china cream pitchers all 19c our chance our change in the hardware business has brought hundred of now customers to both our big stores and were highly de lighted with the goods and prices also silver jewel cases large china vases large tin dish pans tin flour sifters tin cullenders cake tins 10 qt tin pails flowered tea trays granite covered sauce spice boxes granite fry ing pans granite covered pails steel frying pans dinner pails vegatable slicers folding dinner pails fruit pres sors gallon jars no 8 steamers all for 19 cents itqr lo ob2ntts yon cin toy n stovo brush nml tin cups dish pans cim- hammers flowered flint glass goblets duly ten ketlec plo crinipor pjrfwmo ioitl3 in rilivcr casliiks lanov cui cud saucers china mix howls lamp shades tin pails vases graiilto pudding dishes china pltohorsvlno- irir ii mills iriiu illleis iimlliiijim teapots sanco pans milkstrainors granite colfeo potts good tin dippers square pio pans soup ladles wire potatoes mashers kino stoppers covered tin pails jiickol plated btovo lifters or towol hollers ali at 10c each for 5 cents vou can buy cup nml saucers china mugs jelly jars vases picturb holders wire ta stralnesitin dippers scrub brushes matehsafes goblets rolling pliitf wire potato mnsliors sosong mnohlno ol largo grabcrs syrup jugs spoon holdors piokloi dishes itln pudding dlshos tin plo plates tin strainers shoo polish kgg lifters ligg beaters screiv drl vers tin ollors wood potato masters mouse traps firoshovolsstoff8 lifters milk crocks china pitchers cake cutters desert and table spoons knitting pins whisks bona dishes and pin trays soup ladles soup plates dinner and tea plates all for co i v lj j jj t twltchy muscles and slccp- losonoss tho hopeless heart sickness that settleson ft man or woman whoso nerves are shattered by disease can best be pictured lo contrast with a patient who has been in tba deptbj and has been dragged from them by south american nervine george webster oi forest ont says i owo my ufa to it everything else failed to cure 44 old rcllablo drug storo stouffvlllo our car plymouth binder twine is going like hot cakes this week old price yet 200 carpet slretchors worth 150 onch will go at 25c each during tha salo only ltoi enchbuyor t00 lamps nil styles at ha price ono special lino is a 2 lamp with globo and nil completo 75c sco our 1 lawn mowers best in town now soiling at 247 1 1 i tho largest and best stock of ready mixed paints in town nfe wholesale prices 110 kegs best vilro nails tons or crows undbolts mil less than whole salo prlco 1 i iure baden llnsccct oil cheap genuine xuro whito lead at 050 per 100 lbs over 50 imperial oxford ranges stoves and quick meal oil stoves to be sacriced over two hundred odd pieces of silver worth 1 to stfmv must bo soldat 155 during tho sale consisting of cruets biscuit jars cake baskots teapots cream jugs syrup jugs iicklo cruets fruit dishes also plushcascd clooks gilt mantle sholfe uat racks all go at tho 155 each if your order is in kindly call for twine and if not in leave it h best sarnia prime white coal oil 13 cents and water white 17 centa wnsli tubs wringers washing machines spray pumps clothes racks churns brooms dont miss thb clearing sale all must bo sold by july 20th brushes c c nil at clearing prices i ihmoth fair cd i- m

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